My tiMe at eton

Name: Class: Date:

units 5?8


Reading P

1 Do the food facts quiz (1?4). True or False? Write T or F.

Then read the answers and explanations below, and compare with your ideas.

Food Facts quiz

How much do you know about diet and health?


Vegetarian diets are always healthy.


Too many dairy products can make you fat.


Take a vitamin tablet every day ? then you can eat what you like.


Eating just one or two meals a day is a good way to lose weight.


Vegetarian diets are often healthy, but vegetarians who eat only cheese sandwiches are not getting enough nutrition! Meat and fish give us protein, vitamins and minerals, like iron and zinc.When you stop eating meat, you need to find these nutrients from other foods. So vegetarians need to make sure they eat foods that contain them.


Milk, cheese and yogurt are healthy foods.They contain protein, vitamins and calcium, which is good for bones and teeth. Diets without enough dairy products do not give your body enough calcium. On the negative side, dairy food contains a lot of fat, so don't eat too much of it, or choose reduced-fat versions instead.


Vitamin tablets can provide all the vitamins you need each day, but there are lots of other important nutrients they don't provide.They are not a substitute for a real meal.


Some people stop eating some meals to lose weight, but they often feel hungry and tired, and then eat a lot more at the next meal. It's much better to eat three small meals a day and a few healthy snacks in between (some fruit, a low-fat yogurt or some cereal), than to miss meals.

2 For questions 1?4 choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 A diet which consists mainly of cheese sandwiches can be dangerous because A these foods don't contain any nutrients. B these foods don't contain enough nutrients. C all diets need to contain meat or fish. D these foods contain too much zinc and not enough iron.

2 People who eat dairy food A don't get enough calcium. B don't need vitamin tablets. C could have problems with their teeth. D should limit the amount they consume.

3 Vitamin tablets A contain all the nutrients you need. B can replace all meals. C are the best way to lose weight and be healthy. D don't contain everything you need.

4 People who want to lose weight A always feel hungry and tired. B need to stop eating some meals. C still need to eat three meals a day. D need to limit their diet to fruit and yogurt.


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units 5?8


Reading P

1 Read the text about a famous school in England and

choose the best ending for each sentence, a or b. 1 Alex... a enjoyed his time at Eton. b didn't enjoy his time at Eton. 2 To go to Eton... a you need to have a rich family. b you don't need to have a rich family.

2 True or false? Write T or F. Correct the false sentences.

1 Boys and girls go to Eton. 2 Eton is over six hundred years old. 3 Eton was not like Alex expected. 4 Alex didn't work hard at Eton. 5 Eton's famous for rugby. 6 Tourists often took photos of Eton students. 7 Alex's family paid about ?30,000 a year for him to go to Eton. 8 Eton students come from lots of different countries.

Name: Class: Date:


Eton College is a world-famous British private school for boys. King Henry VI founded the school in 1440. Famous ex-students include Princes William and Harry, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, actor Hugh Laurie and writer George Orwell. A more recent Old Etonian is 18-year-old Alex Gardiner from Birmingham, who left only a few weeks ago. Here, he tells of his experience at the ?30,000-a-year school. `I found the first term at Eton very challenging. It was a culture shock. It was nothing like I expected. On a typical day, I was in lessons from 8.30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Then I had three hours of homework each night.' `I also discovered that sport is a big part of life at Eton. The school is famous for the Eton Wall Game. This game is like a mixture of football and rugby, and students play it next to a brick wall. It usually ends with a score of 0-0!'

`Another big change was that when I was in town, tourists wanted to take photos of me in the formal Eton uniform. It's very traditional and old-fashioned ? students wear a long black coat and a white tie. In fact, even the teachers wear a uniform!'

But did Alex's parents need to pay the ?30,000-a-year fees? Alex won the place at Eton through the King's Scholarship, which Henry VI started in 1440. There are 130 scholarship places a year and the school gave Alex a fee-free scholarship.

Alex said, `Most people think Eton is full of students who want to be Prime Ministers or business tycoons, but it isn't like that. I was with people from all over the world, who all had different backgrounds. Everyone accepts everyone else. It was an amazing experience. I will never forget my time at Eton ? the people I met and the friends I made.'

