Om Ganeshya Namah

Om Sri SaiRam



( The Story of the play is written by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.)

A short play to be offered at the Lotus Feet

On Sunday May 22nd, 2005

In celebration of Eshwaramma’s day

At Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center Of Southfield.

Characters: Name Proxy

Mother: Samyukta Sridevi

Father: SaiEshwar Narasimhan

Sathya: Akhil

Ladies : Samyukta, Maithri and Group1 kids Indu

Begger: SaiLokesh Sairam

Sadhu: Sagar Satish.M

Secretary: Maithri Indu

Organizer: Pawan Sajeev.P

Student: SaiPrasanna

Teacher: Abhilash Sajeev,P

Students: Group 1 kids and Akhil

Inspector: Shivali Aruna

Other Asistants

Scene Coordinator and overseer: Sailaja

Dialogues and Direction: Radhakrishna

Stage Set up: Anu Prakash and Annapoorna

Curtain Operation: Group 3 kids

Costumes( Prep and Putting On): Latha

Grouping and co-ordination: Ashok

Proxy Voices: Parents Of Group2 Children

(Cheppinatlu Chestara?)

Scene one:


Mother: I am glad we had a very interesting study circle today. We will conclude our session with the following statement “It is the duty of the housewife to give charity to the deserving, the unfortunate ones who can not earn by the sweat of their brow, and not to pretenders who lead idle, parasitic lives.”

Roja: Madam, could you please explain the first part again?

Mother: With pleasure, it means we, the housewives should develop a habit to feed the needy and deserving. For example to those who can not work because of physical handicap, or unfortunate circumstances.

Rekha: like beggars?

Mother: Exactly. That is a perfect example.

Roja: How about the second part madam?

Mother: We should never feed or help those who are healthy, but lazy to work and always looking for someone to take care of them?

Roja: like some sadhus, who wear some funny dress and go to houses?

Mother: Oh, Yes! Ramu you seem to have understood the exact meaning of the saying

Every body: Thank you madam, see you next week.

Mother: Namste, Good luck and see you next week.

Mother: she looks at Sathya and surprised

Oh sathya, all the time you are sitting here? I thought you are in the school. Didn’t you go?

Sathya: no, mom, I don’t have classes in the morning. There is a special class at 2 ‘0clock.

Mother: Oh I forgot about it. Go go your home work.

Sathya: Mom, your talk was very interesting. That’s why I was sitting here all the time.

Mother: What? These talks are not for kids. You better behave like a school boy

Anyway, Sathya help me with table set up

Sathya: Oh, ya, I wanted to ask you mom, why did you get up so early to day, and started cooking. what did you cook?

Mother: Laddu,zilebi,jangri,rasamallai, bajji, biriyani, chapatti, kurma…..

Sathya: OK, ok, enough. It sounds like all the foods in the world.

Mother: Yeh, yeh. Today there is a sadhu santh nirankari acharya ji is coming to our home.

I want to serve him

Sathya: Oh! My god!

Mean while a beggar comes in :

Beggar: Amma, Please help me with some food, I am blind and can’t walk. I have not eaten for last oneweek. Mataji, be kind to me.

Mother: angrily… you filthy beggar? Get away from my house. I have nothing to feed you.

Beggar: Mataji, please give me anything. Any leftovers or spoiled food. My stomach is hurting ma.

Mother: I told you to get out, or else I call some body to lift you out. Sathya, push him out.

Beggar: no mataji, I will go myself, god bless you.

He tries to hurry out and falls. Sathya helps him out.

Now immediately, a hefty, swamiji comes in.

Sadhu: Hari om thatsat! Bham bham bhole, Where are you house owner? See I have come, take care of me ?!

Mother comes running, Swamiji, swamiji, execuse me, (falls on his feet), please Come and sit here. I am getting food now.

(She gives all the food to the Acharji,) swamiji, this boy is not behaving well. I do not know why?

Sathya: (Surprisingly) what?

Swamiji: Ohm, Bhum Bhum Bhum, I will give him this mantra thread. Tie it round his neck.

Sathya: round my neck?

Swmiji: Yes, beta. You will be ok .

Swamji : OK, I am leaving and come next week.

