Fuzzy Things One Shot

Fuzzy Things One Shot


Part 1

Hi! I’m Dark Side of the world. Although I was once called matn90 (The author of Uptown girl) but I have changed my name.

Today I give you a series of one shot romances with the help of my two friends, Nephilim of Shadows and Dartz Vader04, have decided to help me in making them.

Let me introduce you to them, be in mind we don’t like sharing our real names on the internet.

Hi I’m Nephilim of Shadows, my friend Dark Side asked me to help him with the idea of me and Dartz making a series of fanfictions dedicated to our one of our favorite comic, Fuzzy Things. I’m a collage student and I’m hoping to have a career in the insurance business as my father was before me. I’ve never done fanfiction before, but I have helped Dark side with a few of his fics personally and this is my first time really making fanfiction so I hope that nobody makes fun too much of me if it’s bad.

Now over to my over geeky friend of all things sci fi, Dartz Vader04.

Screw you. Yeah so I go by many names but for this I’ll be called Dartz Vader04. I’ve only got into Fuzzy Things six months ago, and although I like it, I’m not as hooked on it as Nephilim or Dark are. But I LOVE Blue and Rex, there my favorite characters ever! Kind of reminds me of me and my younger sister, except Rex is smarter then me. So yeah, I hade to take a major course on fanfiction (Since I’m not really into that stuff) from Dark to get a good grip. After three hours of wasting my time learning this I got the hang of it. It’s hard because we all live in different areas and we have to email to each other in order to get this done.

Anyway, we got this idea; well I got the idea of doing a one shot string of our favorite couples (It was on valentines day). But I wanted Nephilim and Dartz (who took a lot of convincing the bastard is stubborn) to try and do it with me.

So we all agreed.

I would do Fox/Meagan and Momo/Shiva since they were my favorite couples.

I would do Hero/Maxi (since there my favorite) and Bleet/Mahr (I wanted Ixiah and Ace, but so did Dartz so we flipped)

I got Rex and Blue, because they so deserve each other and Jon have to make them a couple, and Ixiah and Ace because of what Neph said upward.

We know! We know! Shut up already!


Anyway, although we promised to have all 6 done by this week, things came up. I got sick and still are (Although I’ve been play DMC 4 and kicking ass) and Nephilim has a major exam coming up.

One that I need to put most of my time on and since I got a job I can’t waste time.

So you’ll maybe get the next three next week, but were all just playing with what we got.

But enough about that let’s begin! I’m going to start with my Fox/Meagan.

This one was not inspired by anything and I hope you enjoy it.

A Winter Walk

Paring: Fox/Meagan

Written by Dark side of the World

The calm cold wintrily snow from last night was everywhere. On the streets, the curb, the houses, even on the cars not moving was there fresh snow. It had been blowing all night and when one looked outside from his or her window, they could see a strange new world taking over the one they once had.

And even after staying 7 years on this planet he was always surprised by the way snow worked.

Fox Kitsuni was watching the snow continue to fall outside from inside his warm house. Schools were closed (Thank god) and he was getting an early weekend coming up. Of course he was going to soon leave the safety of his house to go for walk with a friendly, and sometimes annoying, neighbor and best friend from across his home.

Ding dong.

“Speak of the rabbit.” Said Fox, who walked over to the door and then opened it. A female grey 13-year-old rabbit came inside; she had a yellow jacket with a pink heart by the shoulders and a pink scarf around her neck while wearing blue jeans and brown boots.

“Hey Fox! Great weather huh?” Said Meagan who came in before Fox shut the door.

“If you’re a penguin….” Said Fox smiling, but he also like the winter, despite its coldness.

“So, are ready for a walk?” Asked Meagan.

“Sure, but may I ask why we are walking?” Asked Fox who was a bit curious.

“I just want to see the town under the snow with you. That’s all.” Said Meagan.

Fox nodded and grabbed his green jacket and red mittens.

“Hey Ixiah! I’m heading out!” said Fox while putting his black boots on.

“Fine! Do not freeze like an icicle!” Said Ixiah from the second floor.

“As long as you don’t glue your eyes to the T.V.!” Said Fox as he opened the door and walked out with Meagan.

The two of them walked onward with no haste, as it was best to enjoy the scenery with as much time as you want. Along their way down the street, they saw large icicles as pure as water itself; people shoveling snow of there drive ways so they could get to work and such, even a few kids making snow men and snow girls for enjoyment.

Fox stopped and picked up some snow, “You know, I still find it amazing that such a thing such as snow exists…. back at the station we never heard of it.” Said Fox remembering the first time he saw it 7 years ago.

