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Generation Date: 04/02/2014 Generated By: Che ryl Shelton Title: 12 th grade ELA Meaning of Words

Singers can use their voice as an instrument to reach different notes in a musi cal number. One of the most distinctive vocal techniques is the falsetto. In songs that require a higher pitch, the falsetto allows the singer to reach the notes by using only a part of their vocal cords. Most often, this skill is used by male singers to reach the pitch that mainly female singers can attain or to sing higher than their normal vocal range. Singers modulate their voices so that they can achieve the falsetto. This requires changing from one pitch to another, such as from the normal voice to the falsetto. Wellknown artists, such as The Bee Gees and Justin Timberlake, employ the falsetto in much of their music.

1. What does it mean for a singer to modulate his or her voice?

A. to change from one pitch to another B. to mimic well-known falsetto artists C. to use his or her normal voice often D. to reach a pitch performed by females

2. According to the passage, what does falsetto mean?

A. a variety of different notes that an instrument has to reach B. a high pitch that can be heard in a many musical numbers C. a style of singing that allows singers to reach high pitches D. a part of the vocal cord that lets the singer sing high notes

The Segbike

by A. Gautam

The Segbike has been hailed as a masterpiece in the history of transportation. Since its invention in 2001, this unique mode of transport has created a revolution. The very expensive and huge rotating tires are impossible to tip over unless tried by someone as famous as diplomats or governors. In fact, it has changed the lives of tourists whose legs are too tired to roam around a new destination. More importantly, mall cops have used it to chase petty criminals for a few years now. We cannot imagine our lives today without the mall cops chasing after thieves while trying to pass mothers who are dragging their hyper children in strollers.

3. Which of these is true about this satirical piece?

A. The author lacks sympathy for mothers with hyper kids. B. The author believes tourists could use a little exercise. C. The author rewrites the history of urban transportation. D. The author wants famous people to tip over the Segbike.

4. Why is this piece a satire?

A. The author inspires readers to purchase a Segbike. B. The author pokes fun at the uselessness of the Segbike. C. The author praises the tires that cannot be tipped over. D. The author disregards the important duty of mall cops.

The batter was overflowing out of the mixing bowl. Jennifer had added the same amount of liquid that she had always added whenever she prepared the batter for noodles. However, now, there was a massive frothy mixture that erupted and would not stop growing. Usually, Jennifer's noodles were formed without error because they would come out perfectly al dente. The noodles always had the right amount of resistance, where it was neither too overdone nor too hard. Therefore, Jennifer was puzzled by this turn of events.

5. According to the passage, the word al dente means

A. tough to swallow. B. firm but not soft. C. without error. D. flawlessly made.

6. Which of following words from the passage helps the reader understand the word batter?

A. would not stop growing B. frothy mixture C. overflowing out D. same amount of liquid

Yes, You Can!

by A. Gautam

Growing old with dignity has never been easier. With new "hair in a can" products, senior citizens or balding boys can now easily hide their bare spots. If you don't mind taking the smell of spray paint wherever you go, these cans are the right products fo r you. The can emits fine powder that may or may not decide to settle on the bald spot. Why wouldn't you want people to wonder about you and not quite put a finger on your "new" appearance? The can is a perfect way to distract people from your yellow teeth, stubborn wrinkles, or untimely zits! Wait no more and buy a "hair in a can" for you or your old, bald loved ones today.

7. Which of these is true about this passage?

A. The author considers buying a "hair in a can" for a loved one. B. The author pokes fun at people who refuse to age well. C. The author suggests improving "hair in a can" products. D. The author defines the idea of noticing changed appearances.

8. Which of these best describes why this piece is a satire?

A. It ridicules people who cannot notice the spray paint on a person. B. It denounces the way senior citizens are treated these days. C. It criticizes a product that robs balding people of their dignity. D. It disregards other products that actually help one look younger.

9. To practice ballet, ballerinas line up along the barre mounted along the wall. On this wooden or metal pole, the dancers begin to stretch their limbs while keeping stable. This is how they usually begin their class so that they can be ready for the rigors of the class.

Based on the passage, what is a barre?

A. a horizontal bar that a dancer holds for support B. a way to measure the length of the dancer's limbs

C. an indication that the class is about to begin soon D. a pole that stretches across the entire classroom

10. Children today do not have it as easy as their parents. Not only do they have to keep up with social networking cites and speed text messaging, but they also have to do it looking cool. Fashion statements change every hour making it difficult for a modern child to handle the pressure of keeping up with fashion blogs. Besides, today's child has to make time for television, video games, and sleepovers as well. One cannot forget the fact that--occasionally--a child has to take a break from staring at the compute r or cell phone to face the parent or the teacher who always seem to demand something from him or her.

Which of these makes this piece a satire?

A. The author pokes fun at today's children indulging in technology. B. The author disregards the importance of technology for modern children. C. The author shows sympathy for the child facing a teacher's demands. D. The author contrasts the difficult lives of children today with their parents'.

You Singing

by A. Gautam

Dfer was the talk of the century. Kno wn only by her first name, Dfer was the new artist who had changed the way people listened to music. Corn Review notes that before Dfer's arrival, music was not composed the way it was intended. The paper cites how we used to listen to the natural voice of singers with musical instruments played by actual people before Dfer came into the picture. She used computers and robots to replace most of the work done by humans. If it was not for Dfer, ordinary people would never have the confidence of a rock star. Because of Dfer, anyone could croon, hit the high notes, and create melody. The unthinkable had happened: one did not need to be a singer to sing.

11. Which of these is true about this satirical piece?

A. The author wishes for robots to replace human work. B. The author believes that singing is a talent owned by few. C. The author actually admires Dfer's creativity and talent. D. The author inspires everyone to try their hand at music.

