4th Grade Animal Research Paper and Animal Poster


Animal Research Report Packet

Animal Name: _________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________

4th Grade Animal Research Report

We will be working on an animal research project at school over the next several weeks. This project will tie the students’ writing, reading, and science instruction together. Significant research and writing time will be given at school. Students will be seeking out at least four sources of information via the library and internet sites. Students will also be responsible for creating a food web for the animal that they chose. Students may hand write the final draft or type it if they wish. Please have the student hand in a hard copy of their report and not a disk, flash drive, or email. Thank you for your support with this ahead of time. Please let me know if you have questions.

Mr. Richard



Report Steps

1. Students signed up for an animal to research.

2. Following the Animal Research Paper Outline, students will record notes for each major area (subtopic) of their report. We will be doing most of this portion in class. On these notes, students will write information that is found about the chosen animal. Students will use their own words, paraphrasing, not copying information word for word.

3. Students will write a minimum of one paragraph for each subtopic. Remember paragraphs must have at least four sentences in them. These paragraphs will eventually get proofread and put together (in the order of the outline) to create the research paper.

4. Students will be keeping track of their sources. They will need at least four. To keep it simple, please use the attached Research Resource Format. We will be going over during class.

5. Students will include a graphic aid to show a food web that includes the animal that they chose. This must be created by the students, therefore it cannot be printed off from the internet. The food web will need to include the following parts:

❑ The animal that is researched in the food web

❑ Food that the animal eats (plants and/or other animals)

❑ Animals that eat the researched animal (if any)

❑ Arrows showing the correct transfer of energy

❑ The sun as the beginning of the food web

Animal Research Paper Outline

 *Suggestions are given for each subtopic to help expand ideas. All questions do not need to be answered; rather they are ideas to work from.

1.  Introduction - Tell why you chose this animal. Tell what made you “connect” with this animal.  Did you know something about it?  Have you owned this kind of animal?  Do you wish you owned one? Have you ever wanted to work with this kind of animal?  Is there something unique only to this kind of animal? What do you hope to learn?


2.  Characteristics - Tell about your animal.  How does it look?  What adaptations does it have that help it survive?  Does it reproduce through eggs or live birth?  Are there other animals related to or “similar” to this animal?


3.  Food/Water - What does it eat and what are the sources for its water? How does it get its food? Does it have any adaptations to help it get its food? Is it an herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?


4.  Habitat - What kind of shelter does the animal need?  What kind of space does it need to live comfortably?  What is the “arrangement” needed (desert, aquatic, woodland, meadow, etc.)? What part of the United States and/or the world does it live?


5.  Predators - What animals are its predators?  What does this animal do to stay safe? What threatens this animal’s survival? Do humans have and impact on this type of an animal? Is it endangered?

6.  Conclusion - Write a summary of what you learned.  What do you “think” about what you learned?  What future do you predict for this animal?  If you could do something to help insure that it does not become extinct, what would you do?  Try to use a sentence starter from our “Ways to Push Your Thinking” list.


7.  Works Cited - Make a list of every book and computer site that you got information from.

Animal Research Paper Rubric

Points Possible


Simply decorated Cover Page…………………………………………..0  1   2

(Includes the name of the animal and YOUR first and last names)



Sections (Subheadings) of Paper

Introduction …………………………………………………………….0 1  2  3  4 

Characteristics …………………………………………………………0 1  2  3  4 

Food/Water..…………………………………………………………....0 1  2  3  4 

Habitat  …………………………………………………………………0 1  2  3  4  

Predators …………………………………………………………...…0 1  2  3  4   

Conclusion …………………………………………………………….0 1  2  3  4  

Works cited page (need at least 4 sources).………………………0 1  2  3  4   


Good organization and use of subheadings…………………………………………….....................0 1  2  3  4  


Good mechanics. ……………………………………………………0 1  2  3  4  

(Few spelling errors, few punctuation errors, strong sentences)   

Food Web …………………………………………………………………0 1  2  3  4




Total Points Earned                        /42



Research Resource Format

Works Cited


Author (last name first). Title. City where the book was published: Publisher, copyright date.


Johnson, Eric. Fish with Wings. Miami: Marine Press, 1990.

Internet Sources

Author (last name first). “Title of article.” Date of access (when did you go on this website). Electronic address


Abrams, Marietta. “Fascinating Fish.” 13 March 2016.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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