Mother : OK, Swamiji, Namaste

Sathya: angrily: Mom What have done? You told in the morning one should help the needy and now you scared the beggar away. But you fed this big fat, lazy sadhu with all the food.

Mother: Cheppinattu chestara? Can we act as we say?

Sahya: what?

Mother: Cheppinattu chestara? Can we act as we say? You are behaving too much, I want you to take to your Dad for a lesson. I will complain to him.

Scene TWO

Father’s office:

Secretary is already in the seat with a Laptop and she will be typing some thing.

She takes the phone: Hello. This is Mega Soft consulting company, May I help you?

Secretary listens on phone and continues Yes, I can help you with H1 visa, (pause for a second) don’t worry even if you don’t have experience, we can change you resume. Only thing is you have to pay some money. (Pause a second) Ok Bye

Then father walks into his office with a brief case and puts it on to his desk.

He starts praying to the god pictures one by one…

Father: Om Mata Laxmi devi Ji.. Please have grace on me Om Om Om

Om Gurunank Ji Ki Jai Jai Kour.. Please have grace on me

OH jesus Christ.. Please forgive me

Allaho Akbar… Allaho Akbar.. Allaho Akbar

He sits down in his chair

Secretary: Sir, I see you every day praying for different gods of different religions. May I know why?

Father: Yes, certainly. Each god in every religion has his own philosophy.

I pray to all of them, because I am a man of sarva dharma principle. I hope one day man shall realize the real meaning of spirituality and stop fighting for religions.

Secretary: Yes, Sir. I understand they all preach service to humanity as the main principle. I mean helping the poor and needy.

Father: Yes, you are exactly right Rekha. So many people are poor and need help. It is a good point. You better involve in some service activity right from this age.

During this conversation, Sathya enters the office.

Secretary: Hello Sathya, How are you? No school today?

Father: He has to go now, Rekha could you drop him to the school

Rekha: OK

Father: Sathya, you too learn the habit of serving the poor, and unfortunate people. That’s what I was telling Rekha before you walked in.

Sathya: That’s great Dad. Certainly I will

Meanwhile Rekha gets a call. tells her boss that

Rekha: Sir, Someone is waiting in the lobby to see you. It looks like he is a student.

Father: OK, let him come in.

Student walks in …

Student: Good afternoon to you all and (with folded hands) Namaste to you Sir.

Father: what do you want? Visa or job or both? But you may have to pay for that.

Student: No Sir, I am sorry to disappoint you.

The actual reason I came here is to beg your mercy. I have one more year to go for my graduation. My father became sick and lost his job. My mom has to take care of him and she couldn’t work either.

Father: There are so many loans to apply. Why can’t you do that?

Student: Sir, my parents don’t have a good credit history because of low earnings. So all my applications for loans are rejected.

Father: So...

Student: I have to complete my course in order to get a job, so that I can look after my parents.

I beg your kindness and donate me some money for paying the fees.

Father: (Loudly) what?? Donate money to you?? Free of cost….

No no.. Never... I don’t have any money. My business is not doing good.

We are here to make money but not to spend.

Sathya: Dad, you just now told me to help the poor and deserving.

Father: Sathya Will you keep you mouth shut for sometime.


Mean while some batch of organizers come in.

Father: Oh! Narayana Swami, what is the matter? I am glad you all came.

How is your new All India Cultural organization doing?

Narayana Swami: With grace of great people like you, we are doing very

Good Sir. We are here to invite you as chief guest to a function next week.

Most of the film stars are coming including Aishyara rai, karina kapoor

Father : Oh! how exciting. Sure I will come

Naryana swami: But Sir, we are running short of Funds. We still need 10,000 dollars more. If you don’t mind we have come here to request you for donation.

Father: It’s OK. By grace of God My business is doing very good, I don’t have any problem in giving you that money. (He immediately writes a check and gives it to Narayana Swami). Let me know if Aishwarya rai need any accommodation. She can stay in my house. Don’t forget to put my name as chief guest in the invitation card.

Naryana swami. Sure! We will do it, Thank you very much for your donation.

They leave the place…

Student: what about me Sir,

Father: Don’t waste my time any more, you can leave now.

