Denial of reality, rejection of truth, compromise, and mental shut down is at an all time high! Most see what is happening through the eyes of the TV or computer, but still remain dull to the reality of its impact on their own lives. Most make every mental adjustment to hold on to the slavery of the matrix, rather than step out into the freedom offered by the Elohim of the Scriptures. Oh the joys of living free of what man says we have to have to be happy!!!

Thus, tragically, most will die right where they are. Most have rejected the warnings, or pushed them away, and have done nothing to prepare to meet their Elohim, so have closed the door to His speaking into their lives. Faith is an action word. He must see us acting on what He has said before He will begin to direct us. But, sad to say, most just do not know Him, nor care to--they’ve got their religion, their rabbis, their pastors, their teachers, and their circle of friends that agree with them, and frankly, His truth just gets in their way of their continuing their chosen lifestyle.

In the book of Yermiyahu (Jeremiah), He finally tells the prophet after all the years of his warnings to stop praying for the people, because they have not heeded the warnings, and He won’t answer their prayers when they are in panic and terror. He pleads, throughout the book of Yermiyahu, with His people, telling them to listen to the voices of the true prophets, but at best, they give the words of Ezekiel 33: “I thank you for your nice message--it was very interesting—thank you for coming”. But, they do nothing to apply it to their lives. Instead they listen to the prophets who tell them “everything is all right--go on with life as usual—nothing will happen to us”. But, then Yahuweh Elohim addresses that too.

I hope you listened to Obama’s speech to the nation, Thursday May 20th, or read it. In it were clear directives of where he’s leading the world, even revealing the timing of his plan. If you’ve followed the articles since “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition” (2007) then you now what time it is.

But, now more than ever its clear – clear to those what know the words of the Prophets of the Word, and who have been following the why behind everything of late. John 16:13 says that the Spirit (Yahuweh’s Spirit) will show us things to come. As we study the Prophetic Word, He relates it to current events, and then directs us to find confirmation of the connection. I’ve tried to give the why on about

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everything. The dots are almost totally connected, giving a very clear picture of what is soon to come. Only a fool would not prepare for what is obviously on the horizon. Many seculars and ex-military people are fleeing out the US. They know the Trilateral Commission is coming down, as I reported in “Japan, March 15th and March 19th”, and in the study “NAFTA and the Ten Horns” (July 2006). They know that the dominos are falling, which began with Japan, and they know what will soon happen militarily to destroy the American people, as well as the destruction that will come from man-created upheavals of the earth. Many are going into Central and South America. They know that the G-8 nations, and other western-based nations, are not safe.

It is suspicious that F.E.M.A. is preparing openly for an earthquake along the New Madrid fault line. Just using a little HAARP will do it. I will soon be sending out the update on how HAARP has created a world web of plasma that we’re breathing that has the ability to destroy our ability to think clearly.

Isn’t it time you got the Word into your spirit, so that if your mind goes dead, you can still function with the “mind of the spirit?” (Refer to: Living From the Eternal Mind” and “How To Keep Functioning in Peace and Joy When Project Blue Beam Does Everything Possible to Make Sure Your Mind Shuts Down For Their Takeover/April 3, 2011) Project Blue Beam and the HAARP pulse waves will work together for the takeover of the minds of every person on the planet. Already similar waves, called “the sound of silence” are dulling your mind in a hypnotic way through the television. Refer to: “Beware of Digital TV”.

Regarding the chaos in the Middle East: Believe me! It has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with “Democracy”!

If you’ve read my nine Updates since January (2011) began, you know that the Middle East riots were led and controlled by CIA mercenaries—using people not even of the ethnic origin of the countries they infiltrated. The world of the east has no concept of Greek philosophical political ideals – even the Greeks said that Democracy was the poorest form of government on earth – it leads to the rioting of a riled up majority, who usually are wrong because of the lies they’ve believed, overthrowing the truthful minority.

Keeping the masses ignorant keeps them controllable, and thus Democracy is an easy system to control. Most of you know that over much of the last 100 years, the Illuminati world leadership has controlled who became President of America, using the power of the media over the minds of the citizens. When truth is uncovered, like with the 9/11 government-orchestrated attack, most people won’t

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listen to truth, even when it’s documented--nationalistic pride is so ingrained, few want to hear truth. America gave Afghanistan Democracy and they chose Islamic “shira” law – the most binding and restrictive Muslim law of all, which allows for all sorts of violations of human rights. As a child, Obama was raised in “Wahabi Islam”--the most radical and strict of all.

