Russia was The Start of Jewish World Domination

The original Jews were Sephardics, out of the Middle East, who went to Spain and Portugal as members of the Islamic empire when the Moors occupied the Iberian Peninsula.

However, almost all Jews today are not descendants of the Sephardics, but originate from a band of ruthless Mongolian tribes called the Khazars. The Sephardics, in search of army for their revolution, chose the Khazars. The Khazars were converted to Judaism, and today they make up 95% of the world's Jewish population.

Military geniuses, such as Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, always hired Khazars as mercenaries. At the peak of Russia's empire she kept the Khazars confined to the 'Pale of the Settlement' (Ukraine).

The Sephardics used the Eastern European Khazars as a starting point for their plans of world domination. Their first move towards that goal was to take control of Russia by overthrowing the Czar, out of the Middle East, who went to Spain and Portugal as members of the Islamic empire when the Moors occupied the Iberian Peninsula. However, almost all Jews today are not descendants of the Sephardics, but originate from a band of ruthless Mongolian tribes called the Khazars. The Sephardics, in search of army for their revolution, chose the Khazars. The Khazars were converted to Judaism, and today they make up 95% of the world's Jewish population.

Military geniuses, such as Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, always hired Khazars as mercenaries. At the peak of Russia's empire she kept the Khazars confined to the 'Pale of the Settlement' (Ukraine).

The Sephardics used the Eastern European Khazars as a starting point for their plans of world domination. Their first move towards that goal was to take control of Russia by overthrowing the Czar.

For more than a century, religious Zionists have claimed modern Jews are entitled to Palestine because they are legitimate descendants of Abraham. Devout Christians and Jews both believe the legitimacy of Israel depends on a relatively pure Jewish race.

That's why Jewish novelist Arthur Koestler's 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, was a political and theological bombshell. Koestler reveals how the central Eurasian nation of Khazaria converted to Judaism in 740 AD. About a million Hunnish/Turkish warriors and traders became at least as devout as actual (Sephardic/Oriental) Jews today, whose genetic lines trace back to Abraham. The Khazars soon convinced themselves they were authentic Jews. Today, Koestler asserts, most "Jews" worldwide primarily descend from these ancient Turks, not Abraham!

What does this mean for millions of American Christians eager to bless the children of Abraham? Has this Khazar corruption of Jewish blood also corrupted God's plan for the ultimate redemption of a repentant Jewish remnant?

In this special report, I conclude that the Khazar merger is a fact of history but that it didn't destroy God's plan for the Jews at all. Far from it! The conversion of a million Asiatic Gentiles actually helps fulfill Bible prophecy.

A Jewish Geneticist Doubts His Jewishness

Dr. Eran Elhaik is a world-class geneticist at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. His research into Jewish origins has produced an earthshaking thesis. He solidly agrees with Koestler that the majority of Jews today can claim no ancestry to Abraham. They're primarily descendants of the Khazars. Not since Koestler in 1976 has an academic so successfully challenged accepted "facts" about the beginnings of modern Eastern European ("Ashkenazi") Jewry.

In an interview with Ha'aretz last December Elhaik says his genetic research reveals decisively that "Central European Jews (primarily Polish) are 38% Khazar while Eastern European Jews (primarily Russian) are 30% Khazar." Yet he says other genetic components

include those of Middle Eastern origin whose source is probably Mesopotamian, although it is possible part of that component could be attributed to Israeli Jews. (This could include authentic Jews who were transported to Babylon in the sixth century B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar and flourished there for 1600 years [1]). Such genetic influence, however, is not strong enough, says Elhaik, to suggest a Mideast or Israeli origin of Ashkenazim Jews. But he says there is very strong genetic evidence linking the Jews of Iran, the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, and Georgia with the European Jews, i.e., those people whose ancestors are Khazars. Elhaik rejects the "Rheinland" hypothesis that Jews from Germany and the West migrated into Poland and Eastern Europe around the 15th century A.D., creating in only five centuries a European Ashkenazi population of about 11 million. He says Khazar Ashkenazim of the East bear no genetic similarity to Sephardim of the West who were supposed to have largely helped sire them.

...among the various groups of European and non-European Jews, there are no blood or family connections. The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. We are talking here about groups which are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion.

