Fat Wrestling

Fat Wrestling!

(Gift Story for Smappa)

At the beach city home by the mountain Amethyst was feeling very sweaty and short of breath.

She hadn't been lifting something heavy or been running 100 miles without a break (Or even having her weight work on her condition.), she was only very nervous about asking a certain someone a very sensitive question.

"Pearl? Is it okay if I could ask you for a small favour?" The fatted gem asked her team-mate and friend, who in return said. "That all depends on what the favour in question is."

"Well...how do I explain this? It is a bit like a "special event", where one needs a partner to stand on a stage in front of an audience, and make a really, really great show in order to win." Amethyst said, trying her hardest to not say what the actual "Show" in question was.

"Is it like a performance show where people of different places and culture meets to unite in artistic exchange?" Pearl asked in a very over hyped way, to which Amethyst just needed to say "Yeah...you could say that." for Pearl to grab and lift Amethyst up in the air and shout "I'm in!" (Before having to let go and let her drop onto the floor again, as Pearl still wasn't used having to lift something as heavy as Amethyst.)

"Oh, I can't wait to see how it all looks like!" Pearl said, sounding very excited.

----------------------------"One Scene Transition later-----------------------------------

"This does not look like I imagined it to be." Pearl later said in a much more disappointed tone once she and Amethyst both where waiting inside of the locker rooms in the wrestling locals.

"Amethyst! Did you trick me into joining one of your silly little wrestling gigs?" Pearl asked while confronting Pearl, forcing her into a corner. (And having Amethyst feel very tight, as the walls was pressing into her fat sides.)

"Y-Yes, but I really need to do it! I just wanted to get the highest local ranking award that one could get. The Spectrum Belt!" Amethyst said and tossed in some fake tears for good measures, hoping that they would make Pearl soften up to her reasons. (But they didn't.)

"And why's that so important to you?" Pearl asked, really interested in what reason Amethyst would give her.

"You have no idea how hard it is to get the Spectrum Belt! You need to win 50 matches, 20 of them in a row, and 30 of them with a partner! (Including this one!)" Amethyst explained.

"Then why didn't you ask Steven to help you with this match as well? Hasn't he been your partner in those 30 other ones?" Pearl asked.

"Cause today he had booked in his calendar to go and visit the cucumber festival with his dad." Amethyst answered.

"So then you decided to come and ask me. Isn't that nice?" Pearl said ironically, when a whole new perspective of the situation was rolled up in her head. "That is nice..." Pearl said before stop speaking in mid-sentence.

Amethyst was a bit worried that she had just broke her friend, when a big smile crept up on Pearl's blank face.

"Uhm...Pearl. Are you okay? You are scaring me a little bit." Amethyst said, when suddenly she got a new surprise hug from Pearl!

"Amethyst, you wonderfully and unpredictable creature! You are telling me that when Steven wasn't available, I became your second pick of the team?!" Pearl said, and seemed to even cry little tears of happiness over this.

"Uh, yeah. Of course. You where the number too to call." Amethyst said in her best lying voice. She had actually been thinking about asking Garnet instead of Pearl, but when she couldn't find that gem she had to go with her last option. (But she felt that Pearl didn't need to know that.)

"Oh! This will be so much fun to do now!" Pearl said as she let go of Amethyst, and instead went over to see how her hair was looking in the mirror. "I can't wait to tell Garnet this when we come back home later. She is going to get SO jealous!" Pearl said, and laughed a little to herself over how "special" she felt when getting picked by Amethyst.


"Anyway, time to try and get into character." Amethyst said, and transformed herself into her old wrestling shape. The Purple Puma!

Last time Pearl had seen Amethyst in this shape she had looked surprisingly bulky and muscular compared to her normal shape, but that change wasn't as great anymore.

With her added fatness even her transformations wasn't saved from being affected by it, and her alteration into her wrestling character (The Purple Puma) was no exception.

For those who don't know the Purple Puma is about 2-3 feet taller then when Amethyst is in her regular shape, wears typical wrestling trousers with suspenders and a mask, and has a very hairy chest with her gem sticking out of it. (And having a more "Male" like appearance.)


But now with her added weight she was having much more flab the muscles, her suspenders looked like they where about to snap off due to her incredibly huge size, and even if they would come off (along with her trousers) she would still not be showing anything as she had a gut that was hanging out a good solid 2 feet!