By the world’s Luciferic elite’s methodically carrying out overthrow of stable leadership in Middle Eastern nations, using American pressure, the radical hate-filled terrorist organization “the Muslim Brotherhood” and their “branch” Hamas, are taking over these nations. The recent Fatah-Hamas pact was signed in Cairo. The signing was attended by western peace advocates, including Israeli leaders, as well as by Arab MKs (Members of the Knesset governing body of Israel). This pact was the joining of two terrorist organizations. Fatah is the terrorist arm of the Palestinian Authority. They have the same goals as Hamas, just under a whitewash of respectability. Yet, the U.S. and E.U. still pour billions of dollars into supporting the Palestinian Authority-Fatah. Do the leaders of western nations and of the United Nations know that Fatah is a terrorist organization? I ask you: Does the Pope know he’s Catholic?

From Ha’aretz, May 20th: “Egyptian FM: Renewal of Cairo-Tehran ties shouldn’t worry Israel”. Oh course not – why should Israel be concerned that now the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt is making pacts with Iran?

What is so insane about all of this is that the majority of the world’s people buy the lies and deceptions of the Arab world, and turn on Israel. Recently a union of England’s college students openly sided with the Palestinian cause against Israel. More and more Europeans are openly siding with the Palestinians as a whole. Many Roman Catholic countries of Central and South America are standing against Israel, being “pro-Palestinian”. We have Zechariah 12:2-3 my friends. But, for many years now, no country has their embassy in Jerusalem--all have moved to Tel Aviv, for from 1947 the U.N. has had Jerusalem under their authority.

Israel raised the living standards of the Palestinians in Gaza 70%, and in other parts of the country too. They gave citizenship to the Arabs living in the land in 1948. Yet, in Arab countries, like Iraq, the Jews living there were forced out. Many Israeli Arabs are turning on Israel. Now, the cry for peace is so desperate that many Israelis are saying “peace at any cost”--give the Arabs what they want.

Abbas, leader of the PA, is a top-ranking Mason-Illuminati figure. Thus

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he furthers the chaos that will bring the order. The Illuminati motto is “Out of chaos, order”—the new world order. The Illuminati is simply the headship of the above 33rd degree Masons, the Roman Catholic Vatican Jesuit hierarchy, and the “Black Royalty of Europe”, of which the Pope ranks second under the Queen of England--both leading supporters of Hitler in WW II, along with America. Abbas rejects the existence of the Holocaust and teaches the Palestinian youth to do so also. Neither he, nor Hamas, believe in Israeli’s right to exist. How can there be peace when the driving force behind the enemy is to destroy every Jew, and take the land of Israel totally for themselves? How can there be any peace when Israel will be forced to receive millions of refugees who fled the land on their own volition in 1948?

Now Abbas is lying about 1948 history. He said recently: "In November 1947, the General Assembly made its recommendation and answered in the affirmative. Shortly thereafter, Zionist forces expelled Palestinian Arabs to ensure a decisive Jewish majority in the future state of Israel, and Arab armies intervened. War and further expulsions ensued." This is his reason why seven nations attacked Israel on May 15, 1948, slaughtering many Jews. But, the world listens to him.

This evil man and his PA/Fatah is supported by the U.S. taxpayer’s money, and with weapons that he will use against Israel. He does not use the money to help poor Palestinians anymore than Hamas uses the

money given to help the people of Gaza. In fact, recently the PA

passed a law to grant all convicted terrorists in Israeli prisons a monthly salary, from arrest to release, including planners of suicide bombings. More than 6,000 Palestinians are currently serving time in Israeli prisons for terror-related offenses, many for mass murder. Yet, America and the E.U. continue to pour billions into the PA yearly. Hey-that’s your money!

