Percent Composition of Gum LAP - at Clark University

M.A.T Program Learning Activity Plan Percent Composition of Gum Lab

Stephanie Korunow

I Content: In this lab students will be working on calculating percent composition. During the lab students

will be determining the percent composition of sugar in gum followed by a post lab assignment doing more complex calculations. This lab is also a low stakes chance at writing a lab report to prepare them for a formal lab report that they will write after break. Students were supposed to have done a pre lab assignment before coming into the lab but due to interruptions we didn't get to it. So instead the pre-lab is being incorporated into the lesson as an introduction to percent composition.

II Learning Goals (SWBAT): a. Calculate percent composition in various situations including determining percent composition by mass of different compound b. Determine the percent composition of sugar in gum. c. Differentiate between different parts of a formal lab report. d. Write a low stakes lab report.

III Rationale: This unit has a lot of calculations and naming and it can get a bit tedious to go over. This lab

gives students a chance to get practice doing percent composition calculations in a fun way. It also gives students the chance to work on writing a "formal" lab report. Up until now students have not really worked on writing lab reports. This lab gives them a chance to see how a formal lab is set up with a lab that is not too intensive and the calculations are pretty straightforward.

IV Assessment: a. Bellwork ? Gives me a chance to see how they are doing on naming different compounds as well as gives an introduction to the lesson. b. Pre-Lab ?Another check of student understanding from before participating in the lab. c. Lab Write Up ? Allows me to check to see how they write a lab report before we work on a higher stakes one. It also allows me to check for understanding of percent composition. d. Post-Lab ? In the post-lab students are asked to show the set-up of each different percent composition problem. This gives me a final assessment of student understanding after the lab itself.

V Personalization: Due to South High's rotating schedule I am able to have my students for long block once a week

to do lab activities. Because of the extended period I am able to work one-on-one with students throughout the lab where I can work on individual understanding. This is especially useful in my third period class, which only has twenty-seven students! As part of this lab specifically I can work individually on students understanding of the different sections of the lab as they fill them in.

I have set up the desks in groups of three so that they can compare work and ask each other questions so they are not only reliant on me for help. I have not assigned groups for this lab.

VI Activity description and agenda: Teacher Activity Take Attendance Make announcements Hand out lab Collect Bellwork!

Introduce Percent Composition

Introduce Percent Composition in Chemistry Introduce Lab

Go over procedure with class Start Lab ? hand out gum! Begin Timer: Go over sections of a lab and talk about the importance of writing a lab report.

Move around room answering questions oneon-one

Round Discussion Work through some more complex problems as a whole class.

Student Activity Bellwork: Name the Following Ionic AND Molecular Compounds: 1. CuI2 2. CBr4 3. MgSO4 4. P4O5 5. Write the formula for: Iron (II) Phosphate 6. Data Collection: How many students are girls and how many students are boys? 7. If you have time brainstorm reasons why chemists write formal lab reports? Take notes and work through pre-lab problem 1. Work through pre-lab problems 2-4 in groups Read through short paragraph at the bottom of the 1st page Notes + Practice problem Students take out lab report and read through the introduction and work on writing out a purpose, materials and procedure section of the lab in small groups. Make adjustments!!! Mass Gum ? Use wrapper as tare paper. Chew for 5 minutes! Talk about sections

Spit gum into wrapper ? mass again Work through calculations and writing lab reports High flyers can move onto working problems and trying the more challenging problems here Lunch 11:00-11:30 Discuss Lab Finish working on post lab calculations HW: Finish Lab, Molecular Naming Worksheet

VII List the Massachusetts Learning Standards this Lesson Addresses. 5.4 Determine percent compositions, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas

VIII: Reflections I could feel how amazing this lesson was going as I taught and it was a great feeling! I think the

moment I knew was when the first lunch bell rang and we were exactly where I wanted us to be at that point! So this lesson had good time management, especially during the first part of the lab, which was more of an introduction to the concepts and introduction to lab reports, and the parts of a lab report. This part of the lesson could have dragged on to long but I was able to take advantage of the five minutes they were chewing to discuss some important things.

I also felt more confident in front of my class. I think a big part of it was that I had to re-plan my whole lesson because I had interruptions the few days before so I had to incorporate the pre-lab and introduction. Because I had to plan in a lot more detail to make sure everything fit into my lesson. This better understanding of my own lesson helped me make it run smoothly and showed my confidence. And because I had confidence my students listened and followed my instructions.

One thing I worry about is giving too much away when I talk to my students. I think overall I may have guided them a bit to much but I think that I did a pretty good job of not telling them the answer or telling them too much. I was actually able to use the lab to give hints and clues to my students. Something that they don't always realize is that the lab is full of hints and information that will help them. I have been trying to point back to the text/lab for hints so they can think about doing that in the future before calling me over.

Students were also engaged the entire time. My third period class did not get a chance to do the pre lab before coming into the lab due to interruptions so they had a lot of different level problems in front of them throughout the lab. I used these problems as a challenge to my students. If they had extra time they could try harder and harder problems. Students really took up that challenge; Quyen's group was really pushing forward through the problems, asking clarifying questions and discussing their issues with each other! These problems kept the class engaged even in lulls where we were waiting for other students to catch up. The fun aspect of this lab, the chewing gum, also played an important part in keeping students engaged.

The last thing I wanted to talk about with this lesson was making it authentic. The lab itself is relatively straightforward and does not take to many calculations. Because of this I wanted to incorporate the introduction

to why chemists write formal lab reports and the parts of the lab into this lesson. That way students would not be too distracted by an in depth lab to focus in on the report itself. I think that my students had some really great ideas about why chemists write lab reports and I was able to talk about a few other ideas. I definitely am coming from the idea that this will not be the last science class they have and maybe that some of them will go off to college and study chemistry. I want them to have an idea of what its like to work as a chemists and what is important for a chemist to do and know. I was also proud of the scientific language I was hearing throughout the lab.

The things I needed to work on were talking to fast, which I do when I am nervous and also making sure I plan like this every time I teach. It definitely makes a difference and shows!


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