Why is First Baptist Church

102870000Are You Ready…to Live? Hebrews 9:1-28What kind of preparations have you made for “the rest of your days”?1. _____ God with you’ve ____ and _______ as ___________!1) Not until you have “made peace with your Maker” and committed yourself to a life of love, are you prepared to live the life God desires. (Matthew 22:36-40)2) The _______ that you love God is found in how you ______ others…____________ and ____________. 1 John (read it!)How is your love life? Read 1 Corinthians 13!2. ___________ diligently to ________ God’s ____ and _______ for your life…then _____________ _________ it! 1) ______ to understand your ________! S_________________H_______A____________P_____________E____________2) _____ your ______ with a trusted Christian friend and start ______! You are destined to become God‘s masterpiece if, and only if, you decide to cooperate with His plan for your life.3. _________ yourself even as you forgive others.1) What have you failed to forgive yourself for? _________________2) Who needs to be forgiven by you? ___________________“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Jesus, Matthew 6:14-15)4. _______ great things ____ God; ________ great things ___ God! 1) ____ like it all depends on ____; _____ like it all depends on ____!2) _________ your _____ and _____ through Bible study, prayer, and humble service!A Preparation Checklist for Living1. When did you embrace the Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? (Ephesians 2:8-10) ___________________2. Describe your SHAPE by defining those 5 elements of who you are?My spiritual gifts are __________________________.My heart beats for ____________________________.My abilities include ____________________________.My personality is _____________________________.My experiences have been _____________________.3. How are you living out your faith in harmony with your SHAPE? ____________________________________4. Have you made peace with your past…the good, the bad, and the ugly? __Yes __No Share your story with someone within the next 168 hours! Who? ___________ When? _______________5. What is your “priority list”—things you believe you should accomplish in the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years? Write those down if you truly want to get them done! ________________________________6. Define/describe the type of legacy you believe you are leaving…in what ways are you creating that legacy each day? _______________________________________7. Are others being moved closer to Jesus because of how you live each day? __ YES___ NO 150114017970500 ................

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