

Date ___________ Block _____


Title: The title should describe what the experiment is about. It should be specific, NOT a general statement.

Good Example: Do mealworms prefer apples or bananas?

Bad Example: Mealworms

Write your title here. ______________________________________________

Purpose/Objective: The purpose of the lab is a question that should be clearly stated. Also include a brief description of how the experiment will be tested.


Hypothesis: What do you predict the outcome will be? The hypothesis can be stated as an if..., then... statement. Do NOT use I think... The hypothesis is an educated guess about the outcome of the experiment. The hypothesis does not have to be the correct outcome.


Materials: List all materials that you will use. Also list precise amounts of each material used.

Ex: 15 mealworms or 100 ml water

Do NOT write down "a few mealworms" or "water"

Procedure: The procedure should be listed in numbered steps. It should be written in complete sentences and in the past tense. The procedure should be detailed enough for someone else to exactly repeat all of the steps.









Safety: List any safety rules that should be followed.

Data & Results: This section should include a table or chart and a graph of the data. Include any calculations that you may have made. You should also explain the results in words. This should be the longest part of the lab report. (Staple your graph to this paper. Describe what the graph is showing on the lines below.)






Conclusion: Your conclusion should state whether or not the data supports or rejects the hypothesis. Explain why it supports or rejects the hypothesis. Discuss any possible error that may have skewed the results. (Most experiments have possible error.) If your hypothesis is rejected then you should suggest a new hypothesis bade on you findings.








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