On Nakba day, May 15th, (refer to my update on that “In The Thick of It”), Syrians poured through the meager fence border at Majdal Shams below Mt. Hermon, and the IDF was totally unprepared for it. Lebanese poured across the border at Kuneitra. The IDF thought that Nakba day would be no problem. Instead, they showed the Muslim world that all they have to do is storm the fences and they can overrun into Israel. It was hard for me to watch the videos of this, because I know exactly where they came through at Majdal Shams (a Druze village). This area is very familiar to me. Israel is not prepared for what is coming. Pray for the soldiers of the IDF and the IAF – pray for their leadership. These precious lives are being put on the line over and over. In Gaza

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there was trouble. In the “west bank” there was trouble. I was in the Old City Jewish Quarter when violence broke out last weekend in the very neighborhood I stayed in when I arrived in Israel in March (Silwan) to do intercession.

The word “Hamas” in Hebrew means “violence”, but not just any violence. It also means “cruelty, damage, injustice, oppression, unrighteousness, violent dealings, and wickedness”.

Israel knows that in the next war, which is close, that this time there will be a lot of civilian casualties. Come and put your feet on this land and intercede. As Israel goes, so goes America and the whole world!

Now for some insight on where Obama is taking the world. Since his nomination in 2008, I have written about 20 articles exposing him, using very documented facts, as well as giving the Spirit’s input on it. I have already stated that in his forcing of stable leaders out of office, not necessarily good leaders but at least leadership that had no desire to attack Israel, he has opened the door for the fulfillment of Part III of the Mazzini/Pike Plan, which I tell about in “Launching the Chaos” and “The Tumbling Snowball” (2011).

Netanyahu was enraged at Obama’s speech last night. Do you understand what it means for Israel to return to their pre-1967 borders? It’s their death warrant. They will be left indefensible. But, sad to say, he was not so enraged evidently from the good report of his meeting with Obama on Friday in the White House, where he said that he was willing to give away more land for peace. Yet, at the same time, he has given the go-ahead for building more apartments for Jews in East Jerusalem. What leverage does Obama have over the leadership of Israel? -- Evidently a lot...

Obama also said in his Thursday, May 20th, speech: “The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine”. Now look at a map of Israel. He’s saying that Israel will have no border with Jordan, or Egypt, or Syria (Golan), but that all of its borders are lined with Palestinian borders whose borders touch other countries in the Muslim world. Would any nation on earth accept destructive, sadistic, cruel and terrorist enemies to leave the Mediterranean as their only viable means of escape? Back in 1948, the Arab war cry was to drive the Jews into the Sea. If any nation had such vicious terrorists on their own soil, would

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they try to negotiate peace with them, especially if the terrorists didn’t even recognize their right to exist? Neither Hamas or Fatan or any other Muslim nation recognizes their right to exist. At least Egypt made a treaty with Israel that they upheld. Jordan also has a peace treaty with Israel, which they’ve upheld. But, with Obama’s plan, Israel will not even border Jordan.

I hope you have been concerned enough to have put a good map of Israel on your wall showing towns and regions, and you know what territories are Palestinian and which are clearly Israeli. You should also have a good world map on your wall. If you are outside of the illusionary matrix box of western society, then you are much in the Word daily, in prayer, and in preparations to get free in all ways so that you might be of good to the Master, and to yourself and your family, and you are reaching out to others like never before to bring them the good news of a triumphant Savior. See with your eyes every day what Yahuweh is doing, participate in it, and praise Him for it!

Obama’s ideas that they give away territory before discussing the right of return and East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capitol, is very upsetting. Once the Palestinians get what they want, they won’t return to the discussion table.

Look at a map of the huge Arab world, mostly with desolate uninhabited land, and teeny little Israel. We know this chaos that is purposely being created is satanic-led. Satan/Lucifer/the Devil wants East Jerusalem. Please study through the article “East Jerusalem”, and allow the Spirit to give you revelation knowledge on what is happening. The Old City and the City of David—East Jerusalem, is, right now, in “west bank” territory, which takes the areas of Benjamin and Ephraim--ancient Samaria. The heartland of Israel has been taken over by enemies.

