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This is a draft copy. The text in this publication has been transcribed into nuuc?aan?u? phonetic alphabet from a handwritten dictionary by Reverend Auguste Joseph Brabant. In building the dictionary, Reverned Brabant used the input of local people at Hesquiaht. The dictionary used for this project is a full version compilation of his A-Z notebooks. It is dated 1911. The use of the nuuc?aan?u? phonetic alphabet, from the International Phonetic Alphabet, became popular within the education system in the 1990’s. As a language tool, it provides us with an accurate reflection of the sounds of our language formerly written only in approximated English orthography. The avid learner will find many audio, video and text resources online and some in print form to aid in learning to read the nuuc?aan?u? phonetic alphabet. This copy of the dictionary is the work of Larry Paul, Ang Galligos and Layla Rorick under the ? of the Hesquiaht Language Program, administered by Layla Rorick.This is not a perfect publication. You will find mistakes both with spelling and word meanings. As a team, great effort has been made to stick closely to the content written by Brabant. All extra content added to this dictionary is marked with a “+” Where extra content is inserted, it is meant to be helpful to the reader.?atiks?i? nis? First Peoples? Heritage Language and Culture Council with the Aboriginal Language Initiative through the Department of Canadian Heritage for granting financial support to this project. ?atiks?i? nis? Nuu Chah Nulth Economic Development Corporation Language and Culture Program with Primates World Relief Fund for granting financial support to this project.?atiks?i? nis? Hesquiaht Chief and Council for providing us with a rent-free space to work on the dictionary during the years 2011 and 2012. ?atiks?i? nis? Hesquiaht Administration for agreeing to accept and dispense the grant for this project on behalf of Hesquiaht Language Program. ?atiks?i? nis? Robin Rorick whose belief in this project inspired him to volunteer in a wide variety of ways from development to delivery of the final publication.?atiks?i? nis? Julie Froekjaer-Jensen whose belief in this project inspired her to volunteer in assisting the team by typing from her home in Victoria during the second round of the team’s work on the dictionary.This work is meant for the use of all Nuu chah nulth people and students of the language. Please share it freely and widely. Do not use it for commercial purposes. Notes to the user:“+” appears before an English word or phrase that has been added to the original text for the purpose of clarity.“+” appears before a his?k?ii?ath? word that has been added by Larry Paul for the purpose of sharing commonly used modern his?k?ii?ath? words.“?” appears after words for which there is uncertainty about accuracy.“?” appears by itself where the original handwritten text was illegible or unrecognizable in its antiquity.AA, An The article is not used (+ there is no word for this.)Abandon ?ac?i?; wah?s?i?Abandoned ?ac?yuu; wah?yuu An abandoned wife/husband: wah?ck?ii When husband abandoned her: wah?s?i?at ?uh??at c?akupukhAbate (+ To become less strong, severe) c?ihwits?i? ? ; ?uus??atu Wind X: y?u?atu Storm X: taah?s?i? Pain X: pinh?s?i?; ?in?aks?i?; pu?uk?i? ?Abase (+ To humiliate or degrade) q?aqiqsapAbbreviate ?a?inwiic?i?; ?a?inwii?apAbdicate To cease to be chief: hawii?a? h?aw?i? X in favour of another: ?uh?ii?apAbdomen ?Ablactate (+ Cease to lactate) h?awii?a?ap?inma Abducted h?aptciiks?i? ?Abduct h?aptciiksap ?Abed (+ In bed) nayii?; c?itk?i?; + his??iic?i? (+ To crawl into bed as you are.)Abet (+ To encourage or assist) hat?uqck?i; ?asiitaAbhor yayaaksuh?ta (ap); + Dangerous, contagious: ?uus?maqyu (ap) + Someone that’s no longer needed: wiiwiksumAbide (+ Dwell) Where do you abide?: Waasik ma?asAbility My ability is making canoes: ?uk?i?s ?ac?ik c??aapacii?Abjure (+ Gone forever) h?atuss?i? ?ac?i?Able ?uum?aq?; ?uum?a?uk; ?uum?aq?ma?uk; ?ac?ik I am X, I can do it: ?uum?a?is q?isAble bodied ?a?iih?wacy?ak; sa?h?i ?; qu?asAboard hi?aas; h?inaas See Board.Abode mah?t?ii; ma?asAbolish wik?iitsap; wik?iitmii?apAbolished wik?iits?i?; wik?iitmiic?i?Abominable c?ic?is?si?apiAbortion Suffer X: hitak?ac?i? Cause X: hitak?a?ap Kill: qah?saap X by pressure: taaq q?a?apAbound (+ plentiful) ?ayapa?: in general from ?upa? X in a certain locality: ?ayanit + Plentiful: + ?ayintAbout 1. See around; hi?; ?awaa 2. On the point of, with affix tah? eg: About to shoot: ?’i?’itah? About to cry: ?i?ihatah? X to go out: yaayaacatah?3. Less immediate action-with the affix nah?i or nah?a eg: He won’t live. He is going to die: qaah?s?i?nah?i?is? + When a person has died: + wik?a?s?i?s?ia?4. hiik?a? with the verb ? ?iik eg: hiik?a? qah?s?i?iik5. With affix quu eg: about one mile: c?awaakquu mile6. ma?iiq? (+ a little bit, kind of or feel like) + I’m feeling kind of hungry: + hawiiq?ma?iiq?s or ?ah?asas hawiiq?quus I don’t feel like it: wik maa?iiq?sAbove hii?api (in the space) An object X: hi?misa On top: hi?spii Above ground: wikc?aas Upriver: hiininqa X in rank: ?uupi h?aw?i? Numbers X: ?uus?ma?apiAbreast To go X: c?aqinkc?ik To be X of Hesquiat (+ to be just off Hesquiaht): taqhtaak To be X of a Sound: ?ap?aqsu?Abroad wikpi?; ?uus?sacu To go X: ?uus?saah?tac?i?Abscess ?uus?miih?amisAbscond (+ to hide) haaptuks?i?; hapts?i?; c??ii?s?i? (+ to run away)Absconding (+ hiding) To be X: haptiiq? ? To go X: haptaaqc?ik eg: The serpent to tempt Eve.Absent wiki?; wikpi?; ?uus?saacu; wiik?uuk A short time absence: k?aac?muup Long time absence: qiimuup With the affix muup; also with the affix ?uuyuk?a? X a long time: qiiyuuk?a? Yet absent, not arrived: yaak?uukAbsolve wik?iitmi?ap; task?a?ap; wik?iitsapAbstain X from meat: wik ha?uk c?isqmis ???: has?ah?Absurd To render oneself X: hayuxs?i?; ?asi?s?i?; ?asi?a To be X: ?asi?c?yak; + hayuxc?yakAbsurdity hayuxmis; ?asi?misAbundance With affix nit when speaking of a certain place eg: salmon (a place with an abundance of salmon): cuxnit, (+ A place with an) X of wind: y?unit, (+ A place with an) X of everything: his?nit With the affix ?upa? when the place is not determined; so for instance at a certain time of the year a certain place although renowned for X of salmon-cuxnit-may not be said to have ?upa? cuwit or cuxpa?-the salmon not being actually running or there. + There was some (of anything) there: + ?upa?nitAbundant ?upa?, ?unit See Abundance.Abuse suk?ink; suk?ink k?ay?ap; qu?acna?aa? Insult: wis?ks?i? Snub-See Backbite. Go X of a thing etc. is also expressed by an affix which includes the idea of destruction, deterioration: ?uus?k?a?apAbyss (+ an immeasurable depth) hac?xstii?Accept haas?ah?sap; suk?i?Accident Speaking of an X the Indians generally use the expressions ?uus??ii?aa?; ?imqumyuu? etc. in connection with what happened.Accidentally ?anu?aa?; the affix ?u?uwisa Break X eg: a cup: kiki??uwisa Shoot X: ? ?i? ?uusa Lose X: t?it?uusa To find etc. X with affix as?t He found it: ?u?as?t?is? hiina? ?u?as?t (-determined ?uus??as?t- not determined) is employed in connection with the person or persons who found discovered etc. or first performed an action not always including the idea of an accident eg: John killed him: ?u?as?t?is? John (qah?sap) I did it: si?as?t sis? He did it himself: ?uk?a?as?t?is? We did it: nih??as?t nis? You did it: sut?as?t?ic etc. The one who found it, did it: yuq?aa?as?t nit?iAcclaim c?umq? waaAccompany X at sea: nanuuh?ac?; na?uqs X on foot: na?uuk; na?uukma?api X on invitation (at sea): na?uqscum To follow: tiic See Go and With.Accustomed hayii?ats?i?; haayiqhs?i?; ?uwaqs?i?Ache y?ih?a not employed alone but as an affix. Headache: t ?uh?miih?a; t ?uh?y?iih?a Toothache: c?ic?yiiha Earache : p?ap?iqy?ih?a Aching or pain is also expressed by yaa?ak, which rather means sore. My ears are sore: yaa?ak ?ac p?ap?ii; yaayaac??apAcknowledge wikyaayaa?ana; wiiwiiyaa?ana; q?ah?ii?ap; h?atuswa; ?iiqhukAcquaint ham?ip See Aware, Tell etc.Acqainted X with: ham?ipAcquaintance yaaq?i??at ham?ip?at See Relatives.Acquiesce (+ To agree) nuu?iAcquiescent ?uh?taasAcquire ?uy?ips?i?; hiniips?i?; ?un?aks?i? See Get, Gain.Acquit Set free: ? ?iqpitap Xted: ? ?iqpi?Across To get X a stream: hitap?i?; yacp?i? X an object: hitacpa Jump X: tuxcpaa X a table: humtas Sail X a bar: ?ih?cpaa X a river: q?isaqsi? X a bay: k?iisuwatAct X as if he were a chief: haw?i? t?ii?i?a Act as a chief: haw?i?s?i?aActive hahas??aq?, ?aap?iik (+ someone who is always willing.)Acute See Sharp, KeenAdapted Not X: wiksum; wikq?ac??ak (+ not for that purpose.)Add ?uk?inksap; ?uus?inksap; tus?inksap; ?uu??apAddicted to Add to the radical the affix ?ik X to drink: na?ik X bad language: kuwa?ik X steal: kuwiikAddress See Direct. See Accost. To speak to by affixing the pron. ??? person and by employing the form ?uk?i? I X myself to you: suuti?s I address myself to John: ?uk?i?sis? JohnAdhere Determined: waakswii; wikquuAdieu (+ goodbye) porter vous bien (-French) Singular: s?ah?yuut?i Plural: s?ah?yuut maa?api Plural: s?ah?yuu?iic?um; yuuc?i?a; yuucmi?aAdjoining ?uk?ink??as (+ beside) ?atink: Fixed together with the affix ?uk?ink eg: blankets joined together: c??iitink; mi?ink; qitink, ?ih?inkAdjust pi?pic?; ?u?umh?i?ap; pitinqsap; ?ap?ii?apAdmirable micq?a?Admire ?uus?p?a?a; micq?aa; kaa?pap Find nice: c?um?ap Find good etc. : ?ut?ap + I admired John’s speech to everyone the other day: ?uusp?a?a mic John ciqciiqma?api ?am?i mit?iAdmit X into house: hinii?itap Grant, Concede: kamathak (+ to remember) Not contradict: wiiwiiy?a?ana They let their dog in: hinii?itap ?inii?uk?i Do you remember?: kamathakk Yes, I remember: haa?a kamathaksAdmonish haahuupa, cass?i?Adopt Say make mine: siy?as?ap Make yours: s?uw?as?ap Make his: ?uuc?ap Also with the affix hin?as?sap X as a child by one who is childless: t?an?a hin?as?sap from hin?as??ap X way of thinking etc: has?ah?sapAdore waakas??ana from the exclamation of awe often uttered by the Indians: waakas? waakas? ?is? waaAdorn (+ add beauty or lustre to) ?iin?aha, To get Xed: ?iin?ahiic?i?, Cause X: ?iin?ahsapAdorned ?iin?ahc?uAdrift X from anchorage or beach: qayaac?i? X at large: ta?ak from tac?i?: to go adrift. See Drift.Adroit (+ skillful, clever) ?ac?ik, ?imaqstin?akAdults ?a?iih? qu?as See Girl.Adulterate ?uus?inksap; ?awii?ap from ?awiiAdulterated ?awii; p?iiyac?i? Adultery Commit X: ?ih?naak, ?ih?naak?i?; ?; su?ak?a?ap To fall into the crime of X whether lawful or not: ?ih?syuc?i? Haber (+ latin: to have) ?uu?iic ?a?uuc?i ?uucma is equivalent to ?ih?naak Advance yaacs?i? Frequentation: yaacaaAdvent (+ The arrival of especially an important person or thing) hiinu? Jesus Christ did not announce his second advent: Jesus Christ wiiksa?is? ?iiqhuk q?iiyuu?aq?ii hiinu? ?aAdversary (+ an enemy, opponent) yayaq?in?iq?Advice ?imaqsti Give X: hinii ?imaqsti To ask for X: cii?i? To give X interfere: cii?aaqsta, cii?aaqstin? haahuupa Give X: ciqayiAffable ( + friendly, good natured) cici?up?iik, ?aaph?iiAffair With the affix saah?tak X of great importance: ?iih?saah?tak X of no importance: wiksaah?takAffect X goodness: qiica?a ? With the affix t?i?i?a He affects (+pretends) to be sick: ta?i? t?i?i?a Feel the effect, to be affected: hin?a?s?i? This is also very often expressed by the affix saah?i eg: Caused by the wind: ?usaah?is yu?iAffection To have X: yaa?akAffectionate ?aaph?iiAffirm haa?a (waa) See YesAffix ?uk?i?a?ap, ?uu?a?apAfflict Cause: wii?aqstupAfflicted wii?aq?Afford The affix maaq? I cannot afford to go: wim?aaq?s ?ucac?i? Can afford: ?umaaq?Affray (+ A public fight, a riot) ni?q?aqmisAffront (+ An open insult) ?uuksuqta; yaaqsaahat; yaasuqta I am Xed: yaasuqtapac, suk?inkAfloat Generic: c?aayaapi Not at anchor or fast: c?ayaapu? See Float.Afoot yaacuk; yacy?ak; yaac?ii?Afraid See Fear- tuuhuk Dread: hayaaq? Uneasy of accidents: ?uwiq?; ?umaak- latin-ne- I’m afraid to break an object eg: cup ?umaaks ki?s?i?quu I’m afraid of him: tutuhsuhta?aps; tuh?iiq?; tuhmuup (+ when you go somewhere away from what you’re afraid of.)After Lust X: ?u?aq? Close X, behind in place or time: ?awaa?ic? X Mass: hawii?a? quu naamiis To go after him or something: suk?i? To go X fish etc: ?u?uu?iih? ?ap?tuup To go X firewood: ?u?uu?iih? ?inksy?i See Firewood. X awhile: hi?ac?i c?aani X a long while: sayaa sum To canoe or go X a canoe course: tiic An expected canoe that is not yet arrived: yaqciq ?Afterbirth ?a?ii Afternoon ?uuc?in?; ? ; hawiia?quu ?apwin n?aasAfterwards ?ah??aa?a? (and then…)Again ?a?uuk; hu?aas Repetition of the same occurrence or action: hu?asi?aAgainst Opposed to: yumq? Face to face: ?a?umc?i Age ?unic Old: mixtmis Reach very old age: haah?tuu? Old X: ha?ii qu?as; ? Middle X: ?aph?taak qu?asAged qiicwa? He is old: qiicwa??is?Agitate maa?inksapAgo ?a? How long ago: c?aa ?unic?a?ii How many days X?: ?unac?i??a? Long X: qii?a??i +hu?ak uy?i, +qii?a?quuAgony To be in the X: qah?s?i?s?ia?, qah?s?i? He has a long X: qiimii??is?, qiimaqs?iihAgree nupp?ii? ?imaqsti They X well: ?u?st?a?, c?um ?uk?inkst?a?; ?aaph?iic?ink Harmonize in statement: nupp?ii?c?ik X to it: nuu?ii, t?aaqaak, t?aaquk?i? Everything Xs with me: hiis?i?s c?um ?uk?ink Food: hiis?i?s ?u??ap or c?amaas?apAgreeable If it is X to you: c?amih?ta h?uh?tikh??atk?uk That is X to me: c?amih?ta h?uh?tikh??at sis? An X person: ?aaph?ii An X place, pleasant, nice: ?uu?uuquk Ah! h?aa, ?ah??aaAhead To be X: ?uwii?i? To go X: yaacaa Go X: takaas?i (-singular) takaasi?ic? (-plural) To surpass: ?ukspin?, hita?itapAid hupii, ?asiitaAil ?uwaaph?ic?i? He is a long time Xing: qii?iis? ?uwaapuk, ta?i?Aim To X at: ?uuk?i? X at, try to gain: ?uus?k?ayiih? Shoot at: ?uh?taaDefine what eg: bird the action of aiming: qah?s?i?Air In the X: hii?api X temperature by the affix sit The X is cold: m?a?sit?is? X tight: hatuqs k?apu? To put on Xs: kac?x?aaAlarm To feel Xed: h?ayaaq?, h?ayaaq?stu? To cause X: hayaaqstup To feel alarm on account of absence: hiniihaAlight tuwi? eg: Step from a carriage. Birds (on land): hu?ii?Alike mii?h?i, q?aa Resembling: ?u?uk?uk, ?aah?asa X in size as: ?u?inh?i Alive tiic?All his?uk The radical hiis? includes the meaning of “all” but the affix changes according to the circumstance eg: hiis?taq: to do it all. The completion is expressed by ha. I did it all: his?siik nic or h?asiik nic X kinds: his?saahtak X over: his?saacu X together: his?ink On X fours: sa?ak X at once: kapsc?i? (+or all of a sudden)Allay X Pain: p?inh?s?i?Allow c?umq?; c?umqstu?aq? I allow you: c?umq? siis? suuti? or nuu?ii sis? See Permit, Let.Allure X into… hiihin?i??iihAlmost hiik?a? Came near to: c?atiik; c?ataaminis? (we) Not entirely: wiiyuu X alike, even: mii?h?ii t?anaAloft To go X: t?aaqmisanu? Above in the space: haa?apiAloof To stay X in a quarrel: wiik?aaqsta To keep X from a certain person: c??ac??iis?ukAlone ?an?a Alone in the house: c?awaaq?i?; ?an?aaq?i? or c?awii? To go X: ?an?ac?ink or c?awaac?ink To work, do a thing alone: c?awuu X in a canoe: c?awiista Left X all dead: c?awaakma? The idea is expressed by c?awaak or ?an?a and different affixes. Let me X: ?ac?ii?isAlong To go X by canoe: na?uuqs To go X on foot: na?uuk To bring X with the affix iis; Bring X a cup: capiis Bring X firewood: inksy?iqis To take X: hiniic; hiinaan?ak See Accompany. See Beside. To have X: ?uucAloud ?aqc?aqh?Also yuuq?aaAltar (La mass su?) laamiisu?Alter k?isi?ap His face is altered: k?isi?at hii?uu? X (+castrate) a horse: k’?itatup or ?uk?atup See Change.Alternately h?a?ukstum; h?ah?a?upa?a Do it X: h?ah?a?ukstum?ic?; h?ah?a?upa?a?ic?Although ?uyih?ta; k??ah?taa; k??ayih?ta X (+still) a child yet: k??ah?taa t?an?a?is ?iiqh?iiAlways taaks?i?; q?aasasa; saac??ink It is X raining: taaks?i? mi?aa X good, fine: qwaasasa ?u? + X stays the same: + q?aasasa mii?h?i wim?aaq? k?iish?inc?i?Amass hiis?sap; his?umyuup It is expressed better when one says: ? ?iptk?aa as applied to a miser.Amaze It is Xing: mick?a??is? ? I am Xd: mick?aas ? ; ?uus?p?a?asAmbition The idea of X expressed by the affix c??iih? I wish to see X: nacic??iih?s I have the X to go: ?ucac??iih?s; has?umsAmbitious has?uk See Proud.Ambush To lie in X: hat?aapt?iih?Ameliorate ?uyayap; u.n.? ?uyac?i? To become right: ?apcac?i?; ?ap?iic?i?Amend ?am?aak?a?s See Ameliorate.Amidst ?uq?iiqsta The affix c??iiqsta X the rain: mi?c??iiqstaAmiss See Fault. You are X: ?i?aa?ic or ?i?aa?ap?icAmmunition sa?ac??akAmongst ?uq?iiqsta; c??iiqsta To get X eg: seals: ?uk?inks?i? ki?aanus In the sense of the French “che? The word hi? is also employed. I am a long time X the Indians: qii siis? hi??iiq qu?asAmputate qaaqatqh?iiy?ap The h?i affix in this word and others is descriptive of legs. yum? is descriptive of arms. They had to amputate his arm: ?u?usumnit qaaqatk yup?at Having leg amputated: qaaqatqh?iic?i?Amusing It is X: ?uuqmis?is? Amuse oneself, play: ?umc??aap He is X: ?uuqmath?i; ?u?uqc?yak; ?umc??a?aq? Enjoy: ?uuqc??ap X oneself with: ?uuqsna?aa? See PlayAn See “a”Ancestor hisack?i The one he comes from, See Parent. +yaqck?ii, +yaq?iimit, +nananiiqsu, +hisacq?iqsAnchor t?ayuuqum?; t?ayusum To X: t?ayuk?i? At X on the sea: t?ayuc?is?t; ma?ac?is?t Close in shore: t?ayuus; ma?is; t?ayusac?is?tAnchorage t?ayusu?Ancient ?iqhmuutAnd ?uh??iis?; ?a; ?uh?tasa ? etc.Anew hu?as See AgainAngel Les Anges (+ the previous word is French) + niisaawis?Anger ?uus?suqstumAngry ?uus?suq? To get X: ?uus?suqstu? To make X: ?uus?suqstup Get up his temper: wi?aks?i? To speak to one angrily: tuc?i?s?i? To feel hurt by what is said or done: yaasuqta; p?is?aq ?imaqsti Angry disposition: hiix?ath?i + To speak to one in an angry tone: + tutuc?i?s?i?Angle k??ac?inkAngler The act of angling: hiphips?Animal sas?tup Quadruped: muumuup?i?qa?h?iAnkle huhuu?qum ?; k?iisum ?; + ?is?iAnimate (being) hin?ayaq?; tiic? Anniversary mac?inks?i? Meet again: hu?asAnnounce hin?a?sap To go to X: hin?a?say?as; has?ii?ap, ?iiqhuk, q?aah?i?ap, waawaa See Tell etc.Annoy ?u?uk?inkh? Do not X me: wik?iis ?u?uk?inkAnnoyed wipaxs?i? Annoying: wipaxmisAnoint taatasw?akAnother ?a?uu Of X kind: k?istuup; ?awii Different: k?isaahtak with the prefix k?is See Two, Numbers.Answer ?umaap X back: ha?uk?i?; ?uus?iicm?ap Not X: wikiicmap To X a certain purpose: ?u?umh?iAnt ?uqhkup ? + t?a?t?apw?in (also see spider)Antecessor The one to whom I succeed: ya?in?as?ksAntipathy He does not like me: wiiwikc?ac He has no X to me: ?u?uukc?acAntipodes ( + places on opposite sides of the earth to eachother) t?at?aaq?u?a nism?a Anus hitaak?i; h?icacAnvil c?icksac?usAnxious To have a great wish: ?inisaah?; ?umahsa; yaa?ak I am X to work: ?uus?taq mahsas I love working: yaa?akhs ?uus?taq He is X: yaawii?ak?is? To be weary about somebody: hiniih?a X scared: hayaaq?Any An Anglicism not properly expressed in this language. Xthing: q?iquusii Xbody: yaquusiiAnyhow ?aciis; q?iic?i?Apart xac?aaAperture kuh?wanumApercint (+ laxative) s?ucy?i I want to take an X: s?ucy?i?a? mahsasApologize u?uwak?a; c?aama?sap I came to X: ?u?uwak? wit?as sis? suuti? hence ?aak??iih? ask, beg for pardon in words or by conduct.Apostle Les Apotres ( + French)A piece Expressed by doubling the first syllable. Eg: One dollar X: nuunupqum? taala (+ one dollar: + nupqum?)Apparel muc??ic??acy?iAppear To show oneself: yak?s?i? is better expressed as “to look out” k?aah?iic?i?; hamats?i? By the affix k?uk eg: To have the appearance to be sick: ta?i? k?uk; also by the affix c?yak and doubling the first syllable tata?i?c?yak X it leaks out: q?aah?ic?i? eg: news.Appease (his anger) ?uyayap ?imaqsti X another’s anger: ?uyayapc?ip ?imaqstiAppetite have X: hawiiq? Affix iiq? Have no X: wikma?iiq? (+ Have no desire to do a certain thing.)Applaud The action of Xing with hands: ?uh?inks?i?Apples Dry X: ? ?us?c?uu apples Apple tree: applesmapt + Apple: +cih?apiihApply To X: ?u?uk?inksap X to the Captain: ?u?uk?inc?i Captain or ?uuk?i?..waa A blister, poultice with the affix ap and the object that is applied eg: To X a plaster poultice: ?icaasap or ?icaasap + To apply medicine poultice: + ?aq?aasipAppoint With the affix ap X a policeman: mama??iih??ap Who is Xed?: ?ac?aqii?ap?at I am Xed: siyaaqii?ap?ac Charley is appointed: Charley ?uh?iyapat?is? He is Xed agent: agent ?iyapat or ?uh?iyapat agent. X a day: ka?ups?i?Appreciate ?uus?saahtak?ap Of things, see Make.Apprise (+ to make aware) hin?a?sap Approach ?awiic?i?; ?awiic?as X from behind hiisa kumsa hinapaa? X from right side: hiisa kumsa c?umcuut X from left side: hiisa kumsa kacuut X from the front: ?uusyac?inks?i? ?? Appropriate (+ To take possession of, especially without authority) hatcuwat (s?i?) One that makes a habit of appropriating: hahatcuwat?iih??iik ?? Approve ?u?ii?ap; ??; yuuyuuwaa? Approve another in words, give permission, not object: c?umwaa; c?umq? Xd at a meeting: c?umk?up Apron ?ihcimi?cimin ?; + ?icaah?umApt X in danger: ?uus?c?a?h?i and the affix quu It is dangerous, you are X to hurt yourself: ?uus?c?a?h?i?is? ?usuqtaquuk Aptitude expressed by suffix ma?uk Ardor (+ zeal, burning enthusiasm, passion) With X: ?inhu? ? ; ?aanaqhu? (+ serious, stoic about something)Arise X from sitting: ?akis?i? X from laying in bed: t?iqpi? to sit down being the first movement then ?akis?i?Arm In general: qayapta, ?a?apc?u Long X: yayaaqc?u Stretch your arm: t?at?ahc?u?i Swollen X: x?ax?akc?u Sore X: yayaakc?u; + yayaakyim? Broken X: k??ak??ac?u To break X: k??ak??ac?in?Armpit ?a?apswin?Around hu?aca, nuutka (circle) White all X: hu?aca ?isuk To go X: hu?acac?i? Sit all around (inside): ? hu?aca generally and with expression of objects X the head: hu?aca t?uh?citiArouse hin?a?sap X from sleep: ?upksaap X one asleep: c?ats?i? (push him)Arrange c?ac?umyaqi? (+ a guest comes and is treated nicely: + c?ac?um?a?uk) See Fine. Xd of different things: c?umc?uuArray X In a line: c?iy?i? Go one after the other in a line: c?iy?i?qc??ik?ic?Arrest yaqc?inup The Indians use the word yaqc?inup from analogy of the state of a salmon in a trap: yahaak (+ the word t?a?inwa also means fish trap) being a salmon trap. To stop X: wiinapup To put in irons in prison: ma?pitap Tie limbs: mamaa?h?i?apArrive hinin?is?i; hinu?aa? is generally used. Xd: hinawii?a?; hinin Arriving, coming: hinats?i? Xd by sea canoe, boat: hitasa? The affix sa? is clearly heard in these and other cases. Just arrived, landed: ?ahsa? All have landed: his?sa? Arrive at night: ?ath?iisa?Arrogant kac?x?aa; X by the tongue: c?iq?aqsu? Arrogate Go beyond rights: hitap?iqs?i? Arrow Complete X: c?iih?ati Make arrows: nuhsi?akciqi? ? from the arrow without point: nuhsi?aksti The point is called qah?isum The lower part that applies to the bow’s string is called qaqukh?umArtery hiiyaq?anu?As q?aa X I am: q?aa qaas Just X etc.: ?aah?asa q?is of an action As I did, was: q?is muut?iis As long as: ?unic…?unic Do as I told you: q?is?ii waamuutiis Comparative mii?h?ii and as an infinitive number of other ways. See When, as you please: q?aa?ii q?aa mahsa yiikAscend hiinumsin?, hitaqin? said of masts, mountains also t?aaqmisin? in general of high objects; X to heaven: takayipi? See Climb.Ascertain (+ To find out as a definite fact) t?aakac?iih? I have Xed it: t?aakac?iih? nicAshamed ?imh?aa; waak?uuq?; waak?s?i? I am ashamed on your account: waak?uuq?s suuti? To make ashamed: ?imiihsyup or wawaak?syup; wawaayupaAsh tree ?atmapt (+ also see Yew)Ashes ??intmisAshore See Shore yacis; wih?aas; wih?iiya Anything found (on shore) ashore such as a sea otter is determined by the word hunii as a prefix or simply nii as an affix eg: A piece of driftwood ashore: k?axnii A seat otter X: k?wa?nii Hesquiat found a whale or any other “find” ashore: hunii?ak h?is?k?ii?ath? or hunqi??is? h?is?k?ii?ath? Came ashore alive: tiic?niiAside Put aside: k?as?saap Go X: k?as?aa?i Let us go X: c?uk?aa k?as?s?i? (+ let us go put things X.)Ask ?a?aatuu X for, require: ?uuks?; make give p: hiinac? X for anything as a gift: naah?s?X for food: qaacs? X for payment in labour: ?asp?uu?s? X for payment otherwise: ?aakmaac? X for information: haas?ic?iih? X permission: cii?i? Without X: wiiktis In marriage: ci?as X pardon: ?aaksuuq? X help: ?asnaah?; ?aac?i? X for wishes to get: ?uu?uuk?u?a Eg: The Ahousats ask for blubber : ?uu?uuk?u?a?is? ?aahuus?ath? X for, want to have sent, brought: hiih?ink?u?a See Fetch, Go and ask for: naah??i? from naah?s?i? To X for and fetch, get: ?u?ii? X for news: ?uuyaqh?mii? and ?uyaqh?a?quuh?, ?uyaqh?nah?-the affix being from ?unaah to be in search of.Asleep wa?ic? Lying down in bed: c?itk?i?sAsperse (+ To attack the reputation of) h?uts?i?; h?uuth?uutaAssasinate qah?saap, tuuh?s?i?Assault su?ak?a?ap eg: a woman; also employed in general.Assert ?anaqhwaaAssemble his?umyuupAssembled his?umyu?; X in one place: nupsaacuAssent ( + consent) ?aapuk?i?; t?aaqaak; t?aaquk?i?; nu?iiAssist hupii; ?asiita; ?uus?c??aks?i? I Xed at the meeting: hiy?aks?i? nic I was present at church: hiiyaaqsta? nic Sunday qu?i? also I was there, I Xed: hi?nic X the dying: ?uu?a?uk wiwikcum qu?asAssociate X with one: ?uuksc??a?in When not determining with whom: ?uus?c??i?inAssort xac?saapAstern ( + Away to the rear) ?uuy?aq?-affix A ship in tow of a steamer: ma? ?ak?i A canoe or anything going astern: k?aac?i? + A ship in tow is also: + ma?ak?i?Astonish I am Xed at you!: ?uus?p?a?as suuti? or mick?as suuti? It is Xing: mick?a??is? See Admire. You astonish me!: ?uus?p?a?ap?ic siic?i? Astray (+ out of bounds) with prefix h?ayum To go X (outside eg: bush): h?ayum?as To go X (at sea): h?ayim?ni Not to take the right road: wikcac?i?Astride prefix ??ap X on a horse: ??appii X on a fence: ??am?aaqtuAstringent (+ Causing contraction of body tissue, checking bleeding) nas?qsy?iAsunder (+ into pieces) See Separate. The prefix ? ?itx Cannot be put X: wim?aaq??at ??itxk?aa?ap?at The calico (+ sail) is torn X: ? ?itx k?ac?i??is? ?iicapum + Ripped up/tattered: + k?acqk?ac?i?At hi? X Victoria: hi? Victoria See On. The meaning of “at” is differently translated with different verbs for which see those verbs eg: shoot X: ?uhtaa ??ic?i? At hi? determines term ?a?quu; At Easter: pak?a?quuAt first ?a?um At once: takuk; n?ayiik + First I’m going to go to the store when I get to Tofino: + n?ayiik ?aq?s ?uccac?i? makuw?as hinin?a? q?in nac?iqsAt sea hi?c?atu, hi?su?is + The canoe is X: hi?c?atu?is? c??apac?iAtone (+ To make amends or reparations for wrong action) haa?mah?ic?i? ?; ?a?maak??a?Attain (+ A gain or accomplishment by effort) ?uumaa Not X: wiina with the affix ma Could not X it: wiimaamic hiniip Attach See Tie. ?atinksap + Don’t attach your shawl to itself (while sewing it): + wik?um ?atinksap niis?ana?ak?ikAttached Devoted to, not want to part with yayum?ak;?atqak; ?atink; t?aanac?ink; ?u?uk?i; ?u?ukc?i Tied, fixed to by the affix c?i X by a string: mamaqc?i X by glue: k??iik??itc?i X by nail: ?a?aap?iqc?i X by affection: yaak?ink Attack hitac?inks?i? (+ like in a war) Attention To pay X: na?aa; na?atah? Pay X (imperative): taaks?i?i ?Attempt See Endeavor, TryAttract c?iic?i? I was attracted by the noise (+ arguing): ?uh??at nic c?ic?i?at ni?q?aqmisAugur c’itky’ak (+ hand drill) They used an auger: ?uh?wa? mic c?itky?akak?iAunt na?iiqsuAurora Borealis ?iyak?u?; siitanu?; c?ac?aa?a + I was amazed/astounded by the aurora borealis at night: + ?uus?p?a?a mic c?ac?aa?a ?ath?iiAuthorize See EmpowerAuthority The chiefs authority is respected: hahawii?a?uk (a?) I say this with the authority of a chief: ?ah?kuus waa yaqiis haw?i?Autumn ?ay’iic?h? or ?aak?pa?Avail ( + help, benefit) Gain ?uus?siyuh No X: wiiksiyuh; wiknaap It will X him nothing/useless: wiiksiyuh; wik?inyap?aq??is? To use: ?us?c??ak?ap He Xed himself of my house: ?us?c??ak?apnit mah?t?ii?aqks He Xed himself of my presence: ?us?c??ak?apnit siic?i? X yourself of the opportunity, hurry up: ?usums?a??i Avarice ( + extreme greed) c?amihtakmis ?Avaricious ?a?aat?iik ?; c?amihtak ?; naniimis??iik ?Avenge With affix mih?a, ?umih?a X a child eg: it’s death: t?an?amih?a To X a house eg: it’s loss through fire: mah?t?iqmih?a To X anything done to an ancestor: nanicmih?aAversion To have an X for, dislike, by the affix ?uup?aa A man having an X for his wife on account of her old age: miixtp?aa-See Refuse, Dislike.Avoid c?ac??iis?uk I could not X doing it: nasa?nic wik?aq? k?isAwake ?umkaa; ?upkaa; pinkaa Affix: ?uyuuc? Long up X: qiiyuuc? Early awake: hu?aksyuuc?i? hence early riser: hu?aksyuuc??iik; pink?iik etc. To keep another X: pink?aasinh?ap; ?upkaasinh?ap To Xn, call: ?upksaap, ?umksaap, pinksaap Push X: c?ats?i? v.n.?: ?upks?i?, ?umks?i?, pinks?i?Aware hina?uk; u?aa?; kamath?ak I was not X of that:wiiwiiku?aa?Away To be X: wiki?; ?uus?saacu X a short time: k?aac?muup X for a short time: k?aac?muupch?a X a long time: qiim?uup X on account of a sickness: tamuup affix: muup Another affix: ?uyuuk??a? X long time: qiiyuuk??a? Not yet arrived, coming: y?aquuk X with a verb see verb eg: throw away, go away, carry away: hiniicu?Awe To be in X: hayaaq?, ?uus?maqyu?apAwful The idea is generally expressed by the affix ?upu? or ?api X cold: m?amaa?apu? X hard: ?u?uus?cuk?api same as very X.Awhile k?aac??is Wait X: ?i?a c?aani, ?i?aAwl (+ small pointed tool for piercing holes) suthtaa Axe hiishiisac??ak Cut with an X: hiishiisaAzure Blue: xaas?xiqyuBBabble wiiwikh?tinwaa (+ crazy talk), ?asi?s?i?; wiiwiksta?inwaBabbler with the affix ?iik wiiwikstinwa?iik; ?a?asi?c?yak; + wiiwikstupwa?iikBaby n?ayaqakBack hiinaap?a?; ?aptqii?ap?a? X of a fish: cup?ii X of a chair: ?ac?wanim or ?ac?win X of a house: hi?st?u?as To go X: hu?acac?i? To give X: hu?ay?i To take X: hu?ii? To X up a horse: k?aacmaas?ap kiwitana To go on horse X: ? ?appii kiwitana To X out of a bargain: hu?ah?tac?i? To X support: yaamaat hupii; ?asiita Middle of X: ?apwin Lower part of X: hinas?ak?i To carry on X, when speaking of children, live animals: kanup?aa? When speaking of birds, firewood and other objects: t?anup?aa? Hence put on another’s X: kanup’apup or t’anup’awup (+ when you help someone to put something on their X) according to above distinction. To wound on the X with a gun: ? ?iip’aa?uup, ?’iis?tqyaap?uup To strike on the X with a stick: hiistqyaap?uup To strike on the X with an open hand: ? ?uhtqyaap?uup To strike on the X with fist: ? ?iktkyaap?uup When telling someone to strike on the back with open hand as eg: in case of whooping cough: ?uh?tkyaapawii?i To turn one’s X: ?ah?ac?i?; ?ah?i? To get X: hu?iips?i? X to X: ?a?ah?i? To come X: hu?acac?i? To come X the same day: ?iiqiiya To stay out, not come X the same day: h?amaa In composition use the affix pu? Cut on the X: hiispu? + Behind the shoulder and across the back: + ?ahsap?iiBackbite (+ Speaking maliciously of an absent person) yayaaq?isa; maa?maay?i; ?uus?syuyapBackbone k?uunis + I enjoy the taste of Spring Salmon X: + ha?umqh?ac k?uunis suh?aaBack Door hi?st?u?as t?as?ii + Close the X: + mus??itap?i hi?st?u?as?i t?as?iiBackside hitaak?i; h?icac (-improper) Struck on the X with the hand: ? ?uh?aq?in? I’m gonna spank you: ? ?uh?aq?in??aq?s suuti?Backhouse (+ outhouse) s?u?aqu?i? + Can I go to the outhouse?: + ?u?umhih?s ?ucac?i? s?u?aqu?i?Backwards k?aac?i?; k?aacac?i?; k?aa?uk; k?aapiqc?i?- all then with movement backwards. + We’ll have to go X because we can’t turn around: + kuwi?a?aq?ni k?aa?ukBackyard hi?st?u?asBad p?is?aq; ?i?a X of taste: wiimas Xness: hiinums Hence To get X news: hin?iic?i? Very exceedingly: wikquu The weather is very X: wikquu?is? n?aas The sick man is very (low) X: wikquu?is? ta?i??i See Dangerous. To get X: p?iyac?i?, ?i?iic?i? I feel X disgusted on some account: ?awiic?i??ac or ?awiic?iac ?imaqstiBadly Very X with the affix ?uup?i; ?upu?; ?api and doubling first syllable: X hurt: ?u?usuqtapi Off X: ?aaq?iqnak To get X off: ?aaq?iknaks?i?, ?uwaaph?ic?i?; ?; ? He was X hurt and couldn?t get out of bed: ?u?usuqtapi wim?aaq? t?iqpi?Badge kakumth?it?u?; hahumtt?uBag ? ?apaat, also with the affix sac Flour bag: ? ?i?ick?uksac + I don’t have a bag. I’ll use a flour bag: + wik?iituks ? ?apaat ?uh?wa??aq?s ? ?i?ick?uksacBaggage p?atquk, p?atqc?u + I have a lot of X: + ?ayaaks p?atqc?uyakBail h?uc?i?; h?uu?h?uuya Ransom: ha?aac?i? (paying for) The price of X: ha?um Instrument to X water with: h?ayumBait tii?a put on the bait: tii?sapBake See Cook To X bread-put in the oven: c??am?aqstup Set the bread: p?uuwi?ap (overnight) When in the oven: c??ac??amaq? To X bread properly speaking: p?ap?ac?aq?i?Bakery p?ap?ac?aq?i?uwi? A baker: p?ap?ac?aq?i?h?siBaking Pan c??am?aq?y?ak + I have lots of Xs. Do you want to borrow some?: + ?ayaaks c??am?aq?y?ak ?a?k?uu? mahsak Balance Instrument to weigh: t?uucxma?api; ?uuktisy?ak What is left, the X: yaqapu?; yaqapu?ck?iBalancing t?uucxt?uucx?i Bald ?asqii, ?asqum?, ?aasqiinuu? Baldness of top or head-see Hairless: ?aasin?, waa?in?Bale ma?h?saa A X of blankets: nuptaqum? ?ictup X of hay: t?apqum? Entire X: ? To X, form a X: ma?saap verb: ma?s?i?Ball hupkum? To play at X: hupkum?sna?aa? To play at (soft)ball: c?ic?ictii?y?ak Musket X: papat?iihk?uk X mould: papat?iih?k?uk k?i?y?akBallast k?atyaksum X in the bow: tiicum X in the stern: ti?iikcum ?Band ma?iicum X around the head: c?iisiicum X for other things: ma?spum X of cattle: tus?qink muusmuus Another X: ?a?uktaqum? ?us?qink To X together: tus?qinks?i?Bandage To X in general: ma?s?i? Specifically according to parts: X the head: ma?iicu? X the foot: mama?htin? X the leg: mamaa?anu? X the eyes: mamaa?su? X the hand: mamaa?nuk X the knee: ma?maatp?iqaanu? X the arm: mamaq?cinu?Banish s?ii?ay?apBang X the door: c?ats?i?Bank X of a river: hiniisaqsi?is X of a lake: hiniisaqsi?as Sand X: ? ?a? ?ath?is X covered with water: ?apswiis slang- a spit: ?anac?x?anu?isBankrupt He is a X: wiiwikwisaBanquet To give a X: ? ?iic?u, hiinumc?u, + ?u?umc?u + They used to say hinumc?u long ago: + hiinumc?u mit waa?is? hu?ak ?uy?iBaptize c?iic?aat?inupBaptized c?iic?aat?a plural: c?iic?iic?aata To see X: c?iicaatin?Bar Crow X: kumty?ak X used by the women for digging purposes: k?uuky?ak, c?usc?usay?akBare Hairless-see Bald: ?aasum? The root ?aas implies the idea of bare and changes according to affix. Outside: ?aska On the beach: ?asqiis etc. See Standing. X of body: h?an?ah X of body verb: h?an?ahtu? X footed: wiiwikhta X footed verb: wiiwikhtin? X head: wikuxs X head verb: wikuxsi? X legs: wiiwikqathi X legs verb: wiiwikqath?ic?i? X one arm:?i?as?i X one arm verb: ?i?as?in? To X oneself: han?ah?tu?Bargain To make X (+ to negotiate): m?ak?ink Conclude X (to win your case): hita?ap To break X: hu?ah?tac?i? To conclude X: m?akc?aks?i?; mak?ayap To throw into X: ? ?ayac?i? An object thrown into the X: ? ?ayami One who is generous in a X: ?ayikBark X of trees: c?aqmis Cedar X for mats etc.: p?icup Take off the X: c?aq?aatup Go for cedar X: sah?as Beaten X employed in the care of children etc: nuh??umc Below the bark properly speaking which may be called the second coat of bark: ?amuupa X of a dog: wawaa?yuq?a To run about and X: saa?iih from Roam about: sa?ak and ?u?u?iih go after.Barker of a dog: wawaa?yu?iikBarrel Cask: ma?um?, c?aqum? X of gun: ?uusaanu?Barren Of a woman or man X: wikii?, k?usaqs?i? X land: wik?apsu?as Not even very fertile: wimasBarter mak?ink See BargainBashful wa?ak Timid: wiicaak; qu?as q?is X man, woman or child: wiicaa?iik or wiiwicaa?iikBasin kii?uuk, ? ?u?ah?s No proper name for basin. kii?uuk means a breakable dish, cup etc. ? ?u?ah?s wide or plate. A wooden (old fashioned) X: x?inkiyaBasket X used for fish, potatoes etc: qa?uuc A superior X (+ for y?am?a etc): yacac A X such as Xs to carry bread in: muhuya ? An ornamented small X: piki?u X used when picking berries: nih?umBat m?apiis Bath(tub) hatinqsac X room: hatinqu?i? + or + hatinquwi? Bathe hat?iis Give a X: hat?inqsa; hat?iis?ap Give a foot bath: yaacitu?, yaackatu; yacka? ? Give..with ?ap X a wound, pour water on it: h?uc?i?, c?ic?i?, c?uk?i?Bastard (+ Don’t know who the father is): ?icwisa?ukt (+ Doesn’t have a dad): wik’iituk n?uwiiqsuBatten ( + to fasten or secure): huqspumBattle There is a X/+ war: huh?inks?i? or huh?ink?is?Bawdy House (+ brothel) hayuxuwi?Bay c?amaakuk, hit’ac?u Across X: k?iisuu?at Go across X: k?iisuwats?i?Beads + Trade X: c??ahapiih? General name: ci?isukBeach hitinqis The affix ?is is descriptive of sandy part of the beach. Sandy X: sup?icis Gravelly X: muq?aqis Fine X: ?u?is X a vessel: niisanup Vessel dried up on X: wih?isaanup Left forgotten on the X: ?u?isinyap Thrown away, abandoned: wahisinyap Adverbs of place: wiih?is; hiis; ?; yu?is; ya?is -All indicative of X, and in general: ?is, ?iis; ? are all descriptions of X. Go walk etc. per X: ?uusnii Above high water mark: ?; ? To land on X: hitasa?; notice si? or sa? in verbs.Beached nii?is, wih?is X if only for a short time eg: cleaning bottom of a vessel: nisa?Beak ? ?upkma; ? ?upkp?atu; ? ?upky?akBeam nitup A cross X: ta?acinum ?Beans wawasaqk?ukBear c?ums To X, See Born: kamas?tup ? Grizzly: naani X skin: ? ?ith?aq Big X (star): ?unum ? To X-see Fertile, Birth.Bear I cannot X the pain: nasa?s hahaaks??aq? See Carry, Fruit. I cannot X him, his presence: ?iih?s yumq? I cannot X his talk: ?inmiiq?Bearable ?umaaq? Said of X pain: ?u?umh?i Bearer eg: X of a letter: piipaaqis With the affix qis Take X: ?uyaqh??ath?Beard hapaksum Whiskers: hapa ?Bearded hapaksu? Grey X: c?asaksu? Long X: yaaqpiqaksu?Beardless ?asaqsu?Beast sas?tupBeastly ?ah??asa sas?tup, q?aa?iiq sas?tupBeat See Strike c?iiqak, h?iss?i? Batter on planks or doctoring: nasqs?i? or naasqnaasqa Help do the Xing: nasqi?um; ticks?i? With the hand or an open object: ? ?aph?s?i?; + ? ?uh?s?i? with the fist: ? ?iks?i? X on the face: ? ?ikma?u?, ? ?iik? ?iika X iron or hard substance: c?icks?i? X in a race with the affix ?uupu? or ?ukspin?; ?ukspii Who X in the race?: ?ac?aap?u?nih? James X: James ?uupu?nit or ?ukspin? nit James The heart or pulse X: tuuxtuux?a The heart X beat hard: yawaa My heart X from fright: ticktickash?u?sBeautiful ?u?, q?ac?a?, c?aamash?i X weather: ?u?uuquk, ?uqumh?iBeaver ?aa?t?u X skin: ?aa?t?uqa?akBecalmed ?upc?in?; taah?c?in?Because ?unuu? The Indians generally place this conjunction not before the reason given but before the phrase preceding. I believe it X you say so: ?unuu?s t?aqaak ?inkwaa ?unuu? is often understood He goes away X he is angry: yaacs?i??is? ?inh? ?uus?suq? or yaacs?i??is? ?unuu? ?inh? ?uus?suq? Different verbs govern different ways of expressing the conjunction or adverb. See reason etc. NB. Cause.Beckon ? ?u?s?i? He Xed me to come: ? ?u?s?ia?nicBecome With the affix s?i? or c?i?, stu? Behoove: ?usum ?usum also ?uk?i? It Xs you to be good: ?uk?i??icuus? ?uyac?i?quusu UnX: waawaakumsa X mine, thine, his etc.: s?iyasiic?i?; suwaasiic?i?; ?uuciic?i?Bed c?um?i? Xding: wa?ic?tqi?um Xding, mats: t?unaax Feather X: mu?hc?u X sheets: ?icpi?um X mate: ?a?a?i? To go to X: t?ah?pi? Go and share a X: t?awas X time: huu?ic?u?iiya X stead: c?ic?itx?akum?ak c?um?i?Bee ?aasacBeef muusmuusck?i, simply muusmuusBeetle k?aack?aamin (+ See also: Butterfly)Before Already: ?uus?muut ?a I saw it before: ?uus?muuc?a n?aca; hu?aks n?aciic?i? First, X day of time/X present day: ?uwii X a certain time. X in rank: ?uupi X a certain time; Four days X Sunday: muuc?ii?sum saandii or sum?a?quu Christmas. I will come back four days X Christmas: hu?acac?i??aq?s muuc?ii? sum ?a?quu Christmas Not yet Christmas: wikyuu Christmas. wikyuu is often used. I said that before or beforehand: hu?ak mic waa Do a thing X another: ?uwii?ap X opposite: t?aat?aaqu?a; t?aat?aaqpa?a X a person with the affix : ?ahu? Put the cup X him: hi?ahu? or t?aaqahu??ap?i I sit X him: t?iq?aahu?s I stand X him: ?akihu?s Stand X all standing up: ?akis?ahu? ?akis?c?u X the house: hiichinh?sa X front door: hii?satu hiichinh?sa t?as?ii Preceding a verb in the sense of not yet use wikyuu X it rained: wikyuu mi?s?i? About to do anything use c?aani Wash your face X going to church: ? ?ips?i?a? c?aani La Messe nah?i?a?quk Whether X or after: q?icpa on which side of a certain date.Beg ?aak?aa Invite oneself: k?is?ii + I’m going to invite myself to eat: + k?is?ii wit?as ha?uk See Ask. Beg from a friend (of food): qaac?i? Beg from a friend (of other things): naah??i? X for help: ?aaci? See Ask, Invite.Befriend ?ath? opposed to ? Befriend me, take care of me: ?ath??a?isBeget (+ To be the parent of) t?an?a naks?i?Beggar See Ask and Beg-double first syllable and add ?iik as an affix Mean, Contemptible: hanaaq? You are a X: hanaaq??ic qu?asBegin With c?i? or s?i? as affixes the first after the vowel- the second after a consonant X with: ?uwii?apBeginning Commence from the X: ? In the X: ?a?umBehalf See ForBehave ?uuhtasa + Misbehave: wiihtasa He X himself like a chief: ?uuhtasa h?aw?i?Behead qatqsaapBehind hi?qumq?i? siic?i? See Back. Shut the door X one: c?iiqumq?in? Look X: n?ac?qumq?in? I left him behind: ?uqumq?i?uksBehold n?aca See See, LookBelch niswahiic?i? + Burp: nisc?itqs?i?Belfry kithyaqu?Believe t?aqaak; t?aquk?i? To be of opinion, surmise with: matak I am of opinion that he is right: hiinumsa matak?is? Look upon a thing as serious, truthful: ?anums?ap + Really?: + ?aan?aBell kithyak To ring the bell: kiths?i?Bellow (shout) ?aaqiiyuq?Bellows puuxpuux?ay?ak Belly taac??a Big X: tix?ink; tix?win Of a woman in family way: ?ayixyu She is heavy in a family way: ?ayixwak?is? X ache: yaac?inqii, taac?yiih?aBelong Is expressed by the pronoun etc. possessive X to someone: ?uus?iic Xing to a determined party: ?uuc Xing to one: c?awiic Xing to two: ?a?iich X to no one: wikiic Belong to a certain country, tribe with the affix ?u?ath?: his?q?ii?ath?, King George?ath? Where I belong to: hist?aths Where I belonged to: hist?athnitiis; hist?athniqsBeloved yaa?ak See Affection.Below X in rank: ?u?aq? Down the river: hi?atis See Down, Below, Under hii?capu? Hell down under the ground: hiinapu?Belt tapwanum He has a belt on: tapwin?is?Bemoan See Cry ??aa?yu + When they used to visit someone who was about to pass, they would cry and moan. + They used to call it + ?ih?wii?asBend By straining: puusks?i? X a bow: muusks?i?; ?a?ks?i? X the head: k??ayiks?i? X the head backwards: kis?i? ? X knee: ? ?ikpi?, ? ?iks?i?Bent Of a person: ?iic?um?; hiipi See Stoop. X by force: puuskyuu X the head: c?upu?, k??ayik X inclined to: ? He seems to be X on sealing: kuwik matak X by turning it into a circle: puuskumup or ?anach?inupBendable ?a?k?is Bending of a tree: h?iin?apiBeneath hii?capu?i? See Under, BelowBenefit To do a X: ?uus?naaksap Receive a X: ?uus?naaks?i? Of some X ? Of great X ?ayanak See Profit, ?usii?uh?, Gain.Benefactor ?a?aak?a?uk He is our X: ?uh??atnis? ?a?aak?ak?uk?at Who is his X: ?ac?a?at ?a?aak?a?uk?atBenevolent ?a?akmiiq??iikBequeathe cicii?aq?wah?su? See Leave, Give. Bequest ?u?i?inyap?ukt A X of a house: ?u?i?inyap?ukt mah?t?iiBereaved X of a husband or wife: ??itwats?i?Berry kamum X picking: kamums?tup To pick berries: c?ayix Salal X: y?am?a Salmon X: qawii Evergreen HuckleX: sinamxsyic Round black huckleX: situp Round red huckleX: hisinwa StrawX: ka?kint?apiih? RaspX: qaqawas?k?uk ThimbleX: ?; + ? ?aac??aa? CranX: p?ap?a?is BunchX: hast?aac?i + Trailing blackX: h?iss?i?Berry Bush by the affix mapt. Salal X: ?ayiiptBeseech I X thee give me: kaa?a ?aaks?i?; ?aaks?i?is qaacii See Insist, BegBeset ie: + Covered with diamonds: ?uu? ?ukum?Beside ?awaa The radical uk with the affix according to locality-See Standing. X (in the house): ?ukc?ii? X (outside): ?ukc?aas See Side.Besides ?uus?ma?api; ?uh??iis? ?a?uu; more left: yaaqapi, yaaqapu? Besmear Cover with filth: ?asx?si?ap Why do you X the house walls?: ?aaqink ?as?x?a?sinap mah?t?ii Why do you X the floor with grease?: ?aaqink as?x?pitap ?aqpitap mah?t?iiBesnowed k??ik??isc?a?i?Bespattered Face X with blood: hi? h?isuu? Wall X with blood: hi?h?isyuta?ca Paper X with blood: hi?h?isyuta? Floor X with blood: hi?h?isyuti?Best ?uupisa ?u?; ?u?iiht?a ?u? Do your best, try (+ also when someone forces to do something): hak?a?ih?aBet k?atyuu; k?ak?atiiya I bet one dollar: ?uuc?aas nupqum? taalaBetime haac?ak I am in time: ?u?umh?i?apsBetoken See SignBetray suk?ink X by telling: k?aah?ii?apBetrothed To betroth, said of boy or girl: ?uch?i ya?a? She is X to Jim: ?uch?i ya?a??is? JimBetter ?u? t?ana or ?uupi ?u? (+way better) in case of a comparison between two. I feel X: ?uyac?i? t?ana sis? Getting X: ?uyac?i?; s?ah?yuuts?i? See Abate. It will be X (that way): ?uupi?aq? ?u? or hinumsa Go get the X of someone: hita?itap; ?ukspin? You cannot get the X of me: wim?aaq??ic siic?i?; sii?apu? To hold for X: ?uup?ap prefer also kaapap And in many cases by simply adding the affix ap (eg: of two or more objects) I think this is X: ?u??aps ?ah?kuuBetween Distance X: ?unack Five miles X Hesquiat and Ma-api: suc?a?is? miles ?unack his?k?ii ?ukwi? m?a?ap?i Houses, logs, mountains: minc tas X fingers and toes: ?a?apspu? To sail, walk etc. X: hisiikhsnu?i? See through etc: ?aphsnu?i? Was X is X: ?aphsnaak notice ?aph -it is often comprised in the Indians verb and not separately expressed eg: Let them fight X themselves (+ as in within the same family): t?aqink?ap c??i?aqa Long time X: sayack?a? Hence seldom etc X two periods: ?uhsnu?i?Bewail ?usum ?ih?ak X the death of a chief: ?usum ?ih?ak qah?s?i? h?aw?i?Beware ?uu?a?uk?iBewilder See Astonish-I am Xed: hayuxu?sBewitch t?iyii (+ a kind of power) Somebody Xed him: ?uus??at ?is? t?iyii?atBeyond See Across k?ispaa and hitacpa X a point, cape: k?isutqu?i? X mountain: k?ispi? nuc?ii To get X: k?ispaanu? To put X: k?ispaanup or k?ispitap (if indoors) See Over, AcrossBible wawaac??ak?at haa?api h?aw?i?, haa?api h?aw?i? piipa, book haa?api h?aw?i? ?iisa?Bid With the affix yaqh? He Xs three dollars: qaccaqum? yaqh??is? taala How much did he X?:?uunakum? yaqh? or ?aaqinh yaqh? Give an order: ?anaqhwaBidental ?a?qum?waanaksu? (+two teeth. + One up, one down)Bier (+ A moveable frame on which a coffin is placed) hiis?c?akc?uc??akBig ?iih? X with child: ?iiciit To grow X: ?iiwac?i? To grow fast: yuus?aac?i?a A X man (important): ?iihp?iit qu?as See Large, WideBigamist ?a?aach?iBile Gall: kiikiistaqsu?i?umBill ? ?upkma, ??upk?ihtumBillow (+ wave) h?uyumc Bind qits?i?; ma?s?i?; qitsaap (make it tighter around); ma?saap To be obliged to, compelled is generally expressed by the formula wim?aaq? wik (+ you can’t say no)Biped ?a?aa?pi?qa?h?iBird maamaati X migrating: huyaa; huk?i? Bluejay: xaas?xiip Grouse: huwiik Sparrow wren: c?ikna See Ducks etc.Birth To be born: hiinum? To give X: wac?aaks?i? Xplace: hiistma? hiinum? My Xday: q?iiyum?niqsBiscuit x?ax?as?k?uk (+ looks like a sand dollar) mama?ick?uk Bisect X by the breadth: qatksaap aphta?ap X by the length: c?iipashu? ?aphta?apBison c?ac?iiwak? ?Bishop h?aw?i? Leplet, bishopBit For horses: mama?aq?ahsum X of a pipe: qacaqum; qaqacumBite mac?i? A X: maa?ii X off: ma?atup X off top of nose (Indian fashion in anger): ma?ih?t?anup Has top of nose bitten off: ma?ih?ta X to pieces: ma?ak?a?ap + Someone who is yelling, angry or bitter (+chewing your head off): + ma?ak?a?ap?atBitten mac?i?at, mac?uuBitch ?uucma ?inii?Bitter Bad taste: c?is?p?a? Sour, rank: c?ih?ak Strong eg: mustard: sac?k Not good: wimasBlack Colour: tupkak X blanket: tupka? X of clothes: tupkum? X face: tupkuu?; tumiisu? (+ painted with ashes) tupku? properly applied to a black person who is also called tupksath? X hands: tutupknuk He has X eyes: tuctumksu? (+ not from injury) He has X eyes from a blow: yayaapicu? He has a X eye: tutupksu??is? To get X: tupks?i?Blacksmith c?ic?ipiqi?Black guard (+ a scoundrel) c?iis?c?yakBlackberries situp strictly qaa?qawii + X: + sac?kmaptBladder ?uk?ac Of fish, animals if blown: puxmuut Codfish bladder: tus?kmuutBlame To find fault yawaac?i?; k?akmiih?a See Accuse. With the affix ?uktum?ak to the pronouns. X me: sisis?tum?ak X thee: susutum?ak X him: ?u?uhtum?ak X us: niinihtum?ak X them: sisiihtum?ak; ?u?uktum?ak?a? X him or herself: ?u?uk?ac?ink I X you for it: susutin?aks ? You can X your sister for it: ?u?uktumak ?uc?muupuk?ik + Don’t X me: + wikiisi?siic?i?Blameless wiiwik?aq? You are X/+You are empty of “stuff”: wiiwik?aq??icBlanket ?ictup X for wear: k?achaq, h?aw?i?mis Single X: c?isqwaat Double X: c??itink White X: ? ?isa? Black X: tupka? Red X: ??ih?a? Green X: c??isy?uqa? Blue X: xas?xiqa? Old X: maha? New X: wikyuut?a? or c?us?a? To carry anything on a X: yac?iis To hide under the X: s?uus?ups?i? Face covered with X: ?ih?um?Blast ? ?isksaapBlaze X of fire: ? X a road, a trail: c?uc?ux?p?ic? (+ to mark a trail in the woods)Blazing X of a large fire: ? X small fire: c?upks?i?, c?upkaaBleed h?iss?i? + Constant X: h?isaa X cause, draw blood: h?issaap X spit blood: h?iish?iisa; h?iiswahsu? Pass X: h?iiswak? See Blood.Blemish ?u?uus?a? No X: wiiwika? X get defect or lost an arm: ?u?uya?ac?i?Bless mamuuk ? as in Chinook.Blind m?aquu?; maquw?a?, plural maatquuh? of one eye (burst) ? ?a? ?aac?ksu? (+ when it’s shut) (covered) X: mumuuqsu? (dark): wicqa? sas I burst his eye: ti?qsaapc?ip nic qasii Xfolded: muc?quu? -covered with anything. Xfolding in playing: ?ic?iihsu? also ?icuu? In the sun of blindly, at random: wiiktis, ?anas?tisBliss He has a Xful countenance: cucumh?i or simply X: cucumhu??iik John has a happy countenance: cumh?u??is? JohnBlister c??aaq? I have a X on the hand: c??ac??aaq?nuks X on the feet: c??ac??aaq?ta Spanish fly: ?ucin?y?ak Put on a X: ?uctin?hsy?i?ap A Xing plaster: ?icayak; ?ucin?y?ak Burning plaster: muuc?ik Through accident: kapsyiih?aBlock A passage: pi?qsaap You X the road: pi?qaa?ap?ic t?as?ii See Fill, Stop.Block Head He is a X: pi?qyu?at?is? t?uhcitiBlood h?ismis Spit X: h?iish?iisa Your eyes are X shot: hiish?iisu??ic X stained clothes and the like: h?isa?Blood Vessel h?iy?aq? (like there?s a snake in there/veins etc.)Bloom Of trees: ??ih?ciips?i?, ??ih?ciip?a?Blossom ??ih?ciipBlot X out: task?a?ap (+ erase) Xing paper: ??us?a??apy?akBlow (with breath) puuxs?i? X nose: n?isks?i? X wind: yuuk?i? X a gale: wiiqsii?is? X of a severe storm: puuxsk?iqya??is? X from the north: yu?at?u X strong: yuh?tuqak X east: t?uc?ii X northeast: yupaa X south (up sound): taqsii?i? + X southwest: + t?aqsipi? X through: yuukswii X off: yu?atu X out to sea: yuh?tac?i? X break a wind: waxs?i? See Beat, StrikeBlubber ? ?aaqBlue yaap?icak Dark X: xas?xiqyu X evergreen huckleberries: sinumxsyic X stink currant: hu??iiwa X jay: xaas?xiipBlunder In speaking: wikciik + Go off track, wrong meaning: wiiwikstwiic?i? Mistake otherwise: wiiks?anc?i?uk With the prefix wiiks? or wikst X mix up in speaking: hayux?aksu?Blunt misk; mus?xuu?; hayum?aqsu?Blush ? ?ih?c?aqu? See Bashful.Board Plank: c?itaa? in general. Not Indian boards: mama?iqa? ? To X a vessel: hiinac?i? To X a canoe: hitaqsi? To put freight on X: p?at?ah?s?ap or p?atah?s?ip For a canoe: hitaqsip For a vessel, steamer: p?atq?as?ip, p?atq?as?ap X of a ship steamer: hi?aas; ?uus; ?ukwiis; hinaas X or of a canoe: hitaqs, ?uq?iqs, ?uqsuuyak Relat.: yaq?aak X of a ship: yaqc?iis, yaqyiiq To go or take X of a vessel: hinaac?i?; hinaasi?; hinaasip To go or take X of a canoe: hitaqsi? To put into: hitaqsip The affix ip is used when the action of taking on board is expressed. The affix ap comes in when the action of putting on board is gone through. Take a canoe on X to go sealing: kii?aasip When a canoe alongside is lifted on X: kii?aas?ap Many people X of ship: ?ayaas of canoe: ?ayii?aq? To go X of another vessel eg: meeting at sea: ?iih?u?a ? Abandon a canoe at sea and go with the crew of another: nanamicqs?i? ? To go X for Behring Sea with canoe, join a schooner: kii?asi? To throw overX: t?iic?is?tup; t?ii?t?aap (+ a person)Boarding House hawaaquwi?Boast kac?x?atuk; kakat?in (See Brag)Boaster kac?x?aksu?; kataksu?Boat c??ac??apma?api Steam X: ink?is; c?axtqiBody ?usaqsti comes nearest but there is no correct word-the above only being used for the upper part of the body. +X : + ?usit NoX: wiki? SomeX: ?uus?h?Boil Ulcer: n?uq?ii To have a X: n?uq?iiyiih?a Carbuncle (+ collection of boils): ?inmih?um ? A closed X not open: c??iiq?yuu To put on the fire: niis?ap To steam X: mux?s?i? Actually Xing: caapx?s?i? X cooked down: siqac?i?, siqakBoiling with same distinctions niis; mux??aa; capx??aa; siqc?uu; siqak To X water: ?umah?sinhap To X beef: niis?ap