ESL conversation lesson on leadership


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘leadership’? |

|2) |Do people automatically have leadership or must they learn it? |

|3) |Why is good leadership important? |

|4) |What do you think of the leadership of your country? |

|5) |What is the most important thing a leader must remember about leadership? |

|6) |Have you ever been in positions of leadership? |

|7) |What leadership quality do you most value/admire? |

|8) |Who in the world do you think possesses the greatest leadership skills? |

|9) |Would you like to take a course in leadership? |

|10) |What do you think of the leadership of the US President and your country’s leader? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |What leadership qualities do you have? |

|2) |What leadership qualities do you want or need in the future? |

|3) |Are people who have leadership qualities more physically attractive than people with no leadership skills? |

|4) |Is there always stress with leadership? |

|5) |Does leadership exist in a romantic partnership? |

|6) |Is leadership an art or a science? |

|7) |Do you think people with no leadership skills have a more or les happy life? |

|8) |Does good leadership require bullying? |

|9) |What different kinds of leadership styles are there? |

|10) |How often are there leadership battles in your country? Do they interest you? |


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