Alex got three A grades in his Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry A-levels, and is planning to study Medicine at Barts Medical School in London. Good luck to him!

46 Network Level 1 Potenziamento ? Units 5?8


Name: Class: Date:

units 5?8


Writing T

1 Read the biography of the mountaineer Edmund Hillary and number

the events from Hillary's life (a?f) in the order they happened (1?6).

Edmund Hillary

Edmund Hillary was born on July 20th, 1919, in New Zealand and started climbing as a child.

In 1953 he joined a British expedition team in the Himalayan Mountains and, on May 29th, 1953, he became the first person to climb Mount Everest, together with his Nepalese climbing partner, Tenzing Norgay. In the same year, Hillary married Louise Rose, who he had three children with.

Eight years later, Hillary returned to Nepal and helped local people to build their first school.

In 1975 a tragedy happened. Hillary's wife and one of his daughters died in a plane crash. Years later, in 1989, he married an old friend, June, and they visited Nepal together every year. Hillary died on January 11th, 2008, when he was 88.

a He climbed Mount Everest. b He helped to build a school. c He had children.

d He married his second wife.

e He started climbing.


He died.

2 Find and write 5 or more time expressions from the biography.

on the 20th of July, 1919

3 Now research another famous person and write a similar biography (100?150 words).


Network Level 1 Potenziamento ? Units 5?8 47

units 5?8


Writing T

1 Look at the photo of Dan's favourite place.

Tick () the things you can you see.

a rocks b sand c caves

d a beach e a river f a forest

Name: Class: Date:

2 Now read Dan's description of his favourite place. Match the questions (a?d) to the paragraphs (1?4). a What can you do there? b Where is it? c Why do you like it and when is a good time to go there? d How do you get there and what's it like?

1 My favourite place in the world is Carrick Beach.

It's in the south-west of Scotland.

2 To get to the beach, you turn off the main road

and drive down a narrow road. This narrow road goes down the valley, through a forest and across a little river, and it ends at the beach. The beach is U-shaped, white and sandy. On the left, there are some interesting dark caves to explore and rocks to climb on.

3 I love this place because it's quiet and beautiful.

It's never crowded ? even in summer. That's the best time to go, because the weather is usually warm and dry, and the days are long.

4 I love swimming there, and looking at bats in the

caves. There's a horse riding centre nearby, so I often go riding on the beach. It's a great place for photography too, because you can see wonderful sunsets here.

3 Write a description (100?150 words) of your favourite place.

Include this information: ? Where it is ? How you get there and a description of the area ? Why you like it and when is a good time to go there ? What you can do there

My favourite place...

48 Network Level 1 Potenziamento ? Units 5?8


units 5?8


Speaking T

Student A 1 Complete the questions (1?8) with the words from the box.

much (x2) far many (x2) strict good well

1 How 2 How 3 How 4 How 5 How 6 How 7 How 8 How

brothers and sisters have you got? are you at dancing? water do you drink a day? is your house from a park? money do you spend every day? can you sing? are your parents? jobs do you do at home?

You Student B

Useful language about... Me too. not much/many/a lot Both of us... What about you? I..., but (Giorgio)...

2 Complete the table in Ex.1 with information about you. Then ask Student B

questions 1?8 and write his or her answers in the column.

3 Now answer Student B's questions. Compare your answers. How much do

you have in common with Student B?

Student B 1 Complete the questions (1?8) with the words from the box.

far good much (x2) well tall many (x2)

1 How 2 How 3 How 4 How 5 How 6 How 7 How 8 How

You Student A can you ski? languages can you speak? is your best friend? chocolate do you eat every day? CDs do you own? are you at cooking? is your home from your school? money do you spend on sweets a week?

Useful language about... Me too. not much/many/a lot Both of us... What about you? I..., but (Lucia)...

2 Complete the table in Ex.1 with information about you. Then answer Student A's


3 Now ask Student A questions 1?8 and write his or her answers in the column.

Compare your answers. How much do you have in common with Student A?


Network Level 1 Potenziamento ? Units 5?8 49


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