Chapter 11 Study Guide

Study Guide


Industrial Revolution famine

factory system nativists

capitalists discrimination

mass production cotton gin

interchangeable parts spirituals

urbanization toll road

telegraph canal


Richard Arkwright John Russwurm

Samuel Slater Eli Whitney

Francis Cabot Lowell Norbert Rillieux

Eli Whitney Henry Blair

Samuel F.B. Morse Nat Turner

Cyrus McCormick Daniel Boone

Elias Howe Henry Clay

Isaac Singer

Robert Fulton

Peter Cooper

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

What invention speeded up the thread-making process?

How did the factory system change the textile industry?

Why did factory owners need capitalists?

What were the disadvantages of building factories on riverbanks?

How did the steam engine change the factory system?

Describe Slater’s involvement in the Industrial Revolution in America.

Where did American industrialization begin? Why?

Why did the War of 1812 change industry significantly?

How did Francis Cabot Lowell change the textile industry?

How was the Lowell factory system different from the European factory system?

What was life like as a “Lowell girl”?

How did interchangeable parts change industry?

Describe the way children were used in industry.

What were factory conditions like?

What was the largest American city in 1790?

How did urbanization change cities?

What problems did urban cities face?

What invention improved communication and how was it utilized?

How did the mechanical reaper change agriculture?

How did advancements in agricultural technology change the work force?

What were the technological changes using fabric?

What area of the country had the most business investments?

How did steamboats and steamships change travel on water?

Which invention made the greatest impact bring raw materials, manufacturers, and markets together? Why?

What was the first railroad and how was it operated?

How did Cooper’s invention change the railroad?

When did the US have a huge population increase? Where did most of the immigrants come from? Why did they come?

How did the Irish potato famine affect immigration? What jobs did the Irish immigrants take?

Why did Germans immigrate to US? Where did they move to in US?

Why did nativists oppose the Irish immigrants?

What were the Know-Nothings and why did they eventually dissolve?

What types of discrimination did African Americans face?

Why did African Americans begin their own newspaper?

What two events (related to cotton) changed life in the South? Why?

How did slavery change in the South after the invention of the cotton gin?

Describe the types of farms in the South and how slaves were used, if at all.

What was the fear of southern whites about slavery?

What were the arguments for and against slavery?

What percent of Africans in US were free? What rights were denied free Africans?

What were slave codes? How were slaves treated?

How did slavery change after 1808?

What African customs were passed down the generations?

How did slaves show resistance?

What was the Nat Turner rebellion?

What was the Wilderness Road and how did it benefit settler?

Why types of people increased the population in the West?

When did Ohio become a state?

What were the Lancaster Turnpike and National Road?

Why were canals built? What directions did they go?

Why did New York City become the richest city in the US?

What were the 3 parts of the Missouri Compromise?

Why was the Missouri Compromise needed?

Why was Jefferson alarmed by the debate over the Missouri Compromise?


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