Meagan smiled and said, “Yeah remember how you thought it was a biological chemical that was spreading the city?”

Fox glared and said, “Yeah, but then you told me it was a sign of the Apocalypse and that we were all going to die.”

Meagan started laughing, “I still can’t believe you believed me!”

Fox started to giggle a little too, when he thought about it, it did sound ridicules, but hey! He was only six years old at that time.

After that he found out how to make snowmen, snow angels, snowball fights (after Meagan hit him with one) and other snow activates that were really fun.

After a small laugh on memory lane they both continued to walk down the street and soon entered a large park.

“Hey! Do you think that old man is still there?” asked Meagan eagerly.

Fox nodded, every winter a strange old goat was sitting on a bench feeding different colored Flickies (Different colored birds from Sonic the Hedgehog games) with popcorn. They stumbled upon him a few years ago, and every winter he was there. They never approached him as he was dressed in rags and had a strange look that said he was probably crazy.

Fox didn’t like him, but Meagan was always curious about him.

Needless to say they both walked over to where they saw him, he didn’t have any popcorn on him, and was quite sad. The Flickies were around him, but they weren’t receiving any popcorn.

“It looks like he doesn’t have anything to feed them with.” Said Fox.

“Thank goodness I brought this then.” Said Meagan taking out a bag of popcorn.

“Hold on…don’t tell me your going to give those to a complete stranger.” Said Fox grabbing her arm.

“Yeah so?” Asked Meagan who knew he was going to say that.

“What if hurts you? He’s completely unknown to us, and besides who knows what he’s capable of.” Said Fox trying to reason with her.

“Why? Worried about me?” Asked Meagan.

“Yes!” Said Fox with out even realizing it.

Meagan was a bit shocked, but she said, “Trust me, I’ll be fine.” She got out of his grasp and walked over to the old goat and Fox saw her talking with him about something, he tried to listen in, but the chirps of the Flickies were in the way of hearing the voices.

The old goat gave a strange smile and reached out for Meagan. Fox was about to run forward till he saw him grab the popcorn and nodded to the girl before flinging it at the Flickies who started gathering again towards him.

Fox sighed in relief that she was alright and he watched as Meagan continued walking forward towards him.

“See, everything is alright.” Said Meagan as they continued to walk.

“I still say you should have not done that…it was really stupid…” Said Fox as they continued.

Meagan was about to reply when Fox then said, “...But helping people is part of your nature so….but that’s one of the reasons why I like you.”

She closed her mouth and was blushing a bit as she turned away and said, “Oh….thanks…I really…appreciate you trying to look after me and being cautious…I like you like that too…”

Now it was his turn to blush, but he hid it well.

The two of them continued moving forward till they were by a few leaf bare trees and stopped for a rest.

“You know what I like about winter?” Asked Meagan to Fox out of the blue, “It’s a time for endings.”


“Right…when winter comes it’s the end of the year…Christmas comes then New Years even….we remember what we all did in the previous year. We remember what we learned, what we have forgotten, what we have accomplished, and what we have regretted.” Said Meagan She looked at the snow in the floor and said, “I regret a lot of things….”

Fox then said, “Were opposites….I don’t regret anything….”

Meagan nodded and said, “Yeah I guess, I don’t regret some things….” She then picked up a paw full of snow and packed it into a ball, “…like this!”


Fox calmly wiped the snow of his face and said, “You wanted to do that…”

“Yep!” Said Meagan smiling.

Fox grinned, it was on.

He quick got his own snow ball and fired it at Meagan who took it to the chest. Soon the both of them were having a snowball fight and were dodging or hitting each other with frozen water particles.

After 10 minutes of doing this Fox dodged another blow and tackled Meagan which sent them to the ground, with Fox on top.

They gasped as they realized how close they were from each other and how far apart there lips were. They were so close they could feel the others hot breathe. Meagan couldn’t help but stare into Fox’s eyes, for once they weren’t closed and she could see the deep dark mystifying sea color of them as it was searching though one’s own soul. Fox was noticing her sparkling purple colored eyes which looked more pure then gold or any kind of diamond. It was like watching the moon at night with no lights around you in a hundred mile radius.

They finally snapped out of it and Fox got off of her, madly blushing.

Meagan got up, also blushing like crazy, and tried to say something, but nothing would come out.

Finally she said, “You want to get some hot coco?”

Fox nodded, his heart beat was so loud you could hear it over a Dragonforce Power Metal concert.

They both got up and went to look for a hot coco cart which they found a few minutes later.

They sat down at a bench and quietly sipped there coco. Whenever one of them looked at the other, they would turn away with thoughts in there heads.

Fox then sighed and said, “Well….I think we should head on home…..I’m getting really cold.

