


Europeans Colonize Africa

Objective: Students will examine the economic reasons and methods of European colonization of Africa.

I. Before you read- answer using complete sentences.

A. Why would Europeans want a colony?

B. What problems could occur if a country tries to colonize another group of people’s land and resources?

II. While you read—Use the reading The Age of Imperialism: Europe Colonizes Africa complete the web as you read.

Part II

Use the reading, The Age of Imperialism: Europe Colonizes Africa to identify the reasons why Africa was the continent most affected by European imperialism.


III. After you read-Answer using complete sentences.

A. What are three possible methods that the Europeans could use to get the resources that they want from Africa? Next to each method, write a “+” if the method is peaceful or positive or write a “-“ if the method is violent or negative.




B. Imagine you are a European in favor of colonizing Africa. It is your job to persuade your fellow countrymen of the importance of colonizing Africa and to recommend the method you believe most likely to be successful in getting the resources you need. Be sure to include details from the text and lesson to support your argument.

Dear Country Men, _________________________________________












_________________________________________________ Sincerely,


(Sign your name here)

The Age of Imperialism: Europe Colonizes Africa

The nineteenth century was known as the Age of Imperialism. Imperialism was a policy used by governments to extend their power over foreign places. Most of the time, countries did this by invading another place and setting up a government there. This place or territory was called a colony. A colony is a settlement in one land ruled by the government of another country. This policy of invading and establishing other places is known as colonialism or the rule of a group of people by a foreign power. The United States of America began as a collection of thirteen colonies that were under the rule of Great Britain. Countries use the policy of imperialism for many reasons but mainly to exploit the weaker territory and use the weaker territory’s resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country. During the nineteenth century Africa was the continent most affected by imperialism and colonialism. Why was Africa so easily taken advantage of?

Geographic Factors Influencing Imperialism

There were many reasons why Africa was so greatly impacted by European imperialism. As we have learned in previous lessons, geography has a great impact on people. This is one explanation why European imperialism had such a great influence on Africa; Southern Europe and Northern Africa are located very close to each together, the two continents are only miles apart. Another reason is the geography of Africa itself. In the north is the Sahara, the world’s largest desert. In central Africa is dense tropical rainforests, some of the least explored places on earth. The rivers in Africa are also difficult to navigate because of rapids and falls. African geography isolates the people of Africa. Because African tribes were isolated they could not untie and defend themselves against the invading European countries which came to establish colonies. This isolation also kept African tribes from getting technology and weapons which would help defend against the European armies. African geography helped European countries establish colonies.

Economic Opportunities in Africa

Due to their close location, Europe was interested in exploring Africa. In the ports along the North African coast Europeans had seen the goods of the Arab traders: large quantities of gold, salt, grains, ivory, and cooper. As we have learned in previous lessons, Europeans realized Africa was rich in natural resources. Africa had mineral resources like gold mines in West Africa, copper in Central Africa, and diamonds in South Africa. Africa also had another valuable resource: people. Africans were taken and old as slaves. Europeans established colonies in Africa to take advantage of these resources and get rich.

European countries bought these natural resources back to their factories in Europe and manufactured these raw materials into manufactured goods. When Europeans returned to Africa for more resources they brought back these goods and sold them to Africa. Africa became a new market for Europe to see goods.

Political Reasons for Colonizing Africa

There were political reasons why Africa was the most colonized continent at this time. Great Britain had lost their thirteen North American colonies when the United States won the American Revolutionary War in 1783. They looked to Africa which was close and untouched by Europeans. European countries believed if they controlled the most colonies this would make them seem more powerful compared to the other European countries. European countries wanted power and prestige, or high standing among others. By the late 1880s European countries hurried to acquire colonies in Africa. One European newspaper called this rush “the scramble for Africa.” For the next 50 years, decisions affecting Africa were made not in Africa but in Europe. This Age of Imperialism effect Africa to this day.


Reasons why Africa was most affected by European Imperialism

Geographic Reasons

1. ______________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________


Economic Reasons

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Political Reason



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