or siqa?ap muusmuus To X over: capx??i?ta In connection with Indian ways of boiling or cooking fish other terms are still used such as ? ?ums?i?; ?upaqs?i?; ?ih?s?i?; nusc?up ? This last one means to X or cook on hot stones covered with an Indian mat-next the article to be Xed or cooked-the whole covered by a number of old mats to keep in the heat and steam.Boiler eg: of steam boats: mux?sacBold hahaaca?ik; haacaak; wi?ak (+ also stubborn or brave)Bolster ?aac?uk?anum (+ pillow)Bolt For door: ? ?iihsanu?y?ak; kumsa To X: ? ?iihsamup + To X with wooden closure: kumsamupBone hamuut Said of large bones used to make tools: ma?ic Break a X: k??ac?i?; k??a?ak??ac?i?; k??ay?aap Break X to pieces: tu?ak?a?ap; tu?ak?ac?i?Bonnet ciyapuxs To put on X: ciyapuxsi?Book muk; piipa; + n?ac?aa?y?ak Xcase: muksacBoom ?; Sprit X: ?Boot Xs: yaqs?ii ??i??ik?us?uhtumBore Annoying: wipaxmis; hupaxmis ? X a hole with an auger: c?itkswiinup In general: kuuh?swiinup Simply to X a hole: c?itks?i? X with an Indian tool: suuts?i?Born To bear a child: ?iciit; t?an?anaks?i? X: hiinum? Just X: ?ahmii? or ?ahma? Still X: qah?akmaa? X then: ?uyiimii? X there: hiistma? or hiistmii? Hesquiat born at Hesquiat: hiistmii? hiinum? See Birth.Borrow ?aak?uu? X ask or draw on credit: c?iyi?; ?uyiiquyi? ?uupun ?; suupun ? Have, Xed with the affix ?uu? or ?aak?uu? Rent/borrow a house for a certain time or purpose: maht?ii?apu?; ?aak?uu? maht?ii + To rent a house: + ?aak?uu?c?i?Bosom X outside: ?aminqi X inside: taac??a Both No regular word in the language. his?uk ?a?a See AllBother Do not X me: wik?a?is wipaxmis You are a X nuisance: wipaxmis?ic hence the exclamation hupaxmis + Always a X nuisance, some X: wiiwiipaxmis?iik; + haahaapuxmis?iikBottle his?aqum?; tupkaqum?; hiin?aqum?Bottom X of a canoe, ship etc. : hi?tqii also in general: ?anak?um X of a river, sea: hiinasu?is To go to X: t?ii?atu; ti?atu (+Sea/ got full of water and sank) Burn X of a canoe: ?iiqs?i? Turn X up: h?uqsap To strike the X: ni?u?, nisa?Bought See Buy. This past is expressed by maak?ap I bought a coat: maak?aps coat.Bound I am X to go to Victoria: ?uuk?a?s ?ucac?i?quus Victoria You are X to go to Mass: ?uuk?a??icuus? or ?usum?icuus? La Messe quusuu See Bind. Book X: ?ii?muh?i (+ something strong)Bounty Price paid to the Indians as an inducement to go out sealing: ha?umBouquet c??uc?qum? ??ih?ciip (+ flowers gathered like a ponytail)Bow muustati Bowstring: maqiicum Make a X: muusii? Sell a X: muus?atu Bend X: muusksaap See Bend. Bow of body: hiipi Walk in a Xed position: hiipaqc?ik Kiss from both Xing: hic?inks?i? X of a canoe: hii?icni The X piece: k?aama Too heavy in the X: c?a?aq? Below the X: siipus X out/heavy in stern: k?aac?is?tBowels c?iyup (+ same for intestines)Bowl X to eat from: hawacsac X in general: kii?uukBox White men’s trunk: mama?niqum? Indian X: ?ah?iqs –without determining what used for also ?uksac X use as covered into another: ?ah?iic’u + Chief’s X: hupak?anum X used as coffin: maqii?aqsac X used to cook: maqiiya X to contain dry fish: q?acita The affix c’u is used to determine contents of X. See Trunk. To X the ears: ??ikcin? p?ap?ii To put into a X: t?icin?ap; nuh?s?i? (+ put it away)Boy ma?i?qac plural: maa??itqinh Young man: hawii?a? Baby X: ma?i?qacBrace: An article of garments: ?i?i?as?sti?um (+ suspenders) Proper: ta?asum To put a X: ta?as?ap A wooden X: kictuup, ?ama X and bit: c?itky?ak; c?inkc?ink?ac??ak X up: tamisanapBracelet ?a?in?asumBrackish (+salty) h?usp?a?Braid X for women’s dresses: c?acik?um X for coats, vests: ?ac?a?um ? X of hair: ?asumBrain x?iitcinumBrainless wika? ?imaqstiBrag See Boast: kakaapwa; kakapicaqaBrant Goose waaxwaas?Branch k??ask??iit plural: k?wasitum Surface X: ? X river: ka?wanum c?a?ak There is a house at the forks: hi??iis? ma?as ka?wanum?i c?a?ak The roads X off: ka?k?ac?yu t?as?iiBrand Sign, Mark, Name: kakumth?it?u To X: hah?umtuk?i?Brass c??ip?uqs, c??a?uus?Brat t?an?a?isBrave wi?ak, ?iih??at ?imaqsti Defiant: wi?aksti?Bread p?ap?ac?aq? (rises) X baked in the ashes: tuukc?uu ??i??ick?ukBreadth What is the X of your house?: c?a ?una?ac?iya maht?ii?ak?ik It is twenty feet broad: ca?qiic?is? ?is??in ?una?ac?i. ?una?ac?i is an expression of width.Break See Demolish. X of sticks: k??ay?aap X of bone, iron, anything very hard: qatsaap X window, stone: k?a?saap X ropes: ?as?saap X tumors: siqsaap Dishes, breakables: ki?saap Canoe, etc. X handle of a hammer: k?wap?uup X down a house: mah?saap; kumt kuyap X open a box: ?a?qsaap X by pressure: tii?saap NB When AV instead of ap use s?i? or c?i?. Has a broken nose: k??aq?ih?tin? Has a broken leg: k?wak?ah?ic?i? Has a broken hand: k??ak?inku? Has a broken foot: k??ak?aqh?tin? + Anything that’s broken: + k??ak??ah?iBreaker eg: X over a sunken rock: kumh?iya ? X in general: k?ahk?ah?s? The sea breaks: k?ahk?ahs?is? Caught in the Xs: k?ah?iic?up?at Break out, sores, inflammation breaks out: hiinayuc?i?Breakers X striking a canoe: k??ahs?i? X tumble into canoe: ? A wave broke into our canoe: c?a?up?atminis? Surf: c?a?u?a Breakfast ku?a?iiya ha?ukBreast ?inma To give X: ?inma?ap X pin: mamaqmaBreath h?ih?maBreathe h?ih?s?i? To be out of X: kapxs?i?at h?ih?ma or kapxyihap Long of X: mus?ks?i? Heavy, strong, slow X: ? ?uh?s?i? ?Breathless kapxs?iat h?ih?maBreeches Pants: ?is??iqyakBreech Loading (+ Folding gun to load) qatqats?Breed To X: t?an?ac?i? A good X: ?uu?muutaqs?i? Different X: k?iish?an mutaqs?i? The same X: ?usaahtakBreeze Light X: yupi?is Strong X: cih?ats?i?Bride hat?uqsk??in?iiks?i? Not necessarily X, ransom, pay a fine: ?uc?s?i?Bridge huupii?Bridle mama?ak?ahsum To X: mama?ak? ?ahsipBright h?as A X day: kuu?uh?ak X warm: ? ?upaa X not dark: ka?h?akBrim X of a hat: hiniicuk ciyapuxBrimful k?aak?aamaq? (+ full like at slack tide before the tide goes out, before the wind comes up: + k?aak?aamaqstu?a?)Brine tup?a?sitBring hiniic See Fetch, Carry. hinatsap; ?uutyaap X back: m?awaa; hu?iityap X inside: hinii?itap X here (to me): kaa?is X to another: ?uu?iip?um He Xs my gun. He has it along: ?uuc?iis? yaaquk?iis puu or ?uutyaap?atuks puu He Xs my gun with the affix ?uutyaap: nah?iityap; qaaciityap etc. X together: his?umy?up X word: hin?a?sap wit?as; ?uyaqh?itapBritish king george?ath?Brittle kii?ukBroad ? ?uqh The X side: ? ?uqhcpa Too X: ? ?u? ?uqapi or maybe it’s ? ?u? ?uqhpi X wise: humt?as See Breadth with: ?una?ac?i A X wide bottomed canoe: ?a?aac?iBroil ciixaa?ap It is Xed: ciixaa?is?Broken See Beak and change affix into “yu”Broken Hearted ?ak?a?a? ?imaqsti, wii?aq?Bronze siqak c??ip?uqs ???Brooch mamaqma; ?uuqsiihpumBrood Set of birds: ?ah?iic??as; ? ?uupsinap; ?ah?iic?i?Broom yaxy?akBroth With the affix ?upum Beef X: muusmuuspum Also with the affix sit. Of the suet lard only: muusmussit. The general term is ?upumBrothel hayuxuwi?Brother X of a man: ?iik X of a woman: hac?umsiqsu Brothers and sisters to each other—nearest relatives: ?uh?inkw?ahs A X speaking of his X will call him tayii; ka?aatik; wiikma? ka?aatik; mamiiqsu or yuk?iiqsu; ?u?acu ka?aatik Oldest X: tayii Younger X: ka?aatik Younger X than the tayii: ?u?acu ka?aatik The youngest X of all: wiikma? ka?aatik A girl speaking of her X as hac?umsiqsu and will make the same distinction in clarifying them as her Xs. Mamiiqsu and yuk?iiqsu are used by Xs and sisters to determine the case of mamiiqsu that he is older or yuk?iiqsu that he is younger than the speaker. We are Xs: ?iik?inknis? With his X: mii??iik X in law: yumiiqsu X in law of a woman: c?iinapsiqsuBrought See Bring. hiniicmic, ?umaasnic (bought)Brow Wink: ?a?ic?i Forehead: ?umcata; ? + No eyebrows: + ?asinkp?iaqsu?Brown ? ?ih?taa; ? ?ih?cak; ? ?imaaqyu; + hicpiqakBruise (+The following definitions actually mean Scrape, and not Bruise) With the prefix or radical wicx? I got a X I X myself wicx?s?i?s X my hand: wicx?wicx?nuk?i? X foot: wicx?tin? X back: wicx?aapuu? Break-pressure-tii?saap; qah?saap; k?atsaap + Bruise in general: + yap?icyu + Bruised foot: + yayap?ictin? etc.Brush yaxy?ak X for washing: c?umii?y?ak X for painting: tasyak X of hair: hapuxs X wood (+ small trees): suusuuc?k?in No general term. Thicket (+ thick bushes): sa?aah?iBrute sas?tupBuck c?akup muwac? X skin: muk?a?akBucket c??axwac; c??acac Iron X: s?a?um? ?Buckle ku?iih?tum To X: ku?iih?tinupBud ?aqswii The trees X: ?aqaasi? suc??asBuffoon wikstupmis qu?asBug Worms in fish: qaca?mis Build X with the affix ?uk?ii? X a house: maht?iqi? To put together: y?aqinksapBulge X at the throat (+ adam’s apple): h?uyuu?; ?Bulky ?uk?iit, ?iih?Bull c?akup muusmuusBullet pat?iwaBullhead ?iic?nuuBump x?akyu express part when a X on the back of the head: x?akak?instasBunch nusin? A X of keys: nusin? ??iqy?akBundle m?a?hsaa To X: m?a?saanupBung ?ack?aapum; qack?apum, huqsk?apumBuoy t?aayikum; huupkum; t?aayik?isum; huupuuk?isum; + h?uuh?uh?ac?is?tBurden k?atyiik sahtak I carry a big X: k?at?i?ah?s Do not X me too much: wik?a?is ?u?upu? Burn The fire begins to X: ?ink?ac?i? The fire Xs: ?ink?iis? See Fire. To X destroy by fire: ?ink?a?ap better to use: mu?ak?a?ap takes fire also mu?ak?ac?i? implies the idea of destruction by fire. Clothes X: nuh?s?i? X to apply a blister: m?uc?i? also said of Indians burning or applying fire to their limbs or body as a remedy. Fire as a signal: mu?muuya A house Xing: mu?ii? A deep X: muctii? X through: mutswii X a hole through: muucwak?i X the bottom of a canoe: ?iiqs?i? Noun: mu?ii Xed: muc?uu Instrument to X: muc??ak X food, burnt taste: mu?ak; mu?p?a? Becomes a X: mu?iic?i?; muu?ii?a? To X firewood: ?uc?ii?h? I X firewood: ?uc?ii?h? ?inksy?i I X coal: ?uc?ii?h? tumiisBurst X tumour: siqs?i?, k?ah?s?i? Gun X: k?ah?s?i? X of a shot charge: tixs?i? X an oil bladder: ti?s?i? Bury c?uy?itap Put into coffin: maqy?aksaap; qi?iip X at sea: t?ayuq??atupBuried His money is X: c?uyas?uk taala Burial ground c?uyasu?Bush In X: hiit?aq? ?as To go into X: hiit?aq? ?i? Come out of the X: hitatsuh?ta; hitah?t?as; hitatsuh?ti?; hitatsuh?tas; hitatsuh?tis Business What is his X, trade?: ?aqis?ahap?a?; ?aqak?ukh k?ap?atu My X is that of a carpenter: ?uhuks k?aa p?atu maht?iqi? It is not your X: wik?iic s?uwas waa?mis What X have you here?: ?aqis?ahapk hi? ?ah?kuu or ?aqi?u?i?k To come or go on X: ?uus?sahapBustle pisaa, Moving about: pisaatukBusy I am X: ?us?sahaps; ?uus?taqs I am not X: wiiks?ahaps I am doing nothing: wiiktaks X body: c?ic?i?aqsta?iik, his?iic map (+ picks up everything)But ?aanah?i Except: wik Butt To shoot at: ?uh?tay?ak X with horns: ma?s?i? X of a gun: hu?ak?um?ak puuButter muusmuusck?i Butterball duck: c?ik?incButterfly k?aack?aamin; kii?akcinmic ?Buttock k?uupi; k?uupiic Button huhuupswum To X: huhuupswinup X hole: huhuupswiqacus To unX: huhuup?atup Buy ?u?aap Trade: maaks?i? and fetch: ?u?ii? X a woman: ?uc?haa X a woman over again: hu?aci?a X woman back, ransom: matha ? See Barter and Bargain.Buy Bring along eg: He bought flour: ?umaas?is? ??ii??ick?uk He bought nothing so has nothing along: wiikmaas?is? Bought lots of it: ?ayimaas?is? Affix: ?umaas X where?: waast?ap X there: h?ist?aap From whom?: ?ac?ac?ink The one with whom?: ?uk?ink + Where did you buy your earrings?: + waast?apmik tux?ii?ak?ik By By the affix ?at “I was struck X Paul”: ?uh?atnic c??iiqak?at Paul X, near: ?awack X, alongside: ?ukc?ii? (inside) ?uckc?aas (outside) according to locality. X with movement eg: sail X, pass X with the affix p’iq Passed by: hitap’iq or hitap’iqs?i? Passed X: paq ? or p’iq affixes. I had two children X my first wife now: ?a?aaks t?aatn?a ?uk?in? yaq?ii?aqks ?uucma X myself, alone: ?aanii?s (if inside) X himself: ?aanac?ink Working X himself: ?aanuu Three X themselves: ?a?uu qaacc?uu X himself in canoe: c?awiista X himself on schooner: ?anaas or c?awaas To stand X on, take his part: ?u?ukc?i; yamaat Two X two: ?a?a?ac?ink To go X a house: hisiik?as maht?ii or hitap?iqas One X one: c?awat?um Two X two: ?a?at?um Go out one X one: c?awatum yaacs?i?, equivalent to separately.By and by ?uy?i; ?um?aaq?; ?i?a; ?i?a c?aani; ?; ? Let him do X: hi??ap X, wait awhile: k?uuc?u?s?i? Goodbye (portez vous bien +French) look after yourself in your travels: s?ah?yuut X: c?uu Safe travels, wherever you’re going: s?ah?yuut maa?api ?ic??aa?Cabbage tiitiimaatk?uk; kamic?? (slang)Cabin mah?t?iiqasum (+of a boat)Cable ?uk?iit c?istuup X line of telegraph: c?iisapi Underwater, ocean X: c?iisasu?isCage mamaatsac (+ for birds)Calamity Meet with a X: ?uus?c?in?; wiwikumyu?; mahs?i?uk n?aas (+ world crashed) A great X: mahyu n?aasCalf muusmaana, muusmuus?is X of the leg: ta?inwaCalico (+ plain fabric) ? ?ish?tin; ? ?isukCaulk X a vessel: c??imc??ima; c??iips?i?Call haha?in X with the lips only: cimcks?i? X by whistle: ?awiipks?i?; ?upqs?i? X by Indian shouting: huhs?i? eg: at sea + or in the forest making a sound loudly to let someone know where you are. X invite: hinatas; hinatmas; suk?i? X to eat (strangers): yaats?i? Not strangers, simply to eat: h?aawawiiqs? X on, a visit to a house: ?ucac?i? Call on the sick: h?aamii? X on a visit of friendship: hinii?i? ?ah?t wit?as; ?ah?tii?; ?aah?t ma?api X on passing by: h?iiks?i? X for payment: hiinayic? wit?as X to one’s mind: ? ?uuc?i? X in to eat: hawaas X somebody in: hinii?itap X again: hu?as hinii?i? X up, awake: ?upksaap X on board: hinaac?i? X on the captain: ?ucac?i? captain X ask for help: ?aaci? X to give assistance, to accompany: ha?ii?Called ?uk?aa Hence to name: ?uk?aanup To be X receive the name: ?uk?in? What one is X, named: yaq?aa?iq; yaq?in??iq See Name, Mention. What are you X?: ?ac?aq?ik I have no name: wik?aas I am X John: ?uk?aas John Of things, what X: ?aqic?h?a What do you call?: ?aqic?i?hsuu We call it: ?uk?ii? nis?Calling Place Call at a place-on a voyage: k?aca?; h?iiks?i? A X: kaanu?; k?anisCalm Not stormy-no big surf: tinh?uk Fine weather: ?uqumhi No wind: ?upaak After a storm: taah?ak from taah?s?i? Even, calm landing: tinwis X sea: ?u?ac?is?t verb X weather: taah?s?i?; tinh?s?i?; ?upiic?i? Be X after a passion: ?uu??uu?aCalumniate (slander) ?iicyuyap You X me: ?iicyuyap?ic siic?i?Calumniator: My X: ya?atiis ?iic yuyap?atCamp ma?as Move X: s?ii?uk To X when travelling: k?atsa? X place: k?anisu? To X: k?anis Where did you X?: waa?is nih?suu k?anis Residence-good place for a camp, village: ma?u?is; mama?uu; maanu? (the earth as a residence)Can Tin X: ?isaaqum? In a X: ?isaaqum?c?i A X of spring salmon: ?isaqum?c?i suh?a The Indians employ the affix c?u in such cases. Canned Spring Salmon: suuhc?u Filled with beef: muusmuusc?u etc. To X: ?isaaqum?c?inup Coal oil X: k??aac?uu X have the power, See Able: ?um?aaq? X not: wim?aaq? X be done: c?ama?sa X not be done: yuuma?sa X allow: c?umq? X not allow: yumq? X how to: ?ac?ik X not: wic?ik X by the affix ?at eg: X be seen: n?acaat X by the affix cum Could-I can or could walk: yaacukcums X by the prefix c?im or c?ac?um Able to walk: c?ac?umh?i yaacuk Not able to walk: yayumh?i yaacukCannot X, impossible: h?isi?a?ah? also h?inhaap?ah? and h?i or hich?i (above Can) as prefixes. I X cure him, I have not the means: h?inhaap?ah?s tiic??ap The prefix h?i; hich?i imply the idea of being in want of something hence impossibility.Canal c?uswii?a? (+ digging through)Cancel ?iisk?a?ap; task?a?apCancer ?iic?s?i? means to rot, decay- ?iic?aak rotten to describe cancer state part of body where cancer is lodged. If in face say ?iic?uu?. If in neck say ?iic?in? etc.Candle h?ah?aat?um?ak To light X: pa?qiinup Wick X: c?iyaqstum Stick X: h?ah?aat?um?ak?icaqum ?Cane ta?a?ma To walk with a X: ta?a?aCannon saasaqiCanoe c??apac in general. Smallest kind X: k?aakin X for hunting sea otter: ??icac Sealing X: yas?maqac Sealing X for on board: kii?asy?ak Large X: p?acpinwa? Largest X: p?inwa? Northern X: x?aa k?aana Old X: c?iimuusaq X for fishing: ?acsac X for salmon: c?iicsac To bail X: h?uc?i?; h?uu?h?uuya To make a X: c??aapacii?; ?aasuk (-slang) Unfinished X: ?amaquk X patch pieces: ma?ma X bow nose: kwama X stern: ?ic?aa Cross pieces of X: t?aap?um X bow: hi?yin Even X: winis + Uneven, cranky, + tippy X: c?uc?aa Swift when sailing X: siikaq?; c?aaxuk Slow X: wiicxuk Broad X: ?a?aac?i Narrow X: ?anaa?ac?i X with high walls: siic??ak X with low walls: ?inc??ak?is Leaky X: cahaa Dry X: mus?aa In composition use the affixes 1. c?iq for a X; 2. yak in the X 3. ?uqs or ah?s for contents in the X 4. ?iista for the manning of X eg: 1. one, two X: nupc’iq; ?a?c?iq Large X: ?iih?c?iq 2. To go in or per X: c??apyiiq; c??apaak the relative of this is: yaqyiiq, yaq?aak The X we were in: yaqyiiqniqin or yaq?aaqniqin 3. To carry or have lumber in X: c??iitayah?s (c?iitaa?-planks) X has salmon in it: ?uqs cuw’it 4. One, two in a X: c’awiista; ?a?ista etc. Sit down in a X: t?i?ah?s Stand up in a X: ?aqiiqs To sail X: siikaa; siiks?i? Paddle X: ?atwaa Row: n?ii?n?ii?a To start: ?ih?s?i? (-also to paddle, work) To leave shore: ?acs?i?; ?ih?s?i? To go along: na?uuqs To go along on invitation: na?uqscum Gone travelling in X: ?iiqs Two canoes together: ?a?ciqc?i; ?ukc?iq; mi?c?iq To have a X: c??amuu? To have no X: wiik?uu? To have a X from bush: c?iiq?’as; c?iih?ta?ap Pull X down the beach: c?iic?i?; c?iiyaap; c?iisinap Turn bottom up: huqsap Put X straight again: winsaap Capsize in X: h?uqs?i? Righten X again: winss?i? Step into canoe: hitaqsi? Step out of X: hinu?ta Jump out of X: tuxwi?ta Put into X: hi?aqsip Steal woman or take out of X: ?uc?muu?a To flee out of X: puu?taa To send a message by X: ?uq?iqsip Carry by X for another: k?i??ah?s To send anything by X for another: k?i??ah?sip To replace one in a X: ha?uqsi?; + ha?uqhs?i? To meet another X at sea: c??aminks?i? Separate again: ?ih??atu Pass, overtake in X: ?ih?asi? Board in bottom of X: ?uucanum Branches or grass in bottom of canoe: ?icma X two masts, sails up: ?aa?aapi X one mast: c?awaapi X no mast: wiikapi Make put up sail: ?iicapup Take down sail: wiikapup Touch bottom in X: ni?u? Touch bottom in X slightly: ni?p?iq The one in the bow of the X: hi??in?ah?s The one in the center of the X: ?apwin?ah?s The one in the stern of the X: ?ic?aa A mat used to go in the X: ?a?ach?ta Cover for X: pat?aac?um?a Steer the X: ?ic?aa; ?its?i? Pull X down to water: c?iinuup c??apacCanticle nuuk Sing a song: nuunuukCap naksa?aa ?; k?itum? ciyapuxs X of a gun: ?uh? To put X on gun: ?uh?aksip X not exploding: c??uh?s?i?Capable ?um?aaq? See Able, Can.Cape ?aamapis; ?apquu To come at the X: ?aamih?tin?Capsize h?uqs?i? To cause to X: h?uqsaap Half X: c?itac?is?t On the water in a vessel Xed: h?uq?ac?is?t On the water suffer through being Xed: h?uqyiih?aCaptain h?aw?i?isum, captainCaptive See Prisoner. ma?i? Slave: quu?Car c?ikc?ik; + huupuk??as Street X: huuphuupmas Railroad X: mah?t?ii?ak?um Carbine Gun: puu?ana ?Carbuncle (+ collection of boils) ?umiih?in Undetermined: ?u?uus?k??apCarcass hamuutck?i express of what. + Deer X: + hamuutck?i?i muwac?Cards ? ?ax?y?ak Play with X: ? ?ax?y?aksna?aa? Playing at X: ? ?aax?? ?aax?a, ? ?aax?s?i? Lose much at X: ?aax?k?ac?i? To cut a card: p?ath?tac?i?; nus?i?Care ?uu?a?uk To keep: has?ah??ak; has?ah?sap Take X of the sick: tataa?uk To like: c?aamashap Not to care: wiimashap X to keep an eye on: n?aac?cumh?i I do not care: hiis?i?s nuu?ii; ?apaakCareful taak?a?uk A X man: ?u?uh?tas?iik Take X of yourself-a salutation: s?ahyuut or s?ahyuut ma?apiCareless wiika?uk Habit of being X: wiiwiika?uk?iik; wiihtaas; wiiwiihtaas?iikCaress To X no proper word: ?u?s?i? (touch) Treat/speak kindly: ?a?aaph?iwa; hahaa?mac??apCarpenter mah?t?iiqii?hsi Indians generally use the Chinook word chips. Ship X: s?ip?ii?ma?ukCarpet ?ici?um To lay a X: ?icpitap The floor is X: ?ici?Carriage c?ikc?ikCarrier Mail X: ?Carrot ?’i?’ihanuuh?Carry m?awaa; ?uutyaap (take to) See Bring. X in the hand: ?uuc X a gun: ?uuc puu or puuc-has a gun along- also ?uuci? Carry on shoulder: ?apiis; ?apawaa X away: hiniicu? X in a basket: niip’a?; niiyawa See Back and Bring. To X in the lap: yac?iis X away by the wind at sea: yuu?taa on shore: yuu?atu X in the womb: ?iciit X on the lap: c?apiis X a child on the arm: ?apk?aahu? X home from the hunting ground more than one animal: t’aaniip?a –of things: p?atq?aa X away by the current: tawitu? ? to a certain landing. See Drift. X lift: ?iic??a?ap X in the arms of Indian: ?aapk?i? X along: hiniic ma?api X through, succeed: ?uus?siik; ?ukspin? X on board vessel ?uus or ?as Has lumber on board: c?iitaa?as X canoe on board: ?ah?s; c?iitayah?s X a manned canoe: kii?iis old fashion at feasts: kii??i? X in the hand (arm down): kicwii or kiciis old rule of carrying the spring salmon from the canoes to the houses. X in the mouth dog fashion: maaqsuu?Cart: c?ikc?ikCartridge no word-shellsCarve c??iiyaa eg: meat. X wood, bone: c??ii?c??iiyaCascade t?uqpityuCase ?ahiqs X of tea: ?ahiqs c?i tii If that is the case: ?u?uyiq?aaq?u?ani ? conditional: quCash taala sasa I want X: taalasaap?is Are you going to pay me in X?: taalaqayii?aq? q?aa siic?i?Cask ma?um? X full of beef: ma?um?c?i muusmuusCassock ?apwin?ak LepletCast See Throw. X away: wah?ck?iiCastor Beaver: ?aat?uCastrate k??it?atup Xed: k??itk?aa?Casually ?anu?wa? Find etc. casually: ?aminks?i?Cat piis?pis?; kaatuCataplasm ( + medical dressing) ?icasy?akCatch hiniip; ?uyips?i? Seize with the hand: suk?i? X in the air: suupi Try to X/by perseverence: hink?ayiih? X unawares as one stealing: ?aminks?i? X up to one walking or sailing: ?ih?asi? X sickness: hiinuuta?at X and kill: ?uusuup Try to X: ?u?u?iih? Go after: hink?ayiih? X get nothing, gain: wiksiik; wiksiik?a?; wikiipCaterpillar muxsyic + Centipede: sasac?k?ah?sk?uk Catholic catholic?ath?Cattle ha?um?i sas?tupCause To X with the affix ?ip, ?ap, ?up eg: to X death: qah?saap To X to cry: ?iihsaap The following are used to express the idea of X: 1. how, why: ?u?inwih? ? future: ? Relat.: q?inwih??i ? How, why does he not eat?: ?aaqinqh wik ha?uk Because he is sick: ?u?inwih??is ta?i? I do not know the X: hayumh?is ? 2. motive ?aqinuu?; ?unuu?; q?iinuu? 3. Object end ?aqi?atuph? What does he make that for: ?u?atuph?; q?ii?atup?i 4. Also object end used for ?aqinqumka; ?u?uqumqa, q?iqumqayii 5. Origin ?aqisah?i; ?usah?i; k?iisah?iyii 6. also origin (past) ?aqisamih?a; ?uusaamih?a; k?iisamih?ayii 7. first cause-originates from ?aqinmutaks?i?; ?uumuutaks?i? (from what), k?iimutaks?i?yi 8. origin implies sickness, accident: ?; ?umiica?a? 9. reason for ?aqis?taqa; ?uuktaqa; q?iis?taqayii 10. origin as a consequence sequel ?aqiis?taqs?i?; ?uukstaqs?i?; q?iis?taqs?i??i Other ways of expressing X are proper to certain verbs and are then expressed eg: Cry for others: ?uuyuk ?ih?ak are rather a consequence than a cause. eg: Come for: ?uucha + Suffer from: ?uyiih?a Suffer being in want of: ?uq?ayih?a Try to get: huu?iip Come for that end. See Blame, Why, Motion, End, How.Caution To X: hin?ayaqstupCautious hin?ayaq?; ?uya?uk?iCave ?a?i? said of a X or rocky hillside. X on the ground: kuh?stii? To X in: mah?stii?Cease hawiia? See Stop.Ceaseless wiiy?a hawiia?; taaks?i?Cedar X tree: h?umiis Small X tree: ?aasmapt Red X: ? ?ih?smapt X bark-for mats: picup X blanket: ?a?maqa? X beaten for cradle ? : nuh??umc To go for X bark: sah?as Soak X: k?ayicak Fetch X: huu?ii? Cut X spars: ?us?i? X plank: ?uu?uk Of X: ?uh?tin Make X boards: ?uk?i? Of X, wood: h?umaptCeiling huuyii?um Put on X: huyiipitap Make the X: huyii?i?Celibacy wiikp?iic?mis A celibate: wiikp?iic?Cellar See Cave.Cement ??icmisCensure See Blame.Census Take the X: qu?uca Centre ?appii?i? (X inside), ?appii?as (X outside) and other affixes according to locality.Central ?appii?as (outside) X of a long line: ?apwinqis eg: Hesquiat is a X point on the coast: ?apwinqis?is? his?k?ii ?ukwi? maatmaas X of a house: ?apwin?as See Between.Certain t?aqapi; hama; + hamasap?i Are you certain, sure, well informed: t?aqaap?ak; hamakk I am X: t?aqaap?aks; hamaks True, serious: ?anaqhmis; t?aqumsCertainly ?aani See Yes.Chafe c?iths?i? X through: c?ithswiiChain k?uk?uuc?ink X broken loose: k?u?atu; k?uh?tac?i?Chair k?aatsac?um; t?iq?aatsas To sit on X: t?iq?aas; t?iqwaasi?Challenge ha?ii? X to fight: ha?ii? c??i?aqa Chance Strike a chance: k??ats?i?; ?aminks?i? Opportunity, easy: c?aama?saaqapi I have a X: c?aama?saaqapiqs I have no X: yuma?saaqapiqsChange k?i?s; ha?uu; ?a?uu prefixes imply the idea of X. X: ?a?uuc?i? A X of captain: ?a?uuc?i? captain or ha?uqhs?i? captain X for the best: k?iish?inc?i?; ?uyac?i? X eg: the weather, colour, appearance of anybody or thing: k?isi?a Sudden X in wind: si?hs?i? X clothes, put on different clothes: ha?uuk??ic?u? X clothes with another: haha?upa?; ha?uqh X inside of house: haha?ucsupitap X from one place to another: k?iisih??ii? or simply move: ?uuk?ispi? X move residence: s?ii?uk; k?iscac?i? X mind: ?a?iiwac?i? X this or that: k?isi?a?ap; ?a?uqhsap X of wind: k?iiscuk?i? X conversation: wikca?ap; k?ik?iswiic?i? (+ not on the same track) X position: k?iscpi? X exchange money: ha?uyi X in the way of a bargain-X a hat for a coat: ha?uyi or ?ukta?aq? hat yaqii coat.Changeable The weather X: k?ik?iiscuk?i??iik?is? n?aas X easily drawn to any side: t?at?a?iik X of people: ?anas?taqsu?is k?iishanc?i?; t?at?a?iik (slang)Chap ha?mac?i (+ little fella)Char X: ? Charred: m?uyaq?Character Sign: kakumh?it?u; hahamtt?u (+ a blaze on trees)Charcoal tumisa?Charge Load a gun: tuuc?inap In my X: ?uu?a?uk?ap?ac X it belongs to somebody: ?us?iic?is? make pay literally What is the price, What do you X for those shoes?: ?aaqinq? yaqii shoes See Fare, Impute. Quite a X: k?a?iic?iq X to place to account of another: ?uh??ap; t?aqii?ap; ?a?uu X for labour, freight turn-make lose or gain eg: what would you charge say, how many dollars you would make me lose: c?aa qum?a k?ac?i??ap?iik siic?i? or how much would you want to gain?: c?aa k?ak?ayiicumyiikCharitable ?a?akmiiq??iik, ?aaph?iCharm ?uksyi in general c??ih?aa A X in the bush such as used by old Indian: c?ii?asum Hence he has a X: c??iih?naak?is? See Glad, Delight.Chart nism?aqa? ?iisa?Charter X a vessel: ?ak?uyu?Chase hin?iih? Drive away: cass?i?Chasm ?ith?stii?; c??iik?intstii?Chaste wis?h?ini Foolish: kiis?h?iniChastise ?aak?ii?; ?uus?yaanup (+ worry/scare them)Chat ciiqumc?u; ?uus?umc?ukChattel (+ moveable personal possessions) hih?iqtup (+ everything); p?atqukChatter The teeth: mac?kinks?i?Cheap cacah?? ? ; wik?aq?; hiniimak; wikh?um Become X: wik?aqstu?; wiinmiic?i? Give Xer: k?ac?atupCheat Defraud: kukuu?s?; k?aps?i? To deceive: ?it?ita; k?aps?i? A X: ?ayisa?aq?Check X goods: hamatsap X oneself: ?uu??uu?a (quietly) X a horse: ?u?iiyapCheckers hupy?ak To play at X: hupy?aksna?aa?Cheek ?a?aamas Red X: ??ih?cutu? To have X: hahaca?iik; wiiy?a wa?akCheer Shout: wap?iqs?i? Approve: ?Cheerful c?axt?aq?; ?u?uukc?yak See Playful. To be X at work: c?axtak; c?axtuk?i?; c?axta See AmusingChemise ?uksaq? ?uc??inCherish yaa?akChest hinashu?; ? ?apsh?uma See Box. Carpenter’s X: sac?ktuupsacChew t?aac? t?aac?a X gum: ?iic?iis?a X tobacco: t?ac?c?uq?aa q?is?a or simply t?ac?c?uq?aac??ik (a chew) maac?kmaac?kaChicken ?u?u?u Grouse: huwiik, humhumaChide hah?uupa; cass?i?Chief h?aw?i?; c?aamata; taayii First X: taayii h?aw?i?; h?aw?i?sasa eg: the pope: yaksii?aqsta h?aw?i? Inferior X: ka?atik h?aw?i? Brother of dead X: ka?atkmaa? Superior to another X: ?uupi or ?uupin? h?aw?i? Inferior to another X: ?u?ak? or ?u?ak?in? h?aw?i? (+ very last X) Head X: t?uh?saata h?aw?i?; ya?iih?ta h?aw?i? (+ well known, big X) Woman X: hakumChild t?an?a?is Infant: nayaqak Newborn: ?aah?ma? To bring forth X: c?ahwac?i? To conceive X: ?iciit; t?an?akstu? To have a X dead: ?imaks?i? To carry a X on arms: ?apk?aahu? To carry a X on back: kanupaa? To be Xless: wiikahu? To have plenty Xren: ?ayahu? To take care of another’s X: ?a?ii?k?aa? To have a young X: wac?aak To take care of own X: wac?aak To get a X or children: t?an?anaks?i? He has a X: t?an?anak?is?Childhood When I was a child, in my X: t?an?a?isks?uyii; q?iiyuuyiqs t?an?a?isChill I feel Xy: c??ic??itash?is; c??itass?i? Xy hands: c??ii?c??iniikChillblain waaph?i; waah?ic?i? Chilly To feel X: c??itass?i?; c??itasyiih?aChimney ?inku?Chin hiinaksu?, c?iwapChinese c?ayanii?ath?Chip With the affix ck?i to the instrument by which produced. Chip by a knife: ?akck?i X by Indian Chisel: c??ah?ck?i To X with a knife: ?aks?i?; ?aak?aaka To X with an Indian chisel: c??ah?s?i?; c??aah?c??aah?a To X with a hatchet: c?uxs?i?; c?uuxc?uuxaChisel c?uxy?ak Indian X: k?ayaax?as Work with Indian X: k?ayaaxs?i? Round X: yac?ah?s Small X: kuwaq?Choice My X: ?uk?wapsChoke: t?ikyiih?a from closing up of throat: t?iks?i? X by pressing on throat: taaqwinuu? X by hanging: maaqinuu? I am Xing: kapxyiih?as X by being overlaid eg: mothers giving the breast at night, suffocate their child: ?inc?inks?i? See Suffocate.Choose ?aas?aa After choosing say: ?uk??ap –literally prefer. I X or prefer this: ?uk??aps ?ah?kuu k??ap is used as an affix. I like it all, everything: hiis?k??aps Chop hiishiisa X down a tree: ?uxsaap suc??as or ?uxp?iiqsap suc??as X firewood: ?ac?i?ap X away: c?uxs?i? or c?uuxcuux?aChopping X knife: c?uxpa?, c?uxy?akChristian c?iicsaataChum ?uupaa? His X: yaaqpaa??ik; yaqsc??a?in?at; ?uqhyuu –related, friends.Church Sunday quwi? To go X: Sunday?asCincture t?apwanum X Indian fashion: t?apqum?Cinders ??intmisCipher huksaay?ak (counting); huksc?i?; huksaay?ak; huksaaCircle Empty X: ?anacxum? X not empty: c?itxum? Make a X around: mitxumyup To go in a X: mitxwaa See Around.Circumstance yaq?inwit?iq q?is?atCitizen hist?ath?sa; ?uu?ath?saCity townClaim ?uuna ?ana Demand: hiinumc? With the affix ?ac? Demand for payment: t?aqimac?Clam Littleneck X: h?ic?in Butter X: ya?isi Cockle: huupisi To go after Xs: qaa?uu?; + c?iita Other kinds X: ?amiiq X shell with the affix ck?i and the names of the X: ya?isick?iClandestinely hat?uqyu To go X: haptaakc?ikClap X hands: ? ?uhink To X hands: ? ?uh? ?uhink, ? ?uh? ?uhinks?i?Clasp k?uc??akClaw niky?akClay ? ?icmis Black deep X: kuupha?a? X pipe: ? ?ich?tinClean Adjective: ?u?a? X dish: ?u??ah?s and different other affixes according to object or number. X hands: ?u?inuk See Dirt or Dirty. To X: tic?i? X dish: c?umiihs X anything hollow: t?icin?ap To X with brush: yaxs?i? X mouth: c?um?a?c?u See Wash. To X house eg: for a feast: c??iiss?i? Clear Bright: h?as X free from obstruction: ?u?uk X free from impurities (water): ?uu?sit X weather, + starry night: kuu?uh?ak The weather is Xing up: kuu?uh?s?i? also ? X, evident: hamat X voice: c?amayu? X sighted: hacqa? X country: ? ?isn?aak (+ meadow)Cleat ?ac?ma; ?ac?p?um To put a X: ?ac?s?i? X on top: ?ac?pitap X indoor: ?ac?ma??apCleave Split: sitsaapClever X at fishing, hunting: ?uumiik; ?ayamiik X in general: ?ac?ik; ?ac?ik?aq? See Able ?imaqstinak; ?uumiik Not X: wic?ik; wiikmiikCliff ? ?ath?ak; ? ?ath?u?; t?uc?k?as-hillClimate What is the X in Victoria?: ?aqink?ic?h??a? hi? victoriaClimb c?iq?aasi? X of animals: saasi? X on a hill: hinaas?acu? See Ascend. X on a fence: hisim??aqtu or hiinum??aqtu X on a box: hinaasi? go on a box, get upon it.Clinch Fighting: susupta?; su?a?; su?ac?i? –take or have hold of.Cling ?a?inc?in?i?; ?amaqs?i?; ? X to an idea: waakswii Obstinate.Clip Hair X: c??iiqumyuup (+ cutting)Cloak See Coat.Clock ?ii?iiqat?in (+ sounds like dripping)Close X a door: mus??as?ap; ?ahsamup X the eyes: k?ics?i?; k?icaa X one eye: k?ih?s?i? X not far off: ?anaa?is A short distance X, nearly: hiik?a? Nearby, end, number: ?awaa Travel X in shore: ?awaaqc?ik, wihii?aqc?ik I am close to you: ?awaa sis? suuti? X to eachother: c?aqink A house X by: ?awack?as ma?as See Adjoining and By, simply Close (shut): mus??ii?; mus?saap To go X to a schooner at sea: ? ?ah?inks?i? To go X to a canoe at sea: c??aminks?i? X parsimonious ? X sticking, no space between: hatuqyup?it; pi?qink; c??iitink affix ?uk?ink Pack X or closely: ti?qc?u?ap X of a wound, sore: mass?i?; masyu Go X to him: ?awiic?i? Come X to me: hac??is kuu?a?i ? To come close to eg: being hurt: c?atiik To close a basket, bind it up: maaqicin?ap X names sounding very much alike: kicinik; + mii?h?i?ik ?umtiiClot X of blood: qatum? h?ismis Cloth ?a?a?mapt generally with the affix ?a? Clothe X one self: m?uc??ic?u? X another: m?uc??ic??up See adorn.Clothes m ?uc??ic??acyi; ?uk??ic??acyi Wear X such or such: ?uk??ic?; ?uk??ic??i? Change See Change ha?uk??ic? X pin: ?a?apay?ak X line: ? ?us?aay?ak; c?iisapasCloud ?iwah?misCloudy ?iwah?ak Gets X: ?iwah?s?i? Travelling of clouds from the West: c?amii?i? From the East: c?ahii? From the sea: t?aqaa From the land: t?aqah?ta See West, East etc.Clover ?a?ic?uCloy nisumh?ic?i? (+ sick feeling from eating)Club hisy?ak For fishing purposes: ?ach?siClumsy Not handy: wic?ik waq?; + ya?c?ix X of hands yayuumiik X of feet: hinums yaacukCoagulate nasks?i? Xed: naskyuu See Stiff.Coal tumiis; tumisk?ukCoalesce napas?i? Xed: napa?yuCoarse X of language: p?is?aqsu? X of things p?is?aq X not fine ?a?iihtaqak See Rough.Coast See Shore nism?a From a spot down coast – direction of Cape Scott: hi??in?atu Direction of Victoria: hitak?i?Coat Wear a coat: coat?ic? Overcoat: ?ukspiic??ik Coax ?u?u?was see reduceCobweb c?imaak t?a?t?apwin Cock c?akup ?u?u?u X gun: muusqsaap Cocked: muusqyuu; muusqs?i? Cockle (Gospel) p?is?aq ?aqapt Co-equal My X mii?h?i?ac Coffee kaapii X pot: kaapiisac Coffer X for keeping money: ?uus?c?usac or taalac?usacCodfish tus?kuh Dry X: tus?k?a has?t Real X: kaqaksuuh Rock X: k?ikma To fish X: tutus?k?iih Coffin maaqy?aksac Cohabit Secretly living together: haptaaq ?uuch?i Live in the same house: ?ukc?aq?i?Co-heir mi?taquk hah?u?iCoil X of rope: c?aamaaksakhsa X snake: waa??in?as Coin See Cash. Coincide mi?s?i?Cold m?a?aa It is cold: m?a?aa ?is? The root m?aa? with different affixes eg m?aa?s?i? getting cold (weather): ?iic?i? ?uusaak m?a?aa – very cold. I have X hands: ma?m?aa?nuks I have X feet ma?maa?htas also m?a?yiih?as kuk?inksu (hands); m?a?yiih?as ?is??in (feet) X country: m?a?nit X water: m?a??ah?s in general m?aa?sit To get a X: m?a??aqstu? In a cold atmosphere: m?a?c?in? Suffer from the X: m?a?yiih?ic?i? or m?a?yiih?a To feel X: c??itass?i? Shiver from X: waaxniqs?i? Biting nose, ears: q?iiq?aa (+ everything starts aching) X in the house: m?a?mii? Words that have a? as an affix such as iron, glass, stone, etc. m?a?aa? X cool: m?aa?wahsu?Collar Necklace (colored): ?isumyum X of shirt ? ?aac?inum; q?aa?ink X bone, neck: ?iitinumColleague My X: ya?aa?c?iqsColic yac?inqin? Collect hiis?umyuup; his?saap See Ask hiinac??atCollision Collide: c?ax?inks?i?Color tasma; ?iisma; kicmaas (+ blush/make-up) Xed: tasc?uu; ?iisc?uu; kicc?uu; pintc?uu To lose X: task?ac?i?; ?iisk?ac?i?; kick?ac?i? also with the affix ?atu: tas?atu; ?iis?atu; kic?atu To rub out, efface with: up. tasatup etc. Xed man: tupksath? Xed woman: tupksaaqsupColt t?an?a?is kiwitanaColumn ?ama See PillarComb sac?k?ah?s For vermin ( + lice): qic?y?ak To X: sac?ks?i? X another: sac?ksaap Xed: sac?kc?uuCome X: hinats?i? X back: hu?acac?i?; hu?ap?in? Come back without completing trip: hiisap?atu X down: ?ustp?its?i? X from an inlet: hitawii?is X home: wa?s?i? X too late: wiic?ak X in time: h?aac?ak X in: hinii?i? X in again: hu?ii?i? X approach: ?awiic?i? X from-originate: ?umutaqs?i? X for a certain purpose: ?u?iip; ?unaah; ?uucha X back, of the dying: hu?ahtac?i?; hu?ahtas X visit: ?ah?t?as or ?ah?t wit?as X visit sick: h?amii? ?as X to after a faint: hinayaq?s?i? X up out of the water: hinusa X out of fainting: hinusa X up from edge of sea: hinuusc?a X from far: sayiihtaqs?i? X from everywhere: his?syih?taqs?i? X to somebody for business etc: ?u?ii X to me: si?ii X to you: sut?ii X to him: ?u?ii X to us: niih??ii X to you: siih??i X to them: ?u?ii or ?u?ii?at or ?u?ii?ata?s? See In, At, Up, Down, After, Out e Imperative: c?uk?a; c?uk?aa ?a?ik; c?uk?a?ik plural: c?uk?a?ic? X by canoe: c?uk?a na?uuqs X by land: na?uuk Ask to go along: nanuhac? X to something of consequence: ?us?saahtaks?i? (+ made something of oneself) X upon strike, find: k??ats?i?Comical ?u?uuqc?yakComfortable wikyaa + They made him X: + wikyaa?ap?at?ic q?aa?iikComforter ?uminum ?Command See Cause To. Speak with X: ?anaqhwa X to go on an errand, send: ?uksaap Xment: wawaac??akCommence s?i? , c?i? affixes. See BeginCommission Make tell: ci?aqstup X per canoe: ?uk?iqstupCommend KakapiicaqaCommencement In the X: ?a?minCommit X to a higher court: ?uus?sinah? X a sin with affix: ?uk?i? X a theft: kuw?i? also ? X adultery: ?ihsyuc?i? X oneself: ?uk?ii?as?t k?aa?h?ii?ap or k?ak?ahuus; ?u?ukuh? say steal murder etc. instead commit murder theft mon his?iic God is our common father: his?iic nis? n?uwiiqsu haa?api h?aw?i? X people: masc?um To give in common: his?siic?ap Anything to be given in X: his?siih??imaCommonly Often: ?ayums affix a? It is X that way: q?a?iis??a? or q?a?iis??ana?a?Commons masc?um Mass of the peopleCommotion s?ayuk?i?Communicate has?iiyap See Contagious, Correspond, Tell munion La mutable k?isca?apcum?at (+ They should move it/him)Commute k?isca?apCompact See Close. pi? with affixes X inside: pi?c?u eg: box also pi??aq? panion yaq?ink?at; yaaqsc??a?in?atCompany In X: ?ukc?imaa?c?akh Like his X: c?aamas?ap; ?u?uk?i To frequent as companion: ?uksc??a?inCompare No word. To examine which is better, stronger etc: pihs?i?; yaaqpiyi ?u?; ha?ak With ?uupi the nearest word to express compare is: ?uuc?uksuupsta? also mii?c?iipup (+ seeing which is better)Compass n?aac?sity?akCompassionate To feel pity: ?aksuk? X to express condolence: ?a?ak?up Worthy of compassion: ?aksah?ic?i? X take pity on: ?a?akamiiq?Compatriate nuphsih?stath? Remaining in their own country. ?ukc?i?ath? nupsath?Compel haak?ayiih?Compensate t?aqiiyapCompete ?ucsukspin? (+ trying to be ahead)Complain ?aakh?i To find fault with: yawaac?i?Complaint ?uus?yih?amis (+ a complaint about pain/sickness) See Sickness. To be in trouble: ?uus?ya?Complete hawii?a? The prefix ha implies the idea of “X,””full” hasiik Entire: humaq?Completely Entirely: hacac?i? To completion: ha?atup A full day?s work: ha?atup ?uus?taq n?aas See posed Of See Consist, Made Of ply ?umaapComprehend See Understand kamath?ic?i?Compress c?atyaksap To reduce to a smaller volume: ? ?i?ksaanupCompromise c?ac?ump?inqs?i?Conceal haptum?ak; hapts?i?; wik?a??ap: See HideConcede See GrantConceited ?ayah?i You are a X fellow: ?ayah?i?ick qu?as; ?ayisa?aq? (+ somebody tricky)Conceive hiniip ?imaqsti X become pregnant: ?iciit Xed: ?u?uc?yak or ?iciit X a bastard: ?icwisaConcern See Business- It does not concern you: wik?iic suw?aas waa?misConciliate hu?ac?inks?i?Conclude ?uus?tiswa; hiniip ?imaqsti; ?umis?ap; ?uus?taqs?i?wa Come to an understanding: ?apcac?i?Concord wiiwikwatsta?Concourse X of people: ?ayac?ink qu?as; qu?acpa?Concubine ?ih?wiiqsuConcur I X with you: nupii?c?iknis?Condemn ?uyii?at X to death: ?uyii?at qah?s?i??aq?Condition With affix quuCondole To express Xnce: ?a?ak?up; ?uu?sinhap?ap ?imaqsti; ?inaakCondone See Pardon.Conduct Behaviour of the Indians: q?aa?iiq qu?as Good of X: ?uh?taas; c?ac?umisa Bad of X: wih?taas; wawumsa Lead: kutiic; maw?aa eg: a blind man, lead by the hand: kutii? Change X for the better: c?umqiiyu? Change X for the worse: wikumyu?Confess ?iiqh?uk; k?ah?i?ap; ?uuqh?ii; ?iic?iiqh?uk Tell, Narrate.Confession La penitenceConfidence X when speaking: hasaacuq?aa Trust: t?aqaak To have no X: c??us?aaConfine To be Xed: waac??aks?i?; cah?wiic?i?Confirm ?aanaqhmii?ap What was only a report is Xed: ?aanaqhmiic?i??is? or ?apcac?i??is?; t?aaqmiic?i??is?Confirmation La confirmationConfiscate suk?i?; k?aps?i?Confrater ?u?aa?c?iqs Your fellow priest: ya?aa?c?iq?iq leplet or yaqc?aas?itq My X chief: ya?aa?c?iqs h?aw?i? See Companion.Conflagration (+ destructive fire) mu?ii?Conflict nusinks?i? Their statements X: k?isciikConfluent (river) c?a?aquu When rivers meet: c?ac?inkConform See Imitate nuuna? Confounded Puzzled hayacu I am puzzled what to do: hayacin?s q?is?aq?iisConfront wawaa?ma?u? X tell to the face: wa?yuuyap X of doing wrong, to make see: n?ac?inksap To make speak: ciqsaap Xed: t?aaqinkConfused Mixed up in speaking: hayum?c?uqs?i?Confute See DenyCongratulate yuyuhtuta or the better way to say X is: nanas??utaCongregate See GatherConical sac?kqii; yuc?kqiiConquer ?ukspin?; hita?itap Got ahead: ?uucuwat I X: siicuwat X them: suuccuwat He X: ?uucuwat We X: niih?cuwat You X: siih?cuwat They X: ?uucuwat hita?a?s? or ?uucuwat?a?Consanguinous ?uqhyuu Relatives: ?uus?hyumsConscience ?imaqstiConscious hin?aayaq?Consecrate ?utaq EucharistConsent nuu?ii; ?apaak She Xs: ?apaak?is? or ?aapuk?i? if not Xing at first. Give permission: c??inuq? Refuse X: yumuuq?; c?umwaa; ?u??ap See Approve.Consequently yaq?inwi; yaq?inuu? See Cause ?uusaah?i I take it to be a consequence: ?uumis?apsConserve yutsinh?i Take care of it: yutsinhak?um I will X it: yutsinh?i?aq?uks has?ah??ak; ?uu?a?uk; suu (+ to hold)Consider Reflect: t?at?apata; t?apatwa? To look attentively: pih?s?i? hence t?apatanu?, pih?aanu? In mind: t?a?aq? Hesitate: ?a?aamac?u X good, X bad etc. with ?apConsiderable wiis?h?i: not little or few. There are a X number of people in Hesquiat : wiis?h?i?is qu?as his?k?ii Considerably sayapi; saya?uupiConsign ?u?iip I Xed it to Anton: ?u?iipnits AntonConsist X of: ?uhtinConsistent nupp?ii? ?imaqsti; ?uh?taaConsole ciqwak; ?a?aak?up; ?u?sinh?i?ap ?imaqsti; c?umqstup X yourself: ?u?uk ?imaqstiConsort ?uch?i with the affix h?i or h?a A lasting X: qiich?i My X: yaqch?iyiisConspire ?asink Talk the matter over: ?uu?m?ac?u X deliberately over killing somebody: qaah?m?ac?uConstable mama??iih?Constant hii?sasa q?aaConstantly taaks?i?Consult c?ii?i?Consume With the affix: k?ac?i?; ?u?ak?ac?i? X by fire: mu?ak?ac?i? X by rubbing: task?ac?i? (+ rub it out.) X all the food: hiis?k?ac?i? ha?umConsumption ?u?k?ac?i? also get lean: ? ?ih?aqs?i?Contact Come in X: c?aqs?i? eg: powder and fuse. Come with bad X: ?uk?inks?i? wayiikhtin (+ haywires)Contagious X disease: tamis To suffer an eruptive disease: tusyiih?a To catch a X disease: hiinuuta I’m X: ? To communicate a X disease: hiinuutapContain To refrain: c?iic?iicma I could not X myself: nasa?nic c?iic?iicma + Something’s strange/missing: ?uus?iic mic To X, to hold..with the affix c?u when speaking of deep and the affix ?ah?s when speaking of shallow articles or objects. Xing water: c??ac?uu Xs: ?uk? and ?ak? affixes eg: bottle. Contains potatoes eg: in a dish: qawic?ah?s (uqs of liquids in a canoe.)Contaminate p?iip?is?misa See SpoilContemn ?uus?c?u?aq?; wiksum; wiipapContemplate nanamic?; yaa?a?-look on. Intend: ?uuchaContend I X: was X for: ?ucukstaa?; ?uuk?ayiih?Content See Pleased, Satisfied etc.Contents taakc?u; yaqc?u?iq See Full and apply affixes.Contentious c?aatc?axs??iik; niini?k?a?iikContest See DisputeContiguous X house: ?uk?ink??as; ?ukc?aas (land)Continual Xly: taaks?i?Continue X with obstinacy: waakswii; ?acuk; ?acuks?ii? X assiduously: taaks?i?; wik?a; c?iihtac?i? X still: ?iqt?aa? X repeat: hu?aass?i?Contract X, shrink: kumts?i?; taaqinyuu? By X: nuuphta?iih? X a disease: hinuta; c??uuwita X a debt: ?uus?wiqstu? Do not X debts: wik?ii ?us?wiq? mahsaContradict c?aatc?axs? X another’s statement: k?isciik X himself: k?isciikwa? Spirit of Xion: c?aatc?axs??iik or hachac?axs??iik X eachother?s statements: c?aatc?axs?staa? X by going away: c?aatc?axs? yaacs?i?Contrite yac??aatsuq? You must be X, have contrition for your sins: yac??aatsuq? cum?icuus? q?aanit?i suu ?ii?aaContrive See manage- hiniip q?is?ak?ii Think of: ?uwin?ak; ?uk?i?s?i?Control To be above X: CIRCLE X ourself: c?iicma See ContainContusion See BruiseConvalescent (+ recovering from an illness) tiic?a; kutks?i?; kutqak; s?ahyuts?i?Convene See Gather his?umyuupConvenient c?amaapu? Not X: yuumaapu? When it is X: q?iiyu?ii c?amaapiConverse ciqink, ?uus?mac?uk (+ talking about somebody), ?uumac?uk (+ talking about a topic)Convert See ChangeConvey See Carry, BringConvict X with expression of crime-Xed of murder: hahaas qah?saapck?i ?uus?i?Convulsion hahaac?atc?; hin?atu; wah?naks?i?Cook siqii?hsi To X: siqa?ap ha?um, siqii? He is Xing: siqii??is? see Boil.Cooked siqc?u What are they cooking?: ?aqic?akh? They are cooking: ?uc?akh?is?Cool X weather: m?a?saapi X food: m?a?aa??a? X liquid after being hot: m?a?uwah?s X water: m?a??ah?s t?ana X room: m?a?mii? t?anaCooling X water: m?a?uwah?s?i X food: m?a?aa??a??a? Weather is X: m?a?cin n?aas (+ shadows) X wind: m?a?sap?i X after a passion from anger: m?a?uu?a?; ?u?s?i?; ?uk??atuks?i? (+ a change of tune in mood) Speak pleasantly: c?umu?s?i? ?Coon ?apisumCooperate Work together: miimi?uwa To help: hupii; ?asiitaCooper mama?im?i??iikCopper c??a?uus?; c??iip?uqsCopulate X-dogs: k?uk?uc?ink-general term of mate (+ the word is related to “chain.”) ?u?iic ?uucma Vulgar: quupquupa (+ the word is related to “poking”) waatwaata Insemination: ?a?s?i? (+same word as vomit) Abstinence: has?ah?Cord X rope: c?istuup Thin X: c?iisapum X of wood with t?a?as One X: nupt?a?as Two X: ?a?t?a?as Navel X: c?iic?isqumCore Eg: Apple X: huhuupkakstum To the X, see Entirely.Cork c??iipsk?aapum; kack?aapum; ?ick?aapum; huksk?aapum according to material made of. To X: c??iipsk?aapup, ?apsk?aapupCorked: c??iipsk?aapu? Still X: ?iiqsk?aapu? UnX: wiksk?aapu?Corkscrew c??iips?a?uksk?aapu?y?ak, c?iick?aapu?y?akCorned tup?a?a? To corn: tup?a?a??apCorner X of house: ?amink?i? X of table and other objects: ?amink X outside: ?amink??asCorpse piicksy?iCorpulent ?uuk?iitCorrect ?apcayap X a child: haahuupa; cass?i? (+ go away.) X oneself: ?a?aapciyuks?i?Correctly You have it X: ?inumsa?ak?ic You speak X: ?apciik?ic You guess X: k??ats?i??icCorrespond ?iis?iisatst?aa? To suit, to fit-the Indians express the idea by the word k??itaa. When things do not correspond, agree in color etc. they say witaa?is? of thing correspond look nice that way etc: k?witaa?is?. He/she doesn’t suit what he/she is wearing: witaa?is? ?uk??ic?Corrode X by rusting: s?ux?k?a?apCorrupt p?iyac?i? X a boy: p?iyayap To rot: ?ic?s?i? With the affix ?uus?k?ac?i? which implies destruction, corruption, deterioration.Cost Notice the affix ?iq? in the following. What does your coat X? ?aaqinq?h coatuk?ik It X two dollars: ?a?qumq??is? See Price. X expensive: ?ayaq? See Charge, Expensive.Costend saac??aq? (+ something stuck in your tummy, constipated.)Costly ?iiw?aq? Not X: wik?aq? See Cheap kam?aanak; ?iih?mis; ?ayah?um; ?ay?aq?Cotton White X: ? ?ish?tin Printed X: qica? White sail X: ?iicapumCough To X: wawaasaqa; wasaqs?i?-from a fit of Xing: wasaq?ac?i? or wawaasaqk?ac?i? Try to avoid Xing: c?ic?iicma Whooping X: huq?huq?a X medicine: wasaqsy?i hiccup: t?ik??icqa Noun: wasaqmisCould I X not: wim?aaq? nicCounsel See Advice.Count huksaa; huksc?i? X on fingers: huksaq?nuk; q?aaqum?nuk Xed in: ?uupaa?Countenance See Face hi?uu? See FavorCounter maaksac?umCounterpart yayaaqpaa?; mii?h?ii; ?usaahtakCountry nism?a Rough X: p?is?aq n?isma Fine X: ?u? n?isma X man with the affix ath? or for woman aqsup eg: American man: Boston?ath? American Woman: Bostonaqsup. A Xman of such or such a X: ?u?ath? A Xwoman of such or such a country: ?u?aqsup What X are you? (asked to a male): ?aqaath?k What X are you?(asked to a female): ?aqaaqhsupk A Xman of England: king george?ath? A Xwoman of England: king george?aqsup Of your X: histath?iik Of different countries: k?ik?iisath? A X of ours: male: niiwaath? female: niiwaqsup What X is he?: male: waast?ath? or t?aqaath? female: waasaqsup or ?aqaaqhsup My X: hist?at?h?iis My former X: histath?nitiis, hist?ath?niqs The X or people you belong to: histiic?iq qu?asCouple ?a?a See Pair. Married: hicnup See CopulateCourage To have X: ?iih??at ?imaqsti To give X: ?iiway?ipc?ip ?imaqsti To keep up X: wik?ii wiiwinh?ic?i? ?imaqsti; ?iiw?ayap ?imaqsti; ha?aksap ?imaqsti To lose X, give up: ?ac?i?; wikiic?i? X in a fight: ?akwiihs?i?; wi?aks?i?Course X in travelling is expressed by the affix st?iih?, c?ik or sak A straight X: t?aqiiyakc?ik Follow a certain direction X: hisiik; hiist?iih? Lose the X intended: wikcac?i?, wikciik or wikciiks?i?; wiikst?iih? X in shore: wihii?aqc?ik X off shore: hi?catukc?ik X toward land: takaa X from land: taaqh Go out to sea: taakhtac?i? At sea opposite a certain spot: takhtakh To follow the outside X by canoe: ? ?aamiis To follow the inside X by canoe: taqswii?a?Court Police, justice ciquwi? To make love, not practiced by Indians. They have no half way about them. See Marriage.Cousin ?uus?hyums Follow rules as in Brother, sister. First cousin: ?ik??aacyiCover X or covering notice sum or ? in following: X for a hole, iron pot, kettle etc.: huq?iqsum X for a package: ?’ahiqsum X for head: c?iisiicum X for box, trunk: ?’ahiqsum X for gun: ?aac?anum X as dress: muc??ic??acyi X also for a package: ?ac?i?uqsum hence say to X or put X on-X the pot etc.: huq?iqsap X or wrap package: ?ah?iqsap Put on hat: ciiciiyapc?in? Put X on trunk: ?ahiqsip Put X on gun: ?ac?aanup puu Order given to dress: muc??iic?up X a package, book: ?ac?yuksap muc?ksaap is a pretty general term from muc?ma a covering dress or other goods. Xed in a canoe: muc??ah?s Xed in a house: muc??i? To be in the house with face covered: muc?pi? Face covered: muc?quu? To X oneself after being naked: muc?ic?i? Head Xed with blanket: muc?qum? To X with a dress, blanket etc.: muc?ic??up X a hole outside: huq?iqs?as?ap X head with hat: ciyapuxsi? X with hankerchief: maa?iic from maa?iicum or c?iisiic from c?iisiicum also ?ihum? eg: fashion of women. X ears with hands: ? ?u? ?uhum? X face with hands: ? ?uh?uu? X with boards: ?ahiic?i? X eggs by birds: ?ahiic?as X with carpet, floor: ?icpitap X with earth: tuq?itap X with rubbish: tums ?ic?itap X blanket in bed: muc?ic?asip X an indian basket with things: muc?iisin?ap from Xing: muc?piisum X a baby in a cradle: ?aac?ink?aanup from ?aac?ink?anum: A cradle’s Xing Xing, plenty blankets as X in bed: ?ayiic?as k?ach?ak -from muc?ic?asinum -bed Xing. A passage Xed with water: ?uh?swii from ?uh?s?i? the water rising, The earth was Xed with water-deluge: ?uh?k?ac?i? nism?a or maatmaas X with water: ?uwis –beach ?uw?as-land ?uwpi?-inside. Food eg: potatoes X in boiling water: ?upin? Water Xed with ice: muus?i? (-shut.) X a canoe: patac?yap from pataac?um?a-Xing for a canoe.Covert X shelter: maqc?ii?y?akCovet k?in?a?; ?uucumh?i; ?atqaakCovetous k?iik?in?a??iikCow tuucma muusmuusCoward tuutuh??iik; wiiwinh?i?at ?imaqstiCrab hask?aamac (+ little) hasaamac (+ dungeness)Crack X of glass, canoe: nuh?s?i? X of large trees: nuwaqstu? X of bones: tuc?i?; tu?ak?a?ap X earthen ware: ki?s?i? See Break, Bite.Cracked X of a canoe: nuh?yuu- See SplitCrackle ? ?i?ks?i?; ? ?i?kaa; kuuhs?i? ? -eg: noise of biscuit. X of shoes: ? ?ii? ?iic??in or ?Cradle nayaqp?atu To put baby in X: nayaqsap Baby in X: nayaqyuCraggy k?ahsi?u?Cramp ?uk??iic X of sleeping foot or hand: ?a?a?inq?atuCranberry p?ap?a?isCrane ?aanisCrank wiiwikh?tinc?yak (+ cranky)Cranky X of a canoe, vessel (+ liable to capsize): c?ucaa Not strong, eg: chair: wii?ma; wiiwinh?iCravat nuutinumCrawfish See CrabCrawl sa?ak Baby begins to X: saac?i? X in stealthily: saayii?i? also with the root h?i hence h?iiyi-a snake. See Bending, Stooping. Crazy hayuxs?i?; ?a?iiqs?; ?asi?s?i? A X way about him: ?asi?c?yakCream ?; ? ?uk?inmaCrease ?a?ac?ink; ? ?ac?kinks?i?Create ?a?iiqtak; ?uk?ii? also with ap. Who has Xd us-man: ya?atqin qu?as?ap?at or qu?ii?ap?at He Xd all things: ?a?iiqtakck?i hiis?i?Credit X believe: t?aqaak Buy or get on X: ?uyiku?i? To give on X: ?uyiiku??ay?iCredulous (+ gullible) t?at?a?iikCreep See Crawl. X up to game: k?uuq?aa; c?uu?ukCrescent ?iih? h?aaCrest eg: of a rooster: c??itqumCrib (+ animal fodder container) hawacsacCricket Insect X: mumuwac?k?uk or mumuwac?k?inCrime Commit X: ?iihsyuc?i?Cripple X legs: kikis?ink; qis??aq? X hands: kis?kkis?knukCriticize yawaac?i?; ?Criticizer yayawiikCrockery ki?tuupCrooked ? ?inkyuu; qis?kak X winding road: ? ?ink ? ?inka; hiikhiik?a X nose: c??u?ihta X body: qis??aq? X in the middle: qis?kwin X top: qis?k?ihta X face: qis??aqsu? or c?iqwaksu? X sawed: c?iiyuu; yuumaapiCrop X the ears: mumutumyuupCropped Ears mumutumyuu?Cross la croix (+ this is a French word meaning “cross”) or la croix kum? X of St. Andrew: c?iwaakyu la croix. Make die on X, literally to die on X with the arms extended: ?a?ah?i?ap qah?saap To make the sign of the X: k?upsaatin? X: qasqiqyu; t?awanum I have a X on my mind: t?awanum?ac ?imaqsti To be X (+angry): hiixwath?i; ?uus?suq?; hihiixwat To be X (+ angry) of babies: yumuu?a X the arms: ? ?u? ?uhcu X the legs: t?awan?ap qayapta X a stream: hitapi? X wade: tumqpi? X a mountain: yachta?ap nuc?ii X stick for a canoe: kaci?um X beam of a house: taap?akma ? See Across with the affix pa or spa X eyed: ?i?inc?ksu? X piece of canoe: taap?um To put in X piece: taapiks?i? X wise: kasqiqyu X pass a canoe: ? X cut saw: his?c?ak; c?uqhy?ak X road: kasqiqyu t?as?ii, roads crossing. The X road: ka??um t?as?iiCrouch See Crawl k?uuq?aa (+ like fowl)Crow k?aa?in At the Xing of the rooster: ciqs?i??a?quu ?u?u?uCrowd ?ayac?ink, tus?qink, pi?qinkCrowded pi?qaa; ti?qaa; tus?qi? (-inside) tus??as (-outside) affix changes according to localities. X out: t?awi? We were X out: tawacqumc?i? minnis?Crown X of the head: ?apc?aasqiCrucifix ?a?ah?i- with arms open- la croix kum?Crucify ?a?ah?i?ap qah?saapCruel wiiqh?iCrumble tuqs?i?; p?ah?k?ac?i? X to pieces: saaxts?i?Crumbs X thrown away: hawack?i X of food: k?ack?i Crusts: qatkspumCrush ti?qs?i?; ti?qsaap; tuqs?i?; tuqk?aa?ap; k?a?s?i?; k?a?saap; ? with the affix k?aa?ap X by force of throwing: cickk?aa?ap X the head of the serpent Genesis: yackk?aa?ap t?uhcitak h?iiyi Of anything not solid eg: a hat: ?ac?ks?i? Of stones or anything very hard: k?ah?s?i?Crust X of bread: qatkspum Burned X: mucpumCrutch tatacwin?y?akCry ?aaqs?i? ( + as in yelling) A loud X: ?aaqyaqs?i? or ?aaq?aaqa Weep: ?ih?ak Weep as Indian women: ? ?aa?s?i? To X for something: ?uyuuk ?ih?ak Determine what. To do a thing Xing: ?ih?p?ic? He goes home Xing: ?ih?p?ic??is? waa?s?i? He walk Xing: ?ih?p?ic??is? yaacuk Indian Xing: ?a?yuu from ?a?s?i? To start Xing: ?ih?syuc?i? To stop Xing: ? ?ah?wiic?i? Seldom Xing, of children: ? ?aah?iik; ? ?ah?uu? Habit of Xing: ?ih??iik X after anybody when going or being away: ?ih?uu?Crystal h?iin?aCultivate ? ?ayaqi? from ? ?ayaqak: a cultivated patch.Cuff To put handXs on: mamaa?h?i?ap Cunning ?ac?ikwaq?; ?imaqstiqn?akCup n?aqy?ak; c?iyaakum; +?ikc?utum Cure tiic??ap; wiiks?ah?i?ap To become better, Xd: wiiks?ah?ic?i?; tiic?ac?i?; s?ah?yuuts?i? To get over a fit: q?aq?aac?in? Over the worst pain: hinusa; wiiwikc??aps?i?