(included in Linda Rief’s book Seeking Diversity; adapted from Nancie Atwell’s book In the Middle)



Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Refer to specific pieces of writing you have done or specific books you have read whenever possible as you answer each question.

▪ What does one have to do in order to be a good writer?

▪ What is the easiest part of writing for you? What do you do well?

▪ What is the hardest part of writing for you? What do you need to work on?

▪ How do you come up with ideas for writing?

▪ What are the qualities of good writing?

▪ What is the best piece of writing you’ve ever done? What makes it so good?

▪ What helps you the most to make your writing better?

▪ What kind of response helps you the most as a writer? Who gives you that response?

▪ Why is it important to be able to write well?

▪ What do you like about writing?

▪ What happens to your finished pieces of writing?

▪ How did you learn to write?

▪ What kind of writing do you do just for you?

▪ What does one have to do in order to be a good reader?

▪ What makes reading easy for you?

▪ What is the hardest part of reading for you?

▪ How do you go about choosing books to read?

▪ What are the qualities you look for in a good book?

▪ What’s the best book you’ve ever read? What made it so good?

▪ How did you learn to read?

▪ What kind of reading do you do just for you?

▪ What do you think the connections are between reading and writing? How does the ability to do one, help you do the other?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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