Red Pyramid 1-10


Name: __________________ Date: _____________

Day 1 Reading: Chapters 1-2

Chapter 1

1. As a reader what are you supposed to do at the beginning of the book?

2. In what city did the adventure begin?

3. Why is Carter’s dad only allowed two days a year with Sadie?

4. Why does Carter feel like most of the time he is a fugitive instead of a tourist?

5. Where was the last place Carter’s dad saw his wife?

6. What had Carter’s dad given both him and Sadie right before Sadie went to live with their grandparents?

7. What had Carter’s dad done that was strange before they exited the cab? What did Carter notice?

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Before you read Chapter 2, predict what you think will happen inside the museum. Make sure to explain your prediction.

Chapter 2

1. What was the main attraction in the middle of the room in the Egyptian wing? Why is that artifact important?

2. What did Carter and Sadie’s dad want them to do with Dr. Martin?

3. What happened to the Rosetta Stone?

4. When Julius asked the fiery man how many did he release, what was the fiery man’s response?

5. What did the fiery man due to their dad?

6. What kept the fiery man from getting Carter?

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. What do you think happened to Julius Kane?

Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of what happened in the museum. Be prepared to share.

Day 2 Reading: Chapters 3-4

Chapter 3

1. What were the only two gifts that Dad had ever given Sadie?

2. What was Sadie’s point of view about what had happened with her dad?

3. What symbol was on Mom’s t-shirt from a picture that Sadie kept. Draw it and label what it means below.

4. Why was Sadie upset with the interrogation from Inspector Williams?

Chapter 4

1. What was strange about Inspector Williams? What did he suddenly order of both Carter and Sadie?

2. Who came into the Faust’s home to take Sadie and Carter? What had he done to Inspector Williams?

3. How had Amos planned to get from London to New York in only one hour?

4. What did Gran and Amos make sure Sadie took with her?

5. Who was Amos? What was your reaction when you found that out?

6. Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Why do you think they are going to New York and what role do you think the cat will play in the story? Explain your thoughts.

Day 3 Reading: Chapters 5-6

Chapter 5

1. Describe the trip on the reed boat from London to New York.

2. Why did the Fausts and Amos live on the east shore?

3. What is Nome? Which nome is Greater New York?

4. How did Carter open the door to the mansion?

5. Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of the Great Room. Then below the box, write down details of what were some of the key parts of the Great Room.

Three sentences:

5. What was Amos’ explanation of the animal heads on the statues?

6. Who is Khufu?

Chapter 6

1. Describe Carter’s dream/vision below. You can write five sentences or draw pictures to explain what he saw.

2. What do you think Muffin was trying to tell Carter about the headrest?

3. Who is Philip of Macedonia?

4. What had happened to their dad according to Amos?

5. How is Egypt very much alive in America?

6. What was special about the Kane and Faust family?

7. How was the Rosetta Stone fixed according to Amos?

8. As Egypt faded, where did the magic collect and concentrate?

9. Why was Amos worried about the release of the five gods? What punishment would Julius Kane face from the House of Life for releasing them?

10. Why did the House insist that Carter and Sadie needed to be separated after their mother’s death?

11. What is the Duat?

Day 4 Reading: Chapters 7-8

Chapter 7

1. What was Sadie’s rationale for wanting to go into the library?

2. How did they get into the library?

Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of the library. Then below the box, write down details of what was in the library.

Three sentences:

3. What were the six items that were in their dad’s handbag?

4. What is a shabti? What was the name of this shabti?

5. What did Carter and Sadie discover when they looked through the book that contained the lineage of the pharaohs? Draw the symbol for Kane below.

6. What were the Demon Days? Who was born on those days? Who would they need to defeat?

Chapter 8

1. What was the noise coming from the pool?

2. Below draw the Narmer Palette. Then describe what the hieroglyphs mean according to Sadie and Carter.

3. Describe what happened to Muffin when Sadie tossed her on the floor as the serpopards came towards them?

Day 5 Reading: Chapters 9-10

Chapter 9

1. Why did Bast thank an old tomcat?

2. Describe the carriers. What is their mission?

3. Why wasn’t Bast as strong as she could be?

4. What deal had Bast made with their father?

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Do you think it is a good idea to summon more gods? What do you think could happen if they do? Make sure to explain your prediction.