She looked much more like someone that had been a couch potato for 30 years, then a professional wrestler!

"What are you waiting on? Aren't you going to transform as well?" The Purple Puma asked, with Amethyst's voice sounding a lot more deeper and manly when in this form.

"So you are saying that we are not going to go out there as ourselves?" Pearl asked, making The Purple Puma face palm herself.

"That' why we get dressed up, and call ourselves silly names. To be someone we are not." The Purple Puma explained, to which it made Pearl a little bit excited again.

"So you mean this is like some type of role-playing?!" She asked, to which her partner just sighed and said "Sure, we can call it that."

Feeling like she was in her true element now Pearl let herself go through a similar transformation as Amethyst, but when she came out she looked more like she was going to perform in a ballet the wrestling.

"And what is that?!" The Purple Puma asked, feeling like she was going to go insane by Pearl's lack of knowing anything about wrestling.

"I have chosen a character that will suit my gemsona perfectly. Her name is Opal, and while being shy on words she is wonderful communicator when speaking through the language of dancing." Pearl said, and got herself into a nice ballet pose.

"You can't be seriously saying that will go on stage looking like that?!" The Purple Puma said, to which Opal simply replied "And you think you look great as that? I'll guess that your character is suppose to represent "strength", when ironically that is the one thing I can't see on this." before sticking her long staff deeply into the flabby belly of her friend.

"That's different! I actually show that I still got strength!" The Purple Puma said and tossed her arms up to flex the muscles she had. (But all Opal could see was how they where shaking and waving like two big masses of jelly.)

"Well, I can't see it." Opal simply replied, and turned away from the conversation.

This in return angered The Purple Puma really much, as she grabbed Opal and shouted "Change your character now!"

"Never!" Was all Opal said, and the Purple Puma was on her way to smash her partner when a staff member looked in and said "Purple Puma and...", before getting the name picked up by Pearl "Opal."

"Oh, thanks. Purple Puma and Opal, you two will be up on stage in 5 minutes." The staff guy said before leaving.

Hearing this Opal got herself free from Purple Puma's grip and said "Seems like I will get to perform as the character I wished for after all.", before walking out of the locker room and towards the stage.

The Purple Puma just sighed to herself over her partner getting the upper hand that easily, and mumbled to herself "Just don't make me lose because of this." as she joined her to the stage.


"And now it's time for the moment you have all been waiting on ladies and gentlemen! It's the final match where two teams will be fighting for the chance to win The Spectre Belt!" Mr. Smiley said as he was warming up the crowd from the game.

"Let me introduce to you in this corner our first team called Concrete Heat!" Mr. Smiley said and pointed to the left side of the ring, where two guys (One very big and muscular, and one being very short.) dressed as construction workers where waving to their fans in the crowd.

"And in this corner we have our reigning champion The Purple Puma, and his new partner just for this evening Opal!" Mr. Smiley said and pointed to the right side of the ring where The Purple Puma and Opal was standing, and while Amethyst was trying to look professional and cool as they stood there Pearl was to busy waving happily to everyone that was here.

"What are you doing? You are making us look dumb!" The Purple Puma whispered to her partner, who tried holding her put on smile while saying "Would it hurt so much to just try and spread some happiness here?"

"Yes it would!" The Purple Puma shouted back. (Almost letting out a real panther growl over his partner!)

"Fine. But you are only making it harder for me to enjoy this." Opal said, only making The Purple Panther look even more like he was going to pound her any second now!

"Okay...Let's quickly get this thing started before one of our teams ends up fighting each other, instead of their opponents!" Mr. Smiley said as he quickly started to read up the rules.

"This is a free for all match, meaning that there is no real rules or limitations to it. It will all be settled in one round where everyone is allowed to fight at the same time. The only real rule is that nothing from outside the ring is allowed to be used as a weapon in the fight, so you all better have brought something when you entered."

"We made sure to brought our things." The short one of the construction workers said, and showed that they had a big jackhammer, and a long chain in their corner.

"What?! Why didn't I get informed that I could have brought some of my junk?!" The Purple Puma said, not liking how winning the belt just got even harder.

