Health Review Questions

Health Review Questions

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following helps people resist or recover from infectious diseases?

a. a high-fat diet b. genetic testing c. immunity d. ultraviolet radiation

____ 2. Two examples of pathogens are

a. poor diet and heredity. b. smoking and no exercise. c. clotting and heart problems. d. bacteria and protests.

____ 3. What does an antibiotic do?

a. It treats bacterial and fungal infections. b. It treats viral infections. c. It provides immunity to smallpox. d. It makes milk safer to drink.

____ 4. Which of these is an overreaction by the immune system?

a. antigen b. an allergy c. an infectious disease d. a noninfectious disease

____ 5. Which of these is the unregulated growth of cells?

a. cancer b. an allergy c. an infectious disease d. a noninfectious disease

____ 6. When your normal body processes are disrupted, you have a(n)

a. immunity. b. pathogen. c. enzyme. d. disease.

____ 7. Louis Pasteur killed bacteria using

a. heat. b. vaccines. c. smallpox. d. immunity.

____ 8. A substance that can kill bacteria is a(n)

a. antiviral. b. pasteurization. c. pathogen. d. antibiotic.

____ 9. What kind of disease cannot spread from one person to another?

a. a contamination disease b. an infectious disease c. a noninfectious disease d. a pathogenic disease

____ 10. What kind of disease is spread from one person to another?

a. a noninfectious disease b. an infectious disease c. a pathogenic disease d. a contamination disease

____ 11. The first line of defense in your mouth is

a. darkness. b. noise. c. warmth. d. enzymes.

____ 12. Most pathogens do not infect skin because

a. they do not attack skin. b. the skin is immune to them. c. you can see them. d. dead skin cells carry them away.

____ 13. What do platelets do?

a. split to make antibodies b. cling to viruses c. seal open wounds d. activate killer T cells

____ 14. One cause of noninfectious diseases is

a. dirty hands. b. genetic disorders. c. being around sick people. d. being sneezed on.

____ 15. Two examples of pathogens are

a. poor diet and no exercise. b. smoking and heredity. c. clotting and heart problems. d. viruses and bacteria.

____ 16. What normally destroys unregulated cells?

a. antibiotics b. helper T cells c. memory B cells d. killer T cells

____ 17. What kind of condition is rheumatoid arthritis?

a. an allergy b. an autoimmune disease c. an infectious disease d. a cancer

____ 18. Which of these is NOT a possible way to spread disease?

a. shaking hands b. playing with a dog c. boiling water d. sneezing

____ 19. Why do people with AIDS often die of other causes?

a. the cardiovascular system fails b. AIDS causes HIV to occur c. the immune system cannot fight pathogens d. cancer spreads faster than AIDS

____ 20. One example of a pathogen is

a. uncooked meat. b. a helper T cell. c. boiled water. d. Streptococcus bacteria.

____ 21. Which of the following is NOT true about the immune system?

a. It sends signals to the brain. b. It fights allergies. c. It consists of cells, tissues, and organs. d. It destroys infected cells.

____ 22. Helper T cells are activated by

a. memory B cells. b. viral antigens. c. killer T cells. d. pathogens.

____ 23. Pathogens that are carried to the stomach by mucus

a. always cause stomach infections. b. infect the mucus. c. are usually digested. d. get into the blood system.

____ 24. People with AIDS have very few

a. cells. b. pathogens. c. helper T cells. d. memory B cells.

____ 25. What is one way people get noninfectious diseases?

a. dirty hands b. a genetic disorder c. being around sick people d. being sneezed on

