Is Technology Harmful or Beneficial for society?

Is Technology Harmful or Beneficial for society?

By Daniel Tran


Although Technology can be used in various ways, there are some that are unhealthy. In the Presentation, I will be discussing both benefits and drawbacks of technology, and how the drawbacks can be remedied.For every con, I will talk about a pro.

Con: technology can affect sleep negatively

According to many studies, screens from devices such as phones and computers radiate blue light that reduces the production of melatonin

This is important because melatonin controls the sleep and wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm

Reduction of melatonin is not good because it makes it more difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep

Due to the lack of melatonin, a person's thoughts may wander at night, causing even more issues

How to fix negative sleeping habits

In order to avoid the reduction of melatonin from devices, reduce the use of devices before sleep

Experts say that people should put away devices at least an hour before bed

It may also help to put devices in another room, so as not to be tempted to use them

If reducing usage of devices doesn't help with the issue, people with this problem could try and use melatonin products to make up for the amount lost

Pro: Technology can help with communication

With the use of technology, we are able to communicate with long distance relatives or friends

It also allows one to save time and money; considering how far some people may be away, communicating through a video call can save one's time and money if they do not have it

Software such as skype allow for in-call translations, which removes many restrictions that would occur in regular calls

It also allows us to speak to a wider audience all around the world at once


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