Explain why family life is important for Hindus. Sample ...

[Pages:1]GCSE Hinduism ? Year 2 Section 3

Marriage and the family

6.3.6. Hindu teachings on family life and its importance.

Outline Hindu teachings on family life. 2009 6 marks The main teachings are:

parents are expected to look after their children well; parents should bring their children up in the Hindu faith; parents should set a good example of the Hindu life parents should perform daily puja in the home; children should obey and respect their parents; children should care for their parents when they can no longer care for themselves. Mothers and fathers have different roles

Explain why family life is important in Hinduism. 2007 8marks The main reasons are:

The family was created by Brahman to keep society together; all Hindus must raise a family in the householder stage of life to reachmoksha; the family is the place where children learn about Hinduism; most Hindu worship happens in the home.

Explain why family life is important for Hindus. Sample 2009 8 marks

The main reasons are: every Hindu must go through the householder stage of life unless a Hindu performs his/her duties as a householder and raises a family, they will not achieve moksha. So Hinduism sees the family as a duty everyone must take part in to reach nirvana Hinduism also teaches that the family was created as the basic unit of society and as the only place in which children should be brought up the family is the place where children learn the difference between right and wrong so that without the family there would be much more evil in the world in Hinduism, the family is the place where children are introduced to the faith through daily puja, being taken to mandir, celebrating festivals etc


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