Miss tracey english

“Glasgow 5 March 1971” by Edwin Morgan Annotated (title: significant date – perhaps the date on a newspaper, an ambulance log book, police witness statement, obituary, coroner’s report, gravestone memorial etc)An instamatic free verse poem showing (like a snapshot photo) one moment of time which changes everything. The poem is an excellent combination of form and content.A comment on uncaring people, a lack of community and an uncompassionate world.enjambmentLiterally & Metaphorically1With a ragged diamondimagery/metaphor of shattered plate-glass sound/onomatopoeiaa young man and his girlare falling backwards into a shop-window.VICTIMS5 The young man’s faceis bristling with fragments of glass imagery/metaphorand the girl’s leg has caughton the broken windowand spurts arterial bloodsound/onomatopoeia10 over her wet-look white coat. Symbolism/contrast/also alliterationTheir arms are starfished outimagery/metaphorbraced for impact,their faces show surprise, shock,sound/alliterationand the beginning of pain. CRIMINALS15 The two youths who have pushed themare about to complete the operation two meanings/punreaching into the windowto loot what they can smartly.two meaningsWITNESSESTheir faces show no expression.facial expression contrasts with victims20 It is a sharp clear nighttwo meaningsin Sauchiehall Street.sound/alliterationIn the background two drivers PERFECT BLEND OF FORM (STRUCTURE/LAYOUT OF THE POEM) AND CONTENT (THE STORY OR MESSAGE) – The free verse poem is in one long column – no stanzas (but 3 sections – victims, looters, drivers – each section ends on the facial expressions of each pair). The column may remind you of a newspaper story or a gravestone. The poem has no rhyme (although there is some half rhyme – “look” and “coat”). The poem uses uneven line lengths and enjambment to emphasise important words. The uneven line lengths have the effect of making the poem’s edges look like the “shattered” glass, the outline of Glasgow city or the line of a heart monitor. The narrator’s tone is matter of fact, clinical perhaps even cold and this should have the effect of making the reader react to the poem emotionally. The use of the present tense shows immediacy and places us, the readers, as witnesses - what would we do if we witnessed such an injury? The poem is about LOOKING AND HEARING AND THEN DOING SOMETHING TO HELP OTHERS. keep their eyes on the road.another blank facial expression. IRONY.Allusion to Biblical story of Good Samaritan – when two good respectable people walked on by without helping a man who had been injured by criminals. Jesus told this parable when trying to explain that we should all “Love thy neighbour as thyself”. What happens when people ignore problems/turn a blind eye to issues?Morgan’s message is that urban society has become uncaring. Why do some people choose to hurt others? Of course, we need to help the hurt/victims but we also need to understand and try to help those who feel so disadvantaged that they damage themselves and others. We need to build up community. THEMES – VIOLENCE, CRIME, APATHY, COLD INDIFFERENCE OF SOCIETY, INDIVIDUALITY VERSUS COMMUNITY, LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY, NO GOOD SAMARITANS IN MODERN URBAN SOCIETY. EVIL HAPPENS WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING. IF WE ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION WE ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! ................

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