As I have shown in previous articles this year, and in previous years, Obama is a die-hard Muslim, leader in the Muslim Brotherhood. Part of his job was to start the final war that will lead to the coming of a world ruler and his false prophet. He’s done it! He’s set it in motion, and now he’s adding fuel to the fire. He’s a hero now. He’s been so bold as to have Osama bin Lauden killed. Now, the ignorant masses of the “free world” feel so much better. He’s their man now. Many are calling for him to take his new bold stand and force peace in the Middle East. Did you read that last statement carefully? Read it again. Yes, many are saying that unless He steps in and orders peace, the

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problems will continue. Now, he’s drunk with his own power, as if he wasn’t before. He has 20 “czars” in the White House who are only responsible to him--to carry out his will. His plan is to leave Israel indefensible and bring in hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into the country. He’s also allowing the U.S. to fill up with known terrorists and potential terrorists. Now that he’s a hero, the media is hyping him as “undefeatable” in the 2012 elections. Will the world community also, as they did in 2008-2009, hype him as the world’s president--the world’s ruler? He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for what he “would do” in the future. Did the world community give him the prize, knowing he would be called upon to make peace in the Middle East? With the media behind him, he just may be undefeatable.

Twenty-two percent of America’s ground troops in Iraq are convicted felons, released from our prisons to carry out the atrocities against Iraqi civilians that we’re guilty of. Now, these vicious mercenaries with no conscious are returning to the US with military training, training in the use of explosives, and knowledge of how to kill, torture, and maim that they didn’t even think of before. Once Obama, diagnosed by leading authorities on narcissism who warned the American people that he was a very dangerous narcissist, turns on the American people, you will wish with all your heart that you had listened to those of us telling you to get out of America!

Read this carefully and do your own investigation: Obama is pushing to divide the land of Israel, to force “peace” for his own political gain. (Joel 3:2b, Daniel 11:39). The world ruler comes against the “covenant”. Lets tie this together. The word “divide” in both Joel and Daniel, in Hebrew, means: “to be smooth like stones used for casting lots, to apportion (allot), separate, deal, distribute divide, flatter, give, pact, take away a portion, separate self, to be smooth”. The word “flatter” doesn’t seem to fit with “divide”, but it does. In Daniel 11:31-35 it is flattery (disguising true intent) that causes the set-apart ones to stumble, fall, and even die. In Daniel 11:32, 34, the world ruler comes in with flattery, and fools a lot of people. The word used for “flattery” is the feminine of the word used for “divide”. Flattery divides the fools from the wise.

The word for “covenant”, used in Daniel 11:32, means to make a pact or league by cutting flesh and passing through the pieces. In Daniel 9:26, it means to make covenant by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces. We’re talking here about the Abrahamic Covenant

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of both the land, and the seed of Isaac and Jacob. (Genesis 15:4-21).

So the world ruler who comes to divide the land is reproaching and trying to do away with the very covenant that Yahuweh made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the most serious attempt to breech the authority and will of Yahuweh every attempted since Lucifer’s rebellion. It was because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that Messiah came to die for his rebellious people. The attempt to divide the land is open blasphemy against the Most High. Daniel 11:38: “And the sovereign shall do as he pleases, and exalt himself and show himself to be great above every god, and speak incredible things against the El of gods, and shall prosper…” The world ruler will become the embodiment of Lucifer’s son Apollyon (Osiris/Nimrod, etc).

Daniel 8:23-25 says something similar, but the context is Gulf War II to the present (Refer to the article “Daniel 8”).

If Obama forces this ludicrous peace deal, you do not want to be in America or any of its protectorate nations. You do not want to be in any G-8 nation either when this all comes down, for all of the G-8 nations are being infiltrated by Muslims, Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians. Yahuweh’s fury will be turned on America, and as the Prophets clearly state, it will be destroyed to the ground, by attacks from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and from within. Right now, America is surrounded by these nations, which have already made themselves known within American borders.

If the world gets tried of this “peace process” and turmoil in the Middle East, they will call on the world’s hero, the one called “messiah”, “the One”, and other names of worship. (Refer to: “Its All About Worship”--2009) He has the UN backing, and NATO backing. His bold move against “something” in Pakistan, whatever it was that they killed, has made him invincible in the eyes of many world leaders.

When I, and others, saw the CNN, BBC, announcement of the one world government, James Reuben, speaking for NATO, said: “What you are seeing in Kosovo is a demonstration of the core military of the one world government”. BBC said that the G-8 was the core of the economic government and that the President of the U.S. (then Clinton) and Tony Blair of England were the leaders of the new world order.