____ 26. What causes infectious diseases?

a. a genetic disorder b. heredity c. pathogens d. smoking

____ 27. What is mucus?

a. a first line of defense b. a pathogen c. a helper cell d. an antigen

____ 28. What do platelets do?

a. seal open wounds b. attack viruses c. cause wounds d. cure diseases

____ 29. What is the system that attacks pathogens called?

a. antibiotic system b. attack system c. vaccine system d. immune system

____ 30. Sometimes the immune system tries to fight antigens that are not bad. What is this called?

a. an allergy b. a disease c. an antigen d. an antibiotic

____ 31. What kind of disease is rheumatoid arthritis?

a. infectious b. viral c. AIDS d. autoimmune

____ 32. What is the disease where cells divide too fast?

a. AIDS b. cancer c. arthritis d. lupus

____ 33. What may HIV cause?

a. flu b. strep throat c. AIDS d. mumps

____ 34. What does AIDS infect?

a. the immune system b. the heart c. the lungs d. the intestines

____ 35. Which of the following raises blood cholesterol?

a. fiber b. unsaturated fat c. water d. saturated fat

____ 36. High levels of blood cholesterol increase risk for

a. heart disease. b. anorexia nervosa. c. bulimia nervosa. d. malnutrition.

____ 37. Which vitamin protects red blood cells?

a. vitamin A b. vitamin E c. vitamin B d. vitamin K

____ 38. Which vitamin helps the body fight disease?

a. vitamin A b. vitamin C c. vitamin D d. vitamin K

____ 39. What does psychological dependence on a drug mean?

a. The body needs a drug. b. Larger doses of a drug are needed. c. A person feels cravings for a drug. d. A drug is no longer needed.

____ 40. What does physical dependence on a drug mean?

a. The body needs a drug. b. Larger doses of a drug are needed. c. A person feels cravings for a drug. d. A drug is no longer needed.

____ 41. What is one reason to obtain and properly use a legal drug?

a. to experiment b. to cure a disease c. to escape from problems d. to make friends

____ 42. What can result from sniffing glue or solvents?

a. emphysema b. brain damage c. heart disease d. obesity

____ 43. People who drink too much alcohol

a. are better drivers. b. have better memories. c. take unhealthy risks. d. make better decisions.

____ 44. Which of the following behaviors increases the chances of lung cancer?

a. using over-the-counter drugs b. drinking alcohol c. taking illegal drugs d. smoking

____ 45. Which of the following is NOT an example of good hygiene?

a. skipping sleep b. washing hands c. brushing teeth d. shampooing hair

____ 46. Which of the following is a good way to cope with stress?

a. Ignore stress. b. Share your problems. c. Get angry. d. Let stress build up.

____ 47. What does aerobic exercise strengthen?

a. skin and ligaments b. ears, nose, and throat c. heart, lungs, and bones d. vision and hearing

____ 48. If you feel sleepy during the day, you probably

a. have poor hygiene. b. drink too much water. c. have poor posture. d. need more sleep at night.

____ 49. Which floors of a home need smoke detectors?

a. only the first floor b. all of them c. only the second floor d. none of them

____ 50. What can you do to learn more about responding to an emergency?

a. Get more sleep. b. Take a first-aid class. c. Wear a helmet. d. Study nutrition.

____ 51. In which room would it be most important to have nonslip mats?

a. bedroom b. kitchen c. living room d. bathroom

____ 52. Which of the following is a health problem that is often caused by obesity?

a. flu b. diabetes c. headache d. cancer

____ 53. One mineral that your body needs in large amounts is

a. iron. b. chloride. c. zinc. d. iodine.

____ 54. What are the two types of carbohydrates?

a. aerobic and anaerobic b. saturated and unsaturated c. good and bad d. simple and complex

____ 55. You should not try emergency lifesaving procedures unless you are

a. an adult. b. alone. c. a nutritionist. d. trained.

____ 56. When a body needs larger doses of a drug to get the same effect, it is called

a. tolerance. b. withdrawal. c. addiction. d. psychological dependence.

____ 57. Smoke detectors should be installed

a. on the roof. b. only in the kitchen. c. on every floor. d. only near the front door.

____ 58. The loss of control of drug-taking behavior is known as

a. withdrawal. b. addiction. c. psychological dependence. d. physical dependence.

____ 59. What do antihistamines do to the human body?

a. slow down the central nervous system b. fight bacterial infection c. relieve pain d. control cold and allergy symptoms

____ 60. Which of the following is a drug made from the opium plant?

a. nicotine b. tobacco c. marijuana d. narcotic

____ 61. What resource could help people who want to add calcium to their diet?

a. a CPR class b. a Nutrition Facts label c. a book on hygiene d. a book on eating disorders

____ 62. What is one possible result of anorexia nervosa?

a. high blood pressure b. weak bones c. bulimia d. dehydration

____ 63. A person who doesn’t get enough nutrients will develop

a. malnutrition. b. tolerance. c. obesity. d. withdrawal symptoms.