- See Abate. X, free from pain: wika?s?i?; wik?aa?apu?; wikyih?ic?i? Cure fish etc. see Dry, Salt etc.Curious hahas?ic?iih??iik Strange: k?iik?isc?yakCurled Hair: xums?iiqum?; ? Curl: xums?iic X: ? ?inkyuuCurly X hair: ?atxum? from ?atxyu; ?atxs?i? Neglected: ?uutxum?; ?Curlew Bird (+sandpiper) c?iin?uCurrants Berry of whiteman: hihisitk?uk Indian X: huu?iwa X bush: hu??iqmaptCurrent Small stream X: c?a?aana See Tide. X up in lake: c?atstiis X from inlet: c?aawis In general ca hence against X: c?ac?ac?ink With the X: c?ak?ii The X towards shore: c?ac?i?a; c?akstii?; c?um?atu The X to sea from land: c?ah?taak X up a inlet: c?atstiisCurse A X, spell: k?ii? k?aa?ap God damn yuqs?i? Curtail To make a long story short: susup?iqaCurtain X in general: muuc?qsamum Lace X: c?ic?ima? Raise the X: k?iicam?ap; k?iiciyamup Lower the X: ?iiciyamup; ?iicyanup A X to protect against wind etc.-old Indian fashion: muyapum. Protected by a X, especially when a young girl comes of age. Now everybody’s got a X. The word is also used when in confinement or sickness: muyapi?Curve ? ?inkyu; ? ?inkmi?; ?u?inksapCushion Pillow: ?ac?uk?anumCustom With the affix ?iik also in certain cases with the affix pa? It is still the X in Mowachat: k?apa?uk muwac??ath? or yaqpa?uk muwac??ath? The general affix is ?iikCut The affix ?ii is descriptive of any cut, wound, burn, ulcer etc. A cut with sharp instrument: c??ii?ii knife also: ?a?ii in general. A burn: mu?ii A boil: nu?k?ii so that by having the root you need only add the affix and the noun is formed. The affix k?a?ap is also used here when the idea of change, destruction is to be expressed with the idea of Xting. The affix ta?ap when there is a question of dividing, cutting through. X with a knife: c??ic??i? X with an axe: hiishiisa; hiss?i?; hisaa X with scissor: ? ?aps?i? X a tree: ?uxsaap X with a saw: c?iitc?iita X a fish: k?uuc?i? X off the head: qatksaap X hair: c??iiqumyuup; mutsaap X hair in a bang: c??iiqiinup; c??iiqs?i? X with a knife, whittle: ?aks?i?; ?aak?aak?a X anything square, straight: c?umyihtanup See Wound, Stab, Hurt, Split. X off with affix ?atup also in two parts, divide by Xting. X off with knife: c??i?atup X off with saw: c?iitatup hence X castrate animals: k?it?atup X a deep gash: c?ux?s?i? X grass: c??imaas from c??ic?i?DDagger c’uqy’akDaily qum’a n?aas?i?Dainty ?u?; c?amasDam ?umiiqstup sas?tup Beaver X: mus?yu?ak?atu or c?iipyuDamage Expressed by the affix ?uus?k?a?ap destroy in part or entirely, cause loss. Repair X: hu?ac?i? Pay X: t?aqii?ap Xed: ?uus?k?ac?i?; ?aawiic?i?Damn No word. See Curse.Damp paasyuu X wet: mu?aq? X: ? ?upck?i (+ from sweating) Suffered from Xness: paask?ac?i?Dampness X of the day: paasaack?i (+ morning dew)Dance Different X: yatyaata; huyaa?; k?iik?aa?a; c?ic?iituk?a Women?s X: c?iisc?iisa; yaacyaaca; ? ?aas? ?aasaDandle c?apiis (+ on lap), c?apii? On the knees Danger We were in X: c?atiik minnis? (+ we had a close call)Dangerous ?uus?c?a?h?i Not X: wiikc?a?h?i of eg: wild animals: tutuhsuhta See Fearful.Daring haac?ak Negative: wiic?ak also wi?ak Challenge: ha?ii?Dark c??itaa; tup?aq?; tum?aq? X room: tupnit X sky: tutuupk?uk X colored: tupkt?a X speech: wiisaac?uqwa X cloudy: ?iwahak; wii?sum It is getting X: tupaqstu??is? In the X: tumaqc?ak ? ; tupkc?aq; tumyuu See night. Before X: n?aasyuuDarn c?iya?s?i? (mending)Date What X: ?unac?i??a?hDaub See BesmearDaughter Girl-small: ?ucac Girl-large: haak?aa? Oldest X: m?amiiqsu Youngest X: yuq?iiqsu Same rule as clarifying brothers. See Brother. X in-law: q?ii?iqsu often called hakum The possessive affix ?uk will help to determine whose daughter there is question of. The affix ?as or ?asx is also sometimes used. The X of Peeto: piitoqas the q being placed before ?as for euphony.Dawn na?i?s?i?; ?iss?i?; ka?haaDay n?aas Luminous part: ka?hs?i?; ka?hak Twenty four hours: nuupp?ii? n?aas also nupc?ii? X by X: n?aasyuu Nice X: ?uu?uuquk (n?aas) Clear X, not cloudy: kuu?uhak Cloudy X: ?iwahak Day at sunrise: huupkusta?i X about ?: ?aasuk?i? X at noon: ?apwin n?aas Afternoon (after twelve): ?i?atsuts?i? Three o?clock or about: ?uuc?in?c?aqc?in? Five o?clock or about: ?uuc?in? Sunset: huup?atu Evening: tuups?i? Nine o?clock or about: ? Night: ?ath?i Midnight: ?apwin ?ath?i After midnight: ?i?acuts?i? X when rooster crows: ka?hcuuts?i? How many Xs?: ?unac?i? A few Xs: qum?aac?i??is n?aas Every X: qum?api? n?aas or qum?ac?i? The whole X: ?un?a?iq n?aas How many Xs ago?: ?unac?i? cq?a? or ?unac?i?h?a?h How many Xs (to come): ?unac?i? cum?a?h or with the affix ?uk?a ?iih? : ?unac?i?h q?aa?iih (?a?nis?) X before yesterday: ?a?uk?i?mit Day after tomorrow: ?a?uk?i??iik YesterX: ?am?ii?uyi Tomorrow: ?am;ii?ik Dry, not rainy X: n?aas?aak When anything needs to be done in a hurry before darkness comes on say naasum?is or ka?haksums To come back the same day: ?iiqiiya Not to come back the same X: ham?aa See Night.Dead qah?ak; tac?aak ? : this of many. The dead: qah?akminh?i or c?aak(minh?i) X, killed: qah?saapck?at My parents are X: tac?aak or qah?s?i?uks ?a?iic?um; wik?iic?i?uks ?a?iic?um X in the womb: qah?ak k?aqstu? X stillborn: qaah?akmaa? X lost child, died: t?at?anaciq?i ? The one that I lost died: yayaaqc?iq?is Hear that someone is dead: qah??iic?i? See Die. Two X: ?a?asuu?Deaf ?upuu? Plural: ?uutpuuh Become X: ?upuu?s?i? X of one ear: ?upuu?cas X not understand: wik?aapDeal To X: nus?aa To X only in a certain article: ?ananah? maknaah?Dear X, beloved: yaa?akh Attached to, value: ?iih?mis Costly: ?iiw?aq?; iih?mis; ? ; ?ayaq? How X!: ?unaahum Very X: ?uyihum To sell X: ?uskaksi?a Not X: wik?aksi?a X does not want to part with it: k?umnaak; ?iih?misuk; ?atqaak; yayum?akDeath qah?mis On X bed: qahakwas?i?sha (lie down to die) qaahch?a c?itk?i? Sickness will end in X, to take it for approaching X: qah?mis?ap To save from X: tiic?sma fight for life.Debase See AbaseDebate ?a?ash?i; ?uma?c?u; ?ucumkak Indian fashion (quarrel): n?i?aakDebauch wikh?tin q?a?ap Xed by excessive drinking, impurity etc. with affix ?uyiih?a?ap X by drink: naqyiih?aDebt qumaa wiq? Pay your X: t?aqiiyap?i; qumaawiq?iikDecamp s?ii?uk-move. Go away: ?us?cac?i?; cii?s?i? (+ run away)Decapitate qatksaapDecay p?ahs?i?; hinumks?i? Xed: p?ahak; hinumkDecceased See Dead. Recently deceased: wik?iits?i?; hac?ats?i?; qah?s?i?a?Deceit ?itmis; qayahmis Full of X: ?itaqt?ih?aDeceive suk?ink; suk?inks?i?, ?it?ita; ?it?its?i?; hayumh?i?ap I have been Xd: suk?ink?atnic; ?it?ita?atnic; qayaahs?i? ? ; qaqayiih?a I am deceived, mistaken in my judgement, in what I said or thought: ?inumc wii?aks wawaamitiisDeck X of a vessel: hiniqs See Aboard, On board.Decent ?u?; A X man: ?a?umsacy?ak qu?as; ?a?aapcy?ak X coat: ?a?apc?yak coatDecide t?aqa?apDecided t?aqac?i? It is X: t?aqac?i??is? We have X: t?aqac?i?uknis?Declare ?iqhuk; k?ah?ii?apDecline See Refuse wikinmaap; c?inuq?; wiwis??aq?Decorate See Adorn ?iinax?apDecoy wiiwiik?aa?hta?apDecrease X in size: ?uc?knuuc?i??is X in number: kamiic?i??is The water Xs: kamiic?i??is c??a?ak or wiihs?i?s?i? X in length: niiciic?i??is X in quantity, also of tide: ?axs?i? or ?axk?ac?i?Decrepit hinic?umDeed A good X: ?inmisa Do a good X: ?u?si?a A bad X: ?ii?a Do a bad X: ?ii?asi?aDeep h?ac?i; h?ac?x?ii; h?aac?xuk (-eg: at sea) A X person fellow: h?ac?i?is? qu?as Not X: ?anac?x?i?is or ?anac?i?is X snow: ?at?a k??iis Thick, too or very X: hahac?x?ipiDeer muwac? Young X: t?uupii?w?a + Fawn: + tictixum? Head of X: kaasuu? Skin of X: muk?a?aqDeface tasuu?Defeat ma?ak?a?ap (+ also chewing one’s head off) I am Xed: ?u?apu??ac You are Xed: ?u?apu?at?ic or ?uksp?iinu??at?ic See Conquer (?). Xed: ma?ak?ac?i?Defect See Fault, Flaw.Defend yamaat See Forbid.Defer The idea is expressed by ?uyii?inh?i later onDeference ?iisaak (I did it) out of deference for his father: ?iisaknic nuw?iiqsukDefiant ?i?iiqh?iih? See Boast.Deficient yumiihta; yuyumh?i (+ someone that doesn’t do/say things right)Defile c?is?x?a?a?ap See Soil, Stain.Define X limits: k?ak?ah?iDeflower kuwa?an?apDefraud See Cheat. ?Defy ?a??i? See Challenge, Dare.Defected wii?aq?; wii?aqstu?Delay See Defer.Delegate Send with verbal message: wawaatas?ap See Send ?uqs?apDeliberate t?at?ap?a?; ?apca?ap ?imaqsti X with somebody: ?a?aash?i I am first going to X (from what I see, hear etc.): pihaanu??aq?s c?aaniDeliberately q?anah?ick?i; q?aachack?iDelicate Sickly: tatumh?i; ?u?uwapi Not Strong: wiiwinh?i X ear: nana?ii X nose: hacqaayaq? ?ihtaDelicious X drink, food: c?ump?a?; c?umyaq? X odour: c?ump?uuqsDelighted To feel X: nas?aak; naas?uk?i? To feel X to meet one: ?ayahu?aa? See Glad.Delineate ?iiss?i? See Define.Deliver Transfer, give up ?u?iip; hinii See Give. X a message, parcel: hinii X verbal message: ?iiqhuk X us from evil: ?ii?aq??ap?i niih?i? p?is?mis Xed: ?ii?aq? X of pain: ?i?aqstu??ac yaa?akmis Xed of a child: wac?aaks?i? X a boy: ma?i?qacnaks?i?Delude suk?ink See Deceive.Deluge ?uh?k?ac?i? maatmaas –the flood, covered with water.Demand See Ask, Beg.Demolish qi?ak?a?ap (+ everywhere); hiqk?a?ap; ?u?ak?a?ap See Destroy.Demon Le yap (+ French)Demonstrate h?umc?i?; k?ah?i?apDemoralize p?iyayap; wiihtas?apDen ma?iiq?Dense Compact.Denounce ?iiqhuk; k?ah?i?apDenude haanahtup (+ a person)Deny See Contradict. yayaa?in Refuse: wikay?i; k?amaak; hanuukDepart ?uus?cac?i? X for a long time: qiim?uupch?a X always: saac??inkch?a X die: qah?si?See Die.Depend The idea is expressed by ?aanact?iih I X upon you: ?aanact?iih sis? suti? Notice the affix ct?iih I X upon you –believe: t?aqaakDependant ?a?inwa an expression used to help express the idea of X- We only eat because god grants us food. We are dependant on god for food: ?a?inwii nis? ha?uk ?uh?atnis? qacii?at ha?um haa?api h?aw?i? Deplore See Bewail. yaac??aat ?imaqstiDepopulated wik?iits?i? or kamiic?i?is qu?as; wikath?s?i? (+ not many living somewhere.)Depose hawiia? ?ap; wikiic?i? ?ap; wah?s?i? X give testimony: k??a?k?aah?iya X on the floor: ?ust pitapDeposit To give in charge to, care such as money: p?atk?aapanup I want to be X my money with you: p?atk?aapanup mahsas suuti? taala X lay aside: nuh?s?i?, nuh?yuu?apDeprave p?iyayapDepredate kuuwi? k?a?ap Depress See Discourage.Depression ?itkak; ?it?as (outside) X center: ?itk?anum Deprived To be X: ?u?atu See Deny –Refuse. Came to be X: ?u?ati ?apDerange See Arrange, Fix X: ?Deranged ninimshk?ac?yuu Crazy: wiihtaas See Crazy.Derelict X vessel: tama?api X widow/widower: ?itwaacwii X abandoned: wah?ck?iDeride (+ To be scornful or mock) ?uc?usDerive ?umutaqs?i?Descend hitaa?atu X take down: hitaa?atup X come down: ?ustp?its?i? X a river in a boat, canoe: hitah?ti? X a river on foot: yac?ati? or yac?atis X swimming: susaati? X flying: mat?atu X from proud position: k?a?atuDescendant with the affix ck?i See Ancestor. X generation: ha?uuktaqapu? Another generation: ?a?uuktaqapu?Describe Tell, Narrate: ?iic?iiqhuk X, tell details entirely: hahaq??iic?iiqhukDescry hamipDesert Run away: c?ii?s?i? See Abandon.Deserve Different forms are employed to express the idea. The most frequent are t?aqus?taqa or t?at?akum For that reason, account eg: I do not deserve it (eg: scolding) wiiwikkums or wiiwikt?aqa You X to be put in jail: ?u?umh?i ?ic ma?i?quuk or t?aaqus?taqa or tataqum?aq??ic ma?i? X gain He Xd two dollars: hayaaq? mit ?a?qumyiih? taala; ?u?umh?i?is? ?a?qum? taala I pay what you X: hayaaq??aps suuti? He Xs to be hanged: ?u?umh?i?is? maaqinuu?quu or better to say: maaqinuu? cum?is? Well done! He Xd it: t?aqus?taqa?at?is?Designate humc?i? X with the finger: k?upc?i?Destination ?u?ii He reached his X: hinin; haanas?ii Did not reach X: wiinas?iiDesire ?umahsa X hanker: k?aapc’a? hence habit: k?aapc’iik X: ?uhsaa X food: ?uhsaa ha?um X a certain man or woman: ?u?a?sinh?i X of things: k?in?a? The prefix ?inisaah is frequently used. I X wish for death: ?inisaahs qah?s?iik or qah?s?i? mahsasDesirous See Desire. I was very X to go: yaa?aknic ?ucumhsa or yaa?ak mic ?ucac?i? mahsa; + haa?akmic ?ucumhsa Desk ?iisac?usDesist See Cease.Desolate See Lonely. wiiwikk?ukDespair I can do nothing, nothing can be done: hiinips?i?; hiniip?ah? I X can do nothing: hiniips?iih?s Give up: ?ac?i? Xing: wiiwinh?ic?i? ?imaqsti; wii?aks?i? ?imaqsti; wi?akstu?Desperate wikuu ? The weather is X: wikuu?is? n?aas ?Despise wiimashtak; yaaq? Belittle: wiikuta?ap Not like: wiipap You are despisable: wiikutak?ic (qu?as)Despond See Despair.Destination See above after “designate.”Destine ?u?a?uk I X it for nootka: ?u?a?uks nuutkaDestitute X of friends: wikhyuu X of food: kinhak X of things: ?u?uus??atu X of everything: hi?iq?atu of Indians very often the word “uwaph?i” is often said and applied to poor, lazy natives or whites. Poor, miserable, in need: ?aaq?iqnakDestroy See Demolish, Consume. In general with the affix k?a?ap and “destroyed” k?ac?i? hence ?uus?k?a?ap and ?uus?k?ac?i?-undetermined X a house: hiqk?a?ap mah?t?ii The house is Xed: hiqk?ac?i??is? mah?t?ii X, do away with: wik?iitsap X: wik?iicumyap; ?awii?ap; wiksaahtaksapDetach hiitaatup; ?atup as an affix. Xed: wiiwikc?i For things glued: k??it?atupDetail To narrate X: hiis?h??i Pass from one X to another: c?iss?i? as it were on a string also muhtii?; ?Detain To stop: ? ; hanuuk X for a moment: wiinapisanup Xed cannot get out: saac??ii? Xed cannot get away from beach: saac??iis and other affixes Xed by or on account of ?u?uyuk??a? I was Xed by bad weather: ?u?uyuk?a?nic wiiqsii or saac??ayu k??aa?nic wiiqsiiDetect hiina?; hinu?aa?Deter tutuuha I am Xred by somebody: tutuuh?atsis?Deteriorate ?uus?k?a?ap; p?iyayap; ?awii?ap Xed: ?uus?k?ac?i?; p?iyac?i?; ?awic?i?Determine Fix boundaries: qaqah?i?ap X price: ka?upc?i? Xed decided-daring: hacaak wi?ak I will do my best: haak?ayih?a ?aq?s I am Xd to go: hap?a?s ?ucac?i? I say it only once-one mind: nup?ic waa; nupp?ii??ac ?imaqsti; nup?iiwaq?sDetest wiimash?tak; yaaq?; wiksumDetract maa?maya See Backbite.Develop Of trees: ?a?hs?i? Of things: ?iiwac?i? Of persons: qu?iic?i? See Explain.Deviate wikcac?i?Devil Le yap (-French); + niiyamDevise c?ic?ii?aq? wah?su? (+ truth is coming out) See with testament.Devoted Attached to eachother: yaak?ink; ?aaph?iic?ink?ath staa? X to the care of the sick: ?anas?hap ?u?a?uk t?atii? qu?asDevour ha?uk k?a?apDew paasaa X falling: paass?i?; paas?atuDiagonal c?in?akyuDial mitxum?Diameter kacwinDiaphanous (+ can see through it) nac?swii?atDiarrhea I have X: s?u?suyasDid The affix ck?a?; ck?i employed is an affix to determine the past. See verbs.Die qah?s?i?; qah??atu; hac?ats?i?; wik?iits?i?; ?inmiqumyuu? qah?s?i? In connection with the above, use the root ?usuu? – the word qah?s?i? etc. is often understood ?ayasuu??is? qu?as or ?ayasuu??is qah?s?i? One Xd: c?awaasuu? Two Xd: ?a?asuu? No one Xd: wiksuu? All Xd: his?suu? Cause of death expressed by ?u?yih?a What did he X of: ?aqiihamih? qah?s?i? He Xd of diarrhea: s?uyiih?a My child Xd: ?imaqs?i? ?is? ( + also when a child turns blue from lack of breath) His or her child Xd: ?imaqs?i??is? Husband or wife Xd: ? ?itwats?i? X for somebody: ha?aac?i? X slowly, a long agony: qiimaks?iih?Difference It makes no X: taq?aa ?u?; mii?h?ii?is?Different 1. (See another) with the prefix k?is and an infinity of forms as examples: X place: k?isaacu X thing: k?istuup Made of something different: k?ishtin X species: k?isaahtak2. Another with prefix ?a?uu X man: ?a?uu Become a X man: ?a?uuc?i?3. ?awii not that spoken of or meant X man: ?awii X things not of service useless as not the article in question Not a pipe-something X: ?awii?is? q?is?s?sac4. Separate xac?aa X things, colours, tidings, ?aya, ?ayasaka5. The difference in age, time between is expressed by ?uksnaak Between great X: qiihsnaak There is a difference of two years between us: ?a?q?ic?h?snaaknis?Difficult ?uus?cuk Opposite: wikcuk X to please: hix?ath?i Opposite: ? Found it X to tell: ?usi?amic ?iiqhuk or ?ayaqs?i?mic ?iiqhuk X to say, do or think, reluctance: ?usi?a or ?ayaqs?i? See hardly too difficult to do (too lazy): c?iiq?aq? X to catch, find: ?Diffident Suspicious: c??uus?a To go to somebody with diffidence: c??uus?aap?ic? or wiicap?ic? Timid: wiicakDiffuse X of liquids: c?a?ak?ac?i? X of news: ?a?s?i? The news got Xd: ?a?s?i??is? ?uyaqh?misDig c?usc?usa; c?uss?i? X out: c?usk?a?ap X a hole: c?us?itap X potatoes: t?iik?aa; t?iiks?i? X out a canoe: wik?ah?sipDignity Of the same rank or X with: ?u?aa?c?iq ya?a?c?iqs Leplet- A priest like myself-both priestsDike c?uusaanu?Dim wimatDiminish X in size: ?uc?knuuc?i??is hence ?uc?knuuyap?is X in length: niicic?i??is hence niiciyap?is X in number: kamiic?i??is hence kamiiyap?is X in quantity-disappear: ?axs?i? such as food, tide etc. Smaller all the time: ? Less all the time: wii?miic?i? by the affix s?i? to the verb itself Xing: wiik?iits?i?s?i?Dine No word. ha?uk to eat- then mention time.Dip Drench: t?i?s?i? Indian fashion as fish into oil etc.: k?uu?s?i? X a ? into the water: t?ii?atup X a finger into the water: k?uup?atuDipper kacutum; naqy’ak kumDirect Straight: nuupinqa or nuupinksak: without stopping. X road: hiisiksa t?as?ii; t?aaqyakc?ik X right direction: ?apcahtak In the Xion of Ahousat: ?ucahtak ?aahuusath? X to send: ?uca?ap; ?uqs?ap X to someone: ?u?iima X blind: kuutiic maquu? X gun: ?amihtanup; ?amih?i?ap X a canoe: ?i?ic??a See Course.Directly ?i?ac?i c?aani – by and by ?ah? I will do it X: ?ah??aq?s At once: t?aaqukDirection Take a different X: h?iiks?i? (+ also means to stop by); k?isciiks?i?; k?iscac?i?Dirt c?is?x?mis Excrements: h?icmisDirty Rubbish: tumsDirty With the radical c?is? X of paper clothes: c?is?x?a?; X floor: c?is?x?i?; X walls: c?is?x?a?cin?; X table: c?is?x?as; X dishes: c?is?x??ah?s; X pots, buckets (inside): c?is?x?c?u; X face: c??is?x?uu?; X hands: c?ic?is?x?nuk; X feet: c?ic?is?x?ta; X body: c?is?x?it; X nose: c?is?x??ihta; X eyes: c?ic?is?x?su?; X knees: c?ic?is?x?p?iqin?; X shoes: c?is?x?um? See Back, Blood for other affixes. See Standing.X in habits: ?as?x?ak; X articles: ?as?x?tuup; X to act filthily: ?aas?x??aas?x?a; X dust flying about: c?is?x?apu?; X do not want anything because it is X: c?ic?is?a; To work at something X: c?is?x?apDisabled yuyumh?i X cannot walk: yayumh?i X wounded: ?usuuqta or ?aac?u X accident: ?imsc??aks?i?-hurt X through sickness: ?uwaph?i; ? ; yumyakDisagree ? See Agree and prefix ?Disagreeable ? X person: ?; ?; yumuutuk X place: wiwiiqukDisappear wik?iits?i? X to sight: wimats?i? X go away: ?ucac?i? X run away, flee: c?ii?s?i? A thing that X all at once: kapsc?i?; wik?iits?i? X dive: t?apsc?i?Disappointed wiiwikc?um?ap; ?Disappointed No proper term. In vanum (+ brought to nothing) wiiwikc?um The feeling of regret when X: caakcamiic?i? He rejoiced but is X: wiiwikc?um mit nas?aak He expected he would find his child alive but was X: caakcamiic?i??is? qah?s?i?uk t?an?aDisapprove Find fault: yawaac?i?; ? ; ?ii?a?ap; yayumwa; yumq?; ? ; ? with affix ?ap –to words giving account for disapproval, meaning bad etc.Disaster ?iih? si?a ?imqumyuu? Disband ?uus?cak?ac?i?Disbelieve ?ituk?i?Discern hamats?i?Discharge hinu?tap-See Unload. X freight: p?atqwi?ta X a gun: ? ?ii?tap; ? ?ic?i? X of a gun by itself: ? ?ii?taa X from work: wikii?ap; hawiia? ?aq?ap X matter: siqs?i? See Pass.Discontinue wik?iic?i?Discourage wiiwinh?i?ap ?imaqstiDiscouraged wiiwinh?ic?i? ?imaqsti X: saaks?i? ?imaqsti ?Discover See Uncover. X something: ?us?u?aa? X find out: hiina?; ?inisa ? X expose to view: k?ah?i?ap humc?i?Discriminate wikmii?h?i?ap; ?u?us?k?wapDiscuss ?a?ash?i; ?um?ac?u; ?Disease tamis Eruptive tamismis eg: locallyDiseased SickDisfigure ?u?uya??ap Cause: ?u?uya?a?apDisembark hinuu?taDisembowel ciswahsupDisengaged X from band: ?i?ikh?ic?i? See detached. Not busy: wiiktaqDisgrace yumx?mis; waamis; waawaakumsa You X your parents: yumx?syuup?ic ?a?iic?um?ak?ik You X yourself: ?Disguise With the affix t?i?i?a X as a woman: ?uucma t?i?i?aDisgust To be Xed: wii?akstu? Xing: c?ic?is?c?yak; wim?aaq?; Xing to taste: c?is?p?a? Xing to smell: c?is?p?uqsDish Wooden X: x?ink?iiya; X: ?uksac ha?um; ha?umtsac Tin X: ? ?isaqum? Earthen X: kii?uuk X cloth: timiihsy?ak; ?us?saapy?ak To put (food) in a X: ?uyuksap x?ink?iiyaDishearten wiiwinh?i?ap ?imaqsti To be Xed-afraid of the job, too hard etc.: c?iik??aq? Not have the heart to: wii?aqstu?Dishonest kukuwiih??iik (+ thief)Dishonor verb: yumh?aa?ap Came to be ashamed: yumh?syuupDisjoin See Detach.Disjointed X of members of body: yumsc?aks?i?; k?u?atu; k?u?atac?i? Separated, X in general with the affix hitatu or ?atuDisk c?itx?aqum?Dislike wiipap; yump?aa with affix ?uup?aa or simply ?uup?aa and express motive of X. He Xs his wife on account of her being old: miixtp?aa ?uucmaak or ?up?aa?is? ?uucmaak ?inh? mixtukDislocate yumsc?aks?i? Out of joint: wa?k kusc?uDismiss hawiia??ap?i? X send away: wiimashap X send home: wa?saap X leave: wah?s?i? X send away: ?uus?ca?ap; wiimashap; ?ac?i?; wah?s?i?Dismount ?ustp?its?i?; yacp?its?i?Disobedient wiiwikmap?iik (habit) wiiya?umaap; na?aaDisobey wikmaap; wik na?aa You never obey: wiiya?ic ?umaap or na?aa; wik?iicmapDisorder Affix according to place: X in a box trunk: yumc?u; ?uutx?c?u Things on X: ?uutx?k?ac?yu from ?uutx?k?ac?i? got in X. See Disperse. Disorderly X man: wiihtaas qu?as X hair: ?uutx?um?Dispatch Send: ?uks?apDisperse See Scatter nupii k?a?ap; saaxtk?a?ap Xed on beach: saaxtiis (outside): saax?t?as, saax?tk?ac?i? Get dispersed: nupiik?ac?i?Displace k?isaacinyap X inside: k?isiih?i?i??ap X outside: k?isiih?i?as?ap I have no place to move it: h?i?i??ap?aahs or on beach etc. governing it: h?i?iipis?aahs X shake: ma?saap, also simply move: qi?iipDispleased p?iyayap ?imaqsti; p?is?ak ?imaqsti I am X at Tom: p?is?a?ac ?imaqsti Tom X to find fault: yawaac?i? X to feel hurt in feelings: yaasuqta; ?; ?Dispose X of, sell: maak?atu See Give Away etc. See Bequeath, Prepare. Xd ready, willing I am Xd to go: ?apaaks ?ucac?i?Dispossess hinaah?inDispute h?i?an; c?aatc?axs?sta?; ? One always Xing: ? X?: c?axinkDisregard X, not obey: wikmaap; wiik?a?ukDissatisfied See Displeased. To be X: ?u?us?wa Habit of dissatisfaction: ?u?us?wa?iik See Disgust.Dissent See Disagree.Dissipate hayuxk?a?ap See ClearDissolute hayuxs?i?; wiihtaasDissolve tuqs?i?; tuqk?a?ap; tuqsaapDissuade yumq?Distance Verb of vessels, canoes: ?ih?suh?su? X running: qamatsuh?su? X walking: yacsuh?su? The X, A short X: ?anaa?is; ?ac?knaa?is A long X: sayaa See Far. What is the X from Ahousat to Hesquiat?: c?aa ?unayii or ?unack ?aah?uus ?uk?i? his?k?ii Quite a X (between): saayack A short X (between): ?anack also sayaa; ?anaa?is; ?ac?knaa?isDistemper tamis (+ Disease in pets)Distinct Separate: xac?aa X being: ?a?uu; xac?aa X clear: h?as; hamat To speak Xly: hasc?akc?uq?aa Write X: hasuk ?iiss?i?Distinguish ?a?uu?ap Recognize: hamip or hamat?at He Xes himself: hamats?ia??is? or hamatsap?is? ?u?ukuh?Distract wikcaksap; wik’iitupDistracted wikcaks?i?; I am X: wik’iitup?acDistress To be in X: ?aq?iqnaks?i?Distribute his?siih?iip; nus?i?; ??iic’u X blankets: nus?i? -also of money, food. X people all over the house: his?saac’i??ap X in classes in house: xaxac?i??ap (+ separate the classes/sexes of people)Distrust Suspect: c??us?aa An object of X to be Xed: c??us?cukum ? We are Xed: c??us?cukum?akh?atnis? or c??us?a??atnis?Disturb ?imc??akhap X by pushing: c?aqs?i?; c?aaqc?aaqa You X my sleep: ?imc??iq?ap?ic siici? wa?icDitch c?usanu?Dive t?apsc?i?Diver t’at’apsc?i??iik (habit) X on board of a vessel: t?apsc?i?h?si A good X: yaqnaak (literally long of breath) A poor X: niicnaak A long time underwater: qiiyuk? Coming to surface: hinusa A bird (+ Loon): ?aama A bird (+ Sawbill): caapinDiverge wikcac?i? X in canoe: h?iiks?i?Diverse h?ih?iqsah?takDivest hanah?tu?Divide See Detach, Distribute, Break. X generally: xac?s?i?; xac?saap X in two: ?aphtac?i?; ?aphta?ap; mi?htac?i?; mi?hta?ap (+ making them even) X food eg: between two: ?a?uu?ip X between three: qaqacc?u?wup X between four: muumuuwup X between many or all: hihis?uuwup X articles: pathta?ap Xd: pathtac?i? also ?uk?ihta?ap from patkhuk See Cut-the word varies according to the instrument wherewith the division is made. The affix h?ta?ap is employed. X the road or river: his?cah?tak Opinions are Xd: xaxac?a?at?is? ?imaqsti A band of geese are Xd: patqhtac?i??is? h?uqsimDivided X with an axe: hish?tac?i? X to split: sith?tac?i?Divine Guess right: k??ats?i? X speaking of another person: n?ac?aa? X Indian doctors: naac?naac?a (+ psychic)Divorce Separation of married people: wah?st?a? literally abandon each other. Xd: wah?k?ac?i?Divulge k?ah?i?apDizzy hayiqu? X on a prominence eg: tree, top of a roof: ?i?inc??apDo In the sense of being busy working: ?us?taq; ?utaq (undetermined) What are you doing?: ?aqitaqk You do nothing but backbite: ?anatuk?ic maa?m?ay?a I have nothing to X-can find nothing to X: hiiqtak?aah?s also hiis?ahap?aah?s from ?us?sahap to be after. See Make ?ukwii?; ?usiik See Perform, Finish. To X with see Instrument, Tool. X imperative singular: q?is?ii; q?aa?ii Not X imperative singular: wik?ii q?is; wik?ii q?aa X quietly, not in a hurry: ?uu??uu?a X a thing temporarily: hac?yaak; hac?yuk?i? X a thing in a big hurry: yus?uutaqu? To be fond of Xing a certain thing, X habitually: ?u?uk?i; q?is X a thing for good: nism?aq?is also saac??ink Go home for good: saac??ink wa?s?i? I have nothing to X with it- I know nothing about it: wiiwiiku?aa?nic I will X as you X: q?aa?aq?s q?aa?aq?iik You may X as you please: q?is?um q?aa?aq?iik How do you X?: ?aaqinqk I am Xing well: wiiks?ah?isis? or s?ah?yut?a?sis? That will X fit: ?u?umh?i?is? That will X: c?uu?ap?a??i That will not X cannot tolerate: wim?aaq??is? q?aa I have Xne eg: sealing: hawiia?s yas?ma?Doing What are you X: ?aqitaqk X after: ?aqis?ahapk X: ?aqisiikk make perform. Whose X: ?ac?iich ?imaqsti; ?; ?ac?akDock WharfDoctor ?us?taqyu; ?uk?aana Plural: ?uk?aatak To X Indian way: ?aac?itu? in general. Feeling with hands touch: ??u?s?i? Sucking practices by Xs: k??ixs?i? A noisy blowing: puutqs?i?; puutqpuutqa Ask the services of a X: ?a?ak??in Pay for services: kamaatyak hence fetch a X: kamaats?i? He Xs John: u?uksy?i?aa??is? John Whom did he X: ?a?ac?acy?i?a??atnih? Res. Peter: ?u?uksyi?aa??atnit Peter.Document piipaDodge humqs?i?Doe ?uucma muwac?Dog ?inii? Plural: ?itnii? Have a X along on a walk: ?i?c?iis Has a X: ?i?c?naak X pup: ?inana or ?inii??isDogfish yac?aa To go after X: yayac?iih Work at the X: yaac?tak X prepare for boiling-put on a heap: nuc??ii?uup Boil X: ??ih?s?i? Make X oil: ?ih?yupa? X flesh after it is pressed out: c?ii?in X oil: ha?ma X oil for food: c?ic?ii?ksitDoll nayaqt?ii?i?aDollar taala Half X: k?ahwaatDomain nism?aDomestic ?u?as X animals: ?u?asaahtak Get tame: ?u?iic?i? X servant: ?uus?atiDomineer ?aniic mahsa ?imaqstiDoom Condemned to death: waa?at?um qah?s?i??aq?Done Cooked: si?a? X finished: hawiia?; hawiic?aks?i?Door mus??asum; t?as?ii X small opening Indian fashion of old: kuh??anum Open door: kuwitap; kuwas?ap Shut X: mus??itap; mus??as?ap; ma? ?as?ap X open: kuwas X shut: mus??as, ma??as At the X, near: tasc?ii? Connected with X or opening: mus??asumyak; ma?yak; t?as?iic??ik ? Pull the X on going out: c?iiqumq?in?; c?iiqumq?anup ? Imperative: c?iiqumq?inu?i from the affix ?uqum? last, after, behind.Dot tixma To X: tixs?i?Double ? ?ac?inksap; k?a?inksap A X line: t?aanac?ink To put X line: t?aanasip; t?aanapinup X: ? ?ac??aqstup Xd folded together: ?a?inksak See Collar. A X blanket: c??itink; ?a?ashca (c??itink)Doubt Hesitate: ?a?amac?u Say Xfully: wik?anaqhwa Two minds: ?a?p?ii? ?imaqsti when speaking in a Xful mood the expression q?aawuusi is often used also the affix qaac??a- I guess but I am not sure. I doubt but I suppose it is he: ?uh qaac??a Not believe: ?itaak Xful (news): wikt?aqaapiDough c?atc?uu flour: ? ?i? ?ick?uk To knead the X: c?aatc?aataDove Pigeon: x?a?umin X tailed: m?am?ac?ink (lumber joint)Down X of a bird: p?uuq?iitumDown-ado The syllable ?ust followed by the affix (see place) of locality etc. eg: ?ust?i?; ?ustpitap X inside: ?ust?i? X outside: ?ust?as X beach: ?ust?is or hitinqis X in the ground: hitaq?as X in the sand: hitaq?is Come Xstairs: ?ustpits?i? eg: schooner hitacti? Put Xwind: ?ustpitap X in the water: hinasu I found X in the river: hi?asu c?a?ak in the sea: hi?asu tupa? X a hill: ?ust?as X the river: hi?atis Go X the river: hi?asu t?aqaatis X at mouth of river: ?a?aminqis When stoney bottom: ?a?amin?a To fly X: mat?ii? To sink X: t?i?atu From the time X: hisamii?; histmii? See Descend, Abate, Cut and other verbs. To lie X: t?ahpi?; c?itk?i? To push X: c?atpitsap The affix pits?i?; pitsaap expressed Xward movement or action and is often used.Downcast wii?aq?; ?ak?aa?at ?imaqsti; wiiwiiq?uk ?imaqstiDownward Not upright: caqyu To hang X: caaqapi Your house is lower on one side: caaqapi?ak?ic maht?iiDoze wa?ic?u?; k?ici?Draft ?iisa (+ written)Drag X oneself: c?upxaa X something in a bunch: nusiis X pull: c?iiyaap X grapple eg: for a lost anchor: k?unaah (from k?uc?i?, hook to-?un?aah? try to get)Drain To let X dry: c?ac?atup A X: c’aaq?k c??aky’akDrapery ?iicamumDraw See Drag nusiis X through the teeth: h?iis?i? eg: herring spawn from eelgrass. X pull: c?iic?i? X out of the water: c?iisaap X water: c??iipup c??a?ak X in a syringe: c?iiq?s?i?; c?iiq?c?iiq?a also for X up ones breath X out of a case, box: c?iikustap X a knife huutwa? in the same sense a gun: puuwa? X back c?iic?i? hu?aca?ap X Money: suk?i? or ?ak?uu?; c?iiyi? taala X a line eg: with pencil: ?iisasip X line on the beach: ?iisaanup X line on the ground-away from the beach: c?ii?itap X line in the house c?ii?i?ap X line between gardens: c?iihsnu?itap notice the prefix and see “cut” with various localities X survey: ?iis?iisa X breath: hih?s?i? X suck: k??ixs?i? applies to chimneys etc. X shrink: ?Drawers Underclothes: k?inity?ak; ?uksaq?y?ak; picaq?y?ak; ?’upsaqstumDrawing X knife: ?akyak; c??iimaDray c?ik c?ik (+ a low cart) Dread See Fear hayaaq?Dreadful tutuhsuhta To be dreaded eg: Sickness: tuh?a?Dream puupuuca Have a X puu?isnak To speak in a X: ?iiqh?iyatuk To X about: ?uutu? puupuuca I dreamt about you: suutu?nic puupuuca or pu?isnakDreamer ?um?uk?ak Dreggs With the affix ck?i Coffee X: kaapick?iDrenched X by rain c?aaqstu?, c?ac?wiiDress Article of dress: muc??ic??acy?i Fancy X: ?iinaxma Woman ?s X: nayiimisa Other womens X: ?uc??in; s?iq?anum; ? Under X: (slip) ?uksaq?y?ak The color or quality are expressed by the affix “h?tin” silkh?tin-of silk ?ish?tin-of white calico then express the article of dress To X oneself: muc??ic?i? To X: muc??ic?up A fine suit fit dress: ?u?x?ak q?ac?a? ?iinaxma- fancy dress. The Indians are dressed up! ?iinaxat ?is? qu?as Put on fancy, best dress: ?iinaxiic?i?; ?iinaxhap See disquise- relative ?uk?wic?Dressed Lumber: ?’a?’aska? Dress lumber: ?’aska??apDress Skins: k?iiqsap X wounds: ma?aqsup (?aa?ii)Drift X from shore- anchorage: qayaac?i? at sea with tide wind etc. tac?i? To search for a canoe the got adrift from shore: qaayaahin?iih Fetch a canoe that got adrift: qaayi? Drifting at sea: ta?ak X about at sea: Tama?nii X on sandy beach: tasa? X rocks: ta?u? X carried away to land: tawitu? We were carried to Nootka: tawitu? minnis? histu? nuutka X towards shore: taquu? X to sea: takh?tac?i? Anything that X ashore takes the affix nii from ?us?ni not determined or ?uuni if determined ?uuniiqi? ?is?: Hesquiats generally understood a whale that drifts ashore. A sea otter drifted onshore: k?a?nii X wood: k?axnii X log t?a?ak Adrift live on shore: tiic?niiDrill h?uh?tiks?i?iih? (+ practice)Drink naqs?i? Liquid getting down: c?actii?, c?ac?iipii? X medicine: ?uy?iic or ?u?iic ?uy?ii The relative with naqs?i? is ?u?iic What I have drunk: ya?iic nic naqs?i? Give me something to drink: kaa?is naquuta I am thirsty I suffer for wanting a drink: naqmih?as Gone for a X: na?as or naqs?i? wit?as X it all: hiyaq? naqs?i? X empty a cup: wihc?in?ap naqs?i? X from a cup: cupc?iqh naqs?i? Addicted to Xing: naqaa Drip ?i?iqata; ?iqats?i?; ?ics?i?; ? ; t?ii? tawahsi?; ?upks?i? ? Eyes filling with tears: ?upa qasii Has tears in eyes: ?upa?at qasiiDrive cass?i? X make go: yaacaap; yacuk?ap Fetch (+ animals) with the object of X: cayi? X (+ animals) along beach: casiis; ca?iis X (+ animals) into a field, fence: casaa?itap X (+ animals) into a house, stable: casii?itap X (+ animals) into the water: cassitup X (+ animals) into the sea: cassayap X (+ animals) back: c?ass?i? hu?aca?ap X upstairs: cassayip?itap X a nail: ?apiqs?i? X by force: p?is?iyaq cass?i? or hak?ayiih?aDriver (+ herder) cash?siiDrizzle ?; ?Droop Xs his head: cacaqapi?is?Drop X of water etc: ?iqatck?i To fall in drops: ?iqats?i?; ?i?iqata To let fall in X: ?iqatsap X eg. in a swoon: caqpits?i? To cause to X fall: caqpitsap X dead: kapsyih?a X in call: h?iiks?i? (i??iiq) X let fall by accident : t?it?usa X to let fall not by accident: t?ip?itsap X (not take) : ?ac?i? X in a hole eg. dollar: t?ictii?Dropsy c?aq??itu? (+ tip or bribe)Drought On account of heat: ?usaahi ? ?upaaDrove See Band.Drown ha?miih?a X by capsizing: huqyiih?a X at sea: tupa?yiih?a Cause to drown, kill by drowning: ha?miih?ayiih?a?ap- See Sink.Drowsy ?asx?ak To get X: ?asx?s?i? X feel sleepy: pu?a?atuDrug ?u?y?iDruggist ?u?y?i?aq?i?Drum Muqum? To X: kuthkutha, naasqnaasqaDrunk hiixwa?u?, naqc?uuDrunkard n?a?ikDry Not wet: ? ?us?uk Got X: ? ?us?s?i?a? wih? denotes absence of moisture water etc. and is used with different affixes wih??ah?s or ? ?us??ah?s said of objects not deep eg. canoe, dishes Beach not covered by tide: wih?c?iis Below high water mark: wih??u? Of marshy place, pond: wih??ii? Of a current getting dry: wih?s?i? X mouth, lips: ? ?us?aksu?; c?ithaqsu? X by itself: ??us?s?i? X fish, food with the affix ?as?t See Fish X: ? ?us?aa?ap also ? ?us?saap X food: ? ?uuk?i? also by the affix ?as?tii? eg: Dry dog salmon: ?aak?aas?tii? X clothes on a line outside: ? ?uus?apas To X oneself : ? ?u? ?uus??a? Dried by itself: ? ?us?uk Cause or made to dry: ? ?us?c?uu Place to X: ? ?us?uwi? A long dry spit: ? ?uus?aanu? Spoiled by drying: ? ?us?k?ac?i? Land high and dry: wih?c?iis?a?Dubious see doubtfulDuck No general term different kinds Mallard duck: n?aah?t?ac? Pintail X: kakaak?i Ball X: c?ikinc Sawbill: muuh?in?; caapin Small mallard duck (teal): ?i?ic?a + Scoter: k?uuxu Diver (small ducks): wac?kmiih Boaster: ?a?aawi Duel Fight a X: qah?sta?Dull Slow: naawink Not sharp: misk; misk?ihta; mu?ihtaDumb muq?iiyu? (+ mute); muq?ii?Dung h?icmis X of birds: ci?ck?iDurable See LastDuring X the day: n?aasyu X the night: ?ath?iyu X: ?unic X mass: la messe ?a?quu; ? Dusk Not dark: kaa?hapi It is getting X: tuumapu??is?Dust c?is?x?mis; k?i?x?mis; k?i?x??akmis X eg: a table: yaxs?i? Covered with X: c?is?x?a? Room full of X: c?iis?x?apu?Dutiful ?uh?taas; nana?a?iik; ?us?htinDuty No word; expressed in different ways. It is my X: wim?aaq?s wik (non possum non +Latin)Dwell See Live, Abide.Dwindle ?uc?knuuc?i?; wik?iitmiic?i?; wiksaahtaks?i?Dye X Verb- tass?i?; tassaap or tasyuu Lose X: tas?atuDysentery s?uu?s?uuya Bloody X: h?iiswak?iEEach In the same sense of “per head” is expressed by doubling the first syllable of the word denoting number or quantity-they have three dollars each-qaqac?aqum?uk taala They have X one sack flour: nunuphtakuk ? ?i? ?ick?uk X of us (separately): xaxac?a X in the sense of all: his?uk or t ?aqwii X one (or all) is working: t?aq?ii?is? ?uus?taq regularly then “each one” governing a verb is translated by t?aqii; his?uk X time: t?aqii mayi; his?p?iit; his?mayi See All, Every qum?aap?it Xother is expressed by the affix st?a? They love Xother: yaa?akst?a? X with the sense of “as many as” translated by qum?aa; qum?aa?atk X day: qum?aa n’aass?i?Eager See Anxious- X to work: yaa?ak ?us?taq; ?inisaah ?us?taq; ?us?taq mahsaEagle ?awatin Black X: c??ih?aayuta ?awatin White X: ? ?iisik ?awatin Different kind: ?amu?acaEar p?ap?ii Right X: c?umcaas (p?ap?ii) Left X: qacaas (p?ap?ii) Sore X: p?ap?iqyiih?a; yaa?ak?at p?ap?ii Xrings: tux?ii; tutux?akum Ring through X: ?a?inmitsum Hole through X of long standing: kukuh?aku? Closed hole in X: mumus??aku? To close Xs by pressing hands over Xs: ? ?u? ?uhum? Long X: yaaqsum? (p?ap?ii) n?iicum? (p?ap?ii) Inside of X: hitaq?-p?ap?ii Behind X: hiinap?as?i; hiinap?i??iEarly hu?ak Rise X: hu?aksyuuc? X riser: ?umk?iik Too X: huhu?ak?apu? To leave X: hu?akwac?i? X in time: haac?ak Die of an X death: wiih?tuu?Earn ?u?iih? X get: ?u?ip X gain profit: ?unaqi? What or how much do you X: ?aqin?iih?k or c?aa q?aa ?iih??ik Do you X money: ?u?iih? taala; ?u?iih??ap?atk taala How much did you X, get: ?aqiniipkEarring tux?ii See Ear.Earth nism?a The inhabited X: m?aan?u? Here on X: hi? ?ah?kuu; ?ah?kuu; ?ust?as?i hi?qum X soil: c?isumcEarthquake taqii?Earnest To be in X: ?aanaqh I am in X: ?aanaqh sis? Getting in X: ?aanaqhmiic?i? I take it in X: ?aanaqh?ap sis? Not a joke: ?aanaqhmisEarthen Brown: s?umatum? Clay: ? ?icx?tum Breakable: kii?ukEase X the mind: wiiwikstup X the body eg: pain see Abate wiiwikc??aps?i? The pain is Xd: t?iiyaapEasily wikcuk I can do it X, X without straining: wikcukuk k?is Finds it easy to walk along: yuh?yiik?is? yaacs?i?East tuc?aacu To the X: tuc?aacpa; hisakusta hupa?Easter Sunday paques (+ French for Easter)Easterly X wind: tuc??ii Clouds travel from east, sign of X wind: c?ah?ii? It looks like X wind: tuuc??uk?i?; tuutuuc??icy?ak?is? The X wind springs up: tuuc??uk?i?Easy wikcuk; c?ac?um?iik X handy: c?ama?c?a X good temper: ? with the conditional cum?at It is X to do it: q?iscum?at It is X to catch it eg: animal: ?uyip cum?at?is? To be X in mind: wiiwikstu? To feel X in body-different ways of expressing the idea-to feel X bed: c?umpi? X in a chair: c?amaas I do not feel X free with him: wiicaak To do a thing X: ?uu? ?uu?a; tah?ii X quiet-kind: ?aaph?i; ?Eat It can be Xen: ha?umEat ha?uk; ?u?iic This also applied to drink. The affix ?ic or ?u?iic is placed after the article of food eg: to X flour: ?i?ick?uk?ic; To X biscuits: xaxas?k?uk?ic; To X anything raw: c??a?u?ic X cooked: siqc?a?ic Nothing to X: h?iyiic The affix ?aq? describes the state of the stomach as regards food, not Xen, nothing in the stomach: wik?aq? (ha?um) X Plenty: ?ayaq? X everything entirely: hiyaq? X to give to X to tribe: ? ?iic?uu To give X to tribe eg: biscuits: ?u?in? ? ?iic?uu x?ax?as?k?uk What does he give to X: ?aqi?in? ? ?iic?uu Make X, give as food: ha?uk?ap See Entertain; ?u?umac?u Invite strangers to X, hospitality: yaacsi? To X relative, friends through marriage: maa?t?ii? To give food to X to friends of son or daughter-in-law: yaa?as?uk To X from (a plate): ?uk?ik ha?uk To invite to X: haw?awiiqs? To invite oneself X: k?is?ii; k?iisum?as To be assembled to X: ? ?ii?ipi? To begin to X: hawaaqiic?i? All X: hawaaqa or hatwaaqa To X what was left of another meal taken elsewhere: maamutis from maamutEatables ha?umsahtak; ha?um; ha?ums?tupEbb muu?s?i?; mu?aa Beginning to X: mu?kusta; muu?s?i? Full X: muu?uk k?ak?amaq? One especially large X is called: c?um?aas or p?aniqsustup Echo nayi?iiEclipse mac?i?at hupa?Economical ?atqaak Stingy-See Economise Be X: ?Economise yutk?a?ap X water: yutk?a?ap?i c??a?ak X take care of your coat: yutk?a?ap coat X food: k?aacum ?uk?ii? ha?um We will X: yutk?a?ap ?aq? nis?Eddy ?a?amitxc?u Is Xing: ?amitx?aEEdge X of a table, book etc.: hinaa?a X of a well, canoe: h?iinaqsi also River etc. X of a knife: ?apwii?a X of a plank: c?amaa Smooth X: c?umih?sanu? To round off an X: s?aaps?i?; saapEdify (+ Instruct or improve morally or intellectually) hiinumsa?ap?a? although the Indians call hiinumsa that which is not edifying-can find no better expression- disedify would mean ?ii?aa?ap?at with same restriction- waawaakumsa is perhaps near the meaning of disedifying.Educate huhtiks?iih??apEducated hiis?i? huhtikEel ha?tinwaEfface task?a?ap Xd : task?ac?i?; task?ac?yu; wimatEffect ?uus?syuh? No X: wiiksyuh? The medicine had a bad X: ?i?ii?ap?is? ?uy?i It had a good X: ?uus?c??aks?i??is? A good X: ?apcanaks?i? No X, speaking of medicine, food etc.: wik?aap Did not feel it, it has the X of, See Cause.Effects p?atquk See Goods.Effeminate ?uuc?i?ukEffete (+ worn out, exhausted by bearing young) k?usaqs?i?; wikii?Efficient ?us?c??ak; ha?akEffigy See Portrait.Effluvid Of filth: c?iisx?sitEffort Make an X: ?a?is?i?; hak?ayiih? Do a thing repulsively: ?ayaqs?i?; ?a?iiqs? Try every means: hiis?hwa?Eggs qinhaama To lay X: c?ahwaac?i? Hatch X: qu?ii?ap Sit on X: ?ah?iic??as Salmon X: nixtin (+ after spawn); c?imaqsti (+ before spawn) Herring X: k??aqmis (+ after spawn); k?ums (+ before spawn) Cod X: t?aswaEgotist ?uk?apa??iEgregious ?ih?aaqaEight ?a?ak?a? See Two.Eighty muuyiiqEight Hundred mup?ituk h?ayuuqEither Not regular examples-I do not see it X: yuq?aas c??an?ii- similar to I also. You can take X of two objects = choose: suk?i??aq??ic ya?i??aq?iik It is X Peter or John: ?uh??iis? Peter ?uhquu John or ?uh?iis? Peter wikquu John and vice versa. You must X eat or die-you will die if you do not eat: qah?s?i??aq??ic wikquuk ha?ukEject hinii?as?ap For natural evacuation: hitawak?Elastic c?upcups?Elbow ?ayi?yak X of stove: ?inkiisqum X of a river: c?aa?c?aaElder Eldest-See Brother.Elect See appointed. Who is elected chief : ?ac?a?ap?at h?aw?i? John is Xed: ?uhii?ap?at John; ?uhii?ap?at John; ?uhii?ap Chose: ?as?aa Xed: ?uhiic?i?Elegant k?ac?a?Elevate ?iic??a?apEleven h?ayu?uh??iis? c?aawak See Two.Elk ? ?unum X skin: ? ?unupqa?akElope ?uuc?iisum of a woman ?uuc?iisci? of a manElse See Different. Somebody X: ?a?uu Something X: k?istuup etc. Nothing X that is all: his?uks?ia? It can be nobody X: wim?aaq? ?a?uu quu Could not come from anywhere X: wim?aq? mit histaqs?i? ?unac?uk X otherwise construct as with, “either” as shown.Emaciated kutyiiks?i?; ? ?ih?aqs?i?Emancipate hawiia??ap quu?Embalm wastksinhapEmbark hinaasi? X baggage: hinaasipEmbarassed See Annoy I am X what to do: ? I am X what to say ? Timid: wiiwica?iikEmbellish See Adorn.Emblem See Picture.Embrace hiic?inks?i?; ?apks?i?; ?apk?aaEmbryo t?awaqstiEmetic ?a?sy?iEmmigrant s?ii?kusa? Emmigrate s?ii?kusa? X of birds: huyaa The geese X: huyaa?is? h?uqsimEminent ?iihp?iitEmit With the prefix hist X smell: histp?uqs The fire Xs smoke: histaqs?i? q?is?aa ?inkEmploy ?aaci? Hence to be X or help: ?aasiita To be Xed as a workman: ?uus?h?at I am Xing three men: qacc?aaqs ?uus?h??at To use, see Use. To X days, months etc. in doing a thing is simply expressed by naming the number of days, months etc. eg: I X four days: muuc?ii?nicEmpower I X you to do it: siyaaqs q?aci? suuti? ?in?k k?is Who X you to do it?: ?ac?iic ?aq?hk kwisEmpty 1. X of things: wikc?uu; wikc?in? Partly X: wiisc?uu; wiisc?in?ap; wiisc?in? 2. X of liquids: wih?c?uu; wih?c?in?; wihc?inap also if partly X: wisc?uu as above. X of a house: wiki? qu?as –no one in.Emulate mii?h?i mahsaEncamp See Camp.Encounter yacinks?i? X meet: ?apstac?ink See Meet.Encourage haha?aksyupc?ip ?imaqsti; ?iiwayapc?ip ?imaqsti; qu?ii?apc?ip ?imaqsti See Exhort. X to good: ?u?u?hiyap; ?u?u?syap X evil: p?ipis?syapEnclosed with a fence: ?aqumyuup X in an envelope etc.: ?a?iiqsap See put intoEnclosure ?aqumuym , ?aqum?End hawii?a? eg: when the road, land etc Xs: hiistmaa t?as?ii; hiistmaa nism?a etc. It Xed in a fight: c??ic??i?aqaqum?aq? or ?u?ukum?aq? c??i?aqiic?i? The X of the month: hac?at ?atu ?a?quu hupa? The X of a rope, land etc.: ?amihta What is his object?: ?aqii?iph? See For object. What is your object? What are you after?: ?aqich?a-from ?uch?a To be in search after. See Cause. The X of speech-mass: haawii?a? (with ha long from hawii?at) also see Finish.Endanger ?uus?c?a?h?i?apEndeavour hak?ayiih?Endless taaks?i?; ? with end, misery, rope etc. Never finished: wiiy??a hawii?a? Without object: wikq?ayiih?; wikiipEndorse ( + To give approval of or support to, especially by public statement) t’aqaac?ik?apEndorse See Aid, Find good, Approve yuyuwa?Endorsed t’aqaac?ikEndure See Tolerate, Resist. Enemy X of war: wiina My X: yayaq?in?aq?s One who avoids me: c??ac??iis?uk My X: ya?atiis yaaq??at One who is down on me: ?a?uu?at sis?Engage To hire: ?aaci? X to come along: h?a?ii? also with waa Go and X him to come in: ? See Busy.Engaging k?aapc?a?; k?aapc?a?cum?atEnglish X man: king george?ath?Engrave c??ic?i?Enforce Command.Enjoy ?uqmis?ap To like: ?uqc??ap; kaap?ap X good health to be well: wiiks?ah?i See Posess, Have X full: ?uqmisEnjoyment He has no X of his money: wiik?a?uk taalaknak X: ?u??acy?i ?imaqstiEnlarge ?iiwayap; c?issaap; ?uus?a?a?ap; ?iih?mii?ap X in number: ?ayii?ap Xed: ?iiwac?i?; c?iss?i?; ?uus?a?ac?i?; ?iih?miic?i?; ?ayiic?i?Enlighten ?iiqhuk; haahuupaEnormous ?iih?sasa; ?ih?aqaqEnough Sufficient: ?u?umh?i X not too little, not short: ?aya? Not X: wiiyaa? X eaten (drunk): nisaak; niswac?i? That will do (now): c?uu?ap?a?i He is crazy X to do it-say he would do it, he is crazy: q?aa cum?is? ?inc? wikh?tin Not eaten, drunk X : wiicp?aa? in the sense of able, can, see those words.Enraged ?uus?suq?; ?u?uus?suq?api; p?is?aqEnrich wiiciqnak?ap Xed: wiiciqnak h?aw?i?Enslaved q?aa quu? quu; ?ah?asa quu? (?uus?iic)Ensnare ?i?ik?iih?; qaqaami?s?; + ?aac?iisy’akEntangle qaps?i?; ?uutx?s?i?; ?uutx??ac?i? -eg: twine k??atuqs?i?; k?uuc?ink (hooked on) Entangled I was X in the ropes: qaps?i?nic c?istuup X twine thread: ?uutx?yu; ?uutx?wac?yu X in bush, wood: k??atu?as Thick undergrowth: k??atukakEnter X into a house, room, barn: hinii?i? X again: hu?ii?i? X in a rush: puyii?i? X into town: yaac?ii? town. X a hole with the feet: yactii?; hitatsti? The water X into a canoe, not tight: cah?aa?is? c??apac Waves X into canoe: k?axs?i? A sea X broke into canoe: c?a?aa?up?at The water X into house, flood: ?uh?ii?i? The water X into house by roof: cah?aa The water X into my house through cracks etc.: c?acwii It did not X into my mind say so: wikcanu?mic; ?unuu?s wik waa They cannot all X into the house: nasa? hiis??ii?Entertain ?uuqs?ahap I am going to X, amuse you: ?uuqs?ahap?aq?s siih?i? Give a feast: ?u?umc?u See Feast. X bad feelings towards: yaaq?Entertaining ?uqmath?iEntice kakaapcyup He Xd me to go along: kakaapcyup?atnicEnterprising Daring: hahaaca?iikEntire humaq?; yaqiima Not broached ?Entirely Very often expressed by the prefix h?a Do it X: h?asiik Kill him X: hasuup qah?saap To eat something X: hac?at?aq? Wholly: humaq?; h?is?it; (?)Entrance X of house etc.: t?as?ii X of harbor: yuu?Entrust nac?cumh?i?ap; ?uu?a?uk?apEpilogue Indian fashion: ciiqma?apiEnvelope ? ?a?iiksap Xd in smoke: qus?uk Xd in fog: ?uc?qyuk X of a letter: ? ?a?iikyukumEnvious hut?atuEnvy hut?atumisEpileptic k?ahk?ahs?Equal mii?h?i and is used in composition of X height: mi?qii Exactly X: mimii?api See Alike.Equivocal ?Erase task?a?ap; ?iisk?a?apErect See Standing, Build.Erelong (+ before long) wik qii wik; ?u?ak; hiik?a?; hiik?a??a?Err ( +to be mistaken or incorrect) ?ii?iic?i?; wikca?ap; wikcac?i?; wiikstiih?; wiiktis; haacuh?iwaError ?ii?amisEruption ?us?it X on the body: ?us?itu? X on the: ?us?uu? X coming out: hinayuuc?i?; hitak?its?i? ?Escape X in the sense of flying away, running away etc: c??ii?s?i?; ?ucac?i?; puk?i? Hide: hapts?i? A narrow X: hacuuh?ta; ?usi?a with above, came near being caught: c?atiik You cannot X: wim?aaq??ic You cannot X the eye of God: wim?aaq??ic c??an?ii?atquuk ?uh??at haa?api h?aw?i? You cannot X death: wim?aaq??ic wik qah?s?i? X to tell eg: a bird: ?ac?i?; matsap He X us: wikiip nis? We did not catch it, we let go- A deer Xd us: ?ac?i? nis? (muwac?)Escort na?uk ma?api The custom of Indians X a young unmarried woman for protection: hahak?a??a?ukEspy n?aciic?i?Essence The nearest word I can find is: yaqhtin?iqh: The thing it’s made of.Establish When first Xed: s?ii??i? When permanently Xed: s?ii??as A fine Xment: ?u?s?ii??asEsteem X of things and sometimes of person: ?iih saahtak?ap X of persons: ?iihp?iit?apEternal Without beginning: q?aasasa hu?ak ?uyi Without end: q?aasasa wiktum?aq? wik?iic?i? Always: q?aasasa; saac??ink; ?unicEttiquette He doesn’t know the X: hayumh?i?is? k?aacumEvaporate c??u?ak?ac?i? X of medicine, lose strength: miskac?i? X of solids as of ice, melt: quxk?ac?i?Eve with affix nah?i Christmas X: Christmas nah?iEven ? ?askak Not rough, planed lumber: ? ?aska? An X surface See Alike. X ahead: ? ?ask?ihta or c?amihta X edge: c?amihsmu? To be X eg: in a race: mi?s?i?; mi?inks?i? See Equal. X country: ?u??as; wik t?uc?k?as; mi??as X just enough with no balance: ? Get X with somebody: ha?uk?i?; ? I will catch him: hiniip?aq?s To make X eg: soil, land: mi??as?apEvening ?uuc??in?; tuups?i?; ?aaths?i? This X: tuups?iik Wait till X: tuupsaap; ?aath?saapEvent See Happen. In that X: ?uyi q?aaquu; ?uyi k?isquu At all Xs: hiis?i? (aq?)