State of Wyoming ) County of Wyoming ) April 11, 2017

State of Wyoming


County of Wyoming


School District No. Two )

April 11, 2017

The Board of Trustees of School District No. Two, in the County of Sweetwater and the State of Wyoming, met in regular session on April 11, 2017 at the Central Administration Building, Green River, Wyoming pursuant to notice and due call given each member of the Board of Trustees of said District. Brenda Roosa, Chairman of the Board and a member thereof called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present:

Brenda Roosa John Malone Steve Core Corina Tynsky Mark Sanders Ann Rudoff Robin Steiss

Others present were: Donna Little-Kaumo, Jason Fuss, Tony Beardsley, Doug Hamel, David Martin, Gregory R. C. Hasman, Stan Blake, Phil Harder, Alan Demaret, Oscar Barton, Dan Hansen, Linda Martin, Pete Brandjord and Mary Flom.



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brenda Roosa at 7:00PM.


Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance



Public Comments

Representative Stan Blake stated that he just want to say that he supports the Board's efforts in looking at litigation against the State of Wyoming.


"Gimme A Break" Presentation and Drawing (Little-Kaumo)


Superintendent Little-Kaumo commented that Lynn Legerski had April 5th off and then a field trip planned for "us" at CAT Equipment in Rock Springs, Wyoming on April 6th, so the students had a blast out there and Legerski was very appreciative of her time. Superintendent Little-Kaumo didn't get a lot of pictures, because the students were too busy picking up boulders and doing all kinds of stuff. Legerski did want to tell the Board thank you very much for the "Gimme A Break" process as she loved it.

The last "Gimme A Break" recipient will be Courtney Kuball, School Nurse at Harrison Elementary. It was suggested that Mark Sanders should go, which was met with laughter. "We" will let Kuball know that she is going to get a little time off and "we'll" figure out how "we" are going to cover that one.

The staff still continues to love this and this program has been going on over 10 years now and Doug Hamel has still complained that his name has not come out; but "we" do add new employees in the fall, so statistically the odds continue to change and grow against you Hamel. That is probably why your name has not come out yet. It has been a real positive program and people love that "we" step into their shoes for a day. Superintendent Little-Kaumo will let Courtney Kuball know that she is the next recipient.



Approval of Agenda

Mark Sanders moved, seconded by Robin Steiss to approve the agenda.

Chairman Roosa asked that a motion be made to amend the agenda to move the Executive Session to 6.0; right after District goals.

John Malone moved, seconded by Corina Tynsky to amend the agenda to move the Executive Session to 6.0. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Roosa asked for the approval of the agenda as amended, motion carried unanimously.


4.01 Approval of Consent Agenda Items 4.01 through 4.10

John Malone moved, seconded by Robin Steiss to approve the consent agenda.

Steve Core stated that he has a question, but Chairman Roosa stated that if there is a question, it will have to be pulled off of the consent agenda to discuss. Core stated we have to pull it off; which Chairman Roosa stated in the affirmative. Core then stated that he guesses he doesn't have a question.

Motion carried unanimously.



5.01 Hear Report on National School Board Conference

Chairman Roosa stated that there were several members of the Board that attended the National School Board Conference and would like to hear from the members, if they would like share.

Robin Steiss stated that she went to several sessions, but a couple that stood out was "How to Deal with Negative People" and Steiss thought that with all of the cuts that the District is making right now it would be good to come up with some ideas on how to do that. It was interesting that one of the major comments was that it is really hard to change people that are in that negative spot and the only way that you can do that is to continue to give them the information that they need and hope that they are swayed; and there is a lot of detail, but this is the summary of it. This was pretty interesting to just remember to be patient and to let the people have their say and then move on, you have too.

Mark Sanders commented that he went to the new Board member training stuff, so it was really good to get to talk to other Board members from different areas and it was really interesting and Sanders learned a lot. It was a very well run conference and a well put together program. Sanders appreciated getting to go and learn. Hopefully that will translate into positive stuff.

John Malone stated that he was at this meeting and it was being run by a school board in Indiana and the entire board was there as well as their Superintendent. One of the things that was brought up was that "they" published their board agenda and minutes and meetings in the local paper. A board member from a school in Oklahoma thought that that was the most wonderful thing that they have ever heard, that they would actually publish that stuff. Malone realized that a lot of stuff "we" take for granted is not the way it runs in a lot of districts. Malone knows that that lady from the Oklahoma school board went to her next school board meeting, I would guess, you will never believe what I learned at the National School Board Conference and whatever her board members are, they will either approve of it or not. That is the sort of thing that you come up against that "we" just take for granted.

