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Asian languages

Focus Questions

1. What was the main point of the BtN story?

2. What are the benefits of learning a language?

3. Apart from English, what language does the Prime Minister speak?

4. What was the government’s Asian languages program trying to achieve?

5. Which countries does Australia trade resources with?

6. What does new research show about kids learning Asian languages at school?

7. What languages are students choosing instead? What are some possible reasons?

8. How do you think students could be encouraged to continue studying Asian languages?

9. Do you think students should learn another language at school? Why or why not?

10. How has your thinking changed since watching the BtN story??

Learning languages

Students will investigate the benefits of learning another language by completing the following activities. Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to do.

Remember and Understand

• Give five reasons why people should learn a second language.

• Describe your own experience learning another language.

• What do you think is meant by the term `global community’ and why is language important to it?

Apply and Analyse

• Choose a job that requires the person to speak a language other than English. Research it and write a job description.

• Using a language other than English, create a profile that tells people about you. Share your profile with a friend.

• Use the internet to research the following question: Why do scientists believe that it is easier for young children to learn a language? Present your research findings to the class.

Evaluate and create

• Using a language other than English, practise and perform a role play between you and another student. Pretend that you are meeting for the first time so you need to use appropriate language and cultural gestures.

• Learning an Asian language should be compulsory for all students. Develop an argument for or against the statement.

• Predict what might happen if the numbers of students studying an Asian language drop. Who and what will be affected?

( Related Research Links

ABC News – Asian languages on the decline

ABC 730 Report – Another broken promise?

ABC Behind the News – Language teaching


Episode 17

22ND JUNE 2010


Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will investigate the benefits of learning another language.




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