- at all Xs. I will go home tomorrow: hiis?i??aq?s wa?s?i? ?am?ii?ik In all Xs he would have died: hiis?i??aah?nit qah?s?i?Eventually ?uus?yuyaEver taaks?i? Without ceasing: taaks?i? In other cases it is left out as a pure Anglicism. ForX is equal to always, hence see Always.Everlasting See Eternal.Every qum?aa X day: qum?aa n?aass?i? X year: qum?aa k?iisqs?i? X one, all: his?uk Xthing: hiis?i?; q?iq q?iiq; h?iyiqtup X kind: h?iyiq saahtak; his?saahtak Xwhere: his?saacu; ?unac?ukEvidence Give your X: kaa k?iic?i??iik c??us?aa Give me your reason of suspicion.Evident It is X: h?amat It is X to me: h?amat?aps X to my eyes: h?amips X to my ears: h?amac na?aa?at It becomes X: h?amips?iat It becomes X to my eyes: h?amips?ii?at na?aa?atEvil p?is?mis Indians using this old way of speaking of the evil one use the word c??ih?aa –to come across something unusual, supernatural, superstitious: c??ihs?ii?at hence they say c??iih?sna?aa? again when something unusual is before into public, mostly at the end of this ?uk?ana feasts. Evil One they now call Le yap; Le diable (+ French). Rings X in neck: ?ic?iyu? in other parts: ?ic?ak or ?ic?k?ac?yuEwe ?uucma mamituExact See Ask hiinac?; ?uusks?; ?iqma or qum?a- The X number. Xly so: q?aa?iis??ah??aa; k??ats?i??ic X not more nor less: waq? opposite: wiq? Xly two months: waq?qum? ?a?qum? hupa? Not Xly so, ten dollars short: wiq?qum? h?ayuqum? taalaExalt X oneself: kaapi?ac?iih?Examine n?aac?uk To X somebody: ciqsaap or hininyuh? waa?aq?ii X one’s conscience: hininyuh? k?aa?ak qun ?ii?aamis X a patient as Indian doctors do: ? ?u?s?i? X everywhere: haha?ii?Example ?u?uuktisy?ak Give an X: ?u?uus?tis?a? Follow the example of N: ?uuktis?at N You are giving bad X: wiihtasa?i?ap?ic Follow the X of somebody: ?u?uus?tis Follow nobody’s X: wiiwiktisExcavate See Dig.Excavation kuh?c?uExceed with ?upi superior modeExcellent ?uu?sasaExcept ?anah?i wik X one: c?awaak wik See Less.Exchange ha?uyi; haha?upa?s?i?; ha?uuqstaa? They X coats: haha?upa?s?i??is? coat. Trade: mak?ink See Change. X canoes: ha?uyiiqs?i? c??apacExcite See Encourage-To anger: ?uus?suuqstup To fight: casinksapExcited ?uus?suuq?; ?uus?maqyu, + nas?aakExclaim ?aaqs?i? X for pain: ?aqaayaqs?i?Exclamation X of ah? X of pain: ?aqaa X of disapproval: h?iExclude wiiwiksum; ?i?amas?ap; wiimashapExcommunicate The nearest is wim?aaq??ap Xd: wim?aaq??ap?atExcrement h?icmis Smell of X: h?icp?uqs Covered with X such as little boys pants: h?ick?ac?yu or h?ick?ac?i? Hard X: nas?qak Not hard X: ?Excuse Somebody say nothing: wiiwikwa X me: wiiwikwa?is He has an X, motive: ?us?anuu? You have no X: ? X me sir: c?aa?a? c?aani He wants to X himself, tries to find a motive why not: ?un?aah?is? q?inuh?ayii wikExecute Hang: maaqinup Death for death X: qaah?inksapexempted wikcumExert X oneself: ?aa?is?i?Exhaust See Consume.Exhausted tuhwah?su?Exhibit h?umc?i?Exhort haahuupa ?, Encourage: ?iihsinh?i?ap ?imaqsti; ha?aksinh?i?ap ?imaqsti; ?uu?sinh?i?ap ?imaqstiExile s?ii?a?ap; ?acmuupsapExist See Be.Expand Flowers X: s?aaps?i? Wings X: ?aphs?i? Hands X: ?a?ahicnuk?i?Expect Look for: hiinu?; ?uuwu? hence X a long time: qiiwu? X no longer: wiiku?s?i? We did not X you anymore: wiiku?s?i? minnis? suuti?Expectorate ?aaqkusas Do you X: ?aaqkusas?atk I do not X: wik kusas?ac or wik?ac ?aqkusas?at X spit: taaxs?i?Expedient hiinumsa Not X: ?i?aaExpel X from a country, tribe: s?ii?ayap X in general: wiimash?i?ap; wah?s?i? X from a house: hinii?as?ap; c??iiyaap X by hand: kutii?ap Fortis (+ Latin: strong): hitak?a?ap; hitak?ac?i?Expend Give away: ?uus?siih??iipExpensive ?iiw?aq? See Dear.Experience I have X: nan?ac?tas I have no X: c??aac??inqas He has no X: c??ac??inqta?is I want to X first: nan?ac?tin??aq?s c?aani Try: nami?s?i?; pih?s?i?Expert ?ac?ik; ?uma?uk See Able.Expire Finish: hawii?a? Die: hac?ats?i? Jesus Christ died on the cross: ?u?iimit la croix; hac?ats?i? jesus christ. Time X: ?u?ii?a??is? When the time X: ?u?ii?a?quuExplain ?iiqh?uk; ka?ups?i?; huuhtiks?iih??ap; kamath?i?ap or kamath?ic?i??ap etc. See Tell, Develop sasayaqacu ?iiqh?uk Tell properly: c?amihta ?iiqh?uk I cannot X the conduct of the Indians: hayumh?is q?aqh?ii qu?as q?a?iiqExplode (gun) k?ahs?i? Powder: ? ?ihs?i? X: ? ?i?qaa?a? in the sense of crackle.Explore with the affix ?un?aah? X the country for land: nism?aakn?ah? X for coal: tumiisn?ah? X gold: kuunakn?ah?Expose Show: h?umc?i? Xd to danger: ?uus?c?a?hapExposed X to bad weather: wiiqnit X to wind: yunit X to cold: m?a?nit See Divulge.Express X juice taaqs?i?; taaq?a Say: waa; ciqs?i? I cannot X myself in English: nasa?s english?at waa; waa mah?sayiisExtend tasaapExtenuate wikciyap; yaayaa?in To make small: ?uc?knuyap?isExterior ?a?iqum?Exterminate Speaking of people: wiksanap X in general: wikpiiyap; wiik?itsap; wik?iitmii?apExtinct wiikma?; wiksa? X fire: wi??aak; c??uh?iiExtinguish X fire: wi? ?uk?i?ap; c??uh?ii?apExtract X a tooth: c??iikustahs?ap c?ic?ic?i X a carrot: c??iikustas?ap ? ?i? ?ihanuuh? also hitak?a?ap for other things. See Pull: c?iic?i?Extraction with affix ?atck?i. Of English X: king George ?atck?iExtreme X danger of dying: ?anasumiic?i? In X danger, came very near: c?atiiksa; c?ac?aatapiExude c?aawah?su? Sweat: c?aawahsu? ? ?uptck?iiExult nas?aakEye qasii Eyes open, staring: hu?qaa; ? X lid: ? X brow: ?a?ic?i Black X: tutstuupksu? White X: ? ?ic? ?iisu? X red by anger: ?i?iih?kusc?u qasii Small Xs: ?ac?inhsu??is Big Xs: ?aciih?su? To have sharp Xs: hacqa? To have feeble Xs: wicqa? X or seeing-I have two Xs: ?a?qum??ac qasii Near sighted: wicwaa?su? Sore X: qasyiih?a One sore X: qasmiih?acas X grow better: c?ac?umh?ic?i? qasii Use the X: n?ac?uk My Xs are better, well: wiiks?ah?i?ac qasii Squint X: ?a?inc?su? One Xd: ? ?a? ?ac?ksu? One X covered: m?umuuqsu? (glass X) Xs covered (with bandage etc.): m?uc?quu? X lost by accident (burst): ti?qs?i? qasii Cause etc. ti?qsaap Shut Xs to prevent accident etc.: humqs?i? Having Xs closed: k?icaa eg: in sickness from k?ics?i? to close Xs. Annoyed by light, sun etc.: ? ?ac? ?a?inq?atu Open your X: n?ac?uks?i?i X open in sleep: h?u?qaa To open another’s Xs: n?ac?uksap Raise the X: n?ac?misanu?; n?ac?in? Lower X, look downwards: n?ac?pi? Swollen X: x?acx?aaksu? Swollen X after sleep: pucpuuxsu? Dust in X: kikii?naqsu? To throw dust in X of somebody: kikii?naqsu??ap To fix X on somebody: n?ac?yiih?ap To turn away the eyes: ?ah?ac?i? qasii Water, tears etc. X: ?upaa?at qasii Pupil of X: tupkpi?cum To X-use the Xs: qass?i? + Snap one’s eyes: + k?a?s?i?Eye Glass kih?y?ak; Wears X: kikiih?su?Eyesight Good X: hacqa? Poor X: wicqa? How is your X: c?aa qwicqa? ?a?iikEyesore wicwipaxsumEyewitness n?ac?mutaqa I am an X: n?an?ac?mutaqasis? FFable humwic?aqy?ak Tell us a X: humwic?a?iFabricate ?uk?ii?Face hi?uu? with the affix ?uu? Beautiful X: ?u?uu? Ugly, dirty X: c?is?x?uu? Swollen X: puxc?aqu?; x?akuu? Large X: ?iih?uu? X covered with mud: c?isaqu? X painted red: k??ah?uu? X painted black: tumiisu? X covered with gum: ?is?uu? Red, (angry) in the X can be multiplied: ? ?ih?c?aqu? Lean X: ? ?ih?aqu? Spit in the X: taaxc?u?uup Washed X: c?uksu? Notice ma?u? in the following: Say to the X: wawaa?ma?u?; taakma?u?waa Strike in the X: ? ?ikma?u? With the X towards: ?uyacap eg: turn your X towards me: ?uyacap?is X eachother: ?u?uya?ap X eachother in bed: ?u?uyac?i? Sit with your X towards me: ? My house Xs the sea: ?uyanak ?uk?i? tup?a? yaquk?iis maht?ii Blow water in X eg: in case of fainting: ? My house Xs the wind: yuukst?asuks maht?ii The vessel Xs the waves: nuucac?ink huyumc To X the wind: takaas yu?i or yuyuc?ink He did it before my X: n?aca?ap siic?i? q?is X painted, decorated: ?iinaxyu Change of X through fear, sudden news: k?iish?inc?yaks?i? Wounded in X: ?a?iihasuu?Fact It is a sad X affair: ?aaksi?a?is? It is a X: t?aqums?is?Faculty See Empower, Ask permission. Fade X colour: tas?atu Flowers X: k??ahs?i? To get weak: wiiwinh?ic?i? Colour of face X: tacu?s?i?; ? ?icx?s?i? applying to clothes losing colour.Fail By the negatives: wik; wiiksa; wiktumFaint hin?atu Improperly: hac?ats?i? Expire-See Disappear.Fair X weather: ?uuqumh?i; c?umiicap X wind-with us: ?apcah?tak yu?i We have a X wind: c?amaa nis? We sail: siika nis? It is X: hiinumsa?is? It is not X: ?i?aa?is?Fairly Good: ?u?ma?iq?Faith To believe: t?aqaak I have X in you: t?aqaak sis? suuti? See Confidence.Faithful ?uh?tasa A X wife: ?uh?tasa ?uucma A X Catholic: ?uh?tasa catholic?at True: t?aquq? To be X to one’s word: t?a?t?aquyi waa wamit?iq You must be X to your word: t?a?t?aquya?i?aa? wawa?iik You have not been X to your word: wiiksa?ic ? ?a?t?aquya wawaamit?ikFaithless wiihtasa; ?it?itaFall Autumn: ?ay?iic?h; ?aakpa?Fall -a verb t?i and many affixes. X detach itself from an object: t?i?atu An object when walking: t?ic?atu X into a hole, excavation etc.: t?ictii? X on feet like a cat: t?it?iqh?in? X into the water: t?iic?itu? X into the sea: t?i?atu X into a box: t?iic?in? X into a well: t?ic?aa?i? X out of pocket, bag etc.: t?ikusc?u X out of canoe, overboard: t?ii?taa X into fire: ? X into stove: ? An object Xing upon top of head: t?ic?aaska? An object Xing upon hand: t?it?inku? An object Xing upon feet: t?it?iqhta? An object Xing upon back: t?ipi?a? An object Xing upon belly: t?icsinqa? An object Xing upon eye: t?it?icsu??a? An object Xing upon mouth: t?ic?uqs?i? An object Xing upon knee: t?it?ip?iq?a? An object Xing upon table: t?iisi? An object Xing upon ground (inside): t?ipi? An object Xing upon ground (outside): t?i?ii? An object Xing upon sandy beach: t?isa? An object Xing near the sea, rocks: t?i?uu? An object Xing below high tide: t?iwicu? X on the hands (inside): sapi? X on the hands (outside): sa?i? X on the knees (inside): ? ?ikpi? X on the knees (outside): ? ?iki? X on the side (inside): c??itpi? X on the side (outside): c??iti? X on the back: ni?pi? X on the back (outside): ni?ii? X: caqas?a? -make a X, X down, X on the face eg: Jesus Christ on the road of the cross. X: ?ah?s?i? –X down on both hands X down, arms open: ?ahaas?a? X: ?ah?s?i? –the Xing down for instance of a house, a wall, tumble down to pieces etc.: mah?s?i? X, said of trees: ?uxs?i? ? ?aph?as?a? –means to X from a distance-and all the above. t?ip?its?i? means to X from a distance and all the above can nearly all take the affix p?its?i? to express that the fall was from a distance. So eg: caqaas?a? means Xing on the face-but caqpits?i? means that the Xing on the face was from a certain height or distance. X of hair: k??aqs?i? X water in drops: ?i?iqata Trees Xing on house: ?ux?asi? Trees Xing on man: ?ux?as?a? The wind X: c??iiq?s?i? yu?i See Abate. X on the head: t?uhas?a? X on the head (inside): t?uwii? X on the head (outside): t?uw?as?a? X on the back: n?i?as?a? X on the knees: ? ?ikas?a? X into the trap: c?iminqi?a??a? Earth Xing into a well: ? ?ac?stii? X clothes from a line: ?a?ii? X on the ice: caqaas?a? quux X upon-express object: caqiic??as X: ?aphi? X at beach: ?aphis?a? X outside: ?aph?as?a? X inside: ?aphi??a? X at entrance of door: caaq?atu hitii? Price Xs: k?a?atu?is? X into sin: ?usyuuc?i? X on knees eg: before Bishop: ? ?ikpi? bishop. Everything Xing at the same time: nuupiik?ac?i?Fallacious Deception hayuu?Fallible I am X: ?aqinc? ?it?itaquus Infallible: hayumh?i ?it?itaFalling Sickness: qah?qah?s?False Untrue: ?itaq? X news: ?itmis The idea is expressed by ?it?ita He has X hair: ?it?itak?is? hapsyup He is a X friend: ?it?ita?is? ?uqhyuFalsify k?isca?ap Change: k?isi?apFalter qaqah??aqstu? My legs X: qaqah??aqstu??ac qayaptaFame X has it, it is known: ?u?a??at. He has a bad X: p?is??a??at He has a good X: ?u??a??atFamily A married couple: hicnup nak or ma?ayi? Parents having a X: Parents having children: t?atn?anak The word X is not as well expressed as in English. Of the X of John: ?uqhyuu john. I invite the whole X: hii?i?sis? siih?i? qum?aa ?iqsuu: I invite you as many as you are. All the family, friends and relatives of an individual, Indian fashion as of old ?uktaqum?; + ?aayuus?hyums He is family: yaqtaqum? Relatives, related to: ?us?hyums Famine X amongst the Indians, have nothing to eat: h?i?iic?ah? No food in the tribe: kinh?ak; ha?umyiih?aFamished Indians becoming X: ha?umyih?iic?i?; ?u?atic?i? ha?um or q?i?iic?aah?Famous See Fame. X as a warrior: ? X for wealth: wiiciqnak?a??atFan ?Fancy nan?ac?cumh?i Fine, beautiful: ?u?u?apiFar saya X between, a great distance: sayack In a comparison with X the object or part compared with is put last eg: God is far greater than man, say Man is far from being as great as God: saya nis? qu?as qin ?uk?i? haa?api h?aw?i? ? An ox is far stronger than a horse: saya?is? kiwitana q?a?iiq muusmuus X saya takes the usual affixes of locality or place. Say then: X (inside): sayi? X (outside): sayas X (on beach): sayiis X (at sea): sayac?ist X, at large at sea etc.: sayac?itu To go X: saya?i X reach for, movement to: saya?iih? X reach: saya?iip; ? and other affixes according to how X etc. This X with the prefix h?iistmaa Your land extends this X: hiistmaa ?a?uk?ic nism?a How X does his garden extend?: waastmaa ?a?ukh? ? ?ayaqak As X as: ?um?a?ii As X as the tide rises: k?im?aa?i?a? muu?s?i? As X as the country is open: q?imaa?iq ? ?isnaak X from being all done, finished: saya q?a? Not X from being all done, finished: hiik?a? To go X afloat, to sea: sayaacitin? Walk, wander X: sayaaqacmi? X sighted: h?acqa? X hearing: nana?a X smelling: hacqaayaq?ih?taFare X improperly: ha?um; nawah?ic?ik Ransom: ? ; ?uc?s?i? What is the X: ?aqinich?ath What is the X you charge?: ?aqinich??atk?a? The X is charge two dollars: ?a?kum?is?ac?a? taala What shall I pay to you X?: ?aqinich?s suuti? Are you going to charge X for my children?: ?uus?iis ?aq? yaquqiis t?aatn?a?is X food, living: ha?um how did you X, succeed?: ?aqis?at nih?suu See Gain, Succeed.Farewell : yucyuu?um; yuucma?api?um; s?ah?iyuut; s?ah?yuut ma?apiFarm ? ?aya?uwasFarmer ? ?ayaqn?akFarther saya t?ana Seattle is X than Victoria: seattle saya t?ana ?uk?i? victoriaFarthest sayasa Very X: sayasasaFashion q?apa? It becomes the X: q?apiic?i? It has been the X: q?apa?nitFast Not eat, to have eaten nothing: wik?aq? ha?um X of Lent: nup?it ha?uk ha?um Le careuie X, quick, speedy: yuus?ink At once: t?aquk To grow X: yus?aaci?a X running: ?ayix; c?umt?aa; ?i?kak X of work: yuus?ink Talk X: yuus?ink??aqsu?; c??iikaa X of steamer or canoe moved by engine or paddling: c?aaxuk X by sail: siika? X woman: wikh?tin ?uucma X, tied: ?i?ma; qitaa See Tied, Bound, Anchor etc. X in jail: ma?i?Fasten See Tie ?i?maa?ap; ma?saap; tamuuqsap; (?) (notch) X the door: ?i?masap or ma? ?as?ap mus?asum X the door with a bolt: ? ?ih?samup X with nails: ? ?ap?iqs?i? X with ropes: mama?c?as?ap (outside) X nailed to the cross: ?a?ap?iqc?i ?a?aah?i X nailed to the wall (inside): ? ?ap?iq?a?sap X nailed to the wall (outside): ? ?ap?iqc?as?ap X to the fence (with rope): ma?as?ap ?u?uk?as ?aqumyum See Attached to with affix c?i X to grab: suk?i?Fastidious h?iix?ath?iFat Grease: ?aqmis X of a whale: ? ?aaq and other animals and birds.Fat Not lean: ? ?ac and affixes: ? ?acx?uu? X inside: ? ?acsuq? Too X: ? ?a? ?aacapi Fat man, heavy: ? ?ac or ?uk?iit qu?as X belly: tixinqi; + tixsinqi Getting X: ? ?aacac?i?Fatten eg: a pig: ? ?aaca?ap Xing food: ? ?acy?i To become X: ? ?acac?i?Fatal ?uyiih?a He died of a X wound, the wound was X: ?uyiih?a?is? qah?s?i? ?ac?uumitFather n?uwiiqsu A child addressing X says: n?uwiiq Speaking of another X, child says: n?uwiFather in law q?i?iiqsuFatherless qaqiiyaks?i?Fathom X Indian way, both arms extended: ?ah?s?i? How many Xs?: ? One X: n?upya? Two Xs: ?a?ya? Three Xs: qacc?ii? Four Xs: muuy?a? Five Xs: suc??ii? Six Xs: n?upuu? Seven Xs: ?a?puu? How many Xs in the sea: ?Fatigue Tire: p?uss?i? Tired: p?usak Fatiguing: hiix?atmis A tiresome, fatiquing wife: hiix?ath?iFault ?ii?aamis It is your X: suwaaq?ic q?is?ap; suutsaah?i?at?ic It is my own X: ?uk?asah?is See cause. To find X: ? ; yawaac?i?; ?u?uus?wa Always finding X: yayaawiik; ?u?uus?wa?iik To throw the X on another: ?uucii?ap Whose X is it?: ?ac?asah?i?at My own X: ?uk?asah?isFaultless wiiwik?aq?Favour To do a X: c?umsi?a; ?uus?c??aks?i?; maaxtaqs?i?; ? Acknowledging a X done: wisi?a?ic; ? ; ?uus?naaksap?ic; ?u?uus?c?um?ap?ic: To approve, to be in favour of: c?umcu?aq? X take part: yamaat; ?u?ukc?i X to assist, help: ?asiita; hupiiFavourable X wind: c?amaapi yu?i; c?amaq?; c?ama ?apcah?tak X tide, with the tide: c?ak?ii X time: ?apyuuyi prefix c?um expresses the idea of favourable in general, hence X: c?amuu?; c?umu plural X: c?ac?umu; c?amaapu? Speak X: c?umwaa; c?ac?umwa Approve: c?umq? Approve in words: ?Fawn t?uupiiwaFear See Afraid-Dread To become afraid: tuuh?s?i? To X, be afraid: tuuh?uk The relative is ?u?uutyak sometimes employed by itself-tuuh?uk being understood. I X my parents: tuuh?uks ?u?uutyak ?a?iic?um?aks or simply ?u?uutyaks ?a?iic?um?aks also tuuh?uks ?a?iic?um?aks What do you X?: ?a?aqityakk or ?a?aqityakk tuuh?uk You need not X: wiiwik?ityak?i or wiiwik?ityak tuuh?uk We X everything, always afraid: hihiis?ityak?is? or, as above: hihiis?ityak?is? tuuh?uk X in sense of “looks like” I X it is going to rain: miimi?c?yak?is? with the affix ?u?uc?yak-looks like. X to be alarmed: h?ayaaq? X for anybody, safety: hiiniih?a X: ?uwiq? I always fear it that such would be the case: taaks?i?nic ?uwaq?a For X that: ?uumaak I X I would be scolded: ?umaak cici?in?atquus X in the sense of bashful: wiicaak Never afraid, bashful, daring: hacaakFearful To be X with great dread: hayaaq?yih?a Inspiring fear: tutuh?suh?ta; ?uus?maqyu Dangerous: tuuh?maqyu eg: Sickness: tuuh?a? Bashful: waa?ak The sea, waves look X: ?uus?maqyu?is? tup?a? X that, suspects: t?at?aqiFearfully He struck his wife X: ?u?upu??is? c??iiqak ?uucmaak See Very.Fearfulness That causing fear: tutuuh?syupFearless Brave: wi?ak; wiiwik?ityak?iikFeasible ?um?aaq? Not X: wim?aaq?; nasa? cumFeast To give a X: ?u?umc?u The Indians are feasting: c?axcaqa?is? qu?as; c?axtak hence c?axtmis The fact of Xing, to entertain: hiihinumc?u Different Indian X: ?uk?aana principal X of the tribes may be called the wolf X-lasts for three weeks: t?ic??ii? – takes the place of the above, only takes four days. To give blankets or other articles: n?us?i? X on occasion of menstruation: ?ictuu? Give to eat: ? ?iicu To go to X on foot: waq?uu X canoe: waq?uu?as To be at a X: ? ?ii?i? This strictly speaking of ??iicuu, but also said of the other X. The X over: ? ?ii?ak?ac?i? Somebody gives a X to eat: ? ?iinaak The case of a X, the relative ?u?in? is employed-He gives biscuits at the X: ?u?in??is? x?ax?as?k?uk What did you get (to eat) at the X?: ?aqi?in?nih?suu Uninvited at a X: wiik?ii?at To go to a X uninvited: c?apii?i?Feather Small X: mu?hp?iit Large X: ?iyaa? Down: p?uq?iitum To X: ?aa??aa?a X the bird for me: ?a?c?uu?ap?i maamatiFeature See Face.Fee See Pay ha?um X for a doctor: kamaty?akFeeble Can hardly walk: t?it?uus?aq? To become X: t?it?uus?aqstu?; winax, winit Not strong: wiiwinh?i In sickness, getting low: wiik?uu; wiik?uuc?i?; wiiwikcum; wiksaah?tak; wik?iit?a??is?; ?unuu k?its?i??at qayapta etc. A X voice: wisaqsu? He speaks in a X voice: wisaatuk See Delicate.Feed ha?um Verb X: qaacii ha?um; ha?uk?apFeel I X well say I am well, but it is practical to add na?aa?at I feel cold: c??itass?i?s na?aa?at I can X it: hi??is? ?ah?kuu na?aa?at When do you X it?: waasti?k na?aa or X pain: wawaasc??apk I X angry: ?uus?suuq? sis? na?aa?at I X it: na?aa sis? To feel: na?aa I begin to X it: na?iic?i? sis? eg: the effect of medicine. I X I am sick: na?aa sis? ?insta?i? To X pity: ?aksuuq? To X sorry: yac??aatsuq? To X for somebody, take his part: ?u?ukc?i; yaamaat To feel bad, angry: p?is?suuqstu? To X touch: ? ?u?si? See Touch. To X weary, down hearted, discouraged etc. see those words and translate to X as it were “to be.” To X like, see Inclined.Feign ?uut?i?i?a as an affix. X to be sick: ta?i? t?i?i?aFell X a tree: ?uxsaap; ?uxp?iiqsap when determining instrument say X with a saw: c?itp?iqsap X with an axe: hisp?iqsap X with fire: m?up?iqsapFellow See Companion; Accomplice. My X priests: ya?aa?c?iqs leplet, the affix ?u?aa?c?iq expresses the idea to perfectionFemale ?uucma X child: ?uc? saah?tak X of a certain country, town etc. by the affix ?aqsup X of mowachat: muwac??aqsupFence ?aqumyum To build a X: ?aqumyuup Xd: ?aqumyuu?; ?aqum?Ferocious n?a?ikFern s?i?mapt; s?i?aaFerry Boat ?ih?pu?y?akFerry to ?ih?pi?a?aFertile X land: ?u? nism?a X tree: ?ac?iiqhsa?a? eg: apples Not X: wicwikhsa?a? Very X lots of fruit: ?ac?ayaqhc?a Productive-look well: c?um?ii?i? Opposite: wiimii?Fester si?aqstu?Fetch suk?i?; hinacsap; huu?ii? and affixes X another: suk?i?c?ip X into house: hinii?itap Invite X strangers to get hospitality: yaac?ii? See Eat and Invite. They X me yesterday: suk?iatnic ?am?ii X repeatedly: suu?suuya?atnic ?am?ii X in canoe, see Canoe-with the affix ?aqs or ?ah?sFetid See Smell, Stink c??up?uuqs; c?is?puuqsFetter m?a?ma; m?a?y?akFetus t?awaqstiFever Hot X: ? ?upaa?is?; + ? ?upaa? X cold: ma?aa?is? speaking of the sick.Few kamaa?is; kuc?kmaa?is To become X: kamiic?i??is?; kuc?kmiic?i??is? Too X: wiiyaa? yaqcum; ?u?uus?cum Different affixes with kamaa(?is) or kuc?kma(?is) X in house: kamii??is Notice ?is Quite a X: wis?h?ii Seldom: ? A X times-to get a X: wiimi?ipFickle See Changeable.Fiddle A X: maaqiic?u nunuuky?ak : ?uuksna?aa? maaqiic?u nunuuky?akFie (+ exclamation of mock disgust, distaste) tis; tis?is?Field ?ayiqak; ?aya?as Cultivated.Fiend p?is??aq?Fierce He looks X: ?uus?maqyu n?aaca?atFifteen h?ayu ?uh??iis? suc??aFifteenth h?ayuc?i??uh??iis? suc??aFifth suc??ac?i?Fifty ?a?iiq?uh??iis? h?ayuFight c??i?aqa To beat: c??iiqak To cause to X: c??i?aqap X for: ?uksma?aqa X to death: qahsta? The affix ?uh?wa? to determine the instrument used in the X eg: with guns: puh?w?a? X with knives: x?utayuw?a? X attack each other: hitac?inks?i? X man and wife (+ arguing): qatp?a? X among themselves: t?aaqink; ta?ac?ink X one against one: c?ac?uc?ink; ? X by pulling hair: c?in?i? X tribe against tribe going to war: wiinatsta? also w?ac?i? -One tribe X another. X dogs, cats: ?a?iiqs? Growl: c??i?aqa X quarrel: hii?in; n?i?aak Coming to blows in the family: sumii?; c?iicma?aqaFighter with affix ?iik and one of the above.Figure ?uk?apu? as an affix. X of a man: qu?acpu? X of an ox: muusmuus?apu? Make the X of a man: qu?acapuu?i? X to count with: huksy?ak See act with: ?uk?aapu?File tin?a; k?ic??ak; tic??ak To X sharpen: k?ic?i?; tic?i? To X in general: ?ii?tiiya; k?ii?k?iiyaFiled tic?uu; k?ic?uuFilings with the affix ck?i k?itck?i; tii?ck?iFill in general X entirely: k?amaanup X with-of solids: ?uuc?in?ap X with-of liquids: ?uc?in?ap -of solids also hitac?inap hence say X with large potatoes: ?a?iih?c?in?ap qaawic X many, much: ?ayac?in?ap X a barrel with whiskey: ?uc?inap ma?um? whiskey. X by pouring: c?ic?in?ap See Full k?am?aa; k?am?aac?u Liquid: ?uc?uu X load gun: tuc?inap Fill a sack with potatoes: tuc?inap qaawic Fill a box: n?uh?aa Fill pockets: tuuctaqsi?Filter ?uu?xsittupy?ak To X: ?uu?xsitupFilth See Dirty.Filthy See Dirty.Fin ?ah??ah?nukum X of back: cuup?iiFinally Not directly translated- The steamer X arrived: hiinawii?a?c?a?is? He was X caught: hiniip?at?aas?Find ?uuwa? X a person or thing-looked for: hiina? X an object or person looked for. X anything belonging to another person: k?umn?ap; ?uus?n?ap; ?un?ap X a thing good: ?uyu?aa??inh? ?u? Bad or otherwise etc. with ?uyu?aa? The one that found: ?u?as?t Where he found it: histu?aa? Come in possession: ?uyip X anybody (upon arrival) dead, sick: ?u?ii? qah?ak; ?u?ii? ta?i? We found it that way: q?a?ii? minnis? Not to find: wiika? or wiki? See Lost. I cannot X my pipe: wiika? sis? q?is?sac He Xs out-he begins to see: hiinu?aa? s?i? To X fault with-See Fault- yaawaac?i? X: tumsk?up How do you X that medicine? (+ How do you feel about that medicine?): ?aqin?atk yaqii ?uy?i I X it good: ?u?h??ac X has bad taste: c?is?p?a?h??ac I find you are wrong: ?ii?aa?aps suuti? I find he is right: ?hinumsa?apsFine ?u?; q?ac?a? See Beautiful Thin-of thread: ?uc?kinkit?is X rope: ?anikit?is Not coarse: ?a?inh?takuk?is X weather: ?uuqumh?i; ?uu?uuquk (n?aas) X fee: ha?um; ?ac?ma ? I am Xd five dollars: ?uuks??at sis? ha?umc??at suc??aqum? taala Pay a X: ha?aac?i?; ?ac?s?i? ?Fingers c??ic??isaqnukum Thumb: ?iihk?umc Index: k?upy?ak Middle: tayii Annular (+ ring): ?u?acu Small: q?a?kaFinish See Complete, End hawii?a? See Entirely – ha?atup; hasiik; hitasiik Xed: See also Empty, Nothing left his?uks?i?a?; wik?iits?i?a?; wiki?; wikpi? etc. Notice the affix in the following- Finished eating: hawatu X sealing: yas?maq?atuFir maawi; maawiqmap; ?akwismapt In other tribes tuuh?mapt; c??uh?smaptFire ?ink X place: ?inku? See Burn. X hidden under Xwood: ?ink?aq?a?a X without blaze: ? House etc.: m?u?ii? Ship on X: muqsti? Injured, destroyed by X: mu?ak?ac?i? X going out: wii?uk?i?; c??uh?iic?i? To put out X: ?uk?i?api; c??uh?i?ap To set X to: pa?s?i?; ?ink?ii? To make a X: ?ink?ii? To place wood on X: hitaa?up To blaze: c??upks?i? Blazing: c??upkaa To poke the X: nas??a?ap The X is out: wi??aak; c??uh?ii Fetch X, ask for: paa??i? To put kettle on the X: niis?ap To take kettle, pot off the fire: nicnaap To pull out of the X: c?iicnaap To put in X (one stick): nup?iiwup To put in X (two sticks): ?a?piiwup and so on with the affix piiwup To fall in the X: t?i?uu??ink To fall into the X from a standing position: ca?u? (head first) To throw into X: t?i?uup To push into X: c?at?uup To lie near the X: c?itk?ic?i? Sit near the X: taa??is To warm oneself near the X: hi?iic?i? Strike X with matches: sic?i? To put X to candle, lamp: pa?qiinup On fire: mu?ak On the X: hita?a; hita?u? To make light with a X torch: hic?s?i? from hic?ma: a X torch. The X catches: ?ink?ac?i? X off a gun: ? ?ic?i? X accidentally: ? ?i? ?uus; ? ?i? ?itahFirewood ?inksyi Fetch X on shore: ?ac?yaap Fetch X by canoe: waac?aqs?i? Make X: ?inksyiqi?Fireman m?um?u?i??a?ukFirm Fixed, steady: ?i?maa; ?i?min?; ?i?maa?ap X character, unyielding: waakswii; hacwii; wik?umaap; wik?iicmapFirmness White men have X of character: haacaapi?is? mama?ni Indians have not X of character: wiicaapi?is? qu?as Be firm, have X of character: haacaapi q?is k?aa ?aq?iik Be firm as Catholics-hesitate not: haacaapi?a??ic? catholic?atFirst In the beginning: ?a?um X of a series: ?uuwii; ?utwii X in diginity, age: ?uwiik X to do a thing: ?u?ih?ta; yaqwiiya; yaqwiisa X of all, our X parents, the X people: yaq?iiyiic? qu?as or simply yaq?iiyii qu?as Declare personal as follows: siwii; sitwii; suwii; sutwii; ?uwii; ?utwii; n?iih?wii; siih?wii; ?utwii?a? or ?uwi?a? or ? Interrogate: who X?: ?ac?atwii Who X of you?: ?ac?atwihsu with other affixes according to verbal conjugations. Before another action it is common to use c?aani eg: You must X go to Mass, then you can go etc: c?aani?a? ?aq?ic la messe ?ah??aa?a? ?aq??ic ?ucac?i? etc. Firstborn m?am?iiqsu; ?a?umnak t?an?anaks?i? My X having children dead or alive: ?a?umnakquu t?an?anaks?i?First Class ?anakh? ?u?; ?uupi ?u?First Cousin ?iik??acyiFish ?ap?tuup better to say: c??us?tuup Real cod: k?ik?iksuh? (local) cod: tus?kuh? (rock) cod: k?ikma; suuma Large headed cod: ?uux (+ catch close to beach in winter) Red cod: w?aanu? Halibut: p?u?i Dogfish: yac?aa Shark: mamac??aq? Herring: ?usmit White fish: ? ?isapiih? (+ perch) Different kinds small X: ?aamaanu?; hapac?us (+ smelt); c?iipin Different kinds of salmon: cuwit; suhaa; hink?uu?as; ?aak; sacup; hisit; mii?at; c??aapi Trout: ? ?a? ?umyaq? Whale: ?iih?tuup Killer whale: kakawin Porpoise: hicwin Hair seal: kukuh?wisa Fur Seal: k?i?aanus Seal pup: huupksiis Seal half grown: yayaayaqh?i Different kinds shell fish: Clams: hupisi; ya?isi; h?ic?in Mussels: ? ?uc?um; k?ucum Snail cockle: ? ?ac?k?in Vegetable fish (+ small urchin): h?iix Sea snail: t?a?inwa Starfish: + qasqiip + Urchin: t?uc?up On rocks: haa?is?tup + Crabs: + hasaamac Little crabs: hask?aamac Octopus: tii?up dry X with the affix ?as?t eg: Dry dog salmon: ?aak?aas?t Dry X: satsaas?t A kind of salmon, dry: sac?upFish Verb in general: ?acyuu also with the affix ?u?u?iih? eg: X for cod: tutus?kiih? X for halibut: p?up?uwiih? To X with a trawl: c?iic To X with a net: c?iic?i?; c?ii?c?iiya To X with a rake: c?uuc?uuc?a To X with a spear: c?axcax?a To X for seals: yas?ma? To X for hair seals etc.: c??aapuk Other ways of Xing: m?am?iita -without hooks, the bait being a small fish which is quickly hauled up when the fish bites. m?aa? ?inka –mode of catching dog X by sinking and pulling up hook close to surface of the sea (jigging). k?ii?ak?ak –fish for halibut also p?up?uwiih? ?acaxs?: X for rock cod. Another way is called huphups? To X for large headed cod X: ?ux ?ux Xing ground, bank: mitakFish Hook c?iicy?ak; c?imin; k?uc??ak from k?uc??i? to hook, a means of catching X in general called k?uwaks?i? (+ By the river with a pole and hook in the fall.) The affic ?ik with the kind of fish determines the quality of the fish hook: yac?iiy?ak – a hook for dogfish tus?ky?ak –a hook for cod fishing. kwa?ak is a rake for herring fishing.Fist ? ?i?kin?; ? ?ik?aq?inuk Closed X: taq?ink; kukumwah?ta Strike with a X: ? ?iks?i? Strike in the face: ? ?ikma?u? Strike each other with the affix sta? eg: + ? ?iksta?Fit X in general: ?u?umh?i; ?um?aa Not X: wiiwumh?i Too short: kapx?aa X of a hat: ?um?ac?u Fit of coat, pants: ?um?aq? X of shoes: ?um?ac?u X prepare: ?iinaxap eg: schooner, vessel. Spasm, see Epilepsy: ?uus?si?aFive suc??a See Two. X times: suc??ap?it X hundred: suc??ap?it suc??iiq or old fashion: ?a?p?ituk h?ayuuq ?uh??iis? suc??iiqFix I am in a bad X: ?uus?ii?a? sis?; ?uus?ii?as; ?uus?yin? in general ?uus?c?in? which is used as an affix. To be in a bad X on account of the weather: wiiqc?in? To X in the sense of retaliate: ha?uk?i? Punish: ?uus?c?inup To X, make amends: ?am?aak?i?ap To X, make firm: ?i?maanup; ?uutaq To X a day, tell: ka?ups?i? To keep the eyes Xed on: ?iiqstinakuh?; n?ac?aa?; n?ac?uk; n?ac?uu? See Face. To arrange eg: a room: c?umpitap To X books on a table: c?ac?umaasip Xed: ?utaqc?u; hawic?u; c?ummii? Fixings ?iinaxma Ornaments: ?u?tuup Materials for X: ?iinaxp?atuFlag ? ?iih?ma?qum; yuuma?qi X staff: ?a?as X to raise: ? ?ih?ma?qinup X half mast: ?aph?tapi ? ?ih?ma?qumFlame c??upkaa See Blaze.Flap X of sails etc.: ? ?aph?aa; ? ?aph?ma?a?Flash Light: ka?h?s?i?Flat X in general: mahyuu also with mi? and affixes. X (outside): mi??as X (inside): miwi? To lie X (inside): ? ?athi? (+ slanted) To lie X (outside): ? ?ath?as (+ slanted) See Stand. X nose: ? ?u?ih?ta X boat, canoe: ?uqpii; mi?pii X not uneven eg: roof: mii?api X house, old fashion: ta?iicapi X roof, not steep: ?uqyuu X on the ground (inside): ?ust?ii?sasa Sit X on the ground (inside): q?aaq?ii? Sit X on the ground (outside): q?aaq?as To feel X: wii?aq? ?imaqsti; ?imih?a X insipid: m?isk; wikp?a? X top: ? ?uq qii X side: ? ?uqcpaaFlatten See meaning of Flat and add ap A hat X eg: by sitting on it: ? ?ac?k?ac?i?; ? ?ac?ks?i?Flat Heads ? ?uqqiik eg: Cape Flattery Indians.Flat irons qus?saapy?akFlatter c?umtk?aa; c?ac?umwa –approve. See Boast.Flatterer c?ac?umitk?aa?iikFlavour See Taste.Flaw Crack: muwaq? ? X in a gun-some X in the material: pa?pac?aq?Flay X skin: ?ah?umyup X flayed: ?ah?umyuu? or ?ah?um?Flea m?ac??asinFlee See Escape c?ii?s?i?; ?us?cac?i?; puk?i?- run away. X into bush: puq? ?asFlesh The Xy part: ?ap?; ap?itum; ?ap?tuup X the fat part: ? ?aaq X the lean part: c?isqmis To eat the fat part: ? ?a?iic To eat the lean part: c?is?iicFleshy X man: ?ap?itu? To become X: ? ?aacac?i? Of sickly children becoming X: ?ap?n?aks?i?Flexible ?a?k also ?a?k?ik eg: of boots.Flight See Escape, Run away: tuuhs?i? See Flee.Flimsy ?anah??is; wiiwinh?iFling Throw: t?ic?i?; tuc?i?; tuk?i?; A woman’s way of gambling or throwing dice: tuu?tuuyaFlint ? ?uuh? X gun: ? ?uuh?aksu? puuFloat yux?ac?is?t X on shore: ta?uu?; wih?c?isa? - on beach. Xed on shore: taan?ii See Afloat; Drift.Flog ? ?imh?? ?imh?a; ? ?aph?s?i?; ? ?aaph?? ?aaph?aFlood X of tide: muu?s?i?; muu?a; muu?uk Deluge: ?uh?k?ac?i? maatmaasFloor huktqum To put a X: huktqinup On the X: ?ust?ii?Flooring c?icyiFlour ? ?i? ?ick?uk X sack: ? ?i??ick?uksac To strike fire by rubbing sticks together: sii?siiyaFlow c?aac?i? Flowing: c?aa –current. X out: ?ups?i? X over: ?upwi?ta; c?ii?taa A river Xing into the sea: c?aac?is?t tup?a? Water Xing into a house: c?aayii? X of blood: h?iss?i? See Bleed X of menses: ?ic?aat; n?umaa; numaak X out: ?uwah?su?Flower ? ?iih?ciip Verb: ? ?iih?cips?i? Have X: ? ?iih?cipnak X plant: ? ?iih?cipmaptFluctuate ?a?pii? ?imaqsti; ?aphtaasFlue Chimney: q?is?sac?us; ?a?asumFluid ?uptuup; c?ii?akFlush ?ih?c?aqu?Flux h?iiswak?i X after childbirth: k?atstuupFly mats?i?; matuk; huk?i?; huyaa this last especially said of birds flying in number eg: when geese migrate X up: huukusta X alight on lake: hukc?aas ?a?ukFly Insect: maack?inFoal t?an?a?is?uk kiwitanaFoam p?acmis Get Xy: p?acs?i? eg: X at the mouth: p?aacwah?su?Foe See Enemy.Fog ?uc?qmis Xgy: ?uc?qak We were caught in a X: ?uc?yiih?a minnis? Detained by X: ?uc?qmuupFoggy ?uc?qak To get X: ?uc?qs?i?Fold ? ?ac?saap; ? ?ac?inksap; k?i?inksapFolded ? ?ac?c?uu; ? ?ac?ink; k?i?ink To wear anything X: k?i?ink?ic? Several times X: q?aq?a?c?inkFolds qi?qiic?a?; + k?iic?kk?ac?yu See Double. Folks qu?as; ?uus?hyumsFollow tiic see Accompany: tiicma?api eg: walk a road: hisiik t?as?ii I Xed the way you went: hisiiknic hisiiknit?ik A road crooked such as sea shore: hiikhiik?ac?ik; yaacuk hitinqis X tracks very recent: tiic X tracks not recent: naac?aanu? yack?i I will follow the tracks: naacanu? ?aq?s yack?i X example: ?uuktis I take you as an example: ?uuktis sis? suuti? or suut tis sis? The word ?uuktis often being used as an affix:. X the example of one: c?iika?s?i? also c?iika t?ii?i?a It Xs from being bad: ?umisa?a??ink p?is?aq See Consequence, Cause. X, succeed someone: ha?uqh?s?i?Follower with ?uu?ukc?i He is a X of yours: ?uu?ukc?i?at?ic He has few Xs: kam?aa?is?uk qu?as; kam?aaqh??ic?at?is? ?uu?ukc?iatFolly See Foolish.Foment To put on Xations: ?aaq?aaqa; ?um?uumaFond To be X of: yaa?akuk with the affix c?i X the priest: lepletc?i To be X of food etc.: kaapap To be attached to persons or things: ya?akhFondle c?amii?; Masculine: hahaa?mac??ap: hahaa?mah?i?ap in general or Feminine: hahaa?maqsapFood ha?um X for a voyage: kuuk Take X: ha?uk To go for X: ha?um?i? or kuukwii? as above. No use as X, not X: wii?um See Eat. X left after meals at entertainment or invitation: maamut To work for grub only or X: haawa?iih? or haawak?ayiih?Fool To be a X: wikh?tin; hasi?a; hayuxs?i? To play X: wikh?tin t?ii?i?a To treat one as a X: wikh?tinsna?aa? To speak as a X: ?a?iih? wah?su?Fool To X play: ?u?uk?ink X cheat: suk?inkFoolish See Fool wiikaa? ?imaqstiFoolishly To do a thing X: wikh?tiniic?i? q?is; wah?s?i? ?imaqsti q?is; wikh?tinsi?aFoot ?is??in; ? ?a?aqhtum X of birds: wac?iic?ii In composition hii?i?hta as an affix. Shoes on X: s?us?uushta Cut X with axe: hiihishta Cut X with knife, glass: c??ic??iqhta Splinter in X: qaqaqhta Wash X: c?uc?um?hta Deformed X or sore preventing proper use of it: kinkin ? Club, crooked X: ? ?ii? ?inkhta Upper part of X: ? ?a? ?ah?tum The sole of X: ?ap?aac?u? (?is??in) Ankle: ?iis?ii Fore X: kuk?inksu Small: ?a?inh?ta?is Large X: ?a?iih?ta Four Xed: muumuup?i?qa?h?i Two Xed: ?a?a?p?i?qa?h?i Heel: hitaak?ik ?is??in X asleep: ?a?a?ink?atu X of a mountain: k?ik?imaqhtas?ik nuc?ii X of a tree: ?apmi?aq?as or k?ik?imaqhtas?ik suc??as Cut a tree at the X: ?um?aashta?ap Stand at the X of a tree: ?akiipic?as To go on X: yaacuk To cross a river on X: tumqpi? X mark: yack?i; yacyut To push with X: yacks?i? To put X into shoe: yacc?in?For Possession-It is X you: suw?aas?aq??ic -literally it will be yours-This dog is X you: suw?aas?ic or ?aq??ic ?inii? –better with the future than with the present. X end purpose, object: ?uu?atup; ?uu?umqa See Cause. X in favor of: c?ip Fetch water for somebody: c?ii?i?c?ip X instead of, price trade-I got a hat X my coat: ?uktaa?aq?uks hat yakuk nitiis coat. X motive: ?uuktaqa X no motive: wiiktaqa X nothing, gratis (+ free): wiikta?aq? To take one man X another: ?ana?ap I took him for Jim: ?ana?apnic Jim. To mistake X: ?uq?ip I mistook it X my coat: ?uq?ipnic siyaas coat. X is sometimes omitted although expressed in English, and is seldom used as a conjunction. X, after, in search of: ?un?aah?; ?uuch?a affixes. I was looking X you: sutn?aah? nic I was looking X you, wanted to see or speak to you: suuch?a mic X a certain purpose: ?u?ii; ?u?ip X a gift-See Gift- ?u?iima Fight X, quarrel X, dispute X: ?uksma?aqa In many cases see the proper term in its own place and avoid the word X eg: Do a thing X nothing, turn by saying Given nothing: wiksiyuh? Work X, say help, and see that word and so on. X a certain time by doubling ?uyi I want it X Christmas: ?u?uyumqas Christmas. I want it X sealing time: ?u?uyumqas yas?ma?Forbear kuwi??ap Let him do.Forbearance wik?iicmap No X: his?iicmapForbid haanuuk; wik?ap; y?umq?; wik?iiyap; qaanum?akForbidden numaak The X article of food eg: berries: nuut numaak kamum It is X, dangerous: ?uus?c?a? It is X: ?uus?c?a?h?i?is?Force To compel: haak?ayiih?a By X: p?iis?h?wa? To do a thing by X: p?is?x?s?i? To have X: haa?akForcible X speaker: haa?ak (waa)Ford X a river: tumqpi? from tumqs?i? Wade in a river: tumqaa A X: ?anaac?xpi?is?isFore Admonish hu?ak or n?ayiikwaa; cass?i?; haahuupa etc. with hu?ak or n?ayiikFore arm ?a?apc?uForebode hu?akwaa; n?ayiikwaa; hu?ak or n?ayiik; kamath?ic?i?Forecastle ?aapcuksForefather naniiqsu; nananiiqsu; hisack?i Our X (Adam and Eve): yaq?iiyic?kh qu?as; ?a?ummit qu?asForefinger k?upy?akForego To go before: ?uwii?i? yaacukForehead ?umtsaat?a hence to pour water on the X-Baptize: c?ic?aatinupForeigner k?isaath?Forenoon wikyuu ?apwin n?aas; kuu?a? c?aqc?u See Day.Forelock hiiniicForesee hu?ak n?aciic?i?; hu?ak hamips?i?; hu?ak kamath?iic?i? with the path hu?ak nic etc. Not to X: wiiwik?aq?; wiikcanu?; hayapa? X account for: ?uunis?ap - take it to be the consequence of.Forest hitaaq?as Into the X: hitaaq?i? Out of the X: hitah?tasForerunner ?uwii?i?Foretaste n?ac?pii?Foretell See Forebode.Forethought hu?ak waa?suq? Has no X: wik?a? ?imaqstiForever saac??inkch?a (?uuch?a saac??ink) saac??ink wit?as X no end: saac??inksasa; q?aasasa; saac??ink k?aaForget wikwinc?i?; ? ?uu?a?; ? ?uu?a?a A thing once known: hayumh?ic?i? X prayers: wic?iks?i?; wimataks?i? X leave behind eg: shoes in house: ? ?uu?i? and different affixes according to place. I forgot my coat (when we camped on beach): ? ?uu?is?inyaps coat. X lose the line of thought, not think of: wiikc?aanu? X go astray: hayap?a?s?i?; wikcay?ap X lose: pawa?s?i? X oneself, be silly: wikh?tinc?i?; hayuxs?i? X in speaking: wikcay?ap X thorugh carelessness, I X: wik?a?s I did not notice: wiik?a?uk nic also I do not know: wiiwiiku?aa?sForgetful Double first syllable and add affix ?iik ? ?uu? ?uu?a??iik; hayumh?i?iik; wiwiimatak?iik; or better to say: hahayumh?ic?i??iik; wiwiimataks?i??iik; wiwic?iks?i??iikForgive Say nothing about it: wiiwikwa Have no resentment: wikmiih?a; wiksuuq? Take pity: ?a?akmiiqstu? X: ?uyac?i? ?imaqstiFork qac??ak Table X: hawaac??akFork X for meat: qac??i?Forlorn ?uwaph?iForm ?uuqapu? To X: ?uuqapu??ap; ?uuqapu??i? To take a X: ?us?saah?taks?i? Take the X of a house: mah?t?ic?i?Forever yaq?iiyitq Past: yaq?iiyamit His X first wife: yaq?iiyakmit ?uucma Formerly With the past and ?a? X The Indians were strong: haa?aknit?is? ?a? qu?as X: hu?ak, hu?ak ?uyi X a long time ago: qii?a?i, hu?ak ?uyii qii?a?iFormless wikstup; wiksaahtak Nothing like it: wik t?i?i?aFornicate ?ih?naak; ?iih?nuk?i?; ?iih?syuc?i?Forsake ?ac?i?; wah?s?i? eg. A wayward son: t?ic?i?; t?iyaapForsooth ( + in truth, indeed) ?aan?iFort ? ?i?aqu?i?Fortitude haa?aksukstumFortunate c?umsi?a See Luck.Forty ?a?iiq See Two.Forward See Send hu?aca?ap; hinatsap Go X: yaacs?i? Push X (+ an object): ?ucuqsap In front, on vessel: hi?win Bold: wikmaap; h?acaakFoul See Dirty. Use X language: kukuwaqa; sasac?k?a; ?as?x?aatuk; ?a?as?x??aFoundation X of stone: muktqii X of wood: ?as?tqum To lay X of local houses: ?as?tqiinupFoundling wikiic t?an?a?is; k?um?uukt t?an?a?is Fountain c?akust?asFour muu See Two. In X parts: muus?taqyuFour footed muumuupi?qa?h?iFourteen h?ayu ?uh??iis? muuFour times muup?itFour Hundred muup?it suuc?iiq Old way: ?a?pitak h?ayuuqFourth muus?taqyuck?iFowl maamatiFowl eg: Anchors: k?uc?inks?i?Fraction See Fragment, Part and something more or above-with the affix ?uus?paa? One dollar and a X: nupqum? taala ?uus?paa? Twenty and a X: caqiic ?uus?paa? ma?apiFracture See Break.Fragment with affix ck?i X of food: ha?umck?iFragrant c?ump?uuqs; + c?amasp?uqsFrail wii?maa; ? X of people: wiiwinh?iFrame X of house old style: ?a?ah?wak mah?t?ii Break down X: kick?a?ap X of roof: sic?xp?atu; sic?xim Roof framed: sic?xyuu X for drying furs: c?ac?p?atuFrank t?aquq? To speak Xly: hawaa t?aaqyakatFraternize ?uqhyuu; ?aaph?iic?inkFraud nimis?yak ? To practice X: nims?a ?Freckled X face: c??u?c??uksu?Free Away from restraint: c?amaa?api Set X, no more chains, prison: ?iqpi? X with his money: yumiih?tak Not X with his money: c??iiq?nuk To X, liberate: ? ?iqpitapFreeze X of liquids: quxs?i? X of solids eg: potatoes: quwaqstu? Verb: quxsaap; quwaqstupFreight p?atquk Carry X in canoe: p?at?ah?s Land X: p?atqwi?t?a Carry, bring in X (to inside): p?atq?iityapFrenchman pasayuks?ath?Frequent X a certain companion: ?uuksc??i?in; ?u?uk?i X a certain house: hinii?i?s?i??a?Frequently taaks?i? Incessantly: qiic?i?; qiipit (often) I was X absent from mass: qiic?i?nic or qiip?itnic wik la messe X enough, I go X to mass: la messe sis??aa? with the affix ?aa? X: ?ayums I go X to Victoria: ?ayums sis? ?ucac?i? victoria The idea is better still expressed by doubling first syllable: ?uu? ?uca yiis victoria. See Abundance. Habit by the affix ?iik He is X sick: ta?i??iik?is? or ta?ik?is? X accustomed to: q?aasasa He comes X to see us: q?aasasa?is? hinii?i? hi?qin The frequentation form of all verbs is often employed by itself to express the idea.Fresh Recent, new: ?ah?ck?i; c?us?uk Meat, fish etc.: waastk No dry (soaked): ta?uk See Cool. Freshet c?aac?i?Fret To be Xting: ?uus?h?inat ?imaqsti; ?uus?wiq?; kikiis?h?i?at ?imaqstiFriction To make fire by X: sii?siiya (+ also the action of striking a match) X with matches: sic?i?Friday suc??ac?i?Friend Relation, (people) of one family, house: ?uqh?yuu; ?uus?hyums X live in the same house: ?uqh?yuu?i? Comrade: ?uksc?i?in; ?u?uk?i Loving eachother: yaak?ink; ?aaph?ic?ink; yaa?akuk Xs: ya?akstaa?; ?aaph?ictaa?Friendless qaqii?ak; wikiicma Become X: qaqii ?aks?i? (+ parentless); wikiicmiic?i?; c?awaaqh?yu; wikh?yuuc?i?Friendly ?aaph?i He is X to me: ?aaph?i?ac He is not X: wiiqh?i?ac; ?a?uu?ac (+ as though you didn’t exist) To be very X to somebody: ?iisaak Court friendship: ?aak?iih?; ?iisuk?i?; ?iisaakFriendship Give signs of X, as often done by women: ?inaak; ?a?aaph?iwa; nuniq? ? Pay a visit of X: ?ah?t wit?as; ?ah?t?asFright Take X: tuuh?s?i?; c??ihats?i? Run away through X: puk?i?Frighten tutuuh?syup; tuuh?saap; c??ihatsap X drive away: cass?i?Frightful tutuh?suh?ta; ?uus?m?aqyuFringe X of shawl: c?iisa?umFroer wic??ak To use a X: wiic?i?; wii?wiiyaFrog wa?it Toad: mux?apiih? wa?itFrom X place: hiistm?a X time: hisam?a X where?: waastm?a X where?: waasq?iima I am X Victoria: histaqs?i?s victoria. Where do you come X?: waastaqs?i?k Since (from) when is N become chief?: waasq?iima h?aw?ic?i? Since (from the time of) Christmas: hisam?a?is? (or ?uy?i ma?is?) christmas. I am X Belgium: histaths Belgium. Where are you X?: waastathk In the above his the plural is hiyiis – hist’at Plural: hiyiistath To fall X: hisap’its?i? To take X the table: hiisti? suk?i? hawacsacum X midnight: hisam?a also ?uy?ima ?apwin ?ath?i X is also often included in the Indian word itself to which it has reference eg: I know it X John: ?u?umt?aqas john. Whom do you know it X?: ?a?ac?amutaqakk I heard it X you: susutmutaqas I received it X John: ?uuc?uqs john or n?ah?i?at nic john. To bleed X the mouth: h?iiswah?su?; ?uwah?su? – came X Blood: h?ismis To go X one place to another: pisatukFront See Face. X of the house: hiichinh?sa Near X of house: hi?sii?as To come in X of anybody meet: ?apstac?inks?i? To be in X: ?a?umh?ic?i?Frost White X: k??imac Ground covering with white X: k??imacs?i? X: quux; quux?aa Injured, killed by X: quuxk?ac?i?Frosty X country: ma?nit; quuxnitFroth See Foam.Frown c??ii?aFruit kamum To bear X eg: apples: hacha?umqhsa Begin to bear X: hacha?um?aqhcin? Different Indian fruits (See Berries) hisinwa; situp; qawii; hast?aac?i; sinumxsyic; p?ap?a?is; y?am?a; munisaq Raspberries: qaqawas?k?uk; kaa?qawiiFrugal ?atkaak; ?aatks?i?Fry ciix?aa X pan: ciix?ac??ak; + ciixsac Salmon X: nixtin (+ eggs) Live X: t?aatna?is cuwitFuel q?ic?ii?h?aah?Fugitive c??ii?s?i?ck?i X hiding (in bush): c??iiyaaq? ?i?Frustrate Disappoint, defeat: hinmi?ap; wikiitmii?ap; ? ; ?aakwii?apFull X in the strict sense: k?am?aa It’s used for liquids, solids, persons etc. So you can say of a bottle, a trunk, a house, It is X: k?am?aa?is? or It got X: k?amin??is? or again To fill it up entirely: k?am?aanup X improperly, contains etc. not strictly X: 1. ?uc?uu for solids 2. ?uc?uu for liquids. 1. A box full-containing potatoes: qawicc?u ?ah?iqs or ?uc?uu qaawic 2. A barrel X of containing water: c??ac?uu ma?um? or ?uc?uu c??a?ak 1. Not X (solids): wikc?uu 2. Not X (liquids): wihc?uu Not X yet containing a larger or smaller quantity or number: wiisc?uu for both liquids and solids. X other ways are by determining state of Xness or manner thereof eg: X hard: ?i?kc?uu Half X, see Half. X no room left: pi?c?uu X pressed: ?i?kc?uu X one on top of other, no room: tus?qc?uu A house X of people: tus?qi? etc. A X day: ha?atup n?aas X eating: n?isaakFully Entirely: ?umaaq?; c?amihta Nothing short: haaq? ? X twenty dollars: haaq?qum? ? caqiicqum? taalaFun 1. To say a thing for X; ?umc??ap 2. To make X of: ? ?i?iixsumc? Play: ?umc??aaqmis Pleasant: ?uqmis For X eg: Play cards: wiiwikmasFunny hiitkina (to see) Jolly: ?u?uqc?yak The X man of the Indians: ?uuqh?ii Talk X: ?uuq?atukFur p?uuq?umyamumFurious p?ip?iyac?i?apiFurnish X with food for a trip: kuuk?ayi See Food.Furniture X of old Indian house: mamac?u To furnish a house: h?iihiqnaksapFurrow c?usaanu?Further To go X: ?ucaqs?i? To put X: ?ucaqsap Distance X: n?acuk?i?Furtively haptc?yaq? Go X: haptaaqc?ikFuture In the X: ?uus?yuya when determined: ?uyi; ?um?a?ii; ?um?a?ii?aq?GGain See Earn ?us?iip; ?u?iih? X proceeds from ?ukt X get nearer: ?ih?asi?s?i? X in gambling: hita?ap; hita?itap X one game, two etc.: nup?it; ?a?p?it Everything, every game: hiiy?itap X by: ?us?syuh?; ?usyuh?; + ?usaah?i What do you X by praying?: ?aqisah?ik X nothing: wiiksah?i X much: ?iih?saah?i; ?ayasah?i Some X, profit made: ?um?aas He X has along much food: ?ayamaas?is? ha?um He X nothing: wiikmaasGale See Wind wiiqsiiGall + X bladder: kiistumcGallon c?iiy?aky?ak Relate how many X: ?unac?iqh? Measure by X: c?ic?i?; c?ii?c?iiyaGallop muuqmuuq?aGallows m?aaqinupy?akGamble haana?a (+ bone game) X with cards: ? ?aax?? ?aax?a X women’s dice: ?uu? tuuya X men’s dice: h?iixh?iix?a (+ they used dentalium) X for: ?uc?aas; ?u?ums X for something: ?u?uus?c?as; ?u?uus?mas X for nothing: wiwikc?as; wiwikmaas To gain in gambling: hita?ap; hita?itap; ? Gained by gambling cards: ? ?ax??ukt with ?ukt etc. To lose: hita?i?; ma?ak?ac?i? etc. with the affix k?ac?i? Gained by gambling with the affix ?ukt haana?a?ukt; ? ?ax??ukt; ?uu?tuya?uktGambling X place: haana?aquwi?; ? ?ax?uwi?Gambler haana?aq?; ? ?ax??aq? also with the affix ?iikGame Animals pursued by sportsmen: ?iih?mis X toy: kakaana; ?umc??aqy?ak Play one X (cards): nup?itca?i? Play two Xs: ?a?p?itca?i? with the affix c?a?i? Gain one X: n?up?ithita?ap Gain two Xs: ?a?p?ithita?ap Lose one X: n?up?it hita?i? Lose two Xs: ?a?p?it hita?i? Indian X practiced when buying women: tuupaatsna?aa? ?uksna?aa? means to play with and is used as an affix. See Play. X practiced by Indian children-play house keeping: maamaak’inaGander c?akup qaqupGangrene ?ic?k?ac?i?Gap kuwaq?Garden ? ?ayaqaq X seed: tuk??asy?akGargle To X: c?uma?c?uq A X: c?uma?cuqy?ak X: m?uqs?i?Gash ?aa?iiqak from ?aa?ii wound, and qak an affix meaning “very large” X with knife c??i?ii X with an axe: hiswii with the affix ?ii expressing the instrument.Gate Door: t?as?iiGather his?umyuup See Fetch. X stand, come around (inside): hucwaaq?i? X stand, come around (outside): hucwaak?as X pick berries: c?ayix See Berries with ?ap or ?iih? X eg: carrots: ?u?u?iih?Gathering See Assembled, Band etc.Gave See Give. He X it to me: ?uucuks (literally His I have) He X it to somebody: ?uus?siih??iipnit He X it to his father: ?u?iipnit n?uwiiqsak He X it to me: si?iipnit Which he X to me: yaq?ii?atnicGay c?aht?aq?; ?u?uqc?yak; ?aaph?iiGaze n?aca with the relative ?unak?uh? What do you X at?: ?aaqinak?uh?k n?aca or simply ?aaqinak?uh?k from See.Geld k?ita?upGelded k?itk?a?Geneology yaqck?ii or yaqck?iimitGenerally In general-seldom not: wiimii?wik X it rains in the winter: wiimii??is? wik mi?s?i? c?u?ic?h? X: ?ana?i?aGenerate t?an?ac?i? hence bring forth t?an?anaks?i?Generous ?inmiih?tak X in trading: ?aayikGentle X of people, not lively: ?umk??iik X of animals: ?aaph?iiGently ?uu??uu?aGenuflect (+ to bend the knee to the floor) ? ?iqpi?Genuine Not mixed: ?anah?tinGestation During X: ?unic?iq ?iciitGesticulate ?i?iikma?apiGet Possess with the affix ?unaak; ?unaaks?i? I X a wife: ?uc?naaks?i?s I got tobacco: q?is?naaks Get him to go: yac?ap?i with the affix ?ap?i See Fetch. X become (see): s?i?; c?i?; stu? X fat: ? ?aacac?i? X afraid: tuuh?s?i? X angry: ?uus?suuqstu? Get in the sense of catch, gain, possess, receive etc. see those words; also different adverbs as employed in connection with X. X up (wake up): ?upks?i? + Get up: + t?iqpi?Ghosts c??ih?aa applied by Indians to all kinds of ghosts, bad spirits, anything mysterious etc.Giant ?iih?p?iitaqGiddy (+ dizzy) hayiiqu? Light headed: c?as?kuu?Gift Not yet made with affix ma; ?ik or maak when received with the affix ?ukt ie: A present to be made, an article intended to be made a present of: nah?iima Destined as a X at a feast: p?ac?ak A present that was received or made: nah?ii?ukt A X for somebody determined: ?u?iimak I intend this as a present for John: ?u?iimaks ?ah?kuu john A X received on the occasion of a marriage: ?uc?h?aa?ukt A X (thrown in after a bargain): ?ayumGimlet (+ small hand tool) citky?akGird See Belt. X oneself: t?apwin?Girdle X for women’s dresses: ?’apc?ikwinc?ikGirl Not a boy: ?uc?saah?tak A little X: ?utsac; ?utsaana X above seven: haak?aa??is X near or about twelve: ?i?iicnah? X at time of menstruation: ?iic?aata X later: haak?aa? X spinster: ?uc?k?a?Give X a present: n?ah?ii X food: qaaci Distribute food about in a feast: nus?i? X in a feast (extra gift): p?ac?i?; p?aa?paaya X a potlatch (and ordinary gifts therein): nus?i? X before a potlatch to the one who gives the feast: hina? – To gift for such an occasion: hina?y?ak – afterwards: hiina??ukt See Gift. X to eat (in a feast): ? ?iic?u X a feast on the occasion of the menstruation of a young woman: ?iictuu? ?uus?t?uu? (undetermined) or ?ut?uu? (determined) is used in connection with a feast at which food, blankets etc. are given (as a relation) and means in the name of, or honour of eg: Be family who have a girl that becomes of age – give “a feast of gifts” in her honour. They call it: ?iict?uu?a – In honour of one that is pregnant: ?iict?uu?a etc. X the act of handing over: hinii; ?ayi; ?iyi; ?uyi and ?u?iip are used with hinii and also by themselves. I will give you money: taala qayi?aq?s suuti? Give it to Tom: hinii?u?iip tom I gave it to Tom: ?u?iip?a?nic tom See Entertain. X make gifts to relatives of sons or daughters in law: ya?as?uk, such a gift is called: ya?as?um; ya?as??ukt See Gift. X after a bargain: ?ayami X throw in with a generous will: tuy?ii (from tuk?i? and ?uyii) X up, abandon idea: wikiic?i?; hatuss?i?; ?ac?i? X up in defeat: ?aak??iih?s?i?; wi?aks?i? X back: hu?ayii X up in despair: hinips?ii?ah?; hit?iih?s?i?; hiinahap?aah? – cannot do it, X it up. He gave me something: ?uus?ayatnic What did he X you?: ?aqiyatnik The relative with the different terms to express the meaning of “give” is ?uyi (or ?ayi; ?iyi) He gave me a book: ?uyi?ac nah?ii book. What did he give you (food): ?aqiiyatnik qaaci I do not know what it was: hayumh?is q?iyii?atnitiis A. The imperative “give” let me have, is : kaa?a; kaa?is I give it to you (take it): maa B. To make a number of gifts is expressed by hitak?i? - after they are given away. I gave him five blankets: suc??aq?i?nic (k?achaq) C. Also with the affix k?at or k?ac?i? He received five blankets: suc??ak?at?is? Glad nas?aak; ?u??at ?imaqsti X to see (the arrival) somebody: ?ayah?u?aa? We are X that you came: tayah?u?aa? nis? suuti? X news: ?u? ?uyaqh?mis an expression in frequent use by people upon receiving something wishing to say they are glad - thankful: ?uus?naaks?i?s or ?uus?naaksap?ic siic?i?Glance qass?i?Glaring (+ bright) h?as; hamatGlass The original word was h?iin?a (+ crystal) A X bottle: h?iin?aqum? X window: kuku?uh?sum Lamp X: ?aqum X: kii?uuk; c??aak?um?Glean (+ collect or scrape together news, gossip etc.) ?aas?aaGlittering h?as; pathakGlobe hupkum?Gloomy wis X weather: ? To feel X: wii?aq?; wiiwiiquk Get X: wii?aqstu? A X heart: wii?aq? ?imaqsti; s?iiwa?uk ?Glorify To praise: c?ac?ummisa; c?um?apGlory c?umq??acy?i; ka?mis; c?umh?mis He glories in it: c?umq? ?acy?i?uk?is?Glove ?u?c?uuc??ik To put