____ 64. Which of the following is NOT a part of kitchen safety?

a. cleaning up spills b. turning pot handles in c. using a stool to reach shelves d. keeping grease near the stove

____ 65. What is one thing you should always wear in the car?

a. a helmet b. a seat belt c. a coat d. a hat

____ 66. In most communities, what phone number can you call for help?

a. 711 b. 811 c. 911 d. 211

____ 67. What is the most important thing to take on a camping trip?

a. someone else b. shampoo c. helmet d. toothbrush

____ 68. Which of the following is not a part of good personal hygiene?

a. brushing your teeth b. smoking c. shampooing your hair d. using sunscreen

____ 69. What do antibiotics do?

a. relieve pain b. fight bacteria c. cause hallucinations d. slow down the nervous system

____ 70. What do analgesics do?

a. relieve pain b. cause sleepiness c. cause hallucinations d. control cold symptoms

____ 71. What do antihistamines do?

a. relieve pain b. fight bacteria c. cause hallucinations d. control cold symptoms

____ 72. What are the body’s main source of energy?

a. minerals b. vitamins c. carbohydrates d. proteins

____ 73. What is one of the best ways to prevent infection?

a. eating too much b. taking medicine c. taking a nap d. washing your hands

____ 74. What drugs fight bacterial infection?

a. antibiotics b. antihistamines c. analgesics d. narcotics

____ 75. What drugs help treat pain?

a. antibiotics b. depressants c. analgesics d. nicotine

____ 76. What drugs help treat cold symptoms?

a. hallucinogens b. antihistamines c. analgesics d. narcotics

____ 77. Which of the following can be used to help injured people?

a. hygiene b. first aid c. sleep d. exercise

____ 78. Where might you go for help with a drug abuse problem?

a. a drug treatment center b. the place where you bought the drug c. liquor store d. a nutrition center

____ 79. What should you always wear when riding a bike?

a. a seat belt b. a helmet c. gloves d. a hat

____ 80. What should you always wear when riding in a car?

a. a seat belt b. a helmet c. gloves d. a hat

____ 81. What should you always use when working in a lab class?

a. a seat belt b. a helmet c. a scarf d. safety equipment


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

82. All diseases are caused by pathogens.

83. You can become infected with some pathogens by shaking hands with an infected person.

84. Pasteurization uses very cold temperatures to kill bacteria.

85. Antibodies are specific to certain pathogens.

86. An allergy is caused by the immune system attacking the cells of the body.

87. People with HIV have too many killer T cells. These cells begin to attack the body’s cells, and this results in AIDS.


Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |infectious disease |d. |sneezing |

|b. |salmonella |e. |ticks |

|c. |pathogens |f. |noninfectious disease |

____ 88. spreads pathogens through the air

____ 89. spreads from one person to another

____ 90. may carry bacteria that cause Lyme disease

____ 91. bacteria that grow on food at room temperature

____ 92. cause infectious diseases

____ 93. caused by genetic disorder or harmful habits

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |macrophages |d. |antibodies |

|b. |B cells |e. |immune system |

|c. |autoimmune disease |f. |helper T cells |

____ 94. proteins that attach to antigens

____ 95. an attack on the body’s own cells

____ 96. cells that engulf viruses

____ 97. body system that fights pathogens

____ 98. coordinators of the immune system

____ 99. white cells that make antibodies

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |killer T cell |d. |memory B cell |

|b. |virus |e. |helper T cell |

|c. |allergy |f. |immunity |

____ 100. the ability to resist diseases

____ 101. the result of an overreaction in the immune system

____ 102. cell that remembers how to make specific antibodies

____ 103. pathogen that is not killed by antibiotics

____ 104. attacker of infected cells

____ 105. cell that coordinates the immune system response

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |antibodies |c. |cancer |

|b. |ticks |d. |macrophages |

____ 106. uncontrolled cell division

____ 107. proteins that cause viruses to clump

____ 108. carriers of bacteria that cause Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Fever

____ 109. cells that eat viruses

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |sneezes |c. |killer T cells |