But Opal looked much more confident with her role as she held out her long staff and said "Guess it was a good thing I decided to bring my weapon with me." to her partner, while trying to not sound "too much" like gloating.


"Purple Puma? Looks more to me like the "Plump" Puma!" The tall construction worker guy said, and they both laughed loudly over it.

"Oh! Just you wait until this start, and then you will get something to laugh at!" The Purple Puma shouted, and patted his chest to look intimidated. (But instead it caused his fat belly to shake, and only encourage the slob image that the opponents gave him just before.)

"Oh boy! Better start this thing now before something more happens!" Mr. Smiley said to himself, before reaching up the microphone to his mouth and say "Let the game being!"

With the bell ringing all of the fighters rushed out to the centre of the ring, shouting and charging like crazy! (Except for Opal, who still didn't fully knew how wresting was suppose to work.)

The first thing that happen was that The Purple Puma and the tall Construction Worker got locked into a grip holding each other hands high in the air, while the smaller guy goes for attacking Opal.

The tall guy and The Purple Puma is in this position for a few sweaty moments until the Purple Puma looks down at his big hanging gut, and gets an idea. With a powerful thrust he sends his big belly hard into the other guy, who was bunched away a few inches by the impact!

Opal on the other hand put a lot more of a "defensive" way of fighting, as she used many ballet movements to dodge the little guys attacks, and have him ending up hitting her staff on several occasions then her.

"Well, this is not so hard. This guy predictable patterns and combos makes it rather easy to block them." Opal said, which only angered the little man more.

"Oh! You want more of a challenge? I'll give you one!" He shouted before rushing back to his taller partner. (Who was getting up form the belly bump he had received earlier.)

"Let's do "The Wrecking Ball"!" The short guy said, and the taller one nodded in agreement as they both grabbed the long chain that they had brought.

Both The Purple Puma and Opal looked on confused over what they where planning, but the announcer knew about this trick as he said "Oh boy! Looks like Concrete Heat is about to prepare their feared Wrecking Ball move! I sure wouldn't want to be in 5 feet reach of that!"

"Wait? 5 feet reach? What does that mean?" Opal asked her partner, who in return just popped her knuckles and said "I think we are about to find out!"


The Wrecking Ball move in question was about the taller guy grabbing one end of the chain and start spinning it over his head, while the smaller guy held on to the other end and worked as the "wrecking ball" itself!

It turned out to be a very successful move as every hit the smaller guy to lend in on the other two sent them flying into the rubber bars, and he was flying around so quickly that neither of them could have the time to hit him!

"Dang it! He is being swung so quickly that we can't get in reach to hit them!" The Purple Puma said, as he hopelessly tried to hit the smaller wrestler several times.

That's when Opal suddenly got an idea and said "Purple Puma. I want you to graciously toss me into the air, like if I was a golden brown leaf in the autumns wind." to her partner, who in return just said a confused "Huh?"

"Just throw me up wont you?" Opal then asked in a bit more of an annoying and straight forward tone.

While not getting why she wanted it to happen Purple Puma was about to grab her when he spotted something else. A loose board on the floor, and Opal just so happen to be standing on the other end of it.

"Okay. Hope you have a nice flight." The Purple Puma said before stomping super hard into one end of the loose board, and sending her duo partner all the way up into the level of the ceiling in a quick second!

Now flying freely for a brief moment Opal focused down towards the "Eye of the hurricane" (That in this case was the tall guy swinging the smaller guy around him.), and she dived down to try and hit bull's-eye!

While not hard enough to knock the guy out the impact Opal made was enough to make him let go of the chain, resulting in the smaller guy smashing into on of the corner posts of the ring! (And getting temporary knocked out.)


Feeling really upset (And a little scared) over losing his wrestling partner the taller guy decides to take out the "big guns", and grabs a hold onto the massive jackhammer!

"Purple Puma look out!" Opal shouted, but it was to late!

Right when Purple Puma turned around to face him he showed the enormous drill right into the fat belly of the wrestling gem, and turned it on!

Opal first screamed "NOOOO!!!" and was about to rush over to cut the horrible man in two with her spear when she saw that her overweight partner was...enjoying it?!

With a deep "OOOOHHHHH!!!!" and "YEEEEAAAHHH!!!" The Purple Puma showed great enjoying in having this big thing work it's way into her several feet deep midsection. For this wrestler it was pretty much like getting deep inside stomach massage, and there was nothing the other guy could do to stop purple one from liking it! (Despite trying to put the pressure into a higher level.)

