063 Advanced Conversation

063 Advanced Conversation Quiz 7 May 12, 2006


I. Matching. Match the slang phrases in bold to their literal meanings. (14 points)

A. get in B. police officer C. old car

D. flat tire E. destroyed F. deep holes in the street

G. arrested H. minor car accident I. tendency to drive fast

J. drive K. heavy traffic L. accelerate suddenly

M. time when everyone is driving on the road N. drove through a red light

__I___ 1. I don’t drive with Dan because he has a lead foot.

__F___ 2. I ruined my tires when I drove over those pot holes.

__K___ 3. The bumper-to-bumper traffic made me late!

__A___ 4. I’ll be glad to drive you to the market. Hop in!

__H___ 5. I was in a fender-bender today. The repairs shouldn’t cost much though.

__J___ 6. Do you want to go for a spin in my new car?

__E___ 7. My car was totaled in an accident. Now I have to buy a new one.

__D___ 8. I drove my car over a nail and got a blowout.

__N___ 9. He just ran a light and almost hit me!

__L___ 10. I’m going to be late for work! Punch it!

__M___ 11. It took me an hour to drive home during rush hour.

__G___ 12. He got hauled in for speeding yesterday. He has to pay a large fine.

__B___ 13. The cop just arrested that man!

__C___ 14. I need to get my clunker fixed. It’s about to die.

II. Fill in the blank. Write the correct word in the blank. (10 points)

aced cram cut drop flunk

killer pop psych nighter straight

15. I pulled an all-NIGHTER studying for my history exam.

16. I ACED my test! I got 100%!

17. This class is too hard. I’m going to DROP it.

18. I have to CRAM for a big test tomorrow.

19. It’s really ironic, but I think our PSYCH teacher is crazy!

20. She got STRAIGHT A’s in all of her classes this year.

21. Mike wasn’t at school today. I wonder if he CUT class again.

22. If you don’t come to class and participate, you will FLUNK .

23. That was a KILLER test! I hope I get a good grade!

24. I hate when the teacher gives us POP quizzes. They’re so unfair.

III. Dictation. (4 points)

25. He needs to take a make-up test this week.

26. I don’t wanna study for my mid-terms.

27. She told ‘m to study for his finals.

28. Why does she give pop quizzes? I hate ‘em!


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