|b. |antibodies |d. |macrophages |

____ 110. engulf viruses

____ 111. destroy infected cells

____ 112. send pathogens through the air

____ 113. attach to antigens

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |vaccines |c. |helper T cells |

|b. |viruses |d. |B cells |

____ 114. call other cells to fight disease

____ 115. cannot be killed by antibiotics

____ 116. help people resist disease

____ 117. split to make antibodies

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |MyPyramid |d. |Nutrition Facts label |

|b. |carbohydrate |e. |protein |

|c. |nutrient |f. |malnutrition |

____ 118. a substance in food that is necessary for life and growth

____ 119. an energy-giving nutrient

____ 120. a resource for how many servings of a food you need

____ 121. a nutrient that helps repair the body

____ 122. a resource for how many nutrients are in a serving of food

____ 123. a disorder caused by not getting enough nutrients

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |nicotine |c. |alcoholism |

|b. |addiction |d. |drug |

____ 124. a chemical substance that causes physical or psychological changes

____ 125. a physical or psychological need for alcohol

____ 126. the loss of control over drug use

____ 127. the addictive substance in tobacco

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |stress |c. |aerobic exercise |

|b. |hygiene |

____ 128. vigorous activity lasting 20 minutes or more

____ 129. physical and mental response to pressure

____ 130. science of protecting and preserving health

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |potassium |f. |hygiene |

|b. |nutrient |g. |stress |

|c. |lung cancer |h. |peer pressure |

|d. |CPR |i. |protein |

|e. |designer drug |

____ 131. a disease linked to smoking

____ 132. the physical and mental response to pressure

____ 133. a mineral that helps regulate heartbeat

____ 134. one reason many people start to abuse drugs

____ 135. the science of protecting and preserving health

____ 136. a drug made by making small changes to an existing drug

____ 137. a nutrient used to build and repair the body

____ 138. a substance in food that helps form body tissues

____ 139. a procedure used to revive a person who is not breathing

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |vitamin E |c. |hygiene |

|b. |aerobic exercise |d. |smoke detector |

____ 140. strengthens the heart

____ 141. protects red blood cells

____ 142. warns of a fire

____ 143. is the science of protecting health

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |lung cancer |c. |addiction |

|b. |alcoholism |d. |malnutrition |

____ 144. a disease linked to alcohol

____ 145. a disease linked to smoking

____ 146. loss of control over drug use

____ 147. a disorder that occurs when you don’t get enough nutrients

Match each item with the correct statement below.

|a. |fat |c. |calcium |

|b. |MyPyramid |d. |protein |

____ 148. should be lean

____ 149. found in milk products

____ 150. found in vegetable oils, nuts, and fish

____ 151. suggests how much of certain foods to eat daily


Complete each statement.

152. When you have a(n) ____________________, your normal body functions are disrupted.

153. Infectious diseases are caused by agents called ____________________.

154. Refrigerating food can ____________________ the growth of many pathogens.

155. The pasteurization process was invented by ____________________ .

156. The cells and tissues that recognize and attack foreign substances in the body make up the ____________________.

157. A white blood cell that makes antibodies is called a(n) ____________________.

158. If only a few microorganisms or viruses have entered a cell, the ____________________ can often stop them.

159. Antibodies cause viral antigens to clump together. This clumping marks the virus particles for ____________________.

160. When helper T cells are activated, they send a(n) ____________________ signal to your brain to turn up the thermostat.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

|noninfectious disease |memory B cells |

|immune system |infectious disease |

|macrophages |pathogen |

|helper T cells |B cells |

|allergy | |

161. Shaking hands with another person can make you sick if the person has a(n) ____________________.

162. Immune system cells that engulf viruses are called ____________________.

163. Cancer is an example of a(n) ____________________.

164. The immune system is coordinated by ____________________.

165. An infectious disease is caused by a(n) ____________________.

166. Allergies, cancer, and AIDS are all problems that the ____________________ cannot handle.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

|immune system |infection |

|immunity |T cells |

167. A low fever helps ____________________ and B cells to grow faster.

168. Your ____________________ can fight a disease better the second time.

169. When people have ____________________, they do not get a disease that others get.

170. Before the 20th century, surgery patients often died of ____________________.

171. Nutrition labels give the number of calories per ____________________.

172. Three important aspects of good hygiene include____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.

173. To stay healthy, you need to take in ____________________, or substances that provide the materials needed for life processes.

