Planning 10 Name: __________ Goal Setting

Career Life Education Full Name: Parsa KhodaverdiBLK: A Instructions: Complete two “SMART” goals, one personal and one academic.GOAL #1: PERSONAL GOALSPECIFIC GOAL: What is your goal? Is it clearly written and does it tell WHY the goal is important to you? Be sure the goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.Specific: What exactly will you accomplish?I’m going to learn playing drums, by the end of my goal I want to be playing the complicated jazz drum lines. And, I want to gather a band and start to create our own piece. Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal?I will know when I have reach my goal when I have completely learned the different rhythms and when I can improvise and play the drum solos. Attainable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Have you got the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them?Yes, it’s realistic because I already know the basics of drums and I have a drummer friend who will teach me the jazz drumming. But I don’t have a drum set at home, so I’ll practice at school but as soon as I can I’m going to buy a used drum set and start jamming. Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life?It’s important for me because I already know how to play guitar and bass, learning another instrument will give me another opportunities to join a band or tacking a part in events.Timely: When will you achieve this goal?By the end of 2019.This goal is important because: I will learn my favourite musical instrument and as a band member, I will have more fortunes to lead the band through the songs.The benefits of achieving this goal will be: I can take a part in events and music festivals, and even I can teach it in future and make money from it.Take Action!Potential ObstaclesPotential SolutionsUnfortunately, I don’t have a music course next semester.I might be busy with studying and working.I’ll practice after school and on my spare blocks.I’ll set schedule and put a practice time every night.Who are the people you will ask to help you? My cousin, my drummer friend and I’ll watch online lessons.GOAL #2: ACADEMIC GOALSPECIFIC GOAL: What is your goal? Is it clearly written and does it tell WHY the goal is important to you? Be sure the goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.Specific: What exactly will you accomplish?I would like to finish my works on time and set a schedule for every day. So, then I’ll do my works and assignments on time.Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal?When I reach this goal, I won’t have stress anymore this the obvious part, and when I won’t be worry about the deadlines it means that I’ve reached to my goal. Attainable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Have you got the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them?This goal is realistic because it’s not hard to reach, I just need to coordinate my to do list and set a daily schedule and get along with. It might take a while, but it will become my habitude as soon as I start to do it.Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life?It’s important for me because I want to use my time wisely and avoid doing unnecessary things, and also I will have more spare time so I can do some volunteer jobs, do some physical exercises and hangout with my friends.Timely: When will you achieve this goal?By end of this month. (January)This goal is important because: It’s important because I’ll learn how to plan my day and finish my works and projects before the deadlines.The benefits of achieving this goal will be: while I’m writing my daily to do list I’ll add some spare time every day just in case of emergency and, I will be focused on my driving license and improve my drumming skills. Take Action!Potential ObstaclesPotential SolutionsObserving the daily schedule.It might be hard on the first days but as the time passes, I’ll get along with it. And I think It’s the one and only obstacle for this goal.Who are the people you will ask to help you? My mother, because she knows me very well and she always sets a realistic plan for me, but this I’m going to do it myself and figure it out alone. Goal Setting Assessment Ex: Excellent VG: Very Good G: Good S: Satisfactory IN: Improvement is neededCriteriaINSGVGExGoal is clearly writtenIs it a SMART goal?SpecificMeasurableAttainableRelevantTimelyWhy is the goal important to you and potential obstacles/solutions, and who will help you thoughtfully answeredAssignment completed on time Total: /10 ................

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