IDEAMANfreeEbook info - Idea Man Expert


By David Selley

Founder & CEO International Entrepreneurs Association


This little book is written to help anyone who reads it, understand how ideas form, what makes the idea clock in a person's head start ticking, and the usefulness of turning your ideas into reality. Frankly, without the ideas that have improved the world today, you and I wouldn't be here today.

In this book, it is hoped you will find enough reason to not lock your ideas in a box and throw them away, but instead, to work on them, and try as much as you can to bring them to fruition.

Shall we?


Let's get into the science. How do ideas form?

Fact, ideas are made from thoughts. And to a degree, we know that thoughts are not generated out of nowhere. You would be right if you said ideas are gotten from smell, sound, and sight. Think of it as an ocean. Our minds are a still ocean, and when we smell, hear, or see something, a cloud forms in the sky that is our brain, and the droplets of rain that fall onto the ocean making it stir; are what becomes ideas.

These ideas are basically made from a bunch of activity through various, interconnected neural networks. With that said, an idea is only formed, if one thinks creatively, that is, when the connections needed to spark worthwhile ideas, take place.

In an article by , further clarification was made by summarizing a story about Archimedes and the Golden crown.

"The great Greek polymath Archimedes has been tasked with determining whether or not a crown is made of solid gold. He can’t damage the crown and he can’t simply weigh it (since other materials equal to the weight of gold could be inside the crown). After working all day on the problem, he fills a bath to relax in, but as he’s getting into the tub he notices the waterline on the edge of the bathtub rise in relation to the amount of his body being submerged.

Immediately, he realizes how he can use water to detect the mass of the crown in comparison to a chunk of gold equal to that which was supposedly used to create the crown.

Archimedes was so blown away by the simplicity of the solution that the legend says he dashed out into the streets, stark naked, shouting “Eureka!” which translates to: “I’ve got it!”

All along Archimedes had the know-how to solve the challenge of the golden crown. He was an expert at this type of stuff.

But it wasn’t until he physically saw the displacement of water in his bathtub that he acknowledged the solution."

Get it?

The next section will answer the question why. Why should you have new ideas?


Ideas have continued to improve the world we're in today. Fact is, without these ideas, I won't be writing this, and you won't be reading this.

A few examples to buttress the usefulness of ideas in the society we live in:

- There is a reason we don't have to walk to everywhere we're going. This is because of vehicles, automobiles. Don't even get me started on how we won't be able to move across continents without the idea that brought up aeroplane.

- Hey, look, someone came up with the idea to kill people faster and more efficiently, that's why we have guns.

- I have a relative who lives in another state, but I can't speak to them. Hell, some of our ancestors didn't get the chance to speak to their relatives because there was no such thing as a telephone.

- Thank God for DNA. Now, we can know if our next door neighbor who looks like our granny from the old family picture is actually our long lost relative.

- Spoons, forks, plates are all great ideas. A genius somewhere came up with the idea of putting raw food over fire, and that's what we have now as cooking.

Ideas are limitless, and even more so as the world keeps evolving.


The question is, what ideas should you have? What idea is fit for a world that seems like it has had it all?

It is basically like thinking of creating a new superhero. One that doesn't share the superpower we have all seen or read. A superhero with a new superpower.

Even thinking about it now, my brain is about to go on an overdrive, but the fact is, that superhero can be found. It is about taking your time, focusing on that one single objective of finding a new idea, and adding "what does this world need, what improvements can be made to it" to the list.

It might take time - it will take time, but it will happen. Also, while you're at it, it is better to stick to a specific field. Music industry? Films? Business? Health? Technology?

Tons of money and recognition - maybe an award - if you come up with that idea that will make you run around the streets stark naked, screaming "Eureka".

Check this out: Even coming up with an idea for a new superhero with a new superpower fits into the "what ideas should I have problem." Imagine how much the likes of DC comics or Marvel comics would pay to have their hands on something that has never been created before.