174. Some complex ____________________ are good sources of fiber.

175. Most teenage girls need about 2200 ____________________ per day, and most boys need 2,800.

176. If the body doesn’t receive a drug that it is physically dependent on, ____________________ symptoms occur.

177. Since herbal medicines are ____________________, they should be used carefully.

178. One big difference between drug users and drug abusers is that the users take drugs to take care of a(n) ____________________ condition and drug abusers do not.

179. Ecstasy is a drug that can cause brain lesions and ____________________.

180. If you are going to be outside on a sunny day, using ____________________ is good hygiene.

181. One of the main reasons that aerobic exercise is important is because it increases the body’s use of ____________________.

182. Being irritable or resentful are often signs of too much ____________________.

183. You can decrease your risk of having an accident by following basic ____________________ rules.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

|anorexia nervosa |addiction |

|aerobic exercise |minerals |

|malnutrition |narcotics |

|carbohydrates |drug |

|nicotine |vitamins |

184. Most of the body’s energy comes from eating ____________________.

185. Along with burning Calories, ____________________ helps aid digestion and strengthen the heart.

186. An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation is called ____________________.

187. Potassium and sodium are two ____________________ the body needs in large amounts.

188. Although needed in small amounts, ____________________ help maintain health and allow growth.

189. Drugs made from the opium plant are known as ____________________.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

|anorexia nervosa |obesity |

|cholesterol |carbohydrate |

|MyPyramid | |

190. A fat-like substance found naturally in the body is called ____________________.

191. The kind of nutrient that gives you energy is a(n) ____________________.

192. A disorder in which a person practices self-starvation is called ____________________.

193. A high percentage of body fat is a sign of ____________________.

194. A tool that helps people understand how much of certain foods to eat daily is called ____________________.

Short Answer

195. How does a moderate fever help you to get well faster?

196. Why do antibodies force viruses to clump together?

197. What is the common element between pasteurization and cooking meat before eating it?

198. Why do killer T cells destroy infected cells?

199. What part of your body has glands that secrete oil to fight infection?

200. Explain the difference between infectious diseases and noninfectious diseases.

201. Identify five ways that you might come into contact with a pathogen.

202. Discuss four methods that have helped reduce the spread of disease.

203. Describe your body’s first lines of defense against pathogens.

204. Explain how the cells of the immune system fight infections.

205. Describe four challenges to the immune system.

206. What do cancer, heart disease, and hemophilia have in common?

207. Give two examples of harmful habits that can lead to noninfectious diseases.

208. Pathogens can travel by air. What are two other ways they can travel?

209. Why may leaving food out for a few hours after a meal be a problem?

210. Why is Edward Jenner important to the study of immunity?

211. When a virus enters your body, what happens to the virus cells that the macrophages do not digest?

212. Explain why your immune system does not create antibodies against a disease as soon as the disease enters your body for the first time.

213. The HIV virus infects the immune system itself. How is this different from most viruses?

214. Explain why a moderate fever is a good thing.

215. Why does your body temperature change when a pathogen invades?

216. What are three positive things that fat does for the body?

217. What is the best way to prevent the spread of disease?

218. List three things that you should be able to tell a 911 operator if you report an accident.

219. What is the purpose of using My Pyramid?

220. What are the six essential nutrients?

221. What are the effects of obesity?

222. What is drug abuse?

223. What is nicotine?

224. What are designer drugs? Give an example.

225. List three ways to deal with stress.

226. What do bicycle helmets and seat belts have in common?

227. When you call for emergency help, what should you tell the operator?

228. Identify the six groups of nutrients, and explain their importance to good health.

229. Explain the dangers of anorexia nervosa.

230. Explain the dangers of bulimia nervosa.

231. Explain the dangers of obesity.

232. Identify three different types of drugs.

233. Explain the difference between a legal and an illegal use of a stimulant drug.

234. Explain the hazards of smoking cigarettes.

235. Explain the hazards of alcohol.

236. Explain why aerobic exercise and sleep are important to good health.


237. Explain how a vaccine can help a person build a defense against a disease.

238. Why is it important that a person who has AIDS not get exposed to a simple illness such as the flu?

239. Explain one way that cancer and AIDS are alike and one way that they are different.

240. Explain how anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are alike and how they differ.

241. Would a person feeling a lot of stress be more or less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol? Explain your answer.