Meagan nodded and soon they put there coco in a trash can before heading off back home.

They were half way there when Meagan stopped them under a tree.

“You know…back there….when we fell….” Said Meagan.

Fox sighed, “Look…I didn’t mean to…”

“No, it’s not that but….remember when I told you about how I regretted things before?” Asked Meagan, “How winter reminds me of the things I should have done…or said…”

Fox nodded.

“Well….I realized that what I’ve been keeping in me for a while…a long while….is a regret too.” Said Meagan whose heart was thumping like crazy, it was like confession, but more was at stake.

“Fox…your do realize I conceder you my best friend right?” Asked Meagan.

Fox nodded, “You’re my best friend too…”

While all there other friends were close each one of them had a special bond with one of them. Maxi had Hero, Rex had Blue (No matter how much he denied it) and Momo had Shiva.

He felt something that Meagan was trying to say was about him and her, for a second his heart was leaping for joy yet worry at the same time.

“The truth is….I start to see you…..” Said Meagan closing he eyes as she tried to say her words, “…more then that.”

Fox’s eye widen, was she trying to say….when they were younger she often teased him with stuff like that….but at the same time….was he or she…feeling….like that….and if she did….did he?

“Fox ….the truth is…I think….no…” Said Meagan turning away, “…Maybe not today….”

Fox turned her around and placed his hands on her shoulders, they looked at each other in the eyes and Fox said, “Don’t regret this Meagan…say what you want to say…”

She was shocked, so was he….did somewhere inside his heart he wanted to hear those words?

She nodded and took a deep breath, now or never. She closed her eyes and said…

“Fox…I…I love you.” Said Meagan opening here eye as she spoke the words.

Fox smiled and then said, “Well…guess what…I love you too.”

She wasn’t prepared for him coming down to her lips and kissing her. When she finally realized it she closed her eyes and started to kiss back. She flew her arms around his back and started pushing her love from her lips into his. They stopped for a short breathe before going back to another kiss, it was bliss to them.

The tongues rolling over in each others mouth, there lips up by each other’s wanting more and giving it at the same time, their spirits floating inside there bodies on Cloud 9.

They finally broke off and smiled at each other, each feeling that this walk was one of the greatest things that ever happened to them.

Fox then looked up and gave a small laugh, “Hey look…”

Meagan looked up, above them, right on the branch that was over them, was a….

“Mistletoe…” Said Meagan who smiled.

Fate? Maybe?

They nodded and decided to walk home, hand in hand.

When they finally arrived at his house Fox then said, “Say Meg…”

Meg looked at him.

“…want to go grab a bite to eat and a movie tomorrow?” He asked.

Megan smiled and nodded.

She then walked away as Fox watched her leave. He then entered his house and saw his older brother having breakfast, “So how was your walk.”

The walk?

“It was great….” He replied.


Nice huh?

Kind of dull.


Lacked oomph.

Hey! I’ve been doing this longer then you and I know how to make a good story!

Enough! I’ll just put mine down.

Anyway, this one was inspired by that movie Cinderella that stars Hillary Duff. My friends are always making fun of how I like that movie…

It’s true.

Not denying it.

But we will all agree Hillary Duff is hot.

Damn straight.

So here’s my fic, remember this is my first one so please don’t be too hard one me!

Blind Date

A Hero/Maxi story

By Nephilim of Shadows

Maxi Rush was never someone who liked school, for all the time they spent together they knew that Maxi would never rush to school on any day. But when she said quote on quote “I can’t wait till I’m at school.” Her friends were all thinking that this was some sort of evil twin from an alternate dimension.

At least that’s what Blue said.

All eight of them were at there middle school (They were in the 8th grade making them 14 years old, also the school uniforms are the same as the Comic) and were spending some time outside before the first bell.

Maxi was a bit impatient, as she was looking at her clock on her cell phone every 5 seconds.

“Okay Maxi, what is it?” Asked Fox.

“What?” Asked Maxi.

“You’ve been looking at your clock for every second or so. Meaning your waiting for something or someone.” Said Fox.

“Or did you finally plant a bomb in the school and are waiting for it to detonate?” Asked Rex.

“Nothing you need to know.” Said Maxi.

Hero sighed and said, “Well, why not? I mean you wanted us to get here early at school so what’s the deal?”

Maxi shook her head and said, “Girls secret.”

“You’re a girl?” asked Rex joking as Maxi went to pound him before getting gabbed by Shiva and Meagan.

“We’ll be right back. Blue come on.” Said Meagan dragging Maxi away from the boys.

“Girls are weird.” Said Rex with Momo nodding.

