Ms. Miller's English Class - Ms. Miller ~ English

is a clip of excerpts from the speech by modern day actor, Norman Reedus.What is Patrick Henry’s opinion of the delegates who addressed the convention before him? Henry thinks the men are great, men. However, he respectfully disagrees with their way of looking at the situation. 2. Henry refers to a lamp that guides him. What is this “lamp”? The "lamp" that Henry refers to is his "lamp of experience" with the British. Why does he choose the concept of a lamp?3. What does Henry indicate are the signs that the British are planning to attack? Henry indicates British fleets and armies in the colonies and the waters around the colonies. “…Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports (harmonizes) with these warlike preparations which over our waters and darken our land…”“…Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?”“I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose is not to force us to submission?”(lines 31-42). 4. Henry rejects the possibility of Americans gaining their rights simply by asking the King to grant them. Why? Henry says that time and time again, the king has denied their rights when asked, he will never change his mind. He believes that if the king won't grant us our rights, we should earn them by fighting. 5. What does Henry say will result from the colonies’ backing down from a war with Britain? Henry says if they back down they will be enslaved and have no freedom. Things will only get worse.Literary Analysis4.Analyze a Persuasive Speech Read aloud lines 29–40 of Patrick Henry’s speech.Why do you think the paragraph becomes more effective if you pause after each question? Tell which words would you emphasize and why.Pausing after each question allows listeners to form answers in their heads. The string of “No’s” strengthens Henry’s argument.Gracious, warlike, fleets, armies, love, reconciliation, deceive, war, subjugation, martial, force, enemy, no, none, us, chains, forging.Reason? These words all emphasize various reasons for Henry’s desire for a war with Britain.2.Analyze Persuasive Strategy Give one reason why Patrick Henry questions hope in his speech.Patrick Henry questions hope because he believes that chance for hope has been exhausted. He feels that the colonists must now resolve to fight for the freedom and independence they seek. 3. Interpret Allusion Answer the following questions.Why do you think Henry mentions the song of the sirens from The Odyssey in lines 15–17?The song of the sirens is mentioned to warn listeners not to be lulled into believing that the British will act upon their petitions. Why does Henry mention the biblical reference of being betrayed by a kiss in line 28?The biblical reference is to caution listeners not to trust the British or they may be betrayed as Jesus was betrayed by Judas. 4. Evaluate Appeals Some of Patrick Henry’s reasons for going to war appeal to logic, others appeal to the emotions of the audience. List one logical appeal and one emotional appeal from Henry’s speech.Logic: See Lines 72-74.Emotion: 5. Make Judgments About Rhetorical DevicesReview the rhetorical devices discussed on page 225 of your textbook. Which device do you think is the most effective in getting Patrick Henry’s point of view across?Using repetition and parallelism emphasizes Henry’s selection of words and his stand of taking up arms against Britain. ................

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