WHY COLLEGE - Bridgewater State University


With so many American high schoolers going on to college, the issue is not whether you’re going to college, but why you are going to college?

There are three main reasons why people go to college. You have to decide where you fit in on the graph. If you’re above the dotted line, you’re wasting both time and money. There are more efficient and far less costly ways of partying.


|For dates, fashion and attitude. |

|An easy time doing no work. |

|People in this area only show up for |

|class (fashion) and spend most of their time |

|just hanging out or on the internet. |

|No knowledge or skills gained, so after |

|college, it’s back to the Gap or MacDs. |


Broader thinking abilities Job training

|a liberal arts approach so that |a vocational approach for |

|you can better understand and |stuff that you need to know for a job. For this|

|interpret the world. For this you have |you have to |

|to read widely (books and |focus and excel in your |

|articles), go to public lectures, |chosen field, make contact |

|analyze issues and ask questions |with practitioners in your |

|about the issues of our time. |field, sign up for internships, etc. |


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