Reading Guide for Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind

Reading Guide for Shabanu, Daughter of the WindThe story of a modern day nomad.(Please notice that you have a glossary in the back of the book that will help you with some of the Pakistani words the author uses.)Begin a reading journal. In this journal, you can take notes on the questions I ask from each chapter. You may use a small notebook or a stack of note cards . (Note cards seem to work better.) You will be able to use your reading log on the quiz. Guluband (Chapter 1) 12 PagesDescribe the following subjects: Who is Phulan and whom is she supposed to marry? (Has the author described him yet?)Who is Shabanu and whom is she going to marry?What does it mean to be “people of the wind”?How long has it been since they have seen rain?What is a toba?Who is Gulguband? What is he like and what makes him so special?Lists to begin making. (Keep adding to these lists as you go through the book.)1.What does her world look like? 2.They don’t have many natural resources to work with. How are they able to survive? 3.What types of things do they eat? (Collect a list of foods as you read the book.)Birth and Kalu (Chapters 2 & 3) 17 pages Describe the following subjects: Who is Mithoo?Who is Tipu and what does he do with his days?How does Shabanu feel about housework?What types of things does she like to do?Describe Murad. Lists to begin making:4. Shabanu is only 11 years old yet she often does the job of grown ups. Make a list of the responsibilities she has. Safari and Bugtis (Chapters 4& 5) 15 PagesDescribe the following subjects: How does Shabanu feel about Gulguband? Find a quote from the chapter entitled “Safari” that supports your answer. Lists to begin making:Why are camels so valuable? What types of things can camels do?Add this info to the list on how they are able to survive. Sibi Fair and The Bargain (Chapters 6 & 7) 17 pagesDescribe the following subjects: How many women are there at the Sibi Fair?Is Shubanu literate?Describe what Shabanu and the animals do when the storm hits.How does Shabanu respond when Gulguband is sold?What kinds of food does Shabanu feast on at the fair? Lists : Shabanu is only 11 years old yet she often does the jobs of grown ups. Add the jobs she assumes at the fair to the list of Shabanu’s responsibilities you made in Chapters 2 and 3. Shatoosh (Chapter 8) 11 Pages and In Her Own Words, a conversation with Suzanne Fisher Staples(In the back of the book. See me if you have an older book that does not include this part.) 5 PagesChapter 8:Describe the following subjects: Who is She Dil?What does Shabanu mean when she uses the term “the dull routine of walking”? What is a Shatoosh?How many days do they have to walk to get back home? (Math is involved here)Why do you think they scatter pieces of onion around them before going to bed? Lists :5. What types of things does Shabanu and her father buy at the Bazaar? In Her Own Words, a conversation with Suzanne Fisher Staples:What are the scenes in Shabanu based on?What does the author think about the rural people of Pakistan? (Rural means to live out away from the city.) Quiz on Chapters 1-8 and In Her Own Words 100 Points Dowry and Nose Pegs (Chapters 9 and 10) 13 pagesDescribe the following subjects: What does her world look like? (Use descriptive words if you can find them. You can use bullet points. Be sure and include the courtyard, the toba and the inside of Shabanu’s house. You will find more info in chapter 1.)) Where do they keep their food?What kind of jewelry did Dadi buy for Phulan? Why would they spend so much money on Jewelry?How does Shabanu collect water? Channan Pir and Sharma (Chapters 11 and 12) 11 pagesDescribe the following subjects: What types of things do women do when they meet at the desert shrine called Channan Pir? (You will find this info in a couple of places in the chapter.)Describe how Mama and auntie are dressed.Describe Sharma. Why does Auntie disapprove of her?Who is Fatima and why does Auntie think she is a disgrace?Desert Storm and The Thirsty Dead (Chapters 13 and 14) 19 pagesDescribe the following subjects: What is a sandstorm like? What would it feel like to be in one?How did grandfather survive the storm?What happened to the Toba?Describe what happens in the month before the Monsoons come? Derawar and Ramadan (Chapters 15 and 16) 20 pagesDescribe the following subjects: What do they use to make cement? What do they do with the cement?Why do you think father relies on Shabanu to help him? Why doesn’t he ask the same things from Phulan? ( You will need to get this information from your head. It doesn’t directly tell us in the chapters.)What does Phulan’s husband-to-be do for a living?Who is Bibi La?Describe Kulsum. The Landlord (Chapters 17) 9 pagesDescribe the following subjects: Describe Hamir.What happens to Shabanu and Phulan in this chapter?Who is the wrestler that will protect them?Quiz on Chapters 9-17 (100 Points) This is the place in the book where we can clearly see how the cultural rules in their society differ from the cultural rules we see in American society. In this book we can see how women are not supposed to do anything that would bring dishonor upon the family. (Sociologists would call these rules “cultural norms” or “societal expectations.”) Begin to think about all of the unspoken rules that the tribal women of Pakistan have to submit to. Sharma found it too costly to follow these rules. How did people respond to women that did not follow their culture’s expectations?Spun Gul and Yazman (Chapters 18 and 19)What kind of things does Shabanu think about when she thinks about Murad?Where does all the blood come from in this chapter? Describe what happened to each character.Justice and The Choice (Chapters 20 and 21)How does Shabanu feel about this decision? Use descriptive words-hunt for info.Why do adults think this is a “just” decision?How does Phulan spend her days before they wedding. Make a list of her activities. They will show you some of their cultural rules.Descriibe Rahim-sahib. What does he want? How does he act?What does Shabanu think of him?The Wedding and Cholistan (Chapters 22 and 23)What does Phulan look like on her wedding day?Who comes to the wedding?What is Phulan’s first act of obedience.What advice does Sharma give to Shabanu?How is Shabanu treated after she returns home? How have the rules changed since she has begun to menstruate?How does she feel about it?What does Shabanu mean when she says, “Why couldn’t I have an empty head like Phulan?” ................

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