242. What do people with bulimia nervosa, alcoholism, and drug addiction have in common?


1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. D

13. C

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. B

18. C

19. C

20. D

21. B

22. B

23. C

24. C

25. B

26. C

27. A

28. A

29. D

30. A

31. D

32. B

33. C

34. A

35. D

36. A

37. B

38. B

39. C

40. A

41. B

42. B

43. C

44. D

45. A

46. B

47. C

48. D

49. B

50. B

51. D

52. B

53. B

54. D

55. D

56. A

57. C

58. B

59. D

60. D

61. B

62. B

63. A

64. D

65. B

66. C

67. A

68. B

69. B

70. A

71. D

72. C

73. D

74. A

75. C

76. B

77. B

78. A

79. B

80. A

81. D


82. F

83. T

84. F

85. T

86. F

87. F


88. D

89. A

90. E

91. B

92. C

93. F

94. D

95. C

96. A

97. E

98. F

99. B

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101. C

102. D

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105. E

106. C

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109. D

110. D

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114. C

115. B

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124. D

125. C

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128. C

129. A

130. B

131. C

132. G

133. A

134. H

135. F

136. E

137. I

138. B

139. D

140. B

141. A

142. D

143. C

144. B

145. A

146. C

147. D

148. D

149. C

150. A

151. B


152. disease

153. pathogens

154. slow

155. Louis Pasteur

156. immune system

157. B cell

158. macrophages

159. destruction

160. chemical

161. infectious disease

162. macrophages

163. noninfectious disease

164. helper T cells

165. pathogen

166. immune system

167. T cells

168. immune system

169. immunity

170. infection

171. serving

172. In any order: posture, exercise, sleep

173. nutrients

174. carbohydrates

175. Calories

176. withdrawal

177. drugs

178. medical

179. depression

180. sunscreen

181. oxygen

182. stress

183. safety

184. carbohydrates

185. aerobic exercise

186. anorexia nervosa

187. minerals

188. vitamins

189. narcotics

190. cholesterol

191. carbohydrate

192. anorexia nervosa

193. obesity

194. MyPyramid


195. A moderate fever slows the growth of some pathogens. It also helps B cells and T cells multiply faster.

196. Clumping marks the virus particles for destruction.

197. the use of heat to destroy pathogens

198. to prevent viral particles from replicating

199. the skin

200. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens and can be spread from person to person. Noninfectious diseases are caused by a variety of factors and cannot be spread from person to person.

201. Answers may vary. Sample answer: by getting a cut, eating meat that is not properly cooked, playing with a dog that has ringworm, getting bitten by a tick that is carrying Lyme disease, and touching a person who has the flu

202. Answers may vary. Sample answer: The high levels of cleanliness and sterilization in hospitals have greatly decreased the risk of infection for hospital patients. The creation of pasteurization and refrigeration processes has made many food and drink items safer to drink. The understanding that pathogens can spread through touch has led to the ability to slow the spread of disease by keeping our hands to ourselves and washing our hands often.

203. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Special enzymes destroy organisms that try to enter your eyes or mouth. Pathogens that enter your nose are washed down your throat by mucus and then usually digested. Your skin resists many pathogens because the skin’s outermost layers are dead cells, and the pathogens thrive only on live cells. Natural body oil on your skin kills many pathogens.

204. Answers may vary. Sample answer: The immune system is a complicated body system that includes three main types of protection cells. 1—Macrophages are able to head off many infections by digesting many microorganisms and viruses. 2—T cells coordinate the immune system and attack many infected cells. 3—B cells make antibodies that stimulate an immune response.

205. Answers may vary. Sample answer: The immune system sometimes overreacts to nondangerous antigens due to allergies, attacks the body’s own cells due to autoimmune diseases, may become unable to stop out-of-control cell division due to cancer, and may lose control of the helper T cells due to AIDS.

