The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It ...

 Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page




ONE - I Will, I Won¡¯t, I Want: What Willpower Is, and Why It Matters

TWO - The Willpower Instinct: Your Body Was Born to Resist Cheesecake

THREE - Too Tired to Resist: Why Self-Control Is Like a Muscle

FOUR - License to Sin: Why Being Good Gives Us Permission to Be Bad

FIVE - The Brain¡¯s Big Lie: Why We Mistake Wanting for Happiness

SIX - What the Hell: How Feeling Bad Leads to Giving In

SEVEN - Putting the Future on Sale: The Economics of Instant Gratification

EIGHT - Infected! Why Willpower Is Contagious

NINE - Don¡¯t Read This Chapter: The Limits of ¡°I Won¡¯t¡± Power

TEN - Final Thoughts




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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

McGonigal, Kelly.

The willpower instinct : how self-control works, why it matters, and what you can do to

get more of it / Kelly McGonigal.

p. cm.

ISBN : 978-1-101-55373-2

1. Will. 2. Self-control. I. Title.



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