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Grade 8 U.S. History (C3) Quiz Answer KeyCauses and Events of the American Revolution - (1.1) Effects Of The French & Indian WarStudent Name:?_______________________Date:?_________Teacher Name: Bart JonesScore:?_________1)"And We do further declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleasure, for the present as aforesaid, to reserve under our Sovereignty, Protection, and Dominion, for the use of the said Indians, all the Lands and Territories not included within the Limits of Our said Three new Governments,.. as also all the Lands and Territories lying to the Westward of the Sources of the Rivers which fall into the Sea from the West and North West as aforesaid.And We do hereby strictly forbid, on Pain of our Displeasure, all our loving Subjects from making any Purchases or Settlements whatever, or taking Possession of any of the Lands above reserved..."- excerpt from the "Proclamation of 1763" (treaty signed at the end of the French & Indian War)Based on this passage, what is the BEST reason why the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War) led to the American revolution?A)The colonists had to pay more money for land due to high taxes passed after the French & Indian War.B)The colonists resented that they were not able to settle on land that Great Britain took after the French & Indian war.C)The colonists were forced to give up land to the Native Americans in return for their support during the French & Indian War.D)The colonists were forbidden from selling any land to Native American tribes without the permission of the British government after the French & Indian War.2)"It was in this scene of strife and bloodshed, that the incidents we shall attempt to relate occurred, during the third year of the war which England and France last waged, for the possession of a country, that neither was destined to retain."--James Fenimore Cooper,The Last of the MohicansWhat was the source of the "strife and bloodshed" that Cooper was writing about?A)the French and Indian WarB)the American RevolutionC)the "Trail of Tears"D)"Bleeding Kansas"3)?The British Empire imposed and increased taxes on specific items in the American colonies which made these items more expensive. What was one of the MOST important consequences of this?A)People couldn't buy what they used to buy.B)Disatisfaction led to the American Revolution.C)It made the colonists more submissive for fear of more taxes.D)The higher prices made people more creative in finding alternate items for use.4)?In 1754, Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan of Union. Which statement BEST describes the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?A)It put for a strategy for the colonies to unite and form a new country.B)It suggested that the colonies ally with each other for defense.C)It was meant to put an end to the French and Indian War.D)It sought to prevent Great Britain from invading.5)?Part of the American colonists' anger towards Britain prior to the American Revolution stemmed from the fact thatA)colonists were against paying taxes in any form, regardless of the source of that taxation.B)Britain had not enforced trade policies for a long time, and then began enforcing them to support the Seven Years' War.C)Parliament passed a law requiring all male colonists to join local militias to defend against the threat of Indian attacks.D)King George III forced the removal of Indians from their land, despite the wishes of the colonists and the British Parliament.6)?After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763 which made the colonists angry becauseA)it did not allow them to settle on land west of the Appalachian mountains.B)it passed a tax on items such as newspapers, wills and contracts.C)it forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers.D)it took away their representation in Parliament.7)?Why did American colonists resent British taxes?A)American colonists were unhappy that the high taxes were keeping the nobility in luxury.B)Unlike American colonists, people who lived in Great Britain did not have to pay any duties .C)Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did.D)Great Britain did not offer the American colonists any protection from the French and the Indians.8)?The Appalachian Mountains had what effect on the people of the thirteen original colonies?A)they acted as a barrier to further settlement to the westB)they provided protection to the colonists from invading IndiansC)they provided protection to the colonists from Spanish conquistadorsD)animals lived there and were an important food source to major cities in the East9)?Which of these events?first?resulted in a change in British Policy toward the American colonists and the establishment of taxes on the Colonial subjects?A)the War of Jenkin's EarB)the French and Indian WarC)the Battle of Lexington and ConcordD)beginning of the American Revolution10)This cartoon was created in 1754 by a colonial artist, scientist, humorist, and politician who urged colonial unity in conflicts with France.Name the Pennsylvania cartoonist who would go on to be a signer of the?Declaration of Independence?just 12 years later.A)William PennB)John DickinsonC)Thomas JeffersonD)Benjamin Franklin11)?Which of these played an important role in causing the American Revolution?A)slaveryB)the War of 1812C)the French and Indian WarD)Indian rebellions in the Ohio Territory12)?This revenue law of the British parliament succeeded in angering the colonists, but failed to raise a single penny in taxes.A)The Tea Act.B)The Stamp Act.C)The Sugar Act.D)The Townshend Acts.13)What would be the MOST LIKELY geological feature that influenced the drawing of the Proclamation of 1763?A)Ohio RiverB)Rocky MountainsC)Mississippi RiverD)Appalachian Mountains14)?Which of these conflicts gave the British Empire effective control over North America in the 18th century?A)The War of 1812B)The Napoleonic WarsC)The War of Spanish SuccessionD)The Seven Years/French and Indian War15)?Colonists, especially Patriots, reacted strongly to the series of taxes levied by the British in the years leading up to the American Revolution. The new taxes, and the extreme measures taken to enforce the taxes, contrasted tremendously with the period during which Great Britain did not enforce laws in the American Colonies. This lack of supervision is calledA)Salutary neglectB)Prolonged isolationC)Virtual representationD)Coherent imperial policy16)?The MAIN reason why Britain's American colonies were most angered by the taxes imposed on them by Britain was becauseA)very few colonists were making enough money to be taxed.B)the colonists felt like they had no say in the taxation.C)most colonists did not consider themselves British subjects.D)the colonists felt like they were still endangered by the Spanish.17)The Proclamation Line of 1763 runs roughly along theA)Ohio River.B)Rocky Mountains.C)Mississippi River.D)Appalachian Mountains.18)This map shows the Proclamation Line of 1763, which was created after the end of the French and Indian War. Why were colonists offended by the Proclamation Line?A)Land cost more on the west side of the line.B)Indians were allowed to live on the east side of the line.C)They were not legally allowed to settle to the east of the line.D)They were not legally allowed to settle to the west of the line.19)?The French-Indian/Seven Years War is often viewed by historians as being a factor in causing the American Revolution. Which of these BEST explains why this might be the case?A)The Indians believed the colonists would return seized lands to them.B)The British were able to defeat the French in North America, Asia, and at sea.C)The high cost of the war meant Parliament had to create new taxes in the American colonies.D)The French were never truly expelled and played a large role in stirring-up colonial discontent.20)?The French-Indian War (1756 - 1763) was part of a larger conflict between Britain and France called theA)Great War.B)Seven Years War.C)War of the Roses.D)War of Jenkin's Ear. ................

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