Government Essay # 3

Government Essay # 2

Write an essay in which you address the following:

Select (in your view) the three most important amendments to the Constitution and do the following: Explain:

1. What the amendment does

2. How the amendment has been or can be applied in real life situations.

3. Why do you feel each of these amendments is important to citizens of the United States? What would be the consequences if this amendment did not exist?

This essay should be at least 2-3 pages in length. It should be typed, double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman Font with no more than 1 inch margins. Remember to avoid the use of personal pronouns in a formal essay! Also, be sure to proofread your work.

This essay is due Wednesday, February 21, 2018 by 3:30 pm.

Computer lab time will be given Thursday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If you feel that you will need more time than provided in class, it is your responsibility to work on the essay outside of class time.

A suggested outline is found on the back of this paper.



A. Explain what the Constitution is, and explain how amendments were created to given the citizens rights…

B. List the three most important amendments (Thesis statement)


Amendment X

What it does

How it has been applied in real life

Why is it important (i.e. Without the X Amendment, citizens would…)

Amendment X

What it does

How it has been applied in real life

Why is it important (i.e. Without the X Amendment, citizens would…)

Amendment X

What it does

How it has been applied in real life

Why is it important (i.e. Without the X Amendment, citizens would…)


—Restate Thesis (three most important amendments) and summarize why they are the most important.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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