12. Which of these makes this passage a satire?

A. The author ridicules computer- generated music. B. The author blasts the concept of high notes. C. The author ignores the importance of rock stars. D. The author admires Dfer helping people sing.

A Beautiful Revolution

by A. Gautam

Today was a significant day in the history of Dundee Maloney High School. The seniors in the high school organized their very first beauty pageant in the important town of Punyville. The massive crowd of 85 people, including the 95 -year-old Mrs. Soledad, cheered for the three contestants on stage. All the girls who had reached the age of eighteen had applied and qualified for the competition.

The crowd got excited as Miss Templeton exhibited her talent of karate and wished for world peace in her town of Punyville. Miss Tran sang her heart out, drew tears from the entire crowd, and demanded that her townspeople put an end to world hunger. The equally talented Miss Smith exhibited her magic skills and expressed her desire to free Third World countries from their invaders.

The mayor of the town and the only judge, Mr. Soledad, announced the winners in the end. Because he was the godfather of all three contestants, he decided to give the Miss Dundee Puny Beauty Queen Award to all of them. The crown was split into three pieces, and the winners were given three thousand dollars each for their college education.

13. Why is the sentence "The seniors organized their very first beauty pageant in the important town of Punyville" significant to the author's purpose?

A. because the passage ridicules the idea of not having a beauty contest for boys B. because it supports the author's aim of educating readers about college scholarships C. because the passage describes how small the town and the contest really are D. because it shows that the beauty pageant is important for the senior citizens

14. Why does the author use satire in this piece?

A. to ridicule the banality of beauty contests B. to acknowledge the need of college education C. to convey an idea of a world free of invasion

D. to demonstrate his or her idea of world peace

15. In the second paragraph, the author uses satire to

A. oppose the tall claims made by beauty contestants. B. support girls who seem to care about world affairs. C. denounce the idea of karate, music, and magic tricks. D. express his or her cosmopolitan wishes for Punyville.

When a blaze bursts out unexpectedly and refuses to stop, the fire department is usually the first to respond to the scene. Firefig hters not only fight fires, but they also save people from different hazards. Therefore, these firefighters require training that help them manage fires as well as teach them life-saving skills.

To put out fires, firefighters use various tools that are found on their engine. Most often, to extinguish a fire, firefighters use hoses attached to a hydrant or a water source on a fire engine. However, these sources may not always be available. In rural areas, firefighters have to draft water. This water is taken from nearby ponds and lakes. While fighting a fire, firefighters try to salvage items around them by covering them with heavy tarps. They want to make sure that possessions that are unharmed remain so.

In addition to fighting fires, some firefighters can administer emergency aid. When they encounter injured people, they have to act immediately. They have to conduct triage so that the major injuries are addressed first. Therefore, fire fighters have to assess who needs help the most. This emergenc y aid is the equivalent to what a person receives when they first enter the emergency room of a hospital.

Through the years, firefighters have adapted to the needs of society. Therefore, they are able to help people in many different capacities.

16. Based on the passage, what is the meaning of salvage?

A. determining an item's value B. protecting unburned valuables C. searching for resalable items D. dividing valuables from junk

17. Based on the passage, what is the meaning of draft?

A. rehydrating following an emergency fire situation B. enlisting the help of other firefighters in the area C. making use of water from other fire station engines D. using of water from other sources besides a hydrant

18. According to the passage, the word triage means

A. to prioritize the treatment of injuries. B. to extinguish the fire around people. C. to make patients equal to one another. D. to fight the fire to get to the wounded.

Great journalism requires a journalist who is dedicated to finding the truth of a subject. Journalists are able to do this when they devote their time and effort to their assignments. After that, journalists can relay information that they find for each story to their readers through their medium of choice, such as print, television, or Internet. They are also expected to provide the information without any bias. The job of journalists is to filter what is an opinion so that the news is impartial; therefore, the final product should have no slant. In addition to obtaining objective news, journalists should also provide up-to-date information. Whenever these breaks happen, journalists should inform the public as quickly as they can.

19. According to the passage, the word slant means

A. being at the end of the newspaper. B. making sure that the writing is straight. C. ensuring that all sources are checked. D. writing with the intent to influence.

20. Based on the passage, what is the meaning of assignments?

A. great amount of effort put into an article B. reporting jobs that cover a story or an event C. types of media that are used for information D. facts gathered about a particular subject

21. Which of following words from the passage helps the reader understand the word breaks?

A. inform the public B. up-to-date information C. objective news D. final product

Dollie for Stylie

by A.Gautam

As everyone else, John always strived to be a good parent. He was there for his daughter when she first pointed at the television and expressed a desire for the talking Jonna Kabanna doll. John had fought tooth and nail for the doll by showing up the night before at Stalmart and breaking his left leg to grab a hold of the last Jonna Kabanna in stock. He had not felt the slightest amount of pain in his swollen leg because he was busy paying two thousand dollars for the piece of plastic that was worth 20 bucks. Somehow, he had managed to skip the trip to the hospital and risked his life by driving while mildly unconscious to deliver Jonna Kabanna to his precious seven-months-old daughter Stylie.

22. The opening sentence of this satire shows that John strives to be a good parent. Which of these best shows John is actually being a bad father?

A. He grabs the last doll in stock for Stylie. B. He notices his daughter's likes and dislikes. C. He feels no pain while his leg is swollen. D. He risks his life by driving while being hurt.

23. The author uses satire in this passage to

A. criticize overzealous parents. B. object to the low quantity of toys. C. denounce the talking toys for kids. D. ridicule toy stores like Stalmart.


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