Sample Essay: Should Students Have To Do Homework Over ...

[Pages:2]Sample Essay: Should Students Have To Do Homework Over their Breaks?

Have you ever had to work on your vacation and then not get a chance to be with your family or friends? Unfortunately, that's what happens to some students today ? they get sent home over their breaks with homework. Even though research shows that playing and downtime is good for learning, students get sent home with work. Students today should not have to do homework over the break, because it interferes with their family time, continues to stress them out, and no homework over the break might actually help them learn better when they come back to school.

Students today, because of their schedules, don't have a lot of time for family. They are in class at least 75% out of the year, and they have homework, clubs, projects, and so many other things. While students do get to see their family, it is usually briefly ? maybe a "good morning" on their way to school, or perhaps some time at dinner. If the parent works off-hours, they may not even get to see them, except when they get home from school while mom or dad are going to work. Vacation time for students is important because it gives them time to be with their parents all day. Also, parents can schedule family vacations when kids have breaks from school. Having homework can interfere with all of this.

Even if a student does go on a vacation with their family and takes homework with them, they'll still be a little stressed out. They'll always have to remind themselves that they have homework to finish, so they won't be able to truly enjoy the vacation time they're having. In addition, they will have to take time out from their vacation in order to do the homework, time that they could spend with family or just relaxing.

Finally, recent studies in brain science have shown that free playtime for kids, the kind they get during breaks, can actually be a good thing. Letting the brain play and rest is good, these studies say, because it allows the brain to develop social skills and the ability to participate in teamwork. These skills are important, obviously, because we all someday have to work with others and get along well with them. Doing homework all the time, even if for a good reason, takes away time from the brain growing skills like these.

In light of the reasons presented, kids shouldn't have homework over their vacation/break time. It takes away precious time for them to be with their families, keeps them stressed out when they shouldn't be, and may even be detrimental for them since their brain won't be able to develop other important social and teamwork-based skills. This is why students shouldn't have to do homework over the break.

Basic Essay Outline Format

Please note: this is a basic, five paragraph essay format outline. Use it until you are comfortable with the format/process, but do not limit yourself to it. Think of this outline as a set of training wheels, ones that you will eventually take off, freeing yourself to go places in writing you never imagined possible.

Introduction - Hook/opener (question, short narrative, fact/statistic, etc.) - Supporting/background sentences (one or two) - Thesis statement (your position/answer to the question, and the facts/points that you intend to use to support and help prove your argument is valid)

First Supporting Paragraph - Transition & topic sentence (this is where you let the reader know what you're going to be talking about in this paragraph) - Supporting fact #1 (what is it? Be specific, describe it precisely) o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis - Concluding statement

Second Supporting Paragraph - Transition & topic sentence (this is where you let the reader know what you're going to be talking about in this paragraph) - Supporting fact #2 (what is it? Be specific, describe it precisely) o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis - Concluding statement

Third Supporting Paragraph - Transition & topic sentence (this is where you let the reader know what you're going to be talking about in this paragraph) - Supporting fact #3 (what is it? Be specific, describe it precisely) o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis o Commentary and/or analysis supporting your fact & thesis - Concluding statement

Conclusion - Transition & restatement of your original position - Rewrite your three supporting facts, but differently - Concluding sentence


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