“But yet we can never understand them.” Said Fox signing before turning to Hero and asked, “So Hero, I take it you don’t know what this is about either?”

Hero shook his head, “No, usually we tell each other everything, but I guess she even has her secrets that she doesn’t want me to know.”

“Maybe she found a guy? Jealous huh Hero?” Asked Rex jokingly.

Hero blushed, “I don’t have that crush anymore guys.”

One time, when the boys were at Rex’s, Hero accidentally drank, what he thought was a soda, turned out to be a truth serum. Hero then told all three of them he had a crush on Maxi and that the only reason he didn’t tell her was he thought she wanted to only be friends with him.

“Anyway, I’m going to head in. I got to hand in my homework that was due Thursday.” Said Hero heading off.

“Isn’t that the one where he said he ate it?” Asked Momo.

“Yeah, never take excuses from Maxi, ever.” Said Fox.

(With the girls)

They dragged Maxi to the sacred place were all girls could spill there secrets.

The Girls Bathroom.

When they arrived Shiva, Blue, and Meagan said, “Spill it…is it him again?”

Maxi blushed and nodded.

For the past year she had been in contact with this guy she met in a chat room named Bonecleaver852.

They started talking as friends, but they started flirting and were falling for each other. She wanted to really know who he was, but all she knew was he like Titanic, was an athlete, same grade and age as her, had a great best friend who was like a sister to him, and he had a craving for meat.

He also wrote poetry that was inspired from Titanic, he was afraid everyone would laugh at him for it, but she loved them and said he was great.

She told about her self and he admitted he was falling for her and she for he.

Only Shiva, Meagan and Blue knew about her connection with him. She didn’t want any of the boys seeing her like this as she had a reputation.

“So what if it is?” Asked Maxi.

“When are you going to meet him girl? I mean it’s been months and you still haven’t seen on hair or fur or feather of the guy.” Said Shiva.

“I’m going to meet him soon! We were about to discuss it right now, now excuse me.” She said pushing them out of her way.

“If that’s what love does to someone then I’m going to stay single.” Said Blue who was grossed out by the idea of a boy kissing a girl.

“I think it’s romantic.” Said Meagan.

“I think she’s doing this too slow.” Said Shiva.

“Like you would know.” Said Meagan.

“I would! I watch soap opera’s while you get your ideas of romance from Big brother.” Said Shiva.

“It’s a good show!” Said Meagan arguing.

(With Maxi)

She opened her phone and soon enough a text message appeared.

Hey Red Wildcat! Sorry I’m late.

Maxi smiled, Red Wildcat was her chat name when they met.

They decided to keep their names in secret for fun, as well as try to guess who it is.

I’m at my school right now, where are you?

She replied, Ditto, I waited for an hour to hear from you, what’s up?

She looked around after she sent it to see if anyone nearby was on there phone text…. which was 90 percent of all the kids.

She thought for a second a red falcon with a skateboard was he, but then another message came back.

My best friend seems bothered by something….

Maxi replied, It’s probably a girl thing…. you should let her figure it out..

She sent it and a minute later she got a reply saying, I can’t wait any longer….I have to meet you…..You know the masquerade dance at T.F Middle School tomorrow?

She gasped, that was her school, and maybe he was from here?


Well how about we meet underneath the disco ball? That way I can finally see the girl I’ve been falling for in the last few months.

She smiled, I would love too…I’ll see you there?

You bet. Love you.

You too.

She closed her cell phone and sighed.

She was going to need a little help.

(Later after school)

Meagan, Blue, and Maxi were outside the school by the bleachers discussing Maxi’s problem.

“Look, I know I’m not the kind of girl who dress up and looks “pretty” but I really want to impress him tomorrow. “ Said Maxi.

“Maybe we need to speak so someone who knows all that stuff, because I’m not a real expert and Blue thinks wearing A Darth Vader costume is “pretty”.” Said Meagan.

“The cape is so cool though!” Said Blue.

“So do you have any suggestions?” asked Maxi.

“I do….but your not going to like it…” Said Meagan smirking.

(In Shiva’s room)

“Let me get this straight…you want me to make you, a filthy slob who looks like a boy, into something grand and beautiful that will make your blind date think you look great?” Asked Shiva, “What am I Jesus? I don’t perform miracles.”

“If you don’t help me right now, your going to need a miracles from Jesus.” Said Maxi threading her.

“Easy Maxi, come on Shiva, you can help out a friend.” Said Meagan.

Shiva pondered on this, “Okay, but it’s going to take a lot of work.”

“Just don’t over do it a make me look like one of those Miss America sissies.” Said Maxi.

(And so…)

All three girls worked on Maxi that day, trying to transform the tomboy into a girl.

