WebQuest: Causes of World War II

Name: Carla Delgadillo Period: 6 Date: November 3, 2011

WebQuest: Causes of World War II

Directions for the WebQuest Guide: The following guide lines up directly with the website for the WebQuest. As you follow through the Process part of the WebQuest, use the guide to summarize information from the websites, write your answers into the guide.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As a rule, do NOT simply copy and paste the information from the websites into the WebQuest. This is PLAGARISM – you will not be given credit for your work. At certain points throughout the guide, you will be allowed to have word-for-word answers, but these are indicated as you proceed through. They are CLEARLY marked and you should first assume that you are NOT allowed to give word-for-word answers unless otherwise indicated.

WebQuest guides will be collected as you finish the assignment. You should have plenty of time to complete in class. Do not neglect to complete part 2, a free response after you finish the WebQuest.

Part I: Causes, People, Events

Main Causes of WWII

1. Treaty of Versailles

a. Complete the acronym: UBRAT

b. Explain what each letter stands for (include more than just the word!!)

i. Unfair because Germans thought it was an imposed settlement. They were not allowed to be a part of it, just to sign. This made them to believe of it Unfair.

ii. Blame because Germans did not like Clause 231 because the Germans were not the Blame of the War happening.

iii. Reparations because Germans believed that the Reparations had, had Britain and France trying to steal money and starve their children.

iv. Army because Germans did not like their very small army and thought they were very useless.

v. Territory because Germans did not like that all they had left was a small land of territory. They believed the treaty was meant to destroy the German economy.

2. Worldwide Depression

a. List all six points related to the Depression that led to war. Briefly explain each one (include more than just the title phrase – what do each of those phrases mean?)

• Unemployment : This resulted in mass anger because government were telling people that is was alright to just take whatever they want, even by force.

• America : America made all of her loans to Germany, which made a collapse of industry for Germany and because of that Hitler’s power became worse.

• Politics : People had hatred against other countries with politics with led to more aggressiveness.

• Empire-building : By setting up an empire people all around the World were in conflict and very stressed out.

• Self Interest: Self Interest destroyed League of Nations because when people could not make way, countries left the League.

• Britain and France : Here was also a loss of money and many people could not afford much so they did not go against Hitler resulting in the Failing of The League of Nations.

3. Totalitarian government

a. Germany

i. What were Hitler’s three main aims?

• To abolish The Treaty of Versailles

• To expand German Territory

• To defeat Communism

ii. How did each aim lead to war? BE SPECIFIC.

• The treaty made the Germans remember loosing war and he wanted to help Germans win

• Hitler want to have even more territory by conquering land

• Hitler wanted to destroy the Communism which meant they had war with Russia

b. Japan

i. Why did Japan invade Manchuria? Name 4 reasons.

• To Gain More Natural Resources

• They did not want to rely on the United States Resources and they thought Manchuria would help that situation

• Japan wanted more land and materials

• Japan was getting really crowded

ii. How did the League respond? Why were they limited in how they could respond?

The League responded by having to introduce 3 sanctions. They were limited because the League could not enforce the authority.

c. Italy

i. Why did Italy want the territory of Abyssinia? Name 2 reasons.

• Italy lacked a large empire

• Abyssinia could be a good place for the Italians to settle because they had such an overload population.

ii. Why couldn’t the Abyssinians fight back?

The Abyssinians couldn’t fight back because all of the weapons they had were Pre-World One Guns and very little of other devices and the Italians had vehicles and gas attacks and other devices as well.

iii. Was the League’s response to the incident successful? Why or why not?

No, Because in Italy when they set up the economic sanctions Italy could cover them on gold and textiles because League members did not carry them out.

iv. What three things did the League of Nations involvement in the conflict show?

• 1 thing was that the league banned oil so that had an impact on the war.

• Another was that sanctions were half-hearted

• Last they lead Italy to not be with The League

d. Soviet Union

i. Why did Anglo-Soviet talks fail? List each piece of SCAB and briefly explain (again, more than just the one word!)

Anglo-Soviets talks failed because of all of the remaining factors of SCAB.