Some of the things you should consider when thinking about a new idea are:

- Whatever idea you will have, make sure it is one that is guaranteed to be successful. One you see a vision in. You don't want to be wasting your time on an idea that won't work. Better yet, save the idea for a time that it might work.

James Cameron's idea for the Avatar film is a good example. Rumors has it that he waited years for technology to catch up to his idea for a film. And the film turned out to be a massive hit.

You get the point.

Also note that, even if an idea doesn't turn out to be successful, know that some ideas create values regardless. You could call them a teachable moment.

These are the ideas that you gain skills, experience, and maybe build assets from.

- The idea that is good for you, might not be good for the majority. The point is, not every idea is worth pursuing unless you have a FedX or Microsoft idea. Ideas can be a trap, if you're the only one seeing the opportunity in them. Time and effort as you know it, is limited. Make sure others see the future you see, and prove it if you can before pursuing the idea.

Excitement matters a lot when it comes it ideas. You shouldn't choose an idea simply because of its result. Please, make sure it is something you will find great joy in trying to accomplish. A lot of people out there are only interested in something, because of the potential result. It can get quite tricky when all you're interested in, is the end result, not the work that you'll have to put in.

Be in love with everything.

Simple ideas are the greatest ideas. If you find that you can't explain your idea in the simplest of ways to someone who might actually be interested in funding them, think again. What they'll think is, your ideas are not fully formed. See it as if you're explaining to a child, would he or she be able to understand you?


The question now is when, when should you have an idea? When should “it” be implemented?

There is no better time that now. There is no better time to act than now. Do not put it off today or say "I'll get it done tomorrow." Procrastination is the mother of all failures.

Why procrastinate when you can chase that million dollar idea now? Remember, if you don't, you risk losing that idea forever.

How do you implement it? Below are a couple of tips to get you started:

1. Courage

It takes an awful lot of courage to see something through to the idea. Sometimes you might feel like backing out. It's a normal thing.

It also takes a huge amount of courage to come up with something, that might seem so different with what you've seen around you. But get this,

"Success is based on the willingness to take risks."

- Philipp Depiereux

Failure even is sometimes seen as an opportunity to better your ways. And remember, the ideas that we use today were once considered crazy too.

2. Teamwork

There is something I came to learn in 2018. Two heads are better than one. What it takes a head to achieve in 12 months, two people can and will achieve it in 6 months. I've seen it happen.

So, to implement it, you need someone you can trust by your side. Your idea might need two pair of hands. Together, you can reach your goals faster and more efficiently.

3. Determination

The path to success requires a good amount of determination. As humans, we are gifted with a certain level of foresight. Usually, when I get an idea - which more often than not, happens at night; when I wake up in the morning, the same vibe I got last night might not be there. It takes great determination to go on regardless, whether the vibe comes back or not. Sooner or later, if you continue pushing, the vibe will come.

It is also noteworthy to mention, the vibe is like Nigerian electricity. It's not stable. Goes on and off.

Be determined. Keep pushing. The light will keep coming back on.

4. Feedback

This is also a good way to implement your idea, as it gives you a chance to know the pros and cons of your idea. Share it with your family and friends. Hear what they have to say. Does it awe them or does it give them that indifferent feeling? If the latter, they might probably be able to help in telling you ways in which you can better your idea. Beware though! Because there are a lot of “ dreamless” dream stealers lurking out there who don’t share your vision. Stay on point!

Suggestions for improvement should always be welcomed. It is why you have a Windows 10 and a higher version of the apps you love to use. It keeps getting better with the thousands of suggestions gotten from users everyday.

5. Changing shoes

To succeed, you must be able to put yourself into the shoes of other people. Do not only think about what your idea could do for people, think of how your idea could affect the lives of other people. There are two sides to everything. No idea is ever positive until given birth. Take action!

Care about everyone.


Ideas are a beautiful thing, implemented or not. But there is a difference between a beautiful idea residing in your head, and your idea being in the hands of everyone, or in the homes of anyone who finds your idea worthy.

# Thinkaboutit

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