Oh course it would have gotten faster if Blue stopped acting like Dr. Frankenstein.

They washed her fur, combed and groomed it, gave her perfume (Much to her dislike when she smelled it she replied it smelled like something a French person threw up) and gave her a dress.

They tried to do Make up, but Maxi threatened to rip out there fur/feathers one by one if they touched her with that.

When they were finished, all three of them were impressed.

Maxi had her hair down and it went to her shoulders, she had a simple white dress with a diamond necklace (that her mom “gave” her) and finally one of those masquerade masks.

“Wow, she looks…decent…” Said Blue.

“Oh shut up…I feel like such a dork in this.” Said Maxi feeling weird.

“I think you look great.” Said Meagan.

“Well, that will then, make sure my cost is averaged out.” Said Shiva smiling.

“What?” Asked Maxi.

“You really think I would do this for free? Oh no! The price is simple, you tell me everything about this date of yours.” Said Shiva who was a gossip queen.

“Whatever, as long as the date goes fine and he likes me I guess this will be alright, no matter how much it makes me want to puke.” Said Maxi.

(At the dance)

The dance was talking place in the gym that night and everyone was in their masquerade masks and dresses/suits.

Momo, Rex (you can tell because he still wore his cap), and Fox were all in their suits and masks waiting by the punch bowl.

They were minding there own business when they all saw 4 beautifully girls come down. One was Meagan in a red dress, then Blue in a blue dress, Shiva in a yellow dress, and one mysterious female orange cat in a white dress. The also had there masks on.

“Who’s that with the girls?” Asked Fox.

“Don’t know, but she is one fine girl…. think I can ask her for a dance?” asked Rex feeling lucky.

Momo was about to say something, but Rex was already walking towards them.

He stopped in front of them and said, “Hey ladies!”

“Hey Rexy!” Said Blue.

“Who’s your friend?” Said Rex, grinning as he took Maxi’s hand and said, “Rex Wizard….can I ask for your name lovely?”

“Call me that again and I’ll make your eyes bleed beaver boy.” Said Maxi.

“MAXI!” Cried Rex who was shocked beyond belief, “What, who, when…huh?”

“Well, this is surprising, but I guess you knew this huh Momo?” asked Fox when they both walked over.

Momo nodded.

“Look, it’s almost time, I’m going to go.” Said Maxi making her way to the disco ball in the middle of the dance floor.

“Go where?” asked Fox.

“Later, how about some punch?” asked Meagan latching on to his arm.

Meanwhile, Maxi slowly made her way to the disco ball. When she was right under it, she looked around, nervously, waiting for his arrival.

What if he didn’t like her? Was she not his type? Was she proper?

“Wild cat?”

She gasped as he heard his voice behind her, she took a deep breathe, turned around and saw…..

“Hero!” Cried Maxi in total surprise.

Hero Umaki was shocked, “You know my name? Wow…guess I didn’t expect that….”

She tried to say something, but she was speechless, her best friend was the guy she had fallen for!

“Umm….you look beautiful…like I imagined…” Said Hero smiling.

She couldn’t help but blush from that smile, but why? She had seen him smile at her before?

“So, let’s get of here to talk…I really want to know about you face to face.” Said Hero as he guided her out of the dance floor and out a back door which lead to the empty courtyard.

“I’m sorry if I don’t look the person of your dreams, but everything I have ever spoken to you was of truth only.” Said Hero quickly.

“I know! I’m…really glad to see you.” Said Maxi.

Was this wrong? Falling in love with your best friend.

“You know…I’m glad I met you….but….you know…your not the first one I fell in love with.” Said Hero.

“Really?” asked Maxi.

“Yeah, my best friend Maxi…I kind of had a crush on her before I met you.” Said Hero.

Maxi was shocked; he had a crushed on her! Her heart fluttered.

“But I think she wanted us to be friends….then I met you and I fell in love with you. Granted I never saw you till now, but when I read what you said, I felt something that was making me want to know you and want to see you.” Said Hero who was blushing.

Maxi was smiling, Hero loved her. Before he met her as Wildcat and after, she guessed if she was falling in love with Hero it wasn’t so bad.

“I just hope your not mad for not telling you that…” said Hero.

“Hero….I think your best friend does love you….” Said Maxi smiling.

Hero was shocked, “How do you know?”

Maxi took off her mask which made Hero gasp, “Because she wants to do this.”

She took him and kissed him. He first was surprised but then gave in and started kissing back.

They both went at it for a while before they managed to break it off and Maxi asked, “Surprised?”

Hero smiled, “Yeah, but I’m glad…I got to fall in love….and she’s the one person I happen to trust the most in the world.”