Suspicion: Russians thought that The Britain wanted them to go to war with Germany so it led to suspicion because they thought there was trickery.

Choice: Britain could not have troops going to Poland to fight, so if Stalin was with Poland he would be fighting in war with them and if not Hitler was allowing to pay him to be with Poland so he had to make a choice.

Appeasement: Stalin believed the Britain wouldn’t help the Russians and make them fight against Hitler alone .

Britain Delayed: Stalin was to have a meeting with a Britain official, but this official could not make any decisions and so Stalin didn’t like the Britain Delaying.

ii. Why did the Nazi-Soviet Pact happen? List each piece of THUG and briefly explain.

The Nazi-Soviet pact happened because of THUG.

Time to prepare for war: Stalin stated that the military could get a long time of rest because they had 18 months for peace.

Hope to Gain: Stalin hoped that Russia gained because of Britain, Europe, and France making themselves even more tired.

Unhappy with Britain: Stalin did not like the Britain could not negotiate and after SCAB failed, Stalin went to Germany.

Germany: Hitler wanted an alliance because he already knew only Russia could defend Poland. He knew if he got with Russia that Britain would have to go down.

4. Expansionist policies

a. What were the three ways militarism contributed to war? Give a specific example for EACH ONE.

1:Build up of Armed Forces: In 1932 to 1939 navy warships from 30 to 95, 36 to 8,250 planes and the army from 100,000 to almost a million!

2:Control of the Government by Military:

Germany= Hitler was supposedly to gain lebensraum in East

Mussolini was to rebuild the Roman Empire

Japan= Political enemies were killed, and they invaded government in which the government could not stop them of what they wanted to do.

3:Aggressive Foreign Policy: What happened around the world was :

1.Germany went in to Rhineland and Austria in 1936, the Sudentland in 1938 and in 1939 Czechoslovakia and Poland.

2. Italy went to Abyssinia in 1935, Albania and Libya in 1939, and invaded Egypt in 1940.

3. Last Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, 1933 it was Jehol, China in 1937, and dropped the bomb on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

5. Policy of appeasement

a. Define appeasement (look it up in an online dictionary).

Appeasement means to make calm or to satisfy.

b. What were the five most important reasons why Britain appeased Hitler?

-Some people agreed with Hitler’s policies

-British hoped strong German could stop the growing of Communist Russia

-A lot of people felt that events occurring in Europe were non of Britain’s business

- Many Britain people wanted peace

-Many of the people agreed with Hitler that the Treaty of Versailles was not fair

c. Who opposed Chamberlain in his policy of appeasement?

Winston Churchill

d. What were the eight results of appeasement?

Allowed Hitler to grow stronger

Gave Britain time to re-arm

Humiliated Britain

Abandoned millions of people to Nazis

Caused war because Hitler thought he could do whatever

Gave Britain high ground

No stopping Hitler

Attempted of preventing deaths

6. Continued German aggression

a. Breaking the Treaty of Versailles

i. List the three ways Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles. Explain each one and provide at least one detail for each point.

1. Germany, he broke League of Nations Disarmament Conference because he demanded equality of arms with France and Britain

2. Rhineland, he moved his troops to a demilitarised zone


b. Threatening the peace of Europe

i. What actions did Hitler take to disrupt peace in Europe? Name at least 5 actions.

1.He threatened peace of Europe by rearming

2:Hitler moved his troops to Rhineland

3: Hitler made the Axis alliance with Italy and then expanded it with Italy and Japan into the Anti-Commenter Pact

4:Inciting Nazis in the other countries

5:Hitler got Sudten Nazis led by Heinlein to cause by trouble claiming they were being oppressed by the Czechs

ii. What did Europe do to allow Hitler to disrupt peace? Name at least 2 actions.