Student leaves sadly…

Sathya: (Looking at faher…Loudly) this is Hypocrisy. You tell one thing and do exactly opposite. Why did you lie to the school boy?

Father:” Cheppinattu chestara” Do deeds follow words? You better go to school right now.

Scene 3:


Students: Good afternoon teacher.

Teacher: Good afternoon students.

I have to tell you an important announcement.

Today inspector of schools is coming to our school.

She is going to watch my class and my teaching skills. I have to teach

a class before her. For that purpose I want to prepare a question and answer session now.

He asks students: How many classes I took so far?

Sathya: 23

Teacher: No. you should tell inspector that I took 33.

Sathya: why so ?

Teacher: I will get an award for teaching maximum number of classes in the district.

Sathya: But it is a lie? Why should we lie?

Teacher: you keep quite Sathya. I am asking other kids. Do you all agree that you should tell inspector 33?

Other students: Yes! Teacher.

Teacher: Good.

I am now going to teach a lesson, which I will repeat later before inspector. But you should not tell her that I already taught you.

Ramesh: OK, But why?

Teacher: because, actually I am supposed to teach a new lesson before inspector, so that she can see my teaching skills whether you understood or not.

Ramesh: Oh Now I understand it. Because we always don’t get you what you teach, you are worried that inspector might fire you.

Teacher: Ramesh, you keep quit!! Listen every body. This lesson is about King Sathya Harischandra, who never lied any time, even when his family is in trouble. He sacrificed his wife and children for the sake of truth.

Sathya: But you lied for the sake of your job

All other students laugh loudly.

Teacher angrily: Sathya you don’t be in the class. I advise you to get out and come tomorrow. You are a trouble maker.

Mean while Inspector walks into the class.

Inspector: Hello students, how are you all doing?

Students: We are OK madam.

She sits on a chair. Go ahead with you class, teacher

Teacher: So how many lessons I taught you so far?

Students: silence

Teacher: Come on say it. How many lessons I told you so far.

Sathya: 23

Teacher: Sathya, I told you to get out of the class, why are you here?

Inspector: Its ok, teacher, let him continue.

Sathya: He told us to tell you 33

Inspector: Oh! Really! I am surprised.

Teacher: Do not believe him Inspector. He is a naughty boy in the class.

Actually I should have suspended him from the class.

Inspector: It’s OK. Go ahead with your class

Teacher: Ok Students, today I am going to teach you about King Sathya Harichandra, who never told a lie?

Sathya: You already took that class Just now.

Teacher: Madam, I already told you. He is a troublemaker.

Inspector: It’s OK, Teacher I had enough feeling of your class. I am leaving now. Thank you.

(Every one leaves the class)

Sathya: Teacher, why you do not follow the advice you give?

Teacher: “Cheppinattu Chestara”? Do you mean to say that the advisor should follow the advice?



Sathya threw the books away.

First his mom comes to him. Sathya? What happened? Are you not going to school?

Sathya: NO, Going to school is a waste of time.

Father comes in and says what happened sathya?

Teacher walks in

Sathya: Hypocrisy everywhere. If all that you teach, as mother, father and Guru is only to be spoken and written, if all that is learnt is to be discarded when it comes to action, I do not understand why I should learn anything at all.

Mom: It is our fault to behave like that. Actually you are a great kid that god gave us. We should learn a lesson from you.

Father: yes, my dear son. It is my fault to behave like that. I will send the money to the poor student today.

Teacher: Sathya. I was mean to you today. That’s why inspector fired me from my job. I will not lie any more in future.

Sathya: I am very happy that you all changed from today.

Every body: from today: manamantha cheppinattu chesatamu”

manamantha cheppinattu chesatamu”

“Our deeds follow words”

“Our deeds follow words”

Sathya: Today is a great auspicious day. Mother easwarmma’s day. Let us all pray to her and swami

All sing Jaya ho Eswaramba.. jaya ho….

Jaya ho easwaramma, Jaya ho easwaramma

Jaya ho easwaramma, Jaya ho easwaramma

Jayamu Jayamu Neeku,

Jayamu Jamayu Neeku

All Together Bent their heads and say OM Jai SAIRAM.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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