on Xs: ? ?uu? ?u?c?in? To take off X: hitaatup ? ?u?c?uuc??ikGlue k??icy?i To X: k??itsaap X to, X sticking: k?inaasi?; k??ininkGlutton ?ay?inqGluttony ?ay?inqmisGnash X the teeth: m?am?aac?k?in (+ also teeth chattering)Gnats tanakmisGnau (+ insect larvae) siicminGnaw ma?ak?a?ap X (of mice): ?aktk?a?apGo (walk off) yaacs?i?; yaacuk; yaacaa with affixes according to localities. See place eg: beach: yacis X outside above high water mark: yaacumh?uus X outside: yac?as; yacmaas etc. X away, move camp: s?ii?uk X somewhere determined: ?ucayuuk X somewhere undetermined: ?uca?ap or ?uus?ciyuuk X stay away: yacmuup X on a walk: yaacma?api X on a voyage: ?iiqs; ?atwaa X call upon somebody: ?u?ii; ?aah?tma?api I went to see John: ?u?iimic john X in a house: hinii?i? X outside: hinii?as X out of inlet – outside: ? ?aa?in? X to inlet: ? X by: y?acpaa; y?acp?iq X and see: nas?i? X after: hiihin?iih?s?i? X a high elevation, hill: yacp?its?i? X with an object in view eg: to eat: hawaas with the affix ?; wit?as; ?u?is; ?as; ?is Latin: ? X and tell: waa wit?as X alone: ?anac?ink X husband and wife: hicnupink X down to beach: hitinqsi? X away undetermined: ?uus?cac?i?; ?uus?cayuuk X and follow a certain course with the affix c?ik or the prefix hisiik eg: close on shore: hisiik?a X through forest: hisaqtu See the different words which accompany X eg: X astray, on board, along, canoe, fetch etc. X imperative: c?a?aa??a?c?i X ahead: cuyaa? – implies as company eg: John comes for Jim. Jim says to John “I will accompany you.”: cuyaa? or cuyaa??a?c?i The plural of c?i is cuGoad (+ A long stick with pointed end) qac??akwih?taGoat mumukk?ukGod haa?api h?aw?i?; hinaayi?c?i h?aw?i? hawi?a yi?um is the best and most correct word. Unfortunately I found an Indian woman so called in Hesquiat and therefore I avoided the use of “ hawi?a yi?um.”Goitre huuy?uu?Gold kuuna A X watch: kuunakh?tin watch X ring: kuunakum? k?uk?uupsumGood ?u? X taste: c?amas; c?amasp?a? X to eat: ha?um X for something: ?uus?saah?tak; ?uus?c??ak X for nothing: wiksaah?tak; wikc??ak – of no use. X right: ?iinumsa Become X: ?iinums?iic?i?; ?uyac?i? X not cross: ?aaph?i; c?umxtak c?um as a prefix implies the idea of X – well, favourable, useful etc. and is often used in the form of c?um or c?am ?im has the opposite meaning and use. For X, do a thing for X: nism?a?ap Go away for X: saac??inkch?a Stay away for X: ?acmuups?i?; ?acuks?a?s?i? the prefix ?ac for X.Goods X in a store: maktuup X luggage: p?atquk X in general: q?iqq?iiqGoose qaqup (+ swan) h?uqsum; mixtaapih?; ? ?istah?Gooseberry mi?ka?umGore ma?s?i? Xd by a cow: ma?s?i?at muusmuusGospel ?uuc wawaac??ak jesus ChristGot See Get.Gouge kuh?c?uu; c?ux?y?akGovern ?uu?a?uk; + ?uu?a?ukhsi Xor: tayii h?aw?i?Gown Women?s X: ?uuc?iisy?ak coatGrace See Favor.Graceful k??itaa A X Bishop: k??itaa?is? bishopGracious Merciful ?a?akmiiq??iikGrain Seed: tuuk??asy?akGrand X father, mother, uncle, aunt: naniiqsu X son, daughter, nephew, niece: k?aa?uc X X son etc.: ?ayacqumGrant See Give, Allow. Not deny: wiiwiiya?inaGranted ?ah??iiya; c?uu kuwi?aGrasp suk?i?; hiinah?in; suu See Take.Grass General name: ? ?aqapt Different kinds: c??itapt; ?aqmapt Sea X: k??inyumc Mow X: c??im?aasGrassy ? ?aqa?as; c??itap?as; ?aqma?asGrasshopper muumuuwac?k?inGrate c??ii?c?uuGrateful To thank: ?atiqs?i? X thankful: wisi?at ?imaqstiGratis (+ for free, no charge) wikta?aq?Grave Dig a X: c?ustii?itap; + c?us?itap; maaqy?akyak?i? To put into X: c?uyitapGrave To look serious: ?aanaqh?u? Quiet, firm: ?iih?p?iit Commit a X offense: ?ih?syuuc?i?Gravel mukumcGravelly X beach: muk?aqisGraveyard maqyaqu?; maqyak?as; + ?a?ak??as; + piicksy?i qu?asGravy ?aqmisGray c?asum? X hair: c?ayup X beard: c?asaksu?Grease ?aqmisGrease Verb: ?aqs?i? ; ?aqsaap Plural: ?aqc?aqs?i?Greasy ?aqa? See Dirty for affixes. Having been greased: ?aqc?uu; hatyu Slippery: ? ?aska?; ? ?askum? and other affixes. X flag pole: ? ?askma?asGreat See Big also Glutton. A X eater, always eating: h?aw?ik A X sumptuous eater: ?ayinq X great grand descendants: 1. ?ayacqum 2. ?ucqum 3. ?a?asumGreatly ?anaqh?; c?amih?ta with the affix pa and doubling the first syllable. He is X ashamed: ?ii?iihapi?is? ?inmiih?aGreedy See Glutton ya?iih? Do not be so X: hu?i?a?iyaa?iih?Green Colour: c??isyuqak X wood: ta?uk X planks: ?uph?ak X not ripe: c??a?uus?Green continued…. X fresh: ta?uk X inexperienced X horn: hahaayu?ii He is X yet: hahaayu?ii?is? ?iiqh?iGreenish c??isyuq t?anaGreet ?ayah?u?aa? From the Chinook ?ah?uwyaGrid Iron ?Grief To cause X: ?ak?aa?ap ?imaqsti To grieve: ?ak?aa?at ?imaqstiGrimace ( + A sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust) hayiiqs? haw?i?u? ? Do not make X: wikii hayiiqs? haw?i?u? ?Grin m?ac?ks?i?; m?ac?kmaac?ka X on face: m?ac?kuu?Grind X teeth: c?iic?kma?ink X a knife: k?ic?i?; k?ii?k?iiya X coffee: quxck?a?apGrind Stone tin?a; m?uksy?i tin?a; mitx?aa tin?a q?ic?akGripe m?ac?i? X of bowels: m?ac?ii?at taac??a or better to say maa?m?ayac t?aac??a Seize, take hold of: suu?ac?i?Grizzly Bear naaniGroan X with anger: h?inqh?inqa; tata?in X with pain: ? ?ink? ?inka See Sigh.Groove c??ici Tongue: c??iitcuqumGroin sit?a X of people: hinas?ak?iGrope (+ To feel around) ?u?ukGrotto ?a?i?Ground Land: nism?a; c?isumc On the X (outside): ?ust?as On the X (inside):?ust?ii? Tree lying on the X: ?u?w?as Sitting on the X: n?i?as; ?u?as as an affix if outside and other affixes according to locality. To run aground (of a vessel): nisa?Grouse huwiik; humhumaGrow ? ?aaqac?i?; X bigger: ?iiwac?i? X fast: yuus?aac?i? X slowly: nawaci? Full Xn: ?unuuwiic?i?; wiinapu? X a patch: ? ?ay?asnak; ? ?ayaqak X well: c?um?ii? X not well: yum?ii? X to be a man: qu?iic?i? See Become, Produce.Growl X of a dog: h?inqaa See Groan ?a?iiqs? Find fault: yawaac?i? A Xer: yayaawiik; k?aa?k?aa?a; k?a?s?i?Grown X of plants, grass: ? ?aqak X of people, animals: wiinapu?Grumble yawaac?i?; q?aaqmiih?a Scold: cici?in Snub: wis?ks?i?; wiis?k wiis?ka At what do you X?: ?aqic?i?k yawaac?i?Guard Take care of: ?uu?a?ukGuardian ?uu?a?ukh?siGuess t?aat?aap?ata; ciqs?i? (speak) Indians gambling X point finger: k’upc?i? X right: k??ats?i? X wrong: ?i?aap X at random: ?anas?tis Point finger: k?upc?i? or speak out: ciqs?i? or waa etc.Guest wiina; wiitah?ma A X living with a certain family: wiikp?iic? In conversation the Indians speaking of guests – say who invites entertains etc. You or by whom are you entertained etc. for which see which entertains etc. Whose Xs are you?: ?ac?a?atsuu yaci??at or hinumc?u?at etc. Guide A X: nac?ii?uk?ish?si X on road: t?as?iish?si I want a X: ?un?aahs nac?i?uk?ish?sum I will be your X: nac?ii?uk?ish?si?aqs suuti? See Accompany, Conduct, Show.Guilt ?i?aamisGuilty To be X of (determined): ?uksyuuc?i? To be X of adultery: ?iih?syuuc?i? To be X of something: ?uus?p?iq X of nothing: wikp?iq (innocent) What is he X of? turn and say why!: ?a?aaqumh? He was X of stealing: kuuwi?syuuc?i?nit Speaking to several – Who is X?: ?ac?aqnih?suu or ?ac?a?as?t q?isGum Pitch: ?is?c?iip Chew X: ?iic?iis?a Hemlock X: ? ?aaciipGums c?iic?aan?umGun Generic name: puu Hammerless X: ? ?aa? ?askum? (puu) Double barrel X: ?a?iny?uk Breech loader : qatqats? One barrel X: nup?i?ink Flint X: ?uh?aksu? Rifle: t?aaq?iiyu? or n?un?upqum?ac?ik Revolver: sitx?aa X shots – shot X powder: mutc?usik Bullets: pat?iiwa Load X: tuucinup; tuc?uu (+ loaded) To level a X: kih?s?i? To fire a X: ? ?ic?i?; ? ?iic? ?iiya The X starts: ? ?i? ?ita; ? ?i?uus The X bursts, explodes: k?ah?s?i? (puu) X not loaded: wikc?uu X does not go off – cap snaps: c??uh?s?i? Cock the X: puusksaap Cocked: puuskyuu Report of a X: ? ?i?a? I hear the report of a X: ? ?i?a??is? n?a?aa?atGush k?axs?i?; k?axaa; k?aaxk?aaxa; sic?i?; sii?siiya; c?aa; c?aac?i?; ?uh?s?i?; ?uh??uuh?a X forth an abundance of blood: tumas?ks?i? ; ? ; mas?kaaGut c?iyup HHa haHabit with the affix ?aa? He has the X of going to church on Sunday: sunday?is??aa? with the affix ?iik doubling first syllables. The Hesquiahts have the X of keeping Sunday: saasunday?iik?is? hisk?ii?ath? Another affix is c?i It is the X of the Indians: q?aaq?ac?i?is? quu?as To have X – like: ?u?uk?i He has a X of fishing: ?a?acyuc?i?is? or ?u?uk?i?is? ?acyuuHabituated Accustom: ?ay’a?; ?a?aay?a? Not X: wiiy?aa?; wiiwiiy?a?Habitually See Habit.Haggard X looking: s?iqaaHail haa?inc?i?Hail kaacs?i? X stones: kacuminHail Greet – X Mary: ?a?a marie Addressed to inferiors: k?aac?is ( + To call out in order to stop , attract attention) - k?aac??is; k?aac?is ?aah??in (Nootka.)Hair hapsyup Grey X: c?ayup Horse mane: haapinum?ak kiwitaana Plenty X: nas?um? Little X: w?a?um? X falling out: k??aqs?i?; k??aqaa Curly X: ?atxum? X tied up old fashion: c??uuc?qiic Long X: yaqsum? Short X: nitsum??is X cut half long: mutyuu Xless: ?asum? Xy: haapin? X cut short: c??iiqum? Bang: c??iiqiic Cut X: mutsaap; c??iiqumyuup X in disorder, hard to comb: k??atiqum? X oiled: hatyuu X split in the middle: t?as?uu? Black Xed: tumkik White Xed: ? ?iisik ik is an affix descriptive of head, color, size etc. ?iih?ik (large head) ? ?iisik (white X) Pull by the X: c??in?i? X bells worn by young women or girls: huhupka?um One wearing them: huhupksitu?; huhupka?aHale (+ Free from illness) wiiksah?iiHalf X of round objects: k?ah?waat X a dollar: k?ah?waat taala X moon: k?ah?waat hupa? X: qatwaat X breed: qatwaat mama?nii X: aph? as a prefix or root is often used and takes different affixes according to localities, objects etc. eg: A barrel X full: ?aph?t?ac?u See Full. The X of a house: ?aph?tii? mah?t?ii X way, on beach: ?aph?tiis X way outside: ?aph?ta?as X canoe: ?aph?taks Divide in half: ?aph?taa?ap See Cut, Divide. Divided in equal parts: aph?ta?ak; aph?tac?i? More or less than X (undetermined): ?uus?c?uwat More or less than X (determined): ?uuc?uwat X a part: p?atqwaat X (of potatoes) are rotten: p?atqwaat?is? ?iic?k?ac?i? John is X crazy (looks like crazy): wiiwikhtin?is? john (+ literally John is crazy.)Halloo (+ a shout to attract attention) naa (+ pronounced as a shout); h?ii (+pronounced as a shout); + h?uu (+pronounced as a shout) I say: ?a?wa ? ; ?a?wac? ?Halo ? ?iitinkHalt See Stop.Halibut p?u?i Dry X: p?ux?as?t; ?ap?as?t Fish X: kiikii?at?ah? ; p?up?u?iih?; + kiikii?at?iih?Halter m?a?ih?tumHam X of pig: ?apcaqs kus?uu X in general: ?apcaqsHammer ? ?ap?iqy?ak; c?icky’ak Indian stone X: pinh?pinh? To X: ?apiqs?i?Hand kuk?inksu; ? ?u? ?uh?nukum To lay X upon head eg: in baptism consecration: ? ?uh?qin? Flat of X (palm): ? ?uh?c?aasqin? Right X: c?umcaas; + c?umcuut Left X: qacaas; + qacuut Both Xs: hiis?caas Shake X: susink?i? Stretch X: ? ?ath?? ?aath?nuk?i? The affix n?uk or nik is descriptive of hands - double first syllable eg: To have cold Xs: m?am?aa?n?uk To have dirty Xs: c?ic?is?xn?uk Slap X in face – open X, as denoted by ? ?uh?; ? ?uh?ma?u? Touch with X: ?u?s?i? a word very often used in reference to Indian doctors. Push with X: c?ats?i? Open Xs: suuyac?i?; susuyink?i? Close X: taaqs?i? X closed: taaqink Hold in X: ? Wash the X: c?uc?ink; ? Has (anything in) Xs: ?uq?n?uk as an affix and relative – He has a gun in X: puuq?n?uk What has he in his X?: ?aqaq?n?uk I do not know what he has in X: hayumh?is q?iiq?n?ukii Splinter in X: qaaqstu?Handy ?uus?c??ak An Indian chisel is X: ?uus?c??ak?is? k?ayaax?as To have something X, useful: c?umnaak It was X for him: c?umts?i?nit X not hard – easily reached etc.: c?ama?c?a Lucky, come in handy, just strike it: h?as?pa? That piece of driftwood comes in X as I had no more firewood: h?as?pa??is? yaqii k?axnii wiknits?i?nic ?inksy?iHandcuff ma?y?ak To put in Xs: mama?h?i?apHandful qaqaatk?in?ukHandkerchief ciisiicum; maa?iicum (bandage fashion) X nose: nisky?ak X for mouth: taxy?akHandle ?ac?p?um X of a kettle, pot: maamaa?inum To break a X: k??ap?uup To put on a X: ?ac?p?uup To X eg: a canoe: ?uksna?aa? To X hold: suu To X people: ququ?aca?uk X of a spear: mi?cy?iHandsome c?amash?iHang The root k?u; k?uc?i?, hooked to, stuck to, is used – from the fact that anything hanging is hooked to, attached to another object hence say X an object up: k?uupup The object Xing (inside): k?uupi? To X up (inside): k?uupi??ap X not from a hook or nail etc. eg: X linen on a line: ?aak?apup X a man by neck: maaqinup X oneself: ?u?uk?ah? maaqiinuu? X down with the head: caaqapi Feet tied: mamaqh?ta X lean of a tree: hiinapi X down fruit from branches: hichi?h?c?a; ?anapi In connection with Xing the affix maa?api is sometimes used in case of the item swinging about or loose – the lamp Xing there: yaa?api lampHangings ?iicanum; ?iica?i?umHanker k?aapc?a? X after: ?uh?saaHappen What Xed?: ?aqish? It Xed accidentally: ?anu?aa?nic q?is I do not know how it Xed: hayumh?is q?isii What Xed to you?: ?aqish?k Something Xed to him: ?uus?p?iq?is? What Xed?: ?aqip?iq Nothing Xed: wikp?iq?is? Of anything unfortunate: yumqumyuu? X strange: ?uyasi?a Xed to meet the case: ?aapcanaks?i? X is often expressed by k?a?s?i? It X always rain on Sunday: k?a?s?i? mi?s?i? sunday ?a?quu With affix ?u?as?t – Who Xed to discover the fire (who was the first): ?ac?i?as?t n?aciic?i? ?inkHappiness ?uu?aq?mis; ?uu?aqstum; c?umq?mis; c?umqstum To give X: c?umqstup; ?uu?aqstupHappy To be X, rejoice: nas?aak; c?axt?aq?; c?umc?uu?aq?; c?umq?; ?u?aq? X to meet (a friend): ?ayah?u?aa? (?us?i?) I am X to hear that you are all well: ?uyac?ii?ac ?imaqsti ?incuu t?aaqwaa wiiks?ah?iHarbor In X: hitasus Channel to X: yuu?Harbinger (+ anything that foreshadows a future event) hamatkumHard X to the touch: k??ipa?a X of clothes: ? ?i?ka? X of swellings, boils: ? ?i?k?uk X of stones, rocks: qatk Boils: kutkak; qatk?aq? Bed: quti?; qutak Tough (meat): c?aah; qat Stiff, X to bend, break: qus?uk eg: excrements: nas?uk; nas?qak Not breakable, of nails: ?aniq Difficult: ?uus?cuk X work: hiix?atmis I find it X: hiix?aa?aks We found it X: hiix?aa min nis? or hiix?aa?ak min nis? Too X: nasa? Could not be done: w?imaaq?nit?is? To X to be done: wim?aaq??at Too X we gave it up: ciik??aq? min nis? Work X: ?anaqh? ?uus?taq X desperate case: wiikuu X to know: wim?aaq??a? kaamathakHarden See Hard with Become qatk?aqstu?; qatk?ac?i?; + qaatac?i?Hardened qatk?aq?Hard Hearted wiiwiikumaq??iikHard Headed ?uus?suuq? Stubborn: ?asx?aaHard Eared ?upuu?Hardly ?usi?a He X escaped death: ?usi?a?is? tiic? haacuuh?i; haacuuh?i?is? tiic? He would hardly do it: ?ay?aqs?i??is? q?isHardship hiix?atmis It is a X: ?uus?cuk?is?Harelip ?itsukHarlot To whore: ?u?uk?ah? maky?ak; hayuxs?i? ?uucma; hiis?iic ?iiwiiqsu slang – madhouse?aqsup Harm To hurt: wiiqsi?a; wiiqhaap He did me X, He killed my horse: wiiqsi?a?atnic qah?saap?a?uks kiwiitaana I am doing no harm: wiksi?as To suffer X: ?uus?k?ac?i? To do X in general: ?i?uk?i?; ?i?iic?i? There is no X in it: wik?iis? ti?aamis also wikiitmisHarmless Good natured: ?aaph?i; wiiy?a ? ?ask?i?; wiiwiksi?a?iikHarness m?amaaq?akumHarsh To speak Xly: ?usaqsu?; X: p?is?a?uk ?Harpoon qah?iita; X for sealing: kuku?um? X for whaling: tiqum? ? Use the X: c?axs?i?Hasten Do a thing in a hurry: yuus?uutaqu?; yuu?yuus?iya See Hastily c?as?ks?i? See hurry yuxtaaHastily yuus?uutaqu? To do X: yuus?inks?i?Hat ciyapuxs X on: hatuks Head uncovered: wikuxs To put on X: ciyapuxsi?; ciciyapc?in? Uncover head: wikuxs?i? Imperative - Take off X: wikuxsi??i Relative yaquxs What X will you put on?: wayaquxs?aq?ikHatch Get alive: qu?iic?i?; qu?ac?aqstu?Hatchet ? ; ? ; ?Hate yaaq? X, to have a grudge: ?amiih?a The reason I X: ?u?inq? - Relative Why do you X him?: ?a?aaqinq?k yaaq? I X him because he killed my brother: ?u?unq?s yaaq? qah?saap mit yaqukiis ka?aatik; + ?uunuu??is? yaaq? qah?saap mit yaqukiis ka?aatik X, to refuse to see: c??ac??iis?ukHated X (by everybody): yaaq?sma ?Hateful Worthy of hatred: tataaq?win?aq??at; yaaq??at; yaaq?cum?atHatred I have no X against you: wiksiis? yaaq? suuti?Haughty (+ proud, arrogant) kuc?x?aaHaul c?iic?i? in general with many affixes and necessary changes: A few examples – X up a canoe upon landing to prevent it from floating away: c?ii?c?iiqsap X (canoe) to beach: c?iisc?iis?ap X canoe to dry land: wih?c?iisanup X canoe to water eg: when the tide begins to rise: c?iicsanap X canoe from bush: c?iihtitap ? X canoe into bush: c?iiq??itap X canoe into shady place: m?aa?c?iisanup X up a sail: c?iipup X in partly – sail: c?iitah?sip X up: c?iimisanup X frequentation: c?ii?c?iiya (+ pull) Imperative: c?iic?ii?i X hard: ?anaqh?c?ii See Pull, Drag, Draw.Have To possess with the prefix ?unaak or the affix ?ak; ?uk; ?ik; k I X a house: ?unaaks mah?t?ii or mah?t?iqn?aks X having reference to the qualities of the body or limbs is expressed by the affix ?at I X fine eyes: ?u??ac qaasi An example with ?uk and ?at He X a good wife. She has a good temper: ?u?uk ?uucma ?u??at?is? ?imaqsti X in the sense of to X in his holding – who has my book?: ?ac?a?atuks ?uupwin?at book Have, keep, hold: ?uupwin hence Appropriate – X and not return: ?acapwin (+ somebody that won’t give it back.) To X as…I X Mary as my wife: ?uhuks ?uucma mary – Mary is my wife I have no children: wikii tuks t?aatn?a?is 1. Not to have, to be short of it – in want of: ?uu?atu I X no axe – being in need of one: ?uu?atus hiishiisac??ak 2. Not to X – absence – thus being prevented from performing an action – with the prefix hi; hac or h?ii X no food to give to you: h?iyii?aah?s suuti? (qaaci ha?um) I X nothing to say: h?iiwaa?aah?s I X no room to do it: h?iisacu?aah?s I X no place to put it: hii?iip?aah?s He has no covering, no clothes: h?ic??ic?aah? I have X no place to go: h?ic?ac?i?aah?s I X no instrument to do it with: h?iih?wa??aah?s or ?uu?atus q?iihwa??aah??iisHawk niniik’?iik Fish X (+ osprey): ?umwac Small X: k?a?wii (+ owl); k?ii?cuup (small owl)Hay ?’usc?uu ?’aqapt – specify kind. See Grass.Hazelnuts ? ?a? ?acpay?aq?He ?uh; ?uh? It?s hard to define which is best. It is X: ?uh; ?uh??iis?; ?uh??a?; ?uh??i I suppose it is X: ?uh?qaac??a So it is X: ?uhc??aa?is? It was X: ?uh? muut?is? X did it: ?uh nit q?is?ap In the conjugation of verbs use ?inh? or in case of doubt or not having seen – the form ?inc? X is sick: ?inh? ta?i? or ?inc? ta?i? in case you know it only from hearsay. Another way of expressing X is by the form ?is? (or ?iic? in case of doubt or not have seen or been a witness- John is gone to Victoria: ?ucac?i??is? john victoria - If you only heard so as report you may say ?ucac?i?iic? john victoria. In indirect interrogations the form is yi or i or yiic? same distinction as above- I do not know what X says: hayumh?is wawaayii or wawaayiic? X any person: yaquusii X that kills my horse: yaquusii qah?saapc?ip siic?i? kiwiitaana yaquusii equivalent to the latin ? - see who- yaqii, ya?at etc. X (also she and it) as a demonstration pointing out person (or object) with the prefix ha or ya and affixes according to locality- (in the house) X: ha?ii?, ya?ii? hasmii?; yasmii? Outside on the beach X: haa?is, yaa?is (Outside) X: haasum?as, yaasum?as On a table, bench X: haa?as, yaa?as X coming: haa?a? ? ; yaa?a?? X walking by: hisiik?is, yaasiik?is –on beach etc.Head t’uh?cit’i ik as an affix descriptive of qualities of head-hence big X: ?iih?ik White X: ?’iisik X of a river: hiininqa To cover with a blanket: muc?qum? With a hat: c’iyapuxsi? with a hankerchief: ?ih?um? Uncover the X: wikuxsi? or c’iyap?atu to wash the X: c’uuyuk To cut off: qatqsaap To strike the X with fist: ?’ikc’utum? (t’uh?cit’i) with an axe: hiisc?utum? Bow the X: hiipi? X down: caaqapi? Raise the X: wits?i?; wiicin? X of a barrel: ?umtsaatak maa?um? Forehead: ?umtsaat?a Back part of X: hitaq?inkstas Sides of X: wa?wa? Top crown of X: ?apcaasqi X ache: t’uh?miih?a My X turns : haayiiqu?s, ?i?inc??aps Skull: qumicHead To be at the X foremost ?uupi To strike X against another?s X: tuh?ink To strike X against wall: t’uh?a?ca eg: By falling: hinqi? To lead: ?uwii?i?; ?u?ih?ta John was leader, at the head of the trouble: ?u?ih?ta mit?is? john X of a boil: ?ap’iqa Comes to a X: ?ap’iqanaks?i? Head Cover In general our X: ? Head Strong ?uus?suuq?; wikiicmapHeal mass?i? It is healing: mass?ia? Wound covered with a scar: c??iqati; c??iqats?i? X raw yet: masyuu Becomes raw X: mass?i?Healable mass?i? cum?is?Health Life: tiic?mis; s?ah?yuutmis; wiiks?ah?iimis The state of X: q?aas?ah?i?iq How is your X?: ?aqis?ah?ik also ?aaqink- How are you? Conducive to X: tiic?sy’i or wiiks?ah?ic’yi Conducive to bad X: ta?sy’i Bathing is wholesome: tiic?sy’i?is? hat’iis?at Sleeping is unwholesome: tatsyi?is? wa?ic??atHealthy Alive generally used- tiic?; wiiks?ah?i; s?ah?yut He became healthy: tiic?ac?i??is?; wiiks?ah?ic?i?; s?ah?yuts?i? He is not X has poor health: tatumh?iHeap hiis?umyuup A X of something (outside): hiis?umyasHear na?aa- not to be deaf. French: entendre. X listen: na?aatah Make somebody hear: na?aa?ap I said it within his hearing: na?aa?apnic When praying Lord hear me : na?iic?is h?aw?i? Hear us: na?iic?i?in X, receive intelligence: ?u?iic?i? We heard bad news about you: yum?iic?i? nis? suuti? I heard you were dead: qah?iic?i?nic suuti? - ?u?iic?i? often used as an affix. X to be in possession of news etc. has?i?; has??iic?i?- I have heard that already: has?i?s ah??iiya We heard that you had been sick: has?iic?i?nis? ?ink t’a?i? I understand , or we understand , listen , hear etc.: haas?i?sa ?ic - Very often used by Indians who listen to one or more narrating news etc. Did you X the news: haas?i?k John is dead: qah?s?i? waa?is? john X from outside of house: na?aaci?as X within my hearing (inside): na?aapi?aa? siic?i? X from hearsay: ?u?umtaqa From whom did you X it?: ?a?ac?umtaqa?k I heard it from Jim: ?u?umtaqas jimHearken na?aatah?- From hearsay: hahaas?i?mutaqa From X by the Indians: ququ?ac mutaqa The source from: ?u?umtaqa Heart The X itself: tiic?ma The sense of will, wish etc.: ?imaqsti X burn: muu?m’uyash?u?; + muush?uu? Hearted Bold X: wi?ak; haa?aksuq? Big X: ?iih?suuq? Down X: s?iiwa?uk ?imaqsti Small X: wiiwinh?i?at ?imaqsti; t?an’a?is ?at ?imaqstiHeartless wiiwinyu?iik; wiiy’a ?a?akmiiq? also wiiwumsa?iik; wiiqh?i By heart- without seeing: c??aniiqtuHeat Of the sun, fire: yuxck?i; (+ breath) ? ?upmis The X is felt: yux?aa?is? The X of the body: ? ?upck?ii To X: ?’upaa??ap; ?’upaa?ac?i? See boil; kawas?i?; kawasap In X - of dogs cattle etc.: ?ic’ataHeathen Indian; siwash sasa (+ from Chinook); wiiwumsa; No other term.Heave Breather: sayaa ?iip hih?s?i?Heave X up the anchor: c?iisipHeaven hinaayi? Go to X: ?ucac?i? hinaayi?; takaayipi? The good will go to X: takaayipi? ?aq? ?u? qu?as X sky: n’aas The affix yi? is sometimes employed eg. X stars in the sky t’at’uusayi? and is equivalent to the French “en haute.”Heavy k?atyiik; c?a?a? Too X: k?atyiiksa X loaded: ?aaq?aas Too X loaded (canoe) in stern: k?aac?is?t Too X loaded (canoe) in bow: ca?aq? Diminutive: k?atyiik?is Augmentative: k?ak?atyiikapi Anything X (eg: stones): k?atyiiksaah?tak; k?atyiikstupHectic Consumption (+ hectic fever): ?ih?aksu?Heed ?uu?a?uk; ?uus?iicmap; taqaak; has?ah?sap; na?aa; suu; ? ?uu See Care, Believe, Listen, Remember etc.Heel hitak? ?is??in To walk on X: k?aa?ah?s c?ik k?ukHeight Its X: ?unaac?a?iik Mountains of the same X, Masts of the same X: mi?qii Equal: mi?h?ii Top: qii That one is of the same X as the other (not higher): wiikapi See High.Heir ?uck?iqs?i? Son, X of father: t?an?ack?iqs?i? Grandson of Grand Uncle – Father – Aunt etc.: k?a?uuck?iqs?i? I am his X: ?uck?iqs?i?s Distant X: sayack?iqs?i?s I am my father’s X: nuwiiqsakniqs He left an X: ?aniny?ap (child)Hell hiinapu?a To fall into X: hiiy?apu?aHelm ?ic?y?akHelp ?asiita; hupii Work with: ?u?uwa 1. Help work for - with the relative ?uch?an I work for John: ?uch?ans ?asiita john 2. The kind of X –with the affix ?uqh?si eg: interpreter: c?iqh?si X as cook: siqh?si X as a labourer: mamuukh?si The affix ?iita from ?asiita comes often in handy eg: X landing or handling baggage: p?atq?iita X as cook: siqiita A X, a great advantage, handy: ?uus?c??ak The priest has been of great X to me: ?uus?c??aks?i?uknic leplet X take the part: yamaat; ?u?ukc?i I cannot X it, prevent it, do it: hisi?a?aah?s; hinhaap?aah?s I could not prevent it: hinaaps?i?aah?nic To look for X: ?asn?aah? To ask one to X: ?aac?i? Ask one as colabourer X: ?aac?ii?Helper Servant: ?us?ati; mamuqh?siHelpless h?inhaap?aah?; ?uuwaaph?i Cannot walk in severe sickness: k?ak?aatiik?at qayapta; qaqah??akstu??at qayaptaHelpmate yayaquwa – relative of ?u?uwa to work with. Who was your X?: ?a?ac?uwamik John was my X: ?u?uwamic john My wife is my X: ?u?uwas?aa? yaqukiis ?uucmaHem X at the bottom of a garment: hiinic?aq?; niic?aq?inup; ? ?ac?caq?inupHemlock q?i?aqmaptHemorrhage h?iss?i?Hemorrhoids ? ?ih?um Protruding X: ?upwak?i; nii?q?ak?i Prolapsus Ani: ? ?upac?wak?iHen ?uucma ?u?u?u Slang X: c?iikinisHence X for the reason: yaq?inyii See Cause and adopt form as required for the occasion. X from this time: h?isam?a; ?ah?kuu X from this place: h?iistmaa; ?ah?kuu Go X to: histaqs?i? ?ucac?i?Hence Forward ?ah?kuu X I will be good: ?ah?kuus ?uyac?i??aq?Her See His ?uucHerald See Harbinger.Herb ? ?aqapt To go for X: hiniipaHerbivorous ? ?aqaa?acHerd See Band.Here ?ah?kuu X (determined, outside): ?u?ii?as ?ah?kuu X (inside): hi? ?ah?kuu This X: ah?nii That here (this):h?iyah?i See He and apply affixes according to localities Come X: c?uk?aaHereafter ?uum?a?ii; ?uy?i?aq?; ?uy?iHere At Hereby etc. ?ah?kuuHeretic Name applied by the Indians of this coast “Just now” from the fact that from the first appearance the Methodist minister sang a hymn finishing by the words “just now.”Heritage Indians property such as land, whales etc. h?ah?uu?iHero See Brave.Herself ?uh See He – She did it X: ?u?uk?ah?nit q?is By X: c?awac?ink Work by X: c?aawuu See Alone (elle meme of the French) She X: ?u?uk?ah? She says so X: ?u?uk?ah??is? waaHerring ?usmit Dry X: ?usaas?t Fish X with net: c?iic?i? Fish X with rake: c?uuc?c?uuc?a X rake: c?itk?a?y?ak X spawn: k??aqmis To set branches for the X spawn: q?i?s?i? (q?i?aqmapt – hemlock) Hemlock branches used: q?i?asum Descriptive of movements of X – X rising: ?imatq?a The taking up and home of the branches covered with X spawn: q?i?s?i?Hesitate ?a?am?acu; wiwiipii To be afraid: wiicaak See Doubt.Hew hiishiisaHide hapts?i? – the act haptsaap; haptsa?ap X oneself: hapts?i? – See Abscond. To keep secret: haptum?ak To X in walking, crawl etc.: haptaakc?ik Of the serpent approaching Eve: haptaakc?iknit h?iiyi hapt is the root and affix changes X in the house: haptpitap X on the beach: hapsan?ap X outside: haptaas?ap X under canoe: hii?caapups X in your pockets: hi?c?ut?ak?i hapts?i? X in mouth: hi?c?uq?a haptaa?ap X entirely, well covered: hat?uqs?i?; hat?uqsaap – used alone – also in connection with hapts?i? eg: hat?uqsap; haptsaap – very carefully thoroughly hidden. X put out of the way: k?as?s?i?; k?as?saap X go stealthily on game as Indians do: c?u?ii?; c?uu?uk; k?uuq?a X run away: c??ii?s?i? See Run Away, Go Away; Abet. One knows a misdeed and is supposed to keep it secret: hat?uqckumHide with the affix ?a?ak added to the kind of animal – A cow X: muusmuusa?ak Elk X: ? Horse X: kiwiitaana?ak Dressed X: ?asi?akHidden with hapt and different affixes X on the beach: haptis X outside: hapt’as X well covered: hat’uq?a X in clothes: hapcaqstu? See Hide.Hideous tutuh?suhta; p?ip?is?aq?apiHigh sayac??a Above: hi?misa Great in rank: ?iih?p?iit X in price: ?ii?waq? X sea: muu?uk X river: ?iih?c?a?ak X of a mountain: ?iih? X of flagstaff: yaaq kust?as also sayac??a Of a canoe: siic??ak X of sticks out, Xer than: ?iihapiHight See Height. Of the same X: c?umcmu? Higher on one side (the house): c?iic?iiqcaqcu X of land: t?uc?k?asHill t?uc?k?as Go up X: hitap?i?i?; hitap?iqin? Down X: ?ustp?its?i?; ?Him Accusal: ?uk?i? See He.Himself ?uh?; ?u?uk?ah? See Herself.Hind hi?a t?ak?i His X leg: yuk?at?ak?i qayapta ?Hinder wik?ap; wikii?ap; haanuuk; yumq?; c?ass?i?; hawiia??ap etc.Hip hinas?ak?iHire X anything carriage, horse etc.: ?us?iis ?aak?uu? How much did you X it for? ?aqinicniq ?aak?uu? I X it for two dollars: ?a?qum? hish?nic X a person, man: ?us?iis ?aac?i? X a person for twenty dollars: caqiicqum?hish?His ?uuc Relative yak – with possessive form ?iq; ?uk; uuk etc. See Belong X father: yaquk n?uwiiqsu His quandom (+ former) uncle: yaquknit na?iiqsuHiss himaak The ball X as it travels: himaakc?ik To X one speaking: w?aaw?aayup – make him feel ashamed.Hit See Strike, Beat. The Chinook ?ap guess right strike the mark etc. k??ats?i?Hoard Put away: nuh?s?i?Hoarse k?asiiyuu?Hoe c?imaasy?ak; tuuktuuky?ak; c?usy?ak To X: c?uusc?uusa; tuuks?i? Not very definite and employed at random by Indians either for spades, hoes etc. according to the use they make of them.Hog kus?uuHoist c?iisaap X an anchor: c?iisaap tayuusum c?iipup X a flag: c?iipup ? ?ih?ma?qumHold suu The frequentation of suk?i? – Take. X in the hands: ?uq?n?uk eg: X a knife in the hands: ?uq?n?uk or suk?n?uk x?utayu X in arms eg: baby: ?apk?aah?u? nay?aqaq X baby on lap: c?aamii? See Contain, Full, Inside. To take X of: suu?ac?i? To take X of everything, leaves nothing alone: susumyi? To take or hold for with affix ?ap I hold him or take him a sensible: ?uus?h?tin?aps I X him as being good: ?u??aps X or keep anything borrowed: suupwin X tongue: c?am?aq X your eyes on: n?aac??a?uk X eyes down: n?ac??a?atu He X my place: huu?in?ac He will X my place: huu?in ?aq?ats I X his place: siy?aaks huu?inHold On Wait, stop: huu?i?a?i X to your work: taqaas?i ?uus?taqHole X in general: kuh?yuu – the root kuh? expresses hollowness, emptiness etc. A X: kuh?m?a Bung X: ? ?acq?aaq?um X through: kuh?swii X eg: vessel: kuwak?um? Large X through: ?akswii; ?a?aaq? Make a large X through: ?aqswiinup Small X through: tukswii?is Not through: wikswii Make a X: kuh?saap; ?acwiinup X in the ground: kuh?stii?as affix stii?as and stii? X inside: kuh?stii? Dig a X in the ground: kuh?stii?itap To fall into X: t?ictii?as A shallow X: tikstii?as To fill X with earth: tuqstii?itap To fill a X in general: mus?saap Stuck in a mud X: c?upsti?as; c?up?as To patch a X in clothes etc.: ? ?ah?s?i? X in ears: kuku?um? X in nose: kuuh?sukHollow kuh?c?uu; kuwaq? eg: of trees – ground X not level: ?it?as X in the middle: ?itwinHoly No word for it.Homage An object of X: kapii?acyi Pay X to the Chief: h?aw?i?k??ap Pay X to the Queen: hakumk??apHome (at) wa?yuu In the house: h?itii? Not at X: wiki? Plural: wiikuus Not at X yet returned: ?iquk; maanuk?a?; ?iqcuu; ?iqsaacu To go X: wa?s?i? To feel at X: ? Opposite: wiiyu?aa? To feel Xsick: wa??iiq? Send X: wa?saap To be left at X – in charge: maq?ii hence Stay at X: maq?iiq?i? Those who are left or stay at home eg: sealing season: maq?ii The X of the Chief: hi??iiq ma?as h?aw?i? My X is at Hesquiat: his?k?ii?ath?sis?Homicide He committed X: qah?saapnit qua?asHonest t?aaq?ii I am X: t?aaqwii sis?; t?aaqy?aakHoneyComb pawac?uk ?aasacHonor ?a?iihc??ap X God: ?a?iihc??ap ?uk?i? haa?api h?aw?i?hood coat?uxsumHook k?uc??ak X salmon: c?iicy?ak; c?imin; ?ity?ak See Hang up hook. Verb to X: k?uc?i?; k?uu?kuuya Xed together: k?uc?ink Xed to hanging: k?upi?Hoops ma?umyum(W)hooping Cough huuq?huuq?aHop ? ?aax? ?aax?aHope To X: ?umak?a?h?; hinak?a?h? I X it will be fine weather tomorrow: hinak?a?s ?uuqumh?iquu ?am?ii equivalent to ?uuqumh?iquuc? ?am?ii I X you will get well: hiinak?a?h?s tiic?ac?i?quuk I X I will go to Heaven: ?umak?a?h?s taqayipi?quusHopeless I am X: hii?iimak?a?hs t?aqaak - as in the act of hope means I am confident.Horizon X at sea: hi?suu?is; t?aqsuu?is To look at the X: n?ac?suu?isHorizontal h?umt?asHorn X of animals: m?aa? Shed off X: m?a??atu Branches of X: ka?k?ac?yu m?aa? To hook with X: m?a?s?i? To blow the X: huh?s?i?; huuhuuh?a; huuh??aanaHorrible ?uus?maqyuHorrify Cause to be horrified: hayaaq?sy?up To be horrified: hayaaq?Horse kiwiitaanaHorseback To ride on X: kiwiitaanaqc?is; ? ?appi ? ?am?aasHost My X where I am: hi?; ?u?iiHospitable Habit of inviting strangers to eat: yayaaci??iik Hospital ta?aaqu?i?Hostage A person or article as a pledge: ma?i?Hostler ?uu?a?ukh?si kiwiitaanaHot The weather ? ?upaa Very X: ? ?u? ?upapu? X water: ? ?um?ah?s As a piece of iron: ? ?upaa? – when object is round: ? ?upum? Red X eg: stove: qawas?i?; cic?i?aHour Chinook tintin What X is it, what o?clock?: ?unacik c?a?h?House mah?t?ii Plural: mamah?t?ii affix ?u?aaq; ?u?i? Inhabited X: ma?as Plural: maatmaas This also applies to tribe and tribes in the house: m?ac?ii?; hitii? In our X: hi?qin In my X: hi?qaas; hi?qaas mah?t?ii In the same X: yaqh?yu?i?qin All or many living in the same X: ?ayaqh?yuu?i?qin Live in the same X: ?uqhyuu?i? Neighbours Xs: ?ukwink?as Where in the X: waayi? Many in the X: ?ayii? Play in X: c?axtmii? Log X: ?us?um? mah?t?ii At the front of X: hii?ci?as At the side: hiicinh?si At the rear of X: hi?st?u?as On the top of X: ?apqii?i? To go from X to X: yacmaas hinayac? X falling down: maahs?i? mah?t?ii Warm in X: ? Cold X: ma?mii?Hover huu?api eg: King Fisher ?u?aqa eg: Eagle.How 1. ?aqinc? (direct) q?a?yii (indirect) X does he write?: ?aqinc? ?iiss?i? I do not know how: hayumh?is q?aa yii 2. ?aaqin?apk (direct) k?a?apii (Indirect) X does he make ink?: ?aaqin?apkh ?utaq ink I do not know X: hayumh?is k?aa?aps 3. ?aqisk (direct) q?ish?i (indirect) How did you come?: ?aqishk hinats?i? I do not know X: hayumh?is q?ish?iis 4. ?un?ah? X many qum?aa (indirect) How many Hesquiats?: ?un?ah? qu?as his?k?ii I do not know X many: hayumh?is qum?aa 5. ?aqinq?; ?aqin?ic, price, cost k?aq? q?aa?iic?i (Indirect) X much costs your coat?: ?aqin?ic coatuk?ik I do not know X much: hayumh?is q?aq?i or q?a?iic?i 7. ?un?a: Counting, measure, time etc. with proper affix – In indirect interrogations with qum?aa and proper affix. The Indians have a great practice of not putting the interrogation X directly – but they begin by prefixing c?aa and forming an indirect interrogation eg: instead of saying: ?un?ac?i? sum sunday, X many days from Sunday, they often say c?aa qum?aac?i? sum sunday. Sometimes the word X is not expressed eg: I teach you X to write simply say I teach you to write – so you know how to spell say do you know to spell. Besides there are a number of other ways to express X which I cannot all mention here, but ?un?a and qum?aa with different affixes are the usual and most common forms. X many days?: ?unac?i? X many years?: ?um?aaq?ic?h? X many fathoms?: ?unii?h? X long (time): ?unic X large – size: ?unayi X large is your horse?: ?unah?ii kiwiitaanak?ik or c?aa ?unah?iiyi kiwiitaanak?ik X many times: ?un?ap?it X many months: ?unaqum? hupa? and so on with different affixes as above stated.However ?anah?i Nevertheless: kuwi?a I would have gone away X I will not: kiwi?a?aq?s wik X anyhow: q?aa c?i? q?i?ih?taa; q?ah?taaHowl mamaasu?s?; maasu?s?i? Dog X: ?ih?akHug ?apks?i?; ?apk?aa I was X: ?apks?i?atnic X the shore: h?iikh?iik?aHum humhum; nu?nuuya X on the road, sing: nuuk?iisHumble wic?waa; wic?xsuuq? Low condition: masc?um Be X in your heart: wic?xsuuq?suHumiliate q?iq?iiqsapHummingbird saasinHumor Discharge, moisture: siqmis; siqakHumored Good X: c?axt?aq?; c?umq?; ?aaph?ii; c?umcuu?aq? Become good X: c?aaxtuk?i?; ?aaph?ic?i? etc. To be in good humor: c?axtak Bad X, sad: wii?aq? Angry: ?uus?suuq? Displeased: yumc?u?aq?; wiiqh?ii To speak in bad humor: tuc?i?s?i?; ?u?uus?suuq?wa; wiimash?iHump wic?h X back: wic?hsapa?; q?aamin; ?Hundred suc??iiq See Two.Hunger See Hungry.Hungry To be X: hawiiq? To become X: hawiiqstu? Appetite expressed by the affix ?uus?hsaa X (determined): ?uh?saa eg: I have an appetite for tobacco: q?is?hsaasHunt X on the beach: ? ?i? ?umyis X in the bush: ? ?i? ?um?as X at sea: c??aapuk To X a certain kind of animals or birds with the affix ?u?u?iih? eg: X deer: mumuk??iih? X sea otters: k??ak??a?at?iih?Hunter A good X: k?iisah?i A bad X: wiiksah?i; ?uwaaph?iHunting Ground X in general: ?u?u?iih?uwi? X for deer: mumuk?iih?uwi? Good X for sea otters: k??a?nit See Abundance.Hurl ?aphstu??up X of speech: taakma?u?Hurry To X: c?as?ks?i? See Haste yuuxts?i?; yuxtaa I am in a X: yuu?yuus?iyas I did a thing in a X: yus?uutaqu?s To be in too great a X: yayawa You are in too great a X about it (go slowly about it): yayawa?ic In a X – unexpectedly: kapsc?i? X at once: yuus?ink To become, get in a X: yuus?uk?i? In a X as if afraid to delay or not do: tuh?tuuh?a Why are you in such a X to go away?: ?aqink tuh?tuuh?a?aacs?i?Hurt X in general: wiiqhaap See Harm ?usuqtap To X wound: ?usuqtap (cut etc.) ?ac?iiqsap X bruised dislocated joint etc.: ?imsc?aqs?i? X cause pain: mi? ?i?sap To X somebody in his feelings: yasuqtap To X somebody by words as in a speech: ?u?uus?c?iiqa It X his feelings: yayac?ak?is? I am X: ?usuqtas; ?ac?uus? He was X cut, wounded: ?ac?uu?is? I am X in my feelings: yasuqtas To be X: hinks?i? A X: hink?a X one’s head by a fall (as children): hink?ii?Husband c?akup; ?uch?i or ?ucha Thy X: c?akupuks or yaqchiqs To have a X: c?apxnaak Plural: c?ayaapxnak To take a X: c?apxnaaks?i? That is my X: ?uhuks c?akup Relative: ?uch?i or ?uch?a Hide X: hitach?in? ?uch?in? Take another X: ?a?uuch?in? See Married.Hush c?am?aq Stop talking: c?am?aqs?i? X up: c?am?a?apHut mah?t?iina; mah?t?ii?isHymn nuukHypocrite yah?i See Conceited. Play the X with the affix t?i?i?a Pretend to be honest, good: ?u? t?i?i?a; ?uus?h?in t?i?i?a I siy’aq The first person in conjugations expressed by ?ins; sis?; s It is I: siy’aq sis? ; siy’aqs; ?ins siy’aq etc. I myself - simply myself with addition of person and time: ?u?uk?ah? X myself did it: ?u?u?k?ah?nic I alone - see alone – I alone did it: c’awuumicI alone, no company: ?anac?ink(nic) or c?awaac?inkIce quux X water: quuxsit Water covered with ice: quuxsitu? Things covered with X: quwaq? Amongst the X: quxc?in? X forms: quxs?i?; qux?aaIceberg hupk?ac?yu quuxIcicle ?i?’ih?apu? quuxIdea See thought – I have the idea: waas t’at’apata The X was constantly before my mind: nasa?s wikwinc?i?; taaks?i?s ?uwiq?aIdentical ?uh?sasaIdentify hamip To X an object: ?uus??i? hamips?i? To X by ….. as proof of sign: ?uksi? hamips?i?Idiot yumih?t?a qu?asIdle Do nothing: wiiqtaq ; wiiks?ahap X talk: wiiwikstupwaac?ak X eg.: horse: wikc?ak kiwiitaana X lazy: c??iinuq?iik X rest from labour: pus?atu X away one’s time, gain do nothing: wiksiiq?i?Idolize X his wife: ?uuc?k’?ap X his child: t?an’ak??apIf The affix quu ; conditional mood in conjugation of verbs – See Whether, When.Ignoble c’is?si?aIgnorant hiis?i? hayumh?i X of: wik?a?; wiiwiku?aa?; hayumh?iIgnore witap Not know: wimatak; wik?a? Not yet heard: wiwiku?aa?Ill ta?i? Sickly: tatumh?i X: ?uus?h?i To be in good humor: p’is?suqt; wii?aq? etc. See Humor. To take in X part: yasuqtaIll bred ? An X chief: ? h?aw’i?Illicit numaakIllegal numaak; ?uus?c’a?Illegitimate X child: ?icwisa ?uktck?iIll Looking witq; p’is?aqIll Natured wiiqh?iIllness What is his X: ?aqinc? ta?i?; tamisIll treat wiiqhaapIlluminate hiihiic??ap (from hic?ma – light)Illusion To be under the X: ?uq?ipIllustrious See Famous.Image ?uuk?apu? X of a man: qu?acapu? See Figure.Imagine n’an’ac?c?umh?i Think – do you X that!: waa?atk ?imqastiImitate ?uut’i?ita; c’iikaa t’i?i?a; + c?iika?a; kas?aa t’i?i?a less general - of action – conduct – take as example to follow: ?uuktis I will act after you: suuttis?aqt sis? also: suutt’i?i?a ?aq? sis? also: suutt?i?i?a ?aq? sis? q?is; c’iika?s?i? Mimic words: nunuwa See Follow.Immaculate wiiwik?aq?Immediately At once: takuk; nay?iik; tiiccaqa He died X before you came in: tiiccaqa?is? qah?s?i? ?ink hinii?i? He died X after John came in: tiiccaqa?is? qah?s?i? ?in hinii?i? john or nay?iik?is? qah?s?i? hinii?i? john.Immense ?iih?akqakImmerse X eg of linen: tii?situp X fingers, hands: ?’uu?situ? See Dip.Immigrant Settler: s?ii?’as ?Immoderate ?u?upu?Immodest X In dress: wiiwita?a?uk Modest in dress: hahaata?uk X language: kuwaqmis Use X language: kukuwaqa; sasasc?kwa; + k?aak?aataqa X in conduct: kiis?h?in Immolate See Sacrifice.Immoral kiis?h?in; hayuxs?i?Immortal wim?aaq? qah?s?i?Immovable nism’a; ?i?maa To be X in purpose: nism?ac; haawaa; wim?aaq??atImmutable yaqh?ii; wim?aaq? k?isii?a; wiiy’a k?isii?a; nism’a Impair See Deteriorate.Impalpable wimatImpart See give X news: ?iiqh?ukImparted wiiwikc?i from ?u?u?kc?i Partial: wiiwikc’uwaatImpassable wim’aaq??at hisiik?atImpossible wim’aaq? yayac?apImpatient yayawa X habit: yayawa?iikImpenetrable See Penetrate with: wim’aaq? eg: The water is X: wim’aaqt c’aaqstu?Imperceptible wimatImperfect Not complete: yaqcum Defective: yumiih?taImperious ( + arrogantly domineering or overbearing) kaapiq?akstu?Impertinent See arrogant in speech: wiiwikh?tinwaImpervious See Impenetrable.Impetuous Violent: ?uus?maqyuImpious suk?inkh?i haa?api h?aw’i?Implement ?uus?c??ak (X determined: ?uc??ak); ?uwa?y’akImplore See plead. Please: ?aaks?i? Please give me food: ?aaks?ii?is qaacii ha?umImport k?isyiih?stapImportance Important: ?uus?saah?tak; ?iih?saah?tak News of X: ?iih?saah?tak; ?usaah?tak ?uyaqh?mis It is important to take care: ?uus?saah?tak?is? ?uu?a?uk?at Say something of X: ?u?uus?wa He generally has X matters to say: ?u?uus?wa?iik?is? - mostly employed in the sense of evil talk, backbiting, seeking trouble. Importune ( + To ask for repeatedly or insistently) wipaxyih?apImpose Hands on head: ?’uh?qinup; ?’uh?qin? Cheat: suk?ink You are Xd upon: suk?ink?at?ic You are Xd fooled: ?u?uk?ink?at?icImpossible nasa? Impotent to do a thins: wim’aaq? Can not be done: wim’aaq??atHave not the means to do it: hiisi?a(?aah?) Have not in my power: hinh?aap(?aah?) See Cannot.Importer ?uuh? t’ii?i?a or ?uh??aq?Impotent wikii? or k’usaqs?i? c?akupImpregnable wim’aaq??at hiniip?atImpress hawiqstup – I want to X on your minds: hawiqstup mah?sas siih?i?Impression katx?as what I say makes no X on them: katx?as?at sis? wawaaqs?aa?To be under the X by mistake: ?uq?ip I was under the X that he was dead: ?uq?ipnic hu?ak qah?ak - matak is very often employed: I am under the X that he will die: qah?s?i? matak ?aq??is?Imprison ma?pitap To be in prison, irons: ma?pi?; ma?i?Improbable wiiwikc?yakImproper ?i?aaImprove q?aq?ac?in? , kakpu? - to be improving (health) To make better, to make improvements: ?a?aami?i?ap Improvident To by X by squandering: ?inmiih?tak; wikhtinhwaa? X not thinking of the future: wikwiq? ?Impudent See arrogant hahaaca?iikImpure See immodest. X water: c’is?xsitImpute ?u?uk?i? They X murder to John: ?u?uk?i??at?is? john They X it to you: susuti??at?ic They X it to us: niniih?i??at nis?In ?i? or hi? with the affix according to object, place etc. eg: in the box: hi?c?u ?ahaksIn the water: hii?sit c??a?ak X the salt water: hi?asu At the bottom X the water: hi?asuu?is See the words to which X has reference eg: X canoe: hitaqs X house: hitii? In the sense of inside of – See inside. X a cup: ?u?yuk cup X a sac: ?u?yuk lesac or lesacc?i also with the affix ?uk?i See Put in etc. See In order etc.Inaccurate wii?wiikciya - to be inaccurate. You are inaccurate in your statement: wii?wiikciya?ic also ?i?aa; wikciikInadequate wiiwinh?i Adequate: ?u?umh?iInadvertence I did a thing through X: wikumiic?i?mic or ?anu?aa?s ?ins q?isInanimate wiik?ay?aq?Inattentive wiik?a?ukInaudible wimac?qum?Incalculable wikhukscumIncantation ?aac?itu?Incapable Unable: wim’aaq? Unqualified: wic’ikIncarnate To become X: qu?iic?i?Incensed To feel X: yacu?aqstu?Incessant See Continue: taaks?i? ; wiiya?i? ?ih?s?i?Incest ?uk?iic (Commit X)Incite ?u?uyupInclined X of a tree – see bend: hiinapii X to feel disposed, with the affix ?iiq? or ma?iiq? X to cry: ?ih?ma?iiq? X to satisfy: ? ; ?uus?ma?iiq? X pass urine of men: ?uqma?iiq? of women: k?ama?iiq? See Desire. X to be on a side to eg: I am X to believe: ?uucuwac t’at’apata He is X to be bad: ?uucuwat?is? p’is?aqquu(E)Inclosed with a fence: ?aqumyuup X in an envelope etc.: ?a?iiqsap See put into(E)Inclosure ?aqumuym , ?aqum?Include To reckon with: ?upaa??ap Not X: wiikpaa??ap To X count also: huksaa; huksc?i? X everything: hiis?ink?apInclusion ?upaa?h Not X: wiwiikpaa?h X of myself: siipa? X you: suutpu? X of him: ?upu? X of us: niih?pu? X of you: siih?pu? X of them: ?upu??a? X of all: hiis?pu?Incommode (+ to cause inconvenience or discomfort to) yama?sapIncommunicative kanu?aq?Incomparable yaqsii?ak; ya?ih?ta An X horse: yaqsii?ak kiwiitaana Superior to all: hiis?i? ?upii; wim’aaq??at or better to say: wik’iit?ath? mii?h?i?atIncompatible ?Incomprehensible wimatak?at waawaayii It is X: hayumh?imis?at Inconsistent wiih?tas; k?isciiks?i?Inconstant ?a?iiciik?iik; ?aya?at ?imaqstiIncontestable wim’aaq??at c’aat c’axs? It cannot be disputed: ?Incontrollable ?u?uus?suq?api – furious. X of behavior: wiiwih?tas?apiInconvenient yuumaapiIncorrect X language wikciik; wikca?ap X untrue: ?itmisIncorrigible wim’aaq??at ?am’aak?a??atIncorruptible wim’aaq??at piiyaaya?ap X honest: t’aaqwii X truthful: t’aquq?Increase ?uus?a?ac?i? - ?u?a?ap (add X: ?u?ac?i?; wiis?h?ic?i?) X in number: ?ayic?i? X in size: ?iiwac?i? ; hac?uc?i?Incredible wim’aaq??at t’aaqaak?at, ?itak?a? The news is X: ?itak?a??is? ?uyaqh?misInculpate Accuse ?uus?syuy?ap Reproach of stealing: kuwi?siyuy’ap X put the fault on another: ?u?uciiy?ap Do not X me implicate me: wikii siisiici?ap ?Incurable wim’aaq? tiic?ac?i? ; wiiks?ah?ic?i?; wim’aaqt?a? tiic??apat An expression used by doctors that a patient is X: tiic??ap?atquuIndebted To be X: ?uus?wiq? To whom are you X: ? I am X to no one: wik’iicwiq?s or wikwiq?s To be X for a favour received: wisi?a?ap?atuk I am X to Jim for papers received: wisi?a?ap ?atuks jim , ?itaaks nit paper – also ironically.Indecent See Immodest.Indeed ?aan’i Absolute – a Indefatigable hahas??aq?; wiiy?a puss?i?; wiiy?a wiiwis??aq?Indelible ( + Impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent) k’wit?atu ; c’aaq? k’?inaa; ?iy’aqt; ?i?maaIndemnify ( + To make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury suffered) t’aqii?apIndependent ?uk?atii To become X his own master: ?uk?atiic?i? A young man not depending on his parents: ?uk?acuk To be X not listen: wiiki? na?aaIndian qu?as , qu?asa Of certain tribe masculine with the affix: ?ath? feminine with the affix: ?aqsup or ?aqsi Southern X: ?uusap’ath? Northern Indian: kiikicuk?a?ath? X of other side of island: hiinap?aa??ath? Coast East of Hesquiat: hiitak?i?ath? Coast West of Hesquiaht: hii?in?atu?ath?Indicate X with the finger: k’upc?i?; h?umc?i? (show); k’a?ups?i? An indication of: ?u?umc? An indication of bad weather: wii?ayumc? An indication of good weather: ?uu?ayumc?Indifferent X in a choice: hiis?k??ap X don’t care: hiis?i? nuu?ii; hiis?i? ?u??ap X neither good nor bad: ? X not very: wiik?apiIndignant To feel X: yawiq? ?; yawiqstu? ?Indirect wik t’aaquk , wiikcaapi X questions by prefix c?i ; c?a or c?u and placing after the verb the form of indirect interrogations.Indispensible ?u?usum ; ?a?anasum; wim’aaq? wikIndissoluble Cannot be melted: wim’aaq? tuqk? ac?i? or wim’aaq??at tuqsaap?atMarriage is X, say married people cannot be separated, divided: wim’aaq? ?itk? ac?i?Indivisible wim’aaq? xac?htac?i?Indistinct wimat Mixed together: ?uutx?yuu; ?uutx?k?ac?yuIndolent ( + Habitually lazy) wa?kak; ?uuwaph?ii; c??iin’uq??iikIndomitable Wild: wim’aaq??at ?aaph?i?ap?atIndoors hitii? The affix ?ii? marks inside of house, hence Near the door: t?asc?ii? in the centre: ?apwin?i? Away to the back of the house: hitaq?i?mac?ii? (mah?t’ii hii?): In the house. In the chief’s house: ?u?ii?i? mah?t’ii?ak h?aw’i? The one standing up in house: ? or ? Not in: wiki? Notice also ?it or pit in the following: (Tie) put in jail: ma?pitap (Untie) set loose: ?ikpitap Help getting up, raise: t’iqpitap Put down: ?ustpitap in these and many cases besides if not always it or pit signifies that the action is performed indoors(E) Indorse ( + To give approval of or support to, especially by public statement) t’aqaac?ik?ap(E) Indorsed t’aqaac?ikInduced ?u?awaa X her to return to her husband: ?u??in waa ?in?ii hu?ach?in?By attractive ways: ?u?aaInducement Bait: tii?aIndulge ha?um?ap X in sleep: ha?um?ap pu?inwa X in tobacco: ha?um?ap q?is?aaIndulgent Lenient – He is too X to his children ?iisaak?ap?is? ?uk?i? t’aatnaakIndustrious ?apaak; hahas??aqt; ?’iinah?u?; ?u?us?taqc?iInebriate hix?a?u??ap; naqc?uu?apInevitable h?isi?aah? wik; wim’aaqt wikInexcusable That has no excise: wiiks?h?inqh? wik See Excuse.Inextinguishable wim’aaq??at c?uh?iiyap?atInfallible hisi?aah wikca?ap Cannot err on stating or defining the word of God: waawaac?ak’uk haa?api h?aw’i?Infant nayaqaq During his infancy: ?unic nit?i nayaqaqInfect tusa?a?apInfected tusa? The ship is X: tusa??is? shipInfectious tusmis See Disease.Infer X from ?umis?ap; ?umuutaqsapInferior X chief ka?aatik h?aw?i? X indian: ka?aatik qu?as X low: masc?um; ?u?aq? X article: ?u?aq??iInfertile ?Infidel hiis?i? ?itaak; wiiwumsaInfinite q?aasasa; wiiy’a hawii?a? X everywhere: his?saacuInfirm Sickly: tatumh?i X: ?uwaaph?ic?i?Inflame See Fire pa?s?i?Inflammable muq That is X: muq?is? ah?niiInflammation Inflamed: x?akyuu X get red: ?’ih?s?i?Inflate puuxs?i?Inflect X the voice in singing: c?iic tipi?Inform To give notice: hin?a?sap; has?ii?ap; ?u?u?ii??ap; has?i??ap; waa?iic?i??ap To accuse: ?iiqh?uk; q?aah?i?ap To inform one self: haas?iic?iih?; ?a?aatu etc. See Ask, Tell etc.Ingenious niick?aa? X worthy of admiration: niick?aa??is?Inhabit With the affix ?ath? from ?u?ath? Inhabitant, an inhabitant of Hesquiat: his?k?ii?ath? or ?u?ath? hisk?ii or hista?s his?k?ii X a place, occupied: ma?as X a place that can be X: ma?u?; mama?uu; ma?u?is We X the : ?u?iiyath? nis? or ?u?ii?a? nis?; + hiy?ath?Inhabitant See Inhabit.Inhale X smoke or tobacco as Indian smokes used to: ?iph?s?i? (+ kinnikinnick) X the air: c?uuyaq? X the breath of the sick: c?uuyuqstu? hih?maak tata?i? See Breath.Inhospitable wiiy?a yaci?Inherit X ?uuc’uk I X it from my father: ?uuc’uk nic n’uwiiqsakniqs See Heir. X: hist?ukt We X sin from Adam and Eve: hist?ukt ?ukt nis? ?ii?aamis Adam ?uh??iis? EveX hist’atuk – hist’atuk min nis? ?ii?aamis Adam ?uh??iis? Eve ( - this being the better way) Did not X it from far: ?awiih?stukt?uk?is? X it from far: sayih?stukt?ukInheritance Applied by Indians to items, which they consider of great importance such as whales, lands, streams etc. : h?ah?uu?a; + h?ah?uu?i It was the property, X of his father: ?uuc’uknit h?ah?uu?a n’uwiiqsaknit In other matters, see Inherit.Inimitable wim’aaq??at c’iika?atInject X in general – work a syringe: c?itks?i? X into rectum: c’itk miik??aq??ap from: c?itk(s?i?) or c’itkmiik??ap with ?ak?i: description of posteriors. X into the ears: c’itkma?c’uInjure See Harm, Spoil, Deteriorate.Injustice No general term – the Indians always express the injustice –the nearest is: ? John committed an X towards us: ? Also the most common expression X: ?ii?uk?i?; ?ii?aa , and again wiksi?a?ac; ?ii?uk?i? or ?ii?iic?i??ac john; wiksi?a?ac john.Ink tuupksit; kaacitu?y’akInkstand kaacitu?y’aksacInland hi?c’u; hiit’aq?as from hitatsuh?ta Come X from woods: hitah?t’asInlet c’amaaqak , up an X: hi?stiis From an X: hitawii?is To go up an X: takstiis Move up an X: s?i?stiis Move from a X: s?i?wiis – the affix ?iis - to inlet , wis direction from inlet, hence move to X (also) s?i?iisInmate X of the same house: ?ukc?ak?i?; ?uu?i?; X together ?uqh?yuu?i?Inn k’anuu?i? X hotel: hawaaquwi?Innocent wiiks?h?ina; wiksi?aInnumerable ?ayaqak; wiik?a?uksin?a?In order ?inis?aah? X that: ?in?ii X to, with affix wit?as; wutas; ?as; yas X trade: makmayas X visit: ?ah?t wit?as X fish salmon: c?iic?as X: ?u?ip I come with that object, X to: ?u?ip sis? I come X to ask – inquire for information: ?uuch?as ?a?aatu wit?as See End, Object.Inquire Try to find out: has?ic?iih? - ask: ?a?aatu Go and find out: nas?i? Go and find out what they will answer: nas?itc?i waa?aq??atiik X for the news: ?uyaqh??a?qu Fetch news: ?uyaqh?mii? Go for news: ?uyaqh?nah? X approach and ask for explanation: waa??iipas X get one to talk: ciqsaapInquisitive: hahaas?ic?iih??iik – with the affix ?iik and also on with the other different meanings.Insane See Crazy.Insecure Not fast(ened): wii?maa; kintaa; wiiwikc?i Dangerous: ?uus?c?a?h?iInsert hitaqstup in the writing – a deed….. ?uu?a?a?apInsensible Not feeling the senses: wik’aaps?i?; wik’aap Become faint: hac?ats?i? See Faint. Not listen: wiiy’a na?aa; wikiicmapInside See In- Indoors: mac?ii? and hitii? properly indoors are often employed to means simply interior, inside – the affixes: ?uq? or ?aq? and c’u are of most common use – X of barrel: hi?c’u ma?um? X of body: ?aq? Have X of hand: hiyaq?n?uk Fat X: ?’acsuuq? Put X: ?uk?inup Yet X: wikyu hitakusc’u (- not yet outside) Shot X: shot?aq?; ?’iyaq?Insipid wikp’a?Insist X by words: c’aatc’axs? See Dispute. X upon a person by words: haak?ayiih??ap; ?a?iis?i??uh??ap(E) Insnare ?i?ik?iih?; qaqaami?s?; + ?aac?iisy’akInsolvent ( + Inability to pay one’s debts) ?aaq?iqnaks?i?; ? ; ?u?atuInspect n’an’ac?tin?; pih?s?i?; haam’ii? Let me go and X: haamiic?iih?sInspire ciqayi; haahuupa; hinii ?imaqstiInstall Procure eg: X a priest: ?unaaksap leplet X a new priest: ?a?unaksap leplet X in a certain locality: hi??ap; ?u?ii?as?ap; ?ap To X one as a policeman: policeman?apInstantly taquk , kapsc?i?Instead X of: wik The negation wik: I come X of John: hinats?i?s wik ?aq? johnInstep ?is?ii (+ this word means ankle) Instigate ?uksap; haahuupa; q?ismahsapInstinct ?imaqstiInstruct huuh?tiks?iih??ap; haahuupa; ciqaayiInstrument ?uus?c??ak The affix ?ak eg: No X: wikc??ak X hook: k?uc?akWhat use X: ?aqic??ak (+ what is it used for?)Insubordinate wiih?taas ; ?u?upu? wiih?taasInsufferable wim?aaq??atInsufficient kam?aa?is; wiiyaa?; wiiwinh?iInsult suk?ink See Abuse.Intangible wim?aaq??at hiniip?atIntellect ?imaqsti No X: wik?aq? ?imaqstiIntelligent ?imaqstinakIntemperate na?ik See Drunkard.Intend Simply use the future , or express in the sense of “my mind says”: waa?ac ?imaqsti The affix ?uwiq? is also used and mi?aq? in the sense of inclined to. See Incline.Intent With X: q?aamah?sa; ?uk?i?saIntention No word, the idea of object or X of doing something is expressed by: ?u?ip eg: I came with the object or X: ?u?ipnic hiinats?i? I had no object X: wik?ipnic I had an object in view X: ?uus?ahapnic No X: wiiks?ahapnic It’s my X: ?uh??ac ?imaqstiIntently ?anaqxh?Intercede ?aasiita ?uyayap ?imaqsti; ?aasiita c’ii?aaqstin?; ?Intercept ? ; wiinas?ii?ap Interchange X gifts: pact’at with the affix: sta?Intercourse Friendly: ?aaph?iictaa? – in dealing: mak?inksta? Carnal illicit: ?ih?naakInterest maamut How much X will you pay?: ?aqinak?k maamut He has five dollars X: suc??aqum?uk maamut Interesting X to listen: ?uqmis na?aatash?at He is interested , likes it: kaapap?is?; ?uqmisuk?is?Interfere ? eg: When quarrelling: hitaaqsta Not X: wiik’aqsta X talking: cii?aaqstaInterior X of the country: hi?c’u; hitaaq?as See Inside.Intermarry hah?a?upa?a hitach?in?Interpret ?upc?i?; ciqiitaInterpreter ?upc?i?h?si – One who speaks for another.Interrogate ?a?aatu See Ask.Interrupt X when one is narrating: ? X when working eg: at a canoe: ?as?saap I Xed: ?as?saapnicInterval with the affix ?uksnaak or ?uh?snaak We do not seal during X of the two months: ?a?qum?snaak nis? hupa? wik yas?ma?Interview ciqsyuupIntestines hi?suuq?; c’iyupIntimate ( + To announce, proclaim or make known) hinii ?imaqsti; waa ; ciqaay’i X, attached to each other: ?uuksc?a?in See Attached.Intimidate See Deter tuh?tuuh?aIntolerable With ?u?u?pu? eg: The heat is X: ?u?upu??is? ?’upaa or ?’u?’upapu??is?Intoxicate naqsaapIntoxicated hiix?a?uu?; naqc?uuIntoxicating hiix?a?sy’i (+ an intoxicant)Intractable wiih?taas; wim?aaq??at ?uh?taasap?atIntrepid See Brave wi?ak; ? ?i?kakIntricate ?uus?cuk X of rope: ?uutx?yuu X, best to say: hayumh?icukIntruduce Put inside: hitaqstup Did it first: ?uwii q?is “B.” introduced money among the Indians: “B.” ?uwiimit ?unaaksap taala ?uk?i? qu?as(E)Intrust nac?cumh?i?ap; ?uu?a?uk?apInvade tuuh?s?i?; wiinaInvalid ( + not strong) wiksaah?tak; ?aawiiInvalid (sick) tatumh?iInvariable (Not changing) q?aasasa q?aa; wiiy’a k?isi?aInvent With the affix ?u?as?t followed by any of the proper verbs: eg: who Xed the steamboat?: ?ac?i?as?t (?uwii) steamboati? ; John Xed the art of making watches: ?u?as?t nit john ?ac’ik watch or watchii? I X: si?as?t You X: sut?as?t We X: ni?as?t etc.Invert h?uuq?apup; caaqapi Investigate has?iic?iih?; nas?i? See Inspect.Inveterate ?acuk X not changing ?iiqsi?a or wik?aa k?isi?a Never correcting: wiiy’a ?am’ak’?a?Invincible ?u?ukspin??iik Cannot be defeated: wim?aaq??at ?ukspin?Invisible c??anii?at; wim’aaq??at n’aca?at X under something: ?u?us?c?as or ?u?us?c?i? when inside.Invite X to eat: haaw’awiqs? X strangers to eat: yaac’i? X call: haa?in X to go to banquet: hinatum?as X to go to the banquet last time: c?aas?a?i? X for any object (+ any reason): susuk?i?mas X to go along: ha?ii? X to help: ?aac?i? X to another tribe to potlatch: haa?in?as; hinata?as; suk?i?; ?u?i? See Fetch, Call, Ask. X send for: yuyuus?ipInvoke (+ Appeal to God, prayer) ciciqinkInvoluntary ?a?aanu?aa??at Could not help: h?isi?s?ii?aah? See Accident.Involved See Envelope hiitaaqsta X in a murder: qaah?uqstiInward With the affix suq?; hi?suuq? Sorry in my heart: yaac??aatsuq?Irascible ( + short tempered) ?uus?suq?; ?Iron cikimin Made of X: ciikipqh?tin X clothes: c??ima??apIronically Speak X: ?imc??ikwaIrons Hand cuffs: ma?y’ak Put in hand cuffs: mama?h?i?apIrrigate paas?apIrritable ?uus?suuq?; ?Island c?a?akIslets Prominent rocks: c?iic?akIsolate xac?aanupIssue t’aat’nack?i He died without X ( + without having children): wiikiny’ap t’aat’nack?iIt ?uh? Mostly not expressed.Itself ?u?uk?ah? By X or from X: ?uk?asah?i Itch siisixk?inItching puuma?s?i?JJabber X eat up one’s words: c??iikc?uq?aJacket jacketJack Screw ?iic??a?apy?akJack Knife tah?snu??akJail ma?uwi?Jailer mamaa??a?ukJam tasa?y?ak Xed together: pi?qink; pitinqsap; pitqinks?i? X one’s foot: pipitqh?ta X one’s hand: pipitqn’uk Jar With the affix sac eg: butter jar: buttersac or simply kii?uukJaunt With affix maa?api X absent from home as a pastime: wiiki? maa?api On a fishing X: ?aac?as maa?api X on an excursion: ?uuc maa?apiJaw c?iwaap (chin)Jealous hut?atu Of a X disposition: huut?iikJealousy hut?atmisJeer ( +To mock, make fun of) ?uuc?us; ?iixc?usJest ?umc??aap; wik?anaqh?wa; ?u?uk?inkh?Jerk ?ith?in ( + sudden pull motion.)Jewel ?iiw?aq? m?uksy?iJib c??itatsanum Flying X: 1. ?a?iih?taqak c??itatsanum 2. yaaqhsnu? 