206. Answers may vary. Sample answer: They are all noninfectious diseases.

207. Answers may vary. Sample answer: smoking and lack of physical activity

208. Answers may vary. Sample answer: by touch and on food

209. Leaving food at room temperature gives bacteria a chance to grow and to produce toxins in the food.

210. Answers may vary. Sample answer: He observed that cowpox could cause immunity for people exposed to the related disease of small pox. This observation led to the development of vaccines.

211. Answers may vary. Sample answer: They infect your body cells.

212. B cells must have had previous contact with a pathogen before they can make the correct antibodies.

213. Most viruses infect the nose, mouth, lungs, or intestines.

214. It slows the growth of new pathogens and helps B and T cells multiply faster.

215. A mild fever slows the growth of pathogens and helps B cells and T cells multiply faster.

216. Answers may vary and include three of the following: stores and transports vitamins, produces hormones, keeps skin healthy, protects vital organs, provides insulation, and provides energy.

217. hand washing

218. Answers will vary and include three of the following: the complete address, a description of the location, a description of the accident, the number of people who are injured, and the types of injuries.

219. Answers may vary. Sample answer: MyPyramid can be used to help people understand how much of each type of food they should eat daily.

220. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins, and minerals

221. Sample answer: Obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Some obese people may suffer from malnutrition.

222. Sample answer: Drug abuse is the improper or illegal use of drugs.

223. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that increases heart rate and blood pressure and is extremely addictive.

224. Sample answer: Designer drugs are drugs made by making small changes to existing drugs. Ecstasy is a designer drug.

225. Sample answers: Share your problems. Make a list. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. Pet a friendly animal. Spend some quiet time alone. Practice relaxation techniques.

226. Sample answer: They both decrease the risk of injury from accidents.

227. the location of the emergency, the type of accident, the number of people injured, and the types of injuries

228. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins, and minerals; They provide the materials needed for life processes.

229. Anorexia nervosa can lead to starvation, malnutrition, weak bones, low blood pressure, heart problems, and even death.

230. Bulimia nervosa can lead to teeth damage, digestive problems, kidney failure, heart failure, weak bones, low blood pressure, heart problems, and even death.

231. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

232. Answers may vary. Sample answer: antibiotics, antihistamines, and stimulants

233. When used under the guidance of a doctor, a stimulant can help a person heal. When used illegally and recreationally, a stimulant can create feelings of anxiety and irrational behavior.

234. Tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive, and increases heart rate and blood pressure. Smoking also decreases physical endurance and increases the chances of cancer.

235. Alcohol slows down the central nervous system, causes memory loss, can cause organ damage, affects decision making, increases risk taking, and can cause death.

236. Over time, aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, lungs, and bones. It burns calories, helps your body conserve nutrients, and aids digestion. It also gives you more energy and stamina. Aerobic exercise protects your physical and mental health. Sleep gives the body time to rest.


237. Answers may vary. Sample answer: The vaccine is enough like the pathogen that the body can build a defense against the disease.

238. Answers may vary. Sample answer: A person with AIDS does not have an immune system that is working well. His or her body will have little or no defense against the flu. Even a mild illness could be fatal.

239. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Cancer and AIDS are alike in that they are both the result of improperly functioning immune systems. They are different in that cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. AIDS is characterized by an infection of the immune system that prevents B cells and killer T cells from functioning.

240. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are alike in that they both are nutritional disorders that can lead to malnutrition. Both cause physical damage to the body. They differ in that people with anorexia nervosa do not eat at all, but people with bulimia nervosa binge eat and then force themselves to throw up. Those with bulimia sometimes use laxatives or diuretics to rid their bodies of food and water.

241. Answers may vary. Sample answer: A person feeling stress may feel he or she has more problems than most people. A desire to escape from problems is one of the reasons people abuse drugs or alcohol. A person who feels stress might be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol for that reason.

242. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Some people with bulimia nervosa, alcoholism, and drug addiction are unable to control their use of a substance or food. Bulimia nervosa, alcoholism, and drug addiction can cause damage to a person’s body


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