The United States Marines On Iwo Jima The Battle and the ...

[Pages:40] The United States Marines

on Iwo Jima

The Battle and the Flag Raisings


Bernard C. Nalty and

Danny J. Crawford

History and Museums Divison Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps

Washington, D.C.


PCN 19000316600

Previous Pamphlets

The Battle for Iwo Jima The Iwo Jima Flag Raising The United States Marines on Iwo Jima:

The Battle and the Flag Raising

Printed 1962 Printed 1962

Printed 1967


Foreword Table of Contents

Prologue The Landing The Fight for Suribachi The Iwo Jima Flag Raisings Corporal Ira Hamilton Hayes, USMCR

Private First Class Franklin Runyon Sousley, USMCR Sergeant Michael Strank, USMC Pharmacist's Mate Second Class John Henry Bradley, USN Corporal Rene Arthur Gagnon, USMCR Corporal Harlon Henry Block, USMC

Action in the North The 3d Division Enters the Fight Beginning of the End Mopping Up The Last Japanese Attempt Summing Up


Unit Citations

The Marine Corps War Memorial

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This concise narrative of the Marine battle for Iwo Jima and the events surrounding the famous flag raisings atop Mount Suribachi is an updated revision of one of the most popular pamphlets ever produced by the History and Museums Division. Compiled from original records and appropriate historical works and printed as two separate reference pamphlets in 1962, the chronicle was combined into one volume in 1967.

This revision of the 1967 pamphlet adds significant new material on the two flag raisings on Iwo Jima as well as updated biographical material on some of the flag raisers. Also included because of the immense interest in the Marine Corps War Memorial, is a fact sheet on the construction of the Memorial, along with other pertinent information on the monument.

In this 50th anniversary year of the final drive to victory in the Pacific, this pamphlet is dedicated to all of the heroes of Iwo Jima.

Edwin H. Simmons Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret) Director of Marine Corps History and Museums





-- A'

With permission of the Assoicated Press

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 113162

The most famous battle photograph ever taken, the second flag-raising on Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima.

Picturedfrom left are 1-PFC Ira H. Hayes; 2-PFC Franklin R. Sousley, KIA; 3-Sgt Michael Strank, KIA; 4-PM2/C

John H. Bradley; 5-PFC Rene A. Gagnon; and 6-Cpl Harlon H. Block, KIA.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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