Laws, Rules and Customs

Laws, Rules and Customs Worksheet 1

Conduct a class discussion to come up with a common set of class notes which address the following questions:

1. What parts of our lives are controlled by laws, rules and customs?

2. Why are laws, rules and customs important in society?

Example of a simple statement presented by the students:

Everything we do is controlled by laws, rules and customs. These are important to prevent people from going crazy.

3. How would you describe a law?

Example of a simple statement presented by the students:

Law: Is made by the government and affects everybody in society. For example: Do not kill other people.

4. How would you describe a rule?

Example of a simple statement presented by the students:

Rule: Made by a group and affects only people in that group. For example: School rules, sports rules, family rules.

5. How would you describe a custom?

Example of a simple statement presented by the students:

Custom: A tradition that people follow in a particular society. For example: Giving Easter eggs.

Laws, Rules and Customs Worksheet 2

An example of the laws, rules and customs which students said had affected them in their daily lives.

|Laws |Rules |Customs |

|Do not commit murder. |Do not pass go, do not collect $200. |Put a Christmas tree up. |

|Do not steal. |Do not throw the ball (handball only). |Shake hands when introduced to someone. |

|Do not drive without a licence. |Must wear a school uniform. |Give eggs at Easter time. |

|No littering allowed. |Do not swear at teachers. |Bring teacher an apple. |

|Must wear clothes in public. |Make your bed. |Say 'excuse me' after burping. |

|Must be 18 to be in a pub after midnight. |Must wear a suit to a 'Black Tie' function.|Must be nice to Mrs Harwood. |

|Can’t watch R rated movie if you are under |All dogs must be registered. | |

|18. | | |

Laws, Rules and Customs Worksheet 3

There are many laws that decide what we do and when we do it. Simple things like putting on clothes are required by law. Going to school, road rules, laws about marriages and juvenile laws are all examples of laws.

Laws have been around for over 4000 years. Laws in ancient civilisations were strict, usually resulting in physical punishments or even death.

So why do we have all these laws and punishments? Without laws there would be chaos. Imagine this class at its most crazy times; this is nothing like what it would be like. There would be no way to calm down some children or keep them quiet.

Obviously we need laws or we wouldn't have a side of the road to drive on or people would not be educated.

❖ In the table below students had to decide whether they would describe the following situations as legally wrong, morally wrong or both. A tick in the appropriate location indicates their choice.

|Crime |Legally wrong |Morally |

| | |wrong |

|Shop stealing. | | |

|Stealing a loaf of bread for a friend who is starving. | | |

|Stealing prescription drugs for a dying parent. | | |

|Selling heroin to eight-year-olds. | | |

|Killing someone. | | |

|Killing someone who threatens your life. | | |

|Killing someone during war. | | |

|Killing Osama bin Laden. | | |

|Killing a member of your family who is in pain. | | |


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