Study Guide- Chapter 16

Bentley Chapter 10 Study Guide: Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase

Early Developments of Greek Society (p. 190)

1. What civilizations influenced the building of Greek societies?

The World of the Polis: The Polis (p. 191-192)

2. Describe the functions of the most important institution in Greece.

3. Describe the various political forms of the poleis.

The World of the Polis: Spartan Society (p. 193)

4. Describe Spartan society.

The World of the Polis: Athens (p. 193)

5. How did Athens differ from Sparta? Be sure to include specifics about the Athenian government.

The World of the Polis: Pericles (p. 194)

6. In the previous section, Solon , the leader of Athens, introduced many reforms. How did these reforms transform Athens?

Greece and the Larger World

Greek Colonization (p. 194)

7. What caused the Greeks to create colonies and where did they establish their colonies?

Greek Colonization: Effects of Greek Colonization (p. 195)

8. What was the impact of Greek colonization?

Conflict with Persia (p. 195-196)

9. What Persian dynasty fought against the Greeks in the Persian wars?

Conflict with Persia: The Persian Wars (p. 196)

10. Describe interactions between the Greeks and Persians.

The Macedonians and the Coming of Empire: Philip of Macedon (p. 197)

11. Why were the Greeks easily conquered by Philip of Macedon?

The Macedonians and the Coming of Empire: Alexander’s Conquest (p. 197-199)

12. Describe characteristics of Alexander.

13. What was the extent of Alexander’s empire by 324 BCE?

The Hellenistic Empires: The Hellenistic Era (p. 200)

14. What is the Hellenistic Age?

15. How did Hellenistic empires help to integrate the economies and societies of distant regions?

The Hellenistic Empires: Alexandria (p. 201)

16. Describe the magnificent city of Alexandria. Be sure to include the functions of the city, the people, and culture.

The Hellenistic Empires: The Seleucid Empire (p. 201)

17. Explain how Greek influence expanded during the Hellenistic Era, in particular under the Seleucid empire.

The Fruits of Trade: Greek Economy and Society

Trade and the integration of the Mediterranean Basin: Trade (p. 201-202)

18. What crops did the Greeks cultivate and profit from?

19. Describe how the Greeks increased trade with surrounding civilizations.

20. List the products that were exchanged. Be sure to include where the products came from.

Trade and the integration of the Mediterranean Basin: Commercial and Economic Organization (p. 202)

21. How did large volumes of trade promote commercial and economic organization?

Family and Society: Patriarchal Society (p. 203)

22. Describe the patriarchal societies in Greece. How did Sparta differ?

Family and Society: Slavery (p. 203)

23. Where did slaves in Greek society come from?

The Cultural Life of Classical Greece

Rational Though and Philosophy: Greek Science and Mathematics (p. 204)

24. What civilizations did the Greek thinkers borrow from?

25. Describe why Greek science was remarkable.

Rational Though and Philosophy: Greek Philosophy (p. 204)

26. What is Greek philosophy?

Rational Though and Philosophy: Socrates (p. 204)

27. Describe Socrates philosophy and why it condemned him to death.

Rational Though and Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle (p. 205-206)

28. Read the sections on Plato and Aristotle, how did their political views differ?

29. Under the Aristotle section: How did Greek philosophy, as well as Plato and Aristotle, play and important role in world history?

Popular Religion: Tragic Drama (p. 207)

30. Explain the issues that Greek tragedies and comedies dealt with.

Hellenistic Philosophy and Religion: The Hellenistic Philosophers (p. 207)

31. Describe each of the most popular Hellenistic philosophies: the Epicureans, the Skeptics, and the Stoics.


Terry G150


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