Why is my screen flashing blue


Why is my screen flashing blue

Now let's say you're a director and you'd like to film a scene where the actress is dazzling from a rope over a deep river throat screaming for the hero to come and save her. As director, you have several options: If the actress is able to do so, you can actually have her penzole from the rope. Most actors and actresses are too valuable to risk in this way. You can use a stunt person to stand for the actress and shoot the scene with a long shot so that people can not say. In doing this, you lose the emotional effect of seeing a close-up of the actress' face while screaming. You can use blue screen photography to make it look like the actress is dazzling from the rope. Or, you could use the blue screen for the first floors and the stunt person for long shots to get the best of both worlds. The blue screen technique allows you to combine two or more pieces of movies in a single piece that looks very real. To use the blue screen technique, first film the river throat on the location. This shot is called the bottom plate. Then film the actress who takes off a rope 2 feet from the ground in a studio. Behind the actress in the studio is a bright blue background screen (from which the name "blue screen"). You end up with two pieces of movies that look like this: In the special effects department you can easily use special filters to form two mornings from the actress's hit. One shows the black actress' silhouette, and the other is the reverse, like this: These opaques are easycreate because the bright blue color, when you run through a red filter, becomes black. Using a high contrast black and white film to create the mornings, you can create the silhouettes. So now you have four pieces of movies: the two originals and the two opaques. By combining these pieces of film in layers you can create the final piece of film for the shot. First, the background is combined with the actress' silhouette: Then, rewind the film and re-exume it to put the actress in the "hole" that the maca created. The actress now looks like this: And the final blow looks like this: This is called a travel opaque because the opaque is different for each frame of the film. In a static opaque, just record the black card on the lens and that the single opaque is the same for the whole shot. In a travel-matte shot, you need to create a matte that is exactly the same form as the actress. In each frame, the actress moves, so a new opaque is necessary for each frame. It is possible to create these individual mornings by hand, but it takes a huge amount of time. The blue screen behind the actress makes it easy to create every morning automatically using optical or digital techniques. The blue screen technique is also widely used in science fiction films such as "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" to make real survey models. The models are filmed separately on blue backgrounds and then combined into multiple layers to make the final film. Very complex shots with hundredslayers have been created. To make a blue screen convincing, different things are important: The actress (or model, in the case of spaceships) must have the right level of diffusion to match the background. You probably saw the bad blue screen techniques used in TV shows where the prominent actor is very crisp and the background plate is widespread. You know it's fake right now because of the malfactor. The color of the blue screen cannot reflect on the actor or model. If it does, the actor acquires a blue "fringe" around the edges that looks very bad. The actor can't wear anything blue -- blue will turn out like a hole in the actor! With computers, blue screen shots are even easier because the computer can create bricks and automatically combine shots. Many of the links on the next page describe different digital techniques. The next time you go to a movie, you'll figure out how some of these impossible shots do -- but you can still be amazed how real they are. For more information on blue screens and other special effects techniques, check the links on the next page. Windows: With the hardware acceleration Flash 10.1 final now available, it's a good time to try some full Hulu screen or other videos. But click elsewhere, and the window fill frame disappears. Here's how to keep videos playing full screen using Flash 10.1. Windows/Mac/Linux: Adobe Flash Player 10.1 is now available for download, for the crispest and best HD We haveindicated in full screen Flash fix, but the post that covered the correction offered specific file-copy corrections for particular Flash builds. Now that Flash has updated to 10.1 final, and is changing rapidly due to security fixes, a more general sense of how to change Flash behavior so that it does not close to clicking elsewhere is called for. Video Flash, like those on Hulu or YouTube, do not stay on full screen if you click out... Read moreLuckily, Andrew Brampton provides the answer. Its correction requires you to do some hacking in a particular configuration file: NPSWF32.dll for most Windows systems, but gcswf32.dll for Chrome users. And it requires the use of a hexagonal editor to fix a particular string and change two values. How can you take it off? First of all, download the free 1632 hexagonal editor. Once installed, search for the file you need to edit, make a copy of it, then drag another copy to your Desktop. Brampton provides positions: On win32 open C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\ Flash\NPSWF32.dll On win64 open C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\ Flash\NPSWF32.dllor if you use Google Chrome (like Chrome now comes with the Flash plugin) open C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Google\Chro As Brampton explains, the exact two-character code you will need to change will differ betweenversions, but there is a basic string you can search for. Starting from the latest version of Flash for Chrome (, you will hit the search menu and select Find (or hit Ctrl+F), then look for this string of hex bytes:74 39 83 E8 07 74 11 83 E8 05 75 13 8BThe 74 and 75 "bytes" will probably always be the same, and some of the characters among them, but other neighboring bytes can change. Your task is to change the first two bytes in that string ("74 39" in this case) to "90 90". Before trying to save the changes, make sure you have a backup copy of the original, and then close all windows of the browser before saving, or you encounter a "sharing" error of some sorts. If you have successfully saved the changes, copy the file to its original location, then re-launch the browser. As noted, these specifications will change--the Flash version, and the exact byte string you are looking for. Using Brampton's guide, however, you should be able to update the Flash relies each time you lose the ability to take the useful pieces from Saturday Night Live while, um, totally working really hard on a Friday. Hack for Flash 10.1 [ via #tips] why is my iphone screen flashing blue. why is my phone flashing blue. why is my screen flashing. why is my samsung flashing blue. why my screen is blue

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