World History II- Imperialism Review (Chapters 11 & 12)

World History II- Imperialism Review (Chapters 11 & 12)

Terms to identify (state what it is and why it is important):


Social Darwinism

Berlin Conference 1884-1885

Menelik II

Suez Canal

“jewel in the crown”


Opium War

Taiping Rebellion

Boxer Rebellion

Matthew Perry

Meiji era

Russo-Japanese War

Crimean War

Monroe Doctrine

Spanish-American War

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Benito Juarez


Sphere of influence


Economic imperialism

Direct rule vs. indirect rule


Cash crops


Review Questions:

1. What motives caused the nations of Europe to engage in imperialistic activities?

2. What inventions made it possible for Europeans to go into Africa finally? What prevented them from doing so before the age of industrialization?

3. Which countries in Africa remained independent?

4. What effect did the Boer war have on Africa?

5. How did Ethiopia resist European rule so successfully?

6. Why did the European nations have an interest in controlling the Muslim lands?

7. How did the British rule India?

8. How was the economy of India transformed by the British?

9. What caused the Sepoy mutiny?

10. What were the two nationalist groups in India that formed as a result of growing Indian nationalism?

11. How did Siam manage to remain independent when other countries in the area were colonized?

12. Describe the attitudes held by Americans about colonizing other lands

13. Why did the British view the Suez Canal as the lifeline of their empire?

14. Why was China traditionally not interested in trading with the West?

15. What conditions during the Qing Dynasty gave rise to the Taiping Rebellion?

16. What events caused Japan to end its isolation and begin to westernize?

17. What were the results of Japan’s growing imperialism at the end of the 19th century?

18. How were Latin American caudillos able to achieve power and hold on to it?

19. Why was the United States so intent on building the Panama Canal?

20. What land did the U.S. get in the Spanish American War?

21. Who was Queen Liliuokalani?

22. What were the major causes of tension between the Mexicans and the American colonists who settled in Texas?


You will also have to be able to label some things on a blank world map:

Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Japan, India, China

British colonies, French colonies, German colonies, Japanese colonies


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