3. yaqp?ic??asJob See Work.Join With the affix ?uk?ink; ?uk?ac?ink eg: The opening of a wound: hu?ac?inksap from hu?aas and ?uk?ac?inksap X in wedlock: ? ?u?inksap - X hands together X attach: ?atinksap See Attach.Joined Take away ap from above eg: Blankets X to eachother: c??itinkJoint X of limbs: ?; k??a?k??ac? Out of X: yumsc??iqs?i?; ?Jointly nupiw?aq?Joist ?; ?; + t?aap?umJoke See Jest.Jolly ?u?ukc?yakJourney With the affix mii?api or ma?api Go on a X: ?ucma?api Go on a X to Europe: ?ucma?api europe Go on X by canoe: ? ?iiqs; ?atwaa X when not determined: ?uus?cum?apiJoy ?Joyful ?uu?aq? Rejoice: nas?aak; ?u??at ?imaqsti Cause of Xness: ?u??aacy?i ?imaqstiJudge Speaker: ciqh?si To X of a thing, see Inspect, Examine. To X, to think: t?at?aap?ata; pih?s?i?; ?a?aash?i Deliberate – more than one, make up mind together – who X that way or whose mind was it - ?ac?iicnih? ?a?aash?iJudiciously Spend X: ?uu?k?a?apJudicious ?uus?htin?aq?Juice ?uqstumJump tuxs?i? X over: tuxcpaa X down: tuxp?its?i? X into sea: tux?ac?is?tu?Just See Honest t?aaqy?aak X now: ?ah? X home: ?ah?uu? X landed: ?ah?sa? I X saw it: ?ah?u?aa?sKKedge ( + A light anchor) t?ayusum?isKeel c??itqumKeen sac?k X cold: saac?ksit m?a?aaKeenly To feel X: sac?km?a?suq? eg: a reprimand.Keep To hold: suu X not return: ?acapwin X in a certain place: hi??ap X in jail: hi??ap ma?uwi?; ma?i??ap X eg: boarders: suu ha?uk?ap X in the sense of have rendered as have: ?unaak etc. X not spoil: wik ?ic?s?i? How long will this X, preserve?: c?aa ?unic ?atii X a short time: k?aac??at X a long time: qii?at X (precepts of God): ?uu?a?uk X take care of: ?uu?a?uk I X it for my child: ?u?atups t?aatn?aakks; ?u?umqas t?aatn?aakks X for some purpose - not part with it – an object: has?ah??a?uk X do not part with it: has?ah??a?uk?iKeepsake ? ?u? ?utumKeg mamaa?k?in; ma?um??isKelp husminKennel mah?t?ii?ak ?inii?Kerchief maa?iicum; c?iisiicum X for women: ?ih?umyumKernel t?itiiqstumKettle niisy?akKey ? ?iqy?ak Lock with a X: ma??iitap Open with a X: ? ?i?itapKeyhole ? ?iqyaqu?Kick yacks?i?; yaackyaacka; pass?i?; yackk?a?apKicked yackc?u Was X: yackyaatnit or better to say yacks?i?atnitKid ( + baby goat) mumukk?uk?isKidnap kuuwi? qu?asKidney nixtinKill qah?saap with relative: ?uusuup I Xed an ox: qah?saapnic muusmuus or qah?saapnic ?uusuup muusmuus also ?uusuupnic muusmuusKilled qah?saapat Two are X: ?a?suu? qah?s?i? Of animals - Two were X: ?a?qum? ?uusu? qah?s?i? relative ?uusuu? Dead, X: ?uusuup To kill.Kind Humane ?u?; ?aaph?i; ?aaph?i?aq?; hiisak?a?; ?a?akmiiq?iik See Indulgent. Sort species with the affix (u)saah?tak One X: nupsaah?tak What X: ?aqisaah?tak Of the same X: ?usaah?tak Of another X: k?isaah?tak The prefix q?a is also used – of the same X: q?asaah?tak All Xs: h?ihiqsaah?tak X: h?ihis?tup X polite, obliging – you are very X: wisi?a?ic All X of articles: hiis?saah?tak – his?tuupKindle pa?s?i?; ?ink?ii?; ?ink?ii?ap X make light: ka?hsaap X a match: sic?i? X a candle: pa?qiinupKindly The Indians in connection with the meaning make great and frequent use of ?u? and ?aaph?ii X gently: ?uu??uu?aKindling ?inkwii?y?ak X wood: tas?cu?ak?umKing h?aw?i? The X of England: h?aw?i?uk king george?ath?King Fisher t?amuukKings Evil ( + a form of tuberculosis) ?ic?in?; ?ic?uu?Kiss hic?inks?i? Report ( +sound) of a X: c?umsks?i?; + k??ixs?i?Kitchen Our Indians use the same word, also siqii?uwi?Kitten piis?paana; piis?pis??isKnave ( + A dishonest man) yuyumix?sta?iik (qu?as); p?is?aq; ? ; ?Knead c?aatc?aata; ? ; c?aacc?aataKnee c??ah?citiKnee Pan ( + knee cap) ?atc?iicumKneel ? ?iki? the root ? ?ik with the affix according to locality X on one knee: saac??aayi? ? ?iki? X on right knee: c?umcayi? ? ?iki? X on left knee: qacayi? ? ?iki? X and sit on heels: ? ?ik?aq?i? X genuflect: ? ?ikpi? X in canoe: ? ?ik?ah?sKnife x?utaayu; ?aky?ak Pocket X: ?ac’inuu? Table X: hawaac??ak Bread X: c??iimaKnit X of a bone: hu?ac?inks?i? ( + become joined, heal)Knob X of a door: mus??asumy?aku? etc. with the affix ku? which is descriptive of head or face.Knock See Beat. X at the door: ?iiks?atin?; ? X with fist: ? ?iks?i? Beat: hiss?i? X down: ? ?aph?pitap; c?athpitsap X an object: ?uxsaapKnot ? ?uc?qa X eg: in rope: t?amuqyu Make a X: t?amuqsap Make one, two, more X: nupinq; ?a?pinq etc. (sap)Knotty X tree: ? ?uuc?qaanu? X: ? ?uc?qa? eg: plank.Know kamathak Not X: wimathak Understand: nana?a X what is said: na?aa See Able huh?tik; wic?ik; ?ac?ik; ? X recognize: hamip Not X: ?ac?uuc? X news: has?i?; hin?a? See Learn: has?ic?i?; hin?a?s?i? See Inform. The prefix hi; h?i; h?ih? is used when in a state of perplexity eg: I do not X what to say: h?ii waa ?aah?s I do not know when to go: h?icac?ii?aah?s I do not X: hayumh?isKnown To make X: q?aah?ii?ap Become X: q?aah?iic?i? See Accuse – tell and others of like meaning.Knowingly kamathaktisKnuckles h?uu?inkum LLabel ?Labour ?uus?taq; mamuuk To be in X: c’ah?wac?i?; c?ah?wama?iiq?Labourer ?uus??at; mamuukh?si; ?ukh?siLaborious hiix?atcuk What you do is X: hiix?a?is? yaqtak?ik X man: ?aapiik ?uus?taq; hahas??aq?Labyrinth Do not know the way out: hayums?asLace Shoe X: mamaqma; mama?h?taLacerated ?a?aak?ac?yuLack ?u?atu; wiiyaa?Lad h?aawi?a??is; haac’uh?i ma?i?qacLadder x?a?aamin; yacsacus Go up X: hinaasi?Ladle kac’utumLady hakum; ?iih?p’iit ?uucmaLagoon ?uh?ca?ii?Laid X up, sick: ta?i? X up again: hu?aq?pi?Lake ?a?ukLamb mamituu?isLame To be X: qiis?qiis?a; hupin?; yumyuma yaacuk; qis??aq?; yuyumh?i (yaacuk)Lameness hupiimisLament See Cry: ?aaqyaks?i?; ?aak?aatuk Sigh groan: tata?inLamentable ?iih?cukum; ?akcukumLamp ?inkc’u X glass: ?akum X shade: huqqumLance Indian X: hic?h?taa X for whale: hiinaanuh?sum X a swelling, abscess: c??iic?i?Lancet c??iic??akLand Country: nism’a Earth, not gravel: c’isumc; nism?a Beach: wih?is (where it is dry) ?is descriptive of land bordering on salt water or water. X above beach, descriptive by affix ?as eg: Level X: mi??as High X: t?uc?k’as X go on shore: hitasa? X temporary (go on shore): k’atsa? X ship along wharf: ?’aah?a?cin? See Camp – Call. The affix ?u?uu?ta is used in the sense of landing.Landing X freight also stepping on shore from boat or canoe – x merchandise: p’atq?i?ta The affix ?u? is also employed in the connection with the idea of landing the locality being at the same time expressed – We landed in Mowachaht: histu? min nis? muwac??ath? – see drift – go straight for land: tak’u? X place: yuu?(naak); k’an’u?; kaniis Nice X: ?u?is X put on shore: wih?isanup; hitasanup See Beach.Landbreeze yuuwah?su?; yu?atuLand otter waaxniiLandwards wih?iiya; wih?is Landlord h?aw?i?isum; h?aw?i?Language citciiqa; + ciiqciiqa; waawaac??ak with the affix ?(u)waa Speaks pleasant X: ?u?uukwa; ?a?aaph?iiwa Foul X: sasac?kwa; kukuwaqa Sour X: sasac?kwa Speak the X of the Indians of this coast: ciiqciiqa The X of northern people: kiikiicuq?a ( + derogatory) Speak X of white man: mamama?asa; mamama?niqa Speaks own X: ?u?uk?asath?a; ?u?u?k?ath?i; Hesquiat X: h?ihisk?ii?ath?aLanguid See FeebleLantern hic?iisy’akLanyards c?iipu?y’akLap hiinaaciiLap Have a baby on X: c’apiis Carry anything in X: yac?iis Dog sits on my X: hinaacac ?inii? Dog jumps on my X: tux?acinu?ac Put it on my X: hinaatsinup?is or ?u?iipatsi?is Drink as a dog: c??uupkma?sitLard kuus?uksit Grease X: ?aqmisLarge See Big ?iih? X wide: ?’uq; ?uk?iit See Wide: ?aq Wide shirt: ?a?aqt ?ih?aq?y’ak Very X: (?a)?iih?ak; ?a?iih??api – See Canoe.Larynx c’iiqacLascivious ( + Given to or expressing lust) kis?h?inLash ?’aph?y’ak To X: ?’aph?s?i? See Flog.Lass haak?aa?Lasso To X: k’ak’aaminup?iih? A X: qapy’akLast The X – this expressed by : ?ukumq?i eg: I am the X: siikumq?i sis? Thou are the X: sutkumq?i?ic He is the X: ?ukumq?i?is? We are the X: niih?kumq?i nis? You ( + addressing more than one person) are the X: siih?kumq?i ?icuus? They are the X: ?ukumq?i?is? He came in the X: ?ukumq?i?is? hinii?i? The last time: ?ukumq?i?ap The last supper: yakumq?i?apnit supper X long – not used up: qii?ak?ac?i? X long-preserves: qii?at X a short time son spoiled: k’aac??at Expressed idea of lasting long: qii; qiic?i? – Long as a verb is not regular translated. The rain Xed three days: qacc’uc?i?s?i? mi?aa It X too long: qiiqiipi?is?; qiiqiipu? The run of the herring X a long time: qiipa??is? ?usmit How long did it X: c?aa ?unic ?a?ii The prefix ?iq corresponds with the English yet. The snow X or there is snow yet: ?iqpa??is? k’?iis See Abundance: ?uupa?Latch k?uucamum To X: k?uucamuupLate Too X: wiic’ak; wiic’uu Away X eg. at sea: qii?uk; qii?uks?i?; qiik?aa? X up at night: qiiyuuc? X in the day: sayaa?a? qa?hak; yaaqii?ap n?aas X in the evening: yaaqc’aak Deceased – the affix nit. The X queen: queen nitLately ?ah?; ?ah? t’anaLater ?uyii t’ana; ?uma?ii also hitacpa in the sense of beyond a certain time eg: Why do you come X than I told you: ?aqink hitacpaanup hina?s?it wawaa miqsLather Foam: p’acmis To X: p?acsaapLaugh ?’iixs?i?; ?’iix?aa Relative: ?u?uusumc? X at somebody: ?’iixc’us; ?’ii? ?iixsumc? X friendly X he X at you, smiles: ?’iix?aa?at ?ic Incipient ( + just starting): ?’iix?aqs?i?; ?’ii?’iixwaqs?i? We had a hearty X: ?u?usumc? min nis? ?’iix?aa X for nothing: wiiwikink ?’iix?aaLaughable ?’iixcukum X pleasant: ?u?uuqmuth?iLaugher Always laughing: ?’iiwikLaunch X a ship: hinaayapLaundry c’u?aaquwi? ( + a Laundromat)Lavish ( + extravagance or abundance) yumih?taLaw This and other words expressive of our civilized law – suits and law – business do not exist in this language and there imperfectly rendered.Lawyer Indian X: ci?ik Examine in court: ciqsaap X helping in a case: ciqh?si; ciqiita; yamaath?siLawful wikc’a? UnX: ?uus?c’a?Lay X eggs: c?ah?wac?i?Lay X eggs: ? X to place: ?u?iip with affix as to locality. X on or upon, place upon: hi?aas?apSee Put etc.Lazy c??in?uq? Habit of being X: c??iin?uq??iik X too hard: c’iik?aq? X unwilling: wiiwis??aq? See Unwilling.Laziness c??iin?uq?misLead X shot, X weight to fish line: t’iwanum See Conduct: kutiic X an animal by rope: m’aqiisLeader nac?ii?uk?isumLeaf X of a tree: ?’ac? ?aqh?sum X of vegetables: ?’aaqiqumLeak c’acwii Leaking: cah?aa; ?i?iqata X inside: ?i?iqati?Lean Not fat: ?’ih?aq; t’ih?aqyu; t’ihaqs?i? Become X: ?’ih?aqs?i? X slender: ?anikit?is X bend eg: tower: c’iik?api; hiinapi X over (canoe): ciikapi X meat: c’isqmis X against wall: c?aqa?c’a X against door: c?aqa?c’a X against pillow, sitting: qupi? Walk leaning on an arm eg: sick: c?atasc?ik X against fence: c?ac?aqc?asLeap see jump: tuxs?i?Learn huuh?tiks?iih? X by information: has?iic?i?; hin?a?s?i? X to teach: huuh?tiks?iih??apLearned huuh?tik; ?ac’ik (paper)Lease See Hire ?uus?iis ?aak?uu?Least ?upi ?anah??is; ?aanah?sasa At X: t?aqmaLeather ?aasa?aqLeathern Made of leather: ?aasa?aqhtinLeave X to ask permission: cii?i? He has no X: yumq??at?is? He has X: c??iinuq??at?is? I obtained X: c?ac?umwats?is? - literally I have been told favorably. Give X: nu?ii; ?u??ap; kuwi?apTo depart – on foot: yaacs?i?; yack?ac?i? Per canoe X beach: ?acs?i? also ?ih?s?i? ( - to X for (per) use of paddle or oars) hence ?ih?s?i?i implies an order to use paddles when eg: wind fails. X go on voyage abroad: ?atwaa; ?’iiqs X the country: ?us?caci? X implying absence X early hu?ak?ac?i? In all directions: his?caak?ac?i? etc. per affix: k?ac?i? X behind, forget: ?u?inyapHe was dead when I left: ?u?inyapnic qah?ak (opposite of ?u?a? – he was dead when I arrived: ?u?a? nic qah?ak) – or qah?akin?aps X the door open: kuw?asinyap mah?t’iiHe left one son: c’awaak?inyap t’an?a X bequeath: See Give X abandon: ?ac?i?; wah?s?i? X at home: eg: when going out sealing: maq?ii X a thing as it is: q?aasasa?ap What is left: ?uuqapu?; ?iiqapu? One, two, or more left: c’awaak; ?a?a etc. with the affix according to locality. One left in the house: c’aawum? Two left in the house: ?aa?um? X with affix “left”: ?uuma? Have you anything X?: yaaqma?ukk I have nothing, none left: wiikma?uks I have five dollars left: ?uuma?uks suc??aqum? taala or suc??aqum? ma?uksLeaven puxsy?i in general includes yeast. To X: puuwi?Lecture Scold: cici?in; haahuupaLeft Opposite of right: qaca To your X: qacutatik On the X side: qacuutX leg or X hand: qacaas also yumc?aas To the X of: qacpaa Living to the X (inside): qacuti? or yumc?uti? and other affixes according to locality. X See Leave.Leg Member: qayapta applied also to arms of a table, chairs: ta?a?ma The X of a chair: ta?a?mak chair A wooden X: huuc?aas Break a x: k’?ak’?ah?ic?i? Has a broken X (limps): k‘?ak’?ah?i or k’?ac?aasLegend h?umwic?aLend Give X: ?aak’u?ay?i X borrow: ?aak’uu?Length X of a house: ?uunaqum? maht?ii ?uuna – with affixes. See Long.Lengthwise humtaapi Opposite: t’aaqapiLess With the affix sum eg: It is four days less than twenty: muuc?ii?sum?is? c’aqiicc?i? It is five cents X than: five cents sum?is? X with the affix ?us?k?aa? It is five dollars (wanting): suc??aqum? k?a??is? taala X (not counted in): wiikpaa? Give me the dollar X to the five cents: hinii?is taala wiikpaa??ap five cents. X is very often rendered by prefixing wiikii; sa and wikii qum?aa to the object spoken of eg: There is less snow than last year: wiiksaa?is? mii?h?ii ?at’a k’?iis q?aamit?ii q?isq?iic?h? There are X children in the Nootka than… : wiiksa?is? qum?aa t’aatn?a?is nuutka etc. Lessen ?ah?s?i? to cause to X: ?ah?saapSee become – and use same affix: c?ih?wats?i? – the rain X: c?ih?wats?i? ?ics? wiiqsii?iSee abated, dimishedLest ?uumaak , X for the fear of: ?u?uutyakLet to grant permission - see leave, allow X implies a wish a determination with the affix or ?atX him die: qah?s?ii?atX him feel ashamed: ?imhaa?atX alone: ?ac?i? – very often with the imperative wik?iiX blood, see bleed X lance: c?ic?i?X go: ?ac?i?, ?ac?yuu?apX him do, donor prevent: kuwi??ap?iX in: hinii?itapX out: jhinii?as?apX off gun, arrows: ?’ic?i?X lease: ?uus??iis? ?ak’u?ayi (math’ii –house)X the affix ap comes also in use eg: let him do it: ?uh?apsiDo not X him: wik?ap?iLetter letters; piipa , ?iisa?It is written in a X: ?uu?sa?Letters – receive a X: hinips?i?Letters or ?uyips?i? lettersSend a X: ?uca?ap lettersLevel water X: c?aqs?I , c?amaasy’akX of anything (outside): mi??as (inside): mi?i?To X soil, land: mi??as?ap , miwaa?ap xmiwaasThe prefix c?a, c?I opposite yu or wi is descriptive of anything level, even, good, well done etc. hence it is also used for expressing the idea of level – c?amaas , c?amaapu?Lever kumty’akLiar ?itaq?, a bigger X ?i?itaq?api - ?it?ita?iikLiberal see generous: ?imiihtak , hawih?, ?aayik (go back to generous and change it..)Liberate give liberty: ?’iqpitapXed: ?‘iqpit X slave: wikii?ap-quu? x ransom slave: ha?aaquutX advance fine: O , ha?aac?i?Libertine of no account: wiihtaasLick c?upks?ic? , c?uupc?uupka X in face: c?upk?u? X on mouth: c?upkma?aksu?See beatLid h?uq?iqsumLie a X: ?itmis to hold for a X: ?itmis?ap to tell a x: ?its?i? , better ?ii?iita , ?iit?iits?i?X rest, be stretched out , inside affix – as: c’it?i? outside: c’itk?asX on stomach: ?ah?i?X on back: nii?i?X on side: c?iiti?X half reclining: qupi?X of dogs, animals: muq?i?X in the sense of “is” eg: lies or “is” X on some object: hi?aasX uncovered eg: potatos in patch: wikc?aasLife to be alive: tiic?Full of X: c?as?xakI saved his life: c?iic??apnicLifeless gah?ak , hac?atyu X dull: ?um waaph?iLift ?ic?a?ap , ?ic?a?aps?i?X a canoe + carry on shoulder: kii?iisThe fog Xs: k?its?i? ?uc?qmisLight not heavy: O k’atyiik?is, yuxyiik?is what is inside eg: bix is X: yuxc’uNimble X: ?’i?kak , c?umtaaX wind with affix “is”: yu?i?is or yupi?is or x unimportant affix “is”: wisaak yu?I and (wisaakX vain: wiwikhtinc‘yakX by which we see: ?inkX day X morning: naasums?isIt is day x: ka?hak?is?X of room: kaka?hsu?i?X colour: wista?yuX not dark: ka?hak has, see fire-produce x by fire in canoe: hic?aak Material for such a X: h?ic?aakma – see kindle – x burning brightly: ha?’aak hat’aOpposite: wi?’aak dead or X out – see darkX fire: hic?akX on canoe: hic?akSee kindleIlluminate: ka?hsapIlluminate in house: kaka?haksapX pipe: pa?s?it q?is?aa , patc?inupTo take along a x: hic?iisCome to x eg: a crime: k?aah?ic?i?To x of a bird: mataas eg on an fenceX on sea: matac?is?tA band of birds X on the sea: huuc?is?itX from a carriage: hinu?taLighten eg: fire at night: kaka?huqs?i?X make the heavy: k’atyiiksap?is, yuxyiik?ap?isLighthearted c?axtsuuq?Lightening ?’ih?’ha , itisx: t’his?i? or t’iht’hs?i? or ?’ih?’iha?is?Like similar, q?aa, q?aa?iik , ?usaahtak, mii?h?iI am always x that: q?aasasasis? q?aaThere is no girl x yours: wikiit ?ucsacqinh q?aa q?aa?iik suwaasMy coat is X that: ?usaahtakuksCoat – see alikeX reslish enjoy pleasure: ?uuqc?apX love: ya?ak , kaap’ap , ?umahsaX hanker: k?in’?a? , ?uu?a?sumh?iX approve: ?u??ap , kaap’apSee desireLikely with the affix ?u?uucyak it is x going to rain: m’im’i?cyak?is?It is not x: wiiwikcyak?is?Liken see compareLikeness x portrait x of Bishop Seghers: ?ut’ii?i?a Bishop SehersLikewise yuq?aa , yuq?aak?isLimb qayapta – see branch kwaskwiit plural: k?asitumLimber get X: hiinak?a?ac?i?Limbo piinapu?Lime ?’icmisLime kiln t’icitu?Limit the x: hiistma where is the X: waastma my means are xed: ?u?atakc?iksis?Line c’istuup, maaqiicum , ma?sk?aapumX for fishing: c’isy’akTo fish with a x: c’iss?i? , c’iisc’iisaStretch out a x: c’isa?apWalk in a x: c’iisaakOne by one: c?awaatumX mark: ?iisma to X: ?iiss?i? , c’iss?i?Stand in a X (outside) : t’aaqyaas , ?a?ac?inkwas , c’iyasX row eg: three X (potatos): qacc’upiwaq?’asX a house (outside): c?iits?i? , c?iitaX a house (inside): c?iic?itsupitap, ?u?uksupitapX clothes: ?icaqstup . ?’ahsaqstupXing: ??ahsaqstumLinen ?i?ka? white X: ?ishtumLinger stay away: ?asuks?a?s?i? , ?acmuuups?i?X in a house: wiinapi?What makes you X so long in the house? ?aqii?u?i?k wiinapi?Lingerer ?a?aacmuups?i??iikLingering sickness: ?ii?kwac?i?X slow dying: qii?akwac?i?, qiimaqs?i?iihLiniment tasy’I from tass?i? rub on, apply X to, also: tasa’ak , taastaasay’ak X to be lightly applied: pasma, pasy’i, only to be used as a moistureLink hisac?ink?iq (chain): k’uk’c?inkX together: k’uuc?ink from k’uc?’ak – hook See attachX together again: hu?ac?inksapLint puu?uks?a?Lip c’ip?aksum shut the X: kips?i?Keeps the X closed, does not speak: kipaksu?Noise made by X eg calling one?s attention: c’imasks?i?Liquefy become XL ?uc?i? , ?u?aks?i? , tuqs?i? casue to X: ?uwaqsap , tuqsapLiquid with affix sit. Filthy X (water): c’iis?x?sit clear, good X: ?u?sit Also applies to air, wind, cold wind: mma?sit yu?I , ?aawakLiquor hiix??u?syi OThe English words often usedLips has a X: t’iiqaksu?List vessel has a x: ciikaa, ciikapi , cikyuuListen na?aatah see hear, obeyLittle ?anah?is , ?ac?knah?is very X: hamatX not much: kamaa?is , wii?maa , wii?maa?isToo X : wiiyaa? (short) , kamaa?isLive not dead: tiic? , wiiks?ah?i (unhurt) X long – to very old age: haahtuu? opposite: wii?ii or wiihtu?X dwell simply hi? he X at Nootka: hi??is? NuutkaWhere does the Chief X ? : waasih? hawi? or waasih? ma?as hawi?Sometimes omitted eg: where do the HEsquiath X (at present): waasakh his?k?ii?ath?They X outside: wi??iis? ?’a?aaTo X on – eat: ha?uk what do cows live on: ?aqiich?ha?uk muusmuusor ?aqakukhha?um muusmuusJohn X on grasshoppers: John ha?uknit ?u?iic mumuwac?k?inTo X with: ?uk?inkTo x with Father etc. in-law: hismii?To live with man or woman as husband and wife – even in sin: ?uch?iLiver ?iimaakLizard ?iis?umLo! O nas?I see beholdLoad X a gun: tuc’inupX a canoe: hitaqs?ap X O p’at?ah?apX a wagon: hitac’inupLoaded X a gun: tuc’uX a canoe: p’at?ah?s not X: wik?ah?s is it X: ?uqsX with potatoes: ?uqs qaawic , qaawic ?ahsX deep in water: ?aa?inh?ac??isFull X: ?aq?aasX with lumber (vessel): ?uus c?itaa?Not X with lumber – left it behind: wikaas c?itaa?X has on board , along with affix asLoafer wisaahtak qu?as , c?iinuq?iikLoan see lend: ?aak’uu?Loathe see hateLobe of tongue: kac?iyum (EPIGLOTTIS)Lock mus??as sum y’ak , m’a?’asy’ak , m’a?saapy’ak , m’?y’akPad X: huupksiyumumTo X shut the door: m’a?as?ap , m’a?’itap (inside) Locked m’a?’as , not X: ?’i?as securely hidden: hat’uq?a see hideLodge Sleep: was?ic?h?X in a neighbor’s house (custom of young people): t’aaw’asLodger wiikp’iic?Lofty k’ac?waa , nuc?hakLog driftwood: k’ah?nii , towx: m’a?aakLoggerhead to be at X O , nii?aakLoin hinas?ak?iLoiter ?uu??uu?a yaacukLonesome to feel X: wiiwiiquk , wii?ag?to feel X for somebody: wii?iic?i?Long yaaq , too X: yaayaaqapi . yaaqs how X: c?aa ?unic?a?iiX ago: hu?ak , qii?a?ii , hu?ak?uy’iX distance: sayaa how X (far): c?aa ?unayiiX tall: ?iih , yaaq – how X: I c?aa ?una?iiTo above add affixes as requiredX desire, wish for: ?iinums ?ah?s eg. I X to see my child: ?iinums?ah?s n’ac?uu? t’atna?is aqksThe young men X for arrival of schooner: “O haawiiha? schooner” , yamahsa X have an appetite for - ?uhsaa – the word ?umahsa is less strongX to see a person: wii?iic??Look to X at: naaca, X glance at: qass?i? X after, take care of: naac?cumh?i , ?uu?a?ukX for: ?unaah? , hiininyuh? , hiininyuh? naac?uk , naac?ukX wait for: hiinu? (eg. when expecting someone) Angela)X through> nac?swii , spy: kih?s?i?X about: n’anaac?ma?apiX into see ExamineX back: nac?qumq?iX out, danger: h?umqaa?iLook up: n’ac?misaX in the face: n’ac?ii?X continuation of See: naaca, see Look!: n’as?iX in the proper direction: ?aapstinak’uh?X in the wrong direction: wiikstinak’uhX at eg: a game, fight etc. : yaa?a?X go and see or look: haam’ii?I will go and have a X: haam’iis??ah?sX away, turn the face: ?aah?ac?i?X for to be in, want of with the affix ?un’aah? - I X for you: sutn’aah?sis?He X for, is in want of help: ?asn’aah??is?X in eg: passing a house: y’aks?i?X down almost shutting eyes: wicaaX eyes starting eg: of a dying person: h?u?qaaX like, have a appearance: ?u?uk’ukas an affix – X like a white: mam?k’ukX like as if it were going to rain: miimi?c’ak affix c’yakX sick : tata?i?c’yak in this connection examine: See Examine – Seek for etc. and bear in mind that n’ac? takes many different affixes according to locality, object etc. eg: n’ac?istii?: X into a hole , n’as?swii: X through etc.Looking Glass nac?a?y’akLoon a bird: ?aama, Simple minded(loony): wiiwikhtin c’yakLoop kami?y’ak ? , kakamixh?y’akLoose ?’iqyuu to get X: ?’iqs?i? , make X: ?’iqsap which all imply the opposite of bind: ma?s?it not tight: cihtaa , become X: cihts?i? with affix hitatu eg: k?it?atuSee Detach – also wiiwikc?iX not properly fixed: wii?maa , kumtaaLoquacious ci?ikLord hawi?Lose pawa?cs?i? - with the relative O ?u?uciqa – O yaayaqciqa – also affix O or ?uus?k?aa?s?it ?u?uciqa is often used by itself – miss – what id you X : ?a?aqiiciqa?ikI X one dollar: ?u?uciqanic nupqum? taalaX a child: tat’naciqa X the affix (?u?a) k?ac?i? implies the idea of loss, destruction, abuse and is often used – X I lost much money: ?ayak?ac?i?s taalaWhat sis you X , miss , part with: ?aqiik?ac?i?k – better: ?aqiik?a?s?i?kX not gain: hita?i?How much did you X?: ?unaqum?k hita?i? or haa?ak?ac?i?X lost in the woods: hayum?asX Lost at sea: hayum?X a schooner: ta?atu , wiika?c?i? schoonerChild X mother: wiika?c?i? ?umiiqsiX by death a child: ?imaqs?i?X by death husband or wife: ?itwats?i?Lower X more down: hi??a?atuX to humble: q?aaqiiqsapX let down: hita?atupX price: k?ac?atu , with affix ?uus??atu – See ReduceLowland ?it?as , mihyuu , mi??as , mi?yuuLucid See Bright: h?asLuck good X: c?umsi?a bad X: ?imsi?aLukewarm t’umahs , t‘umahs t’anaLuggage see baggageLumber c?iitaa?Lump a kind of X: huu?ii X swelling: x?ayuuLung yuxLustful kis?hniLying on eg table: hi?aas - according to locality X sand: kic?aq?isX on or other trees or sticks: kiicapi lying X across stream: kicpi?Machine muula (French moulin) the affix c??ak; ?ak expresses instrument, tool, machine eg: sewing X: n?ic??akMad Angry ?uus?suuq?; p?is?aq To become X: p?iy?ac?i?Made See Make. X of: ?uh?tin as an affix or by itself. X of gold: kuunaaqh?tin The material it is X of: y?aqh?tin?iq It is X of iron: ?uh?tin ?is? cikiminMagi (+ The wise men in the bible) The three X: h?awiih?; les mages (French)Magnify ?iiway?ap X in length eg view: c?ips?i?Maid (+ A girl or young woman, especially unmarried) ?uucma or haak?aa?: young woman Mail Carrier piipiipaqmash?si (whose work it is to carry letter to the houses.)Maim k??ak??ah?i?ap (break a leg) y?ay?umh?i?apMaimed y?ay?umh?i; k??ak??ah?i; ?uusuqtaMainland nism?asa Side of X: nism?acu?atMainly He came X to tell: ?uuchasasa ?iiqh?wit?asMaintain See Dispute. X an assertion (X a confident or forceful statement of fact or belief): hachac?ah?s? X support, see Keep.Make X something undetermined ?uus?i? (+ This also means “that person.”) ?uus?ii? hence affix ?i? or ?ii? X a canoe: ?uuk?ii? c??apac or better c??aapacii? slang for X a canoe: ?aasuk The relative ?uus?siik (not determined), ?uusiik (determined) ?uus?taq: to work ?uutaq determining what, hence questions what do you X?: ?aqic?i?k; ?aqitaqk I X a canoe: c??aapacii?s; c??aapactaqs Did you X anything, did you succeed?: ?uus?siiknik See Gain, Become, Earn, Cause. He Xs much of his son: ?iihsaah?tak?ap?is? t?anaak It Xs no difference to me: hiis?i??aps ?u?; hiis?i?s nuu?ii t?aaq?ii ?u? X up one’s mind: hiniip ?imaqsti; t?aat?aapata X, send, order with affix ?ap eg: X him do it: ?uh??ap?i X, insist, compel-I will X you do it: haak?ayiih?aq?s suuti?Maker with the affix ?i? eg: hat X: ciiyapuxsi?Male c?akupMalevolent (+ having or showing a wish to do evil to others) wiih?taas; p?is?aqMalice Through X: p?is?si?a Has X in heart: p?is??aq?Malicious wiiqh?ii Xly: p?is?si?aMalign (+ evil in nature or effect) ?iitmuth?i ?uuciiy?apMallard X duck: n?aah?t?ac?Mallet t?ic??ak Old Indian X: pinh?pinh?Maltreat suk?ink; wiiqhaapMama ?um?iiqsu When addressing mother: ?um?iiq When spoken of by another: ?um?iMan quu?as (+ humankind or person) ; c?akup (+ male or husband) Servant X: mamuqh?si; ?uus?ati No more a boy: quu?as Middle aged X: ?app?iqyu quu?as Old X: mixtuk; ?iic??um White X: mama?ni Colored X: tupksaath? The affix ?ath? defines the idea of a X, member of a tribe-country eg: A man of Hesquiat: his?k?ii?ath? A X of Ahous: ?aah?uus?ath? X chief: h?aw?i? (quu?as) Important X: ?iih?p?iitManacle + A metal band, chain, or shackle for fastening someone's hands or ankles m?am?aa?h?i?apManacles m?a?y?akManager ?uu?a?ukh?si; h?aw?i??ap?atManful (+ brave) quu?asMange six?ii To be covered with X: sixk?ac?i?Manifest (+ readily perceived by the eye or understanding, obvious) To X: k?ah?ii?ap; ?iiqhuk It is X: k?ah?ii?is? or k?aah?iic?i??is?Manifold (+ of many kinds, numerous and varied) ?aya; ?ayasah?takMankind quu?as; quu?as sah?takManly Do it X: quu?as?a?; c?amihta?a?Manner See How.Mannerly of proper conduct: ?uus?htin; ?uuhtaasMansion maht?iiManslaughter (killed accidentally) qaqah?wisaManure ? ?aqsy?i Excrements: h?icmisMany ?aya with different affixes or by itself. That X: qum?aa There are so or that X Indians in Hesquiat: qum?aa?is? quu?as his?k?ii See Indirect Interrogations qum?aa and affixes. See How. The affix qaq; ?ayaqaq is equivalent to “a great” or “very” many. There are very X people in New York: ?ayaqaq ?is? quu?as new york. As X as, I have as X as you: qum?aa?aqks qum?aa?ak?ik How X days: ?unac?i? or qum?ac?i? Too X: ?a?aayapi Not so X: wiiksa qum?aaMarch yaacuk + Month of X: + ?ayaqum?Mare ?uucma kiwitaanaMargin kaakapssac?Mark ?iiss?i? X a sign: ?iisyuu X badge: hah?umtt?u X signature: ?iisma His X: ?uuc?iisyuu or ?iisma X trace of animal: yacck?ii; yacyut Marked hah?umtt?u; ?iisc?uu See Blaze. X has a mark on body: ?u?u?in?ak (+ tattoo)Marriageable X, of a girl: c?ac?apxnakcum X, of a boy: ?u?uuc?nakcumMarrow ? ?iiwaqstumMarry To get married: hitach?in?; ?uch?in?; hitach?in?st?aa?; ?uch?in?st?aa? X another: ?a?uuch?in? To X, of a woman: c?apxnaaks?i? To X, of a man: ?uc?naaks?i? hence a married woman: c?apxnaak A married man: ?uc?naak To X, Indian fashion, by bargain: ?uc?haa To X Christian fashion, Hesquiat: ? ?u?inks?i? also malieds?i? To cause to be married, perform ceremony of woman: c?apxnaaksap Perform ceremony of a man: ?uc?naaksap also h?itach?inup; ?uch?inup the affix ?uch?i is employed in speaking of married people. Married to first cousin, of woman: hac?ich?i Married to first cousin, of man: ?uuc?muupch?i Finds no partner: hich?inuuh? Buy over again: hu?asi?a X after separation: hu?ach?in? X by fraud, another man’s wife: ?uc?h?in X by fraud, another woman’s husband: c?apxh?inMarsh c?i?k?as; c?ak??a?asMarten ? ?ii? ?ih?iy?uuh?Marvel nick?a; ?uus?p?a?aMarvelous nick?a?Mash See Crush. k?a?k?a?apMask h?uquuma Wear a X: h?uquu? Different Xs: haa?uuk?awii?y?ak (+ one that changes or gets changed); h?uquuma (+ mask); hu?uxsum (+ dancing mask); hinkiicum (+ chief’s headdress)Mass La messe. High X: SundayMassacre hiis?i? (+ qah?saap); his?suup; + his?suupaya: They want to wipe them all out, get them all.Massive k?atyiik; ?ih?aqMast ?aqsum X socket: wikiimaqsum One X: nupca?as Two X: ?a?ca?as Three X: qacc’itca?asMaster h?aw?i? See Conquer.Masticate t?aac? t?aac?a Xed: t?ac? c?uu; + To chew food for baby: t?aac?ayi?aa? Mat ?iha? To make X: ?iha?i? slang X: mamuuk X to sit on, in canoe: ?a?ach?ta X used for bed: t?unaax X to spread out, eg: to eat on: ?ici?umMatch X for kindling: si?i? To strike a X repeatedly: sii?siiya To strike a X once: sic?i? X equal: mii?h?i; ?um?aaq?; mii?c?ak eg: horse. I am a X for you: ?um?aaq? sis? suuti?Matchless wik?iit mii?h?iiMate mateMaterial yaqh?tin?iq Of what X?: ?aqih?tin Use the affix h?tin It is of such a X: ?uh?tin?is? The X is iron: cikipqh?tinMatron mixt?aq? ?uucma (+ elderly woman)Matter See Material. What is the X? to somebody: ?aaqink What is the X? to a third person: ?aaqinc? Nothing is the X: wiiks?han Nothing is the X first person: wiiks?hans X, pus, discharge: siqmis Full of X: si?aqstu? It does not X: hiis?i??is? ?u?Mattock hismaasy?akMattress hapsyupc?uMe siic?i?; + siy?aMeadow c??itap?as; ?aqma?as; ? ?aqa?asMeager ? ?ihaqs?i?Meal One X: nup?it ha?ukMean Avaricious: ?a?atik; hanaaq? Low, bare: wiikutaq Absence of extremes: ?u?umh?i X, refer to, denote: ?u?uk?i? eg: I X you: ?u?uk?i?s suuti? or suuti?s What do you X?: ?a?aqiwak To X: ?u?uwa I did not X that: wiiksa mic ?u?uwa X intend with affix ?umahsa X to be in earnest: ?aan?aqh? hence ?aan?aqh?wa: to say a thing in earnest.Meaning What is the X?: ?a?aqiwaqh?at The X is: ?u?uwaqh?at?is?Means By X of: ?uuh?w’a? X money, I have no X: wiiwiiknaks He has the X: hiihis?nak?is? By all X: haak?ayiih?a No by no X: wiiksasa By any X (forceful): hahaak?ayiih?Measles measlesMeasure A X: kac??ak X eg oil: c?iy?asy?ak To X: ka?ii?; kac?i? X liquids c?ic?i?; c?ii?c?iiya X with arms: ?ahs?i?; ?aah ?aahaMeat c?isqmis (properly) lean part - to eat: c?is?iic the lean part of whales, fish etc. is also called c?isqmis – the fat part is called ? ?aaq and the not boney part ?ap? X of a dog fish: c?ii?inMedal X as worn: huupapash?um X as around neck: huupsiqpumMeddle See Interfere.Meddlers ?u?uuciik mahsa ?imaqsti: Wants it always his own way.Mediate Interpose ?u?suuq?stupMedicament ?uqsy?i (as an affix) X soothing: pinhsy?i X blistering: ?itaasy?ak affix of ?uc??akMedicine ?uy?i; y?i as an affix eg: Cough X: wasaqsy?i X for stomach: tacy?i Drink X: ?uy?iic To have recourse to X: ?uy?aa? To give X: ?uy?aa??ap also for charms: ?uy?i X man or woman: ?uus?taqyu To be doctored: ?u?uuksy?i?aa?Meditate t?at??aapata; ? ?uu To have in mind to do a thing, ?uwiq? as an affix.Meek ?u?; ?anaak; ?aaph?iiMeet ?apstac?ink Not X: wikstac?ink Where did you X him?: waastac?ink nih suu See Assemble: his?umy?i? Find: ?uuw?a?; hinuu?aa? Come across: ?aminks?i? X a canoe: c??aminks?i?; hina?c?in?Meeting To fail X: q?iq?ipa?s?i? Place of X: hi??a? his?umy?i?Melancholic wii?aq? To cause melancholy: wii?aqstup Melodious Music: ?uuq?atuk; q?ac?a?atukMelt tuqs?i? To cause to X: tuqk?a?ap; tuqsaapMember Large X of body: qayapta X of a tribe: ?u?ath? See Limb.Memory A (+ person with) good X: kakaamathak?iik A bad X: hahaayumh?i?iikMend ?iqsi?ap; hu?asi?ap X put a patch: ? ?ah?s?i? X life: ?a?aam?ak?a?; wikiic?i?; haawii?a?; n?ic?inksapMenses First X: ?ic?aats?i? Just after or during first X: ?ic?aata During periods: nuum?a Observances during X: nuum?atu? Matter of X: nuum?atck?i Mentally ta?aq? To think or say on one’s mind: ta?aq?waa or t?aat?aapataMention ?iiqhuk; wawaa Not to X: c?am?aq X keep secret: haptmis?ap; haptum?akMerchandise maktuupMerchant Has a store: makuwi?n?ak; maak?ink?aa? X employed to trade: makhsiiMerciful ?a?akmiiq??iikMercy To have X: ?a?akmiiq?Mere ?aanasaMerely ?anasi?aMerit See Deserve.Merry ?u?uuqc?yak; c?axt?aq?Message To send verbal X: ci?aqstup Carry X: waamaas X by canoe: ?uq?iqstup (verbal) Bring, carry X eg: fish: k?i??ah?s?ap or k?i??ah?s, have along.Messenger Secret X: haat?uqsk?in One who is a X: ?uus?sahap?at Metal qatktuupMeteor t?at?uus?atuMidday ?apw?in n?aasMiddle ?apw?in See Between ?aph?taak; ?aph?snu?i? to center.Midnight ?apw?in ?ath?iiMidway X of road: ?aph?taas X of sea: ?aph?tac?is?tMight Probably, likely. It X be John: ?uh? qaac??a John. See Can. It is not, it X be: q?aa wuusii X it be possible, feasible-you X go: ?ucac?i? cum?icMighty haa?aq?aqMigrate X of birds: huyaa X people: s?ii?ukMild X (language) wiisaaq? ?as (ciiqciiqa) X cold: wiisaaq? ?as (ma?aa) X hearted: ?aaph?iiMildew Covered with X: paask?ac?i?; namumsMildly ?uu??uu?aMilk ?inma X (cow): cink cink?ap ?inma General: ?uutaq ?inma or ?inmataqMilky Way t?at?uusan?u?Mimic n?un?uuwa See Imitate. A X: n?un?uuwa?iikMind ?imaqsti One X: nup?it ?imaqsti Has a strong X: haa?ak?at ?imaqsti To X take care of: ?uu?a?uk X baby: ?a?iik??aa? X house: ?uu?a?uksumh?i To have in X, intend: ?uus?wiq?, often used as an affix-see Heed. X obey: ?umaap Never Xs his parents: wiiy?a ?is? ?umaap Never X: wikiicmap Changes X: ?a?uup?ii? ?imaqsti It is out of my X, give it up: wikwiqstu?; ?ac?i? etc. wiiwikwa; wik?a?s?i? Make up one’s X: t?aat?aapata Make up X together: ?a?aash?iMindful To be X of: hin?ay?aq?; ? ?uu To become X of: hin?a?s?i? Not to be X of, not to mind eg: cold: wiksaahtak?ap ma?aaMine siy?aas That house is X: siy?aas sis? mah?t?ii or ?uh?uks mah?t?ii See My.Mingle naminksap; naa?inksap Associate: naa?inks?i?; ?uuksc?i?inMink c??aastumcMinute “minits” Very Small: ?anah??is; ?a?inh?; k?atyuuMire (+ Wet, swampy ground) c?i?k?ukMiry (Outside) c?i?k?asMired ( + To sink or get stuck) eg: cow: c?uupii?as; c?uupii?i?; c?up?as; c?up?ii?Mirror n?ac?a?y?akMisbehave ?ii?aq?; wiihtaasMiscarriage Has a X: hitaak?ac?i? See Abortion. Stillborn, dead: qaah?ak maa?; qaah?akwiqstu?Mischief ?ii?aamis; p?is?misMischievous p?is?aq; wikhtinMiser (+ cheap) ?a?aat?iik See Avaricious.Miserable ?aak?iqnak ( + also means poor, destitute or hurting); ?aakcah?i; ?uuwaph?i To become X: ?aak?iqnaks?i?; ?aakk?ac?i? To cause to be X: ?aak?ii?Misery All descriptive of X or being miserable: yimp?iq(s?i?); ?uus?yaa?; yumqumyuu?; ?uyasi?a; ?uus?yin? X time of distress: mah?yuu n?aas ( + said when everything seems to be “caving in on you.”) X miserable weather: wiiwiiqukMishap yump?iqMisfortune Met with X: y?umsi?aMisgiving Have X: c??us?aa ( + also means suspicious)Misguide wikca?ap; wikcac?ii?apMisinform To be Xed: wikcaa?a?aq ? To X: ?iith??i You have been Xed: ?iith??ick?at?icMislead See Misguide.Misplace wiksiih??iipMispronounce wikciik; hayum?aqsu?Miss X not hit: ?ii?aap X shooting: wika?hta Hit X killing: tiic?htaa X lose: pawa?a X meeting eachother: q?iq?ipa?s?i? + To miss a family member or a friend: + wii?iic?i?Missing Not in the room, absent: wiki?; wik?iit Still absent: ?uuyuuk??a?; ?iiquuk Who is X?: ?ac?aayuk??aa? X Victoria ( + heading to Victoria, but missing it): histuuk??a? mituuni John is X: ?uuyuuk??aa??is? john. Also john wik?iitMist Fog: ?uc?qmis Drizzle: maaqaa; muhak; k?icaaMistake I made a X: ?ii?aap nic; ?i?aa mic See Err. X road: ?ii?i?; wikcac?i?; wikca?ap X speaking: wikciik X erroneously think: ?uq?ip The idea of X generally expressed by ?ii?aaMistrust c??us?aaMistrustful To be mistrusted: c??uus?ukum To be X: c??us?aa; c??uuc??us??iikMisunderstand wik?aap past tense: wik?aapck?i A Xing, enmity: ?a?utsta?Mitigate (+ to struggle physically) winaxs?i?Mitten ? ?u? ?u?c?uy?akMix See Mingle. With the affix ?uk?ink or ?uus?ink eg: with water: c??aawinksap X with much water: ?ayac?ink(sap) c??a?akMixed up ?uutx?yuu (entangled) Pure, not X: wiikinkMoan tata?inMock See Mimic-Deride. ?uuc?us; ? ?iixc?us; ? ?ii? ?iixsumc?; suk?ink X in a crowd: wap?iqs?i?Mocker ? ?ii? ?iixsumc??iik; n?uun?uwa?iik etc.Mockery To say a thing in X: suk?inkwaaModel ?uuktisy?ak To make a X: ?uuktisy?ak?i?Moderate ?u?umh?i Xing: c??iiwits?i?; ?u?umh?iic?i? X of sickness: kapu?s?i?Modern X Indian: ?aahaqsak quu?asModest ?iih?suuq?; ?iih?p?iitsuq? Not proud: witak; wic?waa; wii?mii?Moist See Damp. paapaasuk; paapaasmutuk; t?a?a? X fresh fish: ta?uk X, wet: mu?aq?Moisten paasa?a?ap; mu?aqstup To be Xed eg: by dew: paasa?ac?i?; paask?ac?i?Moisture t?a?mis X dew: maaqaaMolasses c?aamassitMouldy paask?atyu Swollen up X: ?upxyuuMole ( + on skin) c??uksii + many freckles on the face: + c??uksk?ac?y?aqu? + many freckles all over: + c??uksk?ac?yuMolest See Disturb, Annoy. wiiqhaap; yumsitMoment On the X at once: takuk X suddenly: kapsc?i?; paksc?i? In a X: ?;?;?Monarch h?aw?i?Monday nupc?ii?ck?i; + nupc?ii?Money taala; + taana; + minmaaks X for play: ?uus?iis Lose, spend X: taalak?ac?i? + Can I borrow X?: + ?aak?uu??is minmaaksMonkey monkeyMonth hupa? One X: nupqum? hupa? January: c?um?aasum?; February: wiiyaasum?; March: ?ayaaqum?; April: huyaaqum?; May: yas?maqum?; June: qawas?um?; July: hisitqum?; August: ?i?ic?asum?; September: ?um?aqum?; October: c??iiyaaqum?; November: ?aak??atu?isum?; December: t?i?asum?Mood To be in a bad X: ?uus?suuq? Good X: c?axt?aq?; ?u??at ?imaqstiMoon ?ath?iic?i hupa? X shines: naapi X rise: huupkusta X set: huup?atu New X: hin?ac?i?; hina??a? hupa? The first appearance of new X: ?aama?ac?i? Full X: mi?um? hupa? also humaq? or humaqstu?; mi?umyuu? Quarter X: ?aph?taak (+ half) Last quarter, breaking of X: k?a?s?i? or k?a?yuu; k?aa?k?aa?a; k?a?aa X expiring: hac?at?atu Halo around X: ? ?iitin? hupa? X eclipse: m?ac?i?at hupa?Mop ? ?uus?pitapy?ak; tiimiihsy?ak; + tiimii?y?akMorass (+ An area of muddy or boggy ground) ci?k?as More ?uupi There are X Indians in Ahousat than: ?uupi ?is? ?aya quu?as ?aah?uus X with personal pronoun: siipis; suutpi; ?uupi; niihpi; siihpi X another, other, again, once X, see words as required, also with sum – One day X: nupc?ii?sum?is? I have still X: ?iquk; ?iiqapu? See trading, give, get X: ?aayami Increase, becomes X eg: bad confession: ?ayaa?ac?i? A thing X: ?uus?p?a?aMoreover ( + As a further matter, in addition) waa ?a Morning X: ku?a? Becoming clear (+ becoming bright in the X): kaa?h?; + ka?h?aa; + kaa?h?pi??a?; + kaka?h?pi?X day break: kaa?h?s?i?; kaa?h?ak?a ? X daylight: n?aasums Early in the X: huu?ak ku?a? (+ at the time)tempore X: ku?a? ?uy?i Tomorrow X: ku?a?iik; ?am?ii ku?a?iik; ku?a? ?a?quu From X till night: ha?itap; ha?atupMortal eg: Wound: qaah?c?a?h?i X in danger of death from exposure: qaah?cuupMortar (+ white colored mixture used to bond bricks or stone) ? ?icmisMortification X sets in: ?im?aaqs?i? ( + colour of skin changes in mortification)Mosquito tanakmisMoss p?u?upMosquito tanakmis Bite of X: tanakwi Bitten by X: tanaks?i?atMost hiis?i? ?uupi; ?uupiisasa: indifferently used as more which ? –also many eg: X people say many people.Mostly Nearly hiik?a? (?a?)Mote ( + a tiny piece of a substance) ?aanah?sahtak?isMoth k?atsa?mis + puucpuu?inwaMother ?um?iiqsu Speaking to X by own child: ?um?iiq Spoken of by another: ?um?i X in law: q?ii?iqsu Step X: ?uwiiqsu Child to X: ?um?is?k Son speaking of X: ?um?iiqaMotion Of flesh: tiic?ac?i? See Move.Motive See Cause. Without X: wiiwiktaqaMoult haa?uuqumyuu?; k??aqs?i?; k??aqaaMoulding ( + a shaped material or substance) ? ?ah?yuuMouldy n?am?a; + n?am?iic?i?; paask?ac?yu; paask?ac?i?Mount X hill: t?uc?k?as X upstairs: hinaayipi? X horse: ? ?appii kiwitaanaqc?is X chair, bench: hinaasi? X a hill: hitap?iqin? X tree: c?iq?aasi? See Climb, Ascend. X back: kanup?aa?Mountain nuc?ii Plural: nuuc?yuu High X (+ big): nuc?iiqaq Foot of X: ?a?aphtas nuc?ii The top of X: ?apqii?ak nuc?ii To go up X: hitap?iqin? + To go half way up X: + ?aphta?ii nuc?ii To reach top of X: h?aqin? nuc?ii Come down from X: hitaa?atu also hitap?its?i? Only one X between: nupqum?sk??as nuc?ii X covered with snow: k??iisuu? Plural: k??iisuuh?Mounted ?uutaqc?u; hawic?u (+ put into place for use)Mourn ?ih?ak; ?aaksuuq? See Lament.Mouse ?iicq?in X trap: ?iicq?atqy?akMouth hi?aksu?; + hinaksu? Inside X: hiyaq? ?ahs; hii?is?k?aq?ahs X of a river: hi?atis Opposite X eg: Columbia River: ?ap?aqsu? X open: k?awahak To open X: k?awah?s?i? X shut: muqwita; kipaa To shut X: muuq?its?i?; kips?i? Put into X: hitac?uqs?i? Have pipe in X: kaaqsuu?; ka?aqsu?; q?is?sac One X full: k?am?a c?uq?a; nup?itc?uqs?i? Two X full: ?a?p?itc?uqs?i? Struck on X: ? ?ikaqsawii?at; ? ?ikcuks?i?at ? The affix for X outside is ?u? or ?aqsu?Moveable (Inside house) s?ii?s?ii?mi?Move X from one place (camp) to another: s?ii?uk X to advance not walking: pisatuk X eg: leaves: piss?i?; piis piisa X trees: h?ith?itma?i? Cause to X: pissaap X from one place or spot to another (Inside) eg: object of furniture: k?isiih??iipi? X out of the way: ? ?ii?aaqsta; h?umqs?i? To X up, make more room: tus?qs?i?Mow X grass: c??iimaasMuch ?aya Noun: ?ayums Too X: ?uupi; ?u?upu? Some left: ?iiqapu? Very X: ?u?uus?a? ? It rains very X: miimii?api; ?u?uusa? m?i?aa ? See Very. See Many.Mucilage ( + glue) k??itsy?i from k??its?i?, stick.Muck (+ Moist farmyard dung) To become X: ci?s?i? Mud c?i?k?as Stuck in the X: c?up?asMuddy c?is?x??ii? X outside: c?i?k?asMultiply Become numerous: ?aayuuc?i?Multitude ?aya; ?ayaqaqMurder See Kill. qah?saap; (?usuup quu?as) quu?asuupMurmur See Complain.Murmurer yaayaawiik; ciicii?apu?a?iik; yaayaawiicuq??iikMuscle ?ukt?apt ( + tendons.) (+ Seafood) X fish: ? ?uc?um Small X: ? ?ac?k?in; + k?ucum To go after X: qa?u?a; ? ?u? ?uc??iih? Must cum or imperative, also future.Musket puu; nuppi?iny?uk; nuppi?c?iny?ukMutable ?ayaak ?imaqsti See Changeable.Mutilate X (+ to break) limb: k??ak??ah?i?ap X disfigure: ?u?uya??apMuting (+ To soften or muffle the sound of) ni?q?aqumyu?Mutter ciqma?suq? Habit of Xing: ciqma?suq??iikMutual By affix staa?Mute m?uq?iiy?u? X to say nothing: wiiwikwaMuzzle ma? ?ih?tum To X: ma? ?ih?tanupMy siy?aasMine siy?aasMyself siy?aaq; ?u?uukuh; ?u?uuk?ahMystery hayumh?imis It is a X: hayumh?imis?a??is? q?aaqh?ii q?aa Nail Iron X: ?ap?iqma Finger, toe X: c??a?c??a To hit X on the head: k??ats?i? To hit X on the head in speaking: k??ac?waa To X: ?ap?iqs?i?Nailed ?ap?iqyuNaked han?ah?; + ? ?ask; + ? ?askum? Entirely X: haan?ah?sa X hill: ?asuu? X body (no hair on skin): ?askit X stripped of clothing: han?ah?tu? X to strip of clothing: han?ah?tup X head: wikuxs X feet: wiiwikhtaNakedness Male + penis: k?imis; + ?iih?mis?at?i; + h?umth?umya?iih?mis?at?i ( + Showing off what he has.) Female + vagina: nanama?; + h?ic?k?in; + ?iih?mis?at?iName ?umtii What is your X?: ?ac?aq?ik I have no X: wik?aas What is its X?: ?aqic??ih? I have the X Mary: ?uk?aas mary. To receive a X: ?uk?in? Call one by his X: ?u?uk?i? yaq?aa?iq Pronounce his X: ?umts?i? See Appoint. ?uh? ?ap etc.Namely To give the name: ka?ups?i?Nap To take a X: nuupqumyii? wa?ic?Nape X of neck: hitaq?inkst?asNarrate ?iic?iiqh?ak; muuh?t?i?; ?uuqh?i; ?iiqhuk; has?ii?ap; k?aah?ii?ap; + ?iic?iiqh?aNarrow yuc?kyuu employ the required affix, with yuc?k eg: X about face: yuc?kuu? X end: yuc?k?ih?ta X opening eg: stove pipe, pants etc: ?a?nikit X hole: t?ukc?u?is X road: yuc?kaac?i t?as?ii X sleeves: yuc?ka? Too X cannot get in, through: pi?qc?uuNarrows eg: Nootka X: t?ukswii?is; ?anaqswi?isNarrowly c?atiik; c?atsi?aNasty c?is?si?a; c?iis?c?yak; + c?ic?is?c?yak See Dirty.Nation ma?as Speaking of a X, use the affix ?ath? X, all the tribes: maatmaas Of what X?: ?aqaath? Of my own X: yaqc?i?atqs Of another X: k?isaath? Of the same X: ?u?ath?saNative A X of Hesquiat: his?k?ii?ath? A X where one is born: hiistma? hiinum? A X: hist?ath?Nativity q?iiyum??iq hiinum? The X of Jesus Christ: q?iiyum??iq hiinum? jesus christ.Nature Of good X: ?aaph?ii; c?axt?aq?; c?amu?; k?us?aq?; c?umq?Naughty p?is?aq; ?i?aa; wiiqh?ii; hiix?ath?i; bad.Nausea To feel like vomiting: ?a??iiq?Navel ?imin X: c?iic?isk?umNavigable hihiisiik cum ship; hihiisiik?aq?Navigate ?ihaa See Canoe.Navigator kih?siiNay wikNear Not Far: ?anaas; ?awaa; ?ucknaas (outside); ?anaa?is; ?uc?knaa?is (beach); ?aanii? (inside); ?anaqs?is (canoe) To go X: ?awiic?i? Position X to: ?ukc?aas; ?ukc?ii?; ? According to locality for affix, see place.Nearly hiik?a?; c?atiik; c?ata?; c?ataa See About, Almost.Neat ?u?; ?u?x?a?; q?ac?a?Necessary To be X: ?ucuk; q?acuk; ?ucuk q?is?at quu (To be done) It is not X: wik?iis? q?acuk or wik?a??is? q?acukNeck ?umwin? with the affix ?in? or win?; ?iitinum Sore X: yaak?in? Break X: k??aawin? Thick X: ? ?uqwitin? Xlace: maaq?inum; hiininum; hiininh?um X of land: ?umwin?asNeed Want: ?u?atu Have X of: ?u?usum You X not ask: wik cum?ic cii?i?quk To be in X of, to be indignant: ?aaq?iqnak; ?u?atu See Cannot.Needle n?ic??ak Thread a X: kacwiinupNeedless wiksumNeedy To be X: ?u?atu or ?uus??atuNeglect wiik?a?uks?i?; wiik?a?ukNeglectful wiiwiik?a?uk?iikNegotiate mak?inkNeighbor My fellow man: ya?aa?c?iqs quu?as Living next house: ?uk?ink??as; ?ukc?aas; ?uk?ac?ink??as; yaqc?aasqin Of the same tribe: yaqc?ii?atqsNeither yuuq?aa wik X of them: ?aak?ii wik or his?uk wikNephew wii?uu; ?aasiiqsuNerve ?ukt?apt To have X: haa?aksuq?; wi?akNervous Timid: c??iix?aa; c??ih?suuq?Nest paawac To build X: paawacii?Net c?ima X for birds: ?ih?yamum To fish with X: c?ii?c?iiy?aNettle ?ii?mapt; + ?ii?maktNever wiiy?a X not yet: wikyuu I will X do it again: wiktum ?aq?s hu?aas (q?is)Nevertheless + q?aac?i? He did it X: q?aac?i? q?is ?aciish? He went X: ?aciis(+h?) mit ?ucac?i? X: ?ata ?; takaasNew c?us?uk; ?ah?ck?ii; ?aw?aath?ck?i Xly made: ?ah?ii?; ?ah?ii?ck?i X blanket: wikyuuta? X virgin: wikyut hak?aa? affix according to object.News ?uyaqh?mis To have X: ?uyaqh?nak Give the X: ?iic?iiqhuk To give the X to each other: ?iic?iiqhatstaa? Go and get the X: ?uyaqhmii?; ?uyaqha?; kuuh Receive, hear X: ?u?iic?i? Hear good X: c?um?iic?i? Hear bad X: yum?iic?i? Hear X of death: qah??iic?i?Newspaper newspiipaNext No regular way of translation, of persons: yaq?ink?iq Of objects outside: yaq?ink??as The X time: ?a?uuk ?a? quu; hu?aas ?a? quuNice ?u? See Fine. The root c?um and affixes according to objects.Nickname Give X: wikcaanu??ap ?umtii An assumed name for feasts or plays: ?umc??aqy?akh ?umtiiNiece ?aasiiqsu the word is also used for distant nieces or cousins.Night ?ath?ii See Day. During X: ?aath?iy?uNimble c?as?kak; ? ?i?kak; c?umt?aaNine c?awak?a? See Two.Nineteen h?ayu ?uh? ?iis? c?awak?a?Nit siktinNo wik To say X: yayaa?in , deny. Noble High toned, important Indian: ?iih?p?iit X dignified: ?iih?p?iitsuq?Nobody wik?iith?; wik?iith??at Alone in want of help, company etc. with the prefix ?; ? X to associate with: wiiksc?i?in; wiic?ink I am X: wiksaahtaksis?; wiiksaahtak?ap ?at sis?Nod hic?i? X when drowsy: qaatqma?iikNoise To produce a X: ?uus?atuk hence what X do I hear?: ?aqaq histaatuk with the affix ?aatuk; ?aqaatuk also with the affix ?a? Loud X: ?uusa?a? Do not make any X: wik?a? ?i or wiik?aa? ?api X of a gun: ? ?i?a? X of a bell: tin?a? Strong clear X: h?as?a?None wik’iit; wik’iith?at X left: wik?iits?i?; his?uks?i?Nonsense wik?itmis; ?asi?mis Talk X: wiiwikstupmiswa; wiiwikstupwaNook + A small corner or recess, especially one in a large room. ?apw?in ?uk?i?Noon ?apw?in n?aas Before X: ku?a?cutaNoose qaqaminuph?iy?ak; qaamu?y?ak; qaaminupy?ak Catch in a X: qaaminups?i?Nor yuq?aa ?in wik; wik?aaNorth X wind…light: yu?atu Strong X: yuh?t?aqak Wind from X: yuh?taa X west: hac??ii?; hac??ii?tuqak X west by X: hac??iith?tak X east: ?Nose n?ic?a To blow X: n?isks?i? Crooked X: qis? k?ihta; c?ik??ihta with the affix ?ihta X bitten off: m?a?ihtaNostril kuus?kuuq? ?ih?tum To snuff up the X: c?iiq?s?i?; c?iiq?c?iiq?aNot wik Not yet: wikyuu; wiktum X at all: wiiksa; hacwii wik; ?aanaqh wikNotch c??ic??isNoted Known as such: ?u?a??atNothing wik; wik?iit; wik?iitmis He knows X: hiis?i? hayumh?i; wiiki? kaamathak He gave me X: wikaayatmic I saw X: wiikinak?uh?s Through X: wiikinyuNotice Pay attention: taqaa?uk Give an answer: ?u?umaps?i? To give X: hin?a?sap To regard, esteem above others: kaapapNotify hin?a?sapNotwithstanding See Nevertheless. ?uyih?ta He works X that he is sick: ?uus?taq ?is? ?uyih?ta ?inc? ta?i? See Although.Nourish qaacii ha?um; ha?uk?apNovel (+ Something different, out of the ordinary) k?iish?inNow ?ah?; ?ah??uyi; ?aah?sasa I will do it X: ?ah?kuu ?aq? sis?No use wiiksasa; haacaapi wikNude han?ah?saNuisance ?; wipaxmis; hapuxmisNumb ?u?aa?wiq? X hands: c??a?c?ink; wikaa? ?Number To X: huksc?i?; huksaa A full X: haaq?; ? (round)Numerous ?aya; wiis?h?iiNurse X a baby: ?inma?ap; + maamas??ap X, to take care of baby: ?aa?iik??aa? A X: ?aa?iik??aa?h?si X the sick: ta?i?ukOak qatksmapt (+ This is also the name for yew)Oar n?i?y?akOath No word. Kiss the book: hic?inks?i? bookObdurate + Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action. w’aakswii; w’aakswii p’is?aqObedient ?uu?uumap?iik; nana?a?iik; ?aapiik; nuu?iiObey ?um?aap; ?us?iicmap; na?aa; k?is waa ?atiik; nuu?ii; c?ac?umsa Of good will: c?umwiq?; c?umq?Object X end, see End. An X: q?iqsaahtak To X: yumq?; y?ay?umwa; yumwaa Begin to X: y?ay?umwiic?i?Oblige Compel. To be Xd (to do a thing): w?imaaq? wik You must, are Xd to: ?uk?i? ?icuus?Obliging To be X expression of thanks: wisi?ap; maaxtaqs?i?; yuwi? ?; wiiy?aqhs?i?; ?aaks?i? X to be kind: ?aaph?iiOblique qa?win X crooked: ?itxyuu; hatyuObliterate task?a?ap Xd: task?ac?i?Oblivious hayumh?ic?i??iik See Forget.Obscene To speak X language: sasac?kwa; kukuuwaqa; ?a?as?x?waObscure tup?aq? See Dark. X not easily understood: ?uus?cuk; wimat; wik?aapObsequious ?aak??iih?Observe X see: n?aca X keep: ?uu?a?uk X speak: cii?aaqstin?; ?u?uwa I want to X: ?u?uwa mahsas X comply with: ?uus?map; ?uu?a?ukObstacle With the periphrase (+ the use of more words than necessary to express the idea) yaq?in wim?aaq??atObstinate ( + Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or action.) ?uus?suuq?; waakswii; q?icwii; hacwii wik c??iinuq?sasaObstruct X, close: m?us?saap; c??iips?i? See Fill.Obstruction t?iqsum; ?a?aminqyu In the way of a passage express object or cause of obstruction ?a?umh?iObtain ?unaaks?i?; hiniips?i?; ?uuyips?i? See Gain, Get.Obtrude (+ To impose or force (something) on someone in such a way) ?; haak?ayiih?a Intrude: wiiktis hinii?i?; wikiic ?aq? hinii?i?Obvious t?aaq yaakOccasion No X: hisi?a; yuma?c?a Give X cause: ?uus?taqa See Cause.Occident (+ The countries of the west, especially Europe and the Americas -contrasted with the Orient) hin?atu?a??iik hupa? ?Occult hat?uqyu; haptaaOccupant hiy?atOccupation mamums What is his X?: ?a?aqinuh? (+ Because) he is a hunter: ?uunuu??is? ? ?ikh?si ?Occupy The home he occupies: yayaa?a?uk mah?t?ii See Busy.Occur kaamath?iic?i?; ?a?anuu?aa?Ocean ?uc?is?tOctober No name for season exactly corresponding with one. October: c??iiyaaqum?Oculist (+ Optometrist) qaasma?uk; ?u?uksyatma?uk qasiiOdd X number: wik?api huksi X character: ?; wiiwikh?tinc?yak; wiipii At Xs: wiiqh?iic?ink; y?aaq?st?a?Odious wii?aqstum; wiipap?a?; ?i?i?acyakOdor With the affix p’uqs Sweet X: c?amas p?uqs also c?ump?uuqs Bad X: c?is?p?uuqsOdorous c??up?uuqsOf Not expressed by itself.Offal (+ Refuse or waste material.) tums; wah?ck?iiOffend y?umqstup?at He Xed me: ?i?asi?a mic p?iiy?ayap ?imaqstiOffense ?i?aamis; yumqstumOffensive yayaamistup?iikOffer (to God) ha?aac?i? ( + also to pay) Give: ?uyiiOffering ha?umOffice ?iisuwi? See Occupation.Officers X vessel: h?awiih?isum; ?a?iihp?itasum X on shore: hawiih?i?um; ?a?iih?p?iiti?umOffing (+ The more distant part of the sea which can be seen from shore and is beyond the anchoring area) hi?su?isOffshoot ? ?aqwah?su?; ? ?aqac?i?; + ? ?aqswin?Offspring t ?atn?ack?iOften ?ayums; qiic?i?; qiip?it; taaks?i? How X: ?uun?ap?itOil ?aqmis X not used as food: hatma ?Oilcloth patha?; his?a?; his?um?Oily ?aqc?uu Covered with oil: ?aqa?Ointment masy?i; tasy?iOld X of age: mixtuk; ?iic?um; qii?a? Very X: haahtuu? To get X: mixts?i?; ?iic?aqs?i?; ha?ii X canoe: c??imusaq X clothes etc.: mahak X blanket: maha?; qiick?ii; ?iqh?ck?iiOmen ?uyaamac? Good X: ?uu??aamac? Bad X: p?is??aamac?; + numaak + Something is not right: + nuu? numay?aOminous p’is??aamac?Omit With wik – not. eg: X Sunday: wik Sunday See Neglect.Omnipotent hiis?i? ?uum?aaq?Omnipresent hi?hiis??acu; hiis?i? his?saacuOmniscient hiis?i? kaamathakOn For localities, see place, to have X see different ? time ?u?ii; ?uy?i; qiya; sundayqiya and suffixes ?ik eg: ?am?ii?ik: Tomorrow. See ? hi? eg: hi?aas X the chair: hi?aas k?atsacum eg: On board a vessel: ?uus See place, ?Once nup?it See Two for affixes.One See Standing c?awaak (nup)Onion ?isaqOnly ?aanasa; quumasa; ?ana with affixes see affixes standing.Onward ?uucaapi See Forward.Open kuh?saap Is X: kuh?yuu; kuh?s?i? X door: kuw?itap Is X: kuw?as X trunk, book: ?a?qsaap (+ digging in, searching); k?awahsap X hand: suyac?i?; susuyakin? X window by raising lower part: ?ih?misaanupOpening kuw?as; kuw?asnakOpenly Speak X: h?aawaa; k?aah?iipiqwa; ?Opiate wa?ic?sy?iOpinion It is my X: ?uh??ac waa?at ?imaqsti; ?uh??ac pipih?aOpponent ?u?upiy?asOpportune c?ama?caOppose y?um?icu?a?; y?um?icu; c?aatc?axs?staa? (X in words)Opposite t?aat?aqpaa? Sit X: t?aat?aquwi?a; ?a?umh?iOppress ?aak?ii?; ?aakcak?a?apOppression ?aak?ii?acy?iOppressive hiix?ath?i; ?uus?cuk also with affix ?ap; ?upiiOptimist hiis?k??ap; hiihis?k??ap?iikOptional It is X (with you): ?uuk?iic ?imaqstiOpulence wiicah?imisOpulent wiiciqnak; ?u?uus?q?itOrator ciqh?sii; ?ac?ik ciiqciiqa; ciiqma?ukOrchard ? ?ayaqakOrder ?u?usum He X me: ?u?usum?atnic; ?uucnaah He X me to go to Hesquiat: sitn?aah nic ?ucac?i? quus h?is?k?ii X eg: merchandise: ?u?uuk?u?a See Command. In X: ?in?ii; ?uuch?a; wit?as In X nicely with the root c?um and affixes eg: put things in X in the house: c?umpitapOrderly c?amaq?c?u; c?umc?uuOrdinarily ?ayums; taaks?i?; ?ana?a?Orient (+ The East) hisakusta?u??iik hupa?Origin hiistmutaqs?i?; yaaqmutaqs?i??iq; q?imutaqs?i??iqOriginal yaqwiiya; yaqmutaqs?i? X sin: ?uucck?i adam eve p?is?misOriginate ?uumuutaqs?i?Ornament ?iinaxma; ?uu??uu?h?tum See Adorn.Orphan wikiicma X one side: qaqii?akOscillate t?iima?apiOsculate (+ kiss) hic?inks?i?Ostentatious (+ showing off) eg: in clothing: (+ wearing revealing clothing) han?ah?yu ?iinaxyu Proud: kac?x?aa; nuc?hakOstracize wiiwiksumc?i? (+ don’t need him anymore); c??ac??iis?ukOther ?a?uu See different, other.Otherwise k?isi?a Do it X: k?isi?a?apOtter Land X: waaxnii Sea X: k??ak??a?Ought cum; ?uuk?i?Our niiw?aas X people: niiw?ath?; + ?ah? niiw?a Ourselves niiw?a; ?u?uk?ah?Ours niiw?aasOut Not inside: wiki?; ?ama??ap; ? ?aamaas; ? ?aa?aas See Empty: hitakusc?uOutbound ?ih?s?i?Outburst k?ah?s?i?; ? ?ih?s?i? ?Outcast wiiwiksumc??at; wiimashap?atOutfit Noun: ?u?uh?wakp?atu; n?iyakp?atu Verb: ?inxaaOutgrow ? ?aa? ?aaqapiOutlet yuu?Outlive tiic?cpa; tiic?swii; tiic?swaaq?iOutlook n?ac?h?sii (+ watch person) Bad X: wikmaqs?i? Good X: ?umaqs?i?Outrage See Abuse. ?i?asi?aOutright takuk; n?ay?iik; kapsc?i?Outrun qamatqsuh?su?; qaamatqwiipi?Outsail siikwiipi?; siiksuhsu?Outshine ?uupi path?ak; path?suh?su?Outside ? ?aa?aas; ? ?a?um?as; ? ?a?iikmi? eg: stove General terms ? ?a?ip; ? ?a?iiyap with the affix ?as or waas eg: matwaas (fly away)Outskirt ? ?a?aOutspoken ?a?aanaqhwa?iik; haahaawa?iikOutspread ?icx?saap; ?a?hsaap ?Outstanding X eg: debts: yaqwiq??iqOutstretch ?a?atx?tin?; ?atx?s?i?Outwalk yacsuh?suu?; yacwiipi?Outward ? ?a?aa cpa; ?ii?ii? (+ missed where you were going)Outwear ha?ak?a?apOvation Give an X: ?ayah?u?aa?; ?u?umc?u; ni? ?aak?at (+ clapping for the winner of a fight)Oven c??amaq?u?Over Across with affix cpa More: ?uupiOveralls c??umaptOverbearing hiix?ath?i; ?uus?suuq?; ?uus?uqsakOverboard Fall X: t ?ii?taa Go X: hinu?ta Go X on land: hinaasi?Overburden q?aq?atyiicapupOver careful ?u?u?a?ukapiOvercast ?iwah?sap; ?iwah?akOvercharge X in trading: ?a?aay?aq?apup; kapsc?i?; kimkima X for labor: ?a?ayac??ap See Overburden.Overcome hita?aps?i?; hita?ap; hita?itapOverdo ?uu?uupu?; q?aaq?aapu?Overdue hit?ap?i?aa?; hit?ap?iq q?iiyuuyiq?aa? X beyond ordinary time: yaaqcpaa; qiicpaaOverflow ?uh?wi?ta; c?aa?taa; cuups?i?; (caa) eg: boiling water: cuupwi?ta X over banks river: ?uwaasOvergrow ? ?a? ?aaqapu?Overhead taqcqii (t?uuhsaat?a) hin?aayi?Overhear na?aa; naana?uh??iih?; nanaa?atah?Overheat ? ?u? ?upapupOverjoy naanas?ak?apu?; c?ac?umq?apu?; saasatk?apu?; satk?aOverland yacy?iiq; nism?ac?iq c?ikOverlay (+ To lay over, over another) X a child: ? ?ah?ink ?ah?inks?i? ?; + ?ah?iic?pi?Overleap tuxcpaaOverlook n?ac?cpaa; c??aniqcpa (+ ignore) Excuse: wikiicmap; wikmaapOverpay ?a?aayapiOverrate ?i?iihmisapupOvernight Stay away X: h?am?aOversee pih?s?i?Oversight (+ a failure to notice something) ?i?aamis It is an X: wik?iit si?aOversleep wawaa?ic?apu?; qiiqiipu? wa?ic?; wa?ic?swiOverspread ?icpitatOvertake X walking: yacaasi? X on sea: ?ih?asi?Overthrow hiqk?a?apOvertime qiiqiic?i?apu? To work X: ?uus?apup ?unic ?aq? nitOverturn huqsaapOwe ?uwiq?; ?uupwinOwl t?uxsuk?inOwn ?unaak with affix ?ak; ?uuc My X, mine: ?uk?iicOwner yaquusii No X: wikiic An X: ?us?iicOyster ? ?ux?? ?ux? PPace ?aqis?c?u To X: ?aqis?s?i?Pacify ?uyayapc?ip ?imaqsti; ?u?naaksapPack To X up: ? ?iptks?i?; ? ?iptk?aa; ma?hsaap A X: ma?hsa; t?apqum? One X: nuptaqum? with affix taqum? X in: ?uus?yuksapPackage ? in general p?atquk; ? ?a?iiqum?Paddle ?ux?aapi To X: ?atwaa To make X: ?uus?ii? Begin to X: ?ih?s?i? thence ?ih?aaPadlock huupkanum; ma? ?asy?ak; ?uuksamumPail c??iimus; + c??axwac; + c??axsacPailful nupc?iqy?ak c??iimusPain yayaakwa; yaakmis X ceases: hin?aks?i?Painful To feel pain: yayac??ap; yaakyiih?a; sac?kyiih?a X burning pain: muu?muuya; yaa?ak?atPaint tasma To X: taastaasa; tass?i?Painter taastaasama?ukPainting X pictures: tasc?uu (+ also to dye or tint.)Pair X blankets: c??itink X man and wife: hicnup Two together: ?uus?ink; ?a?ac?ink; mi?ink affix ?uk?inkPalatable ?u?; c?amasPalate (+ Sense of taste) hi?sitk hitac?uqwa; nicp?a?Pale ? ?ista; kac?x?akPalpable (+ Able to be touched or felt) hamatPalpitate (+ Increased beating of heart) t’ickt’ickash?u?Pang (+ Sudden or sharp pain) kapxyiih?aPant haas?haas?aPanther siic?paax (+ cougar)Pants ?is??iqy?ak; k??ac?inky?ak X on: ?is?i?aq?; k??ac?inkPapa n’uwiiqsuPapoose (+ North American Indian baby) n?ay?aqakParable (+ An imagined story with a lesson) ?uus?tisy?akParalysis qah?itu?Paralytic qah?itParamount (+ Above others in rank, first in importance) hiis?i? ?uupiParcel p?atquk?isPardon wiiwikwa; c?ac?ama?a?ap; wiiwikwiic?i?Pare ?akma?um?Parent Xs: ?a?iic?um X relatives: ?uus?hyumsParentage yaqtaqum??iq; ?uktaqum?Parlor ciiqmac?u qu?i?Parricide (+ Killing of a near relative) X of father: n?uwitsupck?i X of mother: ?um?atsupck?i X of both: ?a?iic?um?ak?actupck?i ?Parsimonious (+ Stingy) c?amihtak ?; wi?iikPart wik humaq? with the affix taken divide: ?aphta?ap; k?a?hta?ap Abandon: ?ac?i? Break verb rope: ?as?s?i?; ?ask?ac?i? To take part in: ?u?aaqsta eg: discussion: cii?aaqsta with the affix ?aaqsta To take X of: yamaat; ?u?ukc?iPartake na?uuc?i?; na?uu?ap?atPartial ?uus?cuwatParticipate naa?uu?aq?; naa?uu?Particular Hard to please: hiix?ath?i; k?iik?isc?yak ? Not to be X: hiis?i? nu?iiPartition c??iic??icnu?i?Partner (+ friend, buddy) ?uk?ink; ya?aa?c?iqh?Partridge (+ grouse) huw?iik; + h?umh?umaPass See Cross. To X walking: yacp?iq X on sea: ?ih?p?iq X sailing: siikp?iq General term: hitap?iq hence affix p?iq also affix cpa eg: go beyond a certain spot: yaccpaa Passable River inlet: ?apswiis ?uh?swii Might pass: hisiikcum?at X tolerable: ?u?umh?i Passage X at sea: yuu?; t?as?hsnu?; t?as?naakPassenger na?uuk?asPassion (+ Outburst of anger) In a X: ?uus?suuq?Passionate (+ Angry) ?uus?suuq?; hiix?ath?i; p?is?suuq?; ?u?uus?suuqstu?iikPassive t?aat?a?iikPast hitacpa See Pass.Paste k??icy?i To X on: k??its?i?; k??ita?ap; k??itinksapPatch ? ?ah?ma To X: ? ?ah?s?i?Patent q?ah?ii; hamatPath t?as?ii; yacu?Patient haa?aksuq?; ?iihsuuq?Patrimony (+ inherited property) hah?uu?iPerforce (+ without choice, by force of circumstances) p?is?y?akPerform q?is See Do, Make.Perfume h?uta?y?akPerhaps ?aaqinc?; ?aaqinqhc?; q?aa?aq?Peril See Danger.Perilous ?uus?c?a?h?iPerish qah?s?i?Perjury Commit X: ?it?itaPermanent qiich?a; saac??inkch?a; ?i?maaPermeate (+ To spread or flow throughout something) c?aaqstu? Oil X: ?a?aqstu?Permissible nuu?ii cum?at; c?umqstu? cumPermission Give X: kuw?i?ap Without X: wiiktis Ask X: cii?i?Permit c?umq?; ?u??ap; (c?a)c?umwa; kuw?i?apPerpendicular t?aqii?apPerpetrate with affix ?apPerpetual saac??ink(aq?) with affix sasa; q?aasasa; taaks?i?Persecute yaaq?si?a; yaayaaq?isaPersevere (+ Continue determinedly) waakswii; ?aswii; haak?ayiih?; wik?ac?i?; wik wiiwis??aq?; takaasa; taaks?i?Persist haak?ayiih?; waakswii; hacwiiPerson quu?as affix ?ath?Personal ?uuc sasa; ?uk?iic sasaPersonally ?uu?uuk?ah?; ?uusink ?Personate (+ To pretend to be anther person) ?uuk?apu?Perspire ? ?uupsumh?i; muh?s?i?Perspiration ? ?upck?iiPersuade c?umq?waa; ?; haah?uupaPertinacious (+ Stubborn) waakswii; ?aswiiPervert (+ To cause to turn away from what is right, to corrupt, or bring to a bad condition) p?iyay?ap; c?iika?sap (p?is?aq); wiksaap ?imaqstiPessimist wiiwik??ap?iik Noun: haa?mac??a Pet? Verb with ?ap; ?; + ?uuk??ap; kaapap or better haa?mac??apPetition ?uuksPetticoat qaqatqyum? (+also shorts); ?uksaq?y?akPew k?acac?umPhlegm ?intmisPhonograph nuuk?a?Phthisis (+ especially tuberculosis, any wasting disease.) ?uu?k?ac?i?Physic (+ laxative) s?ucy?iPick (+ pluck) eg: goose: ?aa??aa?a; ?a?ma?um?; ?a?s?i? To X up: suk?i? See Choose.Piece with the affix ck?i A X of bones: hamutck?iPierce kuh?saap; hitaqstup; t?aqswiinupPiercing sac?k X cold: m?am?aa?apu?; sac?ksit m?a?aaPigeon xa?uminPile ?ama; ?ayuu To X up: tus?qinksap; tu?as Xs (+ hemorrhoids): hupwaq? ? ?ih?tumcPillage kuuw?i?; wiiktis suk?i?Pillow ?aac?uk?anumPillow case ?aac?uk?anumyukumPimple suu?suuma; ?uus?uumaPin kaas?kumyaq? ?ahsy?ak (+ toothpick); kumc??akPine ? ?akmaptPink hisitk?ak; + ? ?ii? ?ih?cipk?ukPioneer ?uwii?as s?i? ?asPious ?u?; ?uus?htin; ciciqink?iikPip (+ Seed) t?iiqstumPipe q?is?sac X of stove: q?is?u?Pirate kuuw?iikPiss Male X: ?uqs?i? Female X: ?umss?i? Dog X: cusks?i?Pistol citx?aaPlague tusums; tamisPlain Land: mi??as; wika?Plaintiff t?aat?aaqwiPlan ?uus?tisy?akPlane (+Tool) hupy?ak To X: huuphuupa Xd: hupc?uu; hupc?aqa?Plank c?itaa?; ? ?uq?a?Plant eg: flowers: tuuk??astup To X: tuuk??as?ap; tuuk??itap; tuuks?i? A X: ? ?aya?as; tuuky?akPlate ? ?u?ah?sPlatform hup?asPlay ?umc??aap; c?axtak X with something: ?uuksna?aa? with affix c?a?i? X one game: nup?it c?a?i? See Game.Playful c?axt?aq?; ?umc??aa?aq? also affix ?iikPlaymate ?uukc?imaa?c?iq No X: wik?iit yaaqc?imaa?c?iq; + Plays with everyone: hiis?c?imaa?c?iqhPlaything kakaanaPleasant ?uuqmis X when speaking: ?uuq?atuk X weather: ?uuqumh?i X to see: ?uu?uuquk; ?u?uuqc?yakPlease ?aaks?i? eg: in asking for anything. Verb: c?umqstup To like: kaapapPlentiful ?ayasa; ?ayapa? affixes ?upa? and ?unit See Many.Plenty ?aya; saatqh?iiPleurisy (+ inflammation of the pleura, marked by pain in the chest or side, fever) hih?ma?asukPliable ?a?kPlow c?i?ks?i?Plug c??iipsk?aapumPlumage tuq?ak (maamaati)Plumb Level: c?amaas Not X: yum?as Leaning: hiinapiPlunder kuuw?i?; hii?i? kuuw?i?Plunge t?apsc?i?; t?aapst?aapsa See Dive.Pocket ?uus?c?uuq?ac; ?u?c?uuc??ak In X: hi?staaqsa Take out of X: c?iikusaanupPoint + Geographical X: ?am?ihta To X at: k?upc?i? X gun: ?uh?taa kih?s?i?Pointed yuc?k?ih?taPoison qah?sy?i; c??ih?aaPolish (+ to make shine) path?sy?i To X: path?saapPolite ?a?aapc?yak; ?ap?ii; ?u?Policeman maamaa? ?iih?Polygamist ?ayach?i + Two wives: ?a?ach?i; wik c?aawach?iPond ?a?uk??as (+ also puddle)Ponder t?aat?aapataPool ?uw?asPoop (+ Stern of a ship) ?ic?aaPoor ?aaq?iqnak; wiiwiq?it; ?aaq?ah?i; + kunuuPope Le pape: t?uh?caata h?aw?i? leplet; yaqci?aaqsta h?aw?i? lepletPopulace (+The people living in a given area) quu?as minh??i; may?as c?umck?iPopular kaapap ?a? ?atPort t?ayasu?Porter mamuqh?si; tata?uk; ?uu?a?ukh?siPorthole kuh?c?utaqumPortion Noun: k?a?waat Verb: k?a?h?ta?apPorpoise hicwin Positive See Certain. I am X: kaamataksa; t?akaapaksPossess ?unaak with affix ?ak; ?uk; ?ik etc. out of body-He Xes: ?uuc; ?iis? See Have, Acquire.Possible ?umaaq?Posterior (+ behind) ?uqumq?i?aa?Post ?ama; kictuupPosterity (+ legacy, what is left for descendants) t?aatn?ack?iPosthaste ?usumsPostpone ?uyi?inh?iPot niisy?akPotato qaawic X grow well: c?um?ii? X not well: yum?ii?Pouch qiic?qiic?aPoultice si?aq?sy?iPour c?ic?i? X in: c?ic?inup X out: huqcin?up; ?Pout ?Powder m?uc?usiik; tu?aktup X for face: ?iinaxma See Face.Powerful haa?akPracticable (+ Can be done or used) ?umaq??at; k?iscum?atPrairie ? ?isnaak; ?akcaas; ?ascaas; ?aqma?asPraise yuyuwaa??at; ?u??apPrattle (+ To chatter or say in childish way) n?ay?aqatukPray ciciqink See Ask nunuuk (aloud)Prayer ciciqinky?ak; nuukPreach ciiqma?api; haah?uupaPrecautions ?uu?a?ukPrecede ?uwii?i?; ?utwii?i? I X: sitwii?i? You X: sutwii?i? etc.President yaaqtis?at; ?ut?ii?i?atPrecept See Order.Precious ?iiw?aq?; ?iih?saahtakPrecipice (+ steep face of a cliff etc.) hac?stii? See Abyss.Preclude (+ to exclude or make impossible) h?anuuk; wik?apPrecocious (+ prematurely developed) yuyus?aci?api; nas?aqstu?Predecesor ? he is X ?Predict hu?akwaaPredominate (+ Prevailing, mostly) ?unit eg: East winds: t?uc??aanit See Habit.Prefer ?uupap; + ?uuk??apPreferable kaapacy?iPreference To have X: ?uupap No X: hiis?i? nuu?iiPregnant ?iciit; ?icpa? (+ plural); t’an?aqii?; ?iciits?i? To become X: ?Prejudiced wiksum; yumq?; wikwiq?Premature wi?iip; wi?ii X death: wi?ii qah?s?i?Premises mah?t?ii; ma?asPrepaid t?aqiic?uPrepare c?imc?ima; ?iinaxa; yuxtaaPreposterous See Absurd. hayuxmisPrescribe ka?ups?i?; haah?uupa; ?Present See Give. Gift: wikta?aq??ayi Noun: wikta?aq?ukPresent To be X: hii?h?Presentments ?uuwu?Preserve has?ah??ap; ?ucinap verb: ?isaqum?c?istup; ?isaqum?c?i; ?Press taaqs?i? See Insist X: c?ats?i?Presume q?aa matak with affix matakPretend ? words ?; ? by affix ?uut?ii?i?a X to be angry: ?uus?suuq?t?ii?i?aPretty ?u?Prevail hitacpin?; ?uupi; ?uus?api More, often: ?ayumsapiPrevent wik?ap; hanuuk; yumq?Price q?aq? What is the X?: ?aaqinq? See Dear, Cheap.Pride kuc?xmis See Boast.Prime ya?ihta; yaaq?api with affix ?uupiPrimitive yaqwii mit (+ this actually means ancestors); yaaqmutaqs?i?Primogeniture (+ First born child) ?ut?iiPrison ma?uwi?Private ?aaniic; haptmis (secret); xac?aa (apart)Privately haptaaqh? Go X: haptaaqc?ik Speak X: ?uus?umc?uPrivation (+ Lack of comfort or necessities of life) ?uus?maq?a? X: ?uumak?a? express of what.Privilege Grant a X: ?uyii See Permission.Prize To carry off a X: ?u?as?t; ?uwii?as?t affix ?as?t To esteem. See Esteem, Appreciate.Probably with affix matakProceed yats?i?; yaacaa; takaasa Xs with affix ?uktProclaim k?ah?ii?ap; ?aqc?aqh k?aah?ii?apProcrastinate ?; hu?aps?i?Procure See Acquire. ?unaaks?i??aq?Produce To show: h?umc?i? X of land, crops: ? ?a?ii? with affix kust?as eg: X two sacks: ?a?htaak kust?asProfane Use X language: kukuwaqa; sasac?kwa; ?a?as?x?waProfit ?uus??ip; ?uus?iip?aya How much did you X?: ?aqiniipnik I gained five dollars: ?uyips?i? mic five dollars.Profound See Deep. hac?x?ii; hac?iiProgeny (+ Offspring of a person) t?aatn?a; t?aatn?ack?iProgress To ?: kaakaapu?s?i?; k?ac?in? Advance: yaacuk Make X eg: study: ?uus?iips?i?Progressive hiniips?i?s?i?Prohibit wik?ap; hanuuk See Forbid.Prolific (+ Producing many offspring) t?aatn?ac?i?; ?ayanaks?i? t?aatn?aProlong ?uus?a?a?ap; qiiqiipu?Prominent ?iih?p?iitaq affix taq. haamatPromiscuous naminkPromise ciqs?i?waa He made the X: waa mit ciqs?i?Promote (+ eg: to a higher rank) ?iihp?iitsap He is Xd: ?iihp?itsap?atPrompt nay?iik; takukPromulgate (+ make known to the public) q?ah?ii?aps?i?Prone hiniip; haapi X to: ?uus?c?a?h?iProng sasac?k?ih?tumPronounce ka?ups?i?; ?umts?i?Propagate (+Breed, spread) t?aatn?ac?i? X news: ?a?h?saap ?; his?cak?a?apPropel yaackyaacka eg: steamboatProp (+ propeller) ?ac?maPropensity See Inclined with ma?iiq?Properly ?aanaqh?Propitiate (+ To appease an offended person) ?uyayapc?ip ?imaqstiPropose with affix k and ?uwiq? I X to go: ?ucawiq?; ?ucac?i? quusProprietor his ?uuc Who is the X?: c?iicProsper wiic’iqnaks?i? ?ay?iProsperous wiic?iqnaProstrate ? ?athi? with affix see place.Protect yaamaat; ?uu?a?ukProtest yawaac?i?; yumq?; yumqstu?; cass?i?Protrude yaqaaProud kac?xwaa; nuc?hakProve t?aqaak?apProvide ?uu?a?uk; wiiwiik?atupProvident (+ Having foresight or thrifty) c?amih?tak; yuucinc??ak ?Provision For travelling: kuuk; ha?umsahtak See Food.Provoke p?is?suupPry n?an?ac?mi? (+ inside) ; n?an?ac?mas (+ outside)Public his?iicPublicly q?aah?iiqh?Publish q?aah?ii?ap; ?iiqhukPuff yuupi?isPull c?iic?i? See words in question.Pullet (+ Young hen) t’an’a?is ?u?u?uPulley c?ahswum; hacwumPulp ha?um ?aqstum eg: of apples.Pulsate tuuxtuux?aPump k??iixk??iixac??akPunctual ?uy?isasa; ?u?ip; ?u?iisasaPuncture kuh?swii?is verb: kuh?swiinupPungent sac?kPunish ?aak?ii?; cass?i?; ?amaak?ii?ap; ?uus?han?apPup ?inaana; ?inii? ?is (+ dog pup); + Seal X: + huupksiisPupil (+ student) h?uuh?tiks?iih??a? X of eye: tupkpii?c?umPurr h?uptaa ( + also snoring.)Purchase ?u?aap; mak?iipPure wikink Purgative (+ laxative) s?uuyaayapsy’i; s?ucy’i; ?uyay’apsy’i h?icmisPurify (liquids) c?umtsiqsapa Purple kinucak ?; yaap?icta; + sitp’iqakPurpose k?iqk?ayiih?at Have a X: ?uucha, as an affix also ?as; ?is; wit’as etc. ?u?ip, see Objects, End. Walk for no X: yaacma?api I went for no X: wik?ip nic ?ucac?i?Purposely q?aach?a; ?uuch?asasaPurse taalaqsacPus siqmisPush c?ats?i?; c?aatc?aata: X in a canoe instead of paddling. X ahead with a pole: sii?siiya Root: c?aat and affix.Pustule (+ Pimple containing pus) ? ; nuqswii?is Put ?u?iip See list of affixes at place. X on the ground: ?ust?itap X on the floor: ?ustpitap affix ?ap; ?ip; ?upPutrid ?ic?aakPuzzle hayumh?i; hayumh?i?apPygmy ?anah?is; hamat?isQQuadruped sas?tup; muumuupi?qa?h?iQuadruple muumuuQuaint ?u?sasaQuake c??iix?it; kikiis?h?iQuantity A large X: ?aya A small X: kam?aa?isQuarrel ? ; ?uus?umc?ukiik; ni? ?aak X of married people: qatpa? Dispute, X for: ?uksma?aqaQuarrelsome ?uus?suuq?; niini?q?a?iik with affix ?iikQuash (+ To suppress, reject, crush) wik?iitsap; wiik?itmii?ap See Annul.Queen hakumQueer k?iish?in; k?ik?isc?yakQuestion ?a?aatuu; ciqsaap; h?aamic?iih?ukQuick c?as?kaa To be X: c?as?ks?i?; c?umtaa; ?ay?ix Used Xly: yus?uk?ac?i? X not long: k?aac??is X at once: ?usumsQuiet wik?a? (silent); wik?aa?api; wikcinkyu; wik?a?sap; ?anaak ? ; wik piss?i? eg: of children: ?i?x?i?; wiinapi? X not punish: c?um?aq?i?Quill ?iih ?iy?aa?Quinsy (+ inflammation of the throat) x?akiiyumQuit haawii?a?; ?ac?i?Quite humaq?; wikk??aq?; ?aanaqh?Quiver kikiis?h?iQuote ?iqciik RRacoon ?apisumRace Run a X: kackumqsupstaa? Paddlers X: ?iic?ih?supstaa? X by sail: siicsiiktupstaa? Of the same X (kind): ?uktaqum? with affix taqum?Raffle haana?a (+ also a gamble)Raft t?apq?aq X of moving etc. ? ?us?inqakRafters sic?xp?atuRag qatqck?ii; c?isqck?iiRage ?u?uus?suuq?apiRagged (+ wearing rags) c?isqk?ac?y?ak?ic?hRail ?Rain mi?aa verb: mi?s?i? X showers: ?ii?aa; + Squall: ?ii? ?ii?s?Rainbow ? ?iiniihakRainy Looks like X: m?im?i?c?yakRaise ?ic??a?ap To put up, X eg: pole: ?a?itap X crops with affix: ?ii? X potatoes: qaawicii? X window: ?ih?misaanup Rake noun: sac?k?ah?s?ih?ta; n?ikn?ikmasy?ak verb: n?ikn?ikmasRamble (+ wandering around) ?anas?tispanac?; + hayuxpanac?Ramrod (+ used to ram down the charge of a muzzle loading gun) kam’a?cumRancid ? ?ih?p?a?; sac?kp?a?; ?ic?p?a?Rancorous p?is?aq; p?is?aqsta?Random ?aanas?tis Speak at X: wiiwikwa; wiiwiksta?inRansom ? ; ha?aac?i?; ?ucc?i? noun: ? ; ? ; ha?umRap (+ knock) nasqs?i?Rape su?ak?a?ap; suk?inkk?a?apRapid c?as?kak; kapsaaRapids c?aa?c?aac?Rare(ly) wiimii? of meat: wiiq?(c?uu); c??a?uy?aq?Rascal wiihtaasaRash ?uus?miih?ums; ?uus?it X judgement: wiiktiswaaRaspberry qa?qaawii; qaqaawas?k?uk; ? ?a? ?aac??a?k?ukRat (+ ermine) ?i?c?aapu? ?iikRate ?uuq? At any X: hiis?h?inikhRattle kuxmin verb: kuukuxmatqisRave haa?iih?waRaven qu?us?inRavine ?aminsta; ?aminsti?; ?aminst?as; ?apswii?Ravish eg: woman from canoe: ?uc?wi?ta ?uuc?iisc?i?Raw c??a?uus? X air: m?aam?aa?apiRay naa?i?aRazor kuuky?akReach hiinins?i: X a place. Of touch: ?um?aa X place: haanas?ii Catch: ?uuy?ip; hiniip See Overtake.Readmit huu?ii?; hu?aas has?ah?sap The English prefix “re” joined to a verb is expressed by the prefix huu; hu?aas; y?akReady Willing ?apaak; nuu?ii Prepared: ?iinaxc?u; hawic?uReappear hu?ayuc?i?Reappoint hu?aas?apReason verb: ?uucinkak; ?a?aash?i noun: ?imaqsti See Cause.Reasonable ?u?umh?i; ?imaqstiqnak yimsaa To say what is X: k??ac?waa; k??ac?itRebate k?ac?atupRebuke (+ scold) cici?inma; c?a?ak ?; cass?i?Recall huu?ii?Recant (+ To take back what is said) hu?aca?apReception hiinah?uu? Give a X: ?ayah?u?aa?Receive Accept has?ah?sap; hiinapwinc?i?; suupwinRecepticle ?uksacReciprocal hiis?cuw?atReckless wiihtaas; haayuxc?yakReckon Count: huksc?i?; huksinksap Think: t’aat’aapata cum ?iic?i?Recluse c?awaa?ath?Recognize hamips?i?Recollect ? ?uuc?i?Recommence hu?aas; hu?ac?i?Recommend ?uus?c??aksi?a; hupii?i?Recommendation t?at?akutum ?Recompense (+ to compensate) ?uus?paawupReconcile hu?aqhyuuyap To be: hu?aqhyuuc?i?; ? ?u?inks?i?Reconsider ?a?uupii?sap ?imaqsti; ?a?a?upwiic?i? Recourse To have X to: ?uuk?i?Recover wiiks?ah?ic?i?; s?ah?yuts?i?Rectify ?a?apca?apRecur To mind (+ to come back to one ?s mind) ? ?uuc?i?Red ? ?ih?ukRedden ? ?ih?s?i? X face: ? ?ih?swiiquu?Redeem math?a ?Red-hot qaawis??ak; sic?i?akReduce X price: k?a?atupReef X at sea: ?anaac?xuk?is X in a sail: ? ?ac??aq?y?ak To put in a X: ? ?ac??aqstupRefer cii?i?; haas?ic?iih X to: ?uuk?i?Refine (+ to improve) c?umisaqsapReflect t?aat?aapatsumh?i; t?aat?aapataReform ?ap?iic?i?Refresh m?aa?s?i? (+ cool); X oneself: ha?umanaqstu? Refreshments ha?um To take X: ha?uk; ha?uks?i?Refuse noun: wah?ck?ii verb: not obey: wikmaap Not give: wikay?i; hanuuk; ?uuma?inRegain hu?aayips?i? X: hu?ac?i?; hu?asi?aRegard See Look. (+ others see you in a higher X): ?uus?saahtak?ap (+ To watch and form an opinion of somebody): pih?s?i?Regards Give X to say: ?a?aaph?iwa?at?ic mention person.Regent (+ member of the governing body) ?uuk?apu? Regret yaac??aatRegularly tatakp?it at certain time: ?iiqiiyaps?i?Reinstall hu?aas?ap; hu?a?itapReject wiimashap; wik?apRejoice nas?aak; hu?aqstu?; c?umqstuu?Rejoin Answer: ?uumaaps?i?; ha?uk?i? ciqs?i? Fusion: hu?ac?inksapRelapse X sickness: hu?aq?pi? Again: ?iqsi?a; hu?asi?a See Again.Relate Tell, etc. see ?iic?iiqh?a; ?uuqh??i X with order, the facts: muuth??iRelation(ship) ?uus?hyums; ?uktaqum?; ?uqh?yuuRelatives See Brother, Sister, Father etc.Release ?ac?i?Reliable t?aqaak?a?; ?a?anums; ?aanaqh?misRelic with affix ck?i eg: qu?asck?i of body of man.Relict (+ artifact) ?itwatck?iRelieve (+ to help) hupiiRelinquish ?ac?i? See Abandon.Relish c?amas?at ?Reluctant haacuuh?i; ?usi?a; c??in?uq?Rely with affix ?uucn?aah? X on you: sutn?aah? X on somebody else you: ?uucn?aah? X father: n?uwicnah? X on another: ?awicnah? X believe: t?aqaak; t?aaquk?i?Remain wiinapi; wiinapu? with the affix mup ? in the sense of staying away: ?iqmuup?is? he is still away, say also: ?iquuk?is?; ? still remains away, then see Absent. X left: ?iiqapu?; ?iiqapu?ck?i with ck?i Xs over, stays: takaas?inyuuRemains X of food: maamut; maamutck?i X of dead: piicksy?iRemark Notice: n?aaciic?i?; c??uus?uk?i? Suspect, make X: cii?aaqstin?Remarry hu?aas; hu?ach?in?Remedy ?uksy?i; ?uy?i; ?uus?c??ak affixes y?i; c??akRemember kaamath?iic?i?; ? ?uuc?i?Remind ? ?uuy?aapRemiss wiik?a?uk; wiihtaasRemit t?aaqiiy?ap Forgive: wiksuuqstu?; c?ac?ama?a?apRemnant ?iiqapu?ck?i with affix ck?iRemorse To feel X: yac??aatsuq?stu? noun: yac??aatsuqstumRemote (+ far away) sayaaRemove qi?iip; k?isiih?iip X household: s?ii?uk; k?iscac?i?Remunerate X for work: ?asp?uup X in general: ?uus?p?a?uup; ?uus?ayi; ?uus?ta?aqstupRenal (+ concerning the kidneys) hinas?ak?iRender Translate: ?uh??apc?i?; ?uy?aap See Return.Renew To make new: hu?ac?i? Anew: hu?asi?aRenounce ?ac?i?Renowned hamath; hamip?at; hamat?ap?at; has?iic?ii?atRent ?us?iis ?ak?u?a; ?uuy?aq? ?ak?u?aRepay ?umaaqstipRepair hu?ac?i?; ?iqay?i?atRepeat Double root, X in speech: ?iqciik with prefix ?iq also hu?aas I could not X that: nasa? cum?is hisiik or ?iqciik X that: hu?aas?a?iRepel wiimashap; wik?apRepent yaac??aat ?imaqsti; kumtaa?at ?imaqstiReplace hu?a?iitap Return: ha?uyi; ha?uqsap; ?iqii?apReply ?umaaps?i?; cici?ups?i?Report ?uuqh??i X news: ?uyaqh?mis X of gun: ? ?i?a? affix ?a?Repose p?us?atu; huuxsatu Sleep: wa?ic?h?; wik?a?s?i? ? X of birds: husi?; hus?i; huushuusaReprimand cici?in X, find fault: c??aq; yawaac?i?Reproach ?u?uwa; ?u?uk?i? because: ?u?uuktaqaRepudiate wiimashap; wiksumRepulsive ?uup?aa?at; c?ic?is?; c?iis?c?yakRequest verb: ?uuks? X in marriage: ci?asRequire ?uu?a?a; ?usumsRescue wiky?aanup X from death: tiic??ap Go to X: c?aaniResearch n?an?aac?ukResent yaasuqtaResentful yayaasuqta?iikResentment yaasuqtamisReserve ?uuy?a?uk; has?ah?akResemble ?u?uk?uk with affix k?uk q?aa?iiq; ?aah??asa See Like. miimi?k?ukReship hu?asipReside hist?ath?; hi?hmaas He Xs in Victoria: hi??a? ?is? mituuni or hist?ath? victoriaResidue ?iqapu?ck?iResign hawii?a?s?i?Resist c??inuq?sa X does not want: wikhsaa eg: partner in marriage: ?imq?; yumq?; haak?ayiih? wikResolute haapi; haacaapi Firm: ha?ak?at ?imaqsti Stubborn: waakswiiResolve See Determine.Resound with affix ?at Echo: nayii?iiRespect ?uuy?a?uk; + ?iisaakRespectful ?u?uuy?a?uk?iikRespire h?iih?h?iih?aRespond ?umaaps?i?; ?uusaqs?i?Rest See Repose.Restless pisaa; pisatuk See Move. X: ? X of a child: wiiya ?Restoration tiic?ac?i?sy?i; ?ihs?i?sy?iRestore Make restitution: hinii; hu?aca?ap; hu?ayi; ?Restrain wik?ap; hanuuk; qaanum?ak?apResume hu?aass?i?; ?iqsi?a; hu?ap?inks?i?Retail Store: makuwi? Wholesale: nuph?ta?a?Retainer ?uus?iic?uucRetake huu?ii?; huu?iips?i?Retaliate ha?uk?i?Retard ?uyinhapRetire yacs?i?; ?ucac?i?Retract huu?ii?; hu?ac?uks?i?; ?iqcac?i?Return hu?acac?i? To X from a spot: hisap?atu; muqs?i? X to house, home: huu?ii?; wa?s?i?; ? to go home. X give back: hu?ay?i; hinii; hu?aca?ap X the same day: ?iqiiya Not X the same day: ham?a X to take back: mawaa; hu?apinyup; hu?aca?ap X make presents: p?atsta? See Give Presents. Give something in X: ?uus?ta?aqstupReveal k?aah?ii?ap; qah?saap X a secret: qah?saapRevenge ha?uk?i?; ?uus?inksap He did it for X: ha?uk?i?ck?iRevile See Abuse p?ip?is?wa; p?ip?is?x?wa; ?Revive hinusa; hu?aas tiic?ac?i?; hu?aas tiic?Revoke hu?ii?; hu?aca?apRevolve hatks?i?; mitxs?i?; nuutks?i?Revolver c?itk?aaReward ?uus?iip?ap; t?aqiiy?ap noun: ?asp?um with the affix ?ukt X for labor: maama?ukt X for digging: c?us?uktRheumatism ?uucaqums according to old Indian ideas c??iisaapRhubarb qiqi?ck?ukRib na?aqitiRibbon mama?htumRice siisiick?ukRich wiiciqnak; his?naakRiches wiici?acy?iRide eg: horseback: ? ?amaas; ? ?appii kiiwitaanaqc?isRidicule ?uuc?usRidiculous wikhtin si?aRifle n?un?uupqum?ac??ak; taq?iyu?Right Not crooked: t?aaqyaak To X side: c?umcuta X hand: c?umcaas On the X side: c?umcpaa X canoe: c?umcaqs X just: ?imsa; ?u? X size: ?u?umh?i He is X: y?ayumsa?is? Speak X: ?apciik; k??ac?waa To do a thing X: c?amihta That is X: c?uuRighteous ?aa?apc?yak; ?u?Rightly In the sense of properly eg: proper time: ?apyuy?i X spot: ?ap?ii Speak X: ?apciik or ?a?apwa notice ?ap; ?apstac?i?; ?apstiih: Right direction. c?um also expresses the idea of X or properly or rather favorably c?um waa ?; c?ump?a?: of food properly seasoned.Rim X of hat: hiniic; hiniicaqsaRind c?aqumyumRing kukuupswum Wear X: kukuupswiinu? X in nose: ? ?anah?sukum X in ears: ? ?i? ?inuhsum X bell: tin?a?; kith?s?i?; kithaa X leader: ?u?umsaRinse X mouth: c?uma?c?uq?aRip Tear: c?isqaa?ap X with scissors: ? ?apsaap; ? ?aps?i? Plank, wood: sitwatsapRipe si?a?; siqakRipen siqaks?i?; + siqac?i? Ulcer: siqakstu?; + si?aqstu?Ripple X on sea: sumtac?is?t ?; X on lake: ?ica ?Rise ?akis?i?; t?aaqyac?i? X from bed: t?iqpi?; pinks?i? X higher up: ?ic??ac?i? X bread: puxs?i? X river: cuups?i? X from dead: hu?aas tiic?ac?i? See Fly, Sun, Moon. X in price: ?iiw?aqstu?Risk hachacapRisky ?uus?c?a?h?iRival noun: ?u?uupiy?asRiver c?a?ak Mouth of X: ?ap?aqsu? X down river eg: float: tahtiis See Down.Rivet noun: ? ?apiqinky?ak verb: ? ?ap?iqinksapRoad t?as?ii To make a X: t?as?ii? Lose X: wikcac?i?Roam See Ramble. hayum?as (in woods)Roan (+ Horse or cow of two colors) ?ii? ?iisum?Roar ?uus?atuk; t?ickaa?a?; h?ustqaa; kapc?a (sea); t?ickaa (thunder); ?uus??a?Roast c??am?aq??ap X on a stick before fire: ? ?apc?as?ap; + kac??asRoasted ? ?apc?uu; c??am?aq?c?uRob kuuw?i?; kimkimRobber kuuw?iik; kimkim?iikRobin ?iitu; + k??iis?k?iik?u: + Winter XRobust quu?acaqhRock m?uksy?i X in the sea: c?a?ak; c??ac?is?t X under water: kimh?iiya ? To X: ? + Xing boat: + ciikciika + Xing motion: + tucxtucxi?Rocky q?ii?iiqk?ukRod taphy?ak; ?aaph?aapac??akRoe X of salmon: c?imaqsti X for food: nixtin See Salmon. X of herrings: cuhtin; + k?ums X for food: k?waqmis See Herring.Rogue p?is?aqRoll eg: paper: ? ?a?iik Bundle: t?apqum? X of with affix c?uRoll ? ?ac??ah?snup; ? ?aths?i?; ? ?a?iiksap To turn: hatks?i?; hatksaapRoof sic?xp?atu; sic?xma X of planks: t?uucqii verb: ?uucqanup Sharp X: sic?xcqii verb: sic?xcqiinupRoof beam nitup; t?aaqyii?umRoom ?u?aaqu? To make X: k?as?s?i?; kas?aa No X for: hissaacu; h?i?iiRoomy ?iih; ?a?aaqukRoost hu?aaqu?Rooster c?akup ?u?u?uRoot mu?mumc of grass. Indian Food: ?a?icu X of clover: ?icy?up X of fern: s?i?aa X of camas: k??an?usRope c?istuup X to tie with: ma?spum X of seaweed: sanap?aa? Other expressions: maaqiicum; ma?ck?aapum; c?iisiinumRose hupkapiih ? ?iihciipRosebush pat?ixmaptRot ?ic?saap Xting: ?ic?s?i?; p?ahs?i?; k??ahs?i?Rotten ?ic?aak Of wood: k?wahak; p?ahakRough X lumber: sac?ka?; p?is?c?uu; p?is?aq X sea: p?is?ac?is?t X in language: p?is?aqsu?; ?usaqsu?Round hupkak; hatk??iik; mitxs?i?; hupkum? and affixes according to objects.Rouse X from sleep: ?upksaap; pinksaapRove See Ramble.Row Oar: nii?nii?aRow Have a X: ni? ?aak See Quarrel.Rowdy p?is?aq; wiihtaasRub taastaasa X scratch: niikniik?aRubbish tumsRudder ?ic?y?akRude X in words: wic?ikwaksu?; p?iis?p?iis?aRug ?iic?atusum (+ near the door); ?ici?umRuin ?uus?k?a?ap; p?iiyaayap; hiqk?a?apRumor ?uyaqh?mis Only a X: ?Rump hinas?ak?iRun qamatqs?i?; qamatkuk with affix qamatqwas: Outside. X away, escape: c??ii?s?i? X after, pursue: qaamat?iih?; hin?iih? See Races. Water X: c?aac?i?; c’aa X over boiling: caapx?wi?ta ?usi? Hurriedly into bush, outside, plural: puuq?’as X inside: puuq? ?ii? X away: puk?i? and affix. X away with another woman: ?uuc?iis X at random: qaamatqma?api X against: k??ac?inks?i?; k??ac?ink X against each other (vessels): ?ih?ink Rupture c?iswaasRush yaay?umqaRust s?ux?mis verb: s?ux?s?i?; s?ux?k?ac?i?Rusty s?ux?yuu; s?ux?k?ac?yuSSack ? ?apaatSacrifice verb: ha?aac?i? noun: ha?umSadness wii?aaqstum; yumqstum; yumqsta?aq?Sadden To X: wii?aaqstup; yumqstuupSafe wiis?ah?i Alive: tiic? Not bound: ? ?iqpi?Sail ?iicapum See Canoe.Sailing ?iicapi; siikaa; ?ih?aa To put up sail: ?iicapup To put up two sails: ?a?aapup Haul in sail: c??itah?s?ap Change sail: k?iisaaqstinup Sail to another side: ?ucaqstinup Sail to wind: yuuc?uu?ap c?amaq?i?ap To take in sail: ? ?iqsaap; wik?ah?sipSaint les saints; hinayi??atSalal y?am?a Dry X: y?amaas?t X bush: ?ayiiptSalable maakstupSalary ?asp?um; t?aqiima when received affix ?uuq?Sale For X: maky?ak Goods for X: maktuup Offer for X: maqii(ma)Saliva taaxck?iiSalivate h?u?aaSallow Colour of face, sickly: hitacsukSalmon Different Kinds: Coho: cuw?it Spring: suuh?aa Dog: ?aak or hink?uu?as Small Spring: hisit Sockeye: m?i?aat (+ hisit) Large fall X: sac?up Other kinds: qiw?ah?; c??aapi (+ pink)Salt tup?a? Saltish (+ salty): h?usp?a? To X: tup?a??apSalute hic?i?Salve masy?iSame Alike: mii?h?ii; mimi?k?uk The X man: ?uh? with the prefix mii? and ?iq eg: same level: mii?maa At the X place: ?iqsaacu Think, say, do the X: hisiikSample ?uuktisy?ak or general ?uus?tisy?akSand sup?icmisSandy sup?ica?; sup?ick?ac?yu affix ?is “of beach” sup?icis X spit: wiihaanu?isSane X of mind: ?uus?h?tin X of body: wiiks?ah?iSangfroid (+ Self composure in the face of challenges) ?aanaqh?Sap ?uuqstum; paay?aqstumSarcasm ?u?uk?inkc?yak; sasac?kwac??akSash (+ A frame holding the glass in a window) windowqiyuksum; kuku? ?hsumqiyukum affix qiyukum; kakaamicumSatan leyap; + niiyaamSatin patha?Satiate (+ enough) hiisumh?iSatisfy Let do: kuw?i?ap Give: hinii; wiiwikwiiyap; wiiwikstupSatisfaction Satisfied: wikwiq? Says nothing: wiiwikwiic?i?; c?umq?; c?amu? See Please.Sauce c?i?ck?iiSaucer c??amaq?umSaucy hiix?ath?i; ci?ikSalvable tiic?sumSavage Wild: wii?is; ?uus?maqyuSave tiic??ap Spare: ?atqaak; yuusinhapSavor q?ap?a??iq Smell: q?ip?uqsiikSaw noun: c?ity?ak; q?ic??ak Double handled X: hiis?caqc?uuy?ak One X: sasa verb: c?iitc?iita; c?iitaa X off across: c?ithtaa?apSawed c?iiyuu; c?itc?uSay waa; waawaa with affix wa X nothing: wiiwikwa X speak out: haawaa Have nothing to X: h?iih?iiwa X, refer to: ?u?uwa X scold: ?uus?waa To X no: yayaa?in What do you X?: ?a?aquukk What does he X?: ?a?aquuh? affix siik with manner of saying.Saying ?; q?aq?aayatuk??iik; ciqp?atuSay! haawaa plural: haawaac?Scab c?aqp?iqum; c?aqaksum; six?iiScaffold yacaasy?ak; c?amaqumScald X meat: siqspinup; siqa??apScalp ?apc?aasqiScaly c??ip?a?it X of fish: c??ip?a?misScandal waawaakumsaScandalize waak?a??ap Xd: waak?uuqstu?; waaks?i?; yumh?s?i?Scantling (+ timber beam) c??ic??ityuh?pa?Scar c?iqati; c?iqataScarcely hardly ?usi?aScare tutuuhsyup; c??ihatsap (startle) See Afraid.Scarecrow qu?acapu?Scarce Rare: wiimii?; kam?aa?is Not many.Scarf ? ?uupin?; ? ?uupin?y?akScarlet ? ?ih?uksasaScatter his?caak?a?ap X over ground: tu?ak?a?apScent h?uta?y?akScheme with affix wiq? He has the X of giving a potlatch: nus?wiq?School ?iis?iisaquwi? Teach X: h?uuh?tiks?iih??apSchooner mama?aSciatica yakc?ut?aq?Scissor ? ?apy?ak Cut with X: ? ?aps?i? Cut off with X: ? ?aphsaapScoff ?uuc?us; suk?ink See Mock.Scold cici?in X cut: wis?ks?i?Scorch m?u?m?uuya Xed: mu?ak; muc?uuScore Twenty: caqiic and affixes.Scorn ?imc?u?aq? See Scoff etc.Scoundrel c?is?c?yakScourge verb: ? ?aphma?it (on skin) noun: ? ?aph?y?akScow hahawatsack?ukScramble ?uksma?aqaScrap affix ck?i X of linen: k?ucck?iScrape c??iisc??iiska; c??iisks?i?Scratch X with fingernails: n?iikn?iik?a; n?iks?i? noun: n?ikwiiScream ?aaqs?i?; ?aaq?aaqaScreen Protect: wikc?a?h?i?ap noun: wikc?a?h?ic?ik Separate: xaxaac?anupScrew ? ?iqyak?anu?; ?ap?iqma To X: ma?s?i?Scrofula (+ tuberculosis) ?ic?mis X neck: ?iic?in?Scrub yaaxyaaxa; c??iiskc??iiska Wash: c?umii?Scrubbing brush yaaxyaaxay?ak; c?umii?y?akScum c?iiskck?ii; p?acmis See Foam.Scurvy ?ic?itSea tup?a? Surface of the X described by affix c?is?t eg: bad X: p?is?ac?is?t Far away at X: hi?c?aatu X the ocean: ?uc?is?t X breeze: yuupi?is; maa?api?is; takuusac?is?t y?u?iSea-coast hiicinh?sa; wih?iiya; wih?iisSeashell qin?ah?ck?i; + k?ayis?k?in X grass: k??inyumc (+ seaweed)Seal Hair X: kukuh?wisa Young hair seal: k?aasc?ah? Fur seal: k?i?aanus X pup: huupksiis; humksiis Middle-size X: y?ay?aaqh?i Black whiskered X: tupqaksu? White whiskered X: ? ?isaksu?Seal To X: yas?ma?; k?ik?ii?at?iih? X on a schooner, have canoe on board: ki?as X on a schooner, have canoe overboard: ki?p?its?i? Go out Xing: ?ih??atuSea lion tukuukSeam nic?inkum Together: nic?ink; nic?inksapSeamless masinkSearch hininyuh?; ?un?aah? Thoroughly: h?an?aah Look for: n?aac?uk; hink?ayiih?+ Sea Serpent + h?i?ii? ?iikSeasick ?a??iiq?; ?aa??aa?a Become X: ?a??iiqstu?Season with affix ?ic?h? Winter X: c?u?ic?h? At the X: ?u?ii At the proper X: q?iiyuyi?aa?Seat k?aasy?ak; k?aacsacum X in canoe (rubbish?): ?icma ? X according to rank: t?iquwi?Seaweed suqmapt Kelp: husmin; sanap?aa?; + k??inyumcSecede X from tribe: wiikats?i? X separated from tribe: wiik?aaqstin?; wiik?uuqstin?Second ?ah??aa?a?; ?a?uu verb: hupii; yaamaat See Help. nusiik; ?uu?haapSecret haptmis Keep X: haptum?ak; haptaaq; wik?a??apSecrete (+ To hide, conceal.) hapts?i?; k?as?saapSecure Safe wiiwiik?ity?akSediment hay?icmisSeduce ?i?iiy?ap; wikca?ap See Corrupt. X girl: suk?ink; su?ak?a?apSee n?aca; n?aciic?i? with affix. eg: face: n?ac?uu? X look with attention: nac?uuh See Look, Search, etc. with the affix ?uun?ak?uh? What do you X?: ?aqin?ak?uh?k I see this etc.: ?uunak?uh?s n?aaca Opposite of n?aca is c??an?ii I do not X: c??an?iisSeed tuuk??asy?akSeek hiininyuh? See Search.Seem affix k?uk; c?yak See Looks Like.Seen n?aca?atSee saw niipu?ana; t?uucxs?i?Seize Capture: suk?i?; hiniips?i? Arrest: ma?pitap Hold: suu?ac?i?Seldom wiimii?Select ?uus?k??aps?i? and as an affix.Self with ?u?uk?ah for oneX: ?u?ukumqa; ?uuk?aa?atup Work for oneX: ?uk?ach?in and different affixes according to meaning to be expressed.Selfish ?uk?ak??apSelfsame ?iqh?; ?iiqhsasa; ?uh?; mii?h?iiSell maak?iita; mak?atu; hitaatu; hita?ap See Trade.Send ?uca?ap; ?uqs?ap X for goods: ?u?uuk?u?a; hiihink?u?a X for persons: yuyuus?up X word: ci?aqstup X by canoe: k?i??ah?s?ap eg: dry fish X to make come: hinatsap, bring.Senior m?am?iiqsu Who is the X?: ?ac?awii?i?Sense ?imaqsti He has good X: ?imaqstinak; ?uus?htin?is? Has no X: wikhtin; hayuxs?i? Loses X: wika? ?imaqsti Regains X: hinusi?Senseless wikhtinSensitive yaayaasuqta?iikSentence pronounce ciqs?i?Sentry n?an?aac??a?ukSeparate (+ putting items in containers) xac?aanup; xac?saapSeparately xac?aa; xaxac?aSepulcher (+ tomb, burial vault or cave) makyaku?Serious X face: ?aanaqh?u?; ?aanaqh?Serpent h?iiyiServant ?uus?ati; mamuqh?si X slave: quu?Serve mamuuk; ?asiita; ?uus?taq X at table: yacmii?; nus?i? X: hinah?uup ? X drink: naquutiSet X a hen: ?ah?ic?as?ap X place: ?u?iip; ?ap?iip SunX: huupatuy?a See Plant.Settle (+ to move into a place) s?ii? ?i? Paid: c?ac?umpinqs?i?Settler s?i? ?asSettlement s?is?i? ?as; townc?i?Seven ?a?pu See Two.Seventy qacc?iiq ?uh? ?iis? h?ayu See Two.Sever h?iqk?ay?apSeveral ?uuna; wiis?h?ii as good number.Severe hiix?ath?iSew n?ic?i?; n?ii?n?iiya X together: n?ic?inksap Sewed: n?ic?uuSex (+ gender) with affix saah?tak Female X: ?uc?saah?takShabby X coat: nah?ak; maah?cqii X blanket: mah?a?Shackles ma?y?ak; mamaa?h?umShade X of lamp: h?uqqum X of sun: maa?c?intapu?Shadow qu?asmaShaggy ?atxum?; h?umis?um?Shake ma?s?i?; kis?s?i? X hands: susinkuu? Push: c?ats?i?; c?aatc?aata X head: c?isks?i?; c?iskaa; c?iiskc?iiska X of branches: h?iikh?iik?a X blanket: yaaxyaax?aShallow ?anaac?x?i?isShame yumh?mis; waamis; c?amuu To X: yumx?saap; waaksaap; c?amuunaksapShameful waawaakumsa; yayumh?misaShank (+ lower part of an animal ?s foreleg) ququtan?umShanty mamupu? mah?t?ii?isShape q?aa?iiq To X: q?is?ap q?aa?iiqShare naa?uu To X with: naa?uu?apShark mamac??aq?Sharp sac?k X point: sac?k?ih?ta; k?ic?uuSharpen k?ic?i?Shave kuuks?i?; kuuk?aa; c??iisks?i? X head: ?askumyuup Shavings: c?itck?i; c?uxck?iiShawl (+ for dancing) c?iisa?a; + niis?aanaShe ?uh?Shed noun: mah?t?iiqapas verb: X tears: ?ups?i? (+ pour over) run over: ?upwi?ta; c?i?taa; c?iiwi?taSheep mamituSheet X of bed: ?icp?i?um X of vessels: c?iisapumShelf affix sacum Book X: booksacum Goods X: p?aatqsacumShell + k?ayis?k?in; qinah?ck?i with affix ck?i mentioning the kind of fish eg: mussels: ? ?uc??umck?iShelter X against rain: mak ? with affixes. X against wind: k?uh?nit X against heat: m?a?nitShift Move: k?iis?iih? X dress: ha?uuk??ic?u?Shin ququtanumShine path?s?i? Xing: pathak SunX: ? ?upin MoonX: n?aapi Stars X: t?at?uusay?i?Shingle ?uu?uu?ukum; ?uu?uu?in verb: ?uusip; huusipShining pathak and affix eg: paper: patha? See Bright.Ship ?; mama?n?i X three masts: qaqacc?as?ah?sShipwreck k?ah?s?i?; ship yumqumyuu? X sunk: nii?atu X against shore: nisa?Shirt ?ih??aq?y?ak color per affix h?tin eg: white X: ? ?ish?tinShit ?iis?maap; s?uumaap Pass blood: h?iiswak?i Diarrhea: s?uu?s?uuya Spoil eg: flies: s?uu?ak?a?ap Inside: s?ucck?ii Birds: ci?ck?ii noun: ci?ck?ii + h?icmis; + ?am + Do you need to X? + ?iis?maap mah?sakShiver kikiis?h?iShoal (+ Area of shallow water) c?ukum?Shock verb: c??ih?atsap; c??ih?ats?i?Shoe X on: shoeshoesh?ta with affix h?ta No Xs on: wiiwikh?ta Put on X: yacc?in? To blacken X: path?saap shoes (+ polish)Shoot ? ?ic?i?; ? ?iic? ?iiya X at: ?uh?taa affix. What do you X at?: ?aqih?tak ? ?ic?i? X sprout: ? ?aqswii Grow: ? ?aaqac?i?Shop (+ store) makuwi? WorkX: mamuu?akuwi?Shore wih?iya; hitinqis See Rim. To be on X: yac?as; yacis Go along X: wih?ii?aqc?ik Arrived at X: hitasa? Left vessel, came on X: hinu?taShort n?iic Too X: kapx?aa X time: k?aac??is X not enough with affix ?uk?a? Many too X: ?ayak?a?; ?u?atuShortly ?ah??aq?; hiik?a??a?Short sighted wicqa?Shoulder ?a?apyum?Shoulder blade ? ?ah?sap?i Shot idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.)Shout hasaatukShow h?umc?i?; hamatsap Point Out: k?upc?i?Shower ?ii?p?iq; mii?mii? + Rain squall: + ?i? ?ii?s?Showery ?i?aaShred cisqk?ac?yu; ?aqk?ac?yu; cisqck?iiShrewd ?imaqstinak; ?ac?ikShriek ?aaq?aaqaShrimp ?i?ihmiq?iShrink c?ipts?i?; kumts?i?: eg: of cloth. X of plank: k??ith?s?i?; c?ah?tac?i? Recoil: hayaaqstu? (+ in fear); tuuh?s?i? (+ in fear)Shrub ? ?aqaptShrug k?ips?i?; ?ah?sap?iiks?i?Shudder kikiis?h?iShun c??ac??iis?uk See Avoid.Shut See Close: mus?saap X box: muc?iqsip X door: mus??itapShy wii?is Wild, timid, bashful: waa?ak Afraid: tuuhukSick ta?i? Very X: wiikuu (+ weak)Sickly tatumh?i; y?ay?umh?i Drowsy: ?asx?akSickness tamis Contagious: tusmisSide q?icpaa?ik with affix cpa eg: this X: ?ucpaa On the other X: k?ispaa with affix ?aqs eg: canoe ?apcaqs: Right (+correct) side of canoe c?umcaqs: On right hand X q?iscaqs: On the other X and other affixes such as ?u? Other X of face: q?isuti? Right X of body: c?umcaas Left X of body: qacaas X with ?u?ukc?iSigh saya?iip h?ih?s?i?Sightless maquu?Sign noun: ?uuktisy?ak; hah?umtt?u X of cross: k?upsaat?in? It is a X: hamath? or hamats?i?at; kamath?i?atSignal ?uuktisy?ak; hin?a?sapy?akSignify hin?a?sapSilent wik?a? Not to speak: c?amaq Make no noise: wiikaatuk hence c?amaqs?i?; wiikaatuks?i? X, has little to say: ?anaakSill kictqumSilly wikh?tin; wiiwikh?tinc?yak; ?asi?aSilver taalasa Of X: taalaqh?tin; + pathakSimilar mii?h?i; ?usaah?tak; ?aah??asaSimmer c?aa?c?aapxukSimple cumii?ataSimultaneous mi?s?i? Xly: mi?s?i?s?i?aSin ?i?aamis; p?is?mis; le peche (+ French); verb: ?i?iic?i?; p?iyac?i? Xfully: ?i?asi?a; p?is?si?aSince ?uyima; ?uyum?; hisam?a; ?Sincere ?aanaqh?; ?a?aanaqh??iikSinew ?ukt?aptSing nunuuk; nuu?i?Single One: c?awaak Not married: wikch?i X man: wiikp?iic? X woman: c?ap?iimupSingular ?uyasi?a; k?iish?in X manner: k?isi?a (+ strange)Sink caqs?i? X in water: tii?atu Vessel: nii?atuSinless wiiks?h?anSip k??iiwi?Sister X of man: ?uuc?muup X of woman: ma?ah?; ma?ah?siqsu Xs: ma?ah?ink See Brother. X in law: c?iinapsiqsu; yuumiiqsu + X of woman or man: + ?uuc?muup Older Xs: mamaamiqsu Older X: mamiiqsu Younger Xs: yuyuuq?iqsu My younger Xs: yuyuuq?iqsaqks My older Xs: mamaamiqsaqks My older X: mamiiqsaqks My younger X: yuuq?iqsaqks My older brothers: hahac?umsiqsaqksSit t?iq?i? and affixes eg: X inside: t?iqpi? X outside: t?iq?aas See Standing. X with-X with idle Indian fashion: nawaay?asSite X for house: ma?u?asSix nupu See Two.Sixteen h?ayu ?uh? ?iis? nupuSixty qacc?iiqSize ?un?ah?; ?un?ah?ii The proper X: ?u?umh?iSkate (+ eg: ice or roller) kikitx?tumSkate fish paak?inSkedaddle ?ucac?i?; c??ii?s?i?Skeleton hamutck?iSketch verb: ?iisc?uu?ap noun: ?iisma; ?uuktisy?akSkillful ?ac?iksasa; ?imaqstiqnakSkim (+ to take scum or cream etc. or a floating layer from the surface of a liquid) c??ap?atup; wiiss?i?; wii?wiiyaSkin tuq?aq with the affix q?aq; haph?tuup Bear X: ? ?ith?ak Deer X: muk?a?aq Fish X: wac??in verb: ?ah?umyuup; ?ama; ? ?aps?i? Made of X: haphtin X off eg: hand: wicx?s?i?Skirt wanas?um; wanas?; s?iqwanumSkull qum?icSky hinaayi?; hinaayi? n?aasSlack qiqyuuSlacken qiiqsaap; qiqs?i? X sail: waa?u?apSlam m?ac?ksaap eg: door: mus??asumSlander m?aa?m?ay?a; ?i?itmiswaa; ?ith??i; k?aaqmiih?aSlanting caqyuu Not straight: kis?ak X not square: c?ik?ih?ta; kis??ih?taSlap X in face with fist (+ punch): ? ?ikma?u? X flat hand: ? ?uh?ma?u? X on back (See Back): ? ?uh?aapa? General: ? ?uh?s?i?; ? ?iks?i?Slash c?uxc?a?itapSlate tin?aSlaughter (+ animals) sas?tupsuup; qaah?qaah?a X eg: deer: qaah?k?a?apSlave quu? To make a X: qaa??i? To redeem a X( + set free): math?aaSlay qah?saap; ?usuup qah?saapSledge t?ic??akSleek haac?i; hanaaq?Sleep wa?ic?h? Light X: k?icaa To X with: ?u?uu? X together: mimii?; t?awi? X with female: ?am?aqi? X noun: pu?inwa Sleeper: waa?ic??iik; qiqiipu??iik wa?ic?; wawaa?ic?apu??iik OverX: wa?ic?swiSleepy pu?a??atu X eyes are heavy: ? X drowsy: ?asx?ak Become X: ?asx?s?i? (+ also describes leaves when they are drooping) Sleepless ?upkaa; nasa? wa?ic?Sleeve kakaapi Roll up X: kics?i? Rolled up X: kicc?uSlender yuuc?kaanu? Lean: ? ?ihaqs?i? X: ? ?ihaanu?Slice verb: wiic?uu?ap noun: wiic?uu; c??ic?uuSlide ? ?aas? ?aasa; ? ?ass?i? X off: ? ?as?atu X away: ? ?ask?ac?i? X slip: ? ?isks?i? X off: ? ?isk?atuSlight witq; ?anah??isSlime X of earth: c?ak??aqmisSling nuc?y?akSlipper c??imus shoesSlippery ? ?a? ?as?as; ? ?askak; ? ?aska?; ? ?askmii? etc. with affix. See Place.Slit wic?i?; wiiyaa; siic?i?Sloop (+ small sailboat) nunuupc?a?ah?sSlope ? ?athak; ? ?ath?yuu; caqyuuSlothful c??iinuq? ?iik Sloven wiik?a?ukSlow naawink; wityax; ?uu??uu?aSlumber (+ sleep) wiicukSly ?ac?ik??aq?Small ?anah??is (Too X: ?); ?ac?knah??is X with diminutive ?ana and ?is eg: a X dog: ?inaana or ?inii??is X: ha?maana; haa?mah?i; haa?mac? are used as a diminutive, endearing expression. X: kam?aa?is; wii?maa; wiiyaa? ?u?atu used of smallness, want of importance of people and things.Smart ?imaqstinak; ?ac?ikSmash ki?k?a?ap; (+ squishing, smashing) ti?qk?a?ap; k?ah?k?a?ap; ? ?ac?inksapSmell noun with affix p?uuqs eg: bad X: c?is?p?uuqs Bad Xing: c??up?uuqs verb: miss?i? Follow track by X: miisaanuu?Smile ? ?iixs?i?; cumh?s?i?; ?Smelt haap?ac?usSmith c?iikipttaq; c?iikiptma?uk; c?iikiptqii?Smoke noun: q?is?aa verb: q?is?ii? X tobacco: q?is??iic X swallow Indian fashion: ?iiph?iiph?a; ?imh?imhSmoky q?is?nit X in a house: q?is?mii?; q?is?c?yakSmooth Not coarse: ? ?askak; ? ?aska?; ? ?askum? and other affixes. X sea: ?upaak; tinh?ak Becoming X: tinh?s?i?; ?upii?s?i?; ?u?ac?is?t; taahak X lumber: ? ?aska?; c?ama? X surface: c?amaas X not pointed: c?um?ih?ta X with Indian chisel: c??ah?c?uu X with knife: ?akc?uu X talker: ?ac?ikwaqsu?Smother kapxyiih?aSmutty X language: c?is?aatukSnag kus?ck?i; kus?tuupSnap Gun: c??uh?s?i? X dog: m?ac?i?Snail ?inmi X shell: humum (+ also a moon snail)Snake h?iiyiSnare qaamii?y?akSnatch ?ith?in; c?iicwaapSneak haptsi?aSneer ? ?iixc?us with affix c?us and ?usumc? ? ?iixc?us; ? ?ii? ?iixsumc?Sneeze ha?icxs?i?; t?upicxs?i?Sniff up c?iiq?s?i?Snivel ?int?inta; ?intyiih?aSnore h?uptaa; niiskniiska; ?uus?atuk wa?ic?Snout ya?ih?ta?iq; niskacSnow k??iis X melts: k??isk?ac?i?; tuqs?i? verb: k??iss?i?; k??isaa?is?Snowy k??iik??isc?yakSnub wikmaap; wikiicmapSnuff c?uuq?c?uuq?ac??ak verb: c?iiq?c?iiq?Snuffle c?iiq?c?iiq?aSoak t?i?i? ?; t?i?aak eg: dry fish, anything dry: c??ac??a?aq? eg: salt meat. X in rain, wet through: c??acwii; c?aaqstii?; + c?acwiiSo q?aa; q?aa?ah??aa (To do) so: q?is X in sense of excessively-It is X warm: ? ?uu? ?uupapu? with affix ?u?upu?; ?u?apu?; ?u?upi; ?u?api X often not expressed eg: to say so-He said X: waamitSoap c?uc??akSoar ? ?u?aqa (eg: eagle)Sob ?aa?aa?ih?aSober c?umyiiqu?Sociable ?aaph?i; c?umcitSoft ?atx??ak eg: silk. X bed: ?atx?i? Not hard: c??it?is eg: butter. Opposite: qatSoften ?atx?s?i?; ?atx?saapSoil c?isumc; nism?a To X: c?is?x?saap; c?is?x?a??ap See Dirty and add ?apSojourn (+ temporary stay) ?um?uup as an affix. X at Hesquiat: histm?uup h?is?k?iiSolder noun: k??ity?ak verb: k??ininksapSole X of foot: ?ap?aac?u? X of shoe: ? ?ah??ac?um; ? ?a? ?ax?tumSolid Strong: ?i?maa Not liquid: qat; nas?ukSoliloquy (+ talking when alone or regardless of any hearers) c?iciiqsta?inSoluble tukuukSolvent ?un?aak; ?u?us?q?itSomber wis; tutupk?ukSome ?uus?; ?uun?a X, not all: p?atqwaatSomebody ?uus??atSomething affix ?uus?tup X different: k?istuup; ?a?uu saah?tak also k?isaah?tak To go for X: ?uus?sahap; ?uus?naah?; ?uus??ipSometime ?uus?yuuyaSometimes ?uus?p?it; ?uu??uus?yiikSomewhere ?uus?saacuSomnambulist (+ sleep walker) verb: hixsyuuc?i?; waa?iic??iik (yaacuk)Son t?an?a X of N: t?an?aak N X of John: johnmit X of John, if John is dead: johnck?iSon in law q?ii?iqsuSong nuuk plural: nuutnuukSoon n?ay?iik; ?ah?; ?ah??uy?i; ?ah??aq?Soot ? ?intmisSoothe pinh?saapSorcerer ?uus?taqyu; ?uk?aanaSore To be X: yaayaac??ap; yaa?ak with affix ?iih?a X eyes: qasmiih?a A X: ?uus?miih?amisSorrow ?uus?yaamis; ?uus?cukmis; wii?aqstum; yumqstumSorry To be X: yaac??aat or kumtaa?at ?imaqsti; wii?aq?; yaac??aatsuq?; + kumtyiih?aSort See KindSoul qu?acaqstumSound Inlet: c?aamaqak Up X: hi?stiis Noise: ?uus?atuk; ?uusana To speak loud (+ly): hasaatuk; has?aq? X loud: ?uusaq? Good, of fish: ?; wiiks?ah?i; ?u?; ?ah?ck?i Not rotten: wiiks?ah?i Opposite: ?ic?aak eg: eggs.Soundings (+ Measuring the depth of water) ?umiis Take X: taa?tayaSour cih?ak Become X: cih?s?i?Source hiistmutaqs?i? Where is the X?: waastmutaqs?i?South tuuc??aatsu; hi?c?aatu; + hi?suu?isSoutheast tuc??ac?i?Southerly wind t?aqsii?i?; t?aqin?a Light X: yuks?a; yuks?ii?Southward t?aqtacin?Southwest hac??sii?i?Souvenir ? ?uu?acy?iSow tuuks?i?; tuuk?itapSpace hi?; ?uu?Spacious ?iih?Spade c?usy?akSpan One X: nup?ita? Two X: ?a?p?ita? Object to be measured by X eg: sea otter skin 1. nup?itanu? 