They went into another kiss, not as friends, but as people who loved one another.


Ta da!

Not bad for your first one.

Oh yeah, well mine’s longer and humorous!

Your version of humor is monkey wrestling.

Come on! You can not tell me it’s not funny when they fling crap at each other!

Just introduce your story.

Right, anyway. My story is the BEST PARING EVER! Rex and Blue.

Not really inspire by anything, just something I made up on the top of my head! Like it or else!

Don’t mind him if you hate it you can.

Shut it.

Lost yet Together

Paring: Rex/Blue

Written by

Rex Wizard hated Gym.

Hate seems like such a strong word, but if Rex were to tell you in other words how much he hated Gym, he would make you a 200-page essay of it in less than 2 hours.

So, yes he hated Gym.

When he found out he and his freshmen class would be going on a field trip into a large forest for “instinct” training (which Rex couldn’t figure out in anyway was such a thing needed in sports) in pairs to give them a sense of “ruffling in tough” in the wild, he wanted to shoot himself then and now.

He was going to skip the Gym class, but he found out that he had to take all him classes or else he would have to do it over the summer. Not wanting that he had no choice, but to follow.

But that wasn’t the worst part; the worst part was his partner….


… The annoying blue bat terror that was right beside him on the bus.

While other kids had brought earmuffs, Rex forgot his and was forced to listen to the wailing cry of this demonic banshee of evil.


It wasn’t that Rex hated Blue, to be honest she was one of his friends, but she always managed to make him want to pound his head with a hammer or invent a way to make her shut the heck up.

He then noticed that Blue stopped singing and was looking at Rex.

Rex looked at her, “Well?”

“Well what?” asked Blue.

“What about the next one?”

“Oh that!?” Said Blue who shrugged, “I got bored of it, so I just stopped.”

Rex gritted his teeth, “You mean you wasted the 2 hours we have been on the road starting from a million and you stop at 5 hundred thousand and 3 hundred?”

“Yeah.” Said Blue like it was no big deal, “I though it might be annoying people.”

Rex hit his head on the window.

Everyone else, hearing Blue was not singing anymore, decided to take their earmuffs out and started chatting with each other.

Just then, their gym teacher (A large skunk with an orange gym sweatshirt and blue jeans) stood up from his seat and said, “Alright kids, listen up. Were almost at the forest. Once there I will explain everything to you kids, so listen up.”

A few minutes later the bus stopped and one by one everyone got off.

“This is going to be great! I love the outdoors! The tree! The fresh air!” Said Blue.

“The bugs. The poisoned plants.” Said Rex.

“The sun! The sky!”

“The creatures. The mud.”

“It’s just proof that there is a loving and kind God!”

“It’s just proof that God is a kid with a magnifying glass and we are the ants.”

“What a perfect pair you guys make.” Said Hero walking over. (P.S. all the Gym clothes are like the ones in the Comics, I’m not that detailed sorry!)

“Shut it.” Said Rex feeling blue, “At least your with someone you can work with.”

Hero looked at Maxi who was giving an unsuspecting rat kid an Indian burn, “You have no idea.”

All the kids gathered in front of their teacher who said, “Alright class, this is a simple walk in the woods….HA! Good one huh!?”

He looked around to see if anyone was laughing but they were all staring at him with blank faces.



“Jake! Stop Cricketing!” Said their gym teacher.

“Sorry.” Said Jake who stopped his wings.

“Anyway, my obvious attempt to teach you kids humor aside, the way this works is simple.” Said the teacher who pointed to the woods; “You just have to get the fastest way you can through these woods and back at the other end. You can take any route you want, just trust your instincts.”

“What if we fall and brake our legs and die in the process.” Asked one kid who didn’t want to be here.

“Then you will be remembered for dying the face of duty.” Said the coach who then said, “Don’t worry, there are no poison like plants, dangerous creatures, or any deadly terrain, except one waterfall and a deep river.”

“No technology is allowed!” The entire place as an EMP field over it, another kid attempted last year when he used a GPS homing device.” Said the coach.

Rex quietly slipped his away.

“You also can’t fly, no cheating here people.”

“You will be given each a bottle water, some bread, and a compass. The exit has two red flags right between it. If you are not back with in 6 hours…. will get to that later.” Said the coach.

“Oh sure, now I feel safe.” Said Rex.

“Alright! Line up!”

Everyone got into place as they waited for their coach to give them the mark.

He pulled a start gun and held it high into the air.

“Ready! Go!”


“Arguh!” Cried a duck that put his hand over his heart and fell to the floor like he was shot.

“Ha ha. Very funny brat. Now get going all of you.”