Leaders of WWII

Complete all elements of the chart for each of the 10 leaders. Remember, do not copy/paste! The category and birth to death can be word-for-word, but all other parts must be in your own words.

|Leader |Category |Birth-Death |Main accomplishments |Role in WWII |

|Franklin D. Roosevelt |American President |Born: 1/30/1882 |FDR became the creator of the New |President of the United |

| | | |Deal |States |

| | |Died:4/12/1945 | | |

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|Harry Truman |American President |Born: 5.8.1884 |Ended World War II |President of United |

| | | | |States |

| | |Died: 12.26.1972 | | |

| | | | |Dropped two bombs and |

| | | | |ended world war II |

| | | | | |

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|Dwight D. Eisenhower |American President |B: 10.14.1890 |34th US president and served the army|US President |

| | | |rising from a second rising | |

| | |D: 3.28.1969 |lieutenant to a 5 star general |5 Star General |

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|Douglas MacArthur |American General |B:10.14.1890 |American General who commanded allied|American General |

| | |D:4.5.1964 |troops in the pacific during World | |

| | | |War II governed postwar Japan, led |Allied troops in pacific|

| | | |Korean War |during World War II |

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|Winston Churchill |British Prime Minister |B: 11.30.1874 |Famous for leadership when Nazi |British prime minister |

| | | |severely pressed British arms | |

| | | |One of the most fascinating | |

| | |D:1.24.1965 |personalities of the 20th century | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

|Joseph Stalin |Russian Dictator |Born: 4.20.1889 |Russian Dictator of World War II |Russian Dictator of |

| | | | |World War II |

| | | | | |

| | |Died:3.5.1953 | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

|Adolf Hitler |German Dictator |Born: 4.20.1889 |Was leader of Germany and hated by |German Dictator of World|

| | | |many people |War II |

| | |Died: 4.30.1945 | | |

| | | | | |

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|Hirohito |Japanese Emperor |Born: 4.29.1901 |Emperor during World War II and |Japanese Emperor during |

| | | |surrendered |World War II |

| | |Died: 4.30..1945 |He stayed Emperor | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|George Marshall |General |Born:12.31.1880 |Being General during World War II |General during World War|

| | |Died: 10.16.1959 | |II |

| | | | | |

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|Hideki Tojo |Japanese Prime Minister |Born: 1884 |Japanese Prime Minister during World |Japanese Prime Minister |

| | | |War II |during World War II |

| | |Died: 12.23.1984 | | |

Key Events Leading Up to WWII

After the colon following each event, record the main website’s brief description of the event (again, in your own words). The particular questions that follow each event refer to the website specific to that event (i.e., the link you get to by clicking on the name of the event).

1. Saar plebiscite:

a. Who controlled the Saar region after World War II?

b. How did Nazi Germany influence the vote for control?

c. Three effects of the vote

2. Conscription and re-armament:

a. How did Hitler see Nazi Germany?

b. What was going on behind the scenes in Nazi Germany?

c. How did Europe respond to Hitler?

d. Why did Britain allow Germany to break the terms of the treaty?

e. What did Britain hope to accomplish by doing this?

3. Rhineland:

a. What huge gamble did Hitler take?

b. Why didn’t the Allies do anything about it? Name 3 reasons.

c. How did the Rhineland affect France?

d. What did Hitler conclude about the British point of view?

4. Austria:

a. What party change occurred in Austria that allowed Hitler to implement his plan for Anschluss?

b. According to The Manchester Guardian, what did the Federal Government of Austria decide?

c. What did Hitler say the people of Austria met him with when he crossed into their land?

d. How does he characterize himself? (Hint: not as a ____, but as a _____)

5. Munich:

a. What party began to influence Czechoslovakia in 1935? How? Who supported this party?

b. What two things did Hitler know about France and Britain that made him bold enough to suggest a conference about Czechoslovakia?

c. Where did the meeting take place? Who attended? What were the terms of the agreement?

6. Czechoslovakia:

a. What did Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia help the British government realize? Name two things.

b. What leader suggested that Britain should be preparing for war?

c. What event made the British people side with this leader? Why?

d. What change in Britain’s military made war possible?

7. USSR/Nazi Pact:

a. Why did Stalin initially want to ally with Britain?

b. Why didn’t Stalin trust the British?

c. What were Stalin’s two choices?

d. Why did he make the choice he did?

8. Poland:

a. List the eight reasons Hitler invaded Poland. Briefly explain how each reason aimed the world toward war.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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