1 - JochenEnglish

If you could change one event in your life, what would it be and why?

1. If you won the lottery, what would you do on the first day you got your money? Why?

2. If you could learn one musical instrument, what would it be and why?

3. If you could have your ideal job, what would it be and why? How would your working day go?

4. If you could have one day repeat over and over again for the rest of your life, which day would it be and why?

5. What if you were only allowed to receive one type of gift (such as books, computer games, clothes) for Christmas for the rest of your life? What would you choose and why?

6. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? What would you do with it?

7. What if scientists found that an asteroid was going to destroy the planet in one month? What would you do with your last month of life?

8. If you could smash one thing in your house with no consequences, what would it be and why?

9. If you could spend 24 hours locked in a room with any person throughout history, who would it be and why?

10. If you could change or invent one law that had to be implemented across the world, what would it be and why?

11. Imagine that you could choose one type of weather for the rest of your life. What would you choose and how would it affect your life?

12. Who is the wisest person you have ever met, and why?

13. If you could be attractive and stupid or intelligent and ugly, which would you prefer? Why?

14. If you had to listen to the same song ten times every day or never listen to music at all, which would you choose? If you chose the song, which would it be?

15. Imagine you found evidence that humans were created as an experiment by an ancient alien race. Would you tell the rest of the world, and why?

16. If you could make one animal extinct (ausgestorben), which would it be and why?

17. Imagine you could program a robot to perform one day-to-day task for you for the rest of your life. What task would it be any why?

18. If you could choose between having no emotions or no capacity for logical thought, which would you prefer? How would your life change?

19. If your husband or wife told you that you had to get a divorce if you didn't stop seeing your best friend, what would you do and why?

20. If you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why?

21. If you were bitten by a vampire, would you live with the blood-lust or ask somebody to kill you before you turned? Describe what your day-to-day life would be like as a vampire.

22. If you had one chance to showcase any talent of yours live on TV, which talent would it be and why? Do you think people would be impressed?

23. If you were a song, what type of song would you be and why? If you can't define it by genre, tempo or mood, describe it in any way you can.

24. If you could make up a new rule for any sport, what would it be and why? Would the sport be better as a result?

25. If you could buy one person anything for Christmas, regardless of cost, what would you get them and why? Who would you choose to receive the gift?

26. If you could be locked in any shop for a night, and you couldn't get in trouble for anything you did, what type of shop would you choose? What would you do?

27. Invent a new religion. Describe the God, if it has one (or many) and what the key beliefs are.

28. If you were a character from any book, who would you be and why?

29. If you were a member of the opposite gender, what would you look like? Would your personality be any different?

30. Invent a new illness and describe a person suffering from it. What would the major symptoms be?

31. If you could change the length of a day, would you lengthen it or shorten it? How would the world change as a result?

32. If your favourite thing in the world was outlawed, how would you cope? Would there be a black market, and would you use it?

33. Describe your most valuable possession and how you got it. What makes it so special to you?

34. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Do you think this name suits your personality more than your current name?

35. If you could read people's thoughts, what would you do and why? Whose thoughts would you want to read most, and why?

36. If you could immigrate to any country, which country would you choose and why? Would your life change as a result?

37. If you were a film character, which character would you be and why?

38. Think of the worst nightmare you've ever had. What happened and why was it so terrifying?

39. Imagine you are stranded on a desert island, what would you use to create an escape raft (Floß)? Describe your completed raft.

40. Imagine you were allowed to kiss anybody on earth, who would you choose and why?

41. If you were a multi-billionaire, would you do anything charitable with your money? How would it change the world?

42. Imagine you saw somebody burning your country's flag? Would you want revenge and if so how would you get it?

43. If you could talk to any animal, which animal would it be and why? What would the animal have to say?

44. If you could choose one fictional character to be your best friend in real life, which character would it be? What would you do together?

45. What if the world were under threat of an alien attack? How would you convince the aliens that humans were worth saving?

46. If there were aliens, what would they look like? Describe them and how they would act.

47. If you couldn't get somebody's attention, no matter what you did, what would you do? Describe your ultimate attention-grabbing stunt.