After playing around with the drill like it was a toy The Purple Puma showed that his stomach wasn't just all fat, as the fat walls surrounding the jackhammer suddenly grabbed the huge drill bit and stopped it from moving anymore!

The tall guy tried desperately to make the thing work again, when The Purple Puma made a quick side turn with all of his body and a loud "SNAP!" could be heard through the whole local!

Finally being able to pull out the thing the construction working guy could see in horror that the drill bit had been broken off! And looking back at the Purple Puma's big belly he could see it shoot out the drill-bit bit in a way that it almost looked like the belly itself "spit" it out!

The Purple Puma patted his belly (as in a way to say "Good Work" to it.), and the tall guy tried to run to his smaller partner and try to wake him up. (As if that would somehow help them in their current situation.)


Deciding to end the match The Purple Puma turned over to Opal and said "Okay. Time for a finishing move now!"

"Finishing move?" Opal asked, still not being fully learned on all these terms that the world of wrestling had.

"It means that we together make a final stomp on them and win this thing." The Purple Puma explained.

"And what would our final "Routine" (if I may call it that) be?" Opal asked curiously to see if her partner had even planned something out.

"I do have one." She said and smirked at the two other guys, not knowing what kind of horrors was waiting them!

"Let us hear then." Opal said.

"Okay. Do you remember that weird movie Steven saw once about that Hippo and Crocodile who did ballet together?" The Purple Puma asked, to which Opal responded "Yes. And while I enjoyed seeing a cartoon that clearly wanted to show kids some real classical culture, I found it a little weird seeing a fat hippo being lifted by a thin crocodile. Aren't they natural enemies and all that?"

"Maybe they are, but that was the exact thing I was thinking about! You would take and lift me, just like the crocodile lifts the hippo!" The Purple Puma said, and before Opal had even a chance to respond to that she had her much, much larger friend tossing himself over her!

Opal had to quickly take a grip and lift hard to not get smashed under the weight of her partner, and pretty soon she was balancing the Purple (And Plump!) Puma over her head, just as the Crocodile did with the Hippo.

But while the Crocodile made the whole thing look that much easier, Opal had a really hard time keeping her "Hippo" up for much longer!

"I-I think I', going to drop you!" She shouted, and tried her hardest to keep the balance up! (Starting to wander off towards the two guys just hiding in a corner.)

"That's perfect! Just walked a few steps closer to them, and then I will do the rest!" The Purple Puma shouted, and by the next second Opal had made those last dreadful steps and she finally lost the grip of her very heavy partner.

Crouching in fear the two construction workers saw how a big purple (Almost big enough to be called Sumo Wrestler!) fighter came falling down towards then with all his weight, and with a big "SLAM!" they both disappeared under it's body!

The Purple Puma enjoyed fully the feeling of the two of them trying franticly to find a way out under the layers of fat covering them, and it was first when the referee had counted to 10 and called the game over as the two of them was let out again.

Celebrating their first ever teamwork and won match together, both Opal and The Purple Puma held up the Spectre Belt to the cheering audience.


In the dressing room Amethyst and Pearl both made a very quick transformation change back into their normal selves, and on the way back home Pearl admired the belt she and (Mostly) Amethyst had earned.

It looked pretty nice as it's gems was getting reflected into the moonlight, and seeing how happy Amethyst was over getting it Pearl got a bit soft hearted and said "You know, Amethyst...", getting her fellow gems attention. "Seeing you being so determined to get that belt made me understand that this sort of thing really means a lot to you. And I..." She said before starting to blush a little bit.

"What? What is it?" Amethyst asked curiously.

"I...could actually picture myself doing this thing with you again." Pearl said, getting a big warm hug from her pudgy friend in return.

"But do me one favour will you?" Pearl said, making Amethyst wonder what it was. "Do let Steven or Garnet know that I actually like this." Pearl said while blushing heavily, and Amethyst just made a silent sign of closing her mouth with a zipper to show that Pearl could have her trust.

Pearl smiled at Amethyst innocent way of showing her loyalty, and they both enjoyed their walk back to the beach house as they could see the sun rising in the horizon.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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