The Karate Kid Chapter Review Questions - Quia

GLE1O1- Grade 9 Learning Strategies Listening Skills The Karate Kid Chapter Review Questions

= Challenging inquiry question

Chapter 1

1. Where did Daniel and his mother live before they moved to California?

2. What is the name of the boy that Daniel knocks over with a karate kick?

3. What two things did Daniel see by the swimming pool?


What happened to Daniel's father?

Chapter 2

1. What did the old woman tell Daniel he should do? 2. What did Daniel see on the bookcase in the maintenance man's room? 3. What was the old man holding when Daniel first saw him? 4. Is it difficult to catch a fly? Why or why not?

Chapter 3

1. What colour was Ali's bikini? 2. What was the name of Johnny's gang? 3. What did Johnny throw in the sand? 4. What is your ideal way to spend the last day of summer?

Chapter 4

1. How did Daniel feel at the beginning of his first day at school? 2. Where did Daniel meet Ali? 3. Who tripped Daniel during soccer practice? 4. What would you do to show someone that you liked them? How would you let

them know that you would like to have them as your girlfriend or boyfriend?

Chapter 5

1. Why did Daniel's mother lose her job in California? 2. What was the good news that Daniel had for his mother? 3. How did Mr. Miyagi know that Daniel had lied about falling off his bike? 4. If you could take free lessons in anything, what would you want to learn?

Chapter 6

1. Where did Ali meet up with Daniel? 2. Who did Daniel say gives him advice? 3. What did Daniel do after he sat on the blueberry pie? 4. If you could add any item to the cafeteria's menu at GW Williams, what

would it be and why?

Chapter 7

1. Why did Daniel go to the karate school? 2. What was the name of the restaurant where Daniel's mother worked? 3. What was his mother going to be trained as at the restaurant? 4. What are three essential skills that a restaurant manager should have?

Chapter 8

1. Why did Daniel's mother gasp when she saw him? 2. What is Daniel's mother's first name? 3. What does Daniel want to use to solve his problems? 4. Is it braver to get in fights or to walk away from fights? Explain your answer.

Chapter 9

1. Who taught Mr. Miyagi the art of growing Bonsai trees? 2. What does Mr. Miyagi want Daniel to see when Daniel closes his eyes? 3. What did Mr. Miyagi slip into Daniel's pocket and why did Mr. Miyagi do this? 4. Are you interested in learning how to grow a garden? Do you already have a

garden? Explain why yes or why not?

Chapter 10

1. Why did Daniel feel like a worm? 2. Why did Daniel not want to go to the dance? 3. What was thrown at Daniel as he was leaving the dance? 4. Do you go to school dances at GW Williams? Explain why yes or why not?

Chapter 11

1. What was Johnny doing in the bathroom stall? 2. How did Ali help Daniel when he was trying to escape from the Cobras? 3. What was Daniel's only hope for safety as he ran across the athletic field? 4. Why is Johnny so angry all of the time?

Chapter 12

1. What were the two things that Mr. Miyagi's father taught him? 2. According to Mr. Miyagi, what should karate be used for? 3. Where does karate exist, according to Mr. Miyagi? 4. What is a common skill that a parent will teach their child?

Chapter 13

1. What did Kreese make his injured student do? 2. Where were Daniel and Johnny going to fight? 3. How much time would Daniel for training? 4. What is your routine for preparing for an exam or test?

Chapter 14

1. Where did Mr. Miyagi take Daniel? 2. What was in Mr. Miyagi's yard? 3. What did Mr. Miyagi tell Daniel to do while he washed all of the cars? 4. What type of teaching style is Mr. Miyagi using with Daniel?

Chapter 15

1. On what day of the week did Daniel arrange to see Ali? 2. What was written on the piece of paper that Ali gave Daniel? 3. What class did Mr. Harris teach? 4. What areas of a school do bullies tend to hang out in? Why do you think they

hang out there?

Chapter 16

1. What chore did Mr. Miyagi give Daniel? 2. What time did Mr. Miyagi want Daniel to arrive at his house in the morning? 3. Why was Daniel not finished painting the fence, when he thought that he had? 4. Do you get an allowance? How much? If not... why not? If so... do you have

to earn it with chores or housework? What type of chores or housework?