Corina Tynsky commented that I like Mark Sanders attended most of the new Board member trainings, so that Tynsky could get an idea of what her role is and how I can play an important role in serving on the Board. What Tynsky found enlightening was being able to talk to other new school board members as well as board members who have been there for a while, and just hearing their stories and just knowing that "we" are not the only ones struggling and "we" are not the only ones facing the challenges; the whole country is and it is just nice hearing the stories and just how they are getting by things and the ideas that they are coming up with, so hopefully Tynsky can share those, and can keep a positive light on what "we" have in front of us.

Chairman Roosa stated that there were several meetings and we got to listen to Ariana Huffington, who talked about getting a good night's sleep and turning off electronics and it was really interesting as it wasn't what Chairman Roosa was thinking about coming from an author and it


was like "Wow", just disconnecting. The other thing was that there was a local school district that presented, Hot Springs County School District #1 from Thermopolis, Wyoming, and they presented the running of their board as a PLC, so Chairman Roosa brought that back to "our" Board and hopefully "we" will implement some of the ideas that they shared that has worked well for them. It was a great conference and it was nice to have it so close to our hometown and the weather cooperated and it was a great opportunity to learn.

5.02 Hear Report on McKinnon Elementary Meet and Greet held on April 5th, 2017

Chairman Roosa stated that there was a Meet and Greet last week on Wednesday, April 5th and Chairman Roosa stated that she did not read the comment section on limiting comments but will read it next time. There was some good input from "our" patrons at McKinnon.

John Malone thinks against that it was 100% parent participation at the McKinnon Meet and Greet or it was awfully close.

Chairman Roosa stated that "they" were very appreciative of the issues that the District corrected from last year, so Chairman Roosa was happy about that. "They" did have some suggestions for the Science curriculum and "they" were worried to about the budget cuts. "We" love meeting with "our" little rural schools.

Robin Steiss commented that she just loved going out there because "they" are a very positive group and are so thankful for all that "we" do for them and it is really nice to sit and hear that and being encouraged by that. It just reminds "us" that "we" are doing the right thing and it was good to hear.

5.03 Negotiations with Green River Education Association on May 5th and 6th, 2017

Chairman Roosa stated that it is just a reminder that "we" are doing negotiations with the Green River Education Association on May 5th and Saturday morning is always scheduled as an "if needed meeting". "We" typically do meetings during the week where Pete Brandjord, Business Manager, will take "us" through the funding model again and what GREA is asking and what "we" are proposing, so Superintendent Little-Kaumo will be getting the meeting information out to us. Please make sure that "we" are all in attendance for the May 5th meeting.

Ann Rudoff asked when does the meeting start, which Chairman Roosa and Superintendent LittleKaumo responded that it starts at 5:00PM.


6.01 Personnel/Litigation

Chairman Roosa stated she needs a motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel and potential litigation.


Corina Tynsky moved, seconded by John Malone to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel and litigation at 7:14PM. Motion carried unanimously.

John Malone moved, seconded by Corina Tynsky to come out of the Executive Session at 7:44PM. Motion carried unanimously.


7.01 Consider Approval of Certified Retirement Request (Fuss)

Jason Fuss, Human Resources Director, stated that there is one retirement at this time for tonight and that is Brenda Skorcz from Green River High School. Skorcz has had a nice run and congratulations to Skorcz.

Teacher Brenda Skorcz

Position Special Education

Location Green River High School

Ann Rudoff moved, seconded by Robin Steiss to approve the certified resignation of Brenda Skorcz.

Ann Rudoff stated that Skorcz has been wonderful up there and gave a lot of hours.

Robin Steiss commented that she got to work with Skorcz for a lot of years.

Motion carried unanimously.

7.01 Consider Approval of Certified Resignation Requests (Fuss)

Jason Fuss, Human Resources Director, stated that tonight there are two certified resignations and they are:

Teacher Barbara Harpole Kevin Dickson

Position School Psychologist Spanish

Location Lincoln Middle School Green River High School

Robin Steiss moved, seconded by John Malone to approve the resignations of Barbara Harpole and Kevin Dickson.

Steve Core asked Fuss if there was a letter from Mr. Dickson; which Fuss responded in the affirmative. Core then asked if "we" have copies of the letter, which Fuss responded that "we" received that letter late yesterday and is sorry that it didn't make it into Board Docs. Core commented that he would like to see the letter eventually.

Motion carried unanimously.

7.03 Consider Approval of 2017-2018 Certified Contracts (Fuss)



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