2. ?a?p?itanu? 1,2 span of hand One X and forefinger: nup?itanu? ?uh? ?iis? k?upyakSpank ? ?uh?miik?i; ? ?uh?? ?uh?miik?iSpar (+ mast of ship) ? ?uus?anu?Spare Use sparingly: yutk?a?ap; ?aatksinhap Slim: ?ih?ak?anu?Spark ? ?i?kck?i; + ? ?i?qaa ( + from fire)Sparkle ? ?i?ks?i?; ? ?i?qaaSpasm ?usi?aSparrow c??iknaSpawn Herring X: suh?tin; k??aqmis; siih?muu attached to sea grass. Salmon X: nixtin verb: s?uuyaaSpeak ciiqciiqa; ?uus?waa; ?uus?atuk See Noise. X about: ?u?umac?u eg: about death: qaah?mac?u Also in a quiet and private very generally X about-in an open way: ?uucink?iik and in a noisy way: ni?aak X with the above and other affixes as follows: 1. ciiqciiqa with the relative hisiik; wikciik: Speak incorrectly. ?apciik: Speak correctly. 2. ?u?uwa; ?u?uus?wa; waa X to say nothing: wiiwikwa X to say the proper thing: k??ac?waa 3. ?umaap: X answer. wikmaap: Not speak, answer. wikiicmap: Say nothing, not reply. 4. ?uumac?uk: X whisper, X quietly to. p?iis?mac?uk: Hold wicked conversation. 5. ni?aak: of noisy talk (+ arguing) 6. su?: Descriptive of mouth kac?x?aqsu?: X with pride, boastingly. 7. h?i?in; kakat?in: Boast 8. ?aatuk; q?ayaatuk: The way of Xing. c?is?x?aatuk or ?as?x?aatuk: Bad, unbecoming language. 9. ?uuk?i?: X to or of. I X to you: ?uuk?i?s suuti? hence suuti?s: I X to you. ?uk?i?s: I say to him. niih?i? ?is? or niih?i? nis?: He Xs to us. siih?i? ?is? or siih?i? ?icuus?: He Xs to (+ all of) you ?uu?uuk?i?: X to them. 10. ?ucink?iik: X, talk about. wikcink?iik: X quiet, no special topic. X sparingly, little to say: ?anaak X much: nas?aqsu?; ci?ik X seriously: ?a?anaqhwa X attackingly: ? ?uuc?i?s?i? See Narrate etc.Spear X Handle: hic?h?taa X prongs: mi?sy?i Harpoon: qaah?iita verb: c?axs?i?Spearer Good X: k??ac?it Bad X: wic?itSpecify ka?ups?i?; ?umts?i?Specimen ?uuktisyakSpeck (+ a spot) tix?a? + tictix?a?: + spotted.Spectacles kickiih?sum; kickiih?su?y?akSpeculate ninis?ha Speech ciiqciiqa To make a X: ciiqma?apiSpeechless muq?iiy?u?Speed with X: ? ?ay?ixSpend hitaatu To X all: his??atu X money: taalaq?atu X by trading: mak?atu also with affix k?ap or k?ac?i? ?ayak?ac?i?s or ?ayak?a?ap taala X time: I X one day at V.: hi?nic nupc?ii? V. How much time did you X?: c?aa ?unic nitiik See Long.Spendthrift (+ Somebody who likes to spend money) ?; wic?ik ?u?a?uk taalaSphere hupkum?Spider t?a?t?apwinSpigot (+ plug) ? ?ick?aapumSpill c?aa?taa See Overflow.Spine k?uunisSpinster c?apunupyih?a; c?apiinupyih?aSpirit Indian idea: c??ih?aa To meet X: c??ih?s?i?Spit taaxs?i? X blood: h?iish?iisa; h?iiswah?su?Spite yaaq?; ?u?inq? Have X Relative: ?u?u?inq?Spiteful p?is?aqSpittle taaxck?iSpittoon taaxsacSplendid ?uu?sasa; ?u?naak?uh??atSplice ?atinksapSplinter ?inksy?ick?i X in hand: h?uuq?h?uuq?n?uk; kakink X in eyes: k?iik?ii?naqsu?Split sitsaap past: sitc?uu X half: sitwaat X board: c??atyu from c??ats?i? X with wedge: ?ac?i?; ?a?ak?ac?yu X shingles: wic?i?; wii?wiiya X: qatsaap; wic?i? Spoil ?uus?k?a?ap with affix k?ac?i?; k?a?ap; ?awii?ap; ?awiic?i? X quickly: yuus?uk?ac?i?; yuus?uk?a?apSpokesman ciqh?siiSpoon ?am?iit (Indian); ?a?am?itk?uk; ? ?um?iicy?akSport ?a?umc??aapsa?iik Good X: ?uuqmisSpot tix?a?; hupa?a? Place: hi?Spouse yaqch?iSpout c?ii?c?iiya; q?awah?su?Spray puuxck?ii X at sea: k?axck?ii hence k?axs?i?: Covering or entering canoe.Sprain To X: yumsc?iqs?i?Spread Stretch out: ?a?h?saap Extend, X on floor: ?its?i?; ?itsaap; ?icpitap Diseases X: hiinuuta A disease that Xs: tusmisSpring noun: ? ?aqs?i? To jump: tuxs?i? and affixes eg: tuxcpaa: To jump over.Spring tide p?an?iqiyap; ?iih?muu?ukSprout To bud: ? ?aqasi?; ? ?aqwah?su? X up: ? ?aqswaasSpruce c??uh?smapt; tuuh?maptSpurious Not genuine: nap?aa?yuSpurn wiimashap; wiiwikc?i; yumq?Spy n?ac??as; n?as?n?as??iikSpy glass kih?y?akSquall ?i? ?aaSquander ?uus?k?a?ap; wikstup k?a?apSquare mi?taqum?; c?um?ih?ta X a measure: kac??ak; c?amaas; c?amaasy?akSquat X inside: t?iq?i? X outside: t?i?as; c?ii?i?; c?iiq?i?(mis) ?Squeak ?aaqs?i? Of animals: siisiimick?a?inSqueeze X a woman: ?apks?i? X hand: taaqs?i? kuk?inksu Press against: c?aqinks?i?Squint ?i?inc?su?Squirrel c?umt?uSquirt c?iitqc?iitqaStab c?uqs?i?Stable X steady: hii?sasa; hii?sasa q?aa X for animals: sas?tupuwi?; sas?tupic mah?t?ii eg: muusmuusuwi?; muusmuusic mah?t?iiStagger c??iix?aaStagnant (water) t?a?as c??a?ak; ?a?uk; ?uw?as affixStain tix?a? To X: tasa?a?ap; ?iisa??ap eg: linen etc. Dirty: c?is?xa?a?ap X on body: c?uc?umaqu? eg: face. X on character: c?amuu; c?amuunakStair t?ap?iqanumStaircase xa?amin; yacsaacumStake eg: races: ?uc?aasy?ak; k?aty?ak Post: ?a?as?iStale ?iqh?ck?ii Tasteless: wikp?a?Stalk X of vegetables: ? ?aqiqumStammer hahaac?uc?aStamp yack; yaackyaacka X: yacki? or ya?ki? (outside)Stand (Inside) ?akii? ?: t?aaqyii? See Place for affixes.Star t?at?uus X shine: t?at?uusay?i? X the bear the Indians call the Elk: ? ?unum Falling X: t?at?uus?atuStare hu?qaa X in face: n?ac?uu? X at: n?acuuh?; n?ac?yiih?ap; n?acaStarlight ka?hcpa; naapiStarfish qasqiipStart See Begin, Leave, Commence etc. The beginning by affix s?i?; c?i?Startle c??ih?atsapStarve ha?umyih?a; hak?iih?a Little to eat: kinh?akState (+ to say) ?iiqhuk; ?uqh??iStationary (+ not moving) wiinapi See Place.Statue qu?acapu? affix ?apu?Stave yuyuc?kcaqc?u (+ curved pieces of wood forming the sides of a pail)Stay wiinapi See Place, Live, Dwell. X overnight: ham?a X up at night: ?uu?yuuc? X a long time: qiimuup affix muup X not yet returned: ?uuyuuk??a? Many away: ?aayuk??a?Stays (+ large rope supporting a pole on a ship) kumty?akSteadfast (+ constant, firm, unwavering) haapi; ?aanaqh? See Determined.Steady X vessel canoe: wins Opposite: c?uc?aa; ?i?maa; nism?aSteal kuuw?i?; k?aps?i? (+ borrow and not return); kimkima Take: ?uu?ii? affix. X woman from canoe: ?uc?wi?ta X not pay: wikta?aq? suk?i?; h?uu?ii?; hinaah?inSteam mux?ck?ii To X fish on warm rocks: muc?uu?ap Xing: mux??aa; muxs?i?Steamboat ?ink?as; caxtqiiSteel idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.)Steep caqyuu; ? ?aathapi; nii?apiSteer noun: k?atk?a? muusmuus To X: ?ic?s?i?; ?iic??iic?a X right direction: ?aapst?iih?; q?aac?st?iih?Stem X of pipe (+ eg: stove pipe): kaacakum; kakaatsum X of canoe etc.: hi?yin (+ middle of the bow) X to stop, close: c??iips?i?; mus?saapStench with affix p?uuqs c??uup?uuqs X of some kind: c??utck?i; c??umiisStep ?a?aaqis?a One X: nup?it ?aqis?i? X walk: yacaa; yaacs?i? X into hole: yactiiy?as X out of canoe: hinu?taStep-child Stepfather etc. ?uuwiiqsuSterile wikii?; k?usaqs?i? Soil(+ ed): yum?asStern X of canoe: ?ith?a X piece: q?am?a X of face: ?uus?maqsu?; + ?uus?maqu?Stick qus?tuup; kictuup Walking X: ta?a?ma Uses a walking X: ta?a?a X: ? ?us?uk (poles) See Lying on, Adhere: k??its?i? X together: k??itinkSticky k??itsaap See Glue.Stiff qus?uk Not flowing: nas?uk To become X: qus?s?i?; nas?qs?i? X of fingers: c??a?c??inks?i?Stifle kapxyiih?apStill Quiet: c?am?aq See Quiet; hi?h?yu ?Stillborn qaah?akmaa?Stimulant c?umt?a?sy?i; hawiiq?cy?iSting qac?i?; m?ac?i? Mosquitoes: tanakyih?a of bees: ? ?ic?i? X of nettles: ?i?mapts?i? Wound X eg: bees: tanakwiStingy c?umxtak; hanaaq?; ?a?aataq?iik; wiimii?; wii?ikStink c??uup?uuqs affix p?uuqsStipulate mak?ink; ka?ups?i? (+ to demand or specify as an essential part of an agreement)Stir Move: piss?i?; ma?s?i? X with something: kics?i?; kiickiica; kiicmink?uk ? See Mix.Stitch c’iiyi?s?i?; h?uu?h?uuyaStocking idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.)Stomach ?asp?atu; + taac??a X of deer and grass eating animals only: qin?aqacStone m?uksy?i Throw Xs at: t?i?ak?a?ap Cook on Xs: nuc??uup X hammer: pinh?pinh? Made of X: m?ukh?tinStony m?uk??aq? X soil: m?uk??asStool k?aasy?ak (+ for sitting)Stoop See Bend. xiipiStop wiinapi (affixes) hawii?a?; wikiic?i?Stopper c??iipsapum See Cork.Store makuuwi? (+ a shop)Stormy wiiqsii Indications of X: wii?ay?umc?Stormy X season: wii?iic?h? Looks X: wiiwiiqcy?akStory Lie: ?itmis X of house: one, two: nuptaqap; ?a?taqapStout ? ?uq?aqak; ?a?iih?wa?sy?akStove ?inksac X pipe: ?a?asum; q?is?sacumStraight t?aaqyaak See Direct.Straighten t?aaqyaayap; t?aaqyiitap See Bend.Strait Sound c?amaqak; ?apswiisStrand hitinqis (+ beached) To X vessel: nisa?Strange Of elsewhere: k?is?iih?statStranger k?isaath? X from far off: sayaa?at New arrivals: wiina Receive, have X: wiitah?u? A X staying at another ?s house: wiikp?iic? (+ somebody that ?s not with someone else.)Strangle kapxyiih?ap Hang: maaqinuup Strap ?asa?aqanu? To flog with: ? ?aph?y?ak See Flog. Razor X: k?iic??ak; k?ii?k?iiyac??akStraw ? ?aqaptck?iStrawberry ka?kintapiih?Stray wikcac?i?; hayum?as (in woods.)Stream c?a?ak; c?aa?aqu See Flow. c?aa; c?aac?i?Street t?as?iiStrengthen To become strong: ha?ak?iic?i? Make firm: ?i?maanup; ha?ak?ii?ap Stiff: kus?s?i?; kus?saap Strong eg: liquor: sac?k verb: sac?kii?apStretch X in length: c??upsaap; c??ups?i? X elastic: c??upc??ups? X rope: c?isaap; c?iss?i? X blanket: ?ich?saap; ?ich?s?i? See Spread. X with an effort: tic?i?s?i? (pull) ?ayaqa X legs: siisiiks?i? X arms: ?ah?s?i?Strict Attentive: ?uu?a?uk; ?u?u?a?uk?iik Too X: ?u?uu?a?ukapu?; ?aanaqh?Strike See Beat. c??iiqak; hiss?i?; ? ?iks?i?; cicks?i? See Flog.String c?ic?istuupqum; maqtuup; c?istuup; c?iisapum X for trawling: ma?ak?um; ma?sk?aapum; maaqiicum X of beads: chapelet Make X of beads: taa?aq?sap chapelet; taa?aq?sap hupkapiih? le chapeletc??akStrip (+ take off clothes) han?ah?tup; wik?ic?upStripped han?ah?; han?ah?tu?; wik?ic??sasa He was X: han?ah?tup?at; han?ah?tupck?i?atStrive ?a?iic?i?; haak?ayiih?; ?a?aasi?; ?ayaqs?i?Stroll yaacma?apiStrong ha?ak; wi?ak eg: warrior. plural: witwaak See Brave. ha?aksuq? Able, see Hard. As X as…q?iq?inh?i X loud: ?usaak; hasuk X but not flexible: qus?uk eg: bow eg: rope, cloth: c?aah? See other words to which X refers or is applied to.Struggle ?a?iis?i?Stub ?itsuqck?iStubborn ?aswii; ?uus?suuq? X not obedient: ? ; wiik?uuStudy h?uuh?tiks?iih?Stuff q?iq q?iiqStuffed eg: elk head: c??iiq?c?uuStumble k?uk?uqh?ta?; c?iixs?i? Slip: ? ?asks?i?Stump ?ic?aqck?i; nih?ak; nih?ak?umStunned hayiiquu?Stupid wika? ?imaqsti; wim?aaqstumnak; wikh?tinStutter hac?uc?i; hahaac?uc?aSubdivide ka?ak?a?apSubdue ?aaph?i?ap; ?u?ii?ap; ?ukspin?Subject masc?um (+ commoner); qa?aatik: not head chief. X of conversation: wasink?iik liable to with ?uus?c?a?h?i X to die: qaah?c?a?h?i Change X: wikca?ap (of conversation) q?aq?acwa See Subdue.Sublime (+ of the most grand or noble kind) ?uu?uu?api Submarine hii?asu hii?api; hiinasuSubmerge t?apswiiSubmit ?apuk?i?; t?aaquk?i?; ?uh?taasiic?i?: ? ?apaak; t?aqaak; ?uh?taasa; ?umaapSubsequent (+ following a specified event in time especially as a consequence) ?ah??aa?a?; ?uqumq?i; ?iisaqaSubside c??ih?wits?i? Wind X: yu?atu Sickness X: kaakaapu?; s?ah?yuts?i?Subsist See Live on.Substantial ?iih?Substitute hu?in See Change ?u?in?as?Succeed (+ to come after someone) ?u?in?as?s?i?; ?uh?iic?i?; ha?uqh?s?i?; ?u?in?as?; ?uh??a?; ?ah??a? Success: ?uus?siik + We accomplished something: + ?uus?siik nis? ?ah? + We accomplished a lot: ?ayasiik nis? ?ah?Successive hu?in?ass?i?ck?iSuccor (+ assistance, especially in time of need) c?aani; hupiiSuccumb hi?h?s?i?Suck k??ixs?i? X of child (+ baby breastfeeding): ?inma Begin X: ?inmiic?i?Suckle ?inma?apSuckling ?inma ?iiqh?iSudden kapsc?i? Unexpected: ?a?anu?aa? Die Xly: kapsyiih?aSuds p?acmisSuet himiksSuffer ?uus?yiih?a; yaakyiih?a; yaakyaak?a; yaayaac??apSufficient ?u?umh?iSuffocate kapxyiih?a X cause to: kapxyiih?apSugar idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.); susup?ick?ukSuggest ciqay?i; ?imaqstiqay?iSuicide ?uk?asuupSuitable Fit, right ?apciik; k??itaa; k??itaay?akSulky wii?aq?; p?is?aq; himiic?u?aq?Sultry (hot or oppressive, close) wiic?um ? ?upaa; ? ?upsinSummer ? ?uup?iic?h?Summit ?apqiiSummon yuyuus?up; ?u?usumSun n?aasyuu hupa?; n?aasiic?i hupa?Sundry (+ various or several) hisaah?takSunny ? ?upaaSunrise huupkustaSunset huup?atu; ?uuc??in?Sunshine ? ?upin; ? ?upaa X light: ka?hak; n?aasSuperannuated (+retired because of age or disability) wikii?ap?at; hawii?a??ap?at; miixtp?iic?ii?atSuperb ?uu?uu?apiSuperficial nam?a?spi Not deep: wic?uuSuperfluous (+ more than enough, redundant, needless) ?iiqapu?; wikc??akSuperintend n?an?ac??a?uk; pih?s?i?; ?uu?a?uk Superintendant with affix h?si ?uu?a?ukh?si; pih?sii (+ decision maker)Superlative See Grammar.Superior h?aw?i?; h?aw?i?isum X sister: hakumisum X of things: ?iih?saah?takwisum X to other people: ?iih?p?iitisum See above etc. Better.Superstitions t?at?a?iik; nunumatu??iikSuperstitious X practices (some): ?uusumc? (bathe) Have visions: n?aac?n?aac?a Cast something evil, hurtful into enemy etc. (Ahousat): ?uus?si?a miinuqs?i? Abstain: numaatuu?aSupper idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.)Supplicate ?aak?aak?a (+ to petition humbly to (a person) or for (a thing))Supply ?unaaksapSupplies for travelling kuuk; ha?umSupport Take care of: ?u?uu?a?uk A support prop: t?a?as X tolerate: c?umq?; c?umc?u?aq? X take part: ?u?ukc?i; yamaat X to bear: suuSuppose Not to be sure, see Intend with affix matak also waay?aq? conditional affix quu; ?a?quuSuppurate (+ to form pus, fester) siiqstu?; siqac?i? Ripe: si?aq?; siqak; siqs?i?Supreme ya?ih?ta(iq); yaaq?apiSure To be X: kaamathaksa; t?aaqapak ?aani; ?aanisaSurf c?a?u?a; qumh?iy?a ?Surface hi?sp?ii X only: namacp?i X of earth: hi?spaasSurmount ?uksp?in?Surpass hitacpin?; hitacpa; ?uupu?; ?ih?aapSurprise micksaap ?; ?uus?pa?ap To be Xd: mick?aa ?; ?uus?pa?a Take by X: c??ihatsap Taken by X: c??ih?ats?i?Surrender hii??iih?s?i?; hita?i?Surround inside: ? outside: ?Survive tiic?swii; ?uuma?Suspect c??us?aa To become suspicious: c??uus?uk?i? Accuse: ?uh??apSuspend (+ to hang) k?uupup; k?uupitapSuspenders ? ?ii? ?ii?as?ti?umSustain Dispute c?aatc?axs? Swallow (+ bird) ?a?iinuu To X: watqs?i?; hitaqsti?; nu?aqs?i?; + Just one X: + nup?itsti?Swamp ?uyuuk; c?aaq?aqakSwan qaqupSwap ha?uyict?aa?Swarm ?ayac?ink; hiis?um? ?Swear (+ I promise) t?aquq? siy?aa?Sweat noun: ? ?upck?ii; mux?ck?ii verb: mux??aa; mux?s?i?; ? ?upsyumh?iSweep yaxs?i?; yaaxyaax?aSweepings yaxck?iiSweet c?amasSwell x?aks?i? Xed: x?akyuu X through wind: puuxs?i? X of sea/wave: huy?umc; huy?aqakSwelling a X under chin: huuy?uu? X: x?akmis See Eyes. Swift c?umt?aa; ? ?ay?ixSwim X men (+ humans): susaa X birds: cisaa X fish: c??uyaa X across: susp?i? X dive: t?apsc?i?; t?apt?aps?Swindle kukuwiih? Swindler: kukuwiih??iikSwing k?ayupy?ak To X: k?ak?ayups?; t?uucxs?i? (+ bounce); t?uuct?uucxa (+ movement like a seesaw)Swoon (+ faint) hin?atuSword c?uqy?ak; hispitaqy?akSympathize ?u?uk??ap Express sympathy: ?a?ak??apSyringe c?iitqy?ak To X: c?iitc?iitqaTTable haw?acsac?umTacitly (+ understood or implied without being said) wiik?a?p?ic?h? Taciturn (+ reserved in speech, saying little) ?anaak; wiik?a?ukTack A small nail: ?a?ap?iqmaqum Veer at sea: k?iscaqstin?Tackle c?iipu?y?ak; ququmic?api (+ pulley)Tact (+ intuitive perception of the right thing to do or say) X in speaking: h?uh?uh?tikwa No X: wiiwic?ikwa; wic?ikTag ?iisutumTail sit?a X of birds or fish: n?ac?a Wag X: siisitxma?apiTailor niqh?si; n?iima?ukTake suk?i?; huu?ii? X seize: hiinaah?in X hold of: suu?ac?i? X along: hiniic X somebody: hiniicma?api X down: hiitaa?atup X choose: ?aas?aa; ?uupap X accept: has?ah?sap X treat, think as being with affix ?ap X one as being a fool: wikh?tin?ap X a husband: c?apxnaaks?i? X a wife: ?uc?naaks?i? X one by hair: c??in?i? X one by hand: susink?i? X fire: ?ink?ac?i? X back: huu?ii? X carry back: hu?ii?itap X abruptly as if fighting for: c?iicma?aqa X away, remove: qi?iipTale ?itmis (+ ficticious) X of old times: humwicaTalk ciiqciiqa See Speak.Talkative ci?ikTall ?iih?; ?iih?p?iit Becoming X: ?iih?p?iits?i?; + ? ?aaqac?i? (+ growing)Tallow (+ animal fat melted down) himiks Tally ququm?a; nupsaah?iTame ?uu?is; ?aaph?i To X: ?uu?is?ap; ?aaph?ii?ap To get X: ?uu?iic?i?Tamper suuminks?i?Tank c??acsac (+ this is also a water pail)Tap Strike: nanasqs?i? X on back: nasqaapu?Tapeworm ? ?uup?ac waktumTar ?iis?sitTarget ?iisasTarry ?um?uup (+ to stay) See Stay.Task ?uutaqwiq?Taste noun with affix p?a? Good X: c?amasp?a? Bad X: c?is?p?a? verb: n?ac?p?iic?i?Tasty Good: c?ump?a? Not X: yump?a? X complete: haap?a?Tatter ?aqk?a?apTattoo noun: kicma verb: kics?i?Tavern naquwi?Tax verb: nah?ii; hina? (by chief eg: ? potlatch) noun: nah?iic??ak; hiina?y?akTeach h?uuh?tiks?iih??ap; haah?uupa; h?umc?i?Teacher h?uuh?tiks?iih??aph?si with affix h?siTeam ?a?a?apaa?; ?uu?aa?qum?paa?Tear ?ih?ck?ii (crying)Tearful ?ih?ma?iiq?Tease ?u?uk?inkh?Teat ?uksmaa?in ?Tedious wiiqmis Tell ?iiqhuk; ?iic?iiqhuk Relative ?uuqh?i as an affix. X reveal: k?ah?ii?ap X one after another: muh?ti?; ka?ups?i? Begin to X: ?u?i? X of: ?uuk?i? They X say of him blame him: ?u?uuk?i??at?is? See Blame. X: waa; waawaa say. X per a messenger: ci?aqstup X speak: ciqs?i? X See Announce.Telltale ?iiqh??iik; ?uuyaqh??atTemper q?aa?aq? Bad X: wii?aq? In a X: ?uus?suuq?Temperature q?iipaa? What is the X?: c?aa q?iipaa? High X: ? ?upaa? Low X: ma?aa?Tempest wiiqsii Temples (+ on body) w?a?w?a?Temporary hac?yaakTempt ?u?uuyup; m?aw?aayupTen h?ayu See Two.Tender c??it?is Soft: ta?ak X: q?aastumh?i X children: wiinasha?h?i X to pay: t?aqiiy?ap X pitiful, compassionate: ?a?akmiiq? ?iik; ?aksuuq?Tendon ?ukt?apt; ?uq?inkwinTent ?icqum; + ?iicqanumTepid ? ?umah?s (+ this means hot liquid) + ? ?umah?s t?an?a: + warm liquid.Terminate hawii?a?; hawii?a??apTerrible ?uus?maqyuTerrify c??ic??iih?sap; hahaayaq?sy?upTerror hayaaq?mis He is a X: ?uus?maqyu ?is?Test n?an?aan?ic?; pih?s?i? (+ to guess); nami?s?i? Testicle hu?umc; k??itaTestify ?iiqhuk; waa; ?aanaqh?waaThank ?atiqs?i?; ?a?aatiqa; + ? ?eekoo: + used in potlatch setting.Thankful See Grateful.Thankless wiiwiiktaqa; wiiwiiktaqa?iik; wik?aaThat as relative pronoun: yaqii; yaquusii; yaqwuusii; hi? general as a conjugation before a vowel is left out-I said that you are a liar: waamic ?ink ?itaq? When the place or locality has a special affix it must be made use of-See Place. haa when the person or object is close and h?uu where distant. See There. Examples: That man on the beach: yaa?is quu?as That book on the table: yaa?as p?uk This or that man on beach: haa?is That man, there, farther on beach: h?uu?isThaw k??isk?a?ap of snow. quuxk?a?ap of ice. Xing: k??iisk?ac?i?; quuxk?ac?i?; + tuqs?i?: + melt.The qui: + latin yaqii plural: yaatyaqii not a real article. The affix ?i is also used eg: qah?ak the one dead: qah?ak?i plural: qah?akminh??i To distinguish ?uh? the man ?uh? c?akup not the woman wik ?uh? ?uucmaThee suw?a To X: suuti? verbal affixes.Theft kuw?iiktTheir ?uuc; ?uuc?uuc also affix ?uk; ?ak; ?ikTheirs Pronoun also ?uucThem (?uh??a?)(+ not spoken) is always understood when the verb is transitive.Themselves ?u?ukuh?; ?uh??uuh?Then ?uy?i X next ensuite (+ French): ?ah??aa?a? What did you say X?: ?a?aquunik ?uuk?i? to express astonishment: ?uuk?i?Thence From certain time: hisam?a from locality: hiistmaaThenceforward ?uy?imaThere haa; haay?a; h?uuy?a See place for affixes added to haa and h?uu etc. See also “from” hi?; his; hist I was X: hi?nic I come from X: hisap?atus From X: hiistmaa To come from X: histiipThereabout hi?k?uk; ?awa?a; ?awaamisThereafter ?ah??aa?a?; ?uy?imaThereat ?uh?taasa; ?ah??iiyaThereby ?uusaah?iTherefore ?uunuu? See Because. q?aanuu?; tuq?aanuu?Therein hi??a?; hi?aas affix X: yaa?a?; hi??a?Therewith ?uuwa?These ?ah?minh?They ?uh??uuh?; ?uh??a?; ?uh??aqa; ?uh?minh??i X all: ?aak?aaThick ?at?a; ?at?amaqyu X paper, planks, blankets: ?at?a? X eg: paint: nas?uk X hair: nas?um? X limbs, body: ?uk?iit; ? ?uk?aaqak X underbrush: hiix?ath?i; nas?um?asThicken with ?ap ?at?i?ap; nas?qsaapThief kuw?iik plural: kuutkuw?iik See Steal and add ?iikThigh ?a?apcaqs Front of X: ?amaac?a Hind X: ?apcut?aq?iThin puuk?is boards, paper: puuk?a??is of liquids: wa?uk X hair: wa?um? X hairy: wa??as X of ropes: ?anikit?is; ?anikaka?is X through sickness: ? ?ihaqs?i?Thine suw?aaskThings with affix tup Nice X: ?u?tuup All kinds of X: hiihis?tup; q?iiq?is?tup Such a thing: ?usaah?tak Another thing: q?isaah?tak; ?a?uu sah?tak See different affix sah?tak X in general: q?iq q?iiq; q?iq q?iis?tupThink waawaa?suq?; t?apats?i?; t?aat?aapata; waa?suuq? X meditate, remember: ? ?uu; ? ?uuc?i?; ?uw?iniic?i?; ?u?uwin?a X to be of opinion with affix matak I X he will die: qah?s?i? matak ?aq? ?is? or ?is? X to consider with affix ?ap I X it is fine: ?u??aps X within oneself: waa?at ?imaqsti; ?uh??ac waa?at ?imaqsti I X or say within my mind: waa t?aat?aapata X thought by mistake, error: ?uq?ip I thought you were going to come: ?uq?ip nic ?ink hinats?i? ?aq? The conditional forms k; quu; qa are used. ?uq?ip nic ?uus?h?tink; ?uus?h?tin ?aq?quuk I thought you were sensible, you would be sensible: ?uus?h?tinqa that he is sensible. X to conceive the idea: hiniip ?imaqsti X to have in mind: ?uwiq? as an affix. What do you X of, in mind to do?: ?a?aqiwiq? I X of going to Victoria: ?ucawiq? victoriaThinly waa?yuuThirst naqmiih?amisThirsty naqmiih?a; ? ?us?yiih?a; + ? ?us?tqyiih?aThirty caqiic ?uh? ?iis? h?ayuThis ?ah?kuu; ?ah?nii (+ that); + ?ah?Thistle ?u?uc?mapt; sac?kmaptThorough ?aanaqh; ?um?aq? Xly: haacaapi prefix haaThose haay?ah?i All X: qum?aa; haayiih?i; yatyaaqii with affix minh??i X who are sick: tatii? minh??iThou suw?aaq; suw?a See You.Though ?uyih?ta and as an affix. You are poor X you are a chief: ?aaq?iqnak?ic ?uyih?ta ?ink h?aw?i?Thought hisiik?at t?aat?aapata Think.Thoughtless wika? ?imaqsti; wikh?tinThread nip?ata To X: qacwiinupThreadbare mah?aksasa; ?aska?Threaten Inspire fear: tutuuhsyup; tuuhtuuha To have the appearance with affix c?yak It Xs rain: m?im?i?c?yak The idea of what will take place if it is expressed by simply expressing what will take place eg: God X to punish the wicked: ?inc? waa ?uh? haa?api h?aw?i? ?inc? ?aak?ii? ?aq?Three qacc?a See Two.Three score (+ thirty) qacc?iiqThrice qacc?up?itThrifty ?ap?iikThrill haayaaqstupThrive ?ayasiyuh?; wicinks?i?Throat ciqac; hiniiyu? Sore X: yaak?iiyu? Hoarse X: k?asiiyuu?Throb Pulse: tuuxtuuxa; t?ick?aa of heart: t?iick t?iickash?u?; ?i?iqataThrong (+ crowd) his?umyi?; ?ayac?inkThrottle taaq?in?Through hitacwi with affix cwi A hole X: kuh?swii also kuh?swin? Sail X: siikswii By means of: ?uh?wa? Cause, see Cause. ?uunuu? X me: sin?u or siinuu? X thee: sutnii; sutnuu? etc.Throw t?ic?i?; c?itks?i? X away: wah?s?i? X abandon: ?ac?i? X on beach: wah?isinyap X outside: t?iiyaap X into sea: t?ii?taap X liquids: h?uc?i?; c?ic?i? Pour out: h?uqsaap; h?uqs?i? eg: barrel. X wood on fire: hitaa?up X down from a distance: t?ii?atup X into a hole with affix stii? X scatter: nupiik?a?ap X dice: tuc?i? better to say: tuu?tuuya; tuk?i?Thrush (+ mouth/throat infection) y?aakc?uq?aThumb ?iih?k?umcThunder t?iicks?i?; t?ickaa; ? ?uu? ?uc?; t?iickt?iicka Xbird: t?iick?inThursday muuc?ii? It is X: muuc?ii??a? nis? + It is not X: + wikyuu nis? muuc?ii?Thus See So.Thy suw?aas and affix ?; ?ak?ik eg: X house: mah?t?ii?ak?ikTick X of bed (+ case or cover): hac?uuk?anumy?ak?uqum Watch X: ?i?iqataTickle kuc?xs?i?Tide c?aamiis X rising: muu?s?i?; mu?aa; mu?kusta At high X: k?ak?aamaqstu?; k?ak?aamaq? Covering: ?uh?s?i?; swii X going down: haay?i; haay?uu?; haayii?a?; haay?aawa?Tidy wis?x?akTie qitsaap; ma?saap See Bind.Tight pi?aa eg: shoes: pi?c?uu; ?um?a?aq? eg: cork: ?i?maa X by gum: ?is?kyuu X barrel: mus?aa; mus?yuu; hat?uqyu; hat?uq?a X house: mak X close: pi? Tighten with affix ?ap; saap; nupTill ?uuyich?a See equivalent expressions affix ?apTimber suc??as; ? ?us?uk Sawn X: c?iitaa? or give definition of which see terms.Time ?uuyiiya What X when: waasq?iiya At no X: h?iyuuya At the wrong X: wikstyuuya; wiqiiyuuya On Sunday: sundayqiiya At the proper X: ?apyuuya etc. affix ?uuyiiya On X such a date: ?u?ii or ?u?iip It is (the) X: ?u?ii?a??is? For such a X: ?u?uuyumqa I want it for the winter: ?u?uuyumqas c?u?ic?h??a?quu X the affix of counting: p?it One X: nup?it Two X: ?a?p?it How many X: ?unap?it X indirect: qum?aap?it Again affix qii-A long X. See Long. Interrogation: ?unic X away affix muup A short X: k?aac??is Absent short X: k?aac?muup See Absent, Away and the like. Work a short X: k?aac?uukis; k?aac?wi? X in the abstract sense cannot be properly rendered and many phrases relating to time must be changed to suit this language.Timely hac?uu Not X: wic?uu Well in time: huu?akTimid (+ easily frightened) wiicaak; wiiwiica?iik; tuuhuk X for fear of: ?uwiq? hayaaq?Timorous (+ easily alarmed, timid) As above, with affix ?iikTin ? ?isaaqum? Coal oil X: k??aac?uuTip ?am?ih?taTippler (+ a drunk) na?ikTipsy naqc?uuTired p?usaak To get X: p?uss?i?; tuxwah?su? (+ out of breath)Tiresome wiiqmis X annoying: wipaxmis; hapuxmisTo When denoting the tendency, notion affix ?uh?taa To me: sih?taa To us: nih?taa To you: suh?taa Shoot at: ?uh?taa ? ?ic?i? See verbs to which To has reference ?uuc and affixes also ?uuk?i? The applications of “to” are more easily learned than described.Toad waa?it; h?uh?utasTobacco q?is?aa Smoke: q?is??iic Fill pipe: q?is?c?inup Chewing X: t?ac?c?uq?ac??ak Swallow X smoke: ?iiph?iiph?aToast verb: sumtaap Xed: sumtc?uu maas?ap; maas of fish; naasma?as?ap Xed: naasma?asc?u of bread.Today ?ah? n?aas?i; ?ah?kuu n?aas?i; ?ah? n?aas?i; ?ah? ?uy?i n?aasToddle (+ to walk with short unsteady steps) c??iix?aaToe c?iic?isaqhtum To walk on X : kinkinaTogether cum (+ latin) See With hiis?ink All X: hiihiis?ink affix ?ink simul (+ latin) mi?s?i?; mi?aaToil ?uus?taq; hix?aa; hiix?ath?i; hiix?ats?i? It was hard, Xsome: hiix?aamit See Hard.Token with affix ?u?uk?uk; q?aak?uk See Sign.Tolerable ?u?umh?iTolerate Say nothing: wiiwikwa Let do: kuw?i?apTomb maqyaqu?Tomorrow ?am?ii; ?am?ii? ?ik Day after X: ?a?uk?i?; ?a?uk?i??iikTongs Wooden X: ? ?am?aq? Iron X: ? ?aamii?y?akTongue c??up Language: ciciqi Show X: c??upks?i?; c??upc??up Xtied: ha?maaqsu? Under X: kac?iiyum (+ this also means epiglottis)Tonic haa?aksy?iTonsil huupkapih?yumToo Also: yuuq?aa; ?a denoting excess ?uupi; ?aapi as a prefix and often as an affix eg: ?upu? X much, many left ?uupaayiic?i? getting too many an affix ?a?ayapi X hot: ? ?uu? ?uupapiTool See Instrument-in general: ?uus?c??aktup affix y?ak; c??akTooth c?ic?ic?i To pull X: c?iic?iikust?ah?s X ache: + c?ic?yiih?a; c?iic?ic?yiih?a Xless: ?ask?aqsu?; ?ask?aq? ?ah?sToothsome (+ delicious) c?amasTop The affix qii Highest part or point on the X: ?apqii On X of head: ?apc?aasqi verb with nip or nup To put on X: ?apqiinup On X: hi?qii On X of mountain: hi?qii nuc?ii X: ? Meaning end, point: ?am?ih?ta and as an affix. Sharp point: sac?k?ih?ta Meaning above, see On and mast k?ak?am?inTorch hic?ma X in canoe: hic?aak eg: hunting geese. X fetch fire from another house as of old: paa? ?i?Torment ?aak?ii?; ?uus?yaanup; ?u?uk?ink: Tease wiiqh?aap; wiiqsi?aTorrent (+ rushing stream of water or a great downpour of rain) tuc?i?ac?aaTortuous (+ full of twists and turns) h?iikh?iik?a; ? ?ink? ?inkaTotal humaq?Touch ? ?u?s?i? X tactus (+ latin) imperative: ? k?upma?c?uq?a Come together: kicink X bottom canoe: nisa?; ni?u? X encounter (canoes) eachother: ?Tough c?aah?; qatTow maa?aa; ma? ?aq? affix ?u?aq? behind. In X: ma? ?aq? Boom, log: ma?aakToward ?uucaapi; ?uucah?takTowards a determined time tempore (+ latin) with affix ?ik eg: X morning: ku?a?ik X seldom expressed in our (+ English) way. The Indians use such expressions as ?awaa near; nah?ii ?a?quuTower yaaqkusta; kith?yakqu?: church tower. Lighthouse: ?a?aa?a Toy kaakaanaTowel idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.)Traces Foot X: yacck?i of animals c?ay?ut affix ?uuyut X of: yacyut; c?ayut X to follow X or tracks: yaacaanuu? eg: a dog by smell: miisaan?u? X of blood: h?isaanu? The affix ?aanu? to mark line of anything long and narrow.Trackless wiky?ut; yacy?ut or say?utTrade mak?ink To go trading, a trading trip: makmiis; makmaay?as; makmaas from house to house affix according to place-all from maks?i?Trader makh?sii Settler: s?ii? ?as hi?; + s?ii? ?ii?Trading X objects: maktuupTrading place Store: makuwi?Trade wind saac??i? sah?tak yu?iTrail t?as?ii To make a X: t?aas?ii?Train X of dress: c??uumat?aq? ? Learn: h?uuh?tiks?iih??apTraitor ?ayah?iTrample Step: yacs?i?; yacaa X upon: yackk?a?apTrance Be in a X: n?aac?n?aac?aTranquil (+ calm, serene) hi?yuu ? Not speak: wik?a?Transcribe ?a?uuk?i?a?apTransfer X of things: p?atquupa Sell: maqii?atu; hitatu; + mak?atuTransform k?isi?apTransgress (+ to go beyond) X limits: ?uus?a?aa?ap X commands: wiik?a?uk; wiik?a?uks?i?Transient hac?yaakTranslate ?uuy?aap; ?uupc?i?Transmit ?uus?ca?apTransparent n?ac?swii?atTranspire ? ?upswii I X: ? ?upswii?ac; ? ?upyiih?a See Sweat. Become known X: k?aah?iic?i?Transpiration (+ sweat) ? ?upcwii(mis); ? ?upck?iiTransplant X of plants: s?ii?uk?apTransport Exile: s?ii?aay?apTrap qaamii?y?ak with affix ?ak X for bear: c?umsy?ak X minks: ?uuc?iis X martins: m?ac??ak Deer X: ? ?amaq?. To X: qaqaami?s?Trash wikstupmis; + tumsTravel pisatuk with affix panac? X far: sayaapanac?; ?uucay?uk I X all over America: his?saacu mic america. X go on voyage: ? ; ? ?iiqs X on foot: yaacuk X on canoe: c??apaak; c??apyiiq X on ship: shipc?iis X steamboat: ?ink??asc?is X horseback: kiwitaanaqc?isTrawl c?iicTrouble noun: ?uus?yaamis verb: yumc??iq?ap; wipaxmiic?i?; ?uus?yaanupTroublesome wipaxmis; hapuxmis; yumtsit ?Trousers ?is??iqak; q?ac?inky?akTrout ? ?a? ?umyaq? Salmon X: hisit X creek: hisnitTruant To play X: ?apciiks?i?; wiiwiipuq?True ?apciik; t?aquq?Truly ?aanisaTrunk ? ?ah?iqs of Indians. mama?n?iqum? of whites. X of elephant: niskac; + k??ik??iixyih?t?aTrust t?aqaak Have no misgivings: wiiwik?aq? In trade: ?aak?uu?; ?uuyiik?uq?; wikta?aq? literally ?aakuu?; ?uyiiku?: lend or borrow. wikta?aq?: for nothing.Truth t?aqums; ?aanaqh?misTruthful t?aquq?; t?aquqstu?Truthless ?it?aq?Try nami?s?i? In the sense of X hard: haak?ayiih? with the affix ?u?u?iih?Tub ?uksac Wash X: c?ucsac or c??iimuus Water X: c??atsac; c??itwaat-barrel cut in two.Tube kuw?aq?; kuuh?aanu?Tuberculosis ? ?ih?aqyih?aTuesday ?a?c?ii?Tuft c??uc??qyuuTug ma?aawa; ma?aawatsac verb: c?iic?i? X of war: c?iict?a?Tumble ? ?aph??as?a? See Fall.Tumor x?akmis; ?uus?miih?amisTumult (+ commotion, arguing) nini?k?a?inTunnel c?uy?aq?Turn mitxs?i? Frequent X: mitx?aa (+ spinning) causative: mitxsaap X go around, make circle: nuutks?i?; nuutka X: nuutksaap; h?u?s?i? See Around. X round (+ tumbling): hatks?i?; hatksaap; hatk?aa eg: log X the other side with prefix k?is X over: k?ispaanup X in bed: k?iscpi? Wind X: k?iiscuk?i? X over, X away face: ?ah?ac?i? X away: c?ass?i? X canoe over: huqsaap X over again, even: winsaap X in road etc.: hiiks?i?; h?iikh?iik?a Bend: muqs?i? X: haap?inks?i?; sap over again. X coat: k?ispaanup; ni?ksaap (+ inside out) or better to say: ha?uk?i?s?i? My head X: hayiiquu? Head half X: c?ik?uu?Turn key ? ?ii? ?iqy?ak?a?ukTusk nisp?at?uTwaddle (+ useless, silly talk) wiiwikstupmiswaTwelve h?ayu ?uh? ?iis? ?a?a; h?ayu ma?api ?a?a See Two.Twenty caqiic See Two.Twice ?a?p?itTwin k??aay?as; ?a?aq?; ?a?aq?swiTwine c?iisapum See Thread.Twinkle t?um?t?um?a (+ also blinking)Twinkling In a X: t?ap?c?i?; wiisaap?akTwist c?itksaapTwo ?a?a Affixes of numbers (+ The number two (?a?a) is shown with the number affixes in the following): 1. ?a?a applied to men, salmon, tobacco, blankets. 2. ?a?qum? (hupkum?: round) when speaking of anything round eg: moon, clothing (except pants), birds, vessels.3. ?aa?uu eating, working.4. ?a?p?it of anything long and thin or narrow eg: rope, pants-also ?imaqsti which is a cord or fibre along the spine or in the brain.5. ?a?taqum? an object containing many eg: block of matches, band of cattle, geese, ducks etc. bundle of rope, bale of blankets.6. ?a?c?iiq tools, instruments, canoes and other vessels such as iron pots, matches etc.7. ?a?taqak the line of thought, commands.8. ?a?taqi? having reference to.9. ?a?h?taak sacks, bags.10. ?a?ista manning of canoe.11. ?a?aqs having in canoe eg: two salmon.12. ?a?p?iiwaq? rows, lines, wedges.Two and other numbers are expressed by placing the required affixes to the required roots.Type with the affix k?ukTyrranic (+ oppressive or cruel) p?is?yakTyrannize p?iis?h?w?a?; ?aak?ii?Tyrant ?aa?aak?i??iik; p?is?aqh?saUUbiquitous (+ present everywhere or in several places simultaneously) his?syiih?sacuUgly p?is?aq; witq; wik ?u?Ulcer ?uus?miih?amis; n?uq?iiUlcerate ?uus?miih?amisk?atyu; ?uus?miih?miic?i?Ulcerous ?uus?miih?amisk?ukUltimately (+ last) ?uyaa?; c?ah?a? ?Umbrage (+ Offense) To take X: yaasuqtaUmbrella s?aaps?aaps?Un wik; wii Cannot: nasa?Unable nasa?; wim?aaq?; hisi?aah?; yuuma?c’aUnacceptable wiis?ah?sap; wiimashap; wikmaapUnaccompanied ?anac?ink; c?awaac?inkUnaccountable wiimatak?atUnacquainted ?ac?uuc?; wimap; ?ac?uuc?st?aa? One with another, unaccustomed to place: wiiwiiyi?aa?Unadulterated takh?tinUnadvisable wim?aaq? ciqaayatUnaffected wiiks?ah?iUnaided wiiwikwaUnalterable wiiwinapc?i; wiiy?a k?isi?a; hii?sasa q?aa; ?i?maaUnanimous his?uk; taak?aa; his?maak (all)Unassuming wic?waaUnattended c?awaac?inkUnavailing (+ achieving nothing) wiksiik; wiikuuh?; wiiksiik??aa?; wiikinyuuh?Unaware wiika?; wiiwiiku?aa?; hayumh?iUnawares ?a?aanu?aa?Unbeliever hiis?i? ?itaak; ?it?ita?iikUnbecoming waawaakumsaUnbeloved wiinaak?ap?atUnbend X a bow: muusq?atup X sail: ? ?i?ksaanupUnbind ? ?iqh?saap; ? ?iqh?saanupUnblushing (+ unashamed) wikmatu?; wiiy?a yumh?aaUnborn wikyuu hiinum?Unburied wikyuu maaqyaks?i?Unbutton verb: huhuup?atup A X: hup?atu My coat is Xed: huup?atu ?ac coatUnceasing taaks?i?; wik hawii?a?; q?aasasa; saac??ink; wiiy?a hawii?a?Uncertain witqsaapi ? interrogation ?aaqi?iih?: also B.S.? q?aawuusiiUnchain ? ?iqsaap; k?u?atupUncharitable (+ unkind, harsh, unsympathetic) wiiqh?ii; wiiwikma?iiq?Uncivilized wiiki? ?ac?ikUnclean ?as?x?ak X in language: ?as?x?aksu?Uncle na?iiqsu Grand X: naniiqsuUnclose X door: kuw?itap See Open.Uncomfortable wiiwumh?iUncommon k?iish?in; wii?miimisUnconquerable nasa? ?ukspin?Unconscious wik?ay?aqstu?; wik?a?Uncork c??iip?atup; wiksk?aapupUncover k?itsaap X head: wikuxsi? X body: han?ah?tu?: of self han?ah?tup: of others. See Bare.Uncultivated ?iiqmaqyuUndaunted (+ not scared of anything) wiiwikityakUndeniable t?aaqapi; t?aqums; wim?aaq? yaya?inUnder ?u?apu? as a general affix or prefix with variations for which see “place.” X house: hii?capu?as or hii?capu?i? X log on beach: hii?capu?is and many other forms for example:X feet: hi??aac?u?X chin: h?iiyii?aX nose: hii?sukX arm: hiiyi?sum?Underbrush saah?mis; ? ?aqapttupUnderclothes ?uksaq?y?akUndercurrent ?amitq?aa; c?aaUnderground hiy?aq? ?asUndermine (+ dig a tunnel underneath) kuw?aq?sapu?sap (earth)Underneath See Under.Underrate (+ to have too low an opinion of, to underestimate) wic?atayawiq?Undersell q?aasuu?aq?Undersoil ?uuq? ?asUnderstand na?aa (to hear); kaamathak (know); nana?a eg: a language. na?iic?i?: Sure what is said. nana?iic?i?: Know language. X everything: his?iip h?uh?tik said in sense of doing, making, seizing. See Know.Undesigned wik k?aawiq?Underwear ?uksaq?y?akUndiminish yaqmaaUndeserved wiikt?aqa; wiiwikt?aqa; wiikinyu; wikciikUndo hiqk?a?apUndress X oneself: han?ah?tu? X another: han?ah?tupUnduly ?u?upi ?Uneasy ?uus?h?in ?imaqsti; ?uwiq? eg: on account of absence: hiiniih?a Relative: ?uwiih?a – wiikiih?a h?iniih?a: Do not fret, be uneasy. hayaaq?: Be afraid.Uneducated hiis?i? hayumh?i; wic?ik ?iis?iisa: Cannot write.Unemployed wiiktaq; wiikta?ap?at; wiiks?ahapUnequal wikmii?h?ii; k?iik?iish?in; ?a?a?uu affixes also affix paa?Uneven Not level t?ut?uc?k?as See Even or Level and leave out c?a; c?i to express “un” in uneven-Rough.Unexpected wiikuu?Unfair wik ?u? It is X: wik?is?; yumsaa; q?aasumUnfaithful wiih?taas Unfasten ? ?iqsaap; ? ?iq?atupUnfavorable See Favorable and change prefix c?um to yum.Unfeeling wiiqh?iiUnfinished wikc?uu; wikhawic?uUnfit wim?aaq?; yuma?caUnfold ? ?iqh?saanupUnforseen ?anu?aa?Unfortunate yumyak (man); yumsi?a prefix yumUnfounded wiikmuutaqsap; wiikmuutaqyuUngrateful wiiki?a; wiiwiki?a?iik To be X: wiitaks?i? ?Unhandy yuma?c?a; wic?ik – of labourer, awkward.Unhappy wii?aq?; ?aak?iqnakUnhealthy tatumh?iUnheard wik?a??at; wiiwiiku?aa??at; wiimatck?i?atUnheed wikmaap; wiksaah?tak?ap; wikiicmapUnhesitating takuk Unhonored wik saah?tak?ap?atUnhook k?u?atupUnhurt wiksi?a; wiiks?ah?iUnimportant wikstupmisUninhabitable wim?aaq? hi??at maasUnintentional ?anu?aa? See Accident.Uninvited wiksum?at X at a feast, yet present: c?apii?i?Unique ?a?aanukUnite ?uk?inksap X in marriage: ? ?u?inksap See Bind, Tie etc.Universal his?iicUniverse ?unaak c?ic?ita?iikUnjust wiipi?i (qu?as); kaapa affix ?iikUnjustly wiiwiktaqa; wiiwikkum for no reason.Unkind wiiqh?iUnkindly wiiqh?iisi?aUnknowingly ?a?anu?aa?Unlade (+ to take cargo out) p?atqwi?tapUnlawful ?uus?c?a? To become X: ?uus?c?iic?i?Unlearned hiis?i? hayumh?i See Forget.Unlike k?iish?inUnless wikquuUnlimited n?an?amisakUnload See Unlade.Unlock ? ?iqsaapUnlocked ? ?i?ii?; ? ?i?as outside door.Unloose ? ?iqsaapUnlucky yumyaak; yumk?a?Unmanageable nasa?atUnmarried wikch?i X man: wiikp?iic? X woman: c?aapiimupUnmeaning wiiwikwaqh?Unmerciful wiiwiiqmiiq?Unmotherly wiimiiqsuUnnatural wiiwiktis See Cruel.Unnecessary wik?ucukUnnoticed c??an?ii?atUnoccupied wiiktaq X house, village: wik?ath? X land: wikc?aas To no one: wikiicUnpack t?an?up?atu X of horse: wiikapup; t?an?uk?a?ap of man.Unpaid wikp?uu?Unpitied wiiwikmiiq??atUnpleasant wiiqmis X weather: wiiwiiqukUnpopular wiipap?a??atUnpredjudiced wiiwikc?iUnpremeditated wikck?ii ?uw?iq?Unprepared wikc?uuUnproductive X soil: wik?asti?i?; yum?iiyi?saUnpunished wiksi?ap?atUnreasonable wiikh?tinwaa?Unrepentant winiic?atUnresisting nu?ii; wik ?a?iis?i?Unrewarded wikayat; wikp?uup?atUnripe c??a?uus?Unroll suyaayapUnroof ?aah?cqiinupUnsafe ?uus?c?a?h?iUnsalible (+ not saleable) nasa?(at); k?ak?a?atuUnsavory p?is?p?a?Unscrew ? ?iqsk?aapupUnseen c??an?ii?atUnshackle ? ?ii? ?iqh?i?apUnshaken wi?ak; ?iih?suuq?Unship p?atqwi?tapUnsightly witqUnskilled wic?ikUnsociable wiiqh?iiUnsound (sick) tatumh?iUnspotted wika?Unsteady pisatuk; hayux?a?Unsuccessful wikiip; wiksiikUnsuitable wikq?ac??ak; wiiwumh?i; witaa eg: of clothes for an occasion.Unsupported wiiwikc?iUnsuspicious wik c??uus?aaUntenable wim?aaq?Unthankful wik?i?aUntidy ?asx?akUntie ? ?iqsaapUntil ?uunic; ?uuyich?aUntiring wiiy?a p?uss?i?Unto ?uuch?aUntractable wim?aaq??atUntrue ?itmis; witqsaapUntruth ?itmisUnused wiky?utUnusual wiiy?a q?aaUnvariable q?aasasa q?aaUnwelcome wiiy?aawa?Unwell ta?i?; tatumh?i; wiiwiks?ah?iUnwept wikiit?at ?u?uyuuk?atUnwholesome numaak; ?uus?c?a?Unwilling c??in?uq?; wiiwis??aq?Unwind ? ?iqsaapUnwise wikh?tinsi?aUnwittingly wik?a?si?a; ?a?aanu?aa?Unworthy wiiwumh?iUp To be X (+ awake): pinqaa; hi?misaa See affixes.Upbraid (+ to chide or reproach) cici?inUphill ? ?ath?yuu To go X: hitapiqin?Uplift ?ic??aa?apUpon hi?sp?ii See On, Place.Upper hi?misa t?anaUpright t?aaqyaakUproar ni?k?aqmisUproot mumu?muk?atupUpset (+ tip over) huqsaapUpward t?aqmisaUrchin + t?ucup; + Small X: + h?iix + Green X: + nuusc?iUrge ?u?uwa; yu?yuus?uwaUrgent ?usums; q?asumsUs niiw?aUse ?uus?c??ak?ap; ?uh?wa? of instrument.Useful ?uus?c??akUseless wikc??ak – tools In vain: wiiksiy?uhUsually with affix ?a? X warm: ? ?upaa?a?Usurp (+ to seize by force) kuuw?i? kapss?i?Utensil ?uus?c??ak; ?asy?akUtilize ?uus?c??ak?apUtmost hiis?itu? Do your X: his?iitu?iUtter ?umts?i?; ? ?ints?i?; ciqs?i?Uttermost ?upii sayaaVVacant wiik?aq? ?as eg: place on a bench: wikaasVacate qi?iiVaccinate c??ic?iiyum?Vagrant s?ii??iikVain k?ac?waaVainly wiiksiik?aa?; wiiksiy?uh?Valiant wii?akValid ?uus?saah?tak InX: ?awiiValise (+ suitcase) ?uus?c?uuc??akValley ?aminsta (nuc?ii)Valuable ?iiw?aq?Value q?aq? What is the X?: ?aaqinq?Vanish See Disappear. c??an?iic?i?at; wikiits?i?Variable ?aanas? t?aqsu; k?iik?iisi?a?iik See Changeable.Variety his?saah?takVarious ?ayasah?tak; haayiiqs?h?in; haayiiqs?h?iVarnish noun: path?s?i?Vast ?iih?Veal muusmaanack?iVeer h?iikh?iik?aVegetable ? ?a? ?atqs?tupVeil c?imaaqumVein h?iiyaq? ?anu?Velvet k??a? ?aaqa?Vendible makstuupVengeance ha?uk?i?misVenemous x?aksaapVenture (+ dare to go somewhere dangerous or unpleasant) haachaacapi; haacaak; humaq?Verbatim (+ in exactly the same words) ?iqciikVerdigris (+ a bright bluish-green formed on copper or brass) c??ipuqck?i; s?ux?misVerify t?aquuc?iknakVermillion ? ?ih?uk; k???ah?mis Vermin saasac?tupk?inVertebra ? hi?siiyakumVery ?aanaqh? affix sa X warm: ? ?upaasa or ? ?upaasasaVesicate c??aaqstu?; ?uc?in? (+ bladder)Vesicle (+ a small fluid filled bladder) c??aaq?Vessel c??apac; mama?n?iVestibule (+ a hall or lobby just inside the door) mah?t?iqs?atumVex (+ anger) p?is?syupVibrate piispiisaVice p?is?mis Screw: mac??akVicinity (+ near or close) ?awack??as; ?awackViciously wiksi?a q?isVictuals (+ food, eat) nah??at; ha?um; haw?aa ?at ha?umVie (+ compete) mii?h?ic?iih?Vigilant (+ on one ?s guard, alert for harm) n?aac??a?uk; ?uu?a?ukVigorous ? ?i?kak; tiic?Village ma?asVillain c?iis?c?yakVindictive (+ tending to seek revenge) ha?uk?i?wiq?Violate su?ak?a?ap (girl)Violence with X: ?aanaqh?si?aViolent ?aanaqh?Virgin wikyutsaVirtuous ?uus?h?tinVis a vis (+ facing one another) t?aqaapu? affixes of locality, place.Viscera (+ interior organs) c?iiyupVisible n?aacaatVisit See Call ?ah?t wit?asVisitor hac?ii?i?Vivacious (+ lively, animated) ? ?i?qak c?amih?taVivify (+ make lively or living) tiic??i?Vocal ciiqh?w?a?Voice k?aay?uu?Void wikc?uu of liquids: wih?c?uu See Vacant.Volatile (+ evaporating rapidly) c??ukusc?uVoluptuous + Deprived of sensual pleasure: wiih?taas + Sexually desireable: ?uu?uuc?nah??iikVomit ?aa??aa?aVoucher kaakumth?it?uVow ?ukuuVoyage Make a X: ?iih?ma?apiVulgar p?is?aqsu? X common: ?anah?p?it?isWWadding (+ material for which wads containing powder and shot are made) puu?ak; puu?uukak; c?ac?uuk?ukWade tumqs?i?; tumqaaWager k??aats?i? noun: k??aty?akWages k?aak?aa?iih? (?a? or ?ap?at) What are your X?: ?aqin?iih? ?ap ?atkWagon c?ikc?ikWail ? ?aa?s?i?; ? ?aa?yuuWainscot (+ wood paneling, especially covering lower half of the wall) c?a?apu?mis verb: c?a?apupitapWaist ?apw?inWaistcoat c??aqswiiWait naawah?iWaive ?ac?i?Wake ?upksaapWakeful ?umk?iikWalk yaacuk Take a X: yaacma?apiWall c??itm?aWander X on land: hayum?as X at sea: hayum?n?iWant ?u?usum To be in X: ?uu?atuWar At X: witac?ink; nuusac?inkWarble (+ gentle trilling, birdlike) c??iix?aa ?; c??iix?inqu? ?War cry ma?i??ana; c?ic?in?anaWares p?atqukWarm ? ?upaa X water: ? ?umah?s X things: ? ?upaa?Warn hin?a?sap; haah?uupa; hin?aay?aqstupWarrant ?u?usumWart t?upqiiWash c?uk?i?; c?uu?c?uuya X dishes: c?uc?uqs; c?uc?umyah?s X face: ? ?ips?i?Wasp ?aasac; + ? ?a? ?iin?aWaste ?aanis?tisk?aa?ap; wikstup k?a?ap; k?aak?aa?apWasteful with affix ?iik and above.Watch idem (+ Previously mentioned within this dictionary.) Guardian: ?uu?a?ukh?si verb: n?aac?a?uk noun: n?aac??a?ukh?siWater c??a?ak; ?u?ak Salt X: tup?a?Waterfall tuqp?ity?uWater pot c??atsacWater tight m?us?aa; mak eg: roof.Wave huy?umcWay t?as?iiWay lay (+ stop to rob) tuuh?s?i? Way laid: tuuh?s?i?ck?iWe niiw?a; niiw?aaq in use of verbsWeak wiiwinh?i; wa?kakWealth wiici?acy?iWean wikii?ap ?inmaWear Have on clothes: muc??ic?? X hat: hatuxs X spectacles: kikiih?su? X collar: ?iisin? X cravat (+ tie): nuutin? Handkerchief (+ as hat): c?iisiic X of white bark: t?uxc?aqic (+ beaten bark) X of red bark: hiisyuuq?ic X pants: ?is?? ?ii?aq?; k?ac?ink X coat: coat?ic? X shoes: s?uus?uuwish?ta X irons: maama?h?i X ring: k?uuk?uupswi See articles of wearing apparel.Weary p’usaak; ? ?iiwacyu noun: ? ?iiwacs?i?Weather q?aa?iiq n?aas; n?aasWeather glass ?u?uu?a?ukWeb c?im?a Spider X: + mamuu?ak?i t?a?t?apw?inWed ?uus?ch?in?; hitach?in?st?aa?Wedge ?anatWednesday qacc?uc?i?Weed To X: s?iis?um?as noun: ?aaw?iimaptWeep ?ih?akWeigh pih?s?i? k?atyiikWelcome ?ayah?u?aa?Welfare wikiiy?aWell c?usyuu (+ water well) Not sick: wiiks?ah?iWen (+ cyst) q?ih?sii?ic ?West hac??c?uu; hi?in?atuWest wind hac??ii?Westward hac??cpa; hi?in?atucpa; ?Wet mu?aq? Rain: mi?aa; + Damp: paas ma?apiWetness paasamisWhale ?iih?tuup; maa?ak; yaayac??inWhale bone ma?icWhat ?aqaqWheel ?anacxum?; mitxum?Wheel barrow c?ikc?ikWheeze huq?aa; h?upc?aa; + h?upc?ash?u?When waasq?iiWhence waastmaa X do you come?: waastmaa p?atukWhensoever q?iiyuumak?aq?ik (+ whenever)Whenever takp?it; hi?maay?a?i; t?aqmaay?a?iWhere waas?ii; + waasiWhereas ?uyih?ta; k?ayih?taWhereby ?aqish?Wherefore ?aqish?; ?aqish? t?aaqaak; ?a?aqish? t?aaqaakWherein waas?iipc?ukWhereof yaaq?i?; ?uuk?i?Whereon waas?iip To place- waas and affix.Wherewith yaaqh?w?a?Whet sac?ksaap; k?ic?i?Whether or not hiis?h?in?iqWhetstone tin?aWhich yaaq?i?While ?uunic?is A little X: k?aac??isWhip ? ?aap? ?aaph?a; ? ?aph?s?i? noun: ? ?aph?y?akWhip handle ?a? ?aph?syumWhirlpool ?a?amitqc?uWhirlwind ?amitqc?u yu?iWhisk yaxy?akWhiskers + hapaksum; ?Whisper ka?aa ciqs?i?; ?aanaqc?aqh??isWhistle ?awiipqs?i?; wiiks?i? ?; ?uupks?i? Steamboat X: h?uh?s?i? noun: h?uh?y?akWhite ? ?isukWhitewash ? ?its?i?; ? ?isa??apWhitish ? ?ist?aaWhitlow (+ inflammation near the fingernail or toenail) + t?aqsy?uc?i? ?uus?wiih?amisWhither k?itsaah?takWho ?ac?aq; yaqiiWhoever yaquusiiWhole humaq?Wholesale nupta?Wholesome wiiksy?i; tiic?sy?iWholly humaq?; wikk?a?saapWhom yaaq?i?Whomsoever yaaq?i?uusii (+ whoever)Whose yaq?acWhosoever (+ whoever) yaq?acuusiiWhy ?aaqinqh?Wicked ?i?aa; p?is??aq?Wick c?isc?inumWide ? ?uq; ?a?aac?i ship, canoe.Widen ? ?uqk?a?apWidow ?itwatck?i ?uucma; c?aap?imups?i?Widower ?itwatck?i; wiikp?iic?s?i?Width ?unaakWife ?uucma; yaqch?i?at; ?uc?naakp?atu His X: yaqch?in?iqWig hac?yaaqumyamumWigwam yuuqii?as mah?t?iiWild q?aa mah?sa affix mah?sa; ?imaqstiWilfully q?is mah?saWilling ?apaakWin To gain: ?us?iip; hita?ap eg: gambling; + tuunuuWind yu?i X becalmed: ma?s?i?Windbound ?upc?in?; yuyuc?ink (+ against the wind)Windlass (+ machine with a horizontal axle for hoisting or hauling) c?iisaapy?akWindow kukuu? ?uh?sum; kukuu? ?uh?samumWindow Sash (+ frame) windowqii?uksumWindpipe h?ih?mac?uWithin X company with:?ukc?i?atyaqc?i?ac?uqh?yuuyaqhyuus?uqc?iqyaqc?iq?uqc?iisyaqc?iis?ukc?aasyaqc?aas?uksc?um?asyaqsc?um?as?uksc?imaasyaaksc?imaas?uuqc?i?yaaqsc?i??uqsc?ipi?yaaqsc?ipi??uuktisyaaqtis?uqsc?imaa?apiyaaqsc?imaa?api?uqsc?imi?yaaqsc?imi??uksc??i?inyaaqsc??i?in?ukc?imaa?yaaqc?imaa??u?aa?c?iqya?aa?c?iqin?ukc?iq? ?as (in our house)Windward takasWindy yu?i; yunit (place)Wing?apsp?atuWink k?iick?iica; + t?um?t?um?a; k?ics?i? of eyes.Wink kuw?i?apWinter c?u?ic?h?Wipe tii?tiiya; ?; X eye: tiitiicawi?Wire saasintk?uk ?Wise ?imaqstinak; yumsaa; ?uus?h?tinWisely yumasi?a; ?uus?h?tinsi?aWish with affix mah?saWit ?uu?uuk?a?iikWitch ?uuk?aana (+ this is incorrect. ?uuk?aana is a winter feast. )Witchcraft (+ actually this refers to a winter feast) ?uuk?atmisWith ?uh?wa? instrument; ?Wither (+ to become dry and shriveled) ?asx?s?i?; ?atx?s?i?; citx?s?i?Withold haanuuk; hitacmaWithin hitaq? X house: hitii?; ?iqyuuya X a month: ?iqyuuya ?ah? hupa?Without Alone: wiikpaa? Outside: ? ?a?asqum?; ? ?a?iipaa? He is X (+ outside): ? ?aa?as X not having: wiknaak See Outside.Withstand wik?ap; wik?a?Wart t?upqiiWitness n?aac?muutaqa; kamathakmuuta; + kaakumtmuutaqaWitty ?u?uuk?a?iikWolf q?ayac?iikWoman ?uucmaWonder (+ amazement) micq?aa; micqs?i?; ?uus?p?a?aWonderful micq?a?Woo (+ to seek the hand or love of especially a woman) ?uuy?a?sumh?iWood ?inksy?iWooden ?inksy?iqh?tinWoodpecker c?ac?inqp?ic? (female); c?iitus? ? (male)Woody suuc??ukWord ciqy?akWork ?uus?taq; ?uus?ahap Relative: ?uch?in noun: mamumsWorkman ?uus?atiWorld ?unaaqh? siitsiita?iq nism?aWorm xitk?umc; siicminWorm eaten k?ac?a?k?ac?i?Worried ?uus?wiq?; ?uus?h?tin ?imaqstiWorry wipaxyiih?apWorse Sick: ?uus?a?ac?i?; wiikuuc?i? Bad: p?is?aqsasaWorship ciciqink; wakas?anWorth See Price.Worthless wikstupWorthy humaq?c?u; humaq?c??akWound noun: ?aa?ii verb: ?ac?iiqsap Wounded: ?ac?uu ?ac?iqs?i?Wrap ? ?a?iksapWrath ?uus?suuqstumWrathful ?uus?suuq?Wreck noun: qah?s?i? ShipX: hiqk?ac?i?; hiqk?a?ap; k?ah?k?ac?i? To X: k?ah?k?a?apWrestle c??ii?aqaWretch wiksaah?takmisWrist k?ak?inkum; + hiihin?aasWrite ?iis?iisa; qiicqiicaWrong ?i?aa; ? verb: wikst si?aWry (+ mocking) hiinums c?aqum? YYard One X: ?ah?s?i?; nupy?aa?Yarn Tell X: ?it?ita; ?uk?ink; yumc??aap X (of stockings): ? ?iqc?uYawn haas??iiqs?i?Yea haa?a; hm?m (+ said with mouth closed-hummed); hii?iYear with affix ?ic?h? One X: nupq?ic?h?Yearly t?aqpi kwiisqs?i?Yeast puuxs?y?akYell ?aaqs?i?Yellow h?icp?iqak (+ this is brown); k?aam?aqakYelp waawaa?yuq?a; ?iic ?iih?aYes haa?a See Yea.Yesterday ?am?ii ?uy?i; + ?am?ii mit?i+ Yew + qatksmaptYield ?; ?ac?i?; hi??iih?s?i? ?Yolk ? ?ih?aqstumYonder h?uuya; h?uuyah?iYou suw?aYoung ?ah?ck?ii Not old: t?an?a?is ?iiqh?iYounger ?ukumq?iYoungest ?u?aq?isaYoungster t?an?a?isYour suw?aasYouth haawi?a??isZZealous Full of X: ?aanaqh?; haak?ayiih?Zenith t?aaqcqiiZigzag h?iikh?iik?aZinc ? ?isaqum?Finis 9 March 1911 ................

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