Chemistry Article Portfolio

Chemistry Article Portfolio

You will be reading ten articles about recent events/advancements in chemistry. For your portfolio, you will include a copy of each article, and a summary of the article. You must type your questions and responses to the questions for each article. I have selected the first articles for you, but the last articles you will choose.

Article 1:

At the bottom of this article, there is a list of elements. Choose one element, click on the link for it, and address the following questions.

• Which element did you choose? Draw its alchemical symbol.

• Did your element have any other names, symbols, or interesting history?

Once you choose your element, click on the link for the name of the element and answer the following questions.

• How and when was your element discovered?

• What is the word origin of this element?

• What is the current chemical symbol for this element? Does this make sense to you?

• What are some uses for the element?

• Give some other interesting trivia about your element.

• Why did you select this element for this article?

Article 2:

• In your opinion, why is this discovery significant?

• What would you name element 117? Why?

• Do you think there is a limit to the number of elements that scientists can create? Why or why not?

Article 3:

• Why would it take so long to choose a name for a new element?

• If scientists ever create element 118, it will go at the end of the seventh row of the periodic table. Where would you then put element 119?

• Based on your knowledge of protons, neutrons, and electrons, can you propose two elements that could be smashed together to create element 118?

Article 4:

• How does glass get its color?

• Which type of glass do you think would be most expensive? Why?

At the bottom of this article is a link to “flame tests” under Suggested Reading. Click on this link to answer the following question.

• Based on your knowledge of flame tests and glassmaking, how can this chemistry be applied to fireworks, street lamps, and safety flares? Use specific examples from the articles.

Article 5:

This site is a link to some videos about famous chemists. Select one of the videos and write a summary based on the following questions.

• Write a brief biography of your scientist.

• What factors/events influenced their decision to become a scientist?

• Describe a teacher who has had a significant impact on you. You do not need to provide names, but describe their influence and how it has affected your life.

Article 6:

This is a true story about the Nobel Prize and Nazi Germany. After you read it, address the following questions.

• What would you have done with the Nobel Prize if you were in this situation?

• Write the chemical equation for the reaction of gold with hydrochloric acid (after we study writing equations in unit 8).

Article 7:

This article is about the chemistry of swimming pools. Once you read the article, respond to the following questions.

• Explain the dangers of swimming in a public pool, or even working at one.

• Are there safety measures that can be taken to prevent illnesses from a pool?

• What did you learn from this article that surprised you the most?

• Will you continue to swim in a public pool after reading this?? Justify your response.

Articles 8-10:

The last three articles will be selected by you. To help get you started are some links.

International Year of Chemistry – highlights a different invention for each day of the year.

Science Daily – current events about many areas of science. Just stick to the chemistry-related ones!

For each article, address the following questions.

• What is significant about the topic of your article?

• Why did you choose this article? What interested you about it?

• What connections can you make between your article and your life outside of chemistry class?

Grading Rubric:

Each article will count 10 points toward a total possible score of 100. This assignment will count 15% of your quarter grade. For each article -

• Copy of article included (2)

• Summary typed in complete sentences with questions included (2)

• Evidence of thought and effort in summary (5)

Once you have all the articles and summaries assembled, place them in a folder with clips or a small notebook. Make sure you bring the portfolio and submit it on time!

• Portfolio assembled in a folder/notebook (5)

• Portfolio turned in on time (5)

Portfolios are due on ___________________________________________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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