They all rushed into the forest, some faster then others, and were soon inside their test area.

Blue and Rex was already running when they stopped by a tree and Rex asked, “Alright so what do you think?”

“I think that boogers taste better then earwax, but only because their slimmer.” Said Blue thinking.

Rex slapped his head, “I meant which way we should go.”

“I don’t know.” Said Blue.

“What do you mean you don’t know!? You’re the nature lover you said!” Said Rex.

“I only went out once! When I was 8 with my dad.” Said Blue.

Rex sighed and pointed to a point ahead of them, “Let’s just go this way so we can get started or something.”

They continued to walk.

And walk.

And walk.

Till finally…

“Are we there yet?”


“Now about now?”


“Are we there now?”



“Shut up.”

They stopped by a broken tree and Rex took a good look around, “Give me the compass, I don’t know which direction were heading in.”

“What compass?” Asked Blue.

Rex looked at her, “The one you have.”

“No, I thought you had it.”

“No, I thought you had it.”

“Well I don’t.” Said Blue.

“So neither of us has the compass.”

“Looks that way.”

“And were lost with no sense of where we are?”

“I guess.”

“That means, we have very little food, water, no directions, are lost and have a really good chance of dying right?”



Blue watched as he ran around like a headless chicken screaming, “WERE LOST! WERE GONING TO DIE!! I’M STUCK IN SOME DARK FOREST WITH AN IDIOT AND HAVE NO WAY OF GETTING ANYONE TO SAVE US!!”

“Actually it’s quiet sunny in here.” Said Blue looking up at the sun.

Rex banged his head on the tree multiple times, trying to give himself a concussion.

“Were going to die.” Said Rex, morbidly with no hope, “I can’t die, I’m too smart with a bright future ahead of me! And I’m going to die with you!”

He pointed to Blue.

“What’s wrong with me?” Said Blue.

“For one, you smell.” Said Rex.

Blue sniffed herself, “Hmmm…. maybe I shouldn’t use sprays that were from the garbage cans anymore.”

Rex sighed, “Okay, maybe we can solve this! All we have to do is think.”

Rex looked at Blue who waved at him.

“Correction…I’m going to think.” Said Rex as he sat on a stump and started thinking of situations to get out of this.

An hour passed.

“I can’t think of anything.” Said Rex who sighed.

“That’s a first.” Said Blue.

“Well, that’s it were doomed.” Said Rex who got up and started moving around.

“Hmmm…I’ve never been doomed before…” Said Blue who then noticed Rex was carving something on a large tree.

When Rex was finished he left and Blue walked over to see it.

“R.I.P. Rex Wizard.” Said Blue, “Here lies a person whose brilliant life was cut short from the hands of stupidity.”

Rex then walked back to the tree with a hand full of flowers in his hand. He lay down under the tree on his back, over the carving, and put the flowers and his hands over his chest and closed his eyes like he was dead already.

“Rex…. what are you doing?” Asked Blue who was confused.

“I’m getting a head start.” Said Rex keeping his eyes closed.

“For what?”

“My funeral.” Said Rex trying to relax.


“Because were going to die in this stupid forest and I want to get a head start.” Said Rex.

She was silent for a while and said, “Okay, see you.” She said before walking off in a direction she picked randomly.

“Hey!” Said Rex who got up, “Where are you going?!”

“To get out of here.” Said Blue, “You can continue to play dead if you want, but I want to get home.”

Rex sighed and through away the flowers. He caught up with her and said, “Fine, I’ll join you.”

What about your funeral?” Asked Blue.

“Might as well die trying.” Said Rex.

“Your overdramatic.” Said Blue.

“You’re the same.”

They walked for about a while, when Rex was sure it had been two hours he asked, “How long has it been since we started this stupid test?”

“Three or two hours I think.” Said Blue continuing.

“Yeah, maybe after a few more hours they’ll start looking for us and then see our dead cac-OW!”

Blue looked behind her to see Rex on the ground with a bleeding ankle.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Tripped on a stupid twig, now I’m bleeding great.” Said Rex holding his knee.

Blue looked around till she saw a familiar bush with strange green leaves that had blue dots on them, she got up, took a hand full, and pressed them on Rex’s cut.

“What are you doing?!” He demanded.

“Healing your wound.” Said Blue.

“That plant could be poison! I could die from getting infected by some dangerous and killer…. hey it feels better.” Said Rex who looked at his wound to see it closing.

“These leaves heal cuts and stop bleeding easily! My dad showed me them when we were in the wild.” Said Blue who helped him up.

Rex blushed a little and said, “Thanks…guess you do know what your doing somewhat.”

