Dialectical Journal Handout - Santiago Canyon College

The Dialectical Journal

Sometimes you’ll be writing journals in response to questions about the reading. The journal is especially valuable for close reading and for practice in finding relevant quotes.

The Dialectical Journal: How It Works

What is It?

The journal is a double-entry note-taking process done while the student is reading literature. It provides students with two columns in dialogue with one another, developing a method of critical reading and encouraging habits of reflective questioning.

How is It Done?

The student begins by drawing a line down the middle of the notebook paper, making two columns. The left column is used for traditional note forms of direct quotations and citations or summaries. The right column is used for commenting on the left-column notes. As the student keeps taking notes, s/he should regularly re-read previous pages of notes and comments, drawing any new connections in a right-column summary before starting another page of note-taking/note-making.

Sample Page:

Note-taking Note-Making___________________________

Citation----------------------------------------------- This is important because…

------------------------------------------------ (page #)


------------------------------------------------ (page #)

Quote from another page--------------------------- I think the protagonist did this because…

Quote from another page--------------------------- This reminds me of the earlier scene when…

------------------------------------------------ (page #)

This quote reveals…

Why is It Important?

In the right-hand column students “own” the new facts by putting them in their own words or by raising their own questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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