Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

TASK: Write a four to eight paragraph essay on Joseph Stalin.Your essay should answer the following essay question: PROMPT: Was Joseph Stalin a national hero who modernized his country or was he an evil dictator who violated the human rights of millions of people? Suggested Outline for an eight paragraph essay in list below. YOU MAY COMBINE SOME OF THE TOPICS IF YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE LESS THAN EIGHT PARAGRAPHS: I. Introduction Guiding questions: Who was Josef Stalin? When did he rule? How should he be remembered?II. Background on Communism and the Russian Revolution Guiding questions: What is Communism? Who is the father of Communism? Why did Russian have a revolution? Who led the revolution? III. Stalin’s rise to power Guiding questions: What role did Stalin play in this the revolution? What type of relationship did Stalin have with Lenin? How did Stalin gain power in the Soviet Union? What did he do to his political opponent Leon Trotsky? IV. Collectivism & Five Year PlanGuiding questions: What was Collectivism? What was the purpose of Collectivism? Where did d the food go? What impact did collectivization of agriculture have on the Soviet Union? What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plan? What did Stalin build? What did Stalin focus on producing? V. Forced Famine in the Ukraine & Purges Guiding questions: What was the Forced Famine in the Ukraine? How many people died? Why did they die? What was the purpose of Stalin’s Purges? What was a gulag and what happened there? What impact did the purges and forced famine have on the Russian people? How did these events strength Stalin’s control over Russia? VI WWII and defeat of Hitler Guiding questions: What was the NON-Aggression Pact? Why did Hitler invade Russia? How did Stalin defeat Hitler? VIII. Conclusion – Summarize the major points of your essay. Make a closing statement that reflects how you think he should be remembered historically. You should be able to use the resources below to write your paper. Resources: Video: : . ................

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