Why Do Suffer? - Apologetics Press

Why Do People

Suffer? Seminar

A Seminar that examines and Accurately gives an explanation for the exsistence of

pain and suffering on the earth

The Seminar addresses such questions as:

? If God Exists, How can He stand Idly by while People suffer?

? Why do I have to suffer from other people's actions?

? Who is really causing the Suffering? ? Why do People suffer if God is All loving? ? Is Suffering a Good thing?


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To schedule a seminar please call:

(334) 272-8558

Many people throughout history have rejected belief in the one true God on the grounds that they have witnessed or experienced great pain and suffering.

Perhaps the loss of a loved one, or some other tragedy in life, made them resentful and bitter toward God and life. By blaming God, somehow the pain seemed more bearable. But the Bible speaks definitively on this matter--and only the Bible can give us an accurate explanation for the existence of pain and suffering on the Earth.

Why does suffering occur? The number one, unifying explanation: An infinite, eternal God rightly created an environment for beings of free moral agency to have the opportunity to decide where they wish to spend eternity.

Suffering is integral to the ideal proving ground--the "vale of soul-making."

Pain and suffering are among the necessary variables for achieving that righteous purpose.

To schedule a seminar please call:

(334) 272-8558

Dr. Miller is a graduate of Lubbock Christian University, where he earned a B.A. degree in speech and Bible. He earned his M.A. degree in speech communication from Texas Tech University, and his M.Div. and M.A.R. from the Harding School of Theology. He also is a graduate of Southern Illinois University, where he earned his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Public Address. For over 40 years, he has served in various capacities for churches of Christ. Presently serving as the Executive Director of Apologetics Press, Dr. Miller has authored numerous articles and books, including The Quran Unveiled, The Silencing of God, and Why People Suffer. He conducts 40+ speaking engagements a year, including weekend seminars, lectureships, and Gospel meetings.


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