He says," The genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient people and its origin is largely Khazar." Elhaik upholds the rigid separation between relatively authentic Sephardic Jews of the West and the Khazar Ashkenazim of the East [2]. This is a distinction first emphasized by Koestler and restated in my widely distributed book Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma and video The Other Israel in the mid-1980s (available for $24.90 each postpaid at the Store).

Marrs' Book Says "Jews are Khazars" Elhaik's work inspired my friend and Christian anti-Zionist leader Texe Marrs to write a new book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline. Thus today, when you see a "Jew," what you are actually encountering is a Khazar who practices Judaism. The Khazar has no Israelite blood. His ancestors are not the Israelites of the Bible."

But we should remember that, from at least the time of Solomon, Jews migrated out of Palestine. History records that after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., dispersion of racially authentic Jews to both East and West continued for at least 1300 years, well before any possibility of significant intermarriage with Khazars. Descendants of the Jewish Diaspora, though only a minority and with varying degrees of Gentile admixture, still exist, primarily the oriental "Misrahi" Jews of Yemen, Iran, North Africa etc. and Sephardic Jews of Europe and Israel. The Sephardim alone constitute up to 16% of world Jewish population [3] and over half of the religious Jews in Israel today. In Israel, they compose the Shas party in Knesset and are generally Orthodox, anti-Christian and anti-Arab.

Yet Marrs gives the overriding impression that Jews as a whole are Khazars and Elhaik proves this. Actually, Elhaik only claims that European Ashkenazim, which comprise 83-85% of world Jewry [4], are predominantly Khazar. The fact that nearly 3 million authentic Jews exist today contradicts the general impression Marrs gives that racially authentic Jews are virtually extinct and that all Jews today are Gentile.

Do the Khazars Destroy Bible Prophecy?

How then does Elhaik's thesis that most Jews today are Jewish/Khazar hybrids impact the Bible's oft-repeated prediction that Christ will redeem a repentant remnant of Jews at His Second Coming? It confirms the Bible. Although an eschatological surprise of great magnitude, the Khazar infusion into Judaism does no violence to God's overall long-term plan for ultimate judgment upon and redemption of a minority of repentant Jews.

As the Hebrews approached the Promised Land 3500 years ago, God warned them that they had a choice: Obey God and be blessed and dwell in the land, or disobey Him and be cursed and exiled. One of many ways God said He will curse a disobedient Jewish nation is by keeping them very small. "Then you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude, because you did not obey the Lord your God." (Deut. 28:62) Israel did not obey God. She crucified her Lord and spiritual husband, Jesus Christ, screaming, "His blood be upon us and upon our

children!" For their disobedience, the Jews incurred the curse of remaining small in number. This curse remains in effect today. During the Exodus, the Hebrew population was about 2 million [5], swelling to about 5-1/2 million in the time of David, 500 years later. What is the population of Jews descended from the tribe of Judah and Benjamin today? 2,950,000 [6]. Incredibly, after three and a half millennia, authentic Jews number only 950,000 more than when Moses led them out of Egypt! That's a gain of less than 300 new people per year.

Contrast such anemic population growth with the posterity of another descendant of Abraham: Ishmael. The father of the Arab world was the offspring of Abraham's union with Sarah's maid, an Egyptian of Hamitic not Semitic stock. In contrast to the racially authentic yet rebellious descendants of Judah, God said He would magnify the descendants of the half-breed, Ishmael. "...I will multiply thy seed exceedingly that it shall not be numbered for multitude." (Gen 16:10) What's the population of the Arab world today? Between 200 and 300 million [7]! At 250 million, that is an increase of 62,500 per year! Truly, God's promise of blessing and cursing could not be more powerfully fulfilled.

The curse of smallness that clings to racially authentic Jewry today is not a hereditary weakness. Exodus records that when God had "respect" for the Hebrews they enjoyed prolific powers of reproduction. They increased from several hundred to several million 400 years later.

Israel to be Oppressed

God also threatened that "aliens" would perpetually rule Israel if she did not obey. "The alien who is among you shall rise above you higher and higher, but you shall go down lower and lower. He shall lend to you but you shall not lend to him: He shall be the head and you shall be the tail." (Deut. 28:43-44) In 740 AD (or, as some experts contend, about a century later), Khazar "aliens" invaded Judaism in a bizarre twist of divine judgment. They did not do so territorially but spiritually and genetically. The Khazars appropriated the Talmud and Cabala (Zohar), the promises of Abraham, and even the name "Jew."


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