Chapter 17

1. What kind of car was parked in Ali's driveway? 2. How did they start Lucille's car when it stalled at Ali's house? 3. Why was Daniel embarrassed in front of Johnny? 4. How well do your parents know you? How well do you know your parents?

Explain your answer- give proof.

Chapter 18

1. What were Daniel's instructions for painting the house? 2. What was Mr. Miyagi carrying when he got out of his truck? 3. What had Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel while he was doing all of the chores? 4. What is your most challenging subject in school? Why is it challenging for

you? What would make the subject less of a challenge for you?

Chapter 19

1. In what ocean was Daniel practicing his karate kicks? 2. Where was Daniel meeting Ali on Friday night? 3. How was Mr. Miyagi standing when Daniel came out of the water? 4. Why is the ocean a good environment to practice karate in?

Chapter 20

1. At what time did Daniel leave his house? 2. What kind of meal was being served at the club? 3. How old was his mother's Chevy? 4. What is Chicken Kiev?

Chapter 21

1. Where did Mr. Miyagi meet his wife? 2. In which war did Mr. Miyagi fight? 3. What reason did the American government give for putting Japanese Americans

into internment camps? 4. In what ways does an individual's personality change when they lose

someone they love?

Chapter 22

1. What did Mr. Miyagi believe was the center of life? 2. According to Mr. Miyagi, what was more important than learning how to punch? 3. Why was Daniel learning karate at first? 4. What is your greatest fear? Why are you afraid of it?

Chapter 23

1. Why was Mr. Miyagi wearing protective equipment with a bullseye painted on it? 2. What happened when Daniel tried to use the Crane Technique? 3. What is the meaning of the following statement "First learn to stand, then learn

to fly. Nature's rules Danielsan, not mine."? 4. How would you define "Kiaiii!"?

Chapter 24

1. Who was Mr. Hashimoto? 2. What colour was the convertible that Daniel chose? 3. Fill in the blank and explain your answer. Life and karate both need ____________. 4. How would you define "Banzai!"?

Chapter 25

1. What does it mean to "expect a red carpet"? 2. Why were Ali's friends upset with Daniel? 3. How did Daniel apologize to Ali? 4. What is the best way to apologize to someone who's feelings you have hurt?

Chapter 26

1. How did Mr. Miyagi get Daniel a black belt? 2. What did Daniel learn about lies? 3. How did Daniel's mother know about the tournament? 4. Do your parents or guardians go to Parent Teacher night? If they do not, why

is that? Do you go with them to meet your teachers? Why yes or why not?

Chapter 27

1. What did Kreese tell Bobby to do? 2. How did Bobby feel about what he had done to Daniel? 3. What is the meaning of the following statement "The Cobra, it seemed,

could be poisoned by it's own venom." 4. Think of a moment in your life when you acted without thinking. What were

the results? Were the results good or bad? What would you do to change that moment in time, if you could? If you would not change the moment, explain why.

Chapter 28

Read the passage and answer the questions.

"The standing crowd parted to make a path for them, walking toward the ring. An astonished Kreese was the first of the three in the ring to see him. The fury in his face made the other two look up as well. Johnny's face was almost blank. Daniel wondered for an instant if there was a slight

flicker of relief in those stony eyes, but rejected the thought. Only the official showed unmasked joy."

1. Why was Kreese first astonished and then furious to see Daniel? 2. Why might Johnny be relieved to see Daniel? 3. What are "stony eyes"?

Chapter 29

Read the passage and answer the question.

"Kreese was on his knees, held frozen by Mr. Miyagi's left hand. Daniel was proud of his teacher and of the evident awe Kreese's students showed for Mr. Miyagi. Then, to Daniel's horror, Mr. Miyagi brought back his powerful right hand, cocked for action, and spoke. It was Mr. Miyagi's voice, but these were not his words.

'Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful. A man faces you. He is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.'

Daniel looked at Mr. Miyagi in surprise, but the old man's face was a mask of vengeance.

1. Does Kreese deserve mercy? 2. Why was Daniel surprised by Mr. Miyagi's actions and words? 3. What is a "mask of vengeance"?


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