48. If you were away from home for more than a year, what would be the first thing you did when you got back? What would you miss most about your home?

49. If you could speak any language, which language would it be and what would you do with it?

50. If you could disobey one law for one day, which law would it be and what would you do?

51. If you were a robot, what would your main function be? Would you be useful to humans, and how?

52. If you could turn one computer game into reality, which game would it be and why? What would the world be like?

53. Invent a new super-car. Describe it, and how it is superior to all other cars on the road.

54. If you could invent your own tax, what would you tax? How would the world change if your tax was put in place?

55. If you could magically change your personality, what would you change? Would you be a better person as a result?

56. If you could have one talent, what would it be? How would you make use of your talent?

57. Imagine that heaven is an endless party with the people you love. Describe the party and what happens when you get there.

58. What if you had unlimited money to decorate your house? Describe your completed house.

59. If you won the lottery, would you stop working for the rest of your life? Why or why not?

60. If your brain was transplanted into a member of the opposite gender's body, what would be the first thing you did and why?

61. Imagine the most disgusting meal you can. What is on it and why is it so disgusting?

62. If you were famous, what lies would tabloids write about you? Would you sue them for libel?

63. If you were a professional sports star, who would you be and why? What similarities do you have to them?

64. If you were planning to rob a bank, how would you do it? Describe your plan and how you would get away with it?

65. If you could swap lives with any person in the world, who would it be? What would they think about your life?

66. Imagine the kindest person that could possibly exist. Describe them and what makes them so kind.

67. Invent a monster and describe what it looks like. Where does it live, and does it attack people?

68. Describe the kindest thing anybody has ever done for you and how it made you feel. Did you thank them?

69. What if you had been born in a different country? Which country would you have been born in and would you be any different as a result?

70. Imagine you are sat in a room with blank walls, nothing inside it, and nobody else is with you. What do you do to entertain yourself?

71. Invent a new form of public transport. How would it work and what advantages would it have over existing methods?

72. Imagine a day with so much snow that nobody can go to work.

73. Think of a time when you have been especially proud of yourself. What had you done and why were you so proud?

74. Describe a day in the life of a blind person. How would the world seem different if you didn't have the sense of sight?

75. Imagine you woke up one day and found that you were deaf. What sounds would you miss the most?

76. What if you could step into somebody's dreams and watch them like a film? Whose dreams would you invade and what would you see?

77. Think of a present you received that you didn't like. How did you react, and did the person suspect you didn't like it?

78. Think of the best present you've ever given somebody. Describe their reaction when they peeled back the wrapping paper.

79. Think of a time when you have forgotten somebody's birthday. How did you feel and what did you do about it?

80. Imagine you are about to undertake a long car journey. Describe the things you would take for the journey and why you would bring them?

81. Imagine you've invented a magic potion (Zaubertrank). What would the potion do and why would people want to take it?

82. Describe your perfect evening. What would you do and who would be there?

83. What is the worst job you could imagine doing and why? How would you feel in your day to day life?

84. Think of an original and unusual use for wood and explain it. Would it be functional or strictly for recreation?

85. Imagine you are God, and are deciding what the human body would look like. Describe your redesigned version of the human body and why it would be better.

86. If you could become invisible for one hour, what would you do?

87. Think about the most physically exhausted you have ever been. Why were you so tired?

88. Invent your own sport. What is the aim of the game and what are the rules?

89. What is your favourite season? What is it about the season that makes it your favourite?

90. Invent a new viral video. What would happen in it and why would it be so popular?

91. Invent a new day of the year to celebrate. How would people celebrate it?

92. If you could remove one genre of computer game from existence, what would it be and why?

93. Invent a new fashion trend. What would it be and what type of people would take to it?

94. Invent a futuristic method of travelling from one place to another. How would it work and what would it be like to use?

95. If you could master any physical skill, what would it be? How would you use your ability?

96. Invent a new app for mobile phones. What would it do and why would people use it?

97. If you could outlaw one genre of music, what would it be and why?

98. Describe what you want your life to be like in 15 years time. Do you think it will come true and why?

99. Invent a new toy. Describe it and why kids would want to play with it.


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