Context for Learning Information Template

Context for Learning Information Directions: Respond to the prompts below (no more than 3 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts; both the prompts and your responses are included in the total page count allowed. Refer to the evidence chart in the handbook to ensure that this document complies with all format specifications. Pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored.

About the Placement and Your Role in the Focus Learner’s Instruction

1. Context for Learning

a. Provide information about the context in which you teach so that another educator can understand your teaching decisions for the instruction in the learning segment. Address the following:

← Type of setting (e.g., first grade classroom in an elementary school, self-contained classroom, a home, a job site)

← Your role in the focus learner’s instructional program (e.g., teach all academic subjects plus support a behavioral plan; pull out of general education classroom for supplementary instruction in reading; coordinate services to the family and model working with the focus learner)

← The schedule for instructional time with the focus learner for the primary and supporting/secondary learning targets (e.g., Tuesdays for 15 minutes; every day for six hours with two hours on reading instruction)

← The primary language of instruction, if other than English (e.g., ASL)

[I am teaching in a self-contained classroom that resides within a multi-district public school for students with severe disabilities. There are six male students in this classroom. Their grade levels range from second to third grade. Five students function on the Prekindergarten level and one student functions on the Kindergarten level. The students in this classroom are classified as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder or as having Multiple Disabilities. Two out of the six students in this classroom are nonverbal. As a student teacher in this classroom, I assist my cooperating teacher in teaching all academic subjects to my focus learner and to each student in my class. Each academic subject is taught during one-to-one learning sessions. Therefore, I individually conduct one-to-one teaching sessions with my focus learner during predetermined time slots each day. While teaching these subjects, I make sure that I am using instructional techniques that support my focus learner’s Individualized Education Plan. For example, forms of low-tech assistive technology such as picture icons will be implemented into each of my lessons. I work every day, with my focus learner, on his primary learning target for a half hour. I also work every day, with my focus learner, on his secondary learning target for six hours; since the secondary target regards the use of socially appropriate communication during instruction, it is necessary to support this learning target during each academic period. The primary language used for instruction is English. ]

b. If instruction of the focus learner for the learning segment does not occur in a group setting, explain why.

[The instruction of the focus learner for the learning segment will not occur in a group setting. Within my classroom, there are six adults, including my cooperating teacher and I, to instruct/assist our six students (the other adults in the room include two one-to-one aides, and two teacher’s assistants). Each student is on a different academic level; therefore, differentiated and individualized instruction is an essential component of this classroom. Therefore, since our students have a diverse range of needs in regards to learning, our classroom is highly structured and focuses on one-to-one instruction. ]

c. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher, or student teaching requirements or expectations that might affect your planning or instructional delivery (e.g., prescribed reading curriculum).

[Components of applied behavior analysis are used within my classroom. Thus, during my instruction, I will implement components of applied behavioral analysis by using a checklist to collect data on my focus learner’s achievement and behavior, providing immediate feedback, and using positive reinforcement to support my focus learner’s learning. All checklists will be used as daily assessments. Furthermore, my classroom follows the TEACCH methodology for students with Autism and related disorders, which is from the University of North Carolina. This method focuses on one-to-one instruction, short learning activities, the use of symbols/icons, and the use of embedded schedules to help encourage students to stay on task. Embedded schedules inform students of how many tasks they have left to complete during a lesson. Since my focus learner is only familiar with the TEACHH method as his form of instruction, he is used to completing short learning tasks and has not been taught lessons that include an explicit modeling portion, a guided reading activity and means of self-assessment. However, I will be implementing these elements into the short learning tasks of my lessons; so, my focus learner’s unfamiliarity with these elements might affect his behavior and achievement levels. My cooperating teacher wanted me to start practicing these elements with my focus learner because he is the highest functioning in my class. Therefore, my learning segment lessons will be the first time that he is exposed to these elements. In regards to my learning targets, I collaborated with my cooperating teacher to select comprehension has the primary focus of my lessons because this is one of my focus learner’s main annual goals on his Individualized Education Plan. In regards to academic materials, my school uses a prescribed science curriculum called Science Fusion. I will be adapting this curriculum when planning my learning segment lessons. Displaying comprehension of my adapted scientific texts will be my focus learner’s primary learning target. Also, my cooperating teacher generally uses “laptop time” as positive reinforcement for my focus learner; therefore, I will be supporting this technique during my lessons. Since computer is used as a form of reinforcement, my cooperating teacher does not want me to use it as an instructional tool during my learning segment lessons. ]

d. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for instruction for the learning targets. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication.

[I will be adapting information from the Level 2 book of the Science Fusion program as part of my instruction for the primary learning target. However, this actual textbook will not be read during my learning segment lessons. The title of this textbook is Science Fusion: New Energy for Learning, the publisher is Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company and the text was published in 2012.]

e. If group instruction, describe the size and composition of the group (e.g., 6 special education learners; 3 learners with IEPs and 23 general education learners).

[The instruction for my focus learner will not occur in a group setting.]

About the Focus Learner’s Characteristics

1. Age: [7]

2. Gender:

← Male [X]

← Female [ ]

3. Grade level: [My focus learner is a second grade student but he functions on a Kindergarten level.]

4. Primary language:

← English [X]

← Bilingual in English and other language (please identify): [ ]

← Other language (please identify): [ ]

5. List any type of augmentative or alternative communication used by the learner (e.g., communication boards, signing, AlphaSmart keyboard, optical-character-recognition devices, speech generation technology).

[My focus learner is verbal; therefore, he mostly uses an oral form of communication. However, he also uses a Picture Exchange Communication System as an augmentative form of communication. Within the classroom, icons are used to help him understand what appropriate classroom behavior he should be exhibiting, to help him express that he has completed a task and/or to assist him in understanding what activity he will be completing next. Additionally, picture aids are incorporated within the text of worksheets that he has to complete in order to assist in his understanding of the material.]


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