ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

Social Media Anxiety


1. What was the main point of the BtN story?

2. Complete this sentence. A recent report has found that social media is making a lot of teenagers feel...

3. Some teenagers feel like they are missing out on things they see on social media. Give an example.

4. Why did Essena quit social media?

5. How did she feel about the photos she was posting on social media?

6. Essena was often paid to promote brands and products using social media. True or false?

7. How can young people feel better about what they see on social media?

8. What do you think young people can do to have a more positive experience on social media?

9. Working in small groups, brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?


Pros and cons of social media

In small groups brainstorm the pros and cons of using social media. Organise your information into two columns. Compare your ideas with the rest of the class.

What are the benefits of social media?

• Improves communication skills

• Helps you get in touch with friends, classmates and people with similar interests

• Improves your technical skills

What are the risks of social media?

• You may feel like you are missing out on things

• It can make you feel bad about yourself

• Cyber bullying

• Using social media before bedtime can affect your sleep

• There is no body language or tone of voice to help understand what someone is saying


‘Cyber world’ versus ‘real world’

Find similarities and differences between the ‘cyber world’ and the ‘real world’. Use a Venn diagram to help organise your information.

For example, social media shows a ‘perfect world’ and is not real life, and people can text or post things online that they would never say or do to a person.


Compare and contrast

Students will research a range of different social media websites or apps, learn what they are used for and examine why age restrictions on these sites are important. Refer to this quick guide to popular social media sites and apps.

|Social media |How old do you have to|What is it used for? What can you do? |

|website or app |be to sign up? | |

|[pic] |13 years old |It is a social networking website. |

| | |It helps you keep in touch with friends and family. |

| | |You can post photos, share links and other information. |

|[pic] | | |

|[pic] | | |

|[pic] | | |

|[pic] | | |

|[pic] | | |

|Other sites | | |

|List 3 reasons why social media age restrictions matter? |


Getting an idea of who you are and knowing your strengths and talents can be really useful in building confidence and self esteem.


As a class, students will begin this activity by discussing and brainstorming what makes up your personal ‘identity’. Use a mind map to record the students’ responses about identity and then find a dictionary meaning.

Who am I?

Who am I? Students will reflect on this question through discussion, writing and art. Students will brainstorm and record how they see themselves, responding to the following reflective questions. Student will then take the information they have learnt about themselves and create a collage that illustrates who they are.

• Who are you?

• What words best describe you?

• What are you really passionate about?

• What are your most important values?

• What do you think is unique and special about you?

• What are your strengths? Check out this website for tips on figuring out your strengths.

• What are your challenges?

• How are you similar/different to other people? How do you feel about your differences?

• When do you feel most like yourself?

• Why is it so important to be yourself?

Being Me artwork

Being Me is an opportunity to look at who we are underneath all we do. This activity asks students to consider who they are – not what they do – by drawing on their hand or on a picture of their hand their five favourite characteristics. It's an opportunity for a child to visually express and celebrate themselves.

Look at some examples, as part of the Being Me Project run by ABC Splash.

[pic] [pic] [pic]


Self esteem helpline

Students will imagine they are volunteering at their school’s self esteem helpline. Students will give advice and helpful tips to each of the four callers on how to improve their self esteem. These are fictional scenarios, and the issues discussed in this activity may be difficult for many students, and teachers should attempt to anticipate and be ready to respond to a range of student reactions.

• Before starting this activity brainstorm a list of tips for coping with the social and emotional pressures of social media. Make a list of good choices that you make when using social media. How does it make you feel?

• Download the Helpline scenarios and respond to the scenarios by giving practical, positive advice and tips. Alternatively, write your own scenarios that talk about fear of missing out (FOMO), negative body image or another emotional response to social media and then give advice.

• After you have completed this activity respond to the following questions:

o What was hard or easy about this activity? Explain.

o Helping other people can help boost your own self esteem. Why do you think this happens?

o Think of a time when you have felt sad or anxious when using social media. Think of your own feel-good mantra or positive self talk that could have helped you feel good about yourself at the time. Check out this website for ways to improve your self-talk.


ABC News – #FOMO leading to higher levels of depression, anxiety for heavy social media users

ABC News – Wake up Rosie smartphone app aims to help girls navigate the internet `junkyard’

ABC Chalk it up – Comparing ourselves to others

Behind the News – Mental Health Special

Behind the News – Fresh Faced Friday

Behind the News – Healthy Minds


Episode 33

17th November 2015


Students will investigate and find strategies to build self esteem when using social media.


Health – 5 & 6

Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054)

Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours (ACPPS057)

Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships (ACPPS056)

Health – 7 & 8

Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS073)

Technologies - Years 5 & 6

Manage the creation and communications of ideas and information including online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (ACTDIP022)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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