AP World-Brown-Key Details, Ideas, and Concepts you should ...

AP World-Key Details, Ideas, and Concepts you should know for Unit Three

Chapter 15-The West and the Changing World

1-Symptoms of decline in the Arab Caliphates by 1300

2-By when were Arabs virtually excluded from European trade?

3-Rise of Ottomans geographic characteristics

4-Characteristics of Ottoman expansion

5-Differences in the way Ottomans traded

6-Characteristics of China’s brief participation in globalism

7-Reasons for China’s turn inwards

8-Advantages and drawbacks for the West prior to their emergence as a global power

9-details, and positive and negative effects of the Plague on Europe

10-All sources for Western dynamism

11-Where and why did strong regional monarchy rise in Europe?

12-From where did Europe get their technological innovations in the 13th and 14th centuries?

13-How did Renaissance culture differ from Medieval culture?

14-Why did Italy emerge as the location for the Renaissance

15-What trading advantages did Genoa enjoy verses Venice?

16-Outside of Italy, where did Europe see the greatest political change in the 14th and 15th centuries? Why?

17-What was unique about Iberian states at this time?

18-What were the economic difficulties experienced by the West by 1400? How did they respond?

19-What was the base of Polynesian culture by 1400? Characteristics of Polynesian migration

20-Characteristics of Hawaiian culture

21-Contrast New Zealand and Hawaii

22-What is ethnocentrism?

23-Status of Inca and Aztec empires at the time of European contact

24-Characteristics of Europe’s relationship with Sub-Saharan Africa ca 1500?

Chapter 16-The Transformation of the West

1-Transition from agricultural to manufacturing society in Europe

2-How did the Renaissance relate to culture, economics and politics?

3-Characteristics of Italian Humanism

4-What were the characteristics of the relationship between the Italian city-states during the Renaissance?

5-What were the causes of the start of the decline of the Italian Renaissance around 1500?

6-What were the differences between the Northern and the Italian Renaissance?

7-How did family structures change in Europe starting around the 15th century?

8-How was marriage age determined in Europe ca 15th century?

9-What and whom caused the Protestant Reformation?

10-Specifically, what did Martin Luther want?

11-Why did the German Elite support Luther?

12-Why did commoners support Luther?

13-What and whom caused the Anglican Church?

14-Describe the characteristics of Calvinism

15-How did Calvinism impact Europe?

16-What were the causes and characteristics of the Catholic Reformation?

17-What was the Edict of Nantes?

18-What were the causes, characteristics, and consequences of the Thirty Years War?

19-What did the religious wars do to the power of Spain?

20-How did Europeans change their view of “family” following the Protestant and Catholic Reformations?

21-What were the characteristics of the commercial revolution of the 16th century?

22-How did Western European peasantry compare with Southeastern European peasantry?

23-What caused the class known as the proletariat to be created in Europe?

24-Who were the Deists? What were their characteristics?

25-How did the Western view of science compare to the rest of the world?

26-What were the characteristics of European absolute monarchy of the 16th century?

27-What were the causes and characteristics of Mercantilism?

28-Which nations in Europe developed absolute monarchy and which nations developed alternatives?

29-What were the characteristics of the Enlightenment and how did it relate to the Scientific Revolution?

30-How did agriculture change in the 18th century?

31-How did manufacturing change in the 18th century?

Chapter 17-The West and the World

1-What technology contributed to globalism by the 15th century?

2- What groups were left out of this globalism?

3- How did this global trade network compare with previous trade networks?

4-How did Magellan’s circumnavigation most affect S.E. Asia?

5- How did the northern Europeans take the initiative of exploration away from the southern Europeans?

6-Why did the English first sail to America?

7-Where did the Dutch rival other European exploring nations Why?

8-How did Dutch and British trade differ from the Iberians?

9-What was the Columbian Exchange and how did it affect the peoples of the world?

10- What areas did the new Western global trade fail to dominate? Why?