As I wrote in “Forerunning the False Prophet” (2011), Tony is now joined by Rick Warren to forerun the false prophet and bring all under a one-world religion.

The Presidency ended with George W. Bush! This “one” is not the President! I have articles proving the falsehood of the birth certificate issued recently to the public, as well as lists of why Obama and

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cohorts did not kill Osama, since Osama has been dead since 2001. I’ve written a lot about this through the years.

Did you prayed for Netanyahu yesterday (Friday, May 20th)? He met with Obama. The press says he is prepared to give away the “West Bank”, where hundreds of thousands of people live there in lovely towns and communities. We’re talking Shilo, Bet El – historical places for the Israelites from the time they entered the land. What will the Palestinians do to these lovely places? – The same as they did to Gaza – raze them all to the ground and leave only trash. What will they do to East Jerusalem? – The same--destroy every reminder of the last 3,000 years of Israelite history--your history. I have a list of what they want to give away--even “Christian sites”, like the Garden of Gethsemane. However, since Muslims are the off spring of the Roman Catholic Church, I suspect they will leave the Christian sites undamaged, especially since, right now, the Vatican owns the Temple Mount and allows them to oversee it. Already the Arabs in East Jerusalem are renaming streets and areas of East Jerusalem in Arabic. I’ve seen one of these new maps. This September, Abbas is confident that they will get their state declared. Is this LUKE 21:20 in the works? I believe so… When the Word talks about Jerusalem, it is referring to what today is called “East Jerusalem”.

Are you in much prayer? Do you realize what is about to happen to the nations that curse Israel and turn against her in her time of need? The leading betrayer is America. With all the rhetoric of how they will stand with Israel no matter what--it is all a scam. It’s always been a scam.

The countries of Ezekiel 38-39 are all in place. [Refer to the article/study “Ezekiel 38-39”, from August 2009]

In the face of all this pending chaos and wars they know are coming, Israel is going ahead with the building of 1500 new residences in East Jerusalem. I give them credit for having guts in the face of the Dragon. Their archeologists are uncovering tunnels that go back more than 3,000 years under the City of David, the Ophel and the Temple Mount. Cheer them on! Pray for the true peace of His land, which will come when Messiah comes.

Isaiah 17 not only talks about the total destruction of Damascus, only

40 miles as the crow flies on the other side of Mt. Hermon from Israel, but it talks about destruction all the way down to Ephraim, “the west bank” just above Jerusalem and clear over to the east of the Dead Sea at “the fords of Arnon” (Wadi Majib) in Jordan.

Why is Jordan virtually exempt from all of this chaos? It is clearer now. We know that Abba Yahuweh has secured the Petra area for His people in exile. I lived there for 8 years and watched all the preparations and

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wrote about them. Revelation 6:8-12 tells us that the world’s most powerful people are there. It is a UN headquarters, and has been for a long time. The US military has underground bases all around it. The World Bank has put multi-millions of dollars into preparing it. So, naturally they don’t want their hide out hurt. This is why Daniel 11:41 says that the world ruler will not mess with southern Jordan (the land of Edom).

But, Syria is in the pocket of Iran, and Assad is expendable. So, whoever takes out Damascus will be adding to the chaos grandiosely.

Well, my friends, do your own homework. Use this information as a launching pad. I’ve taught end times for over 45 years, and taught the Tenach, especially the Prophets, since 1963, so I know what’s coming and why. I’ve also studied the plans of the Illuminati groups. But, you can do that too! The future belongs to the disciplined, the trained and tested, the faithful, obedient servants of Yahuweh--there is no room for laziness in the face of eternity.

You don’t need me to tell you much when you have in your possession the study materials I have—the Word of Elohim. Get a pre-1995 James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible that uses the Mesoretic text as a base.



May 21, 2010

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(Much of the current-to-date information, Friday, May 20, 2011, taken from The Jerusalem Post weekend edition, The International Herald Tribune, and Ha’arebz)


|The Partition Plan- UN Resolution 181 - 29 Nov 1947 |

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175 × 320 - Map credits: Wikipedia. UN (1947) map based upon information supplied by the ...




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