Review Questions

Review Questions

Soc. 2111 Exam #1 Fall 2005

Describe in your own words how the three revolutions gave rise to sociology and the impact they had on social contract theory.

How does Kuhn’s version of the growth of knowledge differ from the pebble model?

How is scientific research like puzzle solving? Why do paradigms change?

How do the three paradigms in sociology view human nature and society?

Do you think Hume would agree with Kuhn about how knowledge develops? Explain your answer.

Why are paradigms important to studying sociology?

Social contract theory and Adam Smith could, to some extent, be considered exchange theorist, why? Compare their ideas to Homans.

Compare Adams Smith’s conception of Human Nature to Hobbes and Locke.

Compare and contrast how Malthus and Bentham view the population issue?

One basic question is social research is; Why do people do what they do? How would Smith and Malthus answer this question?

How does Smith’s conception of human nature combined with the invisible hand of the market result in the best of all possible worlds? How does Bentham see us coming to that same world?

Put yourself in the shoes of social contract theorists; Do you believe we could do away with organized state structures and live as free human beings? How much freedom should humans give up to organized society and still be considered free?

What was there about the social world of the 1700s and 1800s that would lead to a science of society?

Drawing on Smith, will bringing more tourists to Duluth be a good think or a bad thing?

How do you think Locke would respond to the Patriot Act? Drawing on Locke, explain your answer.

How does Exchange Theory account for social cohesion?

Compare the exchange theory of Homans to Blau.

Compare and contrast how Bentham and Malthus might view the gulf coast tragedy and what ought to be done.

Compare and contrast St. Simon’s and Comte’s law of three stages.

According to Simon and Comte what produces social stability and what produces social change?

Explain Herbert Spencer’s conception of social change?

How does Spencer explain social stability?

Explain the importance of religion for St. Simon and Comte.

Explain Spencer’s functional analysis.

Explain Martineau’s methodological approach.

Why would Martineau be considered a positivistic sociologist?


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