11-What is significant about the Battle of Lepanto?

12-What caused Spain to loose its position of dominance in world trade?

13-What was Mercantilism?

14-What was the core zone? The dependent zone? How did they relate?

15-What were coercive labor systems?

16-What were the characteristics of Asian civilizations in terms of their relationship of to the new global trade network?

17-What was Britain’s relationship to Mughal India?

18- What was the relationship I terms of trade between Eastern and Western Europe in the 17th century?

19-How did the Seven Years War impact India?

20-What were the cultural (religious) consequences of Spain’s conquest of the Philippines?

21-What impact did sugar have on global trade?

22-What was the Dutch relationship to South Africa?

23-In which colonies did Western values take root? Why?

24-Why were southern colonies initially more important in global trade than northern colonies in terms of the Americas?

25-Compare the cultural impact of Europe on Indians in South America to that of Indians in North America

Chapter 18-The Rise of Russia

1- What were the geographic characteristics of the Russian Empire?

2-What was the state of the Russian economy following the expulsion of the Mongols?

3-Why did the Russians want to expand in central Asia

4-Who were Cossacks?

5-What happened to central Asian nomads as a result of Russian expansion?

6-How did the “Ivans” relate to the West?

7-Who were the Boyars and what impact did they have on the Russian Empire?

8-Significance of czars Michael, and Alexis?

9-What was Peter the Great’s relationship to the West. What was the impact for Russia?

10-How did foreign policy change under Peter the Great?

11-What were Peter’s reforms?

12-Why was the Baltic Sea significant to Russia?

13-What were the characteristics of Peter’s economic reforms?

14-What Russian group became most influenced by the West?

15-What did Catherine the Great think about Westernization? Why?

16-How did Catherine relate to her nobles?

17-What were the differences in social organization between Russia and the West?

18-What happened to Russian Serfdom in 1649? What were the consequences?

19-Why did Eastern Europe develop coercive labor systems?

20-Describe the Russian class system in the 18th century?

21-Compare the government’s involvement in economic development in Western Europe v. Russia

22-What limited Russia’s agricultural expansion?

23-In what ways did Russia depend on the West economically? In what ways was it independent?

24-What characteristics did Eastern Europe share with Russia?

25-How did Poland relate to its neighbors? What were the characteristics of Polish government?

Chapter 19-Early Latin America

1-What were the characteristics of Iberian society at the time of contact with the Americas?

2-What Portuguese practices were extended to the Americas?

3-Where did the Spanish practice their model for American colonization. What did this model entail?

4-How did encomiendas work? Why did the Spanish abandon the practice?

5-Significance of de Las Casas

6-What was the Indian response to conquest?

7-Describe the impact of European diseases on Native Americans

8-How did the Spanish treat the Indian Nobility? Why?

9-What was Mita-what did it replace?

10-What were the characteristics of the Spanish economy in America?

11-What was the significance of gold in Spanish America for the peoples of the world? Silver?

12-Why was the discovery of Mercury significant for Spain?

13-What were the characteristics of Agriculture in Spanish America?

14-Wat was Seville’s role in the Spanish colonial economy?

15-Describe the Spanish convoy system

16- How did the importation of Bullion negatively impact Spain?

17-What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? When did it occur?

18-What was Recopilacion?

19-What were audiencias?

20- What did the Catholic Church introduce to the Americas?

21- Where did the plantation economy first take root in the Americas

22-What were captaincies?

23-What was the population breakdown of Brazil in 1700?

24-What were the key differences between the Spanish and Portuguese Empires?

25-What undercut the Portuguese sugar monopoly in Europe?

26-How did the discovery of gold negatively impact Portugal?

27-What was the basis for social hierarchy in the Americas?

28-What was commercio libre?

29-What were the 18th century reforms made by the Spanish regarding America? What was their impact?

30-Who was Tupac Amaru?

31-Why did the colonial revolutions against Spain and Portugal during the 18th century fail?


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