Example Unit

Argument Unit, Nonfiction Selections (20 Points)

Norton Sampler

Price of Power…Nuclear Age by K. Quintana p. 334 PQ: What are the nuclear health risks?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement) | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Denotations | |

|Imagery | |

|How is this also a cause & | |

|effect rhetorical strategy? | |

|HCK | |

Being Prepared in Suburbia by R. Verhulst p. 340 PQ: How does emotion “trump” reasoning?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Connotations | |

|Diction | |

|Anecdotes | |

|HCK | |

Bedford Reader

Too Much Pressure by C. Wenke p.532 PQ: Why do students cheat?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

|Oversimplification | |

|Post hoc ergo proptor hoc | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Analogy | |

|Rhetorical Question | |

|Colloquial expressions | |

|Oxymoron | |

|HCK | |

Why Don’t We Complain by W. Buckley, Jr. p.538 PQ: Why don’t we complain?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Allusions | |

|Pedantic Language? What words?| |

|HCK | |

| | |

Why I Stopped Being a Vegetarian by L. Fraser p.546 PQ: Can you become a vegetarian?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

|Tu quo qua | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Tone | |

|Diction | |

|Jargon | |

| | |

| | |

|HCK | |

A Vegetarian Philosophy by P. Singer p. 552 PQ: Do you support vegetarianism?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Diction/Tone | |

|Analogy | |

|Concrete Details | |

|HCK | |

What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage? by K. Pollitt p. 560 PQ: Do you advocate connecting church & state?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Allusions | |

|Parallelism | |

|HCK | |

Gay”Marriage”: Societal by C. Colson p.566 PQ: Are gay marriages evil?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

|What is the deductive syllogism| |

|on p.523-524? | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Historical Reference | |

| | |

|HCK | |

Close Encounters w/US Immigration by A. Khan p. 570 PQ: Should we support racial profiling?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

|What is the deductive syllogism| |

|on p.523-524? | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Tone | |

|Denotation vs. Connotation | |

|HCK | |

Everything Isn’t Racial Profiling by L. Chavez PQ: What are the benefits of racial profiling?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Tone | |

|Comparison Contrast Rhetorical | |

|Strategy? | |

|HCK | |

| | |

| | |

The FBI is Reading … Shoulder by Z. Gelsey p. 579 PQ: What is the US Patriot Act?

| Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Tone | |

|Comparison Contrast Rhetorical | |

|Strategy? | |

|HCK | |

| | |

|Evidence |Commentary |

|Method: |Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning |

| | |

|Purpose: |To educate To inform To persuade To entertain |

|Claim (Thesis Statement): | |

|Evidence and Appeals | |

|Logos: | |

|Pathos: | |

|Ethos: | |

|Logical Fallacies | |

| | |

|Rhetorical Devices | |

|Tone | |

|Comparison Contrast Rhetorical Strategy? | |

How the USA Patriot Act Defends Democracy p. 585 PQ: How is democracy upheld?

Types of Arguments

| |Understanding Writing Arguments |Key Features |

|Arguments of Fact | | |

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|Arguments of Definition| | |

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|Evaluations | | |

|(Comparison) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|Casual Arguments | | |

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Name ______________________


AP Language

Date ______________________

Strawman Argument-

Example: You say you are for allowing only people over twenty-one to vote. I’ll never understand mean, simple-minded activists like you who are willing to deny democratic freedoms to millions of citizens.

Bandwagon Fallacy-

Example: Everyone else is going camping without chaperones. The parent replies, “If everyone jumps off the bridge tomorrow, will you jump off one too?”

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

Deductive: Inductive:

Transaction between Writer and Reader

Thesis Statement- _________________________________________________________________

With inductive reasoning, your thesis statement will be at the beginning (clueing them in to your purpose). Deductive reasoning is necessary if the reader has difficulty accepting your thesis until they have heard some of your argument.

Evidence and Appeals: logos-___________ pathos-____________ ethos-___________

Evidence may include facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, reported experience, etc.


Toulmin Method-Stephen Toulmin divided a typical argument into three parts:

Data: The evidence to prove something

Claim: What are you proving with the data

Conclusion: The assumption or principle that connects the data to the claim.

Data Example: ____________________________________________________________________

Minor Claim: _____________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________

Logical Fallacies: (_______________________________________________)

Non sequitur-

Example: “I’ve lived in this town a long time—why my grandfather was the first mayor—so I’m against adding fluoride to the drinking water.”


Example: “All these bad teenagers should be shipped to China.”

Hasty Generalization-

Example: “Women are too emotional to fight in combat.”

Dogmatism (Dogmatic)-

Example: “No rationale person would disagree that …”

False Authority-

Example: “We ought to castrate all sex offenders; Uncle Oswald says we should.”

Ad hominem-

Example: “Mayor Burns is divorced and estranged from his family. How can we listen to his pleas for a city nursing home?”

Begging the Question-

Example: “I am in college because that is the right thing to do. Going to college is the right thing to do because it is expected of me.”


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