Chapter 10

1. Why do magicians avoid animal products for clothing?

2. What are the two forces that control the universe?

3. Describe Bast as she prepared to fight the carriers.

4. What was Sadie trying to open?

5. Describe Serqet.


Name: __________________ Date: _____________

Day 1 Reading: Chapters 1-2

Chapter 1

8. As a reader what are you supposed to do at the beginning of the book?

Go to school, find the locker, use the combination 13/32/33, open a package, but don’t keep it for more than one week. The package will grant you almost unlimited power. Learn its secrets and pass it on.

9. In what city did the adventure begin?

It began in London, England.

10. Why is Carter’s dad only allowed two days a year with Sadie?

Carter’s grandparents hate him. After his mom died, his mom’s parents had a court battle with his dad. The kids were separated and the grandparents won the right to keep Sadie with them.

11. Why does Carter feel like most of the time he is a fugitive instead of a tourist?

Carter’s dad is always very cautious. He checks every hotel room before Carter can walk into it. His dad rushes into museums to quickly take notes and then rushes out. They don’t stay in one place for too long.

12. Where was the last place Carter’s dad saw his wife?

It was by Cleopatra’s needle in London.

13. What had Carter’s dad given both him and Sadie right before Sadie went to live with their grandparents?

He had given them Egyptian amulets. Carter had the eye of Horus.

14. What had Carter’s dad done that was strange before they exited the cab? What did Carter notice?

Carter’s dad threw a handful of small objects into the backseat. Carter caught a glimpse of the cab as it left and it had a man and two kids in the cab.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Before you read Chapter 2, predict what you think will happen inside the museum. Make sure to explain your prediction.

Answers will vary. (AWV)

Chapter 2

7. What was the main attraction in the middle of the room in the Egyptian wing? Why is that artifact important?

It was the Rosetta Stone. It was the key to deciphering hieroglyphics.

8. What did Carter and Sadie’s dad want them to do with Dr. Martin?

He wanted them to padlock the door to Dr. Martin’s office so he couldn’t get out.

9. What happened to the Rosetta Stone?

Their dad was writing hieroglyphs onto the stone when Sadie interrupted his concentration and he exploded the stone.

10. When Julius asked the fiery man how many did he release, what was the fiery man’s response?

He said that all 5 were released, a package deal.

11. What did the fiery man due to their dad?

He put a coffin around their dad and made the coffin sink into the floor.

12. What kept the fiery man from getting Carter?

Carter’s amulet grew hot around his neck and shoved the fiery man backward.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. What do you think happened to Julius Kane?


Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of what happened in the museum. Be prepared to share.

Day 2 Reading: Chapters 3-4

Chapter 3

5. What were the only two gifts that Dad had ever given Sadie?

Her cat muffin and the Egyptian amulet were the only two gifts.

6. What was Sadie’s point of view about what had happened with her dad?

She had felt abandoned at age six. The necklace was her only link to him. She would curse him for not being around.

7. What symbol was on Mom’s t-shirt from a picture that Sadie kept. Draw it and label what it means below.

It was the symbol for life. See p. 33 for the drawing.

8. Why was Sadie upset with the interrogation from Inspector Williams?

He was making it out to be like her dad was some type of terrorist.

Chapter 4

6. What was strange about Inspector Williams? What did he suddenly order of both Carter and Sadie?

He had suddenly changed his mind and did not arrest them. Instead he wanted to deport both of them to America.

7. Who came into the Faust’s home to take Sadie and Carter? What had he done to Inspector Williams?

Amos came to take them. He had changed the inspector’s mind.

8. How had Amos planned to get from London to New York in only one hour?

He had planned to use an Egyptian reed boat.

9. What did Gran and Amos make sure Sadie took with her?

They made sure that she took the cat.

10. Who was Amos? What was your reaction when you found that out?

He was Julius’ brother, Sadie and Carter’s uncle. AWV.

6. Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Why do you think they are going to New York and what role do you think the cat will play in the story? Explain your thoughts.


Day 3 Reading: Chapters 5-6

Chapter 5

7. Describe the trip on the reed boat from London to New York.

See pp. 50-51.

8. Why did the Fausts and Amos live on the east shore?

In Ancient Egyptian times the east bank of the Nile was the side of the living, and where the sun rises. The dead were buried on the west side. It was bad luck to live there.

9. What is Nome? Which nome is Greater New York?

Nome is a district or region taken from Ancient Egyptian times. The world is divided into 360 nomes, with New York being 21st.

10. How did Carter open the door to the mansion?

He stretched out his arm and raised his hand. The door followed his movement.

5. Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of the Great Room. Then below the box, write down details of what were some of the key parts of the Great Room.

Three sentences: see pp. 54-55

11. What was Amos’ explanation of the animal heads on the statues?

Gods could appear in many forms, sometimes human, sometimes animal, and sometimes both forms together. They would appear this way to show that they can exist in two different worlds at once.

12. Who is Khufu?

He was a baboon that wore a LA Lakers jersey that lived with Amos.

Chapter 6

12. Describe Carter’s dream/vision below. You can write five sentences or draw pictures to explain what he saw.

See pp. 62-65

13. What do you think Muffin was trying to tell Carter about the headrest?

She was trying to tell him that he should use it the next night when he goes to sleep.

14. Who is Philip of Macedonia?

He is an albino crocodile with pink eyes, who liked bacon, that lived in Amos’ swimming pool.

15. What had happened to their dad according to Amos?

He was trying to summon a god by the name of Osiris.

16. How is Egypt very much alive in America?

There is a pyramid on the dollar bill and the Washinton Monument is an obelisk.

17. What was special about the Kane and Faust family?

They were Egyptian magicians that have been part of the House of Life almost since the beginning of ancient Egypt. Carter and Sadie combine the bloodline of two ancient families.

18. How was the Rosetta Stone fixed according to Amos?

Other magicians were able to fix it by saying Join-Hi-nehm.

19. As Egypt faded, where did the magic collect and concentrate?

It collected and concentrated into its remaining relics that are located in Egypt and in museums around the world.

20. Why was Amos worried about the release of the five gods? What punishment would Julius Kane face from the House of Life for releasing them?

The gods of Egypt are very dangerous. He could be put to death.

21. Why did the House insist that Carter and Sadie needed to be separated after their mother’s death?

If they were raised together, they could become very powerful.

22. What is the Duat?

See pp. 81-82

Day 4 Reading: Chapters 7-8

Chapter 7

7. What was Sadie’s rationale for wanting to go into the library?

See p. 84-top of 85.

8. How did they get into the library?

Sadie said the words “Ha-di” and the door exploded.

Strategy Focus: Visualizing: Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the box below draw and color a picture of the library. Then below the box, write down details of what was in the library.

Three sentences: See pp. 88-89.

9. What were the six items that were in their dad’s handbag?

Wax, a wooden stylus and palette, several lengths of brown twine, small ebony cat statue, thick roll of paper, and a wax figurine were in the bag.

10. What is a shabti? What was the name of this shabti?

A shabti is a small human-like figurine made of clay who would perform tasks for the deceased in the afterlife, and would answer questions that you ask of it. This one was named Doughboy.

11. What did Carter and Sadie discover when they looked through the book that contained the lineage of the pharaohs? Draw the symbol for Kane below.

They discovered the name Kane in the book which meant they had relation going back to ancient times. See p. 98 for the symbol.

12. What were the Demon Days? Who was born on those days? Who would they need to defeat? See pp. 101-103.

Chapter 8

4. What was the noise coming from the pool?

The crocodile was fighting two cat-snakes (serpopards). He took them off the edge of the terrace and all three vanished.

5. Below draw the Narmer Palette. Then describe what the hieroglyphs mean according to Sadie and Carter.

See pp. 106-108.

6. Describe what happened to Muffin when Sadie tossed her on the floor as the serpopards came towards them?

See p. 111-112.

Day 5 Reading: Chapters 9-10

Chapter 9

5. Why did Bast thank an old tomcat?

The tomcat is one of Bast’s subjects and would spread the news about the predicament.

6. Describe the carriers. What is their mission?

They were copper colored. They can run fast. They were summoned from the Duat. They will stop at nothing to find their victims. They will capture their victims, and take them back to their master.

7. Why wasn’t Bast as strong as she could be?

She is only as strong as the host body that she is in.

8. What deal had Bast made with their father?

He let her remain in the world as long as she assumed a minor form, a normal housecat, so she could protect and watch over Sadie.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions: Good readers will predict. Do you think it is a good idea to summon more gods? What do you think could happen if they do? Make sure to explain your prediction.


Chapter 10

6. Why do magicians avoid animal products for clothing?

It interferes with magic spells.

7. What are the two forces that control the universe?

Chaos and order are the two forms.

8. Describe Bast as she prepared to fight the carriers.

See pp. 125-126.

9. What was Sadie trying to open?

She was trying to open a portal to the Duat through an obelisk so they could escape the carriers.

10. Describe Serqet.

See p. 128.

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