“No problem.” Said Blue smiling as they continued.

A few minutes later, Blue wanted to rest for a short while so they sat under a big shady tree and Rex watched as Blue took a nap.

Rex had to admit. For being lost in the woods she was so calm about it. Then again he really hadn’t done anything useful so far on this whole episode. Had also looked at his surroundings, he had a feeling they were closer to the exit then they were.

She also knew plants and such; she even helped him avoid poison ivy a few minutes ago.

Maybe he should also try helping instead of worrying like a baby.

He looked at Blue and smiled as she saw her sleep. Despite her annoyingness she was a good person, Rex knew that, besides, she did look cute when she was sleeping.

Rex’s face froze in horror.




…did he?

“Rex.” Said Blue waking up and yawning, “I’m sorry about losing the compass. I know I make mistakes sometimes so, I’m sorry.”

“You come waking up and saying that out of the blue? Don’t worry; anyone could have lost it. Besides, you’re the one who’s been calm about this…. I’ve been acting like my shorts are to tight.”

“Why are you so afraid of being in the woods anyway?” Asked Blue.

Rex gave a sad smile and said, “When I was four, I went to visit my grandparents who lived right next to there own woods. I traveled away from there because I was curious. It got dark and I was stuck in there alone…for almost half the day. I remember crying so much, finally grandma found me and I guess just seeing these woods reminded me of that time.”

Blue nodded, “I guess that’s understandable…. anyway, come on let’s go.”

“Blue…” Said Rex getting up and helping her.


“Thanks.” Said Rex, “I guess it’s not that bad with a friend in here, especially you.”

Blue blushed a little and said, “Well…I…I guess so…. let’s go.”

Rex nodded and they were off.

Another half an hour later they arrived at a large rapid river with a waterfall, that wasn’t too big, but still could knock out a guy if he fell in, that wasn’t too far from them.

“How are we going to cross this?” Asked Blue, “I can’t fly because it’s against the rules. And I’m not as good as a swimmer as you are.”

Rex pondered about this predicament when he saw a broken log that was long enough that it went over the river.

After agreeing to use it as a bridge Rex crossed over first and followed by Blue.

“Careful.” Said Rex.

“I’m always care-“


The log snapped in half. Blue was taken by surprise and fell into the rapid currant and was suddenly being dragged down the river.

“BLUE!” Cried Rex rushing in her direction on land, “Get out!”

“I can’t!” She cried as the current was sweeping her, her wings were wet and as a flyer, swimming wasn’t the best of her abilities.

Rex, seeing no other way, jumped it and started swimming as fast as he could towards Blue.

“Help!” She cried nearly going under.

Rex managed to make it to her quick enough and grabbed her hand. He tried swimming with her, but she was too heavy.

Rex was panicking, Blue was drowning, he couldn’t move her, there was this loud running sound, and they were getting dragged by rapid current.

Wait, loud running sound.

Rex looked behind him and gasped, “Oh no…”

The waterfall.

Rex held on to her and shouted, “Hold on!”

As the held on to each other they both screamed as they fell of the waterfall.

Rex opened his eyes. He saw that he was on the shore, just a few inches away from the river. Rex looked at the waterfall that was about 3 feet away. He deduced the current dragged him over here. But where was Blue.

He looked around, “BLUE!”

He found her on her back not to far from him. He rushed over, her eyes were closed and she was still.

“Blue, come on wake up!” Said Rex shaking her and hoping that maybe she wasn’t…


Rex wiped the water from his face.

“Sorry about that.” Said Blue getting up and groaning from the pain.

“Thank god, I was worried.” Said Re relaxing a bit.

Blue blushed a bit, “You were?”

Rex nodded and said, “Come on, let’s get going.”

“Rex look!” Said Blue in the other direction.

From a distance, the two of them could barley make out the end passage, but they saw the two flags.

“We made it!” Cried Blue.

“We did it!” Cried Rex, in his moment of joy ran over and kissed Blue on the lips.

Blue froze like ice when she saw that.

Rex relized what he just did and stopped. They looked at each other, each one hot red in the face.

“Well…. let’s get going.” Said Blue.

“Sure…” Said Rex.

They both walked side by side, but neither noticed it was hand in hand.

“Aw darn it.” Said Blue.

“What?” Asked Rex.

“I own my sister 10 bucks.” Said Blue.


“Because she was right, your first kiss will always be the wettest.”


A master piece.

Not bad, but let’s let other people decide.

Yes! If you want to say anything about our fics just email me at matn90@

The others don’t want there emails shown for reasons I don’t know why so I will give your replies to them.

